Marriage celebrated at St. Tikhon’s
Marriage celebrated at St. Tikhon’s

On Sunday, February 11th, Walter Robert Vladimir Parker, Jr., and Zena Hatez were joined in the Sacrament of Marriage.  This followed their being received into the Holy Orthodox Church the day before.  Subdeacon Timothy and Beth Kolb served as sponsors on both Saturday and Sunday.

Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, was the celebrant for the Marriage.  Concelebrating with him were:  Igumen Gabriel (Nicholas), and Priest Matthew Fuhrman (STOTS 2017) preparing for military chaplaincy.  Many of the seminary children were asked to stand with Zena and Bobby during the betrothal. 

In true form with her experience as a pastry chef, Zena prepared their wedding cake, and the meal that all were invited to at the Jefferson County Lions Club hall!  The whole community came together to celebrate with Zena and Bobby as they begin their new life as Orthodox Christians! 

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