Benedict Sheehan to Co-Direct Master Class in Jordanville
Benedict Sheehan to Co-Direct Master Class in Jordanville
Benedict Sheehan, STOTS music instructor and choir director, will co-direct a choral master class at ROCOR’s Holy Trinity Seminary, in Jordanville, NY from February 24th through 27th.  The intensive workshop, lead by The PaTRAM Institute's Artistic Director, Vladimir Gorbik, will focus on Slavonic male choir choral repertoire.  The master class will culminate in a Hierarchical Vigil and Liturgy held in the Jordanvile Monastery church, celebrated by Met. Hilarion of ROCOR. Maestro Gorbik shared his knowledge and extraordinary skill with St. Tikhon’s twice last year. In February of 2013 he lead a joint choral master class for St. Tikhon’s, St. Vladimir’s, and Holy Trinity Seminaries that resulted in the extraordinary CD The Hymns of Holy Russia in the New World, available through St. Tikhon’s Press. And in September he lead the Patriarch TIkhon Choir in the services for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, before the choir embarked on their critically acclaimed premier tour. The workshop is sponsored by the newly founded PaTRAM Institute, whose mission is to offer in-depth training for Orthodox church musicians in the Russian tradition in North America. The PaTRAM Institute plans to offer their first online courses in the fall of 2014. Visit to find out more and join their mailing list.


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