Mission Choir Visits Lorain, Ohio
Mission Choir Visits Lorain, Ohio

[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir visited Sts. Peter and Paul Church, in Lorain, Ohio.  His Grace, Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest made a pastoral visit to the parish the same weekend.  The mission choir sang the responses for Vespers. After Vespers a fundraising dinner was held.  The Mission Choir sang a brief program of music, led by Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music, as part of the dinner.

The following morning Fr. Joseph McCartney (STOTS Class of 2010), Parish Rector, was awarded the Gold Cross by Bishop Paul.  After Divine Liturgy Sam and Kathy Jacob hosted a wonderful luncheon for the choir members.  May God grant Fr. Joseph, Protodeacon Edward, and parish faithful many blessed years!

Lorain Ohio Mission Choir Visit - 04/30/17

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