St. Tikhon's Community Travels to Taylor, PA to Venerate Miraculous Icon
St. Tikhon's Community Travels to Taylor, PA to Venerate Miraculous Icon

On Friday, March 21, 2014, members of the St. Tikhon's student body and their families, along with Dr. Harry Boosalis, Profesor of Dogmatics at St. Tikhon's Seminary, made a trip to St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA to venerate the miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God.  Fr. Mark Leasure was kind enough to open the church for the members of our community.  Fr. Mark spoke for nearly two hours during which he explained the history of the miraculous icon and how it came to St. George parish.  In addition, he related many stirring stories of people who have been healed after being anointed with the miraculous oil from the holy image.

The event was truly a blessing for the St. Tikhon's community and provided tremendous encouragement to those who visited as they continue their ascetic struggles during Great Lent. We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to Fr. Mark for taking the time to share this miracle with us. 
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