Jonathan Lincoln Ordained to the Holy Diaconate
Jonathan Lincoln Ordained to the Holy Diaconate

South Canaan, PA  – On Sunday, February 19th, Jonathon Lincoln was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery Church.  His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and Diocese of the Midwest, celebrated the ordination.  Concelebrating with him were:  Archpriest Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, Archpriest Dennis Swencki, seminary CFO, Hieromonk Innokenty (Chmerko), and seminarian priests Basil Ferguson and John Kennerk.

Jonathan and Megan Haak, also a seminary student, were married in the monastery church in October.  Bishop Paul indicated his hope that upon graduation, the Lincoln’s will settle and become engaged in the Diocese of the Midwest.

Axios and many years to Deacon Jonathan and Matushka Megan!

Photos, Seminarian Robert West

Jonathan Lincoln Ordination - 02/19/17

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