Seminary Mission Choir Visits Allison Park
Seminary Mission Choir Visits Allison Park

St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir, led by Assistant Director Paul Kappanadze, visited St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Allison Park, on Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11.  They sang the responses for the Vigil for the Sunday of the Most Precious Cross, and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning.  Mission Choir members, parishioners, and invited guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the home of Protodeacon Dr. Michael and Mat. Mary Wusylko on Saturday night.  Many gathered together also for a luncheon on Sunday following Divine Services.  The parish raised over $13,000 for the seminary!

Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, was asked to lead a parish retreat at the cathedral on Saturday, March 10th.  The retreat theme was: “Let us Draw Near in Faith and Love, and Become Communicants of Life Eternal”.

Fr. Steven shared how uplifting the love and hospitality of the cathedral community was for all visiting the parish during this weekend!

(Photos by Seminarian George Davis)

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