St. Tikhon’s Alumni Phonathon Takes Initial Steps!
St. Tikhon’s Alumni Phonathon Takes Initial Steps!

On Friday, May 8th, Regional Alumni Coordinators prepared to reach out to St. Tikhon’s Alumni in their respective geographical areas.  While some scheduling difficulties prevented more from being able to check in on the course of this day, a wonderful unfolding occurred that you can now participate in.

Fr. John Baker, Rector of Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, Illinois, contacted nearly half of the alumni known to be in the greater Chicago area.  With assistance from Fr. Ignatius Gauvain (Class of 2014) Fr. John and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean, conducted a brief interview where he relayed reflections from his phone calls.  You can view the interview here.  

Other regional coordinators are encouraged to go ahead and reach out to alumni in their areas, and then contact Fr. Steven in order that similar brief recordings can be posted on our website.  Besides reaching out to alumni, we are hoping to find alumni whose whereabouts are not currently known.  As has happened several times this year, as Archbishop Michael and Fr. Steven travel around the country, they look forward to gathering with area alumni.

May God grant our seminary alumni many blessed years!

Archpriest Steven Voytovich

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