Archbishop David of Alaska Reposes in the Lord
Archbishop David of Alaska Reposes in the Lord

His Eminence Archbishop David of Sitka and Alaska of the Orthodox Church in America fell asleep in the Lord yesterday, November 27, 2020 at the age of 68, following a short battle with aggressive renal cancer.

His Eminence had served as the bishop of Alaska since 2014.

May Archbishop David's Memory be Eternal!


Read HERE the article on the Repose of the Most-Blessed Master, Vladyka David, written by his ''photopresbyter", Deacon Peter Kamilos.


Memory Eternal to Vladyka David!
The Burial of Archbishop David at Saint Tikhon's Monastery
The story is told of the burial of Matushka Olga in Alaska--a place where the ground can freeze solid and prevent burial completely--that the weather miraculously warmed just before her funeral services. Not only was the ground receptive to her burial, but the uncharacteristic weather allowed the many loved ones, who had been touched by the life of this blessed one, to be able to travel to the funeral. The next day, the weather turned frigidly cold, more fitting for the season, and "sealed" her in the earth.
It is somehow fitting that Archbishop David was buried in the first blanket of snow for the year. The weather here at St. Tikhon's is nowhere near the extremes of Alaska, but not only is snow the most fitting "burial seal" for an Alaskan bishop, but on his chest rests an icon of his beloved Matushka Olga. He has championed her canonization, and now it seems she provided him a burial seal like her own.
Grant rest, O Lord, to the soul of thy servant, Archbishop David, who has fallen asleep.
By Deacon Ignatius Strange
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