St. Tikhon's Student Government Sponsors Missionary Outreach
St. Tikhon's Student Government Sponsors Missionary Outreach

At the first St. Tikhon's Seminary Student Government meeting of the 2014/2015 academic year, a proposal was made to make a donation to a worthy cause in thanksgiving to God for funds raised during recent t-shirt sales.  The officers decided to make a donation of $200 to support an orthodox missionary, recognizing both the centrality of missionary labors to fulfilling our Lord's Gospel commandment to make disciples of all nations, and to raise awareness of Orthodox missionary activities within the seminary community.  The Student Government identified Jesse Brandow as a worthy recipient and passed a motion to invite him to come and share his experiences and future plans with the St. Tikhon's Community.

Jesse, a 2013 graduate of St. Vladimir's Seminary, will be spending the next two years working with the people of the many indigenous Mayan villages in Guatemala who have recently embraced the Orthodox Faith. These villages were led into the Faith in 2010 largely through the efforts of Fr. Andres Girón, who fell asleep in the Lord earlier this year. Still being new to the Faith and mostly without Orthodox resources in their native languages, having less than ten priests for hundreds of villages, the Mayan Orthodox people are very much in need of further teaching and ministry, which Jesse hopes to help provide.

Jesse came and spoke with the St. Tikhon's community during lunch on Wed. October 8th.  He shared his experiences during past trips to Guatemala and the story of the mass conversion of the Mayan peoples to the Orthodox faith, as well as his own future plans.  The inspiring talk generated much interest and a lively discussion among the seminary community.  The St. Tikhon's Seminary community offers prayers, love and best wishes to Jesse as he sets out to serve our Lord in the vast mission field of Guatemala!  Donations to support Jesse in his missionary work can be made through

(Article by Student Government Officers Joel Brady and Timothy Winegar.)

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