STOTS Welcomes Serbian Missionary Taylor Hostetter
STOTS Welcomes Serbian Missionary Taylor Hostetter

By: Subdeacon Jeremiah McKemy


St. Tikhon’s welcomed Taylor Hostetter who informed us of an exciting opportunity for young adults in Serbia during the summer of 2020.  For decades, Mr. Hostetter has been a missionary overseas, and over the past several years, he has been overseeing mission teams in Serbia.

Communism spiritually decimated the traditionally Orthodox Serbian land.  However, after communism’s fall and the Balkan Civil War (1991-2001), many people began searching for spiritual answers that the atheistic, post-communist society could not fulfill.  While the Serbian Church has found success reaching adults over thirty years of age, there are few young adults and youth in the Church.

Mr. Hostetter has found great success with reaching the younger generation in Serbia through his program.  His “Summer in Serbia” brings Orthodox young adults (between the ages of 18-25) from all over the world to live in a community home and fellowship with young Serbians, conduct Bible studies, and evangelize their peers.  

Many of those who have gone on the trip have found it to be life-changing.  Some of the young Orthodox said the trip made the Orthodox faith - in which they grew up - their own for the first time. It was no longer just a cultural or family faith.

If you or a young person you know are interested in learning more, please contact Taylor and Sally Holstetter at 404-510-2905 or go to the The Navigators Missions site.

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