75th Anniversary Event: Fr. Demetrius Nicoloudakis Speaks on Extending the Life of the Church Beyond Four Walls
Fr. Demetrius Nicoloudakis Speaks on Extending the Life of the Church Beyond Four Walls

On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, Fr. Demetrius Nicoloudakis from St. Matthew Greek Orthodox Church in Reading, PA spoke at length to the student body. He emphasized the importance of the Church doing the work of Christ on earth and “the necessity of the people of God to not be content with sitting in the pews but that we must go into the highways and byways to reach the lost.”

Fr. Demetrius is actively involved in many forms of social outreach including prison ministry, outreach to both the homeless population in and around Reading, PA as well as helping young men with substance abuse issues and made an open invitation to the seminarians to consider St. Matthew’s as an internship opportunity for those interested in serving the Church of Christ and their fellow man in a real and impactful way.

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