Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Gathers at St. Tikhon's
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Gathers at St. Tikhon's

On the weekend of May 11-13, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary hosted this year’s Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) event.  OISM is a Pan-Orthodox organization focused on building bridges between the different seminaries. This year's focus was Orthodox missions and talks were offered by three of the seminary’s faculty, Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) Lecturer in Liturgical Theology, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean and Chair of Department of Pastoral Arts and Praxis, and Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History. In addition to stimulating and informative presentations, the seminarians where able to participate in services at St. Tikhon's Monastery, and spend time getting to know each other and build friendships. It is hoped that the seeds planted here will one day bear fruit for Christ’s Church.

Among the seminary's represented were:  Holy Cross Seminary, Brookline, MA, St. Vladimir's Seminary, Crestwood, NY, and Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY.  Those attending this event had time to share in fellowship outside of the scheduled formal sessions, and attend services in the monastery church. 

Story by Seminarian Joseph Clark

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