Alliance, Ohio. [STOTS Communications] Dn. Mikel Hill was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at St. Nikolai of Zhicha Church on Saturday, January 28th. His Grace, the Right Reverend Alexander, Bishop of Dallas, the South, and the Bulgarian Diocese celebrated the ordination. Concelebrating with him were: Archpriest Don Freude, Chancellor of the Bulgarian Diocese, Archimandrite Joseph (Morris), Abbot of St. Gregory Palamas Monastery, Hayesville, Ohio, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon's Seminary Dean, Fr. John Boddecker, Rector of Sts. Theodore Orthodox Church, Buffalo, NY, and Fr. John Kennerk, seminary classmate. Protodeacon James Gresh has been administering the parish, and led Dn. Mikel as the ordination began.
Fr. Mikel is to be assigned to St. Nikolai Parish upon graduation, so many parish faithful attended the ordination, along with preparing a festive luncheon afterward. Many seminarians came from St. Tikhon's to participate in services, some staying over to witness Fr. Mikel's first Divine Liturgy at the parish on Sunday. It is also remarkable that St. Nikolai Mission only began in 2013, and has enjoyed robust growth and development.
Axios! May God bless Fr. Mikel, Matushka Rachel, and their children as he prepares to undertake parish ministry upon graduating from the seminary in May!
Photos by Dn. Andrew Nelko
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Physical Address:
178 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 130
South Canaan, PA 18459
Phone: 570-561-1818