St. Tikhon’s Seminary offers a Certificate Program in Diaconal Formation in collaboration with St. Stephen’s Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA. This certificate program is designed to provide participants with structured theological education and liturgical formation geared towards service in the Holy Diaconate of the Orthodox Church. The program cohort will meet on Saturdays over the course of two years from September to May at St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral in North-East Philadelphia, PA. Saturday sessions will include the celebration of the Divine Liturgy followed by a morning class session, lunch, an afternoon class session, and concluding with the celebration of Vespers or Vigil. This blending of liturgical celebration and classroom instruction provides a solid foundation in conceptual and practical competencies necessary for laymen who would like to pursue ordination to the Holy Diaconate.
The program is open to candidates from various Orthodox jurisdictions and dioceses who have interest in serving the Church through the Diaconate. The ability for students to take part in a cohort that celebrates the services together, attends classes together, and spends time in fellowship is indispensable for future ministry of those students in parishes of our Church.
The Seminary welcomes applicants of various jurisdictions and dioceses who have their hierarch’s blessing to apply by providing the necessary application materials which are delineated HERE. The deadline for the submission of materials is August 1, 2024. Questions and inquiries regarding the Diaconal Formation Program can be directed to Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk (Phone: 215.756.2289; Email:
Physical Address:
178 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 130
South Canaan, PA 18459
Phone: 570-561-1818