Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD
Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD

Over the weekend of Feb 8 - 9, 2014, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission choir, together with Fr. Dennis Swencki, Chief Financial Officer of St. Tikhon's Seminary, visited St. Andrew Orthodox church in Baltimore, Maryland. The rector, Fr. Theodore Boback (STOTS 1972), and the parishioners of St. Andrew's have a long history of supporting the St. Tikhon's Community. Each year the mission choir looks forward to their yearly visit to St. Andrew’s, where they know that they will receive a warm welcome from the parish community.

The Mission Choir, led by Benedict Sheehan, joined with the faithful of St. Andrew's on Saturday evening for Vespers. Following the service, there was a meal served and the Mission Choir was able to enjoy the awards ceremony for the annual Baltimore-area "Bible Bowl," which had been held at St. Andrew's earlier that day.

On Sunday morning, Fr. Dennis Swencki and the Mission Choir helped celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Dennis offered the homily as well as provided a thoughtful and moving word of encouragement to the faithful briefly after the Liturgy. He shared with everyone what a blessing it was for him to be able to serve in the altar once again with his St. Tikhon's classmate, Fr. Ted, and also to be able to visit the parish of his friend and St. Tikhon's Board of Trustees member, Leda Dzwonczyk. After the Divine Liturgy, St. Andrew's hosted an excellent meal for the Mission Choir, and presented a check to Fr. Dennis in support of the school.

St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to thank Fr. Ted Boback, Leda Dzwonczyk, and all of the parishioners and faithful of St. Andrew Orthodox Church for their support of the Seminary and for their gracious hospitality towards our St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir.

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