St. Tikhon's Welcomes Guest Speaker Dr. George Theokritoff
St. Tikhon's Welcomes Guest Speaker Dr. George Theokritoff

St. Tikhon’s was pleased to host Dr. George and Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff on 29 April, 2014. Dr. George Theokritoff gave a ninety minute presentation exploring the intersections between Orthodox theology and modern advances in the natural sciences, with a special focus on the culture-wide discussion regarding issues surrounding evolution. There followed forty-five minutes of intense discussion between those in attendance and Dr. Theokritoff, in which many of the difficulties in addressing the issue were explored. After the event finished, several students remained for an extended, in-depth conversation. It is hoped that this event will spark deeper reflection on this subject, and will open the door to further events of a similar nature.

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