Summer Renovations Completed

Renovation work completed in time for classes to begin!

Dedication and commitment to the future of St. Tikhon's Seminary were on the minds of the members of the Board of Trustees at their Spring meeting with the unanimous decision to renovate the original Administrative and Educational wings of St. Tikhon's Seminary.


The project began with the installation of a new drainage system around the educational and administrative building.


The next phase was the renovation of the inside, the offices, bathrooms and hallways. Much of this work was made possible by the contributions and labor of love by those who truly understand and are witnesses that St. Tikhon's changes people and points them in the right direction of eternal life.


Members from Fr. Theodore Boback’s parish, St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD painted the hallways in the administrative and educational wings of the seminary building and members from Fr. Alexander Atty’s Church, St Michael’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Louisville, KY, painted the classrooms.


Second year seminarians Todd Franta and Zachary Lynch worked hard all summer doing major construction renovation and electrical work throughout the building, and Mr Michael Yarosevich of St Andrew’s in Baltimore and his brother David, installed the beautiful new carpeting.


May God richly bless and reward His faithful stewards.

(6 images)

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