St. Tikhon's Seminary Celebrates Molieben for Guatemalan Missionaries
St. Tikhon's Seminary Celebrates Molieben for Guatemalan Missionaries

Two years ago, Jesse Brandow came to St. Tikhon’s Seminary to talk about his impending missionary journey to Guatemala.  Since that time the Student Government has been sending monthly donations to aid in funding Jesse’s ministry.  Two weeks ago Student Government leadership asked for a Molieben to be celebrated, in order to pray for those involved in this missionary work. Jesse in turn asked for several “informal seminarians” to also be remembered. 

In addition, Archimandrite Juvenal, formerly of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, has been raising funds in order to join this missionary effort. Both the current missionaries and Archimandrite Juvenal were prayed for during the Molieben, celebrated on Thursday, November 10th.

This is just one example of our St. Tikhon’s Seminary Student Government making a difference!

St. Tikhon's Seminary Celebrates Molieben for Guatemalan Missionaries - 11/10/16

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