Dr. Jeff Carpenter's Ordination to the Holy Diaconate
On Wednesday, February 3, members of the St. Tikhon's community converged for a remarkable event: the Ordination of Dr. Jeffrey Carpenter to the Diaconate.
While ordinations are of the essence of the life at St. Tikhon's, a beautiful and unique occasion it was: His Grace, Bishop Thomas, serves faithfully on our Board; Dean Fr. John Parker was invited by his seminary classmate - and long-time friend of St Tikhon's, Fr. Noah Bushelli (Rector of St. Philip's, Souderton, PA), with the blessing of His Grace. The Reader, Jack Morrash, is a Board Member of the Seminary, and Dr. Justin Gohl - who led the choir - is an Adjunct member of the Faculty - this semester teaching Hermeneutics. The newly ordained Deacon Luke (Dr. Jeff) Carpenter, is also a Board Member of the Seminary.
To His Grace, Bp. Thomas, to Fr. Noah Bushelli, to Jack Morrash, to Dr. Justin Gohl, to the Newly-Ordained Dn. Luke Carpenter, with his Diakonissa Judy, their family and friends, and the faithful of St. Philip Orthodox Church, the Lord grant many, many years! Axios!
By Archpriest John Parker, Dean of the Seminary
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