St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Church in Baltimore, MD
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Church in Baltimore, MD

The Mission Choir visited St. Andrew Church in Baltimore over the weekend of March 3rd and 4th. They sang the responses for Great Vespers on Saturday evening, followed by a wonderful supper with parishioners. In the morning the choir sang the responses for the Divine Liturgy, led by Archpriest Theodore Boback, parish rector, Military Chaplain Endorser, and former Alumni President for St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Each seminarian introduced himself during the luncheon that followed. The seminary is thankful for the parish’s generosity, raising $5,000 during the weekend, in addition to ongoing monthly seminarian scholarship support.

May God grant Archpriest Theodore, Dn. James, and parish faithful many blessed years!

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