St. Tikhon's Community Garden Offers Fall Bounty
St. Tikhon's Community Garden Offers Fall Bounty

As the growing season draws to a close, a final harvest was made of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Community Garden. In the spring, Seminarians and several members of the St Tikhon’s Community gathered together to prepare the beds and plant seeds. The compost that was started last fall was collected and added to the beds to provide a nutrient-rich base for seeds. Over the summer, community members made sure that the beds stayed watered and weeded. As the school year began, the garden was full of herbs and vegetables. The Seminarians really enjoyed having fresh, organic vegetables made available for them to eat. While some of the seeds that were planted failed to grow, others provided an abundant harvest, including the yellow squash, zucchini, dill, thyme, oregano and carrots. There was also a smaller harvest of the spring onions, kohlrabi, peas, and cucumbers. The okra plants produced a single edible pod. Many lessons were learned from the experiment and we hope that by applying these lessons, and with the help of the community, the garden will be even more fruitful next year.

(Article by Sophia Pierce)

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