St. Tikhon's Bookstore to Host Book Signing for Published Seminarian Wives - 07/09/24
On Saturday, 03 August 2024 at 6:00 PM, St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore will host an official book signing to commemorate the release of Crowned: An Orthodox Christian Wedding Guide, written by Matushka Krista Fedorchak and Delaney Clodfelter through Ancient Faith Publishing earlier this year.
Crowned is a brief but eminently practical and thorough walk through the wedding planning process, accentuating various components unique to the Orthodox Faith.
The first 150 tickets will include a signed copy of the book, and guests will be welcomed to enjoy food, wine, and a special presentation by the authors. In addition, all other books sold at St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore will be available at a 10% discount.
Guests may purchase their tickets HERE or use the QR code on the attached flyer.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Hosts "Peace of Mind" Mental Health First Aid for Continuing Education 2024 - 06/21/24
From 18-20 June 2024, a group of clergy from around the United States came together at St. Tikhon's Seminary for our annual Clergy Continuing Education Program. These annual events are intended to feature instruction in areas related to pastoral life and the skills needed to serve effectively in the Holy Priesthood of today and tomorrow.
This year, St. Tikhon's Seminary broke ground in an important area by focusing on mental health challenges in parish life, partnering with the Peace of Mind Mental Health First Aid training program developed for Orthodox bridging by the Assembly of Bishops.
Peace of Mind is a composite of the Mental Health First Aid program augmented with theological insights for an Orthodox audience. This program provides an overview of mental health concepts and challenges, and examines non-clinical frontline interventions useful for clergy who may encounter these same challenges in the course of shepherding their beloved parishes.
V.Rev. Paul Schellbach guided the 1.5-day training program, which ended Thursday with a roundtable-style reflection on issues discussed in the preceding sessions.
More information about the Peace of Mind Mental Health First Aid training program can be found HERE.
Sing to Your Soul - Parts 8 & 9 Now Available - 06/10/24
The quiet of summer begins, but there is always some wisdom to think on in the Faith.
Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary, continues his series bringing the timeless insights of St. John Chrysostom to our audience on Ancient Faith Radio.
Parts 8 & 9 of his series is now available HERE for those listening.
Other episodes offering a glimpse into the lives and thoughts of St. Tikhon's Seminary are also available our Ancient Faith Radio channel, The Spirit of St. Tikhon's.
Seminary Opens Enrollment for Diaconal Formation Program, Philadelphia - 06/06/24
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is happy to announce that this September it will commence a Certificate Program in Diaconal Formation in collaboration with St. Stephen’s Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA. This certificate program is designed to provide participants with structured theological education and liturgical formation geared towards service in the Holy Diaconate of the Orthodox Church. A program cohort will meet on Saturdays over the course of two years from September to May at St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral in North-East Philadelphia, PA. A Saturday session will include the celebration of the Divine Liturgy followed by a morning class session, lunch, an afternoon class session, and will conclude with the celebration of Vespers or Vigil. This blending of liturgical celebration and classroom instruction provides a solid foundation in conceptual and practical competencies necessary for laymen who would like to pursue ordination to the Holy Diaconate.
Speaking about the Certificate Program, its Director, Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, Ph.D., Cathedral Dean, commented: “St. Stephen’s Cathedral is blessed to partner with St. Tikhon’s to offer candidates from various Orthodox jurisdictions and dioceses who have interest of serving the Church through the Diaconate the opportunity to take part in this special program. The unique, in-person formative experience that is offered by the Certificate Program cannot be overlooked. The ability for students to take part in a cohort that celebrates the services together, attends classes together, and spends time in fellowship is indispensable for future ministry of those students in parishes of our Church.”
The Seminary welcomes applicants of various jurisdictions and dioceses who have their hierarch’s blessing to apply by providing the necessary application materials which are delineated HERE. The deadline for the submission of materials is August 1, 2024. Questions and inquiries regarding the Diaconal Formation Program can be directed to Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk (Phone: 215.756.2289; Email:
St. Tikhon's Seminary 82nd Commencement Exercises - Congratulations Class of 2024! - 05/29/24
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is pleased to reflect on its 82nd Commencement Exercises held over two days this past weekend, 24-25 May 2024.
The commencement address, held in the evening of Friday, 24 May, featured the esteemed Abbess of the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania - Mother Christophora. The speech by Mother Christophora was at once both timely and timeless, and set the stage for the following morning and afternoon.
Saturday, 25 May began with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery as the contemporaneous pilgrimage weekend was underway. Shortly thereafter, families and honored guests filled the Seminary’s Convocation Center, leaving standing room only for the exercise continuation in the early afternoon.
The Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, V.Rev. John Parker, greeted the crowd with a reflection on the previous evening’s speech and reminders of the lingering joy of the Lord’s Resurrection as we celebrated this commencement mere weeks following Pascha and days prior to the Feast of Mid-Pentecost.
Academic Dean, Rev. Paul Witek, then followed with an examination of this year’s unusual valedictory circumstances. Unlike most years, the Class of 2024 produced four graduating seminarians of exemplary academic excellence and servile commitment to their community.
These four were each honored for their commendable efforts at St. Tikhon’s:
Rev. Jordan Kingery
Rev. Gregory Fedorchak
Rev. Phillip Dage
Mark Tiitinen
Ultimately, the four valedictory honors selected Fr. Jordan Kingery to deliver the farewell address. Rev. Jordan reflected intimately on spiritual lessons and practical wisdom garnered in the preceding three years, urging his graduating brethren to lean on the bonds formed here and to remember that holiness springs from the humble roots of normalcy in life.
V.Rev. Patrick Burns next awarded V.Rev. Joseph Woodill recognition as Alumnus of the Year, highlighting the latter’s humility and “no-frills” dedication to ministry.
Graduating President of Student Government, Nicola Nunu, would then introduce Valedictorian Mark Tiitinen to present the graduating class icon to His Eminence, Archbishop Michael and V.Rev. John Parker. The icon of St. Nicholai Velimirovich was authored by Mark Tiitinen himself during the time of his studies, and uniquely represents the character of this year’s graduating class.
Seraphim-Brian Cardell, Director of the Saint Patriarch Tikhon Memorial Library, along with his beloved wife and the Registrar and Director of Institutional Assessment & Effectiveness of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Katherine Cardell, jointly received the Father Alexander Atty Service Award for their exceptional contributions to St. Tikhon’s Seminary. We are filled with gratitude for their dedicated work toward our bright future.
Finally, the exercises culminated in nineteen Master of Divinity diplomas bestowed upon the graduating class with an additional two Certificates in Pastoral Formation. Seven graduates, including Rev. Caleb Lewis, Rev. John York, Dn. Timothy Paproski, Dn. Basali Mathew, Mark Tiitinen, Michael Pak, and Nicola Nunu, received honors for their student theses and senior projects.
In heartfelt recognition of her many contributions to the Orthodox Faith and St. Tikhon’s Seminary, the faculty also awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters to Mother Christophora at this year’s commencement ceremony.
By the Lord’s unsearchable grace we have celebrated another passing year and another memorable cohort entering the ranks of our alumni. We thank them for their years of service both past and future. May the Lord grant you many blessed years in your life’s work and ministries.
Seminarian Ordained to Diaconate in American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America - 04/26/24
Deacon Tim Paproski was ordained this past Sunday, 21 April 2024, in Phoenixville, PA at the hand of His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa to serve in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America.
Deacon Tim is a third-year seminarian slated to graduate next month with the Class of 2024. We are pleased to have shared these wonderful years of life with the Paproski family, and wish they joy and fruitful labor in their coming years of service to the Orthodox Church.
We ask you all to keep Deacon Tim and the Paproski family in your prayers as they endure a life of sacrifice for the Lord. May He grant you many, many blessed years!
Fr. Seraphim Chang Ordained to Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery - 04/23/24
On Saturday, 20 April 2024, St. Tikhon's Monastery served Divine Liturgy commemorating the 90th anniversary of the repose of His Eminence, Metropolitan Platon - the first Metropolitan of the American Church, a key figure present at the restoration of the Patriarchate of the Russian Church, who's body lies at rest at St. Tikhon's Monastery.
This day brings many reasons for gratitude and remembrance, as it also saw seminarian - Fr. Seraphim Chang - ordained to the Holy Priesthood by the hand of His Beautitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.
We ask your prayers for Fr. Seraphim and Mat. Ruth as they enter a life of sacrifice, service, and ministry to the Lord and his Church. May the Lord bless them and keep them for many blessed years.
Please enjoy a few moments from this beautiful ordination and memorial liturgy.
St. Tikhon's Professor to Speak at Spring Retreat in Raleigh, NC - 04/23/24
All Saints Orthodox Church in Raleigh, NC will be hosting a Spring Retreat on Wednesday, 22 May 2024. The retreat will feature guest speakers representing the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry and their sanctifying work with the incarcerated in our communities.
Vespers will be conducted at 6:00 PM on Wednesday evening, followed afterwards by a potluck meal with speakers Fr. Stephen Powley and St. Tikhon's very own Fr. John Kowalczyk.
There will be childcare provided for guests, and those attending are asked to bring a dish to share.
Please visit HERE to register for this retreat, and see the attached flier for full details!
Sing to Your Soul, Part 6 - Podcast Now Available! - 04/22/24
Dr. David Ford, St. Tikhon's Professor of Church History, continues his series bringing listeners into contact with the timeless works of our Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom.
Dr. Ford has edited and translated many works of one of the Church's greatest Gospel preachers. All faithful can benefit much from meditating on the words of St. John Chrysostom, who offers erudite wisdom on all aspects of the Christian life.
You can find this week's episode HERE, along with previous episodes and other content from The Spirit of St. Tikhon's on Ancient Faith Radio.
Beauty First Films Screens St. Amphilochios Documentary at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 04/15/24
On Sunday, 14 April 2024, we were blessed to host Dr. Timothy Patitsas and Thomaida Hudanish - the creative minds behind Beauty First Films - for a screening of their recently completed documentary on the life, works, and teaching of St. Amphilochios of Patmos.
This documentary covers the legacy of a beloved 20th-century Saint during their inaugural feast day in 2019.
Beauty First Films is a non-profit dedicated to bringing audiences to a place of awe, beauty, and holiness. Dr. Timothy serves as Interim Dean and Assistant Professor at Hellenic College Holy Cross. Thomaida has served over 17 years in Orthodox lay ministry and brings a diverse skillset to her work.
We encourage you to check out their work HERE and catch a screening near you!
Two Seminarians Ordained at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church - 04/12/24
On Saturday, 06 April 2024, two of our seminarians were ordained under the hand of His Eminence, Archbishop Michael at St. Tikhons' Monastery Church.
Fr. Benjamin Garcia was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, and Dn. Davede Thompson to the Holy Diaconate.
These men are third- and second-year seminarians, respectively, at St. Tikhon's Seminary. Please keep them in your prayers as they shoulder the responsibilities of ordained life in service to the Orthodox Church. May the Lord bless them and keep them for many years of fruitful sacrifice and ministry.
Enjoy the moments captured below from their beautiful ordination service.
COMING SOON: Fr. John Kowalczyk on Everyday Orthodox Podcast (Ancient Faith Radio) - 04/10/24
On Sunday, 14 April 2024, Fr. John Kowalczyk will be the featured guest on the Everyday Orthodox Podcast airing on Ancient Faith Radio. The podcast shares a wide range of interviews with Orthodox Christians from all walks of life and from every corner of the Orthodox Church. Tune it at 7:00 PM to catch one of our beloved faculty share wisdom from his long service in the Holy Priesthood.
Fr. John Kowalczyk serves as chaplain at S.C.I. Waymart’s Forensic Treatment Center. He is an executive member of the board of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), and advocates for prison inmates in need of Christ and pastoral care. Fr. John is also Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Chairs the Department of Pastoral Theology at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
Available HERE on the Ancient Faith Ministries Facebook page.
Meet Dean Harbry of the Middle Way Institute - 04/10/24
The Middle Way Institute is an organization offering coaching and training in executive presence, and has worked with many clients both corporate and public to develop winning team dynamics and interpersonal skillsets. The organization's founder, Dean Harbry, is also a devout Orthodox Christian and has done tremendous work with St. Tikhon's Seminary to bring the expertise of the Middle Way Institute to a very important audience.
Our employees have benefited greatly from immersive workshops with Dean Harbry, who has helped shed light on refining the organizational culture of our historic institution. More importantly, Dean has brought these immense insights into the classrooms here by repeatedly imparting crucial professional development skills to our seminarians who will take these insights into their future ministries as active clergy.
Dean was kind enough to provide a brief interview, sharing a bit of his professional background and history with St. Tikhon's Seminary. We are very pleased to introduce Dean to our community and shine the spotlight on the invaluable work he is doing with us. Click the button below to read the full interview.
AFR: Interview with Fr. Paul Abernathy of the Neighborhood Resilience Project - 04/03/24
Amid the chaos of seminary, it can be difficult to stay focused on the ultimate goal of one’s efforts. Hearing from those who have graduated from St. Tikhon’s who do meaningful work in their churches and communities can be an excellent way to refocus on the meaning of it all.
For Father Paul Abernathy (St. Tikhon’s, 2010), that work certainly extends well beyond the walls of his parish, St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh, PA. As the founder and CEO of the Neighborhood Resilience Project, he uses Trauma Informed Community Development to bring healing and the light of Christ to the inner city.
On Thursday, March 28, Father Paul Abernathy interviewed with Father John Parker for Ancient Faith Radio. Together with his wife Khouria (Kristina), Fr. Paul has affected a tremendous transformation of some of the most crime- and trauma-riddled neighborhoods in Pittsburgh through the Gospel, coupled with social interventions. He describes an aspect of his approach as, “Ministry to the poor, through the ministry of the rich.”
“Fr. Paul shared some truly miraculous accounts of how the Lord works mightily with those who have a childlike faith,” Fr. John said after their conversation.
The Hill District, where Fr. Paul ministers, has a reputation as the area of Pittsburgh with the highest rate of gun crime in the city. Through the efforts of the Neighborhood Resilience Project, the Hill District has officially come off that list, and the ministry continues to move outward, block-by-block, reclaiming human lives and communities with the love of God.
In the summer of 2023, third-year St. Tikhon’s seminarian Father (then-Deacon) Micah Breland completed his summer internship under Fr. Paul, and was completely astounded by the effect of Fr. Paul’s efforts in an underprivileged area.
Remembering St. Nicholai at St. Tikhon's Annual Lecture Series - 04/03/24
It’s not often that Orthodox Christians in America have the opportunity to meet a saint, but on Tuesday, 26 March 2024, the students, faculty, staff, and members of the surrounding community gathered in the St. Tikhon’s Seminary convocation hall to hear a talk delivered by Father Yaroslav Sudick, a student and personal typist for Saint Nikolai (Velimirovic).
Fr. Yaroslav’s reminiscences on the occasion of the 4th Annual St. Nikolai Lecture revealed a human aspect of our beloved saint rarely encountered in more formal hagiography. St. Nikolai’s catchphrase, “Yaro, Yaro—this, too, shall pass,” was woven throughout accounts of his kindness, gentleness, selflessness, and down-to-earth sense of humor.
As Bishop, St. Nikolai never wore his klobuk in church, and never vested in the center of the church— “I’m only here to serve the Lord,” he would say. Fr. Yaroslav remembered that he always helped everyone, and that he never criticized or corrected anyone in front of others, choosing instead to speak to them later in private. Such humility is striking in a man who knew seven languages fluently and corresponded with sitting United States Presidents!
In attendance were Archbishop Michael (Dahulich) and Bishop Irenej (Dobrijevic) of the Diocese of Eastern America in the Serbian Orthodox Church. Bp. Irenej gifted relics of St. Nikolai to St. Tikhon’s Seminary, which have been installed in the St. Nikolai shrine on the main hall of the seminary building.
Sing to Your Soul, Parts 4 & 5 - Podcast Now Available! - 04/01/24
Glory to God for All Things!
Our beloved series presenting the teachings of Our Father among the Saints, St. John Chrysostom - Sing to Your Soul - continues on Ancient Faith Radio.
Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary, has been periodically partnering with our radio station, The Spirit of St. Tikhon's, to bring his esteemed Chyrsostom series to a listening audience. This series presents a great opportunity to become acquainted with one of our Faith's most cherished and venerated teachers.
For sixteen centuries, St. John Chrysostom's words have been regarded as exemplary expositions of true religion. It is our joy to share them with you in partnership with Dr. Ford, an academic deeply acquainted with St. Chrysostom's life and thought.
You can find the podcast sessions HERE - along with previous episodes and material shared through The Spirit of St. Tikhon's.
Fr. John Kowalczyk Delivers MEOCCA & OCPM Retreat Homily in Minneapolis - 03/29/24
On Saturday, March 23 - March 24, Fr. John Kowalczyk Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Director of Training and Spiritual Care for OCPM was invited by the Twin City's Clergy Association in Minneapolis and OCPM Minnesota as retreat speaker and homilist.
On Saturday afternoon, Fr. John was the main retreat speaker for the OCPM Minnesota. Mark Santana, Church Programs Manager for OCPM, gave a slide presentation on the work of the agency. On Sunday morning, 24 March, Fr. John concelebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis and was the guest homilist.
On Sunday afternoon, Fr. John was invited to be the guest Homilist for the Sunday of Orthodoxy service held at St. Mary's (OCA) Cathedral in Minneapolis. This year the Sunday of Orthodoxy fell on the Eve of the Feast of Annunciation, and Fr. John spoke on the the Feast of Annunciation as the beginning of our Salvation.
Despite the snow, hundreds of Orthodox faithful filled the Cathedral to capacity.
South Canaan, PA — Following a Comprehensive Site Visit by members of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) in October 2023, the most recent biannual meeting of the ATS Board of Commissioners reaffirmed the accreditation of St. Tikhon’s Seminary for a period of 10 years. In their letter to the Seminary’s Rector, His Eminence Archbishop Michael, the Commissioners praised the Seminary’s “laser sharp clarity of identity and mission”, “strong community of formation”, and its “committed faculty, talented leadership team, and dedicated students”. In addition to the extension of accreditation till Spring 2034, the Commissioners reaffirmed its approval of the Seminary’s M.Div. degree. To add to the joyful news, Dr. Barbara Mutch, Senior ATS Director of Accreditation, notified the Seminary that the community’s 2023 Self-Study Report would be added to the Association’s library of exemplary self-studies that would be shared at workshops designed to help member schools begin the process of self-study under the recently updated 2020 Standards of Accreditation.
Regarding this wonderful announcement, Archbishop Michael noted: “To receive the maximum of 10 years of accreditation is a monumental accomplishment for a seminary of our size. We are humbled that our Self-Study will be a reference resource for others. Certainly, we are grateful to God for all His blessings, especially for all those whose labors made this possible for us.” In relaying the news to the community, the Seminary’s Dean, Fr. John Parker commented: “We give thanks to the Lord for all the good He is doing at St. Tikhon's - and we look forward to the coming decade of growth and strength.” In his role as Director of Self-Study, the Seminary’s Academic Dean, Fr. Paul Witek, noted that “the ten-year reaffirmation is an exceptional achievement for the school and displays the unwavering commitment of so many to the embodied mission of St. Tikhon’s in providing for the solid formation of future servants and leaders of Christ’s Church.” The Seminary extends its thanks to all those who contributed to the Self-Study process and asks for the continued prayers and support of the faithful throughout the Church for our theological school in fulfilling its unique vision for years to come.
Sing to Your Soul, Part 3 - Podcast Now Available! - 03/11/24
Dr. David Ford, professor of Church Hisotry at St. Tikhon's Seminary and a subject expert on Our Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom, continues his podcast series by sharing more readings from his published works on the "golden-mouthed" saint.
Our channel, The Spirit of St. Tikhon's on Ancient Faith Radio, has been pleased to host Dr. Ford to share this crucial forebearer in the faith with our faithful audiences.
You can listen to the most recent episode HERE - and we hope you'll enjoy past episodes on Ancient Faith Radio in support of St. Tikhon's Seminary!
STS Kids' Theatre: The Ark, The Early Life of Mary - 03/08/24
A big “thank you” to the children of St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary for their production of The Ark: The Early Life of Mary on Sunday, 03 March!
The play, written by Shawn Cunningham and directed by Sarah Schlafer and Mat. Casey Garcia, detailed key moments in the first fifteen years of the life of Theotokos, including the announcement of her birth to her parents Ss. Joachim and Anna and her entrance into the Temple at age three. Events portrayed were taken from the Protoevangelium of James, an Early Church document relating the extra-biblical biography of Mary, the Mother of God.
All roles were played by the children of St. Tikhon’s seminarians, and there were musical numbers scattered throughout based on Church hymnography.
Following the show there was a potluck meal, where the young thespians were rewarded with ice cream and many congratulations for their hard work in bringing the performance to fruition in just one month. Glory to God!
Sing To Your Soul, Part 2 - Podcast Now Available! - 02/26/24
Dr. David Ford, professor of Church History, is releasing episodes with the Spirit of St. Tikhon's podcast on Ancient Faith radio, introducing listeners to his works focused on St. John Chrysostom.
This is great opportunity to enjoy the words of the "golden-mouthed" saint through one of his foremost specialists and translators.
You can enjoy the newest episode HERE - and be sure to watch for the next episode coming soon!
Ordination of Fr. Mark Solomon & Dn. Nick Johnson - 02/14/24
On Saturday, February 10, Deacon Mark Solomon was ordained to the Holy Priesthood and Nicholas Johnson to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey at the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
Father Mark is a third-year student at St. Tikhon's Seminary, and Father Deacon Nicholas is a second-year student. The St. Tikhon's community offers its sincere prayers for their ministries, and may God grant them many years!
Please enjoy this collection of moments from a memorable day in the lives of these two faithful men.
Sing To Your Soul Podcast Series with Dr. David Ford - 02/05/24
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
The Spirit of St. Tikhon's, our Seminary's live and recorded podcast channel on Ancient Faith Radio, is excited to welcome Dr. David Ford onboard for a new series.
The series, centered around Dr. Ford's "Sing to Your Soul" book series, aired its first episode last Friday, 02 February. The podcast series, like the books, will focus on extracted wisdow from our Father among the Saints, St. John Chrysostom. Check out the first episode HERE!
The podcast series is expected to continue in coming weeks, so keep your eyes open for new episodes to be released!
St. Tikhon's Seminary joyfully announces an ordination for the diocese of our surrounding region.
Fr. Kirill Zawatski of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania was ordained this past Saturday, 27 January 2024 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadephia and Eastern Pennsylvania celebrated Divine Liturgy with a filled nave in attendance to witness this previous moment. Fr. Kirill served the most holy Eucharist to his community for the first time during a service we will not soon forget.
The St. Tikhon's community offers its steadfast prayers to Fr. Kirill as he enters into a life of loving sacrifice for the life of the world. May the Lord bless you and keep you for many, many years.
Ordination of Father Micah Breland and Deacon Paisios Hamann - 01/24/24
This past Saturday, 20 January 2024, saw the elevation of two devoted seminarians here on the sacred grounds of St. Tikhon's.
His Eminence, Archbishop Michael celebrated the liturgy, ordaining Father Micah Breland to the Holy Priesthood and Deacon Paisios Hamann to the Holy Diaconate in a beautiful service amidst their beloved brothers, sisters, and loved ones.
St. Tikhon's Seminary cherishes the chance to share a few precious moments from this memorable day, and we pray tirelessly for God's grace to uphold the ministries of these young men. May the Lord bless you and keep you for many, many blessed years!
Ordination of Father Jordan Kingery to the Holy Priesthood - 01/19/24
With seminarians arriving back for classes, we are able to share more joyful news from the holiday season.
Father Jordan Kingery was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on the Leavetaking of Nativity several weeks ago under the auspices of His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel of Chicao and the Midwest at the beautiful Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago, IL. We hope to share a few of the moments captures from this memorable day.
The seminary welcomes him back for the home stretch of his studies, always praying for his spiritual strength during the years of sacrifice and shepherding ahead. May the Lord grant you many, many blessed years Father Jordan!
Theophany & Ordination of Fr. Phillip Dage - 01/10/24
As Nativity comes to a close, the Orthodox Church rejoices with the Feast of Theophany and our annual Blessing of the Waters.
This blessed feast is made more so this year with the ordination of our seminarian, Fr. Phillip Dage, to the Holy Priesthood.
Fr. Phillip was ordained during the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago, IL celebrated by His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest.
The St. Tikhon's community is overjoyed to share a few precious moments from the ordination, and prays without ceasing for Fr. Phillip's future ministry. May your life be filled with all the joys and sacrifices of a worthy ministry, and may God grant you many blessed years!
New Year Welcomes Newly Ordained - Father Damian Kulp - 01/03/24
While the rest of the world says goodbye to another year, the Orthodox Church in America is celebrating the Leavetaking of Nativity - and this date is made more memorable this year by the ordination of our seminarian, Fr. Damian Kulp.
Fr. Kulp was ordained at St. Anne Orthodox Church in Corvallis, OR under the auspices of His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin.
Although Fr. Kulp traveled far home to the Diocese of the West for this memorable moment in life, St. Tikhon's was very much with him in spirit and prayer. We are overjoyed to share pictures of this day, and pray unceasingly for the Lord's grace throughout his many years of sacrificial ministry.
Several weeks ago, as the Advent season drew to a close, our seminarian Fr. John York was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in his home diocese.
The ordination was bestowed during Divine Liturgy on 20 December, 2023 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois and presided over by His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel.
It took some time to receive images of the ordination, but we are overjoyed to welcome in the new year by extending our heartfelt congratulations to Fr. John York. You have been an exemplary member of the St. Tikhon's community, and our prayers for you carry the hope of a long sacrificial ministry, full of the many joys and sorrows which mark the journey of the Church and her faithful into a bright future.
We are happy to present a few beautiful and memorable moments from Fr. York's ordination for the prayerful enjoyment of those who could not attend.
St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to extend our warmest blessing to you this Nativity season.
In celebration of this blessed feast, Seminary offices will be closing at Noon on Friday, 22 December and remain closed through the week of Nativity.
Officer will re-open on Tuesday, 02 January 2024. Shortly thereafter, we will have another brief closure on Friday, 05 January 2024 for the Eve of Theophany.
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad in celebration of the God who is with us!
Joyous Feast! - Remembering This Year's St. Nicholas Day Party - 12/06/23
This past Monday, 04 December, our seminarian families concluded another beautiful Vespers service - joining together back at the seminary to kick off our annual St. Nicholas Day Party!
The annual celebration has become a mainstay of family life here at St. Tikhon's, and gives our seminarian parents and their children the opportunity to welcome in the holidays by celebrating the Blessed Feast Day of St. Nicholas with an evening of food and fun activities.
His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, seized the opportunity to spend some precious and memorable time with the kids who inspire their fathers and mothers through these challenging years of study. This year's party will be remembered as one of the best in memory, and was a welcome reminder of the joyful things just beneath the surface of all we work to accomplish.
The St. Tikhon's community wishes you all a blessed and joyful holiday - and many, many more!
St. Tikhon's Seminary announces newly appointed Chair to Board of Trustees - 11/29/23
Following our recent accreditation visit in October 2023, the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary held a Board of Trustees meeting. Following this meeting, we are pleased to publicly announce David Jarrett as the new Chair of the Board of Trustees, taking the place of longtime Chair, Michael Herzak.
Jarrett has served at length as the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, and brings a deeply respected and capable skillset to the fore as he takes to this new role.
The community at St. Tikhon’s Seminary is excited to work alongside Jarrett in the coming years to pave the way for future generations of our priesthood and scholars. We pray fervently for his continued success, and are indebted to those who make such sacrifices, not only for our institution, but for the Orthodox Church at large.
Father Gregory Fedorchak Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 11/28/23
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce our first ordination to the Holy Priesthood during the 2023-24 Academic Year.
During the Divine Liturgy this past Saturday, 25 November, Fr. Gregory Fedorchak was welcomed into the presbyterate by The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and New York and New Jersey on the beautiful, sunlit grounds of St. Tikhon's Monastery. Under the Archbishop's blessing, Fr. Greg ministered the Eucharist to our grateful community with reverence and humility.
The clergy and faithful of St. Tikhon's pray without ceasing for the long and fruitful ministry of Fr. Gregory, accompanied faithfully by Matushka Krista in your journey. May God grant you many blessed years!
Now Accepting Applications for AY 2024-25! - 11/27/23
The Admissions Committee at St. Tikhon's is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 academic year. Application materials may be found here: The deadline to submit application materials is June 1, 2024. Apply now!
Fr. John Kowalczyk Speaks at Annual Retreat to 160 Women at the Antiochian Village - 11/22/23
The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and The Director of Training and Spiritual Care for the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry was one of the Keynote Speakers at the Annual Ancient Faith Retreat held at the Antiochian Village on Friday, 10 November through Sunday, 12 November. Over 160 women from across the country representing all Orthodox jurisdictions participated in the retreat.
The theme of the presentation on Friday afternoon, November 10, was “The Myrrhbearing Women coming out of their Comfort Zone -And with the Fear of God and Faith drew near early in the morning, to the Tomb and discovered the Risen Christ” Mark Santana, Church Program Manager, for O.C.P.M. followed with a slide presentation on the work of O.C.P.M. and introduced a letter writing project to inmates held the next day.
Fr. John concelebrated Great Vespers and on Sunday, November 12 the 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy. Fr. John also heard confessions and held Proskomedia in view of the retreat participants.
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry Certificate Program - 11/01/23
St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, creating a certificate program for clergy and laity alike.
This new and timelessly important program will last one full semester, and applications are currently being accepted for the Spring 2024 semester.
Click HERE to read the official press release for this program, or visit the OCPM Webpage for further details and contact information.
Public Announcement of Accreditation Visit - 08/15/23
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on October 16 - 19, 2023. The purpose of this visit is to verify that the school meets all applicable Commission Standards of Accreditation. Comments regarding how well the school meets those standards and/or generally demonstrates educational quality may be sent to at least two weeks before the visit. Comments may also or instead be sent in writing to Fr. Paul Witek, Director of Self-Study ( All comments will be shared with the onsite evaluation committee.
St. Tikhon's Seminary opens her doors to you and your parishioners for a joyful evening--Tuesday, March 14, 6-830p, at 178 St. Tikhon's Rd, Waymart, PA 18472.
A generous donor makes it possible for us to invite you as our guest to dinner and the 3rd Annual St. Nicholai (Velimirovich) Lecture. There is *no cost* to the dinner or lecture. BUT an RSVP is necessary, because we have only 100 seats available. The first 100 to reply are invited to join us for supper and the lecture. (The Lecture will also be live-streamed on our YouTube Channel.
To RSVP and reserve a ticket, please write
St. Nicholai was the Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary in 1955; he fell asleep in the Lord here in 1956, having eaten his last meal in the Orphanage. A beautiful Shrine is being finished in his honor, in the very room in which he lived and reposed.
Our own local Fr. Daniel Geeza was a student of St Nicholai's. Fr. Daniel has agreed to come and share an evening of stories about the Saint, his professor.
If you have not been back to St. Tikhon's in a while, you might not believe all the good that God is doing here. If you have been back recently, still come enjoy the night!
On Friday, January 27, His Eminence Archbishop Mark ordained Dn. Nathan Clausson to the Holy Priesthood and Kirill Tyler Zawatski to the Holy Diaconate at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA. May God grant them many years of fruitful service to Christ's Holy Church! Axios!
Fr. Solomon Longo was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, and Dn. Gregory Fedorchak was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by Archbishop Michael at St. Tikhon's Monastery on January 21, 2023. Axios!
Fr. Gabriel Aldridge Ordained in Atlanta - 01/11/23
Fr. Gabriel Aldridge was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by Archbishop Alexander at St. John the Wonderworker Orthodox Orthodox Church in Atlanta, GA on January 7, 2023. Spring term STOTS instructor Dean Harbry was also tonsured a reader and ordained a subdeacon. The concelebrating priests were Fr. Marcus Burch (DOS chancellor, rector St. John of the Ladder, Greenville, SC), Fr. Alexander Fecanin (dean of Atlanta deanery, rector St. Symeon the New Theologian, Birmingham, AL), Fr. Thomas Alessandroni (rector St. John the Wonderworker, Atlanta, GA), Fr. Daniel Hickman (rector St. Stephen the Protomartyr, Orlando, FL), Fr. Christopher Maciolek (rector St. Mary of Egypt, Norcross, GA), Fr. Theophan Buck (rector St. Innocent’s, Macon, GA), Fr. Seth Earl (priest-in-charge, St. Tikhon’s, Chattanooga, TN), Fr. David Galloway (third-year seminarian, St. Vladimir’s), Protodeacon Ephraim Rivers (St. Symeon the New Theologian, Birmingham, AL), and Pdn. Lazarus Muska (St. Mary of Egypt, Norcross, GA). Axios!
Photo credits: Kurtis M. Johnson. Enjoy more photos of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Ordination: Kurtis M. Johnson Photography
Why did St. Tikhon’s Seminary hold this Conference on this theme?
This conference was held at St. Tikhon’s on this theme, because we wished to reaffirm the glory, beauty, sanctity, wonder, and dignity of striving to live in purity of mind and body in Christ, with and in the grace of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that such a fresh proclamation is always necessary, especially in our own time in view of the current widespread, very harmful confusion in our society about human personhood and sexuality. And now, this proclamation is even more necessary, since some members of our own Orthodox Church, including even some clergy and scholars, apparently are yielding, at least to some degree, to the prevailing spirit of our age that says there’s nothing wrong, harmful, sinful, or disruptive to spiritual life, about indulging in nearly any form of sexual relations outside traditional marriage. And there are even a few within our Church who seem to be yielding to the contemporary fascination with gender fluidity and transgenderism, both of which encourage rejection of the basic, God-given reality embedded in humanity whereby every human being is clearly born either as male or female (except in extremely rare cases).
We, the faculty, staff, and students at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, led by our beloved rector, Archbishop Michael, deeply believe that it’s our sacred, God-given responsibility to meet the challenge of the so-called Sexual Revolution, plus now the challenge of so-called gender fluidity, by proclaiming and explaining anew the life-giving teachings about what it truly means to be either a male or a female human being, made in the image of God. These teachings, which our Holy Church has always proclaimed and lived by, include, as we know, Christ’s holy, life-giving, grace-bearing commandments for us to live in sexual purity. As St. Paul declares:
For this is the will of GOD for you, even your sanctification; and hence, that you should abstain from fornication, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor—not in the lust of concupiscence, even as those who do not know GOD—and that no one should go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter. For the LORD is the avenger of all such people, as we also have forewarned you and testified to you. For GOD has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:3-7).
With our LORD’s help, we aimed during this conference to bring forth many of the theological and practical reasons why sexual purity—meaning chastity/virginity before marriage and faithfulness to one’s spouse within marriage—is the healthiest and safest way to live, in addition to the fact that it alone is the God-pleasing way to express the gift of our sexuality with which Christ has graced every one of us.
So for this conference, we gathered over a dozen excellent speakers, beginning with Archbishop Michael, who shared theological and practical wisdom about various aspects of our Church’s life-giving teachings on human anthropology, especially regarding sexual purity.
Why is St. Tikhon’s presenting these papers at this time through posting them on-line?
Our hope and prayer are that the talks from this conference will reach the widest possible audience, which we believe will occur if they are made available on-line on the St. Tikhon’s Seminary web site. Please, everyone, feel free to copy and send the link for any and all of the papers, as they are posted week by week.
May these articles help us all grow even more closely together in a common vision for the glory of human personhood and sexual purity. And further, through them may we gain a more thorough knowledge of very practical ways to help our people, especially our youth, to understand and live this rich and wholesome way of life—the way of living which is the most conducive to promoting our emotional, physical, and spiritual health through helping us grow closer to our beloved Creator and Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our first posting is a general introduction to the papers, written by our beloved Dean of the Seminary, Fr. John Parker. The "General Introduction" has been posted today, Monday, November 14, 2022. The next paper will be Dr. Harry Boosalis' "An Orthodox Understanding of the Human Body," on November 21.
November 9 - 11, the Holy Synod met in Northeastern Pennsylvania, holding many of its sessions at St. Tikhon's. During its proceedings, the Synod decided unanimously to elevate His Grace Bishop Daniel of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest to the dignity of archbishop.
STOTS Graduate Ordained to the Holy Priesthood in Texas - 10/18/22
The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, October 2, 2022
Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, TX
By the Grace of God and with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH of the Antiochian Archdiocese, STOTS graduate (2022) Deacon Mark Makarios was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop JOHN (Abdalah), on the Second Sunday of Luke, October 2, 2022, at Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, in Houston, Texas.
Concelebrating with His Grace were Archpriest James Shadid, Pastor of Saint George Church, Priest George Dahdouh, Priest Symeon Kees (STOTS ’09) and Priest Athanasios Kombos (STOTS ’22). Immediately following the ordination, Bishop JOHN called Khourie Marian forward to stand alongside her husband, Father Mark, before the congregation as His Grace delivered the Sunday homily, concluding with a personal address,
“As you offer yourself to God and the Church offers you to this community, as you will witness and serve and love the people, sharing the altar with wonderful priests, you witness to your priority of love for each other. The love that God gives us in marriage for each other comes from Him and brings us back to Him.”
Joining the parish of Saint George in the great joy of the day were Father Mark’s in-laws, Mr. Adel and Mrs. Sanaa Saleh, travelling from Egypt, as well as many friends coming from far and near, including several current STOTS seminarians.
A week of daily liturgies followed for Father Mark Makarios, the first of which on Monday was attended by His Grace Bishop JOHN, Archpriest James Shadid, Archpriest Joseph Huneycutt, Archpriest Joseph Jreije, Priest Symeon Kees, and Priest Adam Roberts.
Together with them all, the Saint Tikhon community exclaims,
Article by: Sdn. Renin Cherian, Malankara student, 3rd Year
On September 28th, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary was blessed to have with us, His Holiness Moran Mor Baselios Marthoma Mathews III, the Catholicos of the East & Malankara Metropolitan – the Supreme Head of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. His Holiness was accompanied by His Grace Zachariah Mor Nicolovos, the Metropolitan of the North East American Diocese as well as other clergy. His Holiness was received by His Eminence Archbishop Michael, the Rector of our institution as well as the Dean of the Seminary, Very Rev. Fr. John Parker III and other faculty members.
His Holiness visit to St. Tikhon’s coincided with his first Apostolic Visit to North America following his installation as Catholicos. His Holiness greeted and addressed the entire student body. During his address, His Holiness reminded all those present of our vocation, the realities of working in the Lord’s vineyard in this current day, and how we are to serve God’s people. To celebrate the occasion of his visit, following the address, His Holiness was presented with a special gift by the Dean of the Seminary. In addition to the gift, was the inauguration of the ‘Moran Mor Baselios Marthoma Mathews III Scholarship Fund’ specially set aside for our current and future Malankara students. During his visit, His Holiness offered incense and intercessory prayers in St. John Chrysostom Malankara Chapel and toured our beautiful campus. His Holiness was delighted to visit the oldest Orthodox Christian monastery in America. He was warmly greeted by the Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Archimandrite Sergius. His Holiness offered special intercessory prayers in the monastery Church to the patron saint, St. Tikhon and was able to venerate the relics of St. Alexis and the Miraculous Icon of St. Anna. Following the tour, His Holiness enjoyed tea and refreshments alongside the faculty and staff.
His Holiness’ visit marked the first time since 2006 that a Catholicos of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church has visited our hallowed grounds. Currently, we have with us eight students studying at St. Tikhon’s from the Malankara Orthodox jurisdiction representing the Dioceses of North East America, Diocese of South-West America, and the Diocese of Bombay.
Special thanks to all the individuals that were involved in the planning and preparations to ensure that His Holiness and all our guests had a wonderful stay!
STOTS Graduate Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/03/22
On Sunday, June 20/July 3, 2022, His Grace, +Bishop ALEXEI served the hierarchical divine liturgy at Saint Innocent Russian Orthodox Cathedral where Reverend Deacon Peter Kamilos was ordained to the holy priesthood. AXIOS!
More information on the ordination and Father Peter can be found at: peter-kalimos-ordained-to-the- holy-priesthood
Vladyka ALEXEI asks that you keep Father Peter, Matushka Michele, and their family in your prayers.
On Sunday, 19 June 2022, the Seminary's retired Head Librarian and Registrar, Sergei D. Arhipov, was ordained to the Subdiaconate by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. The subdiaconal ordination took place preceding the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of All Saints at St. Mark's Orthodox Church, Wrightstown, PA. The Seminary wishes Subdeacon Sergei many blessed years.
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), the national prison ministry of the Orthodox Church, is very pleased to announce the Very Rev. John Kowalczyk as its Director of Training and Spiritual Care.
Fr. John is the rector of St. Michael’s Church in Jermyn, PA, and the Director of Field Education and Senior Lecturer in Ethics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (STOTS). As the contract chaplain at S.C.I. Waymart’s Forensic Treatment Center, Fr. John facilitates the prison ministry practicum for seminarians at STOTS.
Fr. John formerly served as the Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors of OCPM, where he gained greater insight into the budgetary needs of the organization, but now he sees his role differently as a member of OCPM’s staff. Among his plans for the future of the organization include holding OCPM retreats, attending more speaking engagements, and hosting ministry workshops wherever there is a need.
“Seeing the dedication of Fr. Duane Pederson [Founder of OCPM] and working with Zossima Daugherty [Director of Prison Correspondence] has inspired and prepared me in a unique way,” says Fr. John. “I feel positively about my new position, especially sharing this role with Fr. Stephen Powley who has been my inspiration and brother in Christ for so many years.”
Seminary Opens Search for Faculty Position - 06/06/22
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Announces Search for Faculty Position in Pastoral Arts and Praxis
[South Canaan, PA] - The Faculty of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that it is inviting candidates to submit applications for a full-time position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor of Pastoral Arts and Praxis within the Seminary’s Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Program, with a starting date of 1 July 2023.
In announcing the open position, the Seminary’s Dean, Father John Parker, noted: “Forming missionary minded pastors that have a love for serving the Church lies at the very center of what we do here at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. In this search, we want to identify an individual that will play a central role in that formation of our students as they prepare for ministry in a complex world, providing them with the tools necessary to engage souls within that world and bring them to a vibrant life in Christ.”
Applications for this position must be received by 6 August 2022. Interested candidates are asked to submit a cover letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to the Search Committee at
St. Tikhon's Celebrates Class of 2022 Graduates - 06/03/22
St. Tikhon’s Holds Eightieth Annual Commencement Exercises
South Canaan, PA - St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary held its Eightieth annual commencement exercises on 27-28 May 2022. During the exercises the Seminary graduated nine students from its Master of Divinity Program, and awarded one student a Certificate in Pastoral Studies.
On Friday evening, the Seminary community gathered for a program that included: remarks by the Dean of the Seminary, the V. Rev. John Parker III; the charge of the Rector, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael; the commencement address delivered by His Grace, Bishop Thomas of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese; and a concluding address by the Seminary’s President, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.
Saturday’s festivities began with a festive Hierarchical Liturgy, at which a graduating third-year senior, Deacon Thanasis Kombos was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector. Following the Liturgy, the afternoon’s Commencement Ceremony was opened by Metropolitan Tikhon amidst a standing room gathering of family and friends in the Seminary’s Convocation Center.
In addition to the awarding of degrees and academic honors, the Seminary Alumni Association's presented its Alumnus of the Year award to two recipients. The award was first given to the Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris, and was presented posthumously to the Mitered Archpriest John Nehrebecki. The students of the Class of 2022 presented the Alexander Atty Institutional Service Award to the Seminary’s Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Marina Hitchcock. Following the commencement exercises all those gathered enjoyed a wine and cheese reception hosted by the Seminary.
In reflecting on its commencement the Seminary wishes its heartfelt congratulations to its graduates: Subdeacon Ananias Ananievski, M.Div. ; Priest Maximus Gibson, M.Div.; Brad Given, M.Div.; Priest Paul Hamner, M.Div.; Priest Thanasis Kombos, M.Div.; Deacon Mark Makarios, M.Div.; Priest Ambrose Powell, (Cert.); Priest Anthony Saunders, M.Div.; Priest Ignatius Strange, M.Div.; and Sub-Deacon Joshua Varughese, M.Div.
By Fr. Paul Witek, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Registrar
Click HERE to watch the graduation ceremony on YouTube.
Continuing Education: Becoming Rich Towards God - 05/30/22
t is easy to argue that too many Orthodox Christians, too many Orthodox Parishes, too many Orthodox Dioceses, have looked to the “labor union” for funding–the lamentable “dues” systems. It likewise continues to be the case that, too many Orthodox Christians, too many Orthodox Parishes, too many Orthodox Dioceses, have looked to have others support the building and growth of their parishes and ministries through fundraisers, food sales, and ethnic festivals.
Dr Andrew Geleris, author of the new book, Money and Salvation: An Invitation to the Good Way (SVS Press, 2022), raises the question, “How much is our struggle with parish finances the result of our failure to teach what the gospel says about money?” Dr Geleris, a convert to Orthodoxy in 1996 and Neurologist, has had the good fortune to have had many wonderful teachers and role models concerning salvific giving. One of the most important things he has learned is that worshipping God through offerings, often very small offerings, is essential to becoming “fully human.”
Prompted by his internal quest, and a burning desire that our parishes, dioceses, and institutions would find their financial grounding in the incarnational importance of financial stewardship, Dr Geleris, along with well-known Orthodox Priest Fr Patrick O’Grady, offer a three day workshop: “Becoming Rich Towards God: A Workshop on Money and the Incarnation.”
A generous anonymous donor has made possible that this year there is no cost to attend in person. To encourage the *incarnational* importance of meeting, there is a premium put on online attendance ($100). [Note: online participation may be limited in number and in scope depending on enrollment. Please come in person!]
The Workshop hopes to be equally theological and practical, and will work through various chapters of Dr Geleris’ book. Part lecture, part discussion, the hope is to engage participants to help ground and/or strengthen Orthodox Christians, parishes, etc., with respect to money.
Topics will include: Incarnational importance of money Approaches to giving: ministry-centric vs. soul-centric The providential gift of wealth Tithing - a spiritual discipline for both wealthy and poor Stewarding parish finances Supporting our seminaries Contentment and accepting God’s will A Christian approach to fundraising Anonymous Giving WHO: Since this Workshop is St Tikhon’s Annual Continuing Education Conference for Clergy, Clergy of all Orthodox Jurisdictions are welcome to register and attend. Laypersons wishing to attend are welcome, especially online. Discussion groups in person and online will be divided (not mixed), to allow clergy to talk freely and openly about the concerns, approaches, needs, etc, that they face in the parish, and to allow layfolks the same freedoms.
WHEN: Bright Week of Pentecost, beginning Tuesday, June 14, with Lunch, and ending Thursday, June 16, with Lunch.
ACCOMODATIONS: Participants will be housed in the Seminary Dormitory. Pairs of Dorm Rooms share a central bathroom. There is not Air Conditioning in the Dorm, though there is in the various seminary classrooms and meeting spaces.
SETTING: St Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary was founded in 1938, as an institution of the future Orthodox Church in America. The Seminary has a long-standing symbiotic relationship with America’s first Orthodox Monastery: The Holy Monastery of St Tikhon of Zadonsk, which is just across the street. Participants will be able to enjoy the daily service of the Monastery, as well as the verdure of the lush, green Northeastern Pennsylvania Mountains. These very same mountains are *the mountains* about which we sing in the various hymns for the service of All Saints of North America. St Tikhon’s Monastery enshrines St Alexis Toth, whose labors, especially here in NEPA, brought thousands upon thousands back to the Orthodox Faith. In addition to his canonization here at St Tikhon’s, St Raphael of Brooklyn was also canonized here.
ARRIVING: St Tikhon’s is located about 30 minutes east of Scranton, PA, and is easily accessible from Interstate 81, as well as the Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike. The closest airport is 35 minutes: AVP (Wilkes-Barre/Scranton). ABE (Allentown) is a short 1:15 drive; EWR (Newark) is two hours, door to door; JFK and LaGuardia are about the same distance.
Login credentials for the online conference will be sent after registration
By the Grace of God and with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH of the Antiochian Archdiocese, our second-year seminarian Deacon Ephraim Vest was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Thomas, on the Sunday of the Blind Man, May 29, 2022, at Saint Mary Orthodox Church, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
Concelebrating with His Grace were Archpriest George Alberts, Pastor of Saint Mary’s and Professor at Saint Tikhon’s, Archpriest John Parker, Dean of Saint Tikhon’s, Father Joseph Landino, Pastor of Saint Paul’s in Emmaus, PA, the newly ordained (and newly graduated) Father Athanasios Kombos, as well as second-year seminarian Deacon Michael Rehmet and Deacon Mark Makarios (also newly graduated).
At the special request of Bishop Thomas, Father Ephraim’s Ordination became a uniquely sweet and heartfelt family moment when his wife, Presvytera Erin, and their six daughters – Emmy, Mirabelle, Liliana, Magnolia, Miriam, and Jovie – lifted their angelic voices in singing the Ordination Troparia that accompanied him and his sponsors around the Holy Altar.
Joining them and the whole parish of Saint Mary’s in the great joy of the day were Father Ephraim’s parents, Larry and Rita Vest, Presvytera Erin’s parents, John and Judy Frazier, and many friends from Saint Michael’s in Louisville, KY, including Matushka Olga Atty, wife of former Seminary Dean, the Archpriest Alexander Atty of Blessed Memory, as well as seminary faculty and many fellow seminarians and their families.
Together with them all, the Saint Tikhon community exclaims,
The St. Tikhon's Seminary community was blessed by a local parishioner and benefactor, Dr. Bob and his wife, to enjoy a trout fishing derby on his private property. The Seminarians presented Dr. Bob with an Icon of Christ as a thank you for his hospitality. All in all around fifty trout were caught by the seminarians and their families.
Thank you very much and many years to Dr. Bob and family!
Our own Dr Paul Witek was ordained on consecutive weekends to the Holy Diaconate and the Holy Priesthood. On Saturday, March 14, 2022, Dr Paul was ordained Deacon in the Monastery Church by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. A week later, at the parish where he and his family have served for a decade--All Saints, Olyphant, PA--Dn Paul was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, also by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark.
Both ordinations were beautiful in their own right; it was a joy that Fr Paul could be ordained in the two churches which have significantly formed him all these years. It was a unique and special occasion that two of his own students, Dn Gabrial Aldridge (DOS) and Dn Solomon Longo (NY/NJ), could process him around the altar for his diaconal ordination.
For his priestly ordination, clergy from all geographical and chronological parts of Fr Paul's life were present and/or serving, including 9 at the Altar.
When asked about his ordinations, Fr Paul commented, "With all the need in the church for priests, especially here not only in my own diocese, but in my own parish, how could I, who have benefitted from seminary formation at St Tikhon's, not offer myself for further service?" Fr John Parker, Dean of the Seminary, noted, "Fr Paul has been an academic shepherd of souls for quite a season. It is fitting--and natural--that he now also serves as a shepherd of souls to those same students, as well as the faithful entrusted to his pastoral care."
Vladyka Michael Celebrates Episcopal Anniversary - 05/08/22
May God grant His Eminence the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and beloved rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, many years on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of his consecration to the episcopacy! Eis polla eti despota!!
Administrative Offices Closed Holy Wednesday Through Bright Wednesday - 04/19/22
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES CLOSED HOLY THURSDAY THROUGH BRIGHT MONDAY In honor of the Commemoration of our Lord's Passion and Glorious Resurrection the St. Tikhon's Administrative Offices will be closed from Holy Wednesday (4/20) through Bright Wednesday (4/27). The Offices will reopen on Bright Thursday (4/28).
Deacon Ambrose Powell Ordained a Priest - 04/10/22
On Sunday, April 10, His Beatitude, in his role as Locum Tenens of the Diocese, travelled to Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church in New Haven, CT to preside at the Hierarchical Liturgy and the ordination of Deacon Ambrose Powell to the Holy Priesthood.Concelebrating with His Beatitude were Archpriest John Kreta, Chancellor of the Diocese, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Rector, Priest Alessandro Margheritino, Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America, Priest John Mikitish, and Priest Moses Locke.
Summer Music Institute at St. Vladimir's Seminary - 04/04/22
Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) and the International Society for Orthodox Church Music (ISOCM) are pleased to present, by God's grace, the Summer Music Institute! You can join the program in person June 14–18, 2022 on the campus of St Vladimir's Seminary in Yonkers, NY (*online audit option also available).
More information and the registration link can be found HERE.
The Saint Tikhon’s Mission Choir along with seminary dean, Fr. John Parker, traveled to the Pittsburgh area April 1st through 3rd. Their first stop was at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. Trinity is an “Evangelical school for ministry in the Anglican tradition,” and they warmly accepted the Mission Choir as they sang a concert of Lenten music in the Russian and Greek traditions—all in English. His Eminence, Archbishop Melchisedek, was in attendance at the concert. The choir then sang Vigil at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKees Rocks, PA, with Archpriest Thomas Soroka and Archbishop Melchisedek. The seminarians were blessed to travel with the miracle-working icon of St. Anna, so Fr. Thomas and the reverend clergy also served a moleben to St. Anna after the vigil service. The final stop was at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral with Fr. John Mikita, where the Mission Choir sang Divine Liturgy, and Fr. John Parker exhorted the faithful with his homily on “redeeming the time.” The St. Tikhon’s community is especially grateful to Protodeacon Michael and Matushka Mary Wusylko, who coordinated the event and worked tirelessly with members of their community to make sure that Fr. John and the Mission Choir were cared for.
Metropolitan Tikhon Makes Urgent Financial Appeal for Ukrainian Refugee Relief - 02/28/22
Dear beloved children in the Lord,
It is with profound pain and sorrow that we see the situation unfolding in Ukraine. The invasion of Russian troops has already caused death and destruction in many areas of the country and, as the battle progresses, the human cost continues to rise. It is heartbreaking to see the images of destroyed buildings, homes, and traffic jams as refugees flee the cities for their safety.
As Orthodox Christians we are expected to help those who are suffering and give comfort to the afflicted. The Apostle James asks us “If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit?” (Jas. 2:16). We cannot turn a blind eye to the material needs of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.
Therefore, I am making a special appeal for donations from the individual parishioners of the Orthodox Church in America from February 28th through March 7th. These donations will be collected by the Orthodox Church in America and sent on to ELEOS, the humanitarian agency of the Polish Orthodox Church, and registered with the Polish government, who is dealing directly with the unfolding refugee crisis and needs support as soon as possible. Donations will go towards refugee relief, their housing, and meeting basic needs.
This collaboration is being done with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of the Polish Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church in America and the Polish Orthodox Church have long historical ties and these ties have enabled this collaboration to come together so quickly. Donations can be made at
Furthermore, I again ask that fervent prayers be made for a swift end to this senseless violence. As we approach the beginning of Lent, we will soon hear the words of the Psalmist at the Presanctified Liturgy: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head running down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon which falls on the mountains of Zion. For the Lord has commanded the blessing, life for evermore!” (Ps. 132).
I pray that we, and all Orthodox Christians around the world, aspire to live according to these words.
Sincerely yours in Christ, +Tikhon Archbishop of Washington Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Metropolitan Gregory Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 02/17/22
On Thursday February 17th, 2022, we were blessed to welcome His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa for his first visit to St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery! His Eminence is the Ruling Bishop of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA, and serves as the Secretary of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. His Eminence was accompanied on his visit by Protopresbyter James Dutko, Rector of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Binghamton, NY, who was a seminary classmate of our Seminary Rector, Archbishop Michael. Dr. Paul Witek and Fr. Ignatius Gauvain received Metropolitan Gregory and Fr. James at the Seminary, where they discussed the history of the Seminary and its current programs, the demographics of the student body, and other matters of mutual interest, including the current state of American Orthodoxy, both in the local area and nationally. His Eminence and Fr. James then enjoyed a tour of the Seminary campus and the Monastery grounds, culminating in a visit to the Monastery Church. While praying in the Church, His Eminence, who had twice served as a missionary to Alaska, was delighted to venerate the relics of St. Herman, as well as those of St. Gregory Palamas, his patron saint, and the relics of St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, a Saint greatly honored by the Carpatho-Russian people.
His Eminence then gave an inspiring lunchtime talk to the Seminarians, encouraging us to apply our full energy and effort to both our studies and our future ministries, no matter what stage of our formation we are in. Speaking of his own journey to the Priesthood as a late vocation, His Eminence reminded us that no matter how or when our lives brought us here, or whether or not our plans after Seminary include Ordination, we have all been called by the Lord to serve the Church, and we should do so with vigor and love, always praying each Liturgy as if it is our last! Reminiscing on his own time at Seminary, His Eminence encouraged us to continue to strengthen our bonds with our classmates, and to maintain these relationships after graduation, using each other as a resource, a sounding board, and a support system in the difficult times of our ministry. Following lunch, His Eminence and Fr. James visited the Monastery bookstore, where they were greeted by our Abbot, Archimandrite Sergius, and presented with gifts to commemorate His Eminence’s first visit to St. Tikhon’s. All of us at St. Tikhon’s echo Fr. Sergius’s hope that His Eminence will come to visit us again soon, and pray that his travels and his continuing ministry may be blessed! Eis Polla Eti Despota!
Join Us for Second Annual St. Nicholai Lecture - 02/04/22
Saint Nicholai (Velimirovich)
Few people knew and worked with a now-canonized Saint. Spend an evening hearing personal stories about life with St Nicholai, with Protinica Olga Sokich, whose husband, Fr Dragolyub, served as Secretary to St Nicholai in New York from 1950-56. St Nicholai taught Theology and Homiletics at St Tikhon’s and served as Seminary Rector from 1955-56.
St Tikhon’s Seminary’s 2nd Annual St Nicholai Lecture
After a successful search process, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Demetrios Harper, Ph.D. as its new Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology. The appointment was made by the Seminary’s Board of Trustees during a special December 2021 meeting. Fr. Demetrios will take up his position on 1 July 2022.
“We are delighted that Fr. Demetrios has accepted a position on our Faculty here at St. Tikhon’s”, said Father John Parker, Dean of the Seminary. “We are adding to our community a world-class scholar in his field, a seasoned pastor, and an engaging teacher, who has proven himself in various positions and appointments. With Fr. Demetrios joining our faculty, we at St Tikhon’s, seek to continue our mission to provide the very best pastoral formation to our students for generations to come.”
Fr. Demetrios Harper (born Reuben L. Harper) was raised and completed his primary education in Southwestern Virginia. In 1998, at the age of 20, he was received into the Holy Orthodox Church. After his marriage to his wife, Marina, in 2002, he would go on to complete a Bachelor’s degree in English literature and philosophy at East Tennessee State University, graduating magna cum laude and having completed the requirements of the Honors College for honors-in-discipline. In 2004, he and his wife relocated to Thessaloniki, Greece, where he spent the next several years studying the Greek language, theology, and theologically-related disciplines, both on a graduate and undergraduate level, at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and at the Higher Ecclesiastical Academy in Pylaia. His studies in Thessaloniki culminated in the successful completion of an M.A. from Aristotle University in Systematic Theology and Dogmatics. In early 2011, he was inducted into a doctoral program at the University of Winchester, U.K. After the successful defense of his doctoral thesis, Fr. Demetrios was awarded a Ph.D. in May of 2015. Prior to his coming to St. Tikhon’s, Fr. Demetrios served as an Early Career Research Fellow at the University of Winchester; a Post-doctoral Fellow in Byzantine Studies at the Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame; and finally, as Associate Professor of Church History and Moral Theology at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY. In addition to holding several faculty positions, since 2020 Father has served as the Director of Holy Trinity Seminary’s Master of Divinity Program.
In the realm of scholarship, academic works of Fr. Demetrios are substantial, including:
· “Self-determination and the Question of Subjectivity: Moral Selfhood in Maximus the Confessor.” Studia Patristica, 2021.
· “Autonomy and Heteronomy in Eastern Christian Thought and Post-enlightenment Ethical Paradigms.” In the T&T Clark Companion to Christian Ethics, edited by Tobias Winright. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2021.
· “Understanding Self-determination and Moral Selfhood in the Sources of Late-antique and Byzantine Christian Thought.” In The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium, edited by Sophia Xenophontos. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
· The Analogy of Love: St. Maximus the Confessor and the Foundations of Ethics. Scholarly Monographs Series 3. Yonkers, NY: SVS Press, 2019.
· “The Kantian ‘Two Images Problem’, its Lesson for Eschatology, and the Path of Maximian Analogy.” In On Being and Time: At the Intersection of Ontology and History, edited by Andrew Kaethler. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2019.
· Christos Yannaras: Philosophy, Theology, and Culture. Andreopoulos, Andreas and Demetrios Harper, eds. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.
Looking towards the future, Fr. Demetrios is currently working on a project researching the Byzantine Christian understanding of self-determination (autexousion) and moral selfhood, which will culminate in a work of monograph length.
In broader service to the academic profession, Fr. Demetrios is co-founder of Analogia: The Pemptousia Journal for Theological Studies, having served as its Assistant Editor from 2015–2018.
Fr. Demetrios was ordained to the priesthood in 2008 at the hand of Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), at the Convent of Novo-Diveevo. In addition to his academic activities, from 2010-2018 Fr. Demetrios served as a priest under the omophorion of Metropolitan Ioel of Edessa, Greece, and is presently a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese. Fr. Demetrios also serves as a Chaplain in the United States Navy Reserves.
In addition to Fr. Demetrios, our community is glad to welcome Father’s wife, Marina, along with their daughter, Emilia. May God bless them and grant them many blessed years.
The seminary community recently held the Blessing of the Waters out on the pond, and for the first time in a few years, we were on the pond instead of beside the pond. We had already completed the Blessing of the Waters which immediately follows the Theophany Liturgy, of course, but had decided to wait for everybody to return from the winter break before holding the blessing of the pond and seminary buildings with the whole community. What better day than a feast day? So, following liturgy for the Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple, the seminary community met for a brunch provided by our wonderful cook, Ginger Smith, before filing out to the pond for the Blessing of the Waters.Our beloved Father Ignatius Gauvain cut the cross in the ice for us. The ice blocks he pulled out were about a foot and a half thick. He fashioned a cross to the east so the sun's rays would have a chance to refract through the ice. With some leftover ice, he even set up a small ice altar for the priest to use during the blessing the next morning.
Our dean, Father John Parker, lead the service for us the next morning after the liturgy and the brunch. After blessing the water in the pond, our procession aimed toward the seminary buildings. Dozens of seminarians, wives, children, faculty, and staff wound through the halls, rooms, and even closets of the seminary, singing the festal troparion, before walking up the hill to the dorm, to bless its every crevice as well. And as that hymn says:
O Christ, our God, who hast revealed thyself and hast enlightened the world, glory to thee!
Archbishop Michael Presides at a Double Ordination at St. Tikhon's - 01/29/22
On January 29, 2022, St. Tikhon's Seminary was able to celebrate a double ordination: Deacon Paul Hamner to the Holy Priesthood, and Solomon Longo to the Holy Diaconate.
Deacon Paul Hamner was ordained to the order of the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Michael, Archbishop of New York. The ordination took place at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church on the commemoration of the translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Ignatius of Antioch.
Fr. Paul arrived at St. Tikhon’s from California nearly three years ago with his wife and children. Since coming to St. Tikhons, Fr. Paul has committed himself to learning the faith and particularly the writings of the Holy Fathers of the Church. He can often be found in the classroom after hours, discussing the fathers and guiding his peers in the same. This is not to say that Fr. Paul is not a devout family man. If he is not at school or the monastery church, he is at home with his wife, Mat. Sarah, and their four children Rowan, Molly, Sam, and Agnes. Fr. Paul is slated to return to the Diocese of the West after graduation and serve as a parish priest there. St. Tikhon’s expects great things from Fr. Paul and his family in the years to come, and blesses his future ministry. Axios, Fr. Paul!
In addition to the ordination of Fr. Paul, Solomon Longo was ordained the Holy Diaconate. Solomon, his wife Anna, and their five beautiful young boys are a blessing to have at St. Tikhons. Fr. Solomon is hard-working, thoughtful, and a crucial volunteer, having assisted in important renovation improvements at the seminary. His example of service outside of church will guide him well as he begins his diaconate inside the church. St. Tikhon’s looks forward to sharing another year with the Longo family and offers blessings to Father Deacon Solomon on the occasion of his ordination. Axios!
Justin Griffing's Ordination to the Holy Diaconate - 01/23/22
On Sunday, January 23, 2022 His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon presided at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at Holy Ghost Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in Bridgeport, CT in honor of Archpriest John Jillions, former Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America and rector of Holy Ghost Orthodox Church. During the Liturgy, His Beatitude ordained Justin Griffing to the Holy Diaconate.
On Friday, January 21st, 2021, a group of 15 seminarians, family members, and faculty from St. Tikhon’s braved the cold temperatures to attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C. While St. Tikhon’s, historically, has sent delegations almost every year, this year carried extra significance, as last year’s March was forced to take place virtually. In addition to our delegation, the strong Orthodox presence at the March, coordinated by Orthodox Christians for Life, featured hierarchs and faithful from many different Orthodox Jurisdictions, as well as contingents from St. Vladimir’s Seminary and St. Sophia’s Seminary, and many STOTS alumni. Following the Moleben for an End to Abortion, celebrated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, our Seminarians and families took an active role in the March, carrying banners and the processional icon of the Visitation of the Theotokos and Saint Elizabeth, and leading the assembled faithful in singing hymns. It was extraordinarily beautiful to see faithful of all ages and jurisdictions uniting together to advocate for the Pro-Life tenants of our Orthodox Faith, singing the hymns of different traditions with one voice and praying as one Church to our Lord and His Saints for an end to Abortion. Those who attended the March came away strengthened in our Faith, heartened by the response of the Orthodox Community to the sin of Abortion and encouraged by the unity of the Orthodox faithful and hierarchs in America. While we hope and pray that no more of these Marches would be necessary, we believe that our St. Tikhon’s seminarians will continue to be a part of this powerful event for as long as it exists, in the forefront of the fight for God’s children and their right to life.
After a successful search process, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Brian Cardell as the new Director of the Saint Patriarch Tikhon Seminary Library. The appointment was made by the Seminary’s Board of Trustees during its Fall meeting, with Mr. Cardell taking up his role as Director this week in preparation for the Spring 2022 semester.
“From our search, we are very happy that Brian is going to be part of the St. Tikhon’s community””, said Father John Parker, Dean of the Seminary. “His background and experience showed our search committee that Brian is a great lover of that comes with an enthusiasm that is palpable for doing great things for St. Tikhon’s. We are confident that his love and enthusiasm will be directed towards writing a new chapter in the life of our Library.”
Mr. Cardell received his bachelor's degree in Languages from the University of Arizona in 1993, and His M.S.L.S. degree from Catholic University of America in 1997. His work in the field of Library Science has included serving as Librarian of Capuchin College Friary, Washington, D.C., as well as a Curation Librarian in Special Collections at Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.. Before relocating to St. Tikhon’s, Brian and his wife Katherine were long standing members of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Baltimore, Maryland, where he served as Choir Director for almost 20 years.
In taking up this position, the entire St. Tikhon’s Seminary community wishes Brian all the very best in his new role as Library Director, and many blessed years.
His Grace Dr. Abraham Mar Seraphim, Metropolitan of the Diocese of Bangalore of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, has ordained Geevarghese Melvin Mathai to the Holy Order of Sub-Deacon (Yaupadiakono) as per the request of His Grace Dr. Zacharias Mar Aprem, Assistant Diocesan Metropolitan of the South-West Diocese of America.
The Holy Ordination took place at St. Gregorios Orthodox Church of India, South Florida on January 15th, 2022.Deacon Melvin Mathai is the son of Mathai Varghese and Omana Mathai, originally from Thiruvalla, Kerala and their home parish is St. Gregorios Orthodox Church of India, South Florida.Deacon Melvin completed his theological education at St. Tikhons Orthodox Theological Seminary. South Cannan, Pennsylvania in 2021.
The great feast of Theophany was celebrated with joy on Thursday, January 6, at the Diocesan Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral. Archbishop Paul of Chicago and the Midwest presided over services for the feast. His Eminence was joined by Priest Alexander Koranda, Cathedral Dean, Protodeacon Thomas Keith and Deacon Paul Garklvas.
Prior to the beginning of Divine Liturgy, His Eminence tonsured second year diocesan seminarian, Joseph Whittaker, as a Reader, and then ordained him to the Subdeaconate.
After the consecration of the Holy Gifts, the St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary student was led into the altar for ordination to the holy deaconate.
Following the Divine Liturgy, the Great Blessing of Water was held in the center of cathedral. At the conclusion of the blessing of the water, the entire temple, along with the faithful were blessed with the newly sanctified water. His Eminence presented gifts and addressed the newly ordained deacon and his family.
ARCHPRIEST STAVROS ROUSOS (Stevens H. Rousos) August 19, 1953 ~ January 3, 2022
The Very Rev. Archpriest Stavros Rousos, age 68, reposed in the Lord on (Monday) January 3, 2022. He was in retirement, while attached to St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Endicott, NY, where his son-in-law, Priest Matthew Smith is Rector. Father Stavros, named at birth Stevens H. Rousos, was born in Miami, FL, on August 19, 1953, to Stevens James and Patricia Ann (née Young) Rousos. While an infant, young Stevens was baptized at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Miami and received the name Stavros as his Christian name. He spent his teenage years in Paterson, NJ, graduating second in his class from John F. Kennedy High School in 1971. Upon graduation, Stevens received a Congressional Appointment to the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado. Cadet Rousos spent a year at the USAFA and received the Commandant’s Medal for military excellence. However, his strongest desire was to attend an Orthodox seminary and become an Orthodox priest. After receiving his Honorable Discharge from the Air Force in June 1972, Stevens began attending St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA, in September 1972. During his five-year seminary program, he was tonsured as a Reader with his baptismal name of Stavros on the Feast of the Protection, October 14, 1975. He was also active in student life and served as secretary in the OISM (Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement) organization. During his seminary years, young Stavros met the “love of his life'' and on May 1, 1977, he married Deborah Yurchak, daughter of the late Nicholas Yurchak, Jr. and the late Dorothy (née Gurka) Yurchak. Three weeks later he graduated from seminary and continued his employment at All Saints Russian Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA, as their choir director. The late Archbishop Kyprian of Philadelphia and Eastern PA ordained Reader Stavros to the Holy Diaconate on November 19, 1977, at Holy Ascension Church in Frackville, PA. On January 29, 1978, on the Feast of the Veneration of the Precious Chains of St. Peter, the Archbishop ordained Deacon Stavros to the Holy Priesthood in All Saints Russian Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA. Father Stavros was sent to his first parish in Feb. 1978: the Orthodox Church of St. Herman of Alaska in Shillington, PA. During their time in his first parish, the young couple was blessed with their first child, Nika Theodora. After guiding the parish to build an iconostasis for their church, he received his first ‘clergy award’ [the Nabedrennik] in May 1980. Shortly thereafter, Father Stavros was reassigned to St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Stratford, CT where he would remain for nearly twenty years. In this new parish, they were blessed a second time with the birth of another daughter, Kyra Katerina in 1983. Father Stavros and Matushka Deborah were very active in the life of their parish. Sensing how the cultural background of their parish could prove to be beneficial, they encouraged the Sisterhood to change the “Plant Sale” to a “Plant & Bake Sale” and eventually added Russian and other ethnic foods to the menu. The success of adding an ‘ethnic’ flavor also encouraged the Church School to have a “Russian Day: an Ethnic Picnic” in September with an emphasis on Russian food, songs, and dances. The Yolka plays were another avenue where Father Stavros and his talent of encouragement were a great success. We are sure Father Stavros thanks the staff writers of the several plays performed by our young people. Under the guidance of Father Stavros, the parish had a project in 1988 to commemorate the 1,000 years of Orthodox Christianity in Rus’. New Icons for the Iconostasis were written in Jordanville which spiritually uplifted the community. In addition to the new icons, a very large cross and a stone monument in the church gardens memorialized this celebration of the Millenium. Because of his dedication to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), which the parish and Father Stavros joined in 1984, he received several ecclesiastical “awards” or elevations: the right to wear the purple Skuffiya, then the Kamilavka, the Gold Cross, the elevation to Archpriest, the right to wear the Palitza, the Jeweled Cross, and toward the end of his life: the Mitre. Father Stavros received all of the awards directly from our beloved bishop: His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of ROCOR. During the 1990s, Archpriest Stavros wrote and printed two books: “An Altar Server’s Manual” and “A bilingual Divine Liturgy” booklet. Both books were widely welcomed and the project was deemed successful. From 2003 to 2006 Father Stavros served the St. Euphrosynia Belarusian Greek Orthodox Church, South River, New Jersey. This was a brief but wonderful assignment. Many parishioners grew to love and respect Father Stavros, especially the children. The parish sponsored two outstanding events to honor the priest. First, a surprise party for his 50th birthday, and second, a festive banquet honoring the 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Father Stavros to the Holy Priesthood. The parish and its organizations were very generous to help sponsor Fr. Stavros to make a pilgrimage to Belarus. While there he became more acquainted with the language and costumes of the Belarusian people. He also made many new friends, among them the clergy of the Church of Belarus. A high point in his pilgrimage was an audience with the ecclesiastical head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, His Eminence, Metropolitan Filaret (+2021). The last few years of Father’s life have been very difficult. He had a fall which caused considerable damage to his right leg. As a result, in the beginning, he needed a cane and then a walker in order to walk. With time the leg deteriorated and by 2015 he had become completely bedridden. He sadly missed going to Church. Thankfully several parishes broadcast their services live on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings on the internet. Father Stavros was blessed to officiate at the marriages of both of his daughters: Mrs. Nika Frey and Matushka Kyra Smith. They gave him six grandchildren for which he was very proud: (in order) Xenia and Aemilia Smith, Trinity Frey, Micah Smith, Reznor (John) Frey, and Livia Smith. He is also survived by two sons-in-law: the Rev. Priest Matthew Smith and Mark Frey. All services will take place in St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Endicott, NY with Priest Matthew Smith, Rector, officiating concelebrating with guest clergy. The Rite of the Burial of a Priest will take place on Tuesday, January 11 followed the next morning with the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Fr. Matthew and guest clergy. Interment will follow in Saint Michael Orthodox Cemetery in Jermyn, PA. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the family for the grandchildren’s education. The Barber Funeral Home is in charge of all arrangements.
Deacon Anthony Saunders Ordained A Priest - 01/01/22
On Saturday, January 1, 2022, Deacon Anthony Saunders was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Archbishop Paul, at Holy Ascension Orthodox Church, in Albion, Michigan. It was a great blessing for Fr. Anthony, Matushka Martha, and their daughters Anna and Emilia to be able to travel to Michigan to share the joy of this day with their home parish. Family members as well as friends from the St. Tikhon's community came to give their support. Concelebrating with His Eminence were Archpriest Joshua Frigerio, Protodeacon John Wesner, and Deacon Justin Jackson. A festive meal followed the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Fr. Anthony served Great Vespers that evening and Divine Liturgy the next morning at Holy Ascension. The Saunders family then returned to St. Tikhon's, where Fr. Anthony concelebrated at Theophany services in the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Fr. Anthony is a third year seminarian from the Diocese of the Midwest.
By Courtesy of Priest Anthony Saunders (STOTS, Class of 2022)
Several Ordinations in Our Third-Year Class - 01/01/22
St. Tikhon's Seminary is excited to announce three ordinations last weekend, and one more this past weekend. All four of these men are in the third year of seminary at St. Tikhon's, and are looking forward to graduating this May and heading out to parishes in the West, South, and Midwest.
Here at the monastery, our beloved metropolitan celebrated a double ordination just the day after Nativity: Paul Hamner to the diaconate and Ignatius Strange to the priesthood. Both Deacon Paul and Priest Ignatius are from the Diocese of the West, and it is somewhat fitting that they be ordained together, since they will be serving together in the same diocese.
During that same Sunday service, but down in the cathedral in Dallas, Texas, their classmate, Maximus Gibson, was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Gerasim. Father Maximus is gathering wonderful experience serving daily liturgies in parishes in the North Texas area, including the parish from which he came, in Denton, Texas.
Then, only one week later, back in Michigan, another classmate, Anthony Saunders, was also ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Paul.
We are looking forward to seeing these new deacons and priests serving here at the monastery for a few months as they prepare for service to Christ's Church in local parishes across the country.
On Friday, December 26, 2021, Deacon Maximus Gibson was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop Gerasim of the Diocese of Fort Worth at St. Seraphim Cathedral in Dallas, Texas.
Father Maximus was accompanied by his wife, Matushka Michelle Gibson, and daughter Magdalena as well as extended family and friends from his home parish of St. Maximus the Confessor Orthodox Church in Denton, Texas. Father Maximus was led around the Holy Altar by his longtime Father Confessor, the Archpriest Justin (Frederick) of Denton, Texas.
As a former parishioner of St. Maximus, Father Maximus faithfully helped his parish, serving on the Church Council and doing everything he could to advance the ministry of the Church. He involved himself intensively in the services of the Church, and fervently read the early morning Matins services during the week with Father Justin.
Father Maximus was able to leverage his knowledge of the services at St. Tikhon’s, helping to guide and teach less experienced seminarians. He is known for his patience, depth of thought, and cardigan sweaters.
Memory Eternal to Archpriest Michael Macura - 12/18/21
Very Rev. Edward Michael Macura, age 67, of Stratford, passed away on December 18, 2021, in St. Vincent's Medical Center, Bridgeport. Fr. Michael was born in Bridgeport on October 4, 1954, to the late John and Katherine (Bradac) Macura and was a longtime area resident. He was a graduate of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Seminary and Marywood University. Fr. Michael was a Major in the United States Army for 20 years and served as a Chaplain. He was deployed to Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield. Following his military service, he was the Rector of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Silver Lane, Stratford, for 17 years.
Archpriest Igor R. Soroka, 96, peacefully fell asleep in the Lord on December 18, 2021 in Monongahela, PA. He was born April 1, 1925 in McKees Rocks, a son of the late Archpriest Gregory and Matushka Anastasia Soroka.
After graduating from Charleroi High School, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Duquesne University, Father Igor served as a choir director at several Orthodox parishes before he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in Sept. 1959. He served his entire ministry as a parish priest at Saint Nicholas Church in Donora, PA, starting from December 1959 to his retirement in July 2017.
Every year, new seminarians look in amazement on the pile of gifts bought and delivered for them and their children. Upperclassmen, who already know of the incredible generosity and love poured out on seminarians, are equally humbled by the continued concern shown, especially for the children here at the seminary. The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA), along with other individuals and parishes across the country, are especially generous in the Christmas season. This past Christmas is no different.
Attending seminary at St. Tikhon's is usually a "financially humbling" experience. When it was founded, the monastery was intentionally built in a relatively isolated location, meaning that the seminary is, still today, rather removed from most jobs, and that is on top of the difficulty of a seminarian or a spouse holding a job on top of tending to school and family needs. Life was simpler when most seminarians were young, single men, but now the majority are couples and families, meaning, it is that much harder to leave everything and come to seminary.
There are many generous gifts given to the seminary, gifts that help those families make it through seminary financially. These Christmas gifts given by FOCA and others, are a different kind of gift. With these gifts, seminarians and their families receive encouragement and emotional support; they receive love.
After collecting Christmas lists for the children, and many dozens of people spending their time to go out and shop, then the gifts were wrapped and personally delivered to the seminary. Normally, we have a big celebration on the eve of Saint Nicholas Day, but this year with a large number of the seminarians traveling with the seminary choir that same weekend, we moved the celebration to December 12th. It was a wonderful opportunity for seminarians and their families to come together, enjoy food together, get a Christmas stocking full of goodies from the seminary community, and to go home with more gifts than they ever could have imagined. The smiles on so many children's faces are the thanks that we have to give to all of you who gave your time, effort, and love to us.
A hearty, smiley-faced, thank you to FOCA and all the churches and individuals who help make Christmas such a wonderful time for our children.
Nathanael Belt's Ordination to the Holy Diaconate - 12/09/21
St. Tikhon's is anxiously looking forward to this next month and the number of ordinations that are expected to take place. The first, and certainly the furthest from the grounds of St. Tikhon's, is of Nathan Belt, who was ordained to the diaconate on Kodiak Island, Alaska, in the chapel of St. Herman's Seminary there. He is a second-year seminarian here at St. Tikhon's, but is planning on serving in the Diocese of Alaska after graduation, and was thus ordained by the Locum Tenens of Alaska, Bishop Alexis.
Upon ordination, the newly-ordained returned to his original baptismal name, being ordained Deacon Herman. There could be no more fitting place to be given the name Herman than right there on Kodiak Island, and venerating the very relics of our beloved wonderworker, St. Herman of Alaska.
Also visiting at the same time was Archbishop Michael, our own seminary rector. One of Dn. Herman's first liturgies to serve was with Bishop Alexis and Archbishop Michael concelebrating, a beautiful picture of the communion between two opposite ends of the Orthodox Church in America and among its seminaries.
In just over a year since COVID, St. Tikhon’s Missionary Choir had its first choir mission trip at the beginning of December 2021. The group was small, consisting of only five seminarians—a quintet. Also traveling with the seminarians were the Dean of the Seminary and the miracle-working icon of St. Anna. On a Friday, we left South Canaan from the northeastern part of Pennsylvania for Ellwood City, the western tip of the same state. We made our first stop at the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration, initially founded by the former Princess Ileana of Romania in the 1960s. The nuns were very hospitable, “killing us” with their kindness and generosity. We sang “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” which, in turn, they sang for us a few of their hymns.
On Saturday morning, our next stop was the parish St. Innocent the Apostle in Olmsted Falls, Ohio. The current rector for St. Innocent is a recent graduate of St. Tikhon’s, the Reverend Peter Simko. The church was practically built, with a simple but beautiful wood interior. At least 60 to 70 people were in attendance, robust for a Saturday morning. We processed with the icon of St. Anna to the middle of the church and sang the Divine Liturgy for the parish. Each of the seminarians was invited to talk about themselves and their experience being at St. Tikhon’s. Again, like the nuns, the parish was very gracious and kind.
Our next stop was supposed to be to the church Ss. Peter and Paul in Lorain, Ohio, however, the rector tested positive for COVID. This unexpected turn of events forced us to improvise. Instead of singing Great Vespers and singing an evening concert at the Church in Lorain that Saturday night, we did a private Vespers for our house patrons and did an ad hoc live-stream concert afterward.
Because of the rector of Ss. Peter and Paul tested positive for COVID, our plans for singing the Divine Liturgy Sunday morning were canceled. With the quick thinking of our Dean, we secured singing a Divine Liturgy at the Holy Ghost Church in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, presided by the rector, the Very Reverend Willam Evansky. Fr. Bill, as the rector liked to be called, was incredibly gracious and accommodating for us. The parishioners were very receptive and donated generously to the Seminary.
And thus concluded our first mission choir trip since the start of COVID. It was a wonderful and instructive time. The experience of “missionizing” through the beauty of singing for the sake of raising funds for the Seminary is a humbling one, in the positive sense. The lengthy drive and the potential difficulties of a road trip provide time for bonding between us, strengthening our sense of brotherhood and community. We are all looking forward to the next choir mission trip.
Metropolitan Hilarion Visits St. Tikhon's - 11/13/21
14 November 2021, South Canaan, PA - St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Monastery and Seminary were blessed to host His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Volokolamsk. Joining Metropolitan Hilarion in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the monastery church was our own metropolitan, His Beatitude, Tikhon, Metropolitan of All America and Canada.
After the the liturgy, Metropolitan Tikhon presented Metropolitan Hilarion with an icon and relic of St. Nikolai of Zhicha, as well as relics of St. Hilarion the Great, St. Isaac the Syrian, and St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. Metropolitan Hilarion presented His Beatitude with a beautiful panagia to commemorate the occasion.
Later, Archimandrite Sergius was pleased to give Metropolitan Hilarion a tour of the monastery grounds, including a tour of the recently renovated Music and Arts Center.
The Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Archpriest John Parker made the following remarks on this historic occasion: “It was our sincere joy to welcome His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, to St Tikhon's for his first-ever visit to America's First Orthodox Monastery and St Tikhon's Seminary. As we toured the seminary's administrative hall, he reflected on the many years of personal connections he has and has had to the primates and rectors of St Tikhon's. It was indeed also a blessing to enjoy pastoral conversations with His Eminence, as we discussed matters of concern which cross all borders."
St. Tikhon's Founder's Day Lecture, October 14 - 10/04/21
Dear All,
Please see the attached flyer, and please share it and post it.
Our Annual Founder's Day October Lecture will be held in the Convocation Hall on Thursday, October 14, at 7:00pm. All students are expected in person, excepting those with a blessing in advance.
This matter, unfortunately, is not dying a quick death, and Dr Nash is a sane and competent voice. The Board of Trustees will be joining us this year for the Lecture.
Families and other members of the Local Community are welcome to attend in person, subject to COVID concerns on that day. The Lecture will be live-streamed and recorded.
Yours in Christ, Fr John
The flyer for St. Tikhon's Founder's Day Lecture can be found HERE.
Priest Ignatius Gauvain Awarded the Kamilavka - 09/08/21
On September 8, 2021, the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon awarded the kamilavka to Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
The Liturgy was concelebrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and His Grace Bishop Alexis of Bethesda, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska. Serving with them were Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, and Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, along with other priests and deacons. In bestowing the award upon Fr. Ignatius, His Beatitude commended him for his years of service in the Holy Priesthood and for his tireless work and effort given to St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Congratulations and many years to Fr. Ignatius, who is truly worthy of this award. Thank you for your labors of love that help make possible the continuing formation of servant leaders in Christ’s Church. AXIOS!
With the start of a new school year, it is our pleasure to welcome a new class of students onto the campus of St. Tikhon's Seminary. It is a larger class than we have seen in a while, and they come from a variety of backgrounds, regions, and sets of experience. Also, as we begin a somewhat normal school year, after the disruption of quarantining and online schooling, we look forward to continuing long-held traditions of St. Tikhon's, while taking this unique opportunity to adapt the school to our ever-changing world.
This year, we welcome: Micah Breland and his wife Rachel, MK Chang and his wife Doris, Phillip Dage, John Easo, Gregory Fedorchak and his wife Christina, BenjaminGarcia, his wife Casey, and their children, Jordan Kingery, his wife Vanessa, and their children,Reader Damian Kulp, his wife Lilliana, and their child, Caleb Lewis and his wife Tabitha, Basali Mathew and his wife Shawny, Nicola Nunu, Michael Pak and his wife Carlyn, Timothy Paproski and his wife Hailey, Reader Kevin Pimpinelli, Deacon Ambrose (Charles) Powell and his wife Margaret, Reader Seraphim (Josh) Robertson, his wife Lena, and their children, Mark Solomon and his wife Alana, Mark Tiitinen, Luke Wagner, Jonathan York, his wife Korrine, and their children, Jacob Zawatski and his wife Olivia.
Tomorrow at 1:30 PM ET/12:30 PM CT, Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, hosts Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash, M.D., M.A. in a discusstion about COVID and the vaccines. Dr. Nash will discuss, from the bioethical perspective, as a faithful Orthodox Christian and Physician, the nuances of the vaccines and their relationship to medicine in general. Expect an hour packed with accurate medical information and clear explanation COVID, vaccinations, and the complexities involved in it all. A limited number of questions will be taken live.
Cody Vest's Ordination to the Holy Diaconate - 08/22/21
On August 22, 2021, at Saint Mary Orthodox Church, in Wilkes-Barre, PA, His Grace Bishop Thomas of the Antiochian Archdiocese ordained our second-year seminarian Subdeacon Kristopher (Cody) Vest to the Holy Diaconate, and gave him the name, Ephraim.
Serving together with Bishop Thomas were Father George Alberts (pastor of Saint Mary’s), Father David Hester (former pastor of Saint Mary’s and former professor at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary), Father John Parker (Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary), and Father David Hyatt (assistant pastor of Saint John Chrysostom Orthodox Church, in York, PA). Joining them in attendance were Deacon Ephraim’s wife Erin and their six daughters, his parents and in-laws, many of his classmates, and the whole parish of Saint Mary’s.
Parish assignments are an integral part of the Antiochian seminary formation. For the past year, Deacon Ephrem has served under the guidance of Father George at the richly historical church of Saint Mary’s, which was established by one of the founders of Saint Tikhon’s – Saint Raphael of Brooklyn, the Patron Saint of the Antiochian Archdiocese in North America.
The Saint Tikhon community shares in the joy of all the assembled witnesses, acclaiming, “He is Worthy! Mustaheq! Axios!”
In Memoriam: Archpriest Michael Koblosh - 08/18/21
The Mitred Archpriest Michael Koblosh, son of the late Michael and Mary Koblosh of Yonkers, NY, fell asleep in the Lord on the morning of August 18, 2021.
Archpriest Michael Koblosh was baptized in Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY and, from his earliest years, was an altar server who learned church Slavonic and liturgics from the Right Reverend Mitered Protopresbyter Joseph J. Pishtey, first Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, (formerly The Metropolia). Father Michael’s Orthodox worldview was shaped at Holy Trinity Church, where he was raised and which had been consecrated by Bishop Tikhon who later became Patriarch of Russia.
Upon graduation from Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in 1964, Father Michael advanced his studies by pursuing and receiving a Master of Divinity Degree at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Father Michael took advanced Russian courses at New York University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree majoring in Philosophy from Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. Father Michael was deeply influenced by the preaching and writings of Protopresbyter Father Alexander Schmemann. Father Michael taught Liturgical Theology at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, and also taught philosophy at the college level.
Metropolitan Tikhon to discuss the 20th AAC - 07/26/21
On Wednesday, July 28, at 7:00 PM ET, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon will be hosted by Archpriest Thomas Soroka to discuss and formally announce the 20th All-American Council which will take place in Baltimore, MD on July 18-22, 2022. His Beatitude will address various aspects of the All-American Council and will introduce the theme as approved by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America. His Beatitude will also entertain questions which can be submitted through the comments section.
Bishop Alexis Ordains Priests on Mount Athos - 07/25/21
His Grace Bishop Alexis, Bishop of Bethesda, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska and of the brotherhood of St Tikhon’s Monastery, was the first OCA bishop to ordain several fathers on the Holy Mountain of Athos to diaconal and priestly orders during the month of July 2021. The Holy Monastery of Karakallou.
Memory Eternal to Protostavrophor Adam Yonitch - 07/13/21
Protostavrophor Adam Yonitch, Jr., Lt. Col. USAFR, 70, of Hempfield Township, died Sunday, July 11, 2021, in Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg. He was born April 27, 1951, in Latrobe Hospital, a son of the late Adam Sr. and Irene (Bilky) Yonitch, grandson of the late Janko and Martha (Baltich) Yonitch. He graduated from Franklin Regional Junior-Senior High School in 1970, and from St. Tikhon’s Russian Orthodox Seminary in South Cannan, PA in 1975. He also received a Master of Science in religious studies from Marywood College in Dunmore, PA. He married his wife, Roberta Lee Bazala, on May 8, 1976, at Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngwood. He was ordained Deaconate at St. Sava Cathedral in Parma, OH by Bishop Sava, ordained to the Holy priesthood at Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngwood. He then studied under Fr. Nenad Resonovich before being assigned to his first parish. He was an Air Force veteran, accepted as equal to MS Divinity and commissioned as the first American-Serbian Orthodox Chaplain in the United States Air Force. During his time in the Air Force, he had served at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX, Ramstein AFB, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Wright Patterson, Dayton, OH, and FE Warren Cheyenne, Wyoming. Fr. Adam served the Serbian Orthodox community from his ordination in 1976 until his retirement in 2016, during which he served at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, Carmichaels, PA, Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church, Youngwood, St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Johnstown, Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church, Lebanon, PA, as well as serving during active duty, the Moshannon Valley Corrections Prison Chaplain, and substituted for parishes when necessary. Roberta and Adam enjoyed traveling to Disney and going to new places to eat. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister and brother-in-law, Joanne and James Keating. He is survived by his wife of 45 years, Roberta Lee (Bazala) Yonitch; his son, SPC Damian Yonitch (Wendy), of Somerset; and his daughter, Mira Yonitch (Nelson), of Dawson. He was Djedo to his four grandchildren, Mercedes, Zander, Zoey, and Reavyn Arianna, who were his entire world. He is also survived by his brother-in-law, John J. Bazala (Rebecca), of Rillton; sister-in-law, Donna Madrashin, of Adamsburg; and several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. Friends will be received from 2 to 6 PM Tuesday at Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church, 24 N. 3rd Street, Youngwood where a burial service will begin at 6 PM with His Grace Bishop Irinej officiating. Liturgy and interment will begin at 10 AM Wednesday in Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church, Youngwood with Fr. Rumen Stoychev and guest clergy officiating. Interment will follow in Twin Valley Memorial Park, Delmont with Full Military Honors accorded by the American Legion, Post 981, South Greensburg Honor Guard.
Bishop Alexis Makes Visit to Mount Athos - 07/10/21
On Saturday, July 10, with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Alexis of Bethesda, locum tenens of the Diocese of Alaska, began an extended visit to his former monastery, the Sacred and Stavropegial Monastery of Karakallou on Mount Athos. His Grace is visiting with the blessing of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and at the invitation of Elder Philotheos, Abbot of the monastery.
Elder Philotheos and the brotherhood formally received His Grace and his entourage upon their arrival at the doors of the monastery and processed into the Catholikon where a Doxology was served.
His Grace Bishop Alexis made this visit chiefly so that he could preside at the liturgical celebrations for Saints Peter and Paul, the main feast of the monastery. The celebration of this feast followed the Athonite order for a panegyric service and began Sunday evening, July 11, and ended mid-morning on Monday, July 12, the day of the feast. After the festive meal, Bishop Alexis offered a sermon to the monastics, distinguished guests, and pilgrims who had gathered at the monastery for the feast.
Deacon Sergey Kakorin Ordained a Priest - 07/04/21
On July 4th, 2021, Deacon Sergey Kakorin was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop Alexis of Bethesda, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Sitka and all Alaska. Father Sergey graduated from Saint Tikhon’s Seminary with a Master’s in Divinity, class of 2021. Father Sergey’s family, including Matushka Irina, daughters Daria, Anastacia, Anna and son Matthew were present for the joyous occasion.
St. Tikhon's Launches a Residential Music Program - 07/01/21
July 1, 2021 [South Canaan, PA] — Saint Tikhon’s Monastery is pleased to announce the fall 2021 launch of a new residential Music Program. The Saint Tikhon’s Residency in Music provides comprehensive training for Orthdox church music leaders amidst the rich and demanding liturgical life of America’s oldest Orthodox monastery. Residents receive both classroom training and on-the-job experience under the expert guidance of the members of St. Tikhon’s Monastery music staff as well as nationally renown guest faculty.
The Music Program is a combination of monthly topical weekend workshop intensives and residency training. The weekend intensives are open to the public, starting Friday evenings and ending Sunday afternoons. Non-resident participants may choose to attend one, several, or all of the weekend intensives. Techniques and skills are presented and briefly coached in the weekend intensives. Residents are then given the opportunity to implement the techniques and skills presented in the intensives as leaders-in-training of services and ensembles at St. Tikhon’s Monastery.
Weekend Intensive topics include: Conducting Technique, Music Theory & Score Analysis, Vocal & Ensemble Technique, How to Train Beginner Musicians, Choral Literature & Church Music History, Composing & Arranging, Ensemble Administration, and the Memorial Day Pilgrimage Festival Choir.
Residency training includes: the 8 Tones, Order of Service, Ear Training, Keyboard Skills, Spirituality, Finale! software, Composition class, Vocal Performance class, Conducting class, Service & Rehearsal Prep coaching, Sacred Music Seminar, and Spirituality.
Residents will also have the opportunity to contribute to the many exciting musical projects happening at St. Tikhon’s including the Grammy-nominated Saint Tikhon Choir, the St. Tikhon’s Music Resource online music catalogue, the arrangement of new settings of hymnography, and the publication of new music collections.
The program begins in October 2021 with the first weekend intensive. Entrance exam, auditions, and admissions interviews will occur during weekend intensives. To be put on the mailing list and be kept up to date on program news and registration information email the directors at
On July 1, 2021, Deacon Jacob Ramsey was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Archbishop Michael of New York and the Diocese of New York and Jersey and rector of our Seminary at Saints Peter and Paul Church in Endicott, NY. Co-serving with His Eminence were Mitred Archpriest Joseph Lickwar, Chancellor of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, Archpriest Alexey Karlgut, parish rector and Dean of New York State, Archpriest Wiaczeslaw Krawczuk, Dean of New York City, Archpriest Gary Breton, Dean of New Jersey, Archpriest David Cowan Vice-Chancellor of the Diocese and a multitude of clergy from the Diocese and various jurisdictions. A festive meal took place after the Liturgy.
Many years to the newly-ordained Priest Jacob, Matushka Anastasia, Stephen, Nicholas and John!
His Eminence, Archbishop Makarios of Kenya, the head of the Makarios III Seminary in Nairobi, Kenya--and hear about his amazing journey, starting at 20 years old, with St Sophrony of Essex.
Fr MP George, a most humble and joy-filled priest of the Indian Orthodox Church, who teaches at the Seminary in India, as well as at St Tikhon’s.
Fr Paul Siladi, a delightful Romanian Orthodox priest, who teaches Missiology (Mission) on the Faculty of Theology at the University in Cluj, Romania.
Dr Jeffrey and Karen MacDonald--OCMC Missionaries in Albania. Dr Jeff teaches Church HIstory at Shen Vlash, the seminary in Durres, Albania.
Fr John Chakos, OCMC Missionary in Guatemala--with the most intriguing stories about the Orthodox Seminary in Guatemala, way, way out in the country.
Fr Teemu Toivonen, who teaches Pastoral Theology on the Orthodox Faculty in Joensuu, Finland.
Fr Bassam Nassif, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, St John of Damascus Orthodox Institute at the University of Balamand, Lebanon.
Hear the beautiful stories of these dear Orthodox Christians. Enrich your life by learning about the joys and struggles where they serve. Experience the interconnectedness of Orthodoxy across the globe.
If you are already a Sustainer of St Tikhon's (giving an automated, monthly gift to St Tikhon's)--Thank you!
If you are not:
Please become one right now. It will not take more than a few minutes of your time. A few minutes to be one on whom we can count to help form priests for the Orthodox Churches!
153 starts with 1.
We are casting our net onto the other side of the boat, hoping to "catch" 153 additional sustainers, with the coming feast of the Holy Apostles, through whom Jesus is drawing the world into His net.
Sign up now, and I'll send you a download--a beautiful song written and recorded by our dear friend and award-winning actor and recording artist, Jonathan Jackson.
To all who are already generous donors and faithful Sustainers, thank you all!
Yours gratefully in Christ,
Fr John
PS we need your help TODAY to reach our goal this week. Please do so HERE.
On June 29, 2021, on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Dn. Jeremy McKemy was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at St. Seraphim Cathedral in Dallas, TX by the hand of newly consecrated Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth.
The Feast was characterized by true apostolic joy and brotherly love, with concelebration by brother hierarchs from across the Orthodox Church in America, as well as other hierarchs from the wider Orthodox world. The Liturgy was presided over by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon with brother concelebrants His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of the Church of Georgia; His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West; His Eminence Archbishop Melchisedek of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania; His Eminence Archbishop Alexander of Dallas and the South; His Eminence Archbishop Paul of Chicago and the Midwest; His Grace Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa; His Grace Bishop James of Sonora of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia; and His Grace Bishop Andrei of Cleveland. In the Divine Liturgy, Archimandrite Gerasim (Eliel) was consecrated Bishop of Fort Worth, as an Auxiliary to His Eminence Archbishop Alexander of Dallas and the South. Dn. Jeremy was then ordained to the Holy Priesthood by Bishop Gerasim as the first ordination conferred through the grace of his episcopacy. It was a truly historic and unforgettable day which now marks the beginning of Priest Jeremy’s priestly ministry.
The following day, Priest Jeremy concelebrated his first priestly liturgy for the Feast of the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles at St. Barbara’s Orthodox Church in Fort Worth, in which Bishop Gerasim was enthroned as Bishop of Fort Worth.
Many years to the newly ordained Priest Jeremy McKemy and his wife, Matushka Mei Lei. AXIOS!
Jacob Ramsey's Ordination to the Holy Diaconate - 06/10/21
On June 10, 2021, on the Great Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, seminary graduate Jacob Ramsey was ordained by His Eminence Archbishop Michael of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and Rector of our Seminary. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and the diaconal ordination took place at Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Endicott, NY. A festive meal took place after the Liturgy.
Many years to the newly ordained Deacon Jacob, Matushka Anastasia, and to their sons Stephen, Nicholas and John!
It is with great excitement that we announce the ordination of Sergey Kakorin to the holy diaconate. Sergey was ordained during the Memorial Day Liturgy (5/31/2021) by His Beatitude, Met. Tikhon.
Sergey just graduated from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary two days before his ordination. Rather than immediately returning home to the West Coast, Sergey, his wife, and his children will spend the summer near St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery where he will receive further instruction and training as a deacon. God willing, later in the summer, he will be ordained to the holy priesthood.
Saint Tikhon’s Celebrates Class of 2021 Graduates - 05/29/21
On the evening of Friday, May 28, Saint Tikhon’s Seminary presented the beginning of its 2021 Commencement addresses online. With a prayer and welcome by the Dean, Father John Parker, and with a word of greeting from Michael Herzak, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the presentation began. Viewers were treated to an octet beautifully performing the Paschal hymn by former seminary rector, Saint Nicholai of South Canaan: Christ God is Risen! Let us Rejoice! Then, from Ireland, the Commencement Address was presented by Jonathan Jackson, a celebrated actor, author, and singer. Jonathan spoke about Christ at work within the lives of priests and other ministers of the Church, focusing his talk around the works of Saint Patrick, the Enlightener of Ireland. Referencing modern elders and Holy Fathers, Jonathan went on to dramatically emphasize the martyrdom that our life is centered upon, as Christ emptied Himself as a martyr for all creation. Jonathan inspired viewers to transform their suffering into something glorified and ultimately bound to God. Quoting the Patron of Ireland, Jonathan concluded that “‘this is the way we repay God for correcting us and taking notice of us: We honor and praise His wonders before every nation under heaven.’” He then challenged the graduating class to do just this.
Following the announcement of those students who were graduating with honors, the seminary’s Rector, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, offered encouragement to the graduates; recognizing that the world is mired in sin, His Eminence explained that servanthood to all--including the Lord--is the secret to success as Christian leaders in the fallen world. His Eminence zealously charged the graduating class to “pray faithfully, serve humbly, teach uncompromisingly, preach boldly, evangelize tirelessly, celebrate joyously, and love sacrificially,” imitating the Saints who have been a part of the Saint Tikhon’s community. Father John, after introducing the new format of the Tikhonaire, introduced His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, who offered the Presidential Address. As President of the seminary, His Beatitude exhorted the graduates to reflect on their experience in seminary in order to see how they have been prepared for their vocations ahead: “In order to truly know Christ, one must know oneself.” Each of the speakers offered prayers for the graduates, and Father John concluded with a reminder that the Lord commands that those whom He sends out are to make disciples of all nations.
Beginning on the morning of Saturday, May 29, a Primatial Divine Liturgy was served in the Monastery Church with two hierarchs, eleven priests, three deacons, numerous servers, a full choir, and a multitude of believers. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, a wonderful brunch was offered to all present, followed by the procession of the graduating class and the dais party into the seminary’s Convocation Hall to the singing of the Paschal Troparion. The in-person ceremony began with a Molieben served by His Beatitude and the newly-ordained Deacon Athanasios Kombos. And after a brief word of introduction from Father John Parker, the class valedictorian was offered the opportunity to speak. Reflecting on how his class had once been described as “sober,” Father Peter Simko discussed the importance of joy in sharing the Orthodox Christian Faith, emphasizing its necessity in living the Life of Christ. The ceremony continued with a presentation by Father Patrick Burns, the Alumni Association President, who conferred the “Alumnus of the Year” awards to Father Yaroslav Sudick, and to the late Father Nicholas Timpko of blessed repose. Next, Father David Hester was honored by the seminary on the occasion of his retirement; he was presented with a newly painted icon of Saint Tikhon of Moscow alongside his patron, King David. The commencement ceremonies concluded with closing words from His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, and His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, as well as the presentation of the Class of 2021 icon of Christ the True Vine by Ryan Miller, the student body president, and the presentation of a large icon of the calling of Saints Andrew and Peter to the school by Mitch and Jan Vanduyn. Following the conferral of degrees and a gift from Dr. David Ford to each student, a closing prayer gave way to celebrations among everyone in attendance. Congratulations to the STOTS Class of 2021! Many years!
By Priest Peter Simko, STOTS Graduate 2021
The Program of 79th Commencement Ceremony of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary can be found HERE.
St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary invites you to a 5-day interactive experience with the remarkably talented Anna Conomos, internationally renowned Storyteller and gifted communicator, to develop powerful communicat ion skills and learn to captivate your audience.
Learn the following:
The structure of a narrative + Creating atmosphere with effective use of props and space + Vocal dynamics and soundscapes + Powerful physicality and gesture Methods for delivery to captivate young and old + The camera as audience and the screen as a stage + Audience interaction techniques + Story films
Click HERE to register. Click HERE to see the flyer
In a world where true communication is being challenged, where many people have lost the art of listening and distractions abound, the need for effective and powerful communication and engagement is becoming ever more important. Being able to present, deliver, educate and perform in a way that is captivating, memorable and appealing to every age, background and ability is key to winning your audience, bringing your narrative or presentation to life and making it relevant in the here and now, speaking to heart of your listener, generating unity, inspiration and opportunities that you never imagined possible.
Anna’s practical, specialised training utilises powerful storytelling techniques and stimulating interactive exercises to develop virtual and in person performance skill sets that will allow you to engage and interact with the public, harness on-screen opportunities and overcome perceived limitations.
Continuing Education 2021
From the Housetops, or the Laptops: The Power of Narrative to Proclaim the Gospel, or An Intensive Course in Effective Communication in Our Digital Days
Two Daily Sessions, to relieve the vast time difference from coast to coast and from Greece, where our host will be.
In practically one day, nearly every Orthodox priest became a televangelist. Many teachers and professors needed to teach through a camera.
Practically every Summer Camp was moved online.
Our new situation requires Clergy, Professors and Teachers, Camp Directors, and others to learn an entirely new form of communication.
Before the Course: Participants will send a simple, a five-minute version of your 'story' i.e: sermon, bible story, presentation, Sunday school workshop, performance so that Anna can tailor the course to suit your particular needs. The story can be written, audio recorded or (even better) filmed! Just a simple mobile phone camera will suffice. Participants can send more than one story, the more variety the better! Please submit as soon as possible and no later than the first week of June to anna@
Seminary Opens Search for Library Director - 05/18/21
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary invites applicants for a full-time Director of the Saint Patriarch Tikhon Library. As a member of the Seminary Administration, the Director reports to the Dean of the Seminary, and Chairs the Seminary’s Library Committee. The Director also serves a member of other Committees as appointed by the Rector or Dean of the Seminary. A review of applications for this position will begin on 1 August 2021, with the position open until filled.
The Director of the Saint Patriarch Tikhon Library oversees the overall functioning of the Library and Information Services, partners with the Seminary Faculty to support the development of graduate-level research practices in Seminary students, as well participates in curriculum development activities. As an integral member of the teaching and learning community, the Director plays a creative role in fostering a climate conducive to supporting the teaching, learning, and scholarship of members of the community.
Individual responsibilities of the Director will include:
Providing for the quality and integrity of on-going Library services, including: acquisitions, cataloging, and circulation activities; Advising the Dean on the resource needs of the Library in the preparation of the Seminary’s annual budget; Leading the design, implementation, and assessment of Library policies, services, and programs; Supervising the development of the Library’s collections and services commensurate with the academic, research, and information needs of the Seminary community, as well as the Library’s other user groups; Supervising and coordinating the maintenance and development of the Seminary’s institutional archives; Providing resources and services to patrons of the Library; Promoting research services to faculty and students in support of the curriculum; Receiving all gifts to the Library and supervising their cataloging and use; Conserving the Library’s print and non-print media, equipment, and other information resources; Supervising and evaluating the quality and performance of voluntary library staff members and assigned student workers; Holding primary responsibility for strategic planning and accreditation review activities related to the Saint Patriarch Tikhon Library; Encouraging inter-library cooperation, and representing the Library in maintaining cooperative resource-sharing arrangements and consortial agreements with other academic institutions and libraries; Bringing such matters to the attention of the Dean that are appropriate and necessary to keep him fully informed, and to enable him to meet his responsibilities; and Performing other duties as assigned which are within the scope and nature of the position.
Due to the mission and purpose of the Seminary, the successful candidate must be a faithful member of the Eastern Orthodox Church and a regular and engaged participant in its sacramental life. Candidates applying for the position must also agree to support and advance the established mission and purpose of the Seminary, which can be found HERE.
Possession of an American Library Association (ALA) accredited Master’s degree either at the time of hire or within one academic year from the date of hire is required. Academic background in Theology or a related area is preferred.
Given the nature of the Seminary’s mission and purpose, the possession of academic study at an Orthodox institution of higher education within a candidate’s background is preferred, however is not required for consideration.
Possession of 3 to 5 years of progressively responsible experience in an academic library is preferred.
As noted above, a review of applications for this position will begin on 1 August 2021, with the position open until filled. Please submit a letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and a list of references to the Search Committee at
Position Status
Full-time administrative position, with health care and pension benefits. Salary commensurate with academic credentials and experience, with details available on candidate request. The Director may be eligible for concurrent appointment to the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor based upon academic qualifications and experience (i.e., the possession of an ALA approved Master’s degree as well as a second Master’s or Doctoral degree in Theology or a closely related area).
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is a tightknit community of Orthodox Faith and Learning nestled in the beautiful surroundings of the Pocono region of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Since its founding in 1938, St. Tikhon’s Seminary has dedicated itself to the spiritual, pastoral, liturgical, and academic formation of those who seek to serve the Orthodox Church in positions of either ordained ministry or lay leadership.
The Patriarch Tikhon Library is an in-depth collection of primary and secondary resources dedicated to supporting the aims, objectives, and mission of the Seminary; the scope of content of its Master of Divinity curriculum; and the needs of its Faculty, students, staff, and public research patrons. The Library’s print, non-print, and digital media holdings consist of approximately 50,000 items in the form of monographs and periodical titles.
Background Check
Any offer of employment will be contingent upon satisfactory completion of a background check, which will include a criminal history check. Please note that prior convictions, including felony convictions, will not necessarily bar an individual from employment, but each case will be examined separately.
Seminary Opens Search for Faculty Position - 05/18/21
The Faculty of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary invites men and women candidates to submit applications for a full-time position at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor of Dogmatic/Systematic Theology within the Seminary’s Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Program, with a starting date of 1 September 2022.
The successful candidate will offer graduate level courses in several areas that include: Foundations of Orthodox Dogmatic Theology; Cosmology; Christology and Anthropology; and Ecclesiology, Soteriology, and Eschatology. The successful candidate will also be responsible for the supervision and mentoring of students undertaking theses or senior honors projects in areas related to Dogmatic/Systematic Theology. In addition to teaching responsibilities, it is expected that the successful candidate will engage in ongoing scholarly publication, will be actively involved in institutional service in such areas as curriculum design, programmatic assessment, and institutional self-study through participation in standing faculty committees and working groups of the Seminary. Finally, it is understood that the successful candidate will be an active participant in the broader life of the Seminary community, taking part in convocations and formal events called together by the President, Rector, and/or Dean of the Seminary.
The Seminary seeks candidates who possess a broad knowledge of Orthodox Dogmatic / Systematic Theology, demonstrate sound teaching ability in engaging students within the classroom, as well as demonstrate the ability to conduct academic research within their discipline. As the Master of Divinity program is primarily aimed at forming individuals for pastoral ministry, the successful candidate must possess the ability to direct coverage of disciplinary subjects towards the goal of pastoral formation. The successful candidate must be a faithful member and engaged participant in the sacramental life of the Eastern Orthodox Church, as well as agree to support, advance, and embody the established ethos of the Seminary as articulated in its formative mission and purpose, which can be foundHERE.
Academic Qualifications
Position Candidates must either already be in possession of a terminal research doctorate (e.g., Ph.D.,Th.D., D.Phil., S.T.D., etc.) during the application process or will be in possession of a research doctorate at the time of hire. Given the nature of the Seminary’s mission and purpose, academic background from an Orthodox institution of higher education is desired, but not required for consideration.
Applications for this position must be received by 1 August 2021. Please submit a cover letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to the Search Committee at
Faculty Status
Assistant, Associate Professor, or Professor (Based upon previous professional experience and qualifications)
Full-time revolving three-year term appointment position, with health care and pension benefits. Salary commensurate with Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor rank, with salary information available upon candidate request.
About the Seminary
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is a tightknit community of Orthodox Faith and learning nestled in the beautiful surroundings of the Pocono region of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Since its founding in 1938, St. Tikhon’s Seminary has dedicated itself to the spiritual, pastoral, liturgical, and academic formation of those who seek to serve the Orthodox Church in positions of either ordained ministry or lay leadership.
Background Check
Any offer of employment will be contingent upon satisfactory completion of a background check, which will include a criminal history check. Please note that prior convictions, including felony convictions, will not necessarily bar an individual from employment, but each case will be examined separately.
Archpriest Nilus Lerro fell asleep in the Lord on Holy Wednesday afternoon, April 28, 2021, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, NY.
Ordained a deacon in 1971 and a priest in 1972, Father Nilus converted to Holy Orthodoxy in 2006. He served for a number of years as the Director of Student Life and Instructor at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
After his retirement from Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, Father Nilus was attached to the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection, Manhattan, NY, where he was an assistant to Archimandrite Christopher (Calin) until his health limited his activities. He continued on, however, as a father confessor to the parishioners of the Cathedral parish and several Orthodox clergy and faithful in the greater New York City area, until his recent move to an extended care facility.
Arvo Pärt’s New Choral Work at St. Nicholas' - 05/06/21
Arvo Pärt’s a cappella choral work, O Holy Saint Nicholas, will be premiered in New York City in the Fall of 2021.
The premiere will take place during the opening of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Ground Zero site, performed by Schola Cantorum and guest conducted by Benedict Sheehan (Grammy Nominated). The work was commissioned specially for this occasion by the Schola Cantorum and its founder and artistic director Nektarios S. Antoniou, who serves also as Archdiocesan Director of Culture & Principal Cantor at the National Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York.
The new choral work (lasting ca. 15 minutes) is based on the English text of a prayer from the Orthodox liturgy, taken from the troparion of the feast day of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Arvo Pärt has used this same text before – in the third part of his choral work Triodion and in Russian in Alleluia-Tropus, a work written for vocal ensemble.
Palm Sunday was all the more glorious this year. Not only were we celebrating the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem, but here at St. Tikhon's, we had the joy of witnessing the ordination of the seminarian Athanasios Kombos to the holy diaconate.
His father has visited several times during Nasi's time here at seminary, and was able to travel up and join in with an affirming "axios" for his son's ordination as well. The newly-ordained deacon's wife and boys were also present for this momentous next step for their family in the service of the Church, and we all pray they will enjoy many years of labors full of the grace and joy of Christ.
Dn. Athanasios and family are spending this summer down in his home diocese, the Diocese of the South, in an internship with Pr. Jason Foster at Nativity of Our Lord parish near Shreveport, Louisiana.
STOTS alumnus Protopresbyter Michael (Mihajlo) Doder, and his wife Protinica Zorka both died of COVID only eight days apart in December.
Be mindful, O Lord, of all those who have fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection unto eternal life, especially Father Michael Doder and Matushka Protinica Zorka; pardon all their transgressions both voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or deed or thought. Shelter them in a place of brightness, a place of verdure, a place of repose, whence all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled away, and where the sight of Thy countenance rejoiceth all the Saints from all ages. Grant them Thy heavenly Kingdom, and portion of Thine ineffable blessings, and the enjoyment of Thine unending life.
Archpriest John Chupeck, retired Rector of Saints Peter and Paul Church, Syracuse, NY, fell asleep in the Lord on February 10, 2021.
Father John was born on May 17, 1944 to John and Mary (Homisak) Chupeck in Simpson, PA. He is the middle of five children: two older sisters Pauline (Somple) and Dorothy (Kantor), younger brother (Archpriest Joseph), wife Ellen (Holowatch) and younger sister Irene (Govrusik).
Father John graduated from Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA in 1965. Metropolitan Ireney ordained him to the diaconate on December 19, 1966 and to the priesthood on December 25, 1966 at Protection of the Virgin Mary Cathedral, New York, NY. Father John was then assigned to Saint Michael’s Orthodox Church in Pueblo, CO. In 1969, he received a Bachelor of Arts from Colorado College. Later that year he was assigned to Saint Michael’s Orthodox Church in Old Forge, PA where he simultaneously served on the faculty at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary. In 1978 Father John served at Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Herkimer, NY, then transferred to Syracuse, NY.
Upon arriving in Syracuse, Father John was the associate pastor at Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church for 23 years and served at Saint Michael’s Orthodox Church as needed. Father John was appointed rector of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, Syracuse in 2001 and retired in September of 2020.
Fr. John Presides over Divine Liturgy at SVOTS - 03/22/21
At the invitation of Fr. Chad Hatfield, President of St. Vladimir's Seminary, Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's presided and preached on the Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Vladimir's Seminary's Three Hierarchs Chapel.
"I thank Him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because He judged me faithful, appointing me to His service." (1Tim 1:12)
By the grace of God, third-year seminarian, Shojil Abraham was ordained to the Holy Order of the Sub-Diaconate on Saturday, March 20th, by the hands of HG Zachariah Mar Nicholovos (Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese) at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY.
Guests included clergy from across the diocese, Very Rev. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and seminarians from both St. Vladimir and St. Tikhon seminaries.
The absence of Very Rev. Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Chor Episcopos, Vicar of St. Thomas Orthodox, was truly felt but the newly ordained sub-deacon was able to visit with our beloved Valiya Achen prior to the ordination service and receive his blessing. Achen was very much an integral part in the newly-ordained's upbringing and formation. While he wasn't able to join in person due to his health, we firmly believe his prayers were with Sdn. Abraham throughout the service and will be a fortress for him throughout his ministry.
Following the ordination service, was a public meeting under the leadership of HG Mar Nicholovos and Rev. Abey George, Assistant Vicar, St. Thomas Orthodox Church in Levittown, to congratulate and recognize the newly ordained Sub-Dn. Abraham. In their words of felicitation, both HG Mar Nicholovos and Fr. John reminded the newly ordained Sub-Deacon and all the faithful in attendance, on the importance of being a humble servant leader.
Mark Makarios' Ordination to the Holy Diaconate - 03/14/21
St. Tikhon's Seminary recently witnessed the ordination of one of it's second-year seminarians to the diaconate. Mark Makarios comes to us from the Antiochian Archdiocese. He and our other Antiochian students have regularly graced our seminary chapel with beautiful Byzantine melodies and enlightened our classrooms with a slightly different perspective on topics that are not easily solved, all reminders that the Orthodox Church is more diverse than any one culture, language, or parish.
Bishop Thomas of the Antiochian Archdiocese ordained Mark to the diaconate at St. Mary's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre on March 14th, 2021. Many of his classmates, our dean, Fr. John Parker, and Mark's wife, Marian, were able to join in the celebration of this newly-ordained deacon of the Orthodox Church, saying:
"You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit." (John 15:16)
By the grace of God, third year seminarian, Antonios Roby Antony was ordained to the Holy Order of the Sub-diaconate on Saturday, March 13th by the hands of HG Zachariah Mar Nicholovos (Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese) at St. Gregorios Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (Floral Park).
Guests included clergy from across the diocese, Very Rev. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and seminarians from both St. Vladimir and St. Tikhon seminaries.
Following the ordination service, was a short public meeting under the leadership of HG Mar Nicholovos and Rev. Gregory Varghese (Vicar of St. Gregorios) to congratulate and recognize the newly ordained Sub-deacon Antony. In their words of felicitation, both HG Mar Nicholovos and Fr. John reminded the newly ordained Sub-deacon and all the faithful in attendance, on the importance of being diligent stewards in the Lord's vineyard and the task of ministering to the needs of the Church in this country.
It is with great excitement that we announce the ordination of Subdeacon Maximus Gibson to the diaconate. The newly-ordained Deacon Maximus was ordained this past Sunday on one of the preparatory Sundays for Great Lent. He was thrown straight into the deep end: his first service was a Vigil to the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, and the Vigil service is a liturgical challenge. He is well prepared and learning fast.
It was particularly poignant to watch Deacon Maximus and his godfather, Deacon Michael Rehmet, who was serving at the ordination, exchange looks from time to time during the service. Any ordination is full of meaning and importance, but this one seemed to have a little extra something.
Looking on, also, were Deacon Maximus's wife, Michelle, and daughter, Madeline. We all were blessed to be able to join in this significant next step in the lives of the Gibson family as they continue to prepare for a life of service to Christ's Church.
Farewell to Dr. Boosalis, Professor of Theology - 03/09/21
On Tuesday, March 9, 2021, the seminary community was singing the Saint Tikhon’s blues
Whether they experienced him with or without the mustache, hundreds of seminary students have had the honor of studying theology under Dr. Harry Boosalis over the years, from Cosmology to Christology to Eschatology. While first-year seminarians might at first feel rather befuddled upon hearing Doctor Harry’s very first query (“Do you know Jesus?”), no student can walk away from his courses without a deeper appreciation for how precious man is in the sight of God, as well as a deeper appreciation for the professor himself.
Outside of class, Dr. Harry has always been ready to meet with students to discuss life in “NEPA,” a potential thesis idea, or their future pastoral ministries (“How are you gonna explain that to the yiayias in your parish one day?”). He has visited church communities to give clear and understandable presentations on Orthodox theology. And with his intimate connections to the monastic brotherhood of the Holy Monastery of Iveron, Dr. Harry has led a number of trips with both students and professors to Mount Athos (with pit stops in Thessaloniki to boot). Travelling alongside one of their favorite Greek professors, members of the Saint Tikhon’s community have had the opportunity to visit the Panayia’s Garden in preparation for ordination or other ecclesial vocations in the world. And even those students unable to visit Iveron—along with its cherished “Portaitissa” icon of the Theotokos—have nevertheless travelled a somewhat shorter distance with Dr. Harry to witness the streaming of the “Kardiotissa” icon of the Mother of God right here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
“Should we take a break? Let’s take a break— You know what? Let’s keep going…”
But Dr. Harry’s role in the community extends beyond his love for the Panayia and her Divine Child: he has been the headliner of countless extracurricular events in the community, starring as the bass guitarist for such bands as “the Clerical Errors” and “the Dogmatix.” The many children of Saint Tikhon’s have always been ready to get up and dance for the band’s renditions of classic Motown hits and Beatles tunes; likewise, the seminarians who have spent time playing or singing alongside Dr. Harry are usually quick to commit to reunion gigs, especially in order to promote the school to which Dr. Harry has devoted his many talents for decades.
“I don’t know… Is that what you believed in your former tradition?”
While those unforgettable one-on-one theology quizzes have certainly elicited fear and trembling for seminarians lax in note-taking, the familiar voice and gleeful laughter of Dr. Harry has always been a comforting sound (which is no doubt why some of his unique mannerisms have lovingly been emulated by portions of the student body throughout the ages...). Even in the various books authored by Dr. Harry, many of which have been published by the Monastery’s press, one can read his simple yet profound paragraphs—exploring the wisdom of modern Elders and the boldness of the Early Fathers—with his exact tone of voice in mind.
“You know what guys? Why don’t we save that for next semester? Is that okay?”
But, alas, the time has finally come for Dr. Harry to move on. Newly a citizen of Greece, the beloved professor leaves behind so many students and alumni, faculty and administration, friends and neighbors who will never forget how his efforts and his charm have enhanced their lives. The Saint Tikhon’s students celebrated him with a personalized concert dedicated to his love for music, and the graduating class even honored him with the prestigious Father Alexander Atty Service Award on Tuesday. He was also presented with heartfelt messages from all of his colleagues, not to mention a freshly composed icon of Saints Tikhon of Zadonsk and Tikhon of Moscow, alongside his own patron, the venerable Hieromartyr Haralambos. As Dr. Harry Boosalis steps down from his role at this school, we all wish him many blessed years and safe travels, and we sincerely pray that the Most Holy Lady might protect and shelter him all the days of his life.
Inaugural St. Nicholai Lecture at St. Tikhon's - 03/05/21
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
I am pleased to announce our First Annual St. Nicholai Lecture, scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 7:00-8:30PM.
The Lecture is the spring coefficient to the October St. Tikhon Lecture, and is to be scheduled each Spring, on or around March 18, the Feast of St. Nicholai.
Our inaugural lecture will be given by His Grace, The Rt. Rev. Irenej (Dobrijevic), Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern America of the Serbian Orthodox Church. His Grace is an alumnus of St TIkhon's. His Grace wrote his M.Div. Thesis on St. Nicholai, "Bishop Nicholai Velimirovich: A 1921 Mission to America."
The Lecture will be entitled, "St. Nicholai: His Last Years".
Students are expected in person for the evening. It will be livestreamed for the benefit of the wider world through our youtube and facebook pages.
Limited space is available for others. Please ask me directly.
Please mark your calendars to be present for March 23, 7:00-8:30PM.
In Memoriam: The Mitred Archpriest Daniel Ressetar - 01/21/21
The Mitred Archpriest Daniel D Ressetar fell asleep in the Lord on the morning of January 20, 2021. He was born March 28, 1927 in Edwardsville, PA to Archpriest Dimitri and Matushka Margarita Ressetar. He married Theodora (Prislopsky) in 1958. A graduate of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by Archbishop John (Garklavs) of Chicago and to the Holy Priesthood by Archbishop Dmitri (Magan) of Philadelphia in 1958. Father Daniel served parishes in Eastern Pennsylvania and as a United States Air Force Military Chaplain. Continuing in his family’s tradition, he was an accomplished church musician and singer. He was awarded the Saint Innocent Award (Silver Class) by the Holy Synod in 2003 and the Mitre in 2017. He retired in 2006 and remained active at Christ the Savior Church in Harrisburg, PA as pastor emeritus.
He is survived by his wife, Matushka Theodora, and his three sons, Nicholas, Gregory, and Alexander.
Alumnus and Former Academic Dean Awarded Mitra - 01/20/21
On the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Lord, 2020, the faithful of Saint Tikhon’s gathered to celebrate the birth of Christ, as well as to honor one of their own: Archpriest Daniel Donlick, a faithful priest of the Orthodox Church for over fifty-five years, was led by Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, and Archpriest John Parker, Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, to stand before His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. Father Daniel prostrated, arose, and bowed his head before the hierarch.
Current seminary students easily recognize Father Daniel from his role as the primary confessor at Sunday morning Liturgies and Presanctified Liturgies. Though COVID-19 has complicated things a bit, Father is nevertheless a familiar face. Walking into the Monastery Church before almost anyone else has arrived, the sound of his footsteps and his white cane--familiar signals of his presence--are almost as comforting as his joy-laden countenance and his greeting to everyone he encounters: “Glory to Jesus Christ!” Father Daniel has served as the spiritual father for a host of seminarians (past and present), but also for parishioners of the Monastery. They go to him knowing that, through his simple ministry, they will have a powerful experience of the Spirit. This is because they can see that Father Daniel has a genuine and pious soul, a soul that desires the Lord. By his counselling, Father conveys living hope to his spiritual children. He encourages each one of them lovingly. He speaks from the heart and he listens with a palpable concern and a focus that is unmistakable. Kneeling at the Panikhida table before the Gospel and the Cross, God’s healing presence and forgiveness are received--and Archpriest Daniel conveys it to each penitent with the prayer of absolution.
But Father Daniel’s ministry extends beyond this service to his spiritual sons and daughters. At the Little Entrance of the Christmas Liturgy, the Metropolitan took the opportunity to give a word of summary about Father Daniel’s contributions to the Church:
“It is my joy and honor to present to you this miter [...] in recognition of your fifty-five years of service as a priest, which you have offered--not only as a priest in the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, serving Olyphant and Jermyn, and being a significant contributor to the mission in Stroudsburg (which now is a thriving parish)--but above all to present this award to you here at the Monastery Church of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk in the midst of the communities that you have so faithfully served throughout your priesthood, especially as a professor, as the Registrar, and as the [Academic] Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, wherein you were instrumental in bringing the seminary to achieve [...] accreditation, both on the state level, and with the Association of Theological Schools. But above all, in whatever role you served, you were indeed a Father to those that you served, inspiring them to become good priests, deacons, and lay workers in the vineyard of our Lord. And since your retirement, you also continue that ministry as a confessor and spiritual father for many here in the Monastery Church, especially those who are here to serve as seminarians and are on the path to ordination. In all these things, Father Daniel, you have shown yourself to be full of Christ-like humility, of Christ-like love, and as Saint Paul instructs: you never gave milk, but you always gave solid food to those that [have] come to you for direction and guidance, including the Primate of the Orthodox Church of America, who is here because of your original encouragement to come to seminary and follow the Lord--and not to delay.”
His Beatitude was honored to present Father Daniel’s name to the rest of the Holy Synod as a potential recipient of the miter, the highest award for presbyters in the Orthodox Church in America. The Synod recognized Father’s worthiness and unanimously approved the bestowing of this dignity on Father Daniel. This priest, who has touched so many lives over the course of his vocation, is a 1965 graduate of the seminary he still ministers to as a beloved pastor, mentor, and friend. His myriad contributions continue, and the faithful ministry of the Mitered Archpriest Daniel Donlick, along with his wife, Matushka Dolores, will surely be felt for generations to come.
Memory Eternal! Archpriest James (Iakovos) Doyle, who served as the STOTS professor of Patristics and Old Testament from 1975 until 1979, fell asleep in the Lord this week. Please keep Father James and his loved ones in your prayers. Christ is Risen!
Visitation and Funeral Services will be at:
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
13631 S Brainard Ave, Chicago, IL 60633
Monday, Jan. 18, 2;00 to 9:00PM
Tuesday, January 19, 8:00AM
Interment Elmwood Cemetery, Hammond, IN
Due to Covid restrictions space is limited for funeral service on Tuesday, Jan 19th. Please contact 773-646-2999 by 5pm Sunday, Jan 17th to leave a message for a reservation and a member of the church counsel will call back to confirm.
Reader Anthony Saunders' Ordination to the Holy Diaconate - 01/14/21
At the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the feast of Holy Theophany (6 Jan. 2020), Reader Anthony Saunders was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, Bishop Alexis of Bethesda, locum tenens of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery.
Deacon Anthony is from the Diocese of the Midwest under his Eminence, Archbishop Paul. His wife and his two daughters were in attendance for this joyous occasion.
On the joyous feast of the Entrance of the Holy Theotokos (Nov. 21, 2020), Deacon Peter Simko was elevated to the Holy Priesthood as Presbyter Panayiotis. Father Peter was ordained by His Grace, Bishop Alexis of Bethesda, locum tenens of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery. He was joined by his family and the local seminary and monastery communities.
Father Peter is set to graduate in spring 2021 and plans to return to his home Diocese of the Midwest under His Eminence, Archbishop Paul.
Deacon Herman Garrison's Ordination to the Holy Priesthood - 01/05/21
Nativity is a time full of joy, but in such a trying year, it is wonderful to have the added joy of an ordination on Christmas. Recent St. Tikhon's graduate, Herman Garrison, was ordained to the priesthood on Nativity by Archbishop Alexander (Golitzin) in St. Seraphim Cathedral in Dallas. Also serving in the liturgy were Archimandrite Gerasim (Eliel), cathedral rector and Administrator of the Diocese of the South, Archpriest John Anderson (STOTS alumnus '95), Deacon Theophan Warren, and (a current seminarian of St. Tikhon's) Deacon Michael Rehmet.
Fr. Herman's family and some special guests were able to attend: his wife, Ruth, as well as his three daughters, Josephine, Catherine, and Anastasia, along with his parents Russell and Helen Garrison. Fr. Herman was sent to seminary by and will now be serving in St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church in Denison, whose long-time priest, Archpriest Michael Storozuk, reposed in 2018, while Fr. Herman was in seminary. Fr. Michael's wife, Matushka Patricia Storozuk, was also present, putting a beautiful and fitting "Axios" on Fr. Herman's ordination.
Fr. Herman says: "There are so many I could thank for all their wonderful support while journeying through seminary and preparing for this calling. Just a small few to mention are my family, my home parish of St. Paul, the Holy Nativity parish in Shreveport, Archpriest Daniel Donlick, and all those who interceded for us with their prayers. I am forever indebted to the kindness shown to us by Archbishop Michael, Archpriest Dionysius, and all the administration at St. Tikhon's seminary who gave us such peace as we labored at seminary. I am also grateful for my professors, teachers, and classmates who challenged me, encouraged me, and endured my short-comings. St. Tikhon's seminary and monastery will forever hold a special place in my heart for their guidance and care. I give thanks to God for all things and I am humbled to serve in this new frontier of Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma."
Priest Herman is currently serving the parish of St. Paul in Denison, Texas and is involved in assisting Archpriest John Anderson in aiding missions in Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma.
Holy Synod of Bishops issues Encyclical of Hope - 12/31/20
On Thursday, December 31, 2020, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has issued an encyclical entitled, “We Rejoice Even in Tribulation”: An Encyclical of Hope. The Holy Synod offers this work out of love and gratitude to its faithful at the end of this year. The Synod also intends for the encyclical to be seen as an encouragement for the year to come. In the encyclical, the Synod seeks to find meaning in the year that has past, which has been marked by a pandemic, political polarization, economic anxiety, and civil unrest, and calls the faithful to a renewed faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and service to one another.
Fr. John Kowalczyk's Milestone Anniversaries - 12/14/20
SOUTH CANAAN, PA – Today, St. Tikhon’s Seminary proudly celebrates the 45th Anniversary of Archpriest John Kowalczyk’s Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. Father John is the longest-serving adjunct faculty member of our theological school, teaching in the Department of Pastoral Praxis since 1987, and serving as Director of Field Education.
Father John is a graduate of St. Tikhon’s Seminary (1975), Marywood University (M.S. in Religious Education in 1981), and the Moscow Theological Academy (Candidate of Science in Theology in 1996).
He received full privileges for group psychotherapy from Fairview Hospital and Medical Staff in 1994, and serves as contract chaplain at S.C.I. Waymart’s Forensic Treatment Center, where he has completed over 7,500 Preliminary Religious Assessments on forensic inmates for the Treatment Team since 1987. Through his efforts, St. Tikhon’s seminarians are able to pursue semester internships in prison ministry at the S.C.I. Center in nearby Waymart as part of their field education.
He was recently appointed executive member of the Board of Directors of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, having previously served as secretary of the organization for ten years. He has traveled extensively throughout the country on behalf of OCPM, advocating for prison inmates in need of Christ and pastoral care. He has addressed the All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, the National Convention of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, and the Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, on behalf of OCPM.
He has been a guest lecturer at Drexel University’s College of Medicine for the past three years, and most recently presented a workshop at the Annual Forensic Rights and Treatment Conference, entitled “Exploring the Spiritual Dynamic of Healing When Working through Bereavement, Especially When Dealing with the Trauma of Death Notification for the Mentally Ill Inmate.” He has also guest lectured at Marquette University, Villanova University, and the University of Scranton.
He has written numerous articles on Prison Ministry and has been interviewed several times by Ancient Faith Radio regarding the work of prison ministry and the OCN. He has also produced numerous teaching videos on prison ministry, available on the official OCPM website.
The son of Walter, of blessed memory, and Zofia Kowalczyk, Fr. John was born in Dresdenko, Poland. He immigrated with his parents to the United States in 1958 and grew up in Yonkers, NY. He was married to the former Katherine Labick on October 12, 1975; she has worked together with him throughout his career, as Matushka in the parish, and bursar in the finance office at the Seminary. They are the proud parents of two children, Sophia (married to Robert Wolf) and Nicholas.
Father Kowalczyk was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on December 14, 1975 by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Ireney, of blessed memory, at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, New York. Over the next ten years, he served as an assistant priest at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN; rector of St. Mark’s Church in Wrightstown, PA; and rector of Assumption of the Holy Virgin Church in Philadelphia, PA.
On February 1, 1985, Fr. Kowalczyk was transferred to St. Michael’s Church in Jermyn, where he has faithfully served the large parish family there for the past 35 years. His pastorate in Jermyn has been marked by significant improvements of the church complex: an expansion of the temple, the addition of numerous beautiful icons, and the renovation of the parish hall, as well as monumental spiritual and numerical growth of the community.
Over these many years, he has shepherded diverse flocks of immigrants from overseas, native-born North Americans, and those who have chosen Holy Orthodoxy as the one, true Faith. He has been personally committed to the growth of each one of his sheep, leading them in “The Way” of Christ, and to the growth of the parishes and dioceses he has served, as well as the entire Orthodox Church in America.
During the past four decades of service in the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, he has served as Diocesan Chancellor to three hierarchs (Archbishop Herman, Archbishop Tikhon, and Archbishop Mark). He also worked from 1987 to 2005 as the Editor of the Eastern PA publication, Your Diocese Alive in Christ. During that time, he provided the “Interview with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church” and “Canonization of Fr. Alexis Toth by the Orthodox Church in America” in St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, and “The Millennium Pilgrimage” in The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Father John has been one of the earliest members and a long-time champion of Orthodox Christians for Life, the pro-life movement of our Church in this country. He has appeared on the national stage for decades and walked with hierarchs, clergy and laypersons alike in the annual “March for Life” in our nation’s capital almost every year. He has authored An Orthodox View of Abortion, published in 1977 by Light and Life Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, and he has also written numerous articles on the Sanctity of Life.
Additionally, he has served as the Guest Speaker at the Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black, and at the Annual Christianity Conference.
On the world scene, he represented St. Tikhon’s Seminary at the SYNDESMOS International Theological Conference in Poland (1989), Moscow (1992), and Finland (1998). He is the recipient of four prestigious awards: the Order of St. Mary Magdalene, presented by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Vasily of Poland, of blessed memory; the Jeweled Cross and the Order of St. Innocent, awarded by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America; and the Jeweled Cross, presented by His Holiness, Patriarch Alexis II of Moscow, of blessed memory.
An exemplary priest, an outstanding professor, and a loving pastor, Father Kowalczyk is best known for his teaching on “the ministry of presence” – the need for those in ministry to be present, to “be there,” for those in difficulty – to listen with one’s heart as well as one’s ears – and to offer the empathy of Christ, the Good Shepherd Who loves us more than we love ourselves.
In congratulating Archpriest John on his 45th Anniversary, Archbishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, lauded his remarkable service: “Your many and varied labors have not been for your own glory or personal gain, but that the Holy Church might be strengthened. We give thanks to the Lord for all you have done in His Name with excellence over the past 45 years, together with Matushka Kathy, who has been the consummate help-mate and co-laborer in your ministry.
“On this milestone anniversary, it is my joy to join with all those who love you throughout our Church in wishing you good health, much happiness, and continued success in your every effort on behalf of our Lord. May your work in the Vineyard of Christ continue to prosper, and may the Holy Spirit by whose grace you were ordained to the Priesthood continue to guide you for many blessed years to come. Mnogaya Lyeta!”
Archbishop David of Alaska Reposes in the Lord - 11/28/20
His Eminence Archbishop David of Sitka and Alaska of the Orthodox Church in America fell asleep in the Lord today, November 27, 2020, at the age of 68, following a short battle with aggressive renal cancer.
His Eminence had served as the bishop of Alaska since 2014.
Abbot of Vatopedi talks to STOTS Students - 11/06/20
This past Friday afternoon (October 30, 2020), students, faculty, and alumni from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological seminary enjoyed the rare privilege of a one-on-one video dialogue with Elder Ephraim of Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos. This event marked the first time that an English speaking group was granted this amazing opportunity. After sharing some inspiring words of wisdom about the priesthood, the holy elder opened the floor to questions.
Many of the attendees from St. Tikhon’s were chosen to speak with Elder Ephraim face-to-face, each receiving his full and loving attention. The questions ran the gamut from deeply personal to broadly societal, but regardless of their initial starting point, everyone in attendance walked away having received their own personal word from the Holy Mountain.
Ordinations of Sbdn McKemy and Dn Mcdonald - 10/20/20
SUNDAY, 18 October, 2020 -- His Grace, the Right Reverend Alexis, on behalf of the Metropolitan of the OCA, ordained two students of Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary to higher ranks by the Grace of the Holy Spirit. In a joy-filled Monastery Church Liturgy that was live-streamed across the world, Matthew Mcdonald (STOTS 2021) was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, while Jeremiah McKemy (STOTS 2021) was ordained to the Diaconate in Christ. Both of the newly elevated Fathers and their families were addressed by His Grace at the close of the Divine Liturgy; he emphasized to them that these offices and ministries are shared by the spouses. Hearing the ordination troparia twice-over during the single service was a real treat for all those blessed to attend, sing, and serve. AXIOS to Father Matthew and Father Deacon Jeremiah as they continue their learning at the seminary and their service to the whole Church! And Many Years to their families!
Mind the Gap: Founder's Lecture by Fr. John Cox - 10/14/20
Minding the Gap between True Theology and Popular Online Theology
For St. Tikhon's Founder's Lecture, we had the pleasure of hearing Priest John Cox speak to the issues we face when attempting to enter theological dialogue on the internet. Fr. John is the rector of Holy Dormition Orthodox Church in Norfolk, Virginia, and is also the managing editor of the digital journal, Rule of Faith <>. So, he comes to this topic not only as a parish priest who has a practical, everyday sense for his own parishioners, but also as an editor of a journal aimed at taking part in online theological discussion.
The title of his talk, "Mind the Gap: First Principles and Popular Theology" hints toward his eventual point: it is fitting to engage online theological discussion, but keeping certain guidelines or emphases in mind. One of the more important principles he shared was to be careful to remain connected to the original sources, putting priority on the act of exegesis of the Scriptures and clearly referencing the Church Fathers, that is, instead of putting words in the Fathers' mouths to build our online argument.
Another point he made, which is all too important online when the desire to react, often negatively, is incredibly tempting, was to "check the negative, ugly, reactive impulse" and "instead respond from a place that is life-giving and hopeful", and "a place of virtue".
When asked, after the talk to give a Twitter version of his talk, after some thought, he wisely said, "If you don't know where you've been, you might end up anywhere."
Students Returning to the New School Year - 09/09/20
Orientation week at St. Tikhon's was, in some ways, normal, but just like everyone around the country trying to figure out how to start school in light of the pandemic, there was plenty about this orientation week that required adjusting.
We started off the week with a Liturgy, but the setting of the Liturgy is telling of the times. We celebrated Liturgy in the "patriarchal pavilion", so-named for its original purpose to house the multitudes of pilgrims which coincided with the visit of Patriarch Alexei II back in the early 90s. Now, due to its immense floor space, we can easily distance seminarians and families. We will be able to alternate between the monastery church and the pavilion for services till restrictions lessen and allow a return to more "normal programming".
Incoming students experienced a somewhat normal orientation week...except that masks are in the picture. They spoke to Abp. Michael, acquainted themselves with the staff, were fitted into a choir group, and even received a tour of the monastery church by the monastic sacristan, as they begin to scratch the surface of the depth of history and beauty to be found at St. Tikhon's Monastery across the road.
Returning students do not usually return for the first three days of orientation, but this year, those three days became a rejuvenation of the school. Normally, immediately preceding the monastery's Memorial Day Pilgrimage, everybody takes part in a work week. This year, that work week never happened, and the school needed some help, more than what two or three folks could handle over the summer. It was incredibly helpful to the school: messy back rooms which had accumulated boxes of books and audio-visual equipment and photographs were cleaned out and organized, the old kitchen area was ripped, chipped, and mopped down the foundational concrete to be returned to a useful storage space, and the whole school was given a good, general cleaning.
After our Thursday molieben service, Abp. Michael, our rector, joined us for the blessing of cassocks. He and Apr. John Parker, our dean, not only blessed cassocks but gave some fitting and encouraging words about the importance of the cassock and how it is much more than just an antiquated piece of clerical clothing.
We wrapped up the orientation week with Metropolitan Tikhon. He shared on the diaconate and the life of service to which all Christian are called, and then on the priesthood. The highlights for all of us present were his examples: everything from a heart-wrenching lesson he learned about knowing when to put down a seemingly important task to take care of the people around us in an unexpected way, to an illustration of "a battle of the wits between a certain man in black and the Great Vizzini", a comical illustration that kept the room laughing and learning.
Now, it is time to begin the school year itself, some in-person classes, some online, and some hybrids of the two. As we prepare for this coming school year, our prayer, as it says in the monastery's prayer book, is this: "Lord Jesus Christ, open the eyes of my heart, that I may hear thy word and understand it and so fulfill thy will."
I’ve been living in Thessaloniki for the past year now, acquiring proficiency in the language, and entering into the spiritual, liturgical, and pastoral life of the Church, both here and on Mount Athos.
This is the second year of the St. Maximos the Greek Institute Program in Advanced Studies in Orthodox Theology and Spiritual Life which takes place at Vatopaidi Monastery and is under the spiritual direction of Geronta Ephraim, the monastery’s abbot. It is directed to young doctoral students or doctoral graduates of Orthodox Theology and focuses on the relationship between the contemporary saints and elders of Mount Athos and the Patristic tradition of ascetic experience. Eight of the applicants were selected to come to the Monastery this weekend for interviews with the board which included Mantzaridis, and a final interview with Geronta Ephraim, and all eight of us were accepted this year, four of which are young laymen, and four of which are clergy/monastics: Two Americans, two Serbians, two Syrians, one Romanian, and a Greek. We will become October 5th, and spend two months at Vatopaidi for a year (two months in the Monastery, two months off, two months on, etc.), engaging in intensive sessions taught by renown Orthodox theologians and fathers from Athos, Greece, and around the world. The program takes place in Modern Greek and will emphasize also Ancient and Patristic Greek and contemporary research on the new saints. We will complete and share six essays throughout the course of the year and in the end produce a 50+ page thesis. We will also take place in the daily liturgical life of the monastery and have access to the many resources of the monastery. The program will support us with a monthly scholarship allowance.
I’m honored to be one of the two American Orthodox representatives in this program this year, and pray that this experience will help the new generation of Orthodox clergy and theologians contribute to the ongoing Patristic renewal of Orthodox Theology in the United States, and continue to encourage for all Orthodox Christians the spiritual relationship between the Orthodox ascetic inheritance of Greece and Mount Athos, with the United States.
Happy Birthday to His Eminence Vladyka Michael! - 08/30/20
ИС ПОЛЛА ЭТИ ДЕСПОТА - На многая и благая лета, владыко!
Your Eminence,
The Faculty, Administration, and seminarians of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Orthodox Theological Seminary filled with joy and happiness, offer our prayerful best wishes and greetings as you celebrate your seventieth birthday.
You have been instrumental in the growth and formation of numerous clergy and lay leaders of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Your genuine and pure love, dedication, respect, interest, and care has touched us all; and has shown us what it means to be a true follower of Christ. You have been the leading voice for unity of Orthodoxy in North America, rather than be limited to the artificial division based on jurisdictional lines. Time and time again, you show us that we must be united with each other in a true bond of communion, a bond renewed and strengthened as we stand together at the Lord's Altar and humbly give our lives for the well-being of the whole body of the Church. No one of us on our own can single-handedly accomplish Christ's mission in a satisfactory way, but together, we can manifest and fulfill the prayer of Christ that all might be one so that the world might believe and trust in Christ.
We thank you for tireless labour in shaping, molding and forming the future leaders of our Church. You continue to motivate us, and show us the pathway and long journey towards holiness. As you celebrate your birthday, we join you in this celebration with prayers of thanksgiving for your ministry in our Lord's Holy Vineyard. God grant you Many Blessed years!
Deacon Ambrose Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 08/19/20
The seminary is excited to announce the ordination of our recent graduate, Deacon Ambrose Inlow, to the Holy Priesthood. Like the many other facets of our daily lives which have been altered due to the pandemic, ordinations, too, have proven particularly difficult. After several proposed plans for how and where to be ordained, we are thankful he was able to be ordained right across the street at St. Tikhon's Monastery by our beloved Bishop Alexis. Axios, Fr. Ambrose!
Many Years to St. Vlad's on their Patronal Feast! - 07/15/20
Many Blessed Years to St. Vladimir's, Our Sitster Seminary!
Since 1938, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary has trained more than 1,500 hierarchs, priests, deacons, church leaders, chaplains, and missionaries through their journeys of transformation.
Many Blessed Years to Archpriest Chad Hatfield, and the faculty, staff, students, and Board of our sister Seminary, St Vladimir's, on their Patronal Feast!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Still Accepting Applications - 07/15/20
Due to the challenges brought about by the COVID Pandemic, St. Tikhon’s Seminary is presently still receiving applications for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Individuals interested in applying to the Seminary can access application materials HERE. All application materials can be forwarded to the following address:
Admissions Committee
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
P.O. Box 130
South Canaan, PA 18459.
The Seminary will also accept digital copies of application materials sent to
The Seminary would ask that all interested individuals submit their application by August 1st.
STOTS Graduate Fr. Khader Awarded the Holy Cross - 07/09/20
On July 2, 2020, Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos awarded the ministering Priest of Saint James the Brother of God’s Cathedral Fr. Khader Baramki (STOTS Graduate 2015) with the offikion of the Cross Bearer, in recognition of his studious priestly and pastoral ministry, in order to encourage him for its continuation.
The honoured Priest thanked His Beatitude saying that through the Sacred Cross he is strengthened to continue his ministry.
Ordination of Deacon Martin to the Holy Priesthood - 07/03/20
[I am humbled and grateful for the love and support of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. By the grace of God, I serve on the Board of Trustees with men and women committed to offering and building an institution that stands in the legacy of St. Tikhon who offered our Orthodox Christian faith to anyone in North America who would listen. As I reflect on the service, I will offer for Christ and our Church, let us all be and remain inspired by St. Tikhon who preached: “True civilization consists in giving as many people as possible access to the benefits of life... Since all people originate from one man, all are children of one Heavenly Father; all were redeemed by the most pure blood of Christ, in Whom 'there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free.' All are brothers and must love one another--love one another not only in words, but in deeds as well." (From the sermon preached in San Francisco on June 10/23 1900).
With this legacy given to us, how can look to our world and our Church and do any less? May St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary continue to lead, teach, and train men and women to go out and share the light of Christ as Priests and Royal Priests to the world.]
God Bless You.
Fr. Martin Johnson, Jr
St. Anthony Orthodox Church
Butler, PA
Click HERE to watch Divine Liturgy for Saturday of Souls and Ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
Save the Date! Tuesday, June 30: Streaming for Living Waters - 06/26/20
Tuesday, June 30 8am-9pm Streaming for Living Waters A Friend- and Fund-raising Event for St Tikhon's Seminary. All day long: interviews, lectures, talks, music, tours, fun! Meet Seminarians, Professors--meet the Rector, Abp .Michael. Take a live strolling tour of the Seminary and grounds. Listen to Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answerman. Listen to Jonathan Jackson, who recently played the role of Elder Joseph the Hesychast in a new film. Meet Nikos Guraros, the head of Pemptousia, essentially the digital media arm of Vatopedi Monastery. And a most-special guest. St Tikhon's welcomes you to become a monthly sustainer--to help pave the path for future priests of the Orthodox Church.
Graduation Blessings to Send Out Christ's Servants - 06/03/20
Like graduations across the country, St. Tikhon's had to greatly adjust how we conducted our commencement ceremonies. In so many ways, we are thankful to God that the seminary was able to hold any sort of graduation at all. Our sister school, St. Vladimir's, being right in the midst of America's hardest hit area, was not able to gather in any way, which is such a difficult situation for classmates who have spent these three years toiling together. Our prayers are with them: may this struggle through which they have walked be rewarded with that much more grace in their future ministries to the Church.
On Friday evening, May 29, we gathered the speakers into St. Nikolai's Chapel in the seminary. Some were physically present, but others were present in their pre-recorded video only. Our dean, Priest John Parker, started us off, but not without the technical assistance of Priest Ignatius Gauvain, who, among many other responsibilities at the school, not only has the experience to be able to connect a video stream from the campus out to the world, but also to seamlessly weave pre-recorded speeches into the mix avoiding technical distraction, if at all possible.
First, our 2020 co-valedictorian, Priest Silouan Burns (speaking on behalf of our other valedictorian, Mr. Ian Attila) spoke, followed by a special guest who joined us by video, after having to cancel a trip to the St. Tikhon's community earlier this year due to travel restrictions: Archimandrite Zacharias of Essex. We were delighted to hear his address to our community, made possible through these strange technological connections with which we have all become all too familiar.
Our beloved rector, Archbishop Michael, delighted everybody with a "what every priest needs to know about being a priest" speech, focusing graduates, and us all, on the essentials of a life of ministry in Christ's vineyard. Few of us expected to have Metropolitan Tikhon be able to join us in the flesh. Yes, during the pandemic, he returned back to his monastic home at St. Tikhon's Monastery, which is only across the street, but the monastery has needed to remain more cloistered than ever, for various reasons, but not least among them, the importance to all of us in the OCA that the monastery plays by unceasingly celebrating the Liturgy "on behalf of all and for all". None of us want to jeopardize that unique and essential role the monastery fills.
His Beatitude, Met. Tikhon not only shared his presence with us, via the live-streamed speeches on Friday evening, but also graced us with his presence on Saturday, joined by Archbishop Michael. In these days of difficult and awkward reopening, when it is hard to know when what course of action is acceptable, these two pastors of our Church, who carry such a burden on their shoulders and cannot afford to fall ill, were willing to do what they could to salvage this important rite of passage of the Church's future servants.
We give our thanks to you both, Your Beatitude and Your Eminence, for your presence. May the Lord continue to fill you with his grace as you guide our Church through these difficult times.
We are proud of our new graduates and look forward to see how our Lord uses their skills, talents, experience, and training to benefit the growth and strengthening of the Orthodox Church. Graduates of 2020, may the Lord grant you many years of grace-filled service.
Inviting you: St Tikhon's Summer Online Conference - 06/02/20
Dear and beloved Friends and Benefactors of St Tikhon's,
Christ is Risen!
Today, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Michael, we are able to open our online Continuing Education to all those interested--clergy and laity alike.
St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's customary Continuing Education Conference is moved online this Summer. While we far prefer the incarnational gathering, it is our hope that this online way might allow a wider participation from alumni, other clergy, and lay leaders. This year's conference topic, related to mission and ministry, is suitable for both Clergy and Laity alike.
We are presently limited to 150 registrants.
The Title:
Mission and Ministry: A Vision of the North American Saints in Action. 5 Dynamic Speakers Mon-Fri, June 8-12, 1-330p (eastern) $125
Visit the website to read more and to register. We will send login-credentials with registration.
Please join us and spread the word.
May the Lord watch over you and yours, navigating re-entry into the liturgical and parish life!
Saint Tikhon Seminary Announces Commencement 2020 Plans - 05/26/20
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary announced its 2020 Commencement plan today. Having extended the Semester by one week while restructuring for the COVID-imposed move to online instruction, graduation exercises will take place on Friday and Saturday, May 29 and 30, 2020.
Friday evening, May 29, will feature the hybrid live-online portion of Commencement. The evening will feature various Commencement Speakers, including His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, President of the Seminary; His Eminence Archbishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon’s; in addition to this year’s commencement speaker, Archimandrite Zacharias from the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist, Essex, England. Archimandrite Zacharias is a disciple of recently-canonized Saint Sophrony and long-time friend of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary. Further details of the broadcast will be forthcoming, both here and at the seminary’s website here. A recording will also be made available through Ancient Faith Radio.
On Saturday, May 30, following all protocols and directives given by public health officials of Wayne County, PA, the seminary will proceed with commencement exercises in a very limited and private manner, honoring the graduating students and their families as able. Due to the fluid nature of the pandemic, a full plan is still being finalized. Because of social distancing requirements, and other Wayne County directives, the commencement exercises on Saturday May 30 will be closed to those outside the immediate seminary community.
5.27.2020 Update from Fr. John Parker, the Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary:
We are working hard this week to finalize our Graduation ceremonies. A reminder: Friday evening, 6:30-7:45PM. Live on our Facebook Page. There will be a few other ways to login as well. TBA.
5.28.2020 Update from Fr. John Parker:
Dear All:
Please join us tomorrow evening. Below is the announcement.
Yours in Christ, Fr John
Friday Night!
Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou) of the Stavropegial Monastery of St John the Baptist, Essex, delivers the commencement address, “Now is the Judgment of this World,” for St Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary’s 78th Commencement Exercises tomorrow night: Friday, May 29. The broadcast runs 6:30-7:45pm.
St Tikhon’s congratulates our Co-valedictorians, Fr Silouan Burns and Mr Ian Attila. In all we celebrate the dedicated labors of our 15 MDiv Graduates, four of whom finish with honors for their theses.
Ian Attila, Honors in Patristics for his thesis, “The Work of Christ in Baptism According to St. Mark the Monk.” Mentor: Christopher Veniamin, D. Phil.,(Oxon.)
Deacon Ambrose Inlow, Honors in Patristics for his thesis, “The Rational and Noetic Soul According to St. John Damascene.” Mentor: Christopher Veniamin, D. Phil., (Oxon.)
Priest Vjekoslav Jovicic, Honors in Church History for his thesis, “Many are Called, But Few are Chosen: An Orthodox Refutation of the Universalism of David Bentley Hart”. Mentor: David C. Ford, Ph.D.
Priest Ephraim Tauck, Honors in Pastoral Arts and Praxis for his thesis, “Addiction: An Exploration of Treatment for Orthodox Clergy”. Mentor: V. Rev. John Kowalczyk, Cand. Theology
St Tikhon’s welcomes and invites you to join our Live Stream Broadcast on the following channels. We thank our broadcasting partners at St Tikhon’s Monastery and Ancient Faith Radio.
Memory Eternal! + The Right Rev. Archimandrite Elias Bitar - 05/22/20
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020
It is with faith in our Risen Lord that we inform you of the passing into eternal life of our beloved father, grandfather, brother, friend, and pastor, The Right Rev. Archimandrite Elias Bitar, in the afternoon of May 21, 2020.Father Bitar leaves behind a lifelong legacy as "the voice of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America." During his nearly forty years in the priesthood, he has been a Lecturer in Liturgical Music (with a specialty in Byzantine music) and Practical Theology at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary, Vicar General of the Archdiocese, and the residing priest for churches in California and New Jersey. Father Elias studied for his Master of Divinity degree at St. Vladimir's from 1972–1975, and subsequently earned a Doctor of Ministry from the Seminary in 2001.
Father Elias Bitar is survived by his children Katrina, Sr. Ignatia, Martha, Mikey, Antony, and Madeleine, as well as his grandchildren Zachary, Jacob, Samia, and another granddaughter on the way.
He is reunited in His heavenly kingdom with his wife Kh. Joanne, and his parents Sadallah and Zahwe Bitar.
In light of our current circumstances, we look forward to your visit at a later time. When arrangements are made, we will send the information to be a part of the live streamed funeral online with us.
In lieu of flowers, kindly send all donations to The Monastery of St. Nina in Union Bridge Maryland, where Fr. Bitar resided.
In Memoriam: The Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Timpko - 05/19/20
The Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Timpko, age 78, beloved husband of Matushka Anastasia Kowal Timpko fell asleep in the Lord on May 16, 2020, at Griffin Hospital with his family by his side.
The story was featured on our OCA website. Read the entire article HERE. Memory Eternal to Father Nicholas Timpko.
Please join me in asking God to grant His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, many years on the occasion of his anniversary of consecration to the Episcopate.
In the Name of the Lord, I ask your blessing, Most Blessed Master!
Dear Beloved Faculty, Staff, Students, and Board of St Tikhon's,
Christ is Risen!
I am asking for one dollar. And a share. And 100% participation.
That's all.
Well, except I might ask you to share more than once today!
Please share one dollar with your alma mater today. And, of your charity, would you invite (by sharing this email or the links below) your parishioners to join YOU in sharing one dollar? One wee mite?
In Bright Week, more than 20,000 people viewed our St Tikhon’s choir members singing a virtual version of Christ is Risen. If each of you who viewed gave $1, the seminary would raise the funds needed to support our Seminarians for one month—approximately $20,000. We know times are tight for us all. So we remember the widow who put in her two mites—all she had. Behold the Power of MITE! We share another Paschal Video with you—one of my favorites (give it a minute--it has to go to outer space to open, and it is a large file). A beautiful Paschal hymn written by our canonized Rector, St Nikolai Velimirovich. And sung "Covid Style" by Professor, Students, and Alumni together!
We will send some other neat St Tikhon's living history from our archives throughout the day. And maybe even an encouraging prize or two throughout the day.
Like, forward, share, and please support a seminarian with at least $1. Show the power of WEE MITE. With your wee mite, WE WILL meet our goal! 20,000 views, $1 donation, $20,000, 1 day. What is one of the first lessons your mother taught you when you were little? Share! Share! Share!
Share on Facebook.
Or forward this email to your friends and email lists.
If you prefer not to give on Facebook, click HERE to give on St Tikhon's Website.
Yours very gratefully, in the Risen Christ,
Fr John
PS Thanks for helping. $1 from many friends helps 43 students train to serve in the Orhtodox Church, and perhaps to be your future pastor! Click the photo below to donate.
DEEPEST SYMPATHY is expressed to Archpriest John Bohush, his sons Reader Matthew and Deacon Mark, and all their family, on the falling asleep in the Lord of his beloved sister and their aunt, Matushka Nina Stroyen.
Matushka Nina was the wife of Archpriest Basil Stroyen, who served as the Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, the first Orthodox chaplain in the history of the U.S. Air Force, and a parish priest.
In her own right, Matushka Nina was the Editor of the beloved publication The Orthodox Herald, and a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary until her passing.
A Personal Reflection:
Matushka Nina was a woman of deep faith, strong conviction, and sincere love for the Lord and His Church. She was a stalwart defender of Orthodox Tradition, a champion of education at all levels, and a defender of those in need. She was known and loved throughout the country and all over the world by the readers of The Orthodox Herald ... and she will be missed by her friends, by the St. Tikhon's Seminary community, and by the clergy and faithful of our Church in America. Eternal be her memory!
Grant rest eternal in blessed repose with the Saints, O Lord, to the soul of Thy newly-departed handmaiden, the ever-to-be-remembered + Matushka Nina, who has fallen asleep, and make her memory to be eternal! Vechnaya pamyat! -- Christ is Risen!
Fr John Parker, Dean of the Seminary, hosted a live call-in show on Ancient Faith Radio, "Here I am: Send Me!", with Fr Chad Hatfield, President of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Listen HERE, to a recording of the hour-long program. Attached at that link, also find an essay written by Fr John on Vocation, originally published in the 2019 Tikhonaire, and another by Mother Christophora, Abbess of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Ellwood City.
Grants Available to Further the Mission of Orthodoxy - 04/02/20
Glory to Jesus Christ!
The Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation Fund provides financial assistance for organizations and parishes with innovative approaches to advancing the mission of Orthodoxy in the United States. June 30 is the annual deadline for submitting grant applications, and recipients are announced in the fall of each year.
Founded in 2001, the Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation Fund is a component fund of the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania, located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The foundation takes its name from the village of Ganister in Central Pennsylvania, where immigrants drawn there by jobs in the limestone quarry founded St. Mary's Holy Assumption parish in 1916.
Favor is given to proposals that address priority needs of the Orthodox Church in America, especially those that do so in catalytic ways. The selection process also weighs leadership experience, clarity of goals, the presence of a stable funding base, and faithfulness to the teachings and ministry of the OCA. Applicants must articulate how their undertaking will have a positive impact on a specific priority need, without duplicating other programs or projects already serving the Church.
Grants are modest in size, generally ranging from $500 to $3,000. But, properly used, they have the potential to jump-start valuable initiatives that might not otherwise get off the ground. Examples of grants given over the years include:
Fund a guest speaker program to help seminarians develop their pastoral skills Provide tutoring materials and sports equipment for a church-run after-school program for inner-city Latino children Translate invaluable music textbooks from Russian to English Purchase digital recorders to distribute Orthodox radio broadcasts world-wide Develop a "mission starter" kit Print materials regarding human services for aging Orthodox Christians Support continuing education opportunities for clergy Underwrite the Profiles of Ministry program to assess and counsel seminarians on their strengths and weaknesses Applicants must be qualifying 501c(3) entities as described under IRS Section 509(a)(1). Grants will not be considered for endowments, ongoing operational support, annual campaigns or event sponsorships, debt reduction, research grants, or support of individuals.
To receive an application, contact the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania, 201 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, or visit the Foundation's website, Applications will be reviewed, and recommendations made by the Advisory Board of the Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation Fund, a donor-advised component fund of the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania.
STOTS Announcement amid the Coronavirus Crisis - 03/19/20
Dear All,
We are humbly asking for your prayers!
Considering the Coronavirus situation, the Seminary is not accepting visitors at this point. We appreciate your willingness to cooperate in this matter.
We are working hard to get our live-video virtual classrooms prepared for next week. School is NOT closed. As of now, we are planning our full coursework according to our routine schedule beginning again Monday online.
Dr. David Ford Shares Gems from St. John Chrysostom at the Wilkes-Barre Cathedral - 03/13/20
by Fr. Gregory White
On Tuesday, the 25th of February, 2020, approximately twenty-five faithful people, consisting of clergy, seminarians, and catechumens from local parishes as well as from St. Tikhon’s Seminary, attended a presentation sponsored by Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre, PA, where the priest is Fr. Gregory White, an alumnus of St. Tikhon’s. The event started as part of the parish’s weekly study group, and due to public interest it was offered to the surrounding community.
The guest speaker, Dr. David C. Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s, presented on the theme, "Gems of Wisdom from St. John Chrysostom in Brand-New Translation.” Everyone commented on Dr. David's ability to bring the writings of St. John to life, while also conveying to the audience a welcomed contemporary context through his own new translations from the original Greek.
Multiple people remarked that they felt like St. John was actually present in the room with us. One Matushka said she never had a relationship with St. John, and now she has experienced him in a personal way and will be asking for his prayers and intercessions in her prayer life.
Many people felt the presentation served as a wonderful pre-Lenten kickoff, and are already looking forward to the addition of future events and guest speakers. The positive feedback was unanimous!
Dr. David's zeal and love for God and His Church was evident to everyone present, and we all departed with a sense of God's love and care for us through His Saints.
Talk by Fr. Chrysostom Koutloumousianos - 03/05/20
By: Subdeacon Maximus Gibson
On Monday, February 24, 2020, Fr. Chrysostom Koutloumousianos, Ph.D., visited St. Tikhon’s Seminary and delivered a lecture to the seminary community entitled, “Seeking the True Self: Self-Knowledge and the Inner Kingdom,” followed by a brief question and answer session. Fr. Chrysostom is a hieromonk of Koutloumous Monastery, Mount Athos, and a research fellow of the Cambridge Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies.
Speaking in the seminary refectory, Fr. Chrysostom counselled that the more we know ourselves, the more we are able to repent; and the more we repent, the more the grace of God can work in us. “We must have a few minutes each day to visit our own hearts,” said Fr. Chrysostom. “A fixed time to cut off all connections, electronic or noetic, to be in the presence of God, not making our experience our object: to be as silent as God.” Fr. Chrysostom provided some practical advice for achieving these moments of silence, self-understanding, and waiting for the Lord, as well as describing the process of unearthing the inner kingdom through ascetic practice and prayer. The lecture was recorded and is available for listening here: The Spirit of St. Tikhon's Podcast.
On Friday, January 24, 2020, St. Tikhon’s Rector, Archbishop Michael (Dahulich) of New York and New Jersey; Dean, Archpriest John Parker; Board Member, Bishop Thomas (Joseph) of Charleston, Oakland, and the Mid-Atlantic; Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) of St. Tikhon’s Monastery; and a large group of St. Tikhon’s faculty, staff, seminarians, and their families joined Metropolitan Tikhon and other Orthodox Bishops, clergy, and faithful from several jurisdictions across the United States, including faculty, staff, and seminarians from OCA sister seminary St. Vladimir’s, at the March for Life in Washington, DC.
This March for Life was particularly historic. For the first time since the March began in protest of Roe v. Wade in 1973, a sitting President of the United States expressed his support for life in the womb by addressing participants in person at the March.
The day began with Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, DC. All marchers then gathered on the National Mall, where His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia led the opening prayer on the main stage for the pre-March rally.
Metropolitan Tikhon served a molieben on the National Mall before beginning the March, entreating the Lord in His mercy to end the scourge of abortion in our land. He addressed the Orthodox faithful: “Today, we march in solidarity with many others from across our nation to show our government leaders our commitment to life—to life that begins from the very moment of conception.” He also expressed the love and forgiveness Christ has for all mankind, in words characteristic of our Orthodox approach to supporting the cause of life: “We show our nation that we can allow no excuse for abortion. At the same time, we proclaim the love and forgiveness that Christ offers to all of us, and we extend our open arms in love and mercy to those who have participated in the sin of abortion.”
After Metropolitan Tikhon’s address, Orthodox marchers were led in hymns by Hieromonk Herman and St.Tikhon’s seminarians throughout the course of the March towards the U.S. Supreme Court. Many non-Orthodox marchers were noticeably touched by the hymns sung in love by the faithful, inquiring about the hymns, and marching close by in peace and solidarity. Escorted by clergy of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Washington, DC, an icon and relics of The Holy Innocents accompanied the faithful on the March.
Annual STOTS Campus Blessing for Theophany - 02/17/20
By: Deacon Peter Simko
At the conclusion of classes on the first Wednesday back from winter break, faculty, administration, seminarians, and guests gathered on the shore of the pond adjacent Saint Tikhon’s Road. The water was cold -- but not quite icey. Along with a small choir and a few servers and readers, seminary Dean, Father John Parker, served the Great Blessing of the Waters. At the conclusion of the service, a large processional cross was submerged into the pond in the form of a cross as all sang the festal troparion.
Thus began the procession to the seminary campus. Carrying a veritable number of bottles of Holy Water, the group sang the troparion joyfully over and over as Father John blessed the Saint John the Divine Memorial Chapel, the garage, the Metropolitan Leonty Dorm, the swimming pool, and the Seminary building proper (including all of the rooms -- and personages -- inside each structure). The halls of the seminary were quickly filled with splashes of Holy Water, radiant voices, smiles, and the grace of God. The service and the procession, led by the cross, concluded in the Saint Nikolai Chapel, where Father John shared a word with those participating in the yearly blessing.
DOEPA Spring Women's Retreat at St. Tikhon's - 02/06/20
A Women’s Retreat, sponsored by the Department Curriculum and Education of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA, will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2020 in St. Tikhon’s Monastery Trapeza.. The topic for this year’s retreat is: “Preparing our Hearts for Great Lent” The speaker will be Mother Gabriella, who serves as the Abbess of Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery in Rives Junction, Michigan. The cost for the retreat is $10 which includes breakfast and lunch. It is open to all women.
Fr. Alexander Schmemann Lecture at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary - 02/03/20
His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Rector of St Tikhon's Orhtodox Theological Seminary delivered the 37th Annual Schmemann Lecture at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary on Thursday, January 30, the altar feast of Three Hierarchs Chapel. This year's theme, inaugurated at St Tikhon's during the 2019 October Lecture series, was Autocephaly: 50 Years. Archbishop Michael's Keynote Lecture, "The Gift of Autocephaly" will be available at Ancient Faith Radio shortly. St Tikhon's Dean, Archpriest John Parker, gave one of three workshop lectures earlier in the day. His lecture, "Autocephaly and Evangelism" will also be posted on AFR. Many thanks to Seminary President, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, for the generous invitations to St Tikhon's leadership. And we offer our congratulations to our Sister Seminary on their Patronal Feast, and for a successful and edifying day.
From January 18-21, Fr. John Parker, Dean of St Tikhon's, visited various parishes in Colorado. Saturday morning, Fr. John gave a retreat on "Personal Evangelism" at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, Denver, at the invitation of Fr. David Thatcher. That evening, he gave an introductory talk about St. Tikhon's at St Herman's Orthodox Church in Littleton at the invitation of Fr. John Armstrong. Sunday, he concelebrated and preached at Holy Theophany, at the invitation of Fr. Anthony Karbo.
On Monday, he joined eight priests (many of whom are St. Tikhon's alumni), a deacon, and hundreds of faithful, in the blessing of waters at the Continental Divide at Monarch Pass (elevation 11,312′). Two ice crosses were made for the occasion and each were implanted in the frozen waters on each side of the divide. As the ice melts in the late spring, it will feed the various river systems and eventually end up in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Fr. John reflected:
"I was struck by this beautiful opportunity to witness such a unique Theophany blessing. It was amazing to see so many faithful assembled in one place. This simple gathering has such an immense impact on the continent. I was reminded of our seminary and the blessings that flow forth from this humble gathering place. Each year at graduation in the late spring, our students go forth to care for and nurture the parishes all across this continent."
Seminary Community Enjoys Chili and Fellowship - 01/29/20
The seminary community relishes opportunities to gather together and the chili cookoff is no exception. The excitement around this recent gathering was heightened as it was a battle between the West Coast and the South for the best chili. While the kids enjoyed a variety of games, the adults were hard at work campaigning for their choice of best chili. In the end, it was a Lone Star sweep, as the Texan students took the top three spots.
Second place winner (and last year’s champion), Deacon Herman Garrison (‘20), was happy to hand off the trophy to a fellow Texan. “It was a heated competition,” he said, “but I’m glad my brother next door took home the top spot. As I graduate, I’m confident Texas will continue its dynasty in the St. Tikhon’s chili cookoff and my Lone Star brothers and sisters will represent our wonderful state with pride.” All three winners, Thanasi Kombos, Dn. Herman Garrison, and Subdeacon Maximus Gibson all come from a 125 mile radius in Texas.
The winner, Thanasi Kombos (‘22), was excited for his rookie win, "This is such a wonderful annual tradition. Coming from Texas, where chili is very popular, it is great to get together as a seminary community and enjoy a lot of great food and warm fellowship. I look forward to doing this again next year. And hopefully I can retain my title too!"
Fr. John Kowalczyk delivers workshop at Drexel Medical College - 01/22/20
For the third year in a row, Fr. John Kowalczyk gave a three-hour workshop at the Drexel Medical College 27th Forensic Conference, held on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019.
Fr. John Kowalczyk stated the following: “Working with mentally ill inmates who are in the Restricted Housing Unit (RHU) or Solitary Confinement, one will be confronted with inmates who have been isolated from the normal prison setting.” Fr. Kowalczyk stated, “One has to minister with compassion and unconditional positive regard with an open heart and become an instrument in restoring his humanity with kindness and dignity. This restoration will aid and help restore purpose, direction and meaning into his already broken life.” Fr. John has been involved in this “Out-of-Cell” program with inmates for the past five years in SCI Waymart.
During the workshop, Fr. John made the following five educational objectives:
1. Examine the trauma of the mentally ill inmate who finds himself in solitary confinement.
2. Explore the impact of a chaplain with a caring heart as a necessary tool to work through this isolation of the RHU.
3. Analyze the concept of guilt and feeling of helplessness from a spiritual dynamic when the mentally ill inmate finds himself isolated, broken and separated from his familiar mental health unit.
4. Recognize the importance of offering prayer when one appears out-of-control and the life of the inmate appears unmanageable.
5. Integrate positive memories and family religious celebrations as a means of healing during this time of isolation and try to maintain this caring and pastoral relationship.
On Wednesday, November 13, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the feast of Saint John Chrysostom, and commemorated the seventh anniversary of the election of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey, Secretary of the Holy Synod, read the following proclamation of the Holy Synod announcing the anniversary celebrations for the Canonization of Saint Herman of Alaska, and the reception of the Tomos of Autocephaly.
STOTS Students Blessed with FOCA Gifts at St. Nicholas Dinner - 12/15/19
The feast of St. Nicholas was a double blessing for many of the students and families at St. Tikhons. First, everyone was treated to a wonderful meal prepared by seminary cook Zena "YaYa" Parker. During the dinner, a special guest , St. Nicholas, arrived to tell the children about the Nativity season and the Incarnation of Christ. After a night of games and photos, the families received a myriad of gifts for the Nativity season. We wish to thank FOCA (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America), the parishes, and all the individuals who made Christmas possible for so many families at St. Tikhons.
OCMC Board Meeting at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 11/26/19
Members of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Board of Directors gathered for their annual Fall Meeting at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, November 18-20.
Through a live video link, OCMC Missionary Floyd Frantz shared with the Board the work he is doing in Alaska, based at St. Herman Seminary in Kodiak. After 18 years of service in Romania where he helped the Church establish a much-needed substance abuse counseling ministry, he is now helping the Church in Alaska do the same through a program called “Freedom Challenge.” The scope includes all forms of addiction, not only alcohol and drugs, but also the Internet and related distractions which affect many people in the state.
The Board also heard reports on OCMC’s work in various other locations throughout the world such as Guatemala, Korea, Albania, Kenya, and a potential new opportunity in Colombia.
This was the first meeting of the Board since it approved the organization’s innovative one-page strategic plan. OCMC Executive Director Fr. Martin Ritsi and OCMC Missionary Director Dn. James Nicholas were pleased to report progress on all aspects of the strategic plan, which is primarily focused on increasing the Mission Center’s capacity to do the important work of sharing the Orthodox Christian Faith around the world.
Board President John Colis led the members through an exercise aimed at better defining and applying OCMC’s core purpose as the agency begins development of the next iteration of the strategic plan early in 2020.
During a review of the organization’s financial performance this fiscal year, Fr. Martin was also able to share that the Mission Center received another clean audit of finances from its external independent auditors.
At Vespers on the evening of November 19 in the church of the adjacent St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Board Members, along with seminarians, their families, and the monks were able to venerate and be anointed with myrrh from a miraculous streaming icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa (Tender Heart) that was brought from St. George Orthodox Church in nearby Taylor, PA. The Kardiotissa icon has been exuding great amounts of myrrh for seven years and is responsible for many healing miracles. Upon his return to the Mission Center, Fr. Martin blessed the OCMC staff with some of the myrrh as well.
That same evening, OCMC Board Member, and St. Tikhon’s Seminary Dean and Chief Operating Officer, Fr. John Parker hosted a dinner for board members at his home on campus. Joining the group at dinner was the Seminary Rector and long-time faculty member, His Eminence Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey of the Orthodox Church in America.
The Board welcomed five new members. His Grace Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, recently appointed liaison for OCMC to the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the Uniited States, addressed the meeting via a live video link. Two of the new members were present at the meeting: Dr. Henry C. Van Zanten of Hermitage, PA, from the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA and Dr. Kosta M. Zinis of Westminster, CO, from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Two others were also recently added: Mrs. Stellee S. Papadeas of Greenwood Village, CO, from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Fr. John Anderson of Burke, VA, from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
The OCMC Board of Directors would like to thank Fr. John Parker and everyone at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Monastery for their hospitality and Fr. Mark Leisure from St. George Church for sharing the miraculously streaming icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa with all in attendance.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Hosts Fruitful Symposium on Modern Ethical Issues - 11/20/19
By: Dn. Herman Garrison
St. Tikhon’s was recently the site for a thought-provoking conference, organized by STOTS professors Drs. David and Mary Ford that centered around today’s ethical and moral issues facing all the faithful in the Church. The “Speaking the Truth in Love” conference was a continuation of the conversation started at a similar conference held at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY this past March which the Fords also helped organize. The Jordanville conference was described as more “theoretical in nature”; however, the focus for the St. Tikhon’s conference was to be more practical. Dr. David said, “[the purpose] is for inspiring and helping our youth, especially to live in Christ with the joy and peace of purity in mind, heart, and body. We also hope this conference will help to equip our clergy and laity with the pastoral and apologetic tools necessary to deal resourcefully and effectively with the current societal challenges relating to sexuality.”
The conference was opened with a keynote address entitled “Trusting our Tradition in Facing Modern Challenges” from His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, rector of STOTS. The weekend continued with a collection of 15 speakers that encompassed STOTS faculty, STOTS alumni, monastics, medical professionals, bioethics experts, and more. The presentations ranged from the theological, apologetical, ethical, and medical. The diverse audience and presenters were able to interact during Q&A sessions where practical solutions were discussed concerning problems facing many Orthodox clergy, professionals, and young people. Attendees came from as far away as California and Idaho.
Co-organizer Dr. Mary Ford, summarizing the experience of the conference, stated, “There was a great sense of pastoral care and love expressed by all the speakers for those caught up in the moral confusion of our time – including those engaging in sexual behaviors contrary to the teachings of the Church. Many commented on what a great conference it was in terms of the balanced, caring approaches of the speakers, the large amount of helpful information given, and the excellent quality of the talks overall. We hope many people who could not come because of services for St. Michael's Day in their parishes, or distance, or other commitments will listen to the talks on AFR to be better informed, strengthened in their faith, and inspired!"
Audio recordings of the conference are available in the Special Events section on Ancient Faith Radio. It is also planned that books based on the talks given at both conferences will be published in the next year or two. The book from the Jordanville conference is scheduled to appear next spring from Holy Trinity Monastery Press.
STOTS Welcomes Serbian Missionary Taylor Hostetter - 11/15/19
By: Subdeacon Jeremiah McKemy
St. Tikhon’s welcomed Taylor Hostetter who informed us of an exciting opportunity for young adults in Serbia during the summer of 2020. For decades, Mr. Hostetter has been a missionary overseas, and over the past several years, he has been overseeing mission teams in Serbia.
Communism spiritually decimated the traditionally Orthodox Serbian land. However, after communism’s fall and the Balkan Civil War (1991-2001), many people began searching for spiritual answers that the atheistic, post-communist society could not fulfill. While the Serbian Church has found success reaching adults over thirty years of age, there are few young adults and youth in the Church.
Mr. Hostetter has found great success with reaching the younger generation in Serbia through his program. His “Summer in Serbia” brings Orthodox young adults (between the ages of 18-25) from all over the world to live in a community home and fellowship with young Serbians, conduct Bible studies, and evangelize their peers.
Many of those who have gone on the trip have found it to be life-changing. Some of the young Orthodox said the trip made the Orthodox faith - in which they grew up - their own for the first time. It was no longer just a cultural or family faith.
If you or a young person you know are interested in learning more, please contact Taylor and Sally Holstetter at 404-510-2905 or go to the The Navigators Missions site.
Alumnus Khader (George) Baramki Ordained to Priesthood at Golgotha - 11/13/19
On Friday, October 12/25, 2019, the ordination to Priest of Deacon George Baramki was held during the Divine Liturgy on Golgotha by the Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina.
Fr. George Baramki has been ministering at St. James the Brother of God Cathedral as a Deacon of the Arab-speaking Orthodox Community of Jerusalem, while he is also working as a teacher at the Russian Orthodox Church School of Mount of Olives and Gethsemane in Bethany.
Before the ordination, the Archbishop admonished the ordained as follows, while the latter also read a speech, expressing his fear before the sacrament, but also his hope, that the Comforter will fortify him in his current high ministry.
Repose of + Martha Scigliano, Former STOTS Cook - 11/13/19
Dear Fathers and Beloved in the Lord,
Please remember in your prayers:
The newly-departed handmaiden of God + Martha Scigliano, who reposed in the Lord today, Tuesday, November 12. + Martha served as the Cook at St. Tikhon's Seminary for many years.
Her funeral arrangements are as follows.
Viewing and services will take place at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 1236 Juniper Street Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464
Friday, Nov. 15th 10:30 to 11:30 AM Viewing Panikhida Service to follow the Viewing After the service there will be a repast meal in the parish hall.
Saturday, Nov. 16th 9:30 AM Funeral Service, Archbishop Michael serving Interment in the parish cemetery follows the funeral
Grant rest eternal in blessed repose with the Saints, O Lord, to the soul of Thy newly-departed handmaiden, the ever-to-be-remembered + Martha, who has fallen asleep; and make her memory to be eternal! "Vechnaya Pamyat!"
OCA Chancellor Rounds Out 2019 Fall Lecture Series - 11/05/19
By: Dn. Herman Garrison
OCA Chancellor Fr. Alexander Rentel’s discussion on the Tradition of autocephaly was a fitting end to the 2019 Fall Lecture Series. Fr. Alexander’s expertise in canon law and unique perspective were a wonderful capstone on this month’s theme of Autocephaly.
“Thank you on behalf of the OCA,” Fr. Alexander began, “as this prepares all of us for the 50th anniversary. It is not a celebration marked by excess feasting focusing on what we have accomplished. However, this is a chance for renewal, reorientation, and repentance, to bring our mind back into conformity to the mind of Christ”. Fr. Alexander noted that our own journey in the Church begins with baptism and that “we are charged to go and carry the good news to every nook and cranny of the earth and baptize everyone in the name of the Holy Trinity into the Catholic Church”.
He underscores that it is important to understand what Autocephaly really means. “There really is no idea of independence in the Church”, he stated, “for the Church to be truly Catholic, it must speak to everyone in their own language and genius. Autocephaly is nothing more than underlining the Catholicity in a particular corner of the world”. He then drew attention to the fact that the term “autocephaly” doesn’t appear anywhere in the Church canons.
“What it can and should mean has to be understood in the corpus of canons, which is a body of concillary texts that date from the 4th to 9th centuries,'' he described. The particular canons discussed in the lecture were I Nicea 8 (commonly known as “one bishop, one city”), Antioch 9, Apostolic 34, and 1 Nicea 5. Fr. Alexander says that these canons are important in discussing authority “‘One Bishop, in one city’ represents Christ,” he noted, “ and this provides us with our first ‘shade of meaning’”. He continued, “what a bishop does has to be contemplentary with his neighboring districts and all of this work needs to be overseen by the bishop of the metropolis…all these must work together and fully in the name of the Holy Trinity...all in concord…”
Fr. Alexander argued that authority also must have accountability, “when one bishop makes a decision, he is obliged to make a case to his brothers. He is accountable to the Synod and that Synod is accountable to all Orthodoxy in the world. These bishops act in concert with all the bishops in the Orthodox world...the activity of the synod, are not just there to determine XYZ...what they’re arriving at is true and authentic so that an unblemished offering may be given to God. Autocephaly is only authentic and true when it serves the Catholicity of the Church”.
Fr. Alexander posited that an autocephalous Church must meet three criteria: it has its own head or primate not elected or confirmed by another body, it has territorial integrity in a geographical area, and it confects its own chrism. The OCA has shown maturity in dealing with its own issues; however, Fr. Alexander highlighted that the Tomos of autocephaly contains a paradox within its mandates. “The Tomos mandates that we are to remain in communion with our sister Churches in North America; therefore, we do not meet the second criteria,” he noted, “however, I put forward that this is an imperfect concord but guarantees Catholicity. The Tomos admits to being a creative solution to the canonical irregularities of America”.
He concluded the lecture encouraging the faithful that this mandate is a mission toward unity; in fact, we already have a firm foundation upon which we can build. “Our Tomos gives us a mandate to work toward unity in America. It is a prophetic document that gives us a clear mission...that the Catholic Church will flourish here. There is one consistent message. We have been unwavering toward the promise of one, unified Church. Not backhanded or forced, but a true catholicity. We have a unity in Faith. We must hold on to that and build upon that”.
Check out “Autocephaly with a Canonical Perspective” for the audio from this wonderful lecture. If you’d like to see more of these lectures in the future, please consider donating to St. Tikhon’s to continue these thought-provoking and enriching lectures.
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Returns to STOTS - 11/05/19
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Returns to STOTS
By: Subdeacon Peter Simko
On the first weekend in November, over forty visiting guests from Orthodox seminaries across North America descended on South Canaan, Pennsylvania. Representatives from Saint Herman’s, Saint Vladimir’s, Christ the Saviour, Holy Trinity, and Hellenic College Holy Cross gathered for the biannual Orthodox Inter-Seminary (OISM) Retreat, hosted by Saint Tikhon’s.
According to the group’s constitution, OISM exists “in order to create a closer fellowship among students enrolled in Orthodox Christian schools of theological education of all jurisdictions, to affirm our common traditions and gain an appreciation of other cultures and traditions, to promote understanding and unity among all Orthodox Christians, to build a network for future clerical and lay cooperation.” The organization was first gathered over half a century ago, participating in what were usually called “Encounters” by the seminarians in those days.
OISM’s recent reinstitution was the fruit of the efforts of Archbishop — then Father — Michael (Dahulich). In 2003, he invited students from each of the Orthodox seminary campuses to Saint Tikhon’s, and within a year, officer positions were filled and the students were taking the reins of the organization.
At the Spring 2019 Retreat at Saint Vladimir’s, OISM President Isaac Lampart (STOTS ‘19) passed on the torch to Paul Murray (HCHC ‘20), who worked with a host of school representatives, including OISM Treasurer Peter Simko (STOTS ‘21), to organize the Fall Retreat with the theme, “Christ: Beauty Incarnate.” Over the next several months, the OISM Board--along with the help of several generous donors and dozens of STOTS students, faculty, and staff--labored to prepare a successful event, featuring three wonderful speakers in the Very Reverend Archimandrite Doctor Alexis (Trader), Doctor Timothy Patitsas, and Jonathan Pageau.
The Retreat kicked off on Friday, November 1st, with several OISM members arriving early to participate in a special festal Byzantine Liturgy held in the Monastery’s All Saints of North America Chapel, a fitting location for the start of the weekend. The evening began the official schedule of activities with a pierogi supper, a Molieben service celebrated by STOTS Dean, the Very Reverend Archpriest John Parker, in the STOTS Saint Nikolai Chapel, and a talk by Father Alexis entitled: “A Jealous Love for the Beauty of God’s House.” Father Alexis adamantly encouraged the attendees to desire and create beautiful Orthodox Churches and sacred spaces in the midst of an often ugly world.
On Saturday, a Hierarchical Liturgy was celebrated by STOTS Rector, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, including the ordination of Subdeacon Doctor Gregory Matlak (STOTS ‘20) to the Holy Diaconate. OISM members from participating schools helped sing with the Mission Choir during each of the Saturday services hosted in the Monastery Church. Students were blessed to be anointed with oil brought by His Eminence from a recent visit to Jerusalem and the site of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr’s stoning. After a General Assembly Meeting for the group (which began with a blessing from His Eminence and a note on the importance of acting out our Orthodox unity), the Very Reverend Archpriest John Kowalczyk introduced the next speaker after sharing a reflection about his time as an officer in OISM in the 1970s. Next up was Jonathan Pageau, who gave a presentation entitled, “Christ and the Deisis as an Ontological Hierarchy,” focusing on the “unfolding” of the famous Deisis configuration and symbolism in Orthodox iconography and design.
After lunch and an opportunity for students to visit the Monastery Bookstore and the Metropolitan Museum of Orthodox History in America, the next speaker, Doctor Timothy Patitsas, was introduced by Father John Parker, who encouraged the OISM membership in their obligation to preach to the non-Orthodox as they take on vocations across the continent. Doctor Timothy then spoke on “the Beautiful Time,” explaining the important difference between chronos and kairos, and how our lives need to be organized according to the good and proper use of time, which seems to spiral in the life of the Church. Each talk was recorded. The evening came to a close with the Resurrection Vigil at the Monastery Church, again sung by the Mission Choir, followed by a large dinner, a basketball game in the seminary’s new Gymnasium/Convocation Hall, and a campfire at the nearby residence of STOTS Faculty Benedict and Maria Sheehan.
The OISM Retreat concluded on Sunday after Divine Liturgy and coffee hour. Students expressed their enjoyment of the food, the fellowship, and the genuine hospitality offered by the entire Saint Tikhon’s community through the course of one of the largest OISM Retreats in memory. The next OISM Retreat is planned to be at Hellenic College Holy Cross in the spring.
St. Tikhon’s Monastery Site of Women’s Retreat November 16, 2019 - 10/29/19
St. Tikhon's Monastery will be the setting for the annual women’s retreat sponsored by the Department of Curriculum and Education of the OCA Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania on Saturday, November 16, 2019.
Fr Theodore Petrides serves Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Reading, PA, will speak on “We Are Pilgrims On This Earth." Fr Theodore has spoken at conferences and retreats on various subjects including spiritual direction and contemporary Spiritual Fathers. Fr Theodore recently edited a book from the Holy Mountain entitled, Ascetics in the World which was published by St. Nikodemus the Hagiorite Publication Society and is for sale at St Tikhon's Seminary Bookstore & Press. He also currently teaches Pastoral Care and Counseling at St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary and, in November, is launching a daily podcast entitled, Signs in Our Times, on Ancient Faith Radio.
Registration and continental breakfast will begin at 9:30 a.m., followed by the first session at 10:00 a.m.
The $10.00 registration fee includes lunch. Deadline for registration is Saturday, November 9, 2019.
For additional information contact Matushka Emilia Shepherd at 910-988-3462 or
October Lecture Series Continues with Missions Theme - 10/25/19
By: Dn. Herman Garrison
The 2019 October Lecture Series continued this week by building on previous lectures given about the Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in America. Archpriest Thomas Soroka of Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, was the night's speaker. His lecture was enlightening yet challenging, especially to the diverse audience of students, clergy, and laity in attendance.
Saint Tikhon's was honored to have guests from its sister seminary, Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, including: Fr. Chad Hatfield (President), Dr. Ionut Alexandru Tudorie (Academic Dean), Mr. Alexandru Popovici (Academic and Recruitment Advisor), and Ms. Sarah Werner (Marketing Director, SVS Press).
During the talk, Fr. Thomas reflected on his own personal experience of what it was like to grow up Orthodox in America at the dawn of Autocephaly. He noted that there had been an outpouring of new educational material, books, and music as new parishes were being established. He remarked that it was "a vibrant Orthodox faith and there was a transition in the Church to help growth".
The prophetic words of Fr. John Meyendorff were brought to the fore, wherein he encouraged the new Church to recognize the goals ahead and be thoughtful in consideration of how to engage those goals. Fr. John reminded us of the words of St. Paul who said this mission work was for the "building of the Body of Christ", and he continued in his essay, stating, "we have to build churches, schools, and missions, but first of all, we must build an authentic and strong Orthodox consciousness in our clergy and that the true Orthodox witness may be a dynamic witness in American society..."
Fr. Thomas picked up on this theme to remind us that we must have a sense of urgency in fulfilling our mission. We cannot be a bastion for a chosen few, but we must bring the Kingdom of God to everyone in our land. This will mean that we must equip parishes, priests, and lay people to fulfill mission work through better communication and the sharing of resources.
A host of Orthodox missionaries were discussed; in particular, Fr. Thomas highlighted Saint Paul and the early North American missionaries. He underscored three traits of our missionary ancestors: faithful clarity, unquestioning certainty, and sacrificial urgency -- which was the keystone to all their efforts. He noted that they knew what God had called them to do and they spoke and acted with authority. It is important not to be distracted by naysayers or obstructionists.
Additionally, we must act with urgency. Others are doing the work, and we cannot be lethargic or apathetic. We also cannot wait for canonical anomalies to be solved.
Fr. Thomas stressed that the mission of the OCA has already been clearly stated, and it is up to us to act upon it.
OCA Archivist Shares Treasures from History - 10/18/19
By: Deacon Ignatius Strange ('22)
The OCA Archivist, Alexis Liberovsky, brought to St. Tikhon's the second talk in the Lecture Series. Following in the theme of autocephaly, he shared a wealth of information – both from the vaults of the OCA's archives, as well as, from the treasures recorded in his own memory after years of researching our history. He recounted the process leading up to the council in which the autocephaly of the OCA was proclaimed, including the procession up to St. Tikhon's Monastery Church, where the tomos was read aloud. A beautiful aspect of the proceedings, for which we have a word-for-word transcript transcribed from a recording, was the void of geopolitical talk. Such discussion would have been an understandable concern in any talks between Russians and Americans in 1970. Rather, they solely focused on the high mission of attempting, in the words of the tomos itself, to "serve the good of the Orthodox Church in America and the glory of God."
Dr. Mary Ford speaks at St. Lawrence University and Cornell University within seven days - 10/14/19
On Saturday evening, October 5, at St. Lawrence University in far upstate New York, Dr. Mary Ford, Associate Professor of New Testament at St. Tikhon's Seminary, spoke on "Whom, or What, Do We Fear? Insights from the Book of Revelation." Her talk was sponsored by the Mission Parish of St. Olympia the Deaconess in nearby Potsdam, New York. The next day Dr. Mary and Dr. David participated in the first-ever fully hierarchical liturgy ever celebrated in the St. Olympia Mission, celebrated by Archbishop Michael, OCA Archbishop of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Only six days later, Dr. Mary spoke on the same topic at Cornell University, sponsored by the Cornell Chaplain's Office and the Cornell Orthodox Christian Fellowship, under the direction of Fr. Joel Brady, St. Tikhon's graduate, Class of 2015. The next morning, Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's, spoke on Marriage at Fr. Joel's parish, Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, in Lansing, New York. Dr. David presented on two themes: "Marriage in the Church Fathers through the Centuries," and "26 Suggested Patterns of Living to Strive for to Enhance the Glory of our Marriages."
The Drs. Ford were very grateful for the warm hospitality bestowed upon them by both parishes, and by the wonderful members of the Cornell OCF.
The first two photos are at St. Lawrence, and at the Potsdam Mission.
The next four photos are at Cornell, with the OCF there, and with Fr. Joel Brady and his family in his Holy Apostles Church in Lansing, New York.
Metropolitan Tikhon's Lecture on Primacy and Service - 10/11/19
On Tuesday, October 8, St Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary welcomed His Beatitude, the Most-blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All-America and Canada, back to his alma mater for the 2019 Fall Lecture Series. His Beatitude inaugurated the series, entitled Autocephaly, as a prelude to the OCA’s celebrations of 50 years of the granting of Autocephaly from the Russian Orthodox Church in 1970.
His Beatitude spoke not only from an historical and liturgical perspective concerning Primacy, but also offered his audience many personal reflections. For him, for example, the honor to consecrate Holy Chrism for Baptism is one aspect of his Primatial service which he most appreciates and enjoys. His Beatitude reinforced through his lecture his view that Primacy is not a gift of power or position, but one of humble service and obedience to shepherd a flock.
Metropolitan Tikhon’s Lecture was entitled, “Primacy and Service” and will be available on St Tikhon’s Ancient Faith Radio podcast, “The Spirit of St Tikhon’s” shortly. The next lecture will be offered by Alexis Liberovsky, Archivist of the Orthodox Church in America, on Tuesday, October 15, 730-9p, in the Convocation Hall. All are welcome.
Tales of Miracles in Prison Ministry: OCPM Executive Director Visits STOTS - 10/04/19
STM Refectory
By: Subdeacon Peter Simko (‘21)
Saint Tikhon’s welcomed Father Stephen Powley, parish priest of Saint John’s Greek Orthodox Church in Pueblo, Colorado, and Executive Director of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM). He discussed the reality of incarceration in the United States compared to other places in the world, as well as his own story of becoming a chaplain. He explained the experience prisoners have with combating the “flames of hell” as they seek to ascend the ladder toward the embrace of the Lord. The prisoners who seek Christ see His blood as extinguishing those flames.
Having been accepted as a chaplain, Fr. Stephen was told by a warden to “go do what chaplains do” (without much idea as to what that should be). The voice of Christ pushed him not to fear, but to engage the prisoners and embrace their personhood. Fr. Stephen explained that in ministering to those in prison, we are visiting and serving Jesus Himself.
Fr. Stephen noted, “the Orthodox Church has been on a collision course with people going into and coming out of prisons and jails.” He further explained how fallen men and women--terrible criminals, even--can and do become Saints. He used Saint Moses the Strong of Ethiopia as a prime example. Father spoke of the incredible transformations that he has experienced in his time working with prisoners--with both social and spiritual re-orientations. Fr. Stephen reminded the students that “a welcoming Church sees each individual as a person made in the image and likeness of God; it has unconditional love, trust, and realistic expectations.”
Fr. Stephen spoke about an encounter he had in the chapel of Hosios Loukas Monastery. While praying, Fr. Stephen had a vision of a man locked up in a supermax prison. He eventually found that man and told him about his experience. The man had never expressed interest in Orthodox Christianity before, but after being introduced to the Faith by Fr. Stephen, the prisoner embraced the Truth of the Church.
He told us about His Eminence, Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, tonsuring several life-sentence prisoners with developed spiritual lives into the monastic life. One prisoner, influenced by these new monks and their excitement for Great Lent, fasted for days and experienced a bright Woman as if in a dream, asking him to take her Baby. Father Stephen explained to the inmate that the Theotokos seemed to be asking the man to accept the Lord. Metropolitan Isaiah, after hearing the story, remained silent. He then turned to Fr. Stephen and said, “baptize him.” The inmate also desired this, and he entered into the Holy Church.
Fr. Stephen showed the seminarians a photo of what a baptism looks like within a prison. The students asked Father about how a new priest can get involved in prison ministry. He explained that the easiest way is to connect with a local incarcerated Orthodox Christian, but you can also connect with a local chaplain for a prison--and perhaps suggest teaching a course to inmates on Early Church history. Father reminded everyone that Saint Tikhon’s and OCPM have been working together for many years, and that Father John Kowalczyk is helping lead an exceptional program at the seminary. We are so grateful to the wonderful leaders who help lead the way for future clergy in ministering to those in prison.
For more information on the wonderful work of OCPM, check out: Stay tuned for a podcast featuring Fr. Stephen on a future episode of Spirit of St. Tikhon’s on Ancient Faith Radio.
Visit to Holy Dormition Orthodox Church, Cumberland, Rhode Island - 09/30/19
On the weekend of September 28-29, Archpriest John Parker, Dean of St. TIkhon's had the privilege to accompany the Wonderworking Icon of St. Anna to Holy Dormition Orthodox Church, Cumberland, Rhode Island, at the invitation of parish rector, Archpriest Vasily Lickwar. Fr. John preached at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday. In his homily, he exhorted the faithful that our response to the wonders and miracles attributed to the Grace of the Holy Spirit through St. Anna is, in fact, the Gospel appointed for the same Sunday (Luke 6:31-36). Gratitude for the miraculous in our lives is best shown as love for one's enemies, lending expecting nothing in return, and doing good as we are able. This is especially true, preached Fr. John, since we, who are of the household of faith, were once enemies of God, who, despite our selfishness towards Him, have been given new life, forgiveness of sins, and countless visible and invisible acts of mercy towards us.
Holy Dormition was established in 1908 by St. Alexander Hotovitsky, one of the five saints who walked, and prayed, and served at St. Tikhon's.
The Ordination of Ambrose (Ryan) Inlow to the Holy Diaconate in Christ - 09/25/19
A Friday evening Primatial Vigil commemorating the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross featured a perhaps otherwise typical detail: Ambrose Inlow, a third-year seminarian at Saint Tikhon’s prayerfully read the Hexapsalmos, that is, the Six Psalms at the beginning of the order of Matins. A seminarian reading this is no surprise, but that Ambrose Inlow was doing so wove him into a simple and long-standing tradition at Saint Tikhon’s. For all those men chosen to be ordained to the Diaconate are first responsible for reading the Six Psalms the evening prior to their day of elevation.
Accompanied by the singing of the Saint Tikhon’s Mixed Choir--under the direction of Benedict Sheehan--and in the eyes of a myriad of faithful, Ambrose was tonsured and ordained to the rank of Reader. Having first been vested in the short phelonion, he was then given a selection to read from the Apostle. Demonstrating his capability, he was then vested in the sticharion, and likewise girt in an orarion. Now a Subdeacon, Ambrose washed the hands of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, and the Liturgy was begun.
The Divine Liturgy contained all the common traits of any Hierarchical service, but with the added joy of a Primate’s presence along with the awe of venerating the Wood of the Cross, a relic of which lay enshrouded with bright red carnations in the center of the nave. “Before Thy Cross, we bow down in worship, O Master…” was chanted by the clergy and choir as the faithful fell prostrate. The Diptychs were chanted festively by the Reverend Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak and mirrored by the choir. And crowning the entire service was the laying on of hands by His Beatitude upon Subdeacon Ambrose, who knelt with his forehead on the corner of the Holy Table.
After Father Deacon Ambrose took up the marks of his new office, concluding with the fan, the chanting of Axios resounded throughout the Monastery Church. At the close of the Liturgy, the concelebrating priests (including Archimandrite Sergius Bowyer--the Abbot of Saint Tikhon’s, Archimandrite Alexis Trader, Father John Parker--Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, Hieromonk Herman, Father Ignatius Gauvain, and Father Vjekoslav Jovicic) and deacons gathered for photos with the newly-ordained and his Matushka, Meghan (Juliana) Inlow, and their family. On behalf of the Saint Tikhon’s family, we congratulate the Inlow family and wish them many blessed years! Axios, Axios, Axios!
2019 October Lecture Series, "Autocephaly" - 09/23/19
St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary announces the 2019 October Lecture Series, "Autocephaly", celebrating the 50th Year of Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in America. The Lectures will begin Tuesday, October 8, and continue on each of the following Tuesdays in the month, Oct 15, 22, and 29.
Archpriest John Parker, Dean of St Tikhon's noted, "For the Orthodox Church in America, it is also momentous, in that the Lectures will be held in the newly-renovated Convocation Hall, the site of the first All-American Sobor in 1970. It is a rich blessing not only for the Seminary, but also for the living history of the Orthodox Church in America, as we labor to fulfill the Great Commission in this land."
His Beatitude, the Most-blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All-America and Canada, will give the opening lecture, "Primacy and Service," on Tuesday, October 8, 730-9pm.
In the following weeks, Autocephaly will be considered in the following lectures:
October 15: Mr Alexis Liberovsky, Archivist of the Orthodox Church in America, "Autocephaly: Documents and Reflections".
October 22: Archpriest Thomas Soroka, Pastor of St Nicholas Orthodox Church, McKees Rocks, PA, and long-time Ancient Faith Radio Podcaster: "Autocephaly and Mission".
October 29: Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, "Autocephaly and the Canonical Tradition".
Lectures will run for forty-five minutes, with fifteen minutes to follow for questions and answers. A light reception follows each lecture, finishing at 9pm.
STOTS Attendance at Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry Board Meeting in Kansas - 09/19/19
Fr. John Kowlaczyk (STOTS Director of Field Education) attended a national board meeting of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) on August 8–10 in Wichita, KS. Travelling with him, as a guest, was Seminarian Gregory Matlak (‘20).
The evening before the meeting, a lovely dinner was held at the home of OCPM Treasurer Eric Namee. A presentation was given on a successful mentoring program designed to help inmates successfully transition back into regular society.
At the board meeting, Fr. John reported on his recent invitation to give a three hour workshop at the upcoming Pennsylvania Forensic Rights and Treatment Conference at Drexel Medical College, to be held on December 4-5. He also resigned as long-time Secretary of the OCPM board, yet renewed his commitment to the organization by reaffirming his role as a member of the executive staff and by accepting a new role as an executive board member.
Gregory was asked to offer a short presentation on his experience with prison ministry, during which he especially highlighted the excellent training he is receiving at St Tikhon’s as a part of field education classes.
It is an exciting time for the OCPM, as they recently approved a ground-breaking and ambitious new strategic plan. Both Fr. John and Gregory are involved in task forces addressing specific goals of this plan. The mission statement of the OCPM is: “To share the love of Christ and His Church with those who are incarcerated and their families so that lives are transformed and God is glorified.”
More information can be found at
On Friday evening, July 19, 2019, Dr. David spoke at Holy Assumption Orthodox Church (OCA) in Canton, Ohio, where St. Tikhon's Seminary graduate Fr. John Kennerk is the rector. Dr. David spoke on "Marriage in the Fathers through the Centuries", using an article in the book he helped to edit, called Glory and Honor: Orthodox Christian Resources on Marriage (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2016).
Then, the next evening, after a brief visit to the St. Gregory Palamas Orthodox Monastery in Hayesville, Ohio, he spoke at St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church (OCA) in Columbus, Ohio, where Fr. Stephen Frase, another St. Tikhon's graduate, is the rector. For this talk, Dr. David spoke on "Dealing with Despondency through the Letters of St. John Chrysostom to St. Olympia". Dr. David has translated, in a first-time full English translation, all 17 of these wise, powerful, and tremendously inspiring letters, all written by St. John to his best friend and confidante, St. Olympia the Deaconesse, as he was enduring his totally unjust exile. The translation also was published by St Vladimir's Seminary Press in 2016, as part of their Popular Patristics Series.
Dr. David remarked, "It's always a greay joy to visit parishes where the priest is one of our St. Tikhon's graduates, to see them in action, to reconnect with them and their families, and to share with and get to know some of their parishioners. May all our alumni and their families and parishioners be flourishing wonderfully in our Lord Jesus!'
Benedict Sheehan Premieres Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom - 06/03/19
On Sunday evening, May 26, Prof. Benedict Sheehan’s (STOTS 2011) setting of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom received its World Premiere Performance at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre. The composition is among the first of its kind, a complete musical setting of the text of the Liturgy in English.
In composing the setting, Benedict, who is assistant professor and director of music at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, sought to bring together such varied influences as Byzantine Chant, Georgian Chant, Gregorian Chant, American Sacred Harp, and English Choral Music, while remaining grounded in the Russian Choral Tradition, in order to express the cultural diversity of Orthodoxy in America. All of these influences coalesced to form a coherent and beautiful whole that succeeded brilliantly in elevating the minds and hearts of all those present to the contemplation of the very Source of Beauty – God Himself.
Prof. Sheehan’s rendition of the Liturgy was performed by a 39-voice ensemble of the St. Tikhon Choir and members of the PaTRAM Institute Singers. Featured among the talented choral musicians were the well-known countertenor and conductor Timothy Parsons, bass-baritone singer and trumpet player Michael Hawes, and bass and professor of music Dr. Jason Thoms, as well as current students and students’ wives from St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and recent graduates and graduates’ wives of the theological school.
An introduction to the evening’s concert was offered by the renowned Peter Jermihov, artistic director of the PaTRAM Institute Singers. The performance was dedicated to the memory of Benedict’s father, the late Donald Sheehan, Ph.D., university professor and author. Excerpts from his soon-to-be-released The Shield of Psalmic Prayer were read within the setting of the Liturgy.
At the end of the performance and following an encore, the filled-to-capacity cathedral audience rose to their feet twice with several minutes-long standing ovations. Afterwards, Prof. Sheehan and the concert singers were greeted by audience members at a formal reception in the cathedral auditorium.
The evening’s performance was made possible by the generous support of the Carmel Cultural Endowment for the Arts.
We at St. Tikhon’s Seminary congratulate Prof. Sheehan on the completion and public premiere of this work, and we hope that it may serve to the praise and glorification of the All-Holy Trinity for many years!
St. Tikhon's Honors Fifteen Graduates of the 77th Graduating Class - 06/03/19
South Canaan, PA – On Saturday, May 25, 2019, Saint Tikhon’s Seminary held its 77th Annual Commencement Exercises, conferring Master of Divinity degrees on 13 graduates and Certificates in Pastoral Formation on 2 others. The joyful assembly began with a procession into the filled, newly-renovated Convocation Center, which housed the very first All American Council of the Orthodox Church in America in 1970.
Presiding over the festivities was His Beatitude, Metropolitan TIKHON, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America and President of the Seminary. His Eminence, Archbishop MICHAEL of New York and the Rector of the theological school, presented the candidates to His Beatitude for the conferral of degrees. Other hierarchs present included His Eminence, Archbishop MELCHISEDEK of Pittsburgh; His Eminence, Archbishop DAVID of Sitka; and His Grace, Bishop THOMAS of Oakland, Charleston and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese. Each of the hierarchs “hooded” the Seminary graduates from their respective Dioceses.
Very Rev. Archpriest John Parker, Dean of the Seminary, introduced the Class Valedictorian Benjamin Cabe. In his address, Ben reminded those assembled: “Often when we think of graduate degrees in theology, we imagine a classroom full of people discussing theological ideas, but this is not the thrust of our education here. God is not an idea; He is a person – and a person can only be truly known through personal contact.”
Seven current graduates and one recent graduate received certification in Clinical Pastoral Education from Very Rev. Archpriest Steven Voytovich, former Dean and director of CPE for the Seminary. Father John Parker announced those who had graduated with honors: Benjamin Cabe, with distinction in Theology, and George Davis, with distinction in Church History.
The Commencement Address was delivered by His Eminence, the recently-elevated Archbishop David, a 1997 St. Tikhon’s alumnus. The ruling hierarch of the Diocese of Alaska exhorted the graduating seminarians to be ever prepared to witness to inquirers, recognizing the “God Tests” in their lives:
You will have lots of "God tests" in life, and while you may be done with the classroom, you’re not done with the ‘Living’ room. Every time you are approached by someone with a question about a life subject, you need to be ready to answer the test question. It may be that you find yourself in a checkout line [and] they may notice you’re a priest…. You’re going to get a God test. Be ready, be confident, but most of all, be humble.
His Eminence also fulfill the instruction of St. Herman of Alaska: “From this day, from this hour, from this minute, let us strive above all else to love God and to do His Holy Will” and to keep in mind the words of St. Innocent of Alaska:
It is indeed a holy endeavor, one equal to that of the apostles, to leave your homeland and go to places that are remote, wild, and devoid of many of the comforts of life in order to convert to the path of Truth people who are still wandering in the darkness of ignorance and to illumine with the light of the Gospel those who still have not seen this saving light. Blessed is he whom the Lord chooses and places in such service! But especially blessed is he who with all fervor, sincerity, and love struggles to convert and to enlighten, enduring the labors and sorrows met in the course of his service, for great is his reward in the heavens.
During the gathering, St. Tikhon’s Student Government outgoing president Fr. Joseph Sharman presented the “Fr. Alexander Atty Memorial Community Service Award” to retiring Chief Financial Officer Very Rev. Archpriest Dennis Swencki (STOTS 1974), a most beloved member of the St. Tikhon’s Community for many years. Father Dennis offered a heartfelt and tearful response upon receiving the award, which was given with great love from the graduating class and the entire community he has served for so long.
The Commencement ceremony also included the presentation of the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award, as chosen by the members of the Seminary’s Alumni Association. It was announced by Alumni Association President, Rev. Patrick Burns (STOTS 2009) that this year the award was being presented to two venerable elder priests: Mitred Archpriest Daniel Ressetar (STOTS 1948) and Very Rev. Archpriest Eugene Pianovich (STOTS 1950), both of whom have been blessed with more than half-a-century of faithful service to Christ’s Church in America. Two days later, at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy of the Monastery Memorial Day Pilgrimage, Metropolitan Tikhon awarded Fr. Pianovich the privilege to wear the miter.
On Saturday evening, following the Vigil service at the Monastery Church, some two hundred persons attended a banquet, held at the Anthracite Center in Carbondale, honoring the 15 graduates of the St. Tikhon’s Class of 2019. The speaking program focused on reflections by the students of their time together, being spiritually formed and theologically educated at the Monastery and Seminary.
We wish the St. Tikhon’s Class of 2019 “Many Years!”
Administrative Offices Closed Holy Thursday through Bright Monday - 04/24/19
In honor of the Commemoration of our Lord's Passion and Glorious Resurrection the St. Tikhon's Administrative Offices will be closed from Holy Thursday (4/25) through Bright Monday (4/29). The Offices will reopen on Bright Tuesday (4/30).
Save the Date: Continuing Education 2019 - 04/18/19
St. Tikhon's Seminary will be holding its Summer Clergy Continuing Education Program from June 18-20, 2019. This year's program is titled "Roots: A Pastoral and Patristic Return to the Old Testament," and features such speakers as Archbishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon, Fr. Victor Gorodenchuck, Fr. Alexis Trader, and Dr. Justin Gohl. Cost of Registration is $200, including food and accommodations. A flyer may be found here and the registration form here. For more information, contact Administrative Assistant to the Dean Marshall Goodge at or by phone at (570) 561-1818 x101.
Student Government hosts Documentary Screening - 04/10/19
St. Tikhon’s Student Government recently hosted a screening of the film Poverty Inc. for the Seminary community. One of the film makers, Subdeacon Simon Scionka, was on hand to show the documentary and field various questions about the film and charity outreach in general.
The 94-minute documentary takes a respectful, but honest look at the state of international charities and their impact on the impoverished people whom they try to help. The consequences of this aid can lead to unexpected results. While the motivation to help may be heartfelt, the impact of these efforts is not always positive in the long run and can often lead to other unintended outcomes, such as suppressing local economic development. The film makers seek to generate robust conversation around the topic of our foreign aid and whether we can do things more effectively.
The Q&A session after the screening of film was both challenging and encouraging. Various audience members explored not only how we can do things more effectively, but what does this mean in an Orthodox context. Additionally, the audience had a productive conversation around short-term mission trips and how to undertake them more effectively. The evening ended with exploring ways to get more involved and how to approach global outreach as both an individual and a parish.
The Student Government and the community of St. Tikhon’s wish to thank Subdeacon Simon Scionka for his wonderful work and spending time with us. For more information about his project, check out
Drs. David and Mary Ford Give Presentation on Recent Holy Land Pilgrimage - 04/01/19
On Friday evening, March 22, Drs. David and Mary Ford gave a "slide show" to the St. Tikhon's Seminary and Parish Community, presenting about 500 of the photos they took while on their recent Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Led by Fr. Theodore Petrides, the group of about 30 pilgrims visited some 65 sites during their nine days in Galilee, Samaria, Jerusalem, and down to the Jordan River.
They reported, "This was our first time there, and we never realized how deeply meaningful it all would be. Everything in the Gospels is so much more real to us now!"
Besides doing the appropriate Gospel readings at each holy site, the pilgrims participated in the Divine Liturgy at a church in Tiberias on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, as well as a midnight Divine Liturgy in the vast Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
Please find attached a small sampling of our photos from this amazingly wonderful trip. They are 1), outside the doors of the Holy Sepulchre; 2), the Church of the Holy Apostles by the Sea of Galilee near Capernaum; 3), the site of Christ's Ascension; 4), the Sea of Galilee at sunset; 5), the famous Russian Church of St. Mary Magdalene on the Mt. of Olives; and 6), the ruins of the Pool of Bethesda.
St. Tikhon's Hosts Annual St. Tikhon's-St. Vladimir's Basketball Game - 03/20/19
Students from St. Tikhon’s Seminary and St. Vladimir’s Seminary gathered together on the morning of February 23, 2019 at The Vineyard Center in Honesdale, PA to play an exhibition game of basketball. This fun tradition occurs every year between the sister seminaries, with each school taking its turn hosting. This year's game had to be relocated to a near-by gym, since the St. Tikhon's gymnasium is currently being renovated.
STOTS Dean Fr. John Parker was on hand to give the opening blessing and to cheer on the players. Several students and their families, as well as STOTS faculty, helped encourage our dedicated players to do their best. Professor Dr. David Ford was our jovial cheerleader and kept the crowd pumped up.
Although St. Tikhon’s lost, 47-32, we hope to come back strong and pull out a win next year. After the game, everyone enjoyed fellowship, with pizza and drinks provided by St. Tikhon’s Seminary. We wish to thank all those who came out from St. Vladimir's Seminary to make it an enjoyable day.
STOTS Visits St. Vladimir's for OISM Spring Conference - 03/11/19
On March 8-11, St. Tikhon’s Seminarians Subdeacon Peter Simko (‘21) and Isaac Lampart (‘19) gathered together with an endearing group of students and seminarians from Hellenic College-Holy Cross and St. Vladimir’s Seminary for the Spring 2019 Conference of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM), hosted this semester by St. Vladimir’s.
Founded in the 1960s and revived in 2003, the OISM fosters fellowship and cooperation among Orthodox seminary and theology students. St. Vladimir’s seminarians chose to frame this Spring’s weekend around “Orthodox Unity.”
On Friday evening, the seminarians gathered together for informal fellowship and conversation in the SVOTS refectory. Many seminarians present also attended last semester’s OISM weekend at Hellenic College Holy Cross, and were happily introduced to new faces and first-comers to an OISM event.
On Saturday, Archpriest Edward Hughes, the Vicar General of the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate, spoke and led discussions at the conference regarding the Western Rite and Orthodox unity. SVOTS Professor Dr. John Barnet also delivered a lecture on Christian unity in the New Testament. In the evening, STOTS and HCHC seminarians participated in the mixed and male choirs during vigil (it was neat to see familiar names like Hieromonk Herman written on the scores at St. Vladimir’s). The conference concluded with Sunday’s Divine Liturgy at Three Hierarchs Chapel.
New leadership was also elected during this weekend’s gathering, in accordance with the OISM Constitution. Paul Murray (Holy Cross ‘21) is the National President, Catherine Holder (Hellenic College ‘21) is the National Secretary, and Subdeacon Peter Simko (STOTS ‘21) is the National Treasurer and STOTS Representative.
While OISM tends to meet every year at one of North America’s Orthodox theological seminaries, seminarians are hopeful to organize a retreat every semester to encourage long-lasting friendships and foster support in pan-Orthodox ministry.
“During my three years at STOTS, through OISM, I was given the opportunity to make connections with seminarians at Holy Trinity, HCHC, St. Vladimir’s, and Christ the Saviour in Johnstown, which I know will remain with me wherever the Church’s ministry brings me,” Isaac commented. “I feel I can relate in a little way to all the seminaries, and coming to know their students personally through OISM events, I can begin to understand what ministry might look like for each one of us, given our unique formational journeys and predispositions, that we might best relate and serve the Church together across all jurisdictions.”
Tentatively, the Fall 2019-2020 OISM Weekend will be hosted by St. Tikhon’s Seminary, which Subdeacon Peter will help organize.
“Our hope with the upcoming Saint Tikhon’s OISM retreat will be to convey the necessity of beauty in the Church and her ministries when facing a world whose, to be frank, ugliness is ever more apparent as the Lord is gradually forgotten by the wider culture,” Subdeacon Peter related. “Beauty is a sure foothold for Truth,” he continued, “so our retreat will portray how Orthodox Christianity makes Christ, Who is Truth Incarnate, present through the ministries of liturgical arts and beyond in a way that can be inspirational to all OISM participants, no matter what God is calling them to do.”
Article by Seminarian Isaac Lampart (‘19)
Photographs by St. Vladimir’s Seminarian Mitchell Morfas (‘21)
Mission Choir visits St. Andrew's Orthodox Church in Baltimore - 02/27/19
St Tikhon's Mission Choir was warmly welcomed by Fr Theodore Boback and his parishioners at St Andrew’s in Baltimore this past weekend. The Choir sang Great Vespers and Liturgy.
Many thanks to Father Theodore and the faithful for their unceasing support of St Tikhon's!
To inquire about the Mission Choir coming to your parish, please email Benedict Sheehan at
Dr. David Ford Speaks at the Eighth Day Institute, Wichita, Kansas - 02/18/19
On January 24 - 26, 2019, our Dr. David C. Ford, Professor of Church History, participated in the Ninth Annual Symposium of the Eighth Day Institute, held in Wichita, Kansas, in connection with the celebrated Eighth Day Bookstore. The various events of the three-day symposium were held at St. Mary's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Wichita, and at the Eighth Day Bookstore in that same city.
Dr. David was honored to lead a plenary session on "An Orthodox Theology of Eros, Sexuality, and Marriage in the Vision of St. John Chrysostom," as well as leading a workshop on "The Eternality of Marriage." He also gave some brief reflections on the Life of St. Mary of Egypt at the Banquet on Friday evening.
Dr. David says he was especially blessed by the very grateful response he received to the quotations he shared from St. John Chrysostom on the glory and beauty of marriage in all its aspects, especially when it is lived in communion with Christ.
Sheehans Give Choir Workshop at OCA National Cathedral - 02/18/19
From February 8 to 10, St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, DC, the OCA’s primatial cathedral, hosted a choir workshop with Benedict and Maria Sheehan. Benedict is Director of Music at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery, and Maria teaches Music Theory and Voice at St. Tikhon’s. The workshop was attended by members of the St. Nicholas Cathedral Choir as well as a number of guest singers and directors from the DC area.
The workshop began on Friday evening, February 8, with a lecture and discussion entitled “The Next Ten Years: The Work of Orthodox Musicians in America.” During the lecture the Sheehans emphasized the need for serious reinvestment in liturgical music over the next decade, or else, they warned, we risk losing much of the musical richness we take for granted in church today. They said much has already been lost, and they expressed the conviction that the next decade will prove pivotal in determining whether this damage is irreparable or not. They also emphasized the importance of cathedrals, especially ones as prominent as St. Nicholas, being willing to take up the mantle of musical leadership within the Church at large. “Liturgical music,” Benedict argued, “is one of the Church’s most powerful evangelical tools, provided the tradition is sufficiently valued and sustained. Investing time and resources in it will pay dividends.”
The workshop continued Saturday morning with an intensive session on vocal technique with Maria, an experienced singer and vocal music educator. During her methodical presentation, she helped participants realize that vocal technique is really a form of physical fitness that requires daily investment. “We have to forge deliberate technical paths to vocal fitness,” she said, “given our present age in which music tends to be consumed rather than made, and most people no longer sing every day.” Maria’s session was followed in the afternoon by repertoire rehearsal and ensemble building with Benedict. Maestro Sheehan also worked on conducting and rehearsal technique with the cathedral’s music director, pianist and conductor Serge Romanchak, and with assistant directors Elena Forrest, Kevin Fritts, Andrea Lutov, and Kirill Reimann.
On Sunday morning, Maria led a warm-up and vocal technique “refresher” class with workshop participants, and the assembled choir sang Divine Liturgy. The Liturgy was celebrated by the cathedral’s associate pastors, Archpriest George Kokhno and Archpriest Valery Shemchuk, along with Archpriest Dennis Bradley and Deacon Igor Panyutin. Fr. George thanked the Sheehans in his homily and expressed his hope that this was the first of many such workshops.
The weekend’s efforts concluded Sunday afternoon with a wrap-up question and answer period about what specifically the St. Nicholas Cathedral community can do to strengthen its music program going forward. Those assembled, along with Fr. George and Mr. Romanchak, expressed eagerness for the Sheehans to forge an ongoing relationship with St. Nicholas and to help them build up their choir.
The Sheehans’ next workshop will be held at William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri, from March 21 to 24. Their next parish workshop will be at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, from April 5 to 7. They also gave a workshop in January at St. Michael’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Louisville, Kentucky. More information on the Sheehans’ workshops may be found at https://www.
The Faculty, Staff, and Students of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, along with the entire St. Tikhon's community would like to wish many blessed years to our Father in Christ, the Most Blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, on the fifteenth anniversary of his Episcopal Consecration.
Saint Tikhon’s Seminarians March for Life in Washington, DC - 01/30/19
On Friday, January 18th 2019, Saint Tikhon’s seminarians and community members gathered around His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, for the Annual March for Life in Washington DC. This year’s March marks 46 years since the Roe v. Wade decision, when the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion.
St. Tikhon's Seminary was well-represented during the March. Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, and Archpriest John Parker, Seminary Dean, were among those who stood stalwart behind His Beatitude as he offered a Panikhida for the holy infants slain by abortion.
Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, organized the arrival of over twenty-five St. Tikhon’s seminarians and community children. Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) and seminarian James Latimer (STOTS ‘20) led the seminarian choir during the prayer service. St. Vladimir’s seminarians and several local Orthodox clergy and parishioners were also among the Orthodox Christians who marched down Constitution Avenue chanting hymns and akathists for the life of the unborn, and their mothers and families. The Most Reverend Melchisedek, Archbishop of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, His Grace the Right Reverend Thomas of the Antiochian Diocese of Oakland, Charleston and the Mid-Atlantic, and The Right Reverend Daniel, Bishop of Santa Rosa, Auxiliary Bishop of the OCA Diocese of the West were among the Orthodox hierarchs present.
Seminarian Olivia Insignares (STOTS ‘21) professed the Orthodox Church’s presence at the March as a witness to Christ’s paschal victory over death.
“This is a public witness to the truth of our Faith: We are fundamentally against death of all kinds,” Olivia remarked. “Especially at Saint Tikhon’s, which is a place of formation for the priesthood, the priests which are trained to help people go towards life and the light, it makes sense that we would be here making a public witness of life to the world, Who is Jesus Christ.”
A seminarian wife of St. Vladimir’s Seminary considered her presence at the March for Life as a simple witness to Christ’s Commandments in a world which protects the slaying of infants who cannot protect themselves.
“I need to do the right thing, to love God and love my neighbor. Love the babies, love the women, love the doctors, love the children, love the people.”
Father Joseph Sharman (STOTS ‘19), Student Government President, believed the entire gathering of the Orthodox Church and seminarians at the March scattered hope in the wake of sorrow.
“We do not march only against something,” Father Joseph said. “The Orthodox Church promises paschal life and joy.”
St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery continues to pray for the life of all, the unborn and the born, in the daily Divine Liturgy. Metropolitan Tikhon’s Archpastoral Message for Sanctity of Life Sunday (January 20, 2019) can be found here.
On Monday January 21, 2019 St. Tikhon’s Seminary and St. Tikhon’s Monastery played host to a group of visitors from Penn State University OCF, both Graduate and Undergraduate Students, for a pilgrimage/vocations visit. The group was led by Dn. Alex Cadman from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in State College, which also sponsored the trip.
We welcome all OCF and young adult groups to similarly come and see! To schedule a visit to the seminary, please contact Administrative Assistant Marshall M. Goodge (
Ribbon Cutting and Annual Saint Tatiana's Day Luncheon: A Heartwarming and Blessed Event - 01/24/19
On Thursday, January 24, the Saint Tikhon’s Seminary community celebrated the opening of the new kitchen in conjunction with the Annual Saint Tatiana's Day Luncheon. This event was graciously hosted by the Saint Tikhon's Century Association. Traditionally, Seminary Trustee and Century Association Spiritual Advisor, the Very Reverend Archpriest Joseph Martin, of blessed memory, cooked sausage and peppers for the yearly luncheon. This year, his wife Matushka Gloria, a member of the St. Tikhon’s Century Association Executive Board, and their daughters, Mrs. Cathryn Haber, Mrs. Juliana Good, and Miss Marina Martin, prepared the sausage and peppers, which were thoroughly enjoyed. The rest of the Executive Board of St. Tikhon’s Century Association baked an abundance of scrumptious desserts. Mrs. Zena Parker, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Chef, provided the soup and side dishes.
The event was opened by Father John Parker, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Dean. He welcomed the 100+ guests, seminarian families, and administration members. He showed those in attendance a plaque from the former kitchen which was dated 1962. It was fun to know we salvaged this jewel from “back in the day”! Thank you to Holy Ghost Church, Ambridge, PA, for the first kitchen. It certainly served us very well for many decades!
His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, blessed the people and delivered heartwarming thank-you’s for generous donations. He thanked Mrs. Nancy Kohudic, a member of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Board of Trustees, for spearheading the construction of the new kitchen project with her donations. He thanked Mr. John Babiak, also, a member of the St. Tikhon’s Board of Trustees, for his donations toward the new kitchen. And, he thanked Matushka Gloria for carrying on the tradition of her husband. In remembrance of Father Joseph, Archbishop Michael delighted us with the story of the special way that Father Joe would express his love through preparing and serving food. Archbishop Michael thanked Zena for her patience with the old kitchen and for having to traverse the “dungeon” to get to the dining room. He wished her much success with the new facility.
Another benefactor of the new kitchen project, Matushka Dr. Christine Hoeplinger, was unfortunately unable to be with us that day, but was thanked for her generous donations. Matushka Christine’s donations were made in memory of her grandfather and grandmother, Riste and Dosta Stefanovich, who were restaurant owners. Out of Christian love, they always made sure that homeless and poor persons were fed from their kitchen.
The new seminary kitchen was proudly ready for this special luncheon. The recent – and enormous – upgrade has been eagerly anticipated for many years. The honor of cutting the ribbon at the new kitchen doors was given to Mrs. Kohudic. Zena was very grateful for the new facility! She and the seminary community quickly put the kitchen into full functionality and beautified it with icons and curtains. The seminary community joyfully joins her in taking good care of this great gift. We pray that the food that comes out of this kitchen will continue to nourish our seminarians and guests for many years!
We greatly thank Saint Tikhon's Century Association for hosting the luncheon and providing the delicious food! We also express gratitude to the Association for its gift of $6,500 to the Seminary General Fund that day; the check was presented to Father John by the organization’s vice-president, Mrs. Rosalie Luster.
The Seminary community continues to pray for Saint Tikhon’s Century Association, all of our contributors and benefactors, and the soul of the dearly beloved Father Joe. May his memory be eternal!
St. Tikhon's Adiministrative Office Closed December 22-December 27 - 12/21/18
The Administrative Office of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will be closed from December 22-27, 2018, in recognition of the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.
Fr. John Kowalczyk speaks at the Drexel Medical College and Forensic Rights Conference - 12/13/18
For the second year in a row, Fr. John Kowalczyk was invited by the Drexel Medical College and the Pennsylvania Forensic Rights and Treatment Conference. On Wednesday afternoon, November 28, Fr. John held a three-and-a-half hour workshop dealing with "Family Losses and Working through Bereavement and Losses in General."
Mission Choir, Fr. Patrick Burns Raise $19K With Christmas Concert - 12/13/18
On December 9, St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir sang the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in New Britain, Connecticut. Later that day the students joined the Sheehan Family Singers in performing a program of hymns and carols for the Christmas season in front of an enthusiastic audience at Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, Connecticut.
Following the concert, Priest Patrick Burns, President of the St. Tikhon’s Alumni Association, presented Music Director Benedict Sheehan and Development Director Fr. David Fox with donations to the Seminary totalling almost $19,000. In his words of thanks to the assembled crowd, Fr. David Fox noted that supporters of the Seminary are helping “build a future for the Church in America.” Fr. Patrick Burns added further that the first time he visited Three Saints Orthodox Church—the parish of which he is now the rector—was as a member of the St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir, and that supporting the Seminary today may literally mean supporting your own future parish priest.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary wishes to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to all who helped make this concert and fundraising campaign such a success. May God grant each and every one of you a blessed Christmas season!
Prof. Benedict Sheehan, St. Tikhon’s Closely Involved in 2019 Grammy-Nominated Projects - 12/10/18
St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary are proud to announce that their very own music director, Benedict Sheehan, played key roles in two of the 2019 GRAMMY®-nominated projects for “Best Choral Performance” announced last Thursday.
The Clarion Choir’s recently-released disc “Kastalsky: Memory Eternal” was one of this year’s nominees. Sheehan worked closely with Clarion music director Steven Fox on every phase of this project from its inception in 2016 to its culmination in the premiere of the fully-orchestrated version of the work in the Washington National Cathedral this past October.
Clarion’s recording of Memory Eternal to the Fallen Heroes (1917), the a cappella version of the larger work, is the world premiere recording of Alexander Kastalsky’s masterful composition that commemorates the Allied slain of the First World War. Sheehan is credited as Associate Conductor on this release. He also helped finalize scores for recording and was primary music editor for one of the stand-alone pieces on the album, Kastalsky’s never-before-recorded From My Youth (1905).
PaTRAM Institute Male Choir’s disc “Teach Me Thy Statutes,” a recording of works by Russian composer Pavel Chesnokov, was another of this year’s nominees. The disc also received Music Web International’s prestigious award for “Recording of the Year.” Sheehan was a chorus member on this project, along with St. Tikhon’s Bookstore manager Fr. Mikel Hill, which was recorded in 2016 in Saratov, Russia, under the direction of Vladimir Gorbik. Sheehan is a co-founder of the PaTRAM Institute together with Maestro Gorbik and CEO Alexis Lukianov. He helped organize the choir’s debut concert tour and first series of masterclasses—many of which were hosted by St. Tikhon’s.
In 2019 Sheehan will conduct a combined choir of the Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, the PaTRAM Institute Singers, and the St. Tikhon’s Festival Choir in the world premiere of his own Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (2018), a piece commissioned by the PaTRAM Institute. He will also conduct the mixed choir for PaTRAM’s Summer Academy in Lakewood, New Jersey.
Sheehan also has close ties to yet a third GRAMMY® nominee this year for “Best Choral Performance.” Boston-based Skylark Vocal Ensemble, led by conductor Matthew Guard, was nominated for their album “Seven Words from the Cross.” Sheehan is currently working with Skylark to compose music for their upcoming “Once Upon a Time” program, based on the Grimm Brothers’ Snow White and Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid. The project will be premiered and recorded by Skylark in June of 2019.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir to Perform Christmas Program in Ansonia, Connecticut - 12/04/18
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir is thrilled to perform a special Christmas program, “The Cavern and the Tomb: A Concert of Carols and Hymns for the Coming of Christ,” December 9th, at Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, Connecticut. Beginning at 4pm, the program will also feature special performers from the director’s own family — the Sheehan Family Singers!
Additionally, the Seminary Choir is pleased to have six new voices from this year’s freshman class to participate in singing of the wondrous mystery of our Lord’s incarnation. The concert promises to be an enchanting and cultural experience, showcasing an array of musical traditions from around the world, with pieces specially arranged by director Benedict Sheehan. As a sneak peak to this special event, the program will include familiar selections such as “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” “Silent Night,” and “Coventry Carol,” along with a variety of Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, and even Appalachian pieces.
We are also honored to share the joy of the season with one our own alumni, Fr. Patrick Burns, pastor of Three Saints Orthodox Church, who serves as president of St. Tikhon’s Alumni Association, and whose fellowship we eagerly anticipate, along with his wife, Matushka Mara, and their wonderful parish.
All are encouraged to join us for this special celebration performed by the Seminary Choir, as we magnify together the condescension of Eternal God into our midst — the Lord Jesus Christ, born in a manger. And may we also, this season of the Nativity, hearken to the words of John of Kronstadt: “Let us, then, O brothers and sisters, bring these virtues as a gift to the One Who was born for the sake of our salvation – let us bring them in place of the gold, frankincense and myrrh which the Magi brought Him, as to One Who is King, God, and Man, come to die for us. This, from us, shall be the most-pleasing form of sacrifice to God and to the Infant Jesus Christ.”
Archpriest Joseph Martin (STOTS 1963), retired Dean of Holy Resurrection Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre, PA, fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, November 9, 2018 at the Penn Presbyterian Medical Center after a brief illness.
Fr. Joseph was born in Frackville, PA on April 5, 1942, on Pascha Day itself. Two years after graduating from St. Tikhon’s Seminary, he married his Matushka, Gloria, on October 16, 1965. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by Archbishop Kiprian of Philadelphia on November 7 of the same year and served in parishes throughout Eastern Pennsylvania. In 1995, he was assigned Dean of Holy Resurrection Cathedral, where he served for 19 years.
In addition to serving the Diocese, Fr. Joseph also made his love for St. Tikhon’s Seminary manifest through his service. He was the longest continuously-serving member of the Seminary’s Board of Trustees, as well as an active member and Spiritual Advisor of the Century Association. Both organizations will miss his presence deeply.
Visitation will begin at Holy Resurrection Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre, PA at 4:00 p.m.on Friday, November 16. The Lions Club will gather at 4:30 p.m. The Funeral Service for a Priest will commence at 7:00 p.m. On Saturday, November 17, the Divine Liturgy and Panikhida will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. at the Monastery Church of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, South Canaan, PA. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon will preside at the services. Interment will follow in the monastery cemetery, where Father Joseph will take his rest near the Seminary he loved, until Christ comes again.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Very Rev. Joseph Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund, c/o Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary , PO Box 130, South Canaan PA 18459.
Seminarian Daniel Lattier Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 11/08/18
On Friday, November 8, the Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless powers, Seminarian Daniel Lattier was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by the hands of Seminary Rector Archbishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey. The ordination took place at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church in the presence of Dn. Daniel's wife, his five children, and his fellow seminarians.
Axios to Dn. Daniel and many years to him and his family!
Dr. David Ford Speaks in Ballston Spa, NY - 10/24/18
Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's, spoke in the evening of October 24, 2018, at the OCA Christ the Savior Church in Ballston Spa, NY, north of Albany. The priest there is Fr. Matthew Markewich, who graduated from St. Tikhon's Seminary in 2011.
Dr. David spoke about the life and importance of St. John Chrysostom, and shared a large number of quotations from the homilies of this great Saint. The quotations are just a small portion of many quotes by St. John which Dr. David has gathered for his current literary project called Sing to Your Soul: A Festival of Wisdom by St. John Chrysostom for the Christian Life, to be published by St. Tikhon's Monastery Press.
On Tuesday, October 16, Fr. Lawrence Farley visited St. Tikhon's Seminary as the first speaker in the annual Fall Lecture Series. In his lecture, Fr. Lawrence discussed the distinct yet complimentary roles of man and woman, as established in the Creation and Fall Narratives of the Book of Genesis, as well as the proper spiritual and theological understanding of relations between the sexes, particularly in Marriage.
Fr. Lawrence's presentation may be viewed in full here.
On October 23, Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk made his presentation, the second in the series. Beginning with a presentation of the conventional scientific account of the development of the universe and life on earth, Fr. Victor went on to demonstrate that a substantial amount of often-ignored evidence actually affirms the Biblical Narrative of the Creation and Great Flood, especially that the universe has its source in a Creator and Upholder: God.
Fr. Victor's presentation may be viewed in full here.
St. Tikhon's Announces 2018 Vocations Retreat - 10/15/18
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will hold its annual Vocations Retreat on November 9-10, 2018.
The title of the retreat is "Training Disciple-Makers: 'Am I Called to be a Priest?'"
Have you felt zeal at hearing the Great Commission, but wondered whether you had a true vocation to serve the Church in the Priesthood? Join a number of presenters as we explore vocational discernment and callings to serve the Holy Church.
To register, please contact Marshall M. Goodge, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, at, or by calling (570) 561-1818 x101. The schedule is as follows:
Friday, November 9, 2018
6:00pm Registration at the Main Entrance; Meal in dining hall
7:00pm Evening Prayer Service followed by discussion with Fr. John Parker
Saturday, November 10, 2018
7:30am Hours and Divine Liturgy
10:30 Brunch in Seminary Dining Hall and address by
Fr. Sergius (Abbot of the Monastery)
11:15 Bookstore Tour; Monastery Bookstore
12:00 1st Talk: Fr. Ignatius Gauvain (Dir. of Student Life)
1:00pm Tour of Seminary (with refreshments)
2:00 2nd Talk: Dr. David Ford (Professor of Church History)
3:00 Wrap up
4:00 Vigil; Monastery Church
6:00 Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Sunday, November 11, 2018
9:10am Hours and Divine Liturgy – Monastery Church (optional)
St. Tikhon's Celebrates 80th Anniversary - 10/13/18
A gala celebration was held for the 80th Anniversary of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, from Thursday to Saturday, October 11-13. Hundreds of members of the Seminary community worshipped, reminisced, and rejoiced together, giving thanks to God and to the Saints whose self-emptying labors and prayers have sanctified the grounds and sustained the mission of St. Tikhon’s Seminary for eight decades.
Following Vespers at St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church on Thursday, October 11, a reception in honor of the Seminary’s New Dean, Archpriest John Parker, was hosted at the Seminary’s Convocation Center – formerly the gymnasium, now being beautifully transformed. On Friday, October 12, following the Divine Liturgy and a breakfast hosted at the Seminary, a Symposium entitled “Where Saints Have Walked” was given at the Metropolitan Museum, in honor of the school’s anniversary. The Symposium featured presentations on the “History of St. Tikhon’s Through Liturgical Artifacts,” by Archpriest John Perich, and “Memories of St. Nicholai of Zhicha,” by Archpriests Daniel Ressetar, Eugene Pianovich, and Daniel Geeza, sharing their personal stories about the Saint who served as Seminary Rector in the 1950s until his repose in the Lord.
Father John Parker was formally installed as Dean of the Seminary on Friday afternoon, at a Molieben celebrated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan TIKHON, President of the Seminary. The Metropolitan also presented Father John with the Dean’s Cross – a beautiful jeweled pectoral cross which belonged to the former Dean Archpriest Basil Stroyen six decades ago, and has been handed down to the past three Seminary Deans.
On Friday evening, nearly 200 members of the St. Tikhon’s family gathered for a festive Banquet at the Hilton Hotel in Scranton, PA. Toastmaster Archpriest David Cowan, an alumnus of St. Tikhon’s, intoned prayers for the Seminary’s departed and living Trustees, administration, staff, faculty, benefactors, alumni, and students and their families.
In addition to greetings by Metropolitan Tikhon and His Eminence, Archbishop MICHAEL, the Seminary Rector, heartfelt remarks were offered at the Banquet by two other hierarchs. His Eminence, Archbishop ABEL of the Diocese of Lublin and Chelm, Orthodox Church of Poland, offered touching words about the spiritual inheritance he shares with St. Tikhon’s, serving in the same Diocese where St. Tikhon of Moscow served as a newly consecrated Bishop and where Archbishop KIPRIAN of blessed memory was born. His Grace, Bishop THOMAS of Charleston and the Mid-Atlantic (Antiochian Archdiocese), a Seminary Trustee, reflected on the profound joy he encounters when he visits St. Tikhon’s and witnesses the love and faithfulness with which the administration, staff, and students accomplish their labors and studies. A special presentation of flowers and an icon was given to His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, with words of gratitude for his seven decades of prayerful, tireless service to the theological school.
Also offering remarks at the Banquet were Michael G. Herzak, Sr., Chair of the Seminary Board of Trustees; Hieromonk Herman, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Faculty member of the Seminary; and Seminary Dean Archpriest John Parker. The members of the Board of Trustees were honored for their tireless dedication to the school, most recently expressed in the purchase of additional real property for the future of the Seminary. The president and officers of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) were recognized and thanked for the incredible generosity and vision of FOCA in initiating the Seminary’s Married Student Housing project, and raising over $300,000 to fund the housing, the first phase of which is complete. Archbishop Michael was presented by FOCA’s president and officers with gifts of new icons to be placed in the Married Student Housing apartments in the former Orphanage building. The St. Tikhon’s Century Association was also recognized for their steadfast financial and spiritual support of the Seminary; and their president and officers presented Metropolitan Tikhon and Metropolitan Herman with Lifetime Century Association Memberships.
Entertainment for the Banquet was provided by the Seminary’s resident rock band, Harry and the Dogmatix, comprised of faculty, alumni, students, and friends of St. Tikhon’s. The Alumni Association officers present were introduced and thanked for their continuing love and support for their beloved alma mater. Hearty thanks were expressed to Matushka Mary Wusylko, Chair of the 80th Anniversary Celebration, who coordinated the festivities, with much assistance from Seminary Chef Zena Parker, former Seminary staff member Mary Sernak, and Century Association Vice President Rosalie Luster.
The 80th Anniversary Celebration culminated on Saturday morning, October 13, with the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Metropolitan Tikhon, at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church. His Beatitude awarded Father John Parker with the Kamilavka and elevated him to the dignity of Archpriest, the rank already bestowed upon him by the Holy Synod in honor of his many years of yeoman work in the Diocese of the South and as Chair of the OCA Department of Evangelization. Archbishop Michael offered the homily, and His Beatitude ordained seminarian Joseph Sharman to the Holy Diaconate. Seminary students, faculty, and alumni sang the responses. A celebratory luncheon followed the Liturgy, bringing the three-day event to a close.
A sense of deep joy and optimism permeated the festivities. Many generations of hierarchs, alumni, students, staff, and supporters of St. Tikhon’s Seminary were blessed with the opportunity to share old memories, forge new friendships, and rejoice together in all that St. Tikhon’s Seminary has meant in their spiritual journeys. May God grant that many, many more generations of faithful will make their spiritual home at this blessed place – where Saints have lived and walked and prayed and taught.
Photos by Seminarian Peter Kamilos. Additional Photos by Victor Lutes may be found here.
Seminary Dean Meets with Malankara Metropolitan - 10/04/18
On Monday October 1, 2018 Seminary Dean V. Rev. John Parker met with His Grace Zachariah Mar Nikolovos, Metropolitan of the Northeastern American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church at the Diocesan Chancery in Muttontown, New York. Fr. John and His Grace shared a meal together as the Metropolitan regaled the Dean with the rich history of the Indian Orthodox Church. St. Tikhon's is proud to have four Malankara students currently enrolled in the M.Div. program.
Seminarian John S. Parker Celebrates Wedding - 09/27/18
Third-year Seminarian John S. Parker was crowned to Nadia D. Nelko on September 2nd, 2019 at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Campbell, Ohio. Many St. Tikhon's seminarians and alumni attended and participated in the ceremony. Officiating the sacrament were the bride's father V. Rev. Andrew D. Nelko (STOTS 1981), and brother, Rev. Andrew P. Nelko (STOTS 2017). Additionally, former St. Tikhon's Dean and John's CPE Supervisor V. Rev Steven Voytovich, who celebrated his own wedding anniversary on the same day, co-officiated the ceremony. Hymns and responses were provided by a male quartet of STOTS Seminarians and Alumni, directed by Rev. Mikel Hill (STOTS 2017). John and Nadia met at St. Tikhon's during John's first year of study, and are one of three sets of unrelated Parkers living, working, and/or studying at St. Tikhon's.
We wish John and Nadia many years!
Article by Seminarian John S. Parker and Assistant to the Dean Marshall Goodge
Newly Renovated "Dean's House" on Saint Tikhon's Road Welcomes Father John Parker and Matushka Jeanette - 09/27/18
As the trees of South Canaan surrender their summer boasting, the seed of 49 seminarians are humbled once again beneath the till of the Spirit for a new season of formation. “So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” And while the same community of seed sleep and wake in the weekly cycle, and the seed sprouts and grows, Matt Remak and his humble crew of workers tirelessly cause “the earth [to] bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.”
For eleven consecutive days, Matt and his team had been working to renovate the newly purchased Diocesan Center on 144 Saint Tikhon’s Road (also known as the ‘blue house’) in preparation for the homecoming of STOTS Dean Father John Parker, and his Matushka Jeanette on Monday, September 24th. Matt and his crew had been laboring to ensure that the ‘blue house,’ which will now function as the Dean’s House, would become a most beautiful and suitable family home for years to come, “a place worthy to receive guests and special guests of the seminary,” Father John anticipates. “The Parkers are very grateful to the Board of Trustees who in their generosity purchased the blue house for the benefit of the seminary.”
Renovations on the 6,500 square foot Dean’s House are extensive. A team of eight workers ripped out all of the carpets, and installed top-grade, high-traffic, scratch resistant laminate, while preserving all of the home’s tile flooring. Following Father John and Matushka’s request, the home’s walls, cabinets, doors, and closets were painted a beautiful aqua and gray by a group of nine workers, including Matt’s wife, son, and daughter.
In addition to the Dean's House, Matt Remak is also laboring diligently on a nearly complete renovation of the Orphanage building, which will function as four individual married student apartments, each with its kitchen, bathroom, shower and bath, and laundry room with washer and dryer. The walls are gutted and the space is emptied out in preparation to receive and send off incoming and future families for decades to come. As the seminarian families of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary may testify, uprooting from one place to another in response to God’s call carries with it the birth-pangs of change. After laying up their blessed Carolinian lives of ministry in moving trucks over the span of two days, Father John and Matushka Jeanette are blessed to experience the same labor of faith which each and every seminary family who are carried to Saint Tikhon's in humble obedience to God's invitation must undergo, an experience from which they will draw in their ministry to Saint Tikhon's seminaries from every walk of life. “The details of leaving 15+ years of ministry are complex, and sad, but filled also with joy, excitement, and anticipation,” Father John shared. “We remain grateful for everyone’s generosity and prayers to help us unpack and get settled. When we arrive, we will thank Matt and all of his workers who are working around the clock for eleven days in renovations. The joy is in the arriving– Matushka and I are eager to be with you."
St. Tikhon's Seminary Announces 2018 Fall Lecture Series - 09/17/18
St. Tikhon's Seminary announces its annual Fall Lecture Series. This year's series is focused on the Orthodox understanding of Scripture. The series will run on Tuesday evenings: October 16, 13 and 30, and November 6, beginning at 7pm in the seminary refectory. You can download a flyer to post here.
Speakers and Presentation titles are as follows:
October 16 at 7 PM — Fr. Lawrence Farley: “Gender in Genesis”
October 23 at 7 PM — Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk: "Six Days of Creation: Scientific Inquiry and Biblical Text."
October 30 at 7 PM — Dr. Justin Gohl: “Christ in the Proverbs”
November 6 at 7 PM — Dr. Mary Ford: “The Soul’s Longing: An Orthodox Perspective on Biblical Interpretation”
To indicate your interest in attending, please contact Marshall M. Goodge, Administrative Assistant to the Dean at
St. Tikhon's Celebrates Feast of the Cross with Metropolitan Tikhon - 09/14/18
For the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the community of St. Tikhon’s monastery and seminary was blessed by the visitation of His Beatitude Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of all America and Canada, who celebrated both Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the monastery Church. Monks, Seminary staff, and students all served with the Metropolitan, including Hierodeacons Mark and David, 3rd year seminarian Deacons Timothy Kolb, Moses Locke, and Augustine Lewton, 2nd year subdeacon Herman Garrison, as well as Subdeacon Roman Ostash. Hymns and responses were sung by the St. Tikhon’s Community Mixed Choir, directed by Rdr. Benedict Sheehan.
In a pastoral homily, His beatitude reminded all present of both the cosmic and the personal levels of grace in the feast of the cross, saying that “The cross, which we celebrate and exalt on this day, is above all the sign of God’s mercy towards us...Together as members of the human race, we all receive God’s mercy. We have eternal life open to us… But each of us here has also received mercy individually. By whatever individual and unique path, we have each been privileged to enter the life of the Church, and having received mercy it calls to us in turn to offer this to others who come to us and to the Church looking for that same mercy. We are all commended to be servants of Christ, whatever our weaknesses, flaws, and sins, both voluntary and involuntary. The message of the cross is an encouragement to us as Christ’s flawed servants, because it reminds all of us that our Church life depends not on eloquence or wisdom, but on the power of God."
His beatitude also specifically exhorted and challenged the seminarian community (and all Christians) at the commencement of a new academic year: “For seminarians the study of theology is meant to be a rigorous preparation for the challenges of being a witness of the Gospel in an era when you will be rigorously questioned about your faith, and what you believe and practice, and why. Still, with all your good and faithful attention to learning, what people will be looking for will be a demonstration of the 'spirit in power', and this is the power of God that can only emerge from your own sense of weakness, your own sense of needing God’s mercy, forgiveness, and strength. The cross is our trophy and invincible weapon of peace, but being a follower of the cross means being willing to be regarded as foolish in a world that praises rationality and wisdom. The cross puts before each of us some hard questions: Am I prepared to be misunderstood? Am I prepared for mockery? Am I prepared to suffer for the sake of Christ? Am I prepared to pour my life out for others? Am I prepared to be identified as a follower of Christ crucified? Am I prepared to voluntary take up the cross? As seminarians you all know that to be a servant of the crucified Christ is a difficult thing. But you also know that it brings a joy unavailable anywhere else. That’s why you’re here. And that calling is one that is extended to every Christian.”
Announcement of St. Tikhon's 80th Anniversary Celebration - 09/10/18
St. Tikhon's Seminary is honoring its eight decades of spiritually forming and theologically educating the future hierarchs, clergy, and lay leaders of the Orthodox Church, with a three-day gala on October 11-13, 2018. The registration form for the banquet may be found here.
The full schedule of events and festivities is as follows:
Thursday, October 11 4:30 PM Vespers and Matins at St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church 6:30 PM Reception for the New Dean of the Seminary, Archpriest John Parker, at the Seminary. Friday, October 12 – Symposium: “Where Saints Have Walked” 7:00 AM Divine Liturgy at the Monastery Church,
Followed by Continental Breakfast at the Seminary Dining Hall
9:30 AM Presentation I:
“A History of St. Tikhon’s Through Liturgical Artifacts“ by Archpriest John Perich, at the Monastery Museum 12:30 PM Lunch at the Seminary Dining Hall 1:30 PM Presentation II:
“Reminiscences of St. Nikolai of Zhicha”
by Archpriest Daniel Geeza and Archpriest Eugene Pianovich, at the Monastery Museum 4:30 PM Vespers at the Monastery Church 6:30 PM Grand Banquet at the Hilton Hotel in Scranton, Pennsylvania Saturday, October 13 9:00 AM Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Monastery Church Main Celebrant: His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon Responses: St. Tikhon’s Alumni Choir, led by Archpriest Daniel Kovalak 11:30 AM Brunch at the Seminary Dining Hall; Closing of the 80th Anniversary Celebration
Please return the Banquet form no later than Monday, October 1, to the address on the form. On behalf of His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Rector of the Seminary, and Archpriest John Parker, the new Dean of the Seminary, we sincerely hope that you will come and join us in thanking God for His great blessings, bestowed so richly upon St. Tikhon’s Seminary these past 80 years.
St. Tikhon's Hosts Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - 09/06/18
From Monday, August 20, through Friday, August 24, 2018, St. Tikhon's was privileged again to host Mrs. Shelley Finkler, from Anchorage, Alaska, who is a trainer for the Level 1 (3-6 yr. olds) of the outstanding Christian Formation Program for children called the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; she is one of the few Orthodox Christians certified by the official national CGS organization. We had 6 participants who completed the intensive week of training, thus earning their certification for teaching children 3-6 yrs. old in this program.
There were 5 others who were able to complete the first part of the training (which the 6 had completed the previous year). And there were various others who sat in for portions of the training program, thereby gaining their first exposure to CGS.
As always, it was a time commitment well worth the effort! The training, which involves not only lectures, but also hands-on working with and making materials, is not only necessary for being able to present this program successfully to the children, but it's also very personally inspiring and enriching for the participants.
Thanks to all involved for a very edifying experience!
St. Tikhon's Welcomes New and Returning Seminarians - 08/31/18
St Tikhons's welcomed 18 new students to be the future Class of 2021—one of the largest incoming classes in recent memory. With the addition of our incoming class, our Seminary community has grown to encompass a total of 46 Full-time and 3 Part-time students working towards the completion of a Master of Divinity Degree. While continuing to grow participation in our programs, the Seminary is also continuing in its commitments to provide for diversity in its student body — serving 35 students from the various dioceses of the Orthodox Church in America, and 11 students from other Orthodox jurisdictions. With 29 married couples on campus, this year we will have more than 75 children in our Seminary community.
Orientation was held all during last week; with the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, we complete our first week of class. Orientation culminated in a two-day retreat offered to perhaps a hundred alumni and current students. Alumnus Archpriest Andrew Stephen Damick offered the first talk on how to be an "Engager" with the wider culture, falling neither into pious sectarianism, on the one hand, or a false and un-Orthodox "ecumenism" on the other.
Fr John Parker, who begins his first year as the new Dean offered a presentation, "Radechism: A Radical Return to the Roots of Ancient Christian Catechism", highlighting the need to make "divinized students of the Master", and not simply "students of Masters of Divinity" in our parish catechetical programs for adults.
"As I mentioned at the All American Council, I, like many in the Orthodox Church of America, have had precious little contact with St Tikhon's in my life. I have been overwhelmed with the sense of genuine community, the palpable grace, and the remarkable commitment of the Faculty and Staff of the Seminary, all nourished in the Sacraments and Services in America's first Monastery. The zeal and talent of the students, both new and returning is inspiring. St Tikhon's is teeming with life! Come and See!" invites Archpriest John Parker, whose formal installation as Dean will take place in conjunction with the 80th Anniversary celebrations on Oct 11 and 12.
St. Tikhon's Participates at 19th All-American Council - 08/09/18
A team of volunteer students from St. Tikhon’s Seminary attended the Orthodox Church in America’s 19th All American Council, held in conjunction with the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America’s 92nd Annual Convention, at the historic Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, MO from July 20 to 27. Several St. Tikhon's Seminarians,were joined by volunteers from St. Herman’s Seminary in Kodiak, AK, as well as volunteers from our sister seminary, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, located in Crestwood, NY. This assembled team of seminarian volunteers received various assigned tasks throughout the week, among which were, most importantly, assisting in setting up and taking down the full iconostas that was in place throughout the week in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom, assisting in the scanning of delegates’ and observers’ badges at the Council’s many Plenary Sessions (to ensure an accurate count of voting members), and assisting in various liturgical and ecclesial responsibilities throughout the week.
The 19th All American Council was full of highlights, including the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on the mornings of five of the seven days the Council was held. Of particular note was the awarding of scholarships that occurred during the first banquet of the week, on Sunday night - as part of the 92nd Annual FOCA Convention. Two seminarians who were both present at the banquet: Alex Norton, from St. Mark’s Orthodox Church in Bethesda, MD, and Robert West, hailing from Holy Apostles Mission Church in Lansing, NY, both received scholarship awards designated specifically for seminarians. This was a proud moment for St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and will serve to strengthen the already solid relationship St. Tikhon’s has with the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America.
The schedule was full of activities to better serve the smooth operation of the Council, but the St. Tikhon’s volunteers still found time for fellowship and socializing during the brief windows of free time, as well as at the Alumni Reception Tuesday night (07/24) generously sponsored by the Alumni Association. It was a joy to hear from alumni young and old, about their current parish ministries, about how the Seminary has changed over the years, and any words of wisdom they had to share.
At the next day’s Plenary Session, another highlight of the entire week occured in the presentation on Monastic Life in the OCA, delivered by Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery. Fr. Sergius invited all attendees at the Council to come and visit St. Tikhon’s, as it is a treasure in the life of the OCA as a whole. After his rousing presentation, the council was receptive to a new video on life at the Seminary, after which the Seminary’s new Dean, Fr. John Parker, spoke about his impressions of the Seminary, and what he hopes to bring to his role as Dean. It was inspiring and exciting to see such a great showing for St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary at the 19th All American Council, and hopefully the attendees will be inspired to make pilgrimage here, become supporters of the Monastery and Seminary.
The final highlights of the 19th AAC took place Friday, in the form of two different but related events. The first was a video presentation by the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., featuring interviews with Fr. Mark, a Hierodeacon at St. Tikhon’s Monastery, about the monastic vocation, and with Alex Norton, about the calling to attend Seminary. Later that morning, in the final Plenary Session of the Council, the Youth made a presentation to the AAC, led by St. Tikhon’s very own Miriam Sheehan, the daughter of Music Director Benedict Sheehan. Their speech, contributed to the spontaneous fundraising drive that marked this last day of the Council, leading to raising over $87,000 for the employment of a full time Director for the Department of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry.
It was a joy to serve the needs of the OCA by volunteering at this blessed Council, and all the seminary volunteers thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to pray, work, and serve with their counterparts from the other OCA Seminaries in the United States, all to the glory of God and the building up of His Holy Church. We are already looking forward to the 20th All American Council in 2021!
(Write-Up by Seminarian Alex Norton. Photo Credit to Seminarian Herman Garrison)
St. Tikhon's to Host 21st Annual Golf Tournament on August 18 - 07/19/18
St. Tikhon's Seminary will host its 21st Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee, PA.
The tournament will begin with a shotgun start at 1:00 PM. An Awards Banquet will be held at 6:00 PM at the course.
The day is filled with great golf, great food, and great fellowship. The cost is $100 per golfer, which includes golf, cart, lunch, banquet, refreshments, and prizes. Contact Bernard Golubiewski at 570-846-1225 or to reserve a space or book a foursome. A registration form is available for download here.
If you would like to offer a sponsorship, please find that information here, even if you are not able to join us on this day of fellowship!
Announcement: Appointment of New Seminary Dean - 07/06/18
Saint Tikhon’s Seminary Names
Archpriest John Parker as New Dean
The Board of Trustees of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA, has named the Very Rev. Archpriest John E. Parker III, D.Min., as the new Dean of the school. The announcement was made on Thursday, July 5, by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael (Dahulich), Ph.D., Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and the Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Father John is presently the Rector of Holy Ascension Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. He succeeds the Very Rev. Archpriest Steven Voytovich, who has served as the Seminary’s Dean for the past five years.
Father Parker earned his Bachelor of Arts degree (major in Spanish Language and Literature and minor in German) at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, where he met his wife, Jeanette in 1993. After marrying in 1994, he taught Spanish for three years at the Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, PA, before doing full-time youth ministry at the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan in Paoli, PA. In 2001, Fr. John earned his Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA, and served for a brief period as curate at Holy Cross Episcopal Church on Sullivan’s Island, SC.
During his last year at TESM and his time at Holy Cross, he and Jeanette, along with their two sons, discovered the Orthodox Faith. On July 7, 2002, the Parkers were received into the Orthodox Church at Holy Ascension Mission, in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The Parkers moved to St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY, in August 2002. Fr. John was ordained deacon by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman, in November 2002, and priest in April 2003, by His Eminence, the late Archbishop Dmitri, of Dallas and the South, of blessed memory. Fr. John pursued a Master of Theology degree (with his thesis entitled, “The Sanctity of Chastity: An Orthodox Approach to Homosexuality”), which he earned in 2004.
Since June 2003, Fr. John has served as the pastor of the very mission into which the Parkers were received. There, fueled by the remarkable gifts, talents, and generosity of the local faithful, they built a parish family well-known for its warm, southern hospitality and a commitment to excellence in sacred music and arts. This hospitality spills out into the 12 Step Addiction communities—hosting the weekly “We’ve Been Waiting for You” AA meeting, and the only Sexaholics Anonymous meeting in Charleston, especially devoted to freeing men from slavery to pornography.
From 2006-2008, the parish built and completed a remarkable Byzantine Temple, to honor the Lord’s Holy Ascension; there, music and arts festivals, workshops, and symposia are held, including a now-annual iconography workshop led by world-renowned iconographers.
Father John has written more than 170 essays on Orthodoxy for Charleston’s Post and Courier, the Carolina Compass, and the Moultrie News. For the last decade, he has offered bi-annual lectures on Orthodox Christianity at the College of Charleston, and was active in Campus Ministry at the Citadel, where his two sons, Zachary (a math major, wishing to teach) and Sebastian (a mechanical engineering major, wishing to work in aviation), are rising juniors.
In 2011, Fr. Parker was appointed Chair of the Department of Evangelization of the Orthodox Church in America. During his tenure as Chair, he has overseen the Church Planting Grant; he has worked to build bridges to the Orthodox Faith with Anglicans and Evangelicals; and he has hosted a regular podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, entitled, “Lord, Send Me.” He has given talks and retreats on Missions and Evangelism in many of the dioceses of the OCA, in several Antiochian parishes, and internationally in Finland and Greece. For five years he has served on the Board of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (
In December 2017, he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree at St. Vladimir’s with a project entitled “Radechesis: A Radical Return to the Roots of Christian Catechism.” Father John and Matushka Jeanette—who earned her DNP in 2016 and serves with joy as a Nurse Practitioner—move to St. Tikhon’s with the beginning of the new academic year.
In accepting the position, Father John stated: “St. Tikhon’s has a remarkable and rich history; I am beyond humbled to be invited to serve where the Saints have walked, and where our new saints are being formed.
“I hope that my experience of a vision for heavenly beauty and the warmth of Christian hospitality at Holy Ascension, in love for and imitation of Jesus Christ, will encourage and inspire those near and far to see, encourage, and support such a vision in the mission and efforts of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
“And I pray the Lord that my experience in missions and evangelism, as a son of the Diocese of the South, and as a priest shaped by the rich brotherhood of the Carolinas Deanery, will prove worthy and welcome gifts to share with the future clergy and lay leaders of the Orthodox Churches of our land, and perhaps beyond.”
St. Tikhon’s holds successful Clergy Continuing Education Program - 06/21/18
St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosted another successful continuing education symposium, on June 19-21. Six sessions in all were held, in addition to opportunities for prayer and fellowship.
The program began with a presentation by Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery. His presentation focused on the prayer of the heart. He referenced a number of patristic fathers and elders to reinforce a number of points that included dialogue versus monologue in the heart, prayers as actualization of personhood, and prayer as converse and union with God.
On Tuesday evening, Melissa Wertman, Assistant Director of the Wayne County (PA) Drug and Alcohol Commission, presented on dynamics of addiction, as well as addressing specifics of addictions including the opioid epidemic. She offered resources available in Wayne County that clergy could look to utilize in their respective communities.
On Wednesday, Dr. Paul Witek, Registrar and Director of Academic Affairs, introduced his wife, Donna Witek, who is Associate Professor and Information Literacy Coordinator for University of Scranton’s Weinberg Memorial Library. Her presentation offered a very helpful, and relatively unbiased developmental approach to assessing where one spends time and energy on the web. Her examples included several examples relative to our Orthodox Church’s “current events”.
Later in the day on Wednesday, Dr. Albert Rossi, retired Associate Professor of Psychology from Pace University, who has also taught courses in pastoral theology at St. Vladimir’s Seminary over many years, presented on the realities of internet addiction. Using lecture, video and other resources, he shared helpful insights and resources for clergy in assisting their faithful. He also shared insights from his ongoing work with clergy and faithful to punctuate points related to internet addiction, as well as addition in general.
On Thursday morning, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean and Department Chair of Pastoral Arts and Praxis, reflected on numerous traumatic incidents he has been involved in, to share lessons learned relative to parish community involvement, and how clergy and their parish communities can offer support in the wake of traumas. He also shared resources in how clergy can get training in crisis response to prepare them to offer meaningful support when called upon.
Thursday afternoon’s session offered an opportunity for open discussion on topics raised earlier in the week, and others of concern to participants. To start off the afternoon, Fr. Matthew Fuhrman, a recent STS graduate and military chaplain, shared how clergy could most effectively minister to military veterans returning from active duty. Fr. James Chuta, Spiritual Advisor for the OCF at Bucknell University, talked about supporting OCF ministry, including resources for pastors to connect parish graduates with colleges having active OCF’s. Later on Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector and Chair of the Scripture Department, responded to questions clergy posed relative to recent events in world Orthodoxy.
Participants were offered an opportunity to commented on the value of this continuing education program. Thanks be to God for a meaningful week of pastoral engagement!
Seminarian Joseph Clark Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 06/10/18
Sunday, June 10th, 2018
St. Mary’s Orthodox Church
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Seminarian Joseph Clark of Three Hierarchs Mission, Garden City, KS was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by the hand of His Grace, Bishop THOMAS (Joseph) of the Antiochian Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic. He currently serves at St. Mary’s Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre, PA under Archpriest George Alberts. Deacon Joseph is a third year seminarian at St. Tikhon’s and by God’s Grace desires to serve the Church by reaching out to communities that have not been exposed to the Orthodox Christian faith. Axios! Axios! Axios!
Updated: Save the Date: Clergy Continuing Education Program to be held at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 05/30/18
St. Tikhon's Seminary will again be holding its summer Clergy Continuing Education Program, from June 19-21. This year's theme will be Contemporary Issues faced by Parish Clergy. Find the flyer here and the registration form here. The Presenters and topics will be as follows:
Archimandrite Sergius (Bowyer) — “Prayer: the Liturgy of the Heart”
Melissa Wertman — “The Opioid Epidemic”
Donna Witek, MA, MLIS – “Using Social Media Well: Information Literacy on the Internet for Orthodox Christian Clergy and Faithful”
Dr. Albert Rossi — “Dealing with Internet Pornography Issues”
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, D.Min. — “Ministering in Times of Crisis”
114th Pilgrimage at St. Tikhon’s Monastery - 05/28/18
Hierarchs, clergy, and faithful gathered once again at St. Tikhon’s Monastery for the annual pilgrimage. The day began with a procession to the Bell Tower Church, followed by the celebration of the Divine Liturgy led by Metropolitan Tikhon. His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and His Grace, the Right Reverend David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska joined the Metropolitan.
During the Liturgy, Subdeacon Moses Locke was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by Archbishop Michael. As Liturgy concluded, Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Abbot, celebrated the generosity of Archpriest Yaroslav and Matushak Valerie Sudick, in covering the cost of the new icon painted over the entrance to the Bell Tower Church, with the Award of St. Tikhon of Moscow. May God grant the newly ordained Deacon Moses, and Fr. and Mat. Sudick many blessed years! Liturgy responses were sung by seminary, monastery chamber choir, and choir program participants!
Activities were based both on the monastery and seminary grounds through the course of the afternoon. With gratitude to God, the weather was beautiful for the course of the day!
St. Tikhon’s Monastery Chamber Choir Performs in Wilkes-Barre, PA - 05/27/18
On Sunday evening, May 27th, the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Chamber Choir performed the famous Rachmaninov’s All-Night Vigil to a sell-out crowd at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre! The choir was directed by Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music at St. Tikhon’s. Initial photos were taken as they rehearsed at the seminary.
St. Tikhon’s Monastery Chamber Choir is made up of some of the finest singers in the New York area and around North America, and its annual Memorial Day weekend concert is fast coming to be recognized as a highlight of the artistic season in the region. Many of the choir members participated in liturgical services over the course of the pilgrimage weekend.
The Feast of Pentecost was especially moving at the Monastery Church, with Metropolitan Tikhon and His Grace, David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska leading the celebration. Many of the monastics were elevated during the course of the Liturgy. At the Great Entrance, Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) was given the dignity of wearing the Gold Pectoral Cross in recognition of his new role as Monastery Dean. Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life for the seminary, was given the right to wear the Nabedrenik. Hierodeacon Mark (Romanchank) was given the dignity of wearing the double orarion. Riasaphor Monk David (Armstrong) was ordained to the Holy Diaconate after graduating from St. Tikhon’s Diaconal program on Saturday. Axios, and may God grant all those elevated many years! Kneeling Vespers was celebrated as the Liturgy concluded.
Also on the Feast of Pentecost, Seminarian Vjekoslav Jovičić was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Stroudsburg PA. His Eminence, the Most Reverend Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania was the celebrant. Archpriest Nicholas Solak, parish rector, and Wilkes-Barred Dean, participated in the celebration along with Protodeacon Sergei Kapral. Seminarian Silouan Burns was ordained a subdeacon before the Divine Liturgy. After Liturgy all shared lunch together, at the church hall before returning to the church for Kneeling Vespers.
(Photos at the monastery were taken by Seminarian Robert West.)
St. Tikhon’s Seminary celebrates 76th Graduation Exercises - 05/26/18
On Saturday, May 26, 2018 St. Tikhon’s Seminary celebrated its 76th graduation! Hierarchs participating in graduation, and the preceding Divine Liturgy in the morning included: His Beatitude, our Most Blessed Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and Seminary Rector, His Grace David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska, His Grace Thomas, Bishop of Charleston and Oakland of the Antiochian Christian Archdiocese of North America. His Grace Geevarghese Mar Coorilos, Metropolitan of the Mumbai Diocese of the Malankara Church in India, was present for the Divine Liturgy in the morning, and later served as commencement speaker for graduation.
M.Div. Graduates included: Fr. Tesfalem Beraki Mezenghy, of the Eritrean Church, Valedictorian, and Deacon Rony John, Malankara Church, Mumbai Diocese. Hierosubdeacon David Armstrong from St. Tikhon's Monastery completed St. Tikhon’s Diaconal Formation Certificate, and was ordained the following day to the Holy Diaconate on the Feast of Pentecost. Fr. John Segvich completed a one-year Certificate of Pastoral Formation.
The commencement speaker was His Grace Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Coorilos, Deacon Rony John’s Bishop. Please see below a brief biography for Metropolitan Coorilos.
Fr. Tesfalem had quite a representation from the Eritrean Church, including Fr. Athanasius Habtu Ghebre-Ab, Director of External Relations for the Canonical Eritrean Church in Diaspora. It was Fr. Athanasius who first approached St. Tikhon’s about placing their students for theological studies several years ago. The gathered Eritrean faithful broke into song following the conclusion of graduation exercises!
Seminarian Joseph Sharman, together with the graduates who made the selection, presented the Fr. Alexander Atty Award for Community Service to Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean. The award was a beautiful icon of the Washing of the Feet.
Another dimension of graduation included ordinations occurring earlier that day. Seminarian Deacon Michael Shepherd was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, and Seminarian Timothy Kolb to the Holy Diaconate. Seminarian Moses Locke and Riasophor Monk David were ordained to the Subdeaconate. To see more of this related story, click here.
All came together, after the vigil for the Feast of Pentecost, for a graduation dinner later in the day at the Scranton Hilton Hotel, with setup plans completed in part by Zena, (Hatez) Parker, Seminary Cook. May God grant many blessed years to all our graduates!
His Grace Metropolitan Coorilos completed his Bachelor’s Degree from Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam, and post-graduate diplomas in Pastoral Theology from Heythrop College London University and in Theology and Mission from Urban Theology Unit, Shefield, UK.
He was ordained a sub-deacon in 1970 and a deacon in 1974 by Catholicos HH Baselios Mathews I. Dn. George became a priest in 1975 and served as Vicar, St Gregorios Church, London. He is known for his works among students and thus was serving the MGOCSM as general secretary for almost a decade. This paved way for Fr. George to visit many foreign countries.
His Grace was elected to the Episcopal rank in 1989 and tonsured a monk in 1990. He was subsequently ordained in 1991. Soon, he was appointed as the Assistant Metropolitan, Mumbai Dioceses, and worked steadfast with late Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilus for the progress of the Mumbai Diocese. He has served as Metropolitan of the diocese since 2002.
His Grace has held many positions in the church and other Christian societies. He had attended many international conferences and interacted with many communities such as the National Council of Churches of India, Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action, Christian Medical Association of India, and the World Council of Churches.
St. Tikhon’s Graduation Day begins with Divine Liturgy - 05/26/18
On Saturday, May 26, 2018 St. Tikhon’s Seminary celebrated its 76th graduation! Hierarchs participating in graduation, and the preceding Divine Liturgy in the morning included: His Beatitude, our Most Blessed Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and Seminary Rector, His Grace David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska, His Grace Thomas, Bishop of Charleston and Oakland of the Antiochian Christian Archdiocese of North America. His Grace Geevarghese Mar Coorilos, Metropolitan of the Mumbai Diocese of the Malankara Church in India, was present for the Divine Liturgy in the morning, and served as commencement speaker for graduation.
Before the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Tikhon ordained Riasophor Monk David (Armstrong) from St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminarian Moses Locke to the Subdeaconate. During the Liturgy, Metropolitan Tikhon ordained Deacon Michael Shepherd to the Holy Priesthood. Bishop David ordained Subdeacon Timothy Kolb to the Holy Diaconate.
Axios to all the newly ordained servants of God: Fr. Michael Shepherd, Deacon Timothy Kolb, Hierosubdeacon David (Armstrong) and Subdeacon Moses Locke!
Seminary Community Gathers for Annual Softball Game - 05/18/18
On Thursday, May 17, the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Community came together for the annual Community Softball Game and cookout. The long late-spring evening provided the perfect conditions for a friendly softball game and, despite some rain earlier in the week rendering the usual field unusable, the grassy field between the seminary building and the dorms proved a perfect alternative, as the players dashed across the grass and the spectators looked on from chairs set up in the dorm parking lot. Professors, Seminarians, Wives, and Children all enjoyed the evening of sport and grilled meats (and bean patties). The event was further privileged to be visited by Seminary Rector Archbishop MICHAEL of New York and New Jersey. In the end, there were no losers on the day, as the event was the perfect pleasant diversion after a week of papers and exams.
Mission Choir Visits Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, PA - 05/13/18
On May 12th, the Mission Choir, together with Archpriest Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, visited Holy Apostles Church, Mechanicsburg, PA, now in their new church space! After singing the responses for Great Vespers, the parish hosted a wonderful dinner for all present. The new church space is quite beautiful. Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki (STOTS 2005), parish pastor, reflected on being present as a subdeacon on May 8, 2004, when St. Alexis Church, in Clinton, CT, was consecrated, where Fr. Steven was then serving. Fr. Steven in turn celebrated the wonderful steps now taken by Holy Apostles Church, and expressed his hope to attend consecration services one day!
On May 13th, the Sixth Sunday of Holy Pascha, the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir visited the community of Christ the Saviour and sang the responses at the Divine Liturgy. Archpriest Stephen Vernak (STOTS, 2007) shared that it was a special joy to welcome back their former choir director, Rdr. James Latimer, and his growing family! Sunday was also Mother's Day, and the parish "O" Club sponsored gifts for all of the women attending church today. Glory to God for all things! Christ is Risen! Archpriest Daniel Ressetar (STOTS, 1948), pastorl emeritus, concelebrated the Divine Liturgy! Fr. Stephen wore a set of his grandfather's vestments, the Mitred Archpriest John Nehrebecki, as he asked for prayers for his 40th day of repose.
Several Photos at Christ the Savior Church, in Harrisburg, PA, Courtesy of PhotoJENNic Imagery
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Gathers at St. Tikhon's - 05/12/18
On the weekend of May 11-13, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary hosted this year’s Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) event. OISM is a Pan-Orthodox organization focused on building bridges between the different seminaries. This year's focus was Orthodox missions and talks were offered by three of the seminary’s faculty, Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) Lecturer in Liturgical Theology, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean and Chair of Department of Pastoral Arts and Praxis, and Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History. In addition to stimulating and informative presentations, the seminarians where able to participate in services at St. Tikhon's Monastery, and spend time getting to know each other and build friendships. It is hoped that the seeds planted here will one day bear fruit for Christ’s Church.
Among the seminary's represented were: Holy Cross Seminary, Brookline, MA, St. Vladimir's Seminary, Crestwood, NY, and Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY. Those attending this event had time to share in fellowship outside of the scheduled formal sessions, and attend services in the monastery church.
St. Tikhon's Celebrates Field Education Graduation - 05/10/18
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education, welcomed visitors from our institutional partners who came to honor seminarians completing field education during this past academic year. Seminarians were honored by: Michael Freund, Director of Long-Term Care, Donna Getts-Marich, Admissions, Social Services, from Wayne Woodlands Manor; Mary Burgio, Social Work Manager, together with The Rev. Ed Erb, The Rev. Maria McKiernan from Wayne Memorial Hospital; and Norm Demming, Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services, from SCI Waymart, as shown in each respective group photo. Archpriest Stephen Powely, Executive Director of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, also spent time with students during the course of the day and addressed the gathered group.
Joseph Sharman, Student Government President, presented newly ordained priests John Segvich and Samuel Davis with wooden pectoral crosses on behalf of the student body. This is a practice that has continued over the past several years.
Congratulations to all our seminarians completing field education, some participating in the regular field education program, and somecompleting additional hours of visitation and group time toward Clinical Pastoral Education credit. Thank you to all our institutional partners who have contributed so much to our seminarians’ pastoral formation!
PaTram Announces Summer Academy for Conductors and Singers - 05/09/18
PaTRAM Institute ha, created a unique and all-encompassing instructional program for Conductors and Singers on the campus of the Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. The event brings together the finest faculty in the liturgical choral arts, all in one place. The program is designed to teach ALL levels of church musician whether they are conductors or singers.
The event runs for four (Singers) to six (Conductors) days, from June 18th thru June 24th 2018. Singers will advance their vocal technique and health and expand their repertoire. Conductors will have a professional choir to serve as their practice instrument and will have extensive podium time. Both groups will get the opportunity to use their skills at two hierarchical services, on Jun 23rd and 24th, at the St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral in nearby Howell, NJ.
Dr. Peter Jermihov, Artistic Director of the PaTRAM Academy, senior faculty member of the PaTRAM Institute and himself an accomplished musician, conductor, teacher and recording artist, said, “Gaining skills is the key to improvement and this is what the Academy offers at every level of performance from the beginner to the advanced church musician - singer and conductor".
About PaTRAM (Patriarch Tikhon Russian American Music Institute):
The mission of the Patriarch Tikhon Russian American Music Institute (PaTRAM) is to cultivate and promote the beauty and spiritual depth of Russian Orthodox liturgical arts in general and choral singing in particular, in both the English and Church Slavonic languages. PaTRAM seeks to utilize rigorous educational programs, distinctive performance events, and the latest technological tools to realize this mission.
PaTRAM is a non-profit 501-c3 organization in their 3rd year of existence and headquartered in Tiburon, CA.
Hospitality a la Russe a Wonderful Success - 05/06/18
Many clergy and faithful gathered together at St. Michael's Center, in Jermyn, PA, for Hospitality a la Russe IX! The main photo shows seminarians and their families, and seminary administrative team members who also participated in this wonderful event hosted by St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association. All those gathered were treated to wonderful music by the Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra during the course of the evening!
Subdeacon John Lasichak, President of the Century Association Board, led the program for the course of the evening. Archpriest Joseph Martin, Spiritual Advisor, offered the invocation before the meal was served. Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, welcomed all who attended, and invited the seminarians to look around the room to see all those gathered to support their commitment to complete their studies in pastoral formation.
Subdeacon John presented Fr. Steven with a commitment from the Century Association, including proceeds from this event, in the amount of $15,000! Fr. Steven thanked those present, as did Archpriest Dennis Swencki, Seminary CFO.
May God grant many years to Subdeacon John and all the members of the Century Association for a wonderful evening together! Thank you to Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Pastor of St. Michael's Church, for making the Center available for this event.
(Thank you to Barry Bretz, Parishioner of St. Nicholas Church in Bethlehem, PA, who took photos for the evening, featured for this story.)
St. Tikhon's Seminary Student Government Holds Elections - 05/04/18
Student Government met for elections on April 24th. The 2018-19 Student Government Executive Board members are Joseph Sharman, President; Dn. Michael Shepherd, Vice President; Silouan Burns, Treasurer; Justin Griffing, Secretary; Robert West, Dormitory Representative; Ephraim Tauck, Off-Campus Representative.
The 2017-18 Executive Board members were Joseph Sharman, President; Robert West, Vice President; Augustine Lewton, Treasurer; Isaac Lampart, Secretary; Rony John, Dormitory Representative; Timothy Kolb, Off-Campus Representative. Gratitude was expressed to those completing their term of office, for their service.
In addition to electing new officers, the spring 2018 Student Government General Assembly approved a number of updates and corrections to the bylaws, and it voted to sell 80th anniversary t-shirts and mugs at the 2018 St. Tikhon's Monastery Pilgrimage.
Student Government sponsors get-togethers for seminarians and families, such as a bowling night in the fall and a softball game in the spring. Additionally, this year Student Government sponsored a gathering with seminarians and local OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) college students, participated in the annual FOCA (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America) conference, set up a a small recycling effort on-campus, encouraged students to raise funds from their home parishes for St. Tikhon's, and worked to build stronger lines of communication between the student body and the Board of Trustees.
Story by Seminarian Joseph Sharman, Student Government President
All Are Invited to St. Tikhon’s Chamber Choir Concert during Pilgrimage Weekend in May - 04/24/18
The St. Tikhon’s Chamber Choir will be presenting the famous Rachmaninov’s All-Night Vigil on Sunday evening, May 27th, at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre, PA 35 South Franklin Street, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The program begins at 7:30pm. You can download a flyer to post, here. To purchase tickets, please either visit St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore at this link, or call 888.454.6678.
St. Tikhon’s Monastery Chamber Choir is made up of some of the finest singers in the New York area and around North America, and its annual Memorial Day weekend concert is fast coming to be recognized as a highlight of the artistic season in the region. Russian Orthodox choral music continues to rise in popularity with concertgoers today. St. Tikhon’s Chamber Choir offers a unique perspective on the genre through its connection with the spiritual life of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and the 1000-year-old unbroken tradition of Russian Orthodox liturgical worship.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary welcomes Archpriest Moses Berry - 04/23/18
Archpriest Moses Berry, Priest of Theotokos “Unexpected Joy” Orthodox Church in Ash Grove, Missouri, visited St. Tikhon’s Seminary after having participated in the ordination of Dn. Samuel Davis to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, April 21st. He gave a talk to members of the seminary and monastery communities on Monday evening, April 23rd. He is an inspiring presenter to listen to, both in recounting the realities of slavery that he and family members encountered and lived with, and sharing his hopes and dreams for the African-American community within the Orthodox Church. He celebrated the newly ordained Fr. Samuel Davis as one of the next generation of African-American clergy, seminary trained, to lead his faithful forward! He shared that currently excavations are occurring on his homestead property that once included a safe-house for slaves, and how those traveling through the area would know whether the way was clear for them to dwell there.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich thanked Fr. Moses for his presentation, and intoned many years for Archpriest Moses, his family and his flock, as well as the newly ordained Fr. Samuel, his family, and his flock. Many who attended his talk remained to talk further with Fr. Moses, and Seminarian Ephraim Tauck, who knows Fr. Moses, assisted in getting him to seminary from New Jersey, and again back to the airport for his return trip.
Mission Choir Celebrates Historic Visit to Lorain Ohio - 04/22/18
The Mission Choir visited Sts. Peter and Paul Church, in Lorain, Ohio, on April 21-22. The parish was celebrating its 105th anniversary! Five years ago, the parish sought to celebrate their 100th anniversary, and Metropolitan Tikhon, who was to join Bishop Paul, was unable to come due to suffering from pneumonia. Now five years later both Bishop Paul and Metropolitan Tikhon were scheduled to participate in the divine services together. An “All-Star” version of the Mission Choir (including members who graduated in 2017 who attended Dn. Jonathan Lincoln’s ordination earlier in the day) sang Great Vespers.
An interesting reunion took place between the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, and Vespers. Kathy Jacob introduced Fr. Steven to her brother, John Slanta (STOTS 1979). At Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Fr. Steven also met Archpriest Yves Claude Babich (STOTS 1980), Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Lakewood Ohio. In perceiving that they were likely classmates, Fr. Steven brought the two together, who then began sharing their shared seminary experiences!
After Vespers all traveled to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church for a dinner and program prepared by Samuel Jacob, one of the newest members of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Board of Trustees. Protopresbyter Michael Gulgas, Parish Rector, was present for the evening’s events. Fr. Andrew Bartek, Pastor of Holy Assumption Church in Marblehead, Ohio, closed his parish so he and faithful could participate in the weekend’s events. A small ensemble of parish parishioners provided music during dinner.
Parishioner Samuel Koukios was emcee for the evening. Metropolitan Tikhon, Bishop Paul, Michael Herzak (Seminary Board of Trustees Chair), and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, all offered comments. The Mission Choir also sang a short program of liturgical music celebrating the Paschal Feast.
In the morning, Metropolitan Tikhon and Bishop Paul concelebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, with Fr. Joseph McCartney, Pairsh Rector, Archpriest Basil Stoyka, and Fr. Andrew Bartek. Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak served with Protodeacon Edward Kolenda. The church was packed, well in advance of greeting the hierarchs. Fr. Joseph presented Fr. Steven with contributions to the seminary that would total nearly $10,000. The whole parish with celebrants took a parish photo on the front steps of the church!
After the Divine Liturgy, the Mission Choir joined Metropolitan Tikhon in traveling to Ridge Hill Memoral Cemetery. John Lachowyn responded to a challenge during the Mission Choir’s visit in 2017, committing $1,000 to have the Mission Choir visit his home during this year’s visit, to sing a short program. John passed away in January, so the Mission Choir sang the responses as Metropolitan Tikhon served a Litya at his graveside, with his wife Rosyln and many family members present.
Later that afternoon all participating in the Divine Liturgy were invited to the home of Sam and Kathy Jacob for an afternoon of more food that they prepared, fellowship, and another short program of liturgical music.
Fr. Steven commented on how moving it was to visit Sts. Peter and Paul Church, feeling their supportive embrace these past few years! May God grant Fr. Joseph, Archpriest Basil, and parish faithful many blessed years as they look ahead to the next 105 years!
Ordination of Dn. Samuel Davis to the Holy Priesthood - 04/21/18
Dn. Samuel Davis, who enrolled in a one-year program of studies this fall, and quickly upon enrollment decided to complete the whole degree program, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey. He was ordained in what has been a mission parish in the diocese, St. Simon of Cyrene Mission in New Brunswick, NJ. Among the concelebrants was Archpriest Moses Berry. The mission anticipates reaching out to the African-American and Hispanic communities in the local area, and Fr. Samuel’s ordination will allow this mission to work toward a more complete liturgical life even while Fr. Samuel completes his studies. Axios! May God grant Fr. Samuel, Matushka Julitssa, and their children Isaac, Morgan, Ava, and Alexander, many years!
Century Association Announces Hospitality a la Russe IX - 04/14/18
APRIL 2018
Dear Century Association Members and Friends:
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
The members of the Century Association Board of Trustees are pleased to announce plans for our annual festival - Hospitality a la Russe IX. The date is Sunday, May 6TH. and the place is St. Michael's Center in Jermyn, PA. Join us for a feast of traditional Russian foods and enjoy wonderful balalaika music by the renowned South River Balalaika Ensemble. Festivities will begin at 2:30PM. See the full letter from the Century Association here.
Hospitality a la Russe IX will feature a wonderful selection of delicacies starting with a typical Russian table of zakushki (appetizers), including potato pancakes, pierogis, beet salad, eggplant caviar, kielbasa, Russian meatballs, marinated mushrooms, a main entree of homemade cabbage rolls, chicken Marsala, eggplant Parmesan, mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetables & dessert.
All this will be accompanied by our popular theme basket raffle. A Bid-At-Home form is included for your convenience here. Make copies to share with friends! Select from twenty baskets with themes such as To Your Health Vodka Basket, Scratch & Win Lottery Basket, Welcome Spring Money Roses, Russian Treasures and I Want S’mores Fire Pit Basket. Our cookbook, “HANYA’S KITCHEN-The Orthodox Herald Recipe Collection” will be available for sale. Enclosed you will find a flyer for the festival, a ticket reservation form, and a sponsorship form. Please post the flyer at your church, spread the word, make your reservations, try your luck on the theme baskets and consider becoming a platinum, gold, or silver sponsor. Also enclosed is a membership application form. If you have already renewed for 2018, we sincerely thank you.
Can’t attend? Consider donating a ticket or two which will allow Seminarians to be our guests. Reservation, Sponsorship, and Bid-At-Home forms can all be mailed to Mary Sernak, 700 Delaware Street, Mayfield, PA 18433.
Do remember that all proceeds go directly to our beloved St. Tikhon’s Seminary. For updates on Seminary activities, visit the Seminary website at
May you and your loved ones have a wonderful and glorious Pascha.
St. Tikhon's Celebrates Holy Week and Pascha - 04/09/18
Christ is Risen!
St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery communities came together to celebrate Holy Week and Pascha. This is not only the high point of the liturgical year for Orthodox Christians, it is the high point for the academic year!
Please take a few minutes to look at the two photo galleries, the first representing excerpts from Holy Week, and the second from Paschal Services, with gratitude to Seminarian Robert West who faithfully took photos in the course of all the services. Archimandrite Philip Mugadizi, Deputy Dean of the Patriarchal Seminary in Nairobi Kenya, was present for the whole of the Great Lenten journey, and is among those captured in the photo from the Paschal Procession.
In Memoriam: Mitred Archpriest John Nehrebecki: Updated - 04/07/18
Archpriest John Nehrebecki (STOTS 1950), reposed in the Lord on Holy Saturday. He was known to especially anticipate the Divine Liturgy celebrated on this day. Please see the full obituary for Fr. John on the OCA website here. Fr. John was father-in-law to the ever-memorable Archpriest Alexander Atty who served at St. Tikhon’s as Dean from 2010-2013, and grandfather to Archpriest Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) among their children and grandchildren.
Fr. John was a participant in the Metropolitan Leonty Symposium held at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in May of 2015, as one of three members of the delegation receiving the OCA’s Tomos of Autocephaly. Their collective recollections helped to bring this formative time for our OCA alive for yet another generation!
2017 was a year including many celebrations for the Nehrebecki family! Fr. John was granted the dignity of wearing the Miter by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey. He and Mat. Eugenia celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on May 22nd, 2017. Earlier that spring, the Mission Choir visited Christ the Savior Church in Paramus (photo for this story), celebrating the ministry of Fr. Leonid Schmidt (STOTS, 2010) as current pastor, and Fr. John’s legacy in having served the OCA with distinction in faith and in love.
On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, visitation will be from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. with a Paschal Funeral service beginning at 7:00 p.m. On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy will be celebrated. The interment will follow at 4:00 p.m. at St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Cemetery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Father John’s memory to Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church, 365 Paramus Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652
Memory Eternal to the newly reposed Mitred Archpriest John.
The Mission Choir visited several churches over the weekend of March 24th & 25th. They sang the responses for a full vigil for the feast of the Annunciation at Holy Assumption Orthodox Church in Canton Ohio, and were led by recent graduate and St. Tikhon's alumnus Fr. John Kennerk (STOTS 2017), who gave a wonderful and pastoral explanation of the vigil beforehand to his parishioners who are fairly new to vigil services. Following the service Fr. Mikel (classmate of Fr. John) and Matushka Rachel Hill hosted the Mission choir, as well as the Kennerks and several parish families, for a lovely home-cooked meal at their house.
On Sunday Morning the Mission Choir sang the responses for the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Annunciation at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Mogadore, Ohio, led by St. Tikhon's Alumnus Father Nicholas Wyslutsky (STOTS, 1989, currently serving as Alumni Treasurer). Each Seminarian, as well as Monastery Director of Music Benedict Sheehan, gave a brief talk at a fish fry following liturgy. St. Nicholas Church is celebrating its centennial this year!
Finally, the Choir sang a concert with diverse repertoire at St. George's Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton, Ohio, joined by Alumni Fr. Mikel Hill and Deacon Jonathan Lincoln (STOTS 2017), as well as Joachim Wyslutsky. The concert was well attended and there was a light reception afterwards. The concert itself and the music selection were organized by Fr. Mikel Hill, in conjunction with Benedict Sheehan.
May God grant Fr. Nicholas Wyslutsky, Fr. John Kennerk, Fr. Mikel Hill, Dcn. Jonathan Lincoln, their families and their parish faithful many blessed years!
(Story by Seminarian John Parker, photos by Seminarian George Davis)
Seminary Dean Leads Retreats With Armenian Clergy - 03/20/18
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Dean, was invited by Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar, to led retreats for clergy of the Eastern Diocese of the Patriarchal Armenian Church. The focus of these retreats was: Reflection on Lenten Themes, including, “Come unto me all that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens”.
Fr. Steven met with clergy of the New England (March 6) and Mid-Atlantic Regions (March 20). His Eminence, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, was an active presence at both retreat sessions that were most effectively coordinated by Fr. Simeon. The focus of the sessions was to spark conversation and dialogue among the clergy on various topics.
The Presentation sessions were interspersed with prayer, quiet time, and shared fellowship during meals. Fr. Steven shared with each group how meaningful it was to come and participate in this time of pastoral conversation and renewal of their respective regional clergy brotherhood. He also stressed the importance of these gatherings in maintaining and growing pastoral ministry among the clergy.
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir traveled all the way to Chicago the weekend of March 17-18! The choir visited Holy Trinity Church, where Fr. Alexander Koranda (STOTS 2014) is the pastor. Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, brought St. Tikhon’s Icon of the saints who have walked on the seminary and monastery grounds. The choir sang vigil on Saturday, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday.
Archpriest David Fox visited with Fr. Alexander earlier in the day on Saturday, and preached on Sunday. Fr. Alexander asked Fr. Steven to preside at the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Steven shared at the conclusion of the Liturgy his have related to a number of the previous diocesan archpastors over his lifetime, and celebrated the repose of St. Nicholai of Zhicha, commemorated on March 18th, also the birthday of the late Archbishop Job. He added that someone encouraged each of their vocations, as a reference to seminarians singing with the choir.
It was also a blessing for Fr. Steven to see John Sutko, Choir Director, and grandfather of Fr. Alexander, after many years, and many other friends over many years. Fr. Alexander was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 6, 2017, and he and Mat. Carly very recently welcomed their first child, Magdalena, into their family.
May God grant Fr. Alexander, his family, and Holy Trinity Parish Faithful many blessed years!
On Saturday, March 17, Drs. David and Mary Ford led a retreat at Holy Cross Orthodox Church (OCA) in Medford, New Jersey, pastored by Fr. John Shimchick. Dr. Mary spoke on bearing trials and tribulations with encouragement from the Book of Revelation, and Dr. David approached this same theme giving many quotes from St. John Chrysostom's letters to St. Olympia. Then after Vespers at 3:30 PM, Dr. Mary led a session for ladies only on dealing with ungodly thoughts (logismoi), and Dr. David led one for men only on his hand-out called 26 Ways to Enhance the Glory of your Marriage.
Dr. David commented, "This was the first time ever visiting this parish. And we would love to go back, as we enjoyed their great enthusiasm and wonderful hospitality very much! Thank you, Fr. John, for inviting us!"
St. Tikhon’s Board of Trustees Holds Spring Meeting - 03/16/18
St. Tikhon’s Board of Trustees met March 15 and 16 at the seminary. Board committees met on Thursday, bringing together all seminary constituencies with board members, and the full board met all day Friday. Among the agenda items was the acceptance of three new Board of Trustees Members!
Dr. Jeffrey Carpenter is Chief of Surgery and Vice President for Surgical Services, Cooper University Hospital and Cooper Health System, serving as a teaching Vascular Surgeon. Dr. Jeff has held numerous faculty teaching roles. He holds numerous degrees: B.A. Degree from Amherst College, majoring in Chemistry, minor in Greek (1981); M.Div. and M.D. Degrees, Yale Divinity School (1986). He is married and has a son and daughter. Dr. Carpenter has been recognized on numerous occasions for his surgical expertise as a top doctor at the state level in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and a leading doctor in the nation!
Samuel Jacob is a life-long member of Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Lorain, Ohio. He has served in multiple roles in the parish (President, Vice President, and Chairman of Finance Committee) and the Diocese of the Midwest. Samuel has served as Superintendent for Water Plants in Lorain and Elyria, Ohio for more than twenty years. Samuel holds the following degrees: AS Degree in Chemical Technology from Lorain County Community College, and B.S. in Management (1994) and MBA (2004) from David Myers University in Cleveland.
Attorney Anthony Frederick Chapekis is a Founding Partner of the Chapekis, Chapekis, Kardas, and Schmidt Law Group in Chicago. He is licensed for multiple state, appeal, and supreme courts, as well as multiple levels of the federal court system. Attorney Chapekis has been highly involved in the Greek Orthodox community in the Chicago area, serving as Chief Legal Counsel for the Chicago Metropolis. He has a keen interest in both Orthodox monasticism and theological education. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from Indiana University (1974), and a Juris Doctor Degree from Chicago-Kent School of Law (1977).
May God grant our new board members many blessed years!
Seminary Mission Choir Visits Allison Park - 03/10/18
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir, led by Assistant Director Paul Kappanadze, visited St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Allison Park, on Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11. They sang the responses for the Vigil for the Sunday of the Most Precious Cross, and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Mission Choir members, parishioners, and invited guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the home of Protodeacon Dr. Michael and Mat. Mary Wusylko on Saturday night. Many gathered together also for a luncheon on Sunday following Divine Services. The parish raised over $13,000 for the seminary!
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, was asked to lead a parish retreat at the cathedral on Saturday, March 10th. The retreat theme was: “Let us Draw Near in Faith and Love, and Become Communicants of Life Eternal”.
Fr. Steven shared how uplifting the love and hospitality of the cathedral community was for all visiting the parish during this weekend!
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Church in Baltimore, MD - 03/04/18
The Mission Choir visited St. Andrew Church in Baltimore over the weekend of March 3rd and 4th. They sang the responses for Great Vespers on Saturday evening, followed by a wonderful supper with parishioners. In the morning the choir sang the responses for the Divine Liturgy, led by Archpriest Theodore Boback, parish rector, Military Chaplain Endorser, and former Alumni President for St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Each seminarian introduced himself during the luncheon that followed. The seminary is thankful for the parish’s generosity, raising $5,000 during the weekend, in addition to ongoing monthly seminarian scholarship support.
May God grant Archpriest Theodore, Dn. James, and parish faithful many blessed years!
On Saturday, March 3, 2018, Drs. David and Mary Ford traveled to Chicago for three speaking engagements at the Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Westchester, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, at the invitation of the priest there, Fr. Nicholas Georgiou. During the Sunday Liturgy the next morning, Dr. David gave the homily, on God's Love as seen in the writings of the Old Testament Prophets, St. John Chrysostom, and especially St. Gregory Palamas, since it was St. Gregory Palamas Sunday.
That evening was the first of three evening gatherings celebrating the 35th annual Book Week of the Holy Apostles parish, an event which always includes vespers or compline, lectures (and book-signings), as well as an extensive display of Orthodox books. Dr. David highlighted the Letters of Saint John Chrysostom to Saint Olympia, which he translated, and which was published recently by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press as part of their highly acclaimed Popular Patristics series. He spoke specifically on the theme of "Persevering through Trials, Tribulations, and Despondency in the Letters of St. John Chrysostom to St. Olympia the Deaconess," giving many quotes from the Letters - including these rousing words in praise of the Three Holy Youths in the fiery furnace:
"For the fire became bound, and the bound ones were delivered; and the furnace became a temple of prayer, a fountain of dew more awesome than the courts of kings. And fire, radiantly blazing, more powerful than iron and stone, and holding mastery over every other substance, was conquered by the strands of their hair. And an all-harmonious choir stood on that very spot, as the holy ones summoned all of creation unto the marvelous melody. They sent up hymns of thanksgiving for having been bound and set on fire by their enemies, and for having been driven from their homeland, for having been made prisoners, for having been deprived of their freedom, for having been banished and made homeless wanderers, and for having to sojourn in a foreign and barbarous land – all of this was fitting for a prudent soul to be thankful for" (Letter 7.C).
Then Monday evening, Dr. Mary spoke on "Persevering through Trials and Tribulations: Wisdom from the Book of Revelation." She highlighted how over one-fourth of the book is extremely positive and uplifting, reflecting the same teachings of the Saints through the ages on the most beneficial approach to persevering through suffering and trials.
Drs. David and Mary enjoyed seeing St. Tikhon's alumni Fr. Daniel Doss and Fr. Herman Kincaid, who came to the Sunday night gathering, as well as meeting many people from various parishes in the Chicago area at this wonderful, pan-Orthodox event - at which our own Dr. Harry Boosalis and Dr. Christopher Veniamin have spoken at in previous years.
On Tuesday morning, before their flight home, Drs. David and Mary were blessed to visit their old friends Fr. John and Presvytera Irene Rallis at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, in Des Plaines, Illinois, and to get a tour of the thriving K - 6 parochial day school that's run by this parish.
Dr. David commented, "It was a truly glorious trip. Fr. Nicholas and his Presvytera Michelle, Fr, Paniyiotes and his Presvytera Nicolia, Deacon Perry and his wife Diaconessa Pat, Fr. John and Matushka Emma Cazabonne, and everyone we were with were tremendously hospitable and appreciative of what we had to offer. May our All-Gracious Lord bless them all mightily!"
St. Tikhon’s Celebrates the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 02/25/18
On Sunday, February 25, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the children of St. Tikhon’s celebrated the triumphal return of the icons at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Immediately following the Divine Liturgy, the children of the seminarians and parishioners held icons for the congregation to venerate right after the veneration of the Cross. With so many children presently attending services from the community and the seminary, this celebration was especially meaningful.
A special thanks to all the parents who helped out, and to Seminarian Robert West for taking photos!
Metropolitan Tikhon Leads Clean Week Services at St. Tikhon’s - 02/23/18
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon visited St. Tikhon’s during the first week of Great Lent. During his visit he led the reading of the Canon of St. Andrew during Great Compline, celebrated the Presanctified Liturgy, and actively participated in other services. His presence was truly an inspiration to the St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary communities as they came together to celebrate the full cycle of services throughout this first week of Great Lent!
On Sunday, February 11th, Walter Robert Vladimir Parker, Jr., and Zena Hatez were joined in the Sacrament of Marriage. This followed their being received into the Holy Orthodox Church the day before. Subdeacon Timothy and Beth Kolb served as sponsors on both Saturday and Sunday.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, was the celebrant for the Marriage. Concelebrating with him were: Igumen Gabriel (Nicholas), and Priest Matthew Fuhrman (STOTS 2017) preparing for military chaplaincy. Many of the seminary children were asked to stand with Zena and Bobby during the betrothal.
In true form with her experience as a pastry chef, Zena prepared their wedding cake, and the meal that all were invited to at the Jefferson County Lions Club hall! The whole community came together to celebrate with Zena and Bobby as they begin their new life as Orthodox Christians!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary celebrates Reception of Seminary Cook - 02/10/18
In August of 2016, days before the start of the fall semester, Zena Hatez visited the seminary bookstore to look for a gift for a friend’s wedding. She was sent across the street to find Fr. Steven Voytovich, asking him: “Who cooks for you?” Fr. Steven was overwhelmed by this question as the seminary did not yet have a cook for the fall. Zena jumped in to prepare meals for a Board of Trustees Meeting before the students returned.
Zena has not just served as Seminary Cook, she has been preparing to enter the Holy Orthodox Church together with her fiancé, Walter Robert Parker, Jr. On Saturday, February 10, both Zena Marie and Walter Robert Vladimir were received by Baptism and Chrismation, celebrated by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean. Subdeacon Timothy and Elizabeth Kolb served as sponsors on both Saturday and Sunday, as they had been journeying with Zena and Bobby through the last 1.5 years.
During the Homily Fr. Steven reminded all about the above conversation. He in turn asked a question of Zena and Bobby: “Who prays for you?” while asking them to turn to see the monastery church full of faithful!
The couple received communion at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Please see related story of their marriage, celebrated on the afternoon of Sunday, February 11th.
May God grant many years to Zena Marie and Walter Robert Vladimir!
Several St. Tikhon's Community Members Travel to Mount Athos - 01/31/18
From Monday, January 22, through Wednesday, January 31, 2018, Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, joined Archimandrite Sergius (STOTS 2005), Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and alumnus Fr. Andrew Damick (Class of 2007), on a blessed pilgrimage to Mount Athos, led by Fr. Theodore Petrides of Stroudsburg, PA.
Dr. David reports, "I had a wonderful time - it was my first time there! Everything was very, very blessed - all the great conversations, ancient churches, magnificent iconography, powerful singing, multitudinous relics (many incorrupt), spectacular scenery, splendid weather, and delightful company with all those in our group!"
The group had five nights on the Holy Mountain - staying at the Monasteries of Simonopetra, Pantokrator, Vatopedi, and Xenophontos - as well as visiting Karakallou, Iveron (where they all know our Professor of Dogmatics, Dr. Harry Boosalis), Philotheos, St. Panteleimon, Docheiariou, and the Sketes of St. Andrew and St. Elijah.
After leaving Mt. Athos, the group was tremendously blessed to have an overnight visit at the Ormelia Monastery for women, where they experienced a truly unforgettable five-hour Vigil for the Feast of the Three Hierarchs. The singing was filled with much power and heavenly beauty!
Then before driving back to Thessalonica, we stopped for a four-hour visit at the nearby Monastery of St. Arsenios of Cappadocia, where we again received amazing hospitality. The Abbot, Fr. Arsenios, is an old friend of our Professor of Patristics, Dr. Christopher Veniamin.
Dr. David added, "May our All-Gracious Lord help all of us to retain and enlarge upon everything that He graced us with during our pilgrimage."
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir Visits Broadview Heights - 01/28/18
On the weekend of January 27-28 St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir visited Archangel Michael Church, in Broadview Heights, Ohio. Archpriest John Memorich, Parish Rector, welcomed the group.
Archpriest David Fox, St. Tikhon’s Director of Mission Advancement, joined the group for this visitation. Mr. Michael Herzak, St. Tikhon’s Board Chair, also leads the parish council.
The choir sang Vespers and the Divine Liturgy at Archangel Michael. Fr. David said the following in the context of the visit: “Your hospitality, brotherly and sisterly love in Christ really overwhelmed us.”
May God grant Fr. John and parish faithful many blessed years!
Archpriest David Shewczyk Celebrates Retirement - 01/28/18
On Sunday, January 28th, Holy Trinity Church in Wilkes-Barre celebrated the retirement of their pastor, Archpriest David Shewczyk, after twenty-two years. His Eminence, Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pensylvania, led the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, together with His Grace, David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska, who surprised Fr. David. Concelebrating were Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Archpriest Joseph Martin, St. Tikhon’s Board Member and retired pastor of Holy Resurrection Church, also in Wilkes-Barre. Frs. David and Joseph began serving their respective parishes in Wilkes-Barre only months apart from one another. Protodeacon Sergei Kapral also served from Holy Resurrection Church in Wilkes-Barre.
Later the parish treated Fr. David to a testimonial dinner! Many came together to join in this celebration. Gregory Polk, parish Choir Director, served as Toastmaster. Both Fr. David and Matushka Sharon were remembered with love. Fr. David was asked to join the choir in singing the Great Prokeimenon, as his tenor voice is as strong as ever. Matushka Sharon was also recognized with a bouquet of flowers for her active role in parish life in addition to her service as a nurse. Their sons Nicholas and Timothy were also part of the celebration.
Fr. David served as Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, since 1989. He is a graduate of St. Tikhon’s (1975), also holding degrees from: Siena College (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology), and Marywood University (Master of Arts in Counseling). Fr. David has served as Assistant Director of Field Education, serving as seminary liaison to both Wayne Memorial Hospital and Wayne Woodlands Manor where students carry out visits. He has also co-led the Integrative Seminar each year.
St. Tikhon’s celebrated Fr. David’s retirement with a dinner including faculty and administrative team members on Monday, January 15th. He was presented with a jeweled cross from the seminary that he wore during the above Liturgy and testimonial dinner. He has impacted on the lives of many students over the years and will certainly be missed.
Fr. David has sung in a number of choirs over the years: Bicentennial Choir, Podoben Male Chorus, and Wyoming Valley Orthodox Choir. He joined alumni, led by Archpriest Daniel Kovalak, in singing at the Molieben to the Theotokos and Anointing of pilgrimage participants at the Memorial Day celebration at St. Tikhon’s.
He and Matushka Sharon will reside in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. May God grant them many years in celebration of all they have collectively offered in service to the Orthodox Church in America!
Century Association Celebrates St. Tatiana Luncheon with Seminary Students - 01/25/18
The Century Association, led by President Subdeacon John Lasichak, hosted the annual St. Tatiana’s Luncheon on Thursday, January 25th. Seminarians were treated to a wonderful lunch and awesome deserts prepared by association members who were also present.
Century Association members contribute at least $100 each year in support of the seminary. Subdeacon John presented Fr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, with a check for $6,000, representing contributions by many members!
St. Tatiana is a second-century martyr, the patron saint of students. This identification occurred in the context of the Empress Elizabeth founding the Moscow University on her feast day in 1755. St. Tatiana Chapel remains an integral part of that university today.
You too can support the work of the Century Association by becoming a member. Please click here for more information. Please also place the date of May 6, 2018 on your calendar, to join Association members and many others to celebrate Hospitality a la Russe IX, at St. Michael’s Center, in Jermyn, PA!
May God grant many years to all those who support the work of the seminary through the Century Association!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Well Represented at March for Life - 01/19/18
This year's March for Life recognizes the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the US. Please click here to see Metropolitan Tikhon's address for the Sanctity of Life Sunday (Jan. 21). Metropolitan Tikhon offered the opening prayer this year!
St. Tikhon's Seminary was well-represented during the March. Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, were among those who stood behind His Beatitude as he offered the opening prayer. Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, came with many seminarians to participate in the march. Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) led the choir during the prayer service led by His Beatitude. Later, he led those gathered, including many from St. Vladimir's Seminary, in singing while the Orthodox group participated in the March.
The March for Life is one time during the year when our Orthodox Christian community comes together to literally "walk the walk" in witnessing the sanctity of human life!
Ordination of Dn. John Segvich to the Holy Priesthood - 01/14/18
On Sunday, January 14, 2018, Dn. John Segvich was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in his home parish of St. Luke the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Palos Hills, Ill.
His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest concelebrated the liturgy with Archpriest Paul Jannakos, Archpriest Andrew Harrison, Priest Danial Doss (STOTS 2010), Protodeacon Andrew Werbiansky, and Dn. John.
After the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, a celebratory banquet was held in the parish fellowship hall. Many members of Fr. John's family were present.
Axios! May God bless Fr. John, Mat. Wendy and their family as Fr. John completes his pastoral formation this year at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
St. Tikhon's Seminary now accepting applications for Fall 2018 - 01/12/18
St. Tikhon's Seminary is now accepting applications for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year. Many ask about application deadlines. We prefer having materials by early June, as it takes time to contact your references and to conduct a background check. Please know also that you do not need to wait to submit a completed packet. Sending in the application form is a good start, and we will work with you as you forward other materials.
To assist you in the application process, please note the following resources here on the seminary website:
Our admissions page, here, offers general information for those applying. The application page, here, offers all the essential information necessary for assembling application materials.
The Seminary Bulletin for 2018-2020 is now available on the seminary website. View this document, here.
Please feel free to contact the Admissions Committee either by e-mail: or for general questions, call the seminary at 570.561.1818. It is most helpful if you also send application materials in to the applicants e-mail address above.
In Memoriam: Julie Voytovich, mother of Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean - 12/15/17
Julie Voytovich, Fr. Steven’s mother, fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, December 16, 2017. The story was featured on our OCA website that you can access here. Fr. Steven and his sister Anne drafted an obituary that you can access here. Memory eternal to the newly departed servant of God, Julie. Funeral services will be held on Friday and Saturday of this week.
Mission Choir offers Concert at Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT - 12/10/17
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir visited Three Saints Church to offer a concert on Sunday afternoon of December 10th. The program was entitled “God With Us: Chants of the East and West for the Coming of Christ”, and featured the Mission Choir, plus members of the Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, and was led by Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music.
The parish welcomed the Mission Choir with a wonderful luncheon served by Matushka Cindy Voytovich and parish faithful. Dress rehearsal followed, with the concert beginning at 4pm. Well over 100 people attended the concert, standing at the end to express their gratitude! Fr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, thanked all those attending for taking time out of the busy holiday season to come and listen to liturgical and para-liturgical music, keeping the focus of the coming of Christ during this holy season of preparation.
Following the concert was a reception, at which time Fr. Patrick Burns, Parish Priest and St. Tikhon’s Seminary Alumni President, announced that the parish had raised $10,000 for a seminarian scholarship! This action was inspired also in part by conversations that parishioners had with Fr. Steven, Seminary Dean, about the sacrifices that students make in coming to seminary. Steven Zavednak championed contributions by parishioners.
In addition, Fr. Patrick announced that over $4,000 was raised for the concert.! This came in part by generous contributions from sponsors: Wakelee Funeral Home, G.L. Capasso, Inc., Ralph Hull, Riverview, and Edward Adzima Funeral Homes, and Dr. Arnold Rivera. The Mission Choir wishes to thank parishioners assisting in preparing for this concert: Fr. Patrick and Mat. Mara Burns, Mat. Cindy Voytovich, Kathy Gruttadaria, Nancy Dudchik, Andrew and Lynn Hvizd, Nina Kosowsky, Council President, Subdeacon Paul Juzwishen, and others.
Mission Choir Visits Holy Trinity Church in New Britain, CT - 12/10/17
On December 10th the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir visited Holy Trinity Church. This visit was even more meaningful in that snow the previous day caused other local parishes to close, bringing more to New Britain! Seminarian John Parker preached the homily, his first as a second-year seminarian. Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music, led the Mission Choir.
Following the Divine Liturgy, the seminarians witnessed the visitation of St. Nicholas to the parish youth. The Mission Choir is grateful to Archpriest David Koles and faithful of Holy Trinity Church!
On Sunday, December 10, Coffee Hour at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery was visited by a special guest. After Divine Liturgy at the Monastery Church the parish community made their way to the Trapeza, where everyone was given the words to the old Saint Nicholas’ Day song “O Kto Kto”. As the community children began to sing, with the adults joining in on the second verse, Seminarian Timothy Kolb, acting as a representative for Saint Nicholas and dressed for the part, made his way up the center isle of the Trapeza and sat in the midst of the children. He told the children stories from the life of Saint Nicholas, and, on behalf of the saint, gave each child a small gift.
In Memoriam: Ann Dahulich, Mother of Archbishop Michael - 12/07/17
Ann (Rosics) Dahulich, 91, of Binghamton, NY, fell asleep in the Lord on Wednesday, December 6, 2017. She was predeceased by her parents, Michael & Anna Rosics; her husband, Peter Dahulich; 2 brothers, Andrew & Michael Rosics; and her sister, Marie Dancho. She is survived by two sons and a daughter: His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and St. Tikhon's Seminary Rector, George Dahulich (Ret. Capt. USAF), of Centreville, VA., and Barbara Knighton, of Binghamton; 3 grandchildren, Georgia Wimberly (Randall), Shanise Kent (Kyle Wolf) and Jaron Knighton; 5 great-grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews and cousins.
Ann was a lifelong member and former secretary of the parish Ladies Guild of St. Michael's Orthodox Church. She was a retired employee of the City of Binghamton and the Greenman Senior Center.
A Divine Liturgy with Funeral Service will be celebrated at 10:00 AM on Tuesday at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, 296 Clinton St., Binghamton, NY, with Protopresbyter James S. Dutko, Pastor, and area and visiting clergy officiating. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery. Family will receive friends from 4:00-7:00 PM on Monday and on Tuesday from 9:00-10:00 AM at St. Michael's Orthodox Church. Parastas will be celebrated at 7:00 PM on Monday. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Tikhon's Seminary, Box 130, South Canaan, PA. 18459, or to St. Michael's Church, 296 Clinton St., Binghamton, NY 13905, or to Lourdes Hospice Program, 169 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905.
The schedule of services for + Ann Dahulich, Archbishop Michael's mother, is as follows:
Please see two updates recently completed on the STOTS website.
First, the 2017 Tikhonaire has been loaded onto the Tikhonaire page. You can find it by clicking here. Each of the past year editions are available on the same page. This issue of the Tikhonaire was dedicated to liturgical music, and we anticipate the release of a live recording of the Divine Liturgy early in 2018.
Second, The Institutional Effectiveness Statement has been revised. This statement reveals how the seminary is fulfilling its mission. You can see the revised statement here.
Thanks be to God for these developments, and for the assistance of all those who have made them possible.
The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk invited to speak by Drexel University College of Medicine and Behavioral Healthcare Education - 11/30/17
On Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30, 2017, The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk was invited by the Drexel University College of Medicine to present at the 25th Annual Forensic Rights and Treatment Conference. Fr. John gave his three hour presentation on Wednesday, November 29 with the title: “How to Minister and Navigate with the Religiously Fixated Mentally ill inmate". He explored the “Theology of the Ministry of Presence” and how to affirm and treat the whole person with the healing of Mind, Body and Soul. Fr. John is the Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Archbishop Alexander Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 11/13/17
His Eminence, Alexander, Archbishop of Dallas and the Diocese of the South, briefly visited St. Tikhon's Seminary on Monday, November 13th, before joining members of the Holy Synod for their fall meeting. During his visit he met for dinner with students and family members from the Diocese of the South currently studying at St. Tikhon's.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Holds Vocations Retreat - 11/11/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Seminary held its annual vocations retreat on Friday, November 10, and Saturday, November 11th. Four participants heard presentations on Humility and Obedience in St. John Chrysostom, the theme of the retreat. In the course of their time together the group attended services, toured the seminary and monastery, and participated in presentations by Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean, and Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Abbot. Seminarians participated in the retreat by sharing about their journey now as seminarians.
Seminary Hosts Presentation on OCA Sexual Misconduct Guidelines - 11/06/17
On Monday evening, November 6th, St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted Bernard Wilson, of the OCA's Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee (SMPAC). He presented on the OCA Sexual Misconduct Policies, applicable to the seminary community. This presentation is especially important as more children are part of the seminary community at present. Wilson shared many vignettes to further highlight points being made.
All seminary constitutencies were asked to attend the presentation, and to sign off on their knowledge of these policies.
St. Tikhon's Seminary to Host Vocations Retreat: Updated - 11/03/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Seminary will host its annual Vocations Retreat on November 10-11. The theme will be Humility and Obedience in St. John Chrysostom. You can download a poster here. Participants will be invited to attend services and retreat sessions together, and talk with current seminarians. This vocations retreat is open to all who are discerning a vocational calling to service in the church, including ordination. There is no cost to attend. Please click here for a schedule for the day. Please also note that the Iveron Icon will be visiting St. Tikhon's Seminary from Liturgy at 6:30am through about 3:00pm in the afternoon, Friday November 10th.
Please contact Marshall Goodge, Assistant to the Dean for more information and to register. He can be reached at 570.561.1818, extension 101, or by e-mail at . Please "come and see!"
Dr. Jessica Suchy-Pilalis delivers Final Installment of the 2017 St. Tikhon’s Fall Lecture Series - 10/31/17
On Tuesday, October 31st, Dr. Suchy-Pilalis’ presentation, “Basics of Liturgical Music”, focused primarily on the principles behind Orthodox liturgical music, with a particular emphasis on the chant tradition. Throughout her presentation, Dr. Suchy-Pilalis reminded the audience of the cosmological dimension of liturgical music, pointing out that even before Creation the angels voicelessly praised God in song. In particular Dr. Suchy-Pilalis drew attention to the textual focus of chant; good Orthodox chant focuses primarily on conveying a text and adapts the chant to best present that text, rather than forcing the text to fit the melody as is sometimes found in Western settings. Therefore, Orthodox chant can be said to be logo-centric, placing the listener’s comprehension of the meaning of the text first and foremost.
Dr. Jessica Suchy-Pilalis is a specialist in the theory, history and practice of Byzantine music. In 1984, she became what is thought to be the first salaried and officially-titled female protopsalti (chanter) of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America. In addition to degrees in music theory and performance from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Eastman School of Music and Indiana University, she holds diplomas with highest honors in Byzantine music from two Greek conservatories, is certified by both the State and Church of Greece, and is a tonsured reader/chanter.
Dr. Suchy-Pilalis believes it is most important to share those prayers of the church inherent in the rich musico-literary heritage which she does by chanting the "classical" repertoire, by teaching, and, most significantly, by reversing the analytical method developed in her thesis on Byzantine modal theory to set English translations of hymns in the manner of the Byzantine melodos (composer-hymnographer) while still maintaining the Byzantine style.
She is a Professor of Music at The Crane School of Music, State University of New York at Potsdam where she teaches music theory, harp and Byzantine music. She has directed chant choirs, presented lectures, and has taught numerous seminars and workshops across the U.S. and Canada for just about every jurisdiction. In 2006, she was awarded the St. Romanos Medallion, the highest honor bestowed to a musician in the Greek archdiocese, for “significant national contributions to church music” by the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. Currently she chants at St. Olympia Orthodox Mission in Potsdam, NY, and Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.
STOTS Administration, Seminarian, Participate at Patriarchal Liturgy - 10/29/17
On Sunday, October 29, Administrative Assistant to the Dean Marshall Goodge (STOTS 2017) and Seminarian Colin Michael Barker, both members of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, attended a Patriarchal Liturgy at St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Brooklyn, New York, presided over by His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East.
Both were overjoyed to receive the Archpastoral blessings of their chief hierarch, who was visiting the United States to meet with leaders of the United Nations and US Government, as well as to speak at the “In Defense of Christians” summit in Washington D.C.
After the Liturgy, a reception was held, with addresses both by His Beatitude Patriarch John and His Eminence and Beatitude Bechara Peter Cardinal Rai, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch.
The STOTS Fall Board of Trustees Meeting was quite full, beginning with elections for the coming year. All current board leadership roles are continuing: Michael Herzak, Chair, Mitch VanDuyn, Vice Chair, Mat. Nancy Gilbert, Secretary, and David Jarrett, Treasurer.
Several presentations were made to the board as well. John Della Monica, President, and Popadija Katherine (Kitty) Vitko, Board Member, presented on the work of the Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund (OCCIF).
The board also welcomed Dean Harbry, a Professional Certified Coach, and Founder of Internal Innovations, LLC—an Atlanta-based executive coaching firm, established in 2003. He has worked with over 140 nonprofit boards on governance, compliance and organizational best practices. He was invited by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, to assist the board and seminary community to engage in further work together after the most recent reaccreditation review by the Association of Theological Schools.
Dean presented to the board on topics related to shared governance, and guided the whole seminary community through an exercise of working through several hypothetical scenarios designed to reinforce the use of seminary policies and procedures. These areas of emphasis are part of the seminary’s follow-up after the November 2016 ATS site visit.
In the afternoon the board welcomed audit firm representatives completing their audit of this past fiscal year’s financial records.
Protopresbyter George Alexson, offers the third installment of St. Tikhon’s Evening Lecture Series - 10/26/17
Fr. George’s presentation, entitled “Perfecting the Shepherd”, contrasted the concept of “leadership” with pastoral ministry, demonstrating that a priest’s purpose is to be a director, providing an example for his parishioners to emulate, rather than a legislator laying down laws and proscriptions. Fr. George demonstrated, from Scripture, Christ’s role as shepherd, and how it ought to be emulated by those in pastoral ministry, to whom the Lord gave the command to “feed My sheep.” Fr. George also spoke on the necessity for a pastor to be immersed in liturgy and prayer, both for his own sake and the sake of his flock.
Protopresbyter George A. Alexson, a 1969 graduate of St. Tikhon’s, has been a priest in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese for forty-eight years. He retired in 2010 from the Annunciation Cathedral, Atlanta, GA, and upon return to Northern Virginia, accepted an invitation to assist in developing a mission, Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church. Fr. George completed doctoral studies (ABD) at Catholic University in the Early Christian Studies Department, with an emphasis in Greek and Latin patristics, Church History, and monasticism. He resides in Ashburn, VA with his wife, Pres. Joanna, two children and five grandchildren.
Benedict Sheehan, St. Tikhon’s Director of Music, was Guest Director October 20-22 - 10/22/17
Benedict Sheehan is a composer, conductor, arranger, writer about, and teacher of, music. He is Director of Music at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Monastery; and, since founding the group in 2015, he has served as Artistic Director of the Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, a professional vocal ensemble. He is also a frequent clinician and speaker in the field of Orthodox choral singing around the United States.
His musical education includes degrees from Westminster Choir College and Bard College Conservatory of Music, studying conducting under James Bagwell and composition under Kyle Gann. He also has a Master of Divinity Degree from St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
As a conductor, Sheehan has made several recordings with the choirs at St. Tikhon’s, including the debut album of Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Till Morn Eternal Breaks: Sacred Choral Music of Benedict Sheehan. In 2014, he made his first conducting appearance at the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts with Dawn Upshaw and members of the Bard Graduate Vocal Arts Program. As a writer, Sheehan is a contributor to several online publications, including Orthodox Arts Journal and the Orthodox Christian Network (OCN). His personal blog on the Ancient Faith Ministries platform is called The Music Stand.
A number of his liturgical compositions are currently in print with Musica Russica. His most recent publication, an anthology entitled A Common Book of Church Hymns: Divine Liturgy (2016), is available from St. Tikhon’s Monastery Press.
His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, offered the second lecture in this year’s St. Tikhon’s Evening Lecture Series focusing on “Back to Basics” on Tuesday evening, October 17th. Archbishop Michael, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Rector since 2013, and Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology, has been teaching in the area of Scripture since 1974. He began teaching at Christ the Savior Seminary in Johnstown, PA, where he attended seminary, and later continued teaching Scripture at Duquesne University while he completed Master of Arts Degree in Theology (1979) and subsequently his Ph.D. Degree also in Theology (1998). He has been teaching at St. Tikhon’s Seminary since 1993, continuing while serving as first Administrative Dean and then Dean from 2001 until 2010 when he was elevated to the episcopacy.
His presentation topic was: “What is the Bible: An Orthodox Understanding”. In the series of photos early in the presentation, His Eminence sought participation from those attending in an exercise where he highlighted the ways in which one can come to believe in Our Lord, Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Using a paperclip, he highlighted three pathways in increasing order, belief by chance, belief through hearing someone share about Him, or belief through seeing Him themselves.
Archbishop Michael offered a very clear model for those attending to understand the Scriptures as part of Holy Tradition. He placed Scripture as a small circle at the core of Holy Tradition, and the Cross of Christ in the center of that small circle. He encouraged everyone to regularly read Scripture and to open himself or herself to revelation that comes through participation in the Divine Services.
St. Tikon’s Seminary Students Meet together with Local OCF Leadership - 10/14/17
After several email correspondences over the past few years between the St. Tikhon’s Student Government and local OCF chapters, on Saturday, October 14th, St. Tikhon’s Seminary received the blessing of hosting five Orthodox Christian college students of the local Orthodox Christian Fellowship to gather for a day of fellowship and pilgrimage. Scranton University senior and OCF area president Alaina N. Dimitriou and Wilkes University senior and OCF area secretary Eleni Moustardas were joined by Orthodox college students Gregory Yannes, Andrea Boosalis, and Alexandra P.
The sunny Fall day began at Ritter’s Cider Mill. Dimitriou, Moustardas, Boosalis, and Yannes were joined by St. Tikhon’s second-year Isaac Lampart and first-year Ephraim Tauck, the latter of whom was accompanied by his wife Athanasia Tauck, and their little Lucia and baby Nikolai. The friends shared Ritter’s fresh cider donuts and enjoyed petting the farm animals with Lucia, after which all took part in a hayride through the farm and forest, crowning the morning with cold apple cider.
The students and seminarians convened at the Monastery Bookstore for coffee, where they were joined by Father Timothy Cremeens of Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre, PA, who accompanied the group to the Seminary Dining Hall for a generous brunch specially prepared by STOTS cook, Zena Hatez. During lunch, Director of Student Affairs Father Ignatius Gauvain welcomed the OCF students to St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and offered a pointed word on the seminary’s unique role in the formation of servant leaders of the Orthodox Church in America, after which second-year Subdeacon Timothy Kolb of Wasilla, AK offered a thought-provoking and poignant thirty-minute presentation on his personal experiences of Orthodox Christianity in Alaska.
After lunch, Subdeacon Timothy Kolband and Seminarian Isaac Lampart escorted the students to the Monastery Refectory. St. Tikhon’s Monastery Abbot, Father Sergius, offered a word on the life of the monastery for the Church, and lovingly encouraged the OCF students to endure in the Orthodox Christian life, even in college. Fr. Sergius stated: "Never be afraid to be an Orthodox Christian. You will never regret it.”
Following Father Sergius’ presentation, Monastery Igumen Father Gabriel kindly conveyed the group into St. Theodosios’ Chapel to venerate the Miracle Working Icon of St. Anna. Afterwards, Father Gabriel offered a tour of the Monastery Museum, accompanied the group on a walk to the Monastery’s fresh-water spring, and invited all into the Monastery Church to venerate the holy icons and relics of the saints of St. Tikhon’s and North America.
The students departed with smiles and thanksgiving. “Thank you very much for hosting us, St. Tikhon's!” remarked Moustardas. “It was such a blessing to receive your warm welcome and tour of the Monastery grounds.”
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Student Government looks joyfully forward to continued friendships with the local OCF chapter over the years to come.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Fall Lecture Series Gets Underway - 10/10/17
St. Tikhon's Seminary's Fall lecture series began on Tuesday night, October 10th. Marshall Goodge, (STOTS 2017) presented on the topic: "The Panagia: Our Mother and our Model" In his talk, Marshall led those attending in an intentional walk through the life journey of the Mother of God, revealing through it both the height of human nature and her intercessory role.
Marshall, a student from the Antiochian Archdiocese, graduated with honors in Theology for his Thesis: “O Virgin Pure”: The Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Sinlessness of the Virgin Mary, East and West.” You can view a video recording of his presentation below. You can visit Marshall at St. Tikhon's Seminary, in his role as Assistant to the Dean, that he began upon graduation!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association Holds Annual Meeting - 10/08/17
On Founder's Day, October 8th, following a festive luncheon hosted by the seminary, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association held their annual meeting. Subdeacon John Lasichak, President, led the meeting, calling upon association leadership to report on successful fundraising activities through the course of the year. Archpriest Dennis Swencki, Chief Financial Officer, shared heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of the seminary, for all the efforts of the Century Association to support the seminary, including the wonderful annual event they host, Hospitality a la Russe!
Subdeacon John presented a check, on behalf of the Century Association, to Seminary Dean, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, totaling $7,000 as the meeting concluded. All shared in enjoying fellowship and deserts following the meeting. Century Association members support the seminary with annual gifts of at least $100. You can find out more about the Century Association here.
St. Tikhon's Community Celebrates Founder's Day - 10/08/17
On Sunday, October 8th, St. Tikhon's Community gathered together to celebrate Founder's Day. This is the Sunday closest to the Feast of the Glorification of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, who founded the monastery. The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Monastery Abbot, Archimandrite Sergius was the celebrant, together with Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and clergy from the seminary and monastery.
Archimandrite Sergius appealed to all gathered, during the homily, to continue pursuing the vision of St. Tikhon, with continual prayerful support of the mission of Orthodoxy in North America, modeled by the daily prayers of the monastery community. This year is a special year in that we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of St. Tikhon's elevation to the Patriarchate!
Following the Liturgy, the seminary invited all to come and participate in a festive luncheon. Fr. Steven thanked all of the members of the Fellowship of St. Tikhon and St. Nikolai for their support of the seminary. He then thanked the members of the Century Association, inviting Subdeacon John Lasichak to address those gathered for the luncheon.
The Century Association later held their annual meeting. To see this related story, please click here.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Wives Gather Together - 10/03/17
On Tuesday, Oct. 3, the St. Tikhon's Wives Group had a very inspiring "Meet the Matushka" event via Skype with Mat. Kristen Smith in Florida. Mat. Kristen shared helpful advice she'd been given, spoke about her own experiences, and answered the thoughtful questions that many of those who attended had.. Altogether 13 wives attended and were able to enjoy a time of fellowship, as well as benefit from shared wisdom.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Participates in Chancery's Patronal Feast Day - 09/23/17
On Saturday, September 23rd, clergy and seminarians from St. Tikhon's Seminary traveled to our OCA Chancery in Syosset to participate in the annual celebration of the patronal feast day of the St. Sergius of Radonezh Chapel. Clergy and seminarians from St. Vladimir's Seminary particpated as well.
You can see the write-up offered on the OCA website here that includes the concelebrating hieararchs, and view some of our photos taken below.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Announces Fall Lecture Series - 09/19/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Seminary announces its annual Fall Lecture Series. This year's series is focused on "Back to Basics". The series will run on Tuesday evenings: October 10, 17, 24, and 31, beginning at 7pm in the seminary refectory. You can download a flyer to post here.
Marshall Goodge — “The Panagia: Our Mother and our Model”
Marshall Goodge (STOTS 2017) is serving as the Assistant to the Dean upon graduation from seminary with his M.Div. Degree. Marshall received Honors in Theology for his Thesis: “O Virgin Pure”: The Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Sinlessness of the Virgin Mary, East and West.”
Archbishop Michael, Ph.D. — “What is the Bible? An Orthodox Understanding”
His Eminence is the Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. He is Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Theology and Department Chair of Scripture at the seminary, and holds a Ph.D. Degree from Duquesne University.
Protopresbyter George Alexson — “Perfecting the Shepherd”
Fr. George (STOTS 1969) has been a priest in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese for forty-eight years. He retired in 2010 from the Annunciation Cathedral, Atlanta, GA. Upon returning to Northern Virginia, he accepted an invitation to assist in developing Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, in Loudon County.
Jessica Suchy-Pilalis, Ph.D. — “Basics of Liturgical Music”
Dr. Jessica teaches at the Crane School of Music, Potsdam University, Potsdam, NY. She is currently on sabbatical and has recently returned from Greece. She is also an accomplished harpist in addition to her work in liturgical music.
To indicate your interest in attending, please contact the seminary:
St. Tikhon's Seminary Announces new Director of Mission Advancement - 09/05/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] The St. Tikhon's Seminary community is pleased to have the Very Reverend Dr. David R. Fox join our staff as the new Director of Mission Advancement. Father David is the Rector of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Randolph, NJ (OCA), and Director of Development at Bonnie Brae, a nationally recognized therapeutic residential school for at-risk youth in Liberty Corner, Bound Brook, New Brunswick, and Bridgewater, NJ.
Previously, Fr. David served as Vice President of Development for Covenant House International, the world’s largest non-profit shelter program for homeless youth, and Director of Development for Covenant House New Jersey. Father David is credited with building two vibrant university model major gift development departments, at Covenant House New Jersey and at Bonnie Brae, and for overseeing successful capital campaigns at Holy Trinity and St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Churches. A graduate of Wake Forest (B.A.) and Drew Universities (M.Phil., Ph.D.), and Princeton (M.Div.) and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox (Th.M.) Theological Seminaries, Fr. David has taught World Religions, Introduction to Religion, Introduction to Philosophy, and Humanities courses variously at Seton Hall, Fairleigh Dickinson, and Montclair Universities.
Father David was the first Pastoral Minister for Covenant House New Jersey in Newark, where he coordinated residential programs with social workers, attorneys and physicians and served staff and homeless youth as a street outreach worker, chaplain and educator. He is thankful to bring his pastoral, development and educational experience to his new role serving St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, and asks for the help of all those dedicated to the Seminary’s important mission. Father David will be reaching out to St. Tikhon’s alumni, benefactors and Orthodox parishes in order to deepen the Seminary’s partnership with them. He may be reached at or at (570) 561-1818, extension 104.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Community Gathers for Labor Day Picnic - 09/04/17
St. Tikhon's Seminary community, students and families, administrative team members, and faculty members gathered together on Monday, September 4th, for an annual picnic as the new school year got underway. As is evident from the photos, all who came together enjoyed the day, including a sumptuous feast that included pot luch dishes brought by those attending! As this year's incoming class includes mostly married students, the day was filled with children making friends even as seminarians met one another.
St. Tikhon's Students Attend FOCA Convention - 09/03/17
As orientation for incoming and returning students came to an end on Friday, September 1, three second-year St. Tikhon’s seminarians made their way to the Harrisburg/Hershey Sheraton Hotel for the 91st Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA). Accompanied by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, from Friday evening until Monday morning, Alexander Norton, Student Government Vice President, Bob West, Secretary, and FOCA Representative Isaac Lampart (FOCA Chapter 121), enjoyed three days of prayer, fellowship, and plenary sessions surrounded by friends familiar and new.
The Convention commenced on Friday evening with a reception. After the reception Alexander, Bob, and Isaac helped Deacon Peter Ilchuk construct the portable iconostasis for the weekend’s services, which had been stored at the seminary.
The next day, FOCA’s National Spiritual Advisor, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, encouraged those gathered to take a deep look at the underlying questions facing us today as Orthodox Christians, and how FOCA may respond and contribute as an organization with a history and a heritage. Archbishop Michael followed His Beatitude by offering a heartfelt talk on married student housing, thanking FOCA for all of their generous work over the years to move this project, and described with great love the faithful student families of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and their children, whom FOCA would assist in housing. According to His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon: “We are closer to the end goal than we have been.”
On Saturday evening, seminarians were happy to reconnect with St. Tikhon’s Alumnus, Father Steven Vernak (STOTS 2007) and the parishioners of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, PA, who visited the hotel for Great Vespers. Afterwards, alongside Archbishop Michael and Bishop David of Alaska, Alexander, Bob, and Isaac enjoyed the Euro-Slavic music and dance performance by Duquesne University’s “Tamburitzans.” On Sunday morning, a Hierarchical Liturgy was officiated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, followed by an evening dinner banquet and dance.
“Whenever we represent our seminary, whether at the Century Association or on Mission Choir trips, I always return to South Canaan with a full heart,” remarked FOCA Representative Isaac Lampart. “All the prayerful generosity which FOCA has offered to this school and its students over the years, and continues to offer, was made personally manifest by the joy with which we were greeted by FOCA at the conference this weekend. I believe I speak for all of us when I say we are humbly inspired by FOCA’s generosity to St. Tikhon’s future leaders of the Church. We are grateful! We hope that our seminary’s relationship with FOCA might deepen as the years go on, both for those currently enrolled here, and for alumni who have already graduated, now serving in their own parishes.”
Story by Seminaran Isaac Lampart, photos by Seminarian Robert West.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary begins new Academic Year - 08/29/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA]
The new school year got underway on August 28 with orientation for new students. A total of sixteen new M.Div. students began orientation on Monday, along with two one-year special study students for a total of 18 new students! Members of the new class include 17 men and one woman, all but one of whom are married! Thirteen of our new students come from OCA parishes, two from the Antiochian Archdiocese, and one each: Bulgarian Patriarchate, ROCOR, and Serbian. Several other applicants are delayed in arriving due to immigration-related concerns. All were heartily welcomed by the St. Tikhon’s community!
Orientation week included presentations from and opportunities to meet members of the administrative team and faculty. Returning students joined the new students on Thursday for student-body orientation sessions. In addition, alumni came to the campus on Thursday and Friday for continuing education, an alumni barbecue, and to develop relationships with new and returning students. (See alumni retreat story here).
Of the photos accompanying this story, the first shows the new students upon arrival, and the second following their receiving a blessing to wear their cassocks following the Divine Liturgy on Thursday morning. His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and St. Tikhon’s Seminary Rector, was present through most of the week to welcome and meet with new students, and joined Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, in congratulating new seminarians on Thursday morning, indicating his encouragement that seminarians perceive the wearing of their cassocks as constant prayer.
The whole St. Tikhon’s community will gather for a Labor Day picnic before beginning classes on Tuesday, September 5th. May God grant our new and returning seminarians a fruitful journey through this new academic year!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Board of Trustees Holds Early Fall Meeting - 08/18/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon’s Board of Trustees gathered together at the seminary on August 17-18. A highlight of this meeting was the opportunity to interact with Michael Crofton, from Philadelphia Trust, who oversees the investments related to the seminary’s endowment. The seminary is indeed grateful for incredible good stewardship that Michael Crofton continues to actively manifest in managing our investment portfolio!
Archpriest John Kowalczyk, STS Field Education Director and OCPM Board Secretary, Visits Antiochian Archdiocesan Assembly - 08/06/17
The staff of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) participated in the 53rd Annual Antiochian Archdiocesan Assembly in Miami, Florida, from July 24th to July 28th, spreading the message of the Orthodox Prison Ministry. God's blessings to all the participants: Fr. John Kowalczyk (Secretary of the OCPM Board of Directors), Paul Politis (Director of OCPM Operations), Fr. Stephen Powley (Executive Director of OCPM), Matushka Katherine Kowalczyk, Vicki Haskopoulos, and Presbytera Ashley Powley.
St. Tikhon'sSeminary Celebrates Staffing Changes - 08/06/17
St. Tikhon's Seminary is pleased to announce the following staff changes:
Marshall Goodge (STOTS Class of 2017) is beginning his new role as Administrative Assistant to the Dean.
Dr. Paul Witek, (STOTS Class of 2000) who had been Assistant to the Dean for Academic Affairs, has been promoted to Director of Academic Affairs, including the role of Registrar.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, stated: "I am excited about these changes that are already making a difference in the life of the Seminary!"
We also offer prayerful best wishes to those who are leaving their positions at the seminary:
Sergei Arhipov retired after graduation in May. Though he will no longer be Registrar, he will continue on a part-time basis as Librarian.
Teresa Vaux Michel moved across the street to begin her duties at St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore.
Seraphim Danckaert left the seminary in July to become the Executive Director of FOCUS.
May God grant many years to the servants of God Paul and Marshall, and Godspeed to Sergei, Teresa, and Seraphim toward their next endeavors.
Dean Attends Inauguration and blessing of Malankara Retreat Center - 07/15/17
[STOTS Communications, Dalton, PA] His Grace, Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, welcomed His Holiness, Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, representatives from the Orthodox and Catholic Church communities, and many clergy and faithful from the Northeast American Diocese in the inauguration of their new Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center, in Dalton, PA.
His Holiness led those gathered in prayer in blessing the new retreat center, purchased from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, Diocesan Bishop, was present. Comments by the hierarchs present shared the story of how the facility was transferred to the Malankara Church.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Dean, was present for the blessing. He had previously accompanied His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon in visiting the Indian State of Kerala with our Metropolitan Tikhon and Archpriest John Behr in November, 2015 to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Kottayam Seminary. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, traveled to Kerala in February of this year.
Fr. Steven shared greetings from the Seminary Rector, the Board of Trustees, and the St. Tikhon’s Seminary community. He presented an icon to His Holiness, and in doing so offered a brief prayer: “May God richly bless the ministry to be carried out through the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. Just as Jesus’ disciples were profoundly moved in witnessing the light of Christ on Mount Tabor, may those coming to this place in retreat be transformed by Jesus’ light and love, receiving healing and restoration.”
Dr. Christopher (STOTS Faculty) and Anna Veniamin were also present for the inauguration. Archpriest Chad Hatfield, President of St. Vladimir’s Seminary was also present. He shared a copy of a new book on marriage by Fr. George Koshy, newly published. All were invited for some refreshments and fellowship upon the completion of the blessing service.
During the week of Summer Camp, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, welcomed those attending the camp on Sunday. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, shared with several groups of campers during the course of the week. The focus this year was on the Mother of God. Thanks be to God the weather was beautiful for the many outdoor activities that are part of the camp week.
While daily prayers are offered in the pavilion during the week, all came together for Vespers on Friday at the monastery church, and Divine Liturgy on Saturday. May those participating in the Summer Camp be renewed through this experience of fellowship, learning, and fun!
In Memoriam, Protodeacon Gregory Hatrak - Updated - 07/02/17
St. Tikhon’s Seminary received word early on Sunday, July 2nd, that Protodeacon Gregory Hatrak (STOTS, 1994) reposed in the Lord on the evening of July 1st. He was only 46 years old.
Dn. Gregory came to seminary from Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Minersville, PA, and graduated during the same Memorial Day weekend that St. Alexis was canonized.
Dn. Gregory served as Bookstore Manager for St. Tikhon’s Seminary/Monastery for many years. More recently he has served as Director of Marketing and Operations for St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press and Bookstore.
He married his wife Robyn (Alexander) on October 19, 2008. Gregory was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by then Bishop Tikhon, on Sunday, September 26, 2010, at his home parish of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Minersville, PA during the parish’s 100th anniversary celebration. (See photo)
Matushka Robyn began serving in 2016 as Director of Hospitality and Alumni Relations at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. Most recently Deacon Gregory was elevated to Protodeacon on May 23, 2017. Protodeacon Gregory leaves behind his wife, Matushka Robyn, his parents, Archpriest Michael and Matushka Valeria Hatrak, his brother Matthew and Lori (sister-in-law) Hatrak, and sister, Natalie Hatrak.
Memory eternal to the newly departed servant of God, Protodeacon Gregory.
Funeral Service Schedule:
Wednesday, 5 July (St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY)
On Wednesday morning, July 5, at 10:00 a.m., a Panikhida for Pdn. Gregory will be served at St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Three Hierarchs Chapel. Prior to the Panikhida, at 9 a.m., a viewing will be held. Immediately following the Panikhida, a repast will be held in the Seminary’s Germack Building.
Wednesday, 5 July (St. Tikhon’s, South Canaan, PA)
There will be an opportunity for viewing in the monastery church when Protodeacon Gregory’s relics reach the monastery grounds. Regular daily services will occur in the monastery church, beginning at 4:30pm.
7:30 PM — Funeral
Thursday, 6 July
9:30 AM — Divine Liturgy, followed by Last Kiss and Burial here in our cemetery. The repast will be at St. Michael's Center, 403 Delaware Street, Jermyn, PA 18433.
For those wishing to make a contribution in Protodeacon Gregory’s memory, a Memorial Fund has been established for the benefit of Matushka Robyn.
The Fords' Speaking Tour in the Pacific Northwest - 06/24/17
From June 10 through June 21, 2017, our professors Drs. David and Mary Ford toured the Pacific Northwest, speaking in six parishes, in each of which the priest is a St. Tikhon's Seminary graduate. Altogether, the six parishes are in four jurisdictions.
In Bozeman, Montana, where Fr. David Morrison (IMG 4535) is the priest of the St. Anthony the Great OCA parish, Dr. David spoke on Saturday, June 10, on "Insights into Marriage from the Saints through the Centuries"; and Dr. Mary spoke on "Dealing with Logismoi in Marriage and Other Relationships."
On the evening of the next day, June 11, at the St. Herman of Alaska Serbian Orthodox Church in Kallispell, Montana, where Fr. Daniel Kirk is the pastor, they both spoke on "When the Foundations Are Shaken: Guidance from the Book of Revelation and the Letters of St. John Chrysostom to the Deaconess St. Olympia."
On Tuesday evening, June 13, at the Holy Myrrh-Bearers Antiochian Orthodox Church in Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, where Fr. Gregory Horton is the pastor, Dr. David spoke on "Insights into Marriage from the Saints through the Centuries." Then the next day Dr. Mary spoke on the theme of "When the Foundations Are Shaken: Guidance from the Book of Revelation," followed by Dr. David speaking on "When the Foundations Are Shaken: Guidance from the Letters of St. John Chrysostom to the Deaconess St. Olympia."
On Friday evening, June 16, at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Tacoma, Washington, where Fr. Seraphim Majmudar is the priest, Dr. David spoke on "Dealing with Despondency: Wisdom from the Letters of St. John Chrysostom to the Deaconess St. Olympia."
On Saturday, June 17, at the Annunciation OCA parish in Milwaukie, Oregon (a suburb of Portland), where Fr. Athanasius Shaw is one of the assistant priests, Dr. David spoke on the topic "Insights into Marriage from the Saints through the Centuries."
On Tuesday evening, June 20, at the Archangel Gabriel OCA parish in Ashland, Oregon, where Fr. Andreas Blom is the pastor, Dr. David again spoke on "Insights into Marriage from the Saints through the Centuries."
Along the way, the Fords visited five of our great National Parks - Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, Glacier, Olympic, and Crater Lake.
"It was an amazing and glorious trip, filled with wonderful Christian fellowship and spectacular natural beauty," the Fords said. "The whole trip was a great blessing in many ways!"
Continuing Education Program at St. Tikhon’s Seminary Concludes - 06/22/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan] This year’s continuing education program was focused on the theme: “With the Saints Give Rest, O Christ, to the Soul of Thy Servant”. The program ran from Tuesday-Thursday, June 20-22.
Presentations were offered from various vantage points related to this theme. Fr. Ian Pac Urar, Director of the OCA’s Department of Continuing Education, presented an interactive focus on ending one’s pastorate, including preparation for and entering into retirement. Exercises with participants were helpful to highlight some of the points Fr. Ian offered.
Excerpts from Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann’s course (tape recorded) on The Liturgy of Death, provided a theological foundation for the program. At that time, Fr. Alexander shared that he could find no research having been done on the services related to the Liturgy of Death that he then proceeded to outline. Clergy now a generation or two away from Fr. Alexander’s time heard his review of the services, and his effort to untangle seeming contradictions in the instructions within the services as rendered in the Hapgood Service book.
Wednesday’s portion of the program focused on preparation for burial. Dr. Irene Kacandes, who was preparing for a trip to Europe and was still open to participating in this program, pre-recorded both a presentation reflecting the ongoing work of her parish, and again a demonstration of preparing someone for burial. Then, via Skype, the group had the opportunity to interact with her directly in following up from those presentations. In the afternoon, Archpriest Michael Senyo presented on preparing clergy for burial, in having served in this capacity on numerous occasions.
On Thursday the participants had the opportunity to hear from Joseph Scotchlas, a local Funeral Director, after he also sat through most of the previous sessions. Joseph was quite engaging and reflective not only on the work of the funeral director, but clarifying how our Orthodox community can still be engaged with local funeral homes even in the process of preparing the newly departed for burial. He also shared some information on pre-planning, and clarified the law related to dimension of the burial process.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich offered the final presentation that sought to weave a tapestry covering patristic and other resources in reflecting on the ministry of those who suffer, a review of the early church’s effort to redirect Christian burial from pagan practices that were in place including cremation, advance care planning, divorce as a type of death less recognized in the life of the church, and a brief reflection on the services related to the funeral in light of the Fr. Alexander’s research.
Participants of the program related that this year’s program was more focused and practical, and that for the registration fee of $100 was a bargain to complete most of the required annual continuing education. Thank you to all our presenters, and to Zena for the wonderful meals (within the realm of the fast!) that were also very well received. We are also grateful for Silouan and Gloria Burns for assisting in many ways during the course of these days as Silouan prepares to enter seminary here this fall! Finally, we are grateful for the opportunity for participants to participate in daily services at the monastery church during the course of the program.
St. Tikhon's to Host 20th Annual Golf Tournament on August 19 - 06/21/17
St. Tikhon's Seminary will host its 20th Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 19, 2017 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee, PA.
The tournament will begin with a shotgun start at 1:00 PM. An Awards Banquet will be held at 6:00 PM at the course.
The day is filled with great golf, great food, and great fellowship. The cost is $100 per golfer, which includes golf, cart, lunch, banquet, refreshments, and prizes. Contact Bernard Golubiewski at 570-825-4780 or bernygober@comcast.netto reserve a space or book a foursome. A registration form is available for download here.
This is a special event in the life of the seminary, and we hope to reach a target of $20,000! If you would like to offer a sponsorship, please find that information here, even if you are not able to join us on this day of fellowship!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Announces Enrollment into Diaconal and Parish Leadership Formation Program - 06/16/17
[STOTS Communications, Philadelphia, PA]
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is announcing open enrollment into an expanded Diaconal and Parish Leadership Formation program! The program is currently structured to satisfy the educational requirements of laymen who would like to pursue ordination into the Diaconate. It is also intended for faithful men and women, who would like to deepen their knowledge of Orthodox theology and spiritual life to be more effective in their ministry in the Church. The expanded program now consists of two educational tracks: one for those who intend to serve as Deacons in the Orthodox Church and another for those who are actively involved in parish leadership.
The Parish Leadership Formation program is designed for laypeople who would like to seek greater knowledge of our Orthodox Faith toward exercising a more active role in the life of their parish. The program will be helpful for those: serving on parish council, conducting catechetical instructions, teaching Sunday School, and leading youth activities, assisting with church services either in the altar or in the choir, or undertaking any responsibility in the parish life that can benefit from the knowledge of Orthodox Theology, Spirituality and Liturgy.
Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, the director of the program, remarked: “We are very excited with the decision of St. Tikhon’s Seminary to create an opportunity for dedicated Orthodox faithful of our area to learn more about Theology, Scripture and Liturgy. This program is ideal for those who have full-time employment and are able to commute once a week to Philadelphia. In contrast with correspondence courses, the ability to meet for both prayer and classes and to spend time in fellowship with other students allows participants to have an important formational aspect which is indispensable for their ministry in the setting of an Orthodox parish.”
The program meets on Saturdays over the course of two years from September to May at St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral in North-East Philadelphia, PA. To download a copy of the flyer, click here. For any questions about the program, please contact Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk at 215-745-3232 or
Hospitality A La Russe VIII -- a Wonderful Success! - 06/07/17
Members of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association, clergy, matushki, seminarians, and friends enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of food and fellowship at Hospitality ala Russe VIII on Sunday, May 7, at St. Nicholas Church Center, in Bethlehem, PA. Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, was able to join those gathered to share in the afternoon's program, along with Archpriest Dennis Swencki, Chief Finanial Officer, and Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement. The South River Balalaika Orchestra, directed by Dimitri Kauriga provided the afternoon's incredible entertainment!
Many seminarians were also present to witness the Century Association community and those invited coming together to support them in their pastoral formation. All enjoyed a wonderful meal and program through the course of the afternoon.On behalf of the Association members and friends, Subdeacon John Lasichak, President, presented Archbishop Michael with a check for $20,000 for the Seminary.
Many thanks to the Century Association leadership and all those who worked to prepare for and celebrate this joyous event, and again to the St. Nicholas Parish community for hosting. God grant you many blessed years!
St. Tikhon's Community Hosts Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training - 06/05/17
With the blessing and enthusiastic endorsement and encouragement of Vladyka Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, and Fr. Steven Voytovich, our Dean, a week-long intensive training for instructors in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Christian Education Program was held at the Seminary from May 30 through June 5, 2017. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a terrific, experientially-oriented, Montessori-based, hands-on program that begins with 3 to 6 year olds. Further training is required for the subsequent two "units" - the 6 to 9 year olds, and the 9 to 12 year olds. Originally developed Sofia Cavaletti and Gianna Gobbi in the Roman Catholic Church some 35 years ago, it has been thoroughly adapted for the use of Orthodox parishes during the last ten years, and it is being used by a growing number of Orthodox parishes across the US.
The recognized formation leader for this year's training program was Mrs. Shelley Finkler, from Anchorage, Alaska. Organized with intensive efforts by the whole St. Tikhon's Community, and led by Dr. Mary Ford of our Community, there were 15 participants, including a number of wives of students who have just graduated, in the hope and expectation that they will institute this program in their new parishes. Also included were two of our first-year students.
With St. Anna's Atrium already permanently set in place in one of the old classrooms in the Seminary building, we all are greatly looking forward to this outstanding Christian Education program being put into action in the coming Fall.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to organize this event, and to all who attended.
Dn. Stephan Gresh Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 06/03/17
Dn. Stephan Gresh, who returned to seminary this year after attending classes thirty years ago (1985-1987), was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at Holy Resurrection Church, in Belle Vernon, PA. His Eminence, Melchisedek, Archbishop of Pittsburgh and the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania was the ordaining hierarch. Fr. Stephan will be assigned to this parish in the fall upon the retirement of Archpriest Samuel Smolcic, current rector.
Concelebrating at the Liturgy were: Archpriest William Evansky, Diocesean Chancellor, Archpriest Samuel Smolcic, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon's Seminary Dean, Archpriest Andrew Nelko, Archpriest Emilian Hutnyan, Fr. Andrew Nelko, and Deacon Peter Ilchuk. Many of Fr. Stephan's classmates (from 30 years ago, and now!) were present for the oridnation.
At the dinner following the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Stephan was presented a handcross from the parish, and a wooden pectoral cross from Fr. Andrew Nelko, newly graduated Student Government President. This was likely his last act in this role, and Student Government has sought to present each seminarian ordained to the Holy Priesthood a wooden pectoral cross from their classmates. Fr. Stephan is the seventh ordained priest among seminarians finishing their studies this year, in addition to an ordained deacon, all going forth into the Orthodox Church in America.
May God grant Fr. Stephan and Matushka Denise many blessed years!
Continuing Education Program at St. Tikhon's Seminary: Updated - 05/30/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's will hold its annual Continuing Education Program at the seminary from June 20-22, 2017. The theme will be: "With the Saints Give Rest, O Christ, to the Soul of Thy Servant". You can download a flyer with registration information here. Among the sessions will be a special presentation of audio excerpts from Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann's lectures on the Liturgy of Death, recently published in book form by SVS Press.
The program will begin at noon on Tuesday, and continue through Thursday afternoon. Registration cost for the program is only $100, covering overnight accommodations in our dormitory, and meals. The program will count for continuing education credit for our clergy. Interested lay persons are also welcome to attend!
Please register by June 17th either by calling St. Tikhon’s Seminary: 570.561.1818, or by e-mail to .
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] The 113th Memorial Day Pilgrimage began with the early Divine Liturgy at 7:30am, in the Monastery Church. This is traditionally the Liturgy at which the graduating class gathers together to sing and serve. This year, with all the ordained senior seminarians, this Liturgy was quite full. Seminarians served with Hieromonk Herman, served in the altar, and assisted in singing the responses for this Liturgy. The graduating class gathered together at the conclusion of the Liturgy for one more photo together. May God grant them many years of fruitful service in our Lord's vineyard!
The main Liturgy began with a procession to the Bell Tower Church for 10am. His Beatitude led the concelebrating hierarchs, clergy, and faithful in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. As on Sunday, St. Tikhon's Choir and the PaTram Choir sang the responses. Please see the full story on the day's events on our OCA website, here.
The second photo is of Archimandrite Pimen of the Diocese of Khust and Vinohradova of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who traveled to the United States for the pilgrimage to venerate Saint Alexis’ relics. Metropolitan Tikhon presented relics of St. Alexis for him to take back to Metropolitan Mark, and remarked how wonderful it is that visitors come here to venerate the relics of Saints here in America!
Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen, shared his reflections during the Divine Liturgy, that in the midst of the rain coming down, those present surely were not "fair weather Christians!" Those gathered participated in events throughout the course of the day.
Thanks be to God for a most successful and meaningful weekend of St. Tikhon's Seminary's 75th graduation, and the 113th Monastery Pilgrimage!
Recording of STM Chamber Choir to be Broadcast on Public Radio - 05/28/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] The Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon's Monastery performed a memorial concert of sacred music, including Tchaikovsky’s Nine Sacred Pieces, at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre, PA on Sunday, May 28.
After hearing Tchaikovsky’s seminal compositions, performed in the original Church Slavonic, the crowd responded with such a long and rousing standing ovation that the Choir, which had not prepared an encore, repeated one selection.
In attendance were various distinguished guests, including His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence Archbishop Irenee, and His Eminence Archbishop Michael.
In the first half of the program, the men of the Chamber Choir, which is a professional ensemble, were joined by some of the most talented members of the St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir for a performance of Stepan Smolensky’s deeply contemplative Memorial Service for Tsar Alexander III (1904), scored for male chorus, and presented in a new English transcription by Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music at the Seminary.
Selections from the concert will be airing on WVIA 89.9 FM Public Radio. The first installment of the recording will be aired during a weekly show, Music from Saint Stephen's, this coming Sunday, June 4. Listeners can hear the program twice in the same day: from 7:00-7:30 am and from 4:00-4:30 pm.
Listeners outside of the reception area for the station can still listen live online by visiting here. Additional broadcasts will air on the following two Sundays.
(Story and photos by Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement)
Benedict Sheehan Tonsured Reader during Pilgrimage Weekend - 05/28/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] During the Hours before Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 28th, Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music for St. Tikhon's Seminary, and Director of the Monastery Choir, was tonsured a reader by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, who led the services of the Pilgrimage weekend.
The responses for the Divine Liturgy on Sunday and Monday were sung by St. Tikhon's Choirs and participants in the PaTram Choir Conductor and Singer Workshop, led Maestro Dr. Peter Jermihov. He and other faculty worked with these participants through the course of the weekend that included particpation in these divine services. Particicpants also attended the St. Tikhon's Chamber Choir concert Sunday evening.
(Photos, Seminarian Bob West, and Reader Andrew Bohush)
St. Tikhon's Seminary Celebrates its 75th Commencement Exercises - 05/27/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] On May 27th, following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, St. Tikhon's Seminary celebrated its 75th Annual Commencement Exercises!
In his introductory remarks, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, shared again the good news of the seminary's positive reaccreditation review with the Association of Theological Schools, and thanked all those who offered time and talent toward this goal.
Graduates recognized during graduation included those completing the M.Div. Degree Program, Diaconal Certificate Program, and one completing a one-year Certificate of Pastoral Studies.
Dn. Stephan Gresh completed the Certificate of Pastoral Studies.
Scott Anderson, Lawrence Barlow, Ivan Bazárov, Gleb Ivanóv, Stephan Karlgut, Steven Orr, Hierodeacon Maximus (Romanchak), Michael Speck, and Scott Staller, all completed the Diaconate Certificate Program.
Those graduating with their Master of Divinity Degree included: Reader Andrew Bohush, Priest Basil Ferguson, Priest Matthew Fuhrman, Subdeacon Marshall Goodge, Megan Haak Lincoln, Priest Michael Hill, Priest Matthew Joyner, Reader Paul Kappanadze, Priest John Kennerk, Deacon Jonathan Lincoln, Nazar Lukashóv, Priest Andrew Nelko, and Veljko Pejović.
Later in the commencement program, Metropolitan Tikhon made special mention that four graduates: Stephan Karlgut, Andrew Bohush, Paul Kappanadze, and Fr. Andrew Nelko were all sons of clergy currently serving the church. Their fathers and family were all present for this graduation!
Of those completing M.Div. studies, eight graduated "with honors" by completing a thesis or project: Andrew Bohush, Priest Matthew Fuhrman, Marshall Goodge, Priest Matthew Joyner, Paul Kappanadze, Deacon Jonathan Lincoln, andVeljko Pejović, who was also recognized for his thesis by the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM). Priest Mikel Hill, who was among the honors graduates, also was the class Valedictorian and addressed those gathered.
Fr. Andrew Nelko, Outgoing President of the Student Government, presented the Fr. Alexander Atty Memorial Award for Community Service, to Archimandrite Sergius, for the many ways he has supported the seminarians and their family members. He was presented an icon, painted on stone, of Jesus washing the feet of His Disciples. Archimandrite Sergius expressed gratitude for this recognition.
Fr. Patrick Burns, Alumni President, addressed the graduates, and also initiated an annual "Alumni of the Year" Award. Archpriest Joseph Martin was the inaugural recipient after decades of service to the seminary and greater church, including being the longest serving member of the board of trustees. Fr. Joseph was quite moved by this award.
Archbishop Michael presented His Grace, Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland, and the Midatlantic Diocese of the Antiochian Archdiocese, both through his own reflections and reading the Citation by which he would be awarded the Doctor of Divinity Degree, Honoris Causa. Bishop Thomas, after Metropolitan Tikhon placed his doctoral hood, gave the Commencement Address. You can read the text here.
Early in the Commencement Program in his comments, Archpriest StevenVoytovich, Seminary Dean, shared that Sergei Arhipov was retiring from his service as Librarian and Registrar, after decades of service to the seminary, the national church, and beyond. Metropolitan Tikhon, in the midst of his closing comments, presented Sergei with a Primatial Gramota. Sergei was likwise moved to receive this recognition. This is especially true as Sergei later recalled being at the seminary when His Beatitude first arrived as a new seminarian and monastic, as one of those full circle moments!
Before ending this brief account of graduation, it is important to draw attention to this particular class of M.Div. graduates. They were identified by those addressing them as being as shining examples of graduates to go out into the Church, and not just individually, but as a class forming deep bonds with one another.
May God grant many blessed years of ministry in our Lord's Vineyard to all this year's St. Tikhon's Seminary graduates!
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's 75th seminary annual commencement day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, led by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. Metropolitan Tikhon was joined by Archbishop Michael and Bishop Thomas, who were also present for the beginning of the pilgrimage on Friday afternoon. Seminary clergy, ordained seminarians, alumni, board members, monastery brotherhood members, and others came together for this Divine Liturgy celebrated during the Feast of Ascension. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, was the homilist.
Following the Divine Liturgy, Archimandrite Sergius provided a generous luncheon for all attending, before graduation exercises got underway at 1pm. Please see separate write-up on graduation.
Photos by Reader Andrew Bohush, and Seminarian Bob West.
113th St. Tikhon's Monastery Pilgrimage begins - 05/26/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] On Friday afternoon, May 26th, the St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary community gathered together to begin the 113th Monastery Pilgrimage. The Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God Icon, held by Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen, upon its arrival, was greeted by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, His Grace, Bishop Thomas of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic Diocese of the Antiochian Archdiocese, and His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of New York City, the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Seminary Rector. All present then processed to the Monastery Church for a Molieben to the Most Holy Mother of God, and were anointed with myrrh streaming from the wonder-working icon.
The Iveron wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God will be present for all the services during the course of the pilgrimage and seminary graduation.
St. Tikhon's Board Meets In Advance of Graduation - 05/26/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Board of Trustees met at the seminary on Thursday afternoon and Friday, May 25-26. Several committees met after the Ascension Feast Divine Liturgy, and the full board met on Friday.
The board passed the resolutions related to those graduating, as recommended by the faculty. In addition, a new board member was affirmed: Dn. John (Russell) Komline. All present posed for a photo before returning to further work.
May God grant Dn. John and St. Tikhon's Board members many blessed years!
Archbishop Michael Hosts Graduation Dinner - 05/22/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of New York City and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, hosted a dinner for those preparing for graduation on Monday, May 22nd. Faculty, Administrative Team Members, and seminary family members came together to celebrate those preparing for graduation! The dinner was held at Cafe Rinaldi, in Old Forge, PA. Many shared comments exhorting the many accomplishments of these seminarians!
St. Tikhon's Community Gathers for Softball Game - 05/18/17
On Thursday, May 18th, the St. Tikhon's Community came together to play a softball game. This has become an annual event before the focus turns to work week and graduation. The game is played by participants of all ages at the nearby high school ballfield, and is followed by a cookout.
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] On Saturday, May 13th, students from St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's Seminary gathered together for their annual basketball game. Though St. Vladimir's has won this match in a number of recent years, this year St. Tikhon's Seminary won with a score of 51-43!
May God bless all those who came out for this fellowship and sportsmanship opportunity! After the game, played at the Vineyard Center in Honesdale, PA, all came together for pizza! Enjoy the many photos showing skills on the part of players of both teams!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary to host 75th Annual Commencement; His Grace, Bishop Thomas (Joseph) to be Honored and Deliver Commencement Address - 05/12/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA)]It is with great joy that Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary announces that it will hold its 75th Annual Commencement Exercises on Saturday, May 27, 2017 with His Grace, Bishop Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland, and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese serving as commencement speaker. The graduation exercises will be held in front of the All Saints Belltower Chapel on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Prior to giving the commencement address, Bishop Thomas will receive from the Seminary an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree in recognition of His Grace’s dedicated service to Christ’s Holy Church, his passionate commitment to Orthodox Youth, and his contributions to Orthodox Education both here and abroad.
Official Biography of His Grace, Bishop Thomas
Of Arab-American heritage, Thomas Joseph was born in Paterson, New Jersey in 1953. He attended John F. Kennedy High School in Paterson, graduating in 1970. He went on to college at William Paterson College, graduating in 1974. After college, he worked in the Department of Community Improvements in Paterson, then served as a teacher for the Paterson Board of Education. When the Antiochian Village camp opened in the late 1970s, he was recruited by Fr. John Namie to serve as one of the original camp counselors from 1979 to 1982.
In the fall of 1979, Thomas began part-time study at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and was made a subdeacon by Metropolitan Philip (Saliba) of Blessed Memory in July of 1982. He continued his studies until the spring of 1983, when he was assigned to Virgin Mary Church in Yonkers, New York.
In 1984, Metropolitan Philip assigned him to St. George Church in Houston, Texas, where he served as Director of Christian Education and Youth Services. While in Texas, the Archdiocese also assigned him to oversee Christian Education and then later teen activities for the churches in the Southwest Region (now the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America). In July of 1988 Subdeacon Thomas was ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Michael (Shaheen) of Toledo.
On August 28, 1994, Bishop Antoun (Khouri) ordained Dn. Thomas to the priesthood, and Fr. Thomas served as assistant pastor at his parish in Houston until August of 1996, when he was appointed pastor of St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church in Pinellas Park, Florida, near St. Petersburg.
Between 1996 and his consecration to the episcopacy, Fr. Thomas served in multiple capacities aside from his work as a pastor. He was an appointed member of the Archdiocese Youth Department Board; Spiritual Advisor to the Teen SOYO (Society of Orthodox Youth Organization) Southeastern Region; Chairperson of the Tampa Bay Orthodox Clergy Association; Director of Programs in Pastoral Bioethics for the International Academy of Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine in the United States; Speaker at Braunels, Germany, and at City University of Hong Kong on Bioethics; author of published articles on Christian Bioethics; Speaker at Antiochian Village and third session camp priest for many years; and past President and Vice President of the Tampa Bay Council of Orthodox Churches. In July 2002, Fr. Thomas was granted a Master of Arts degree in Applied Orthodox Theology jointly from the Antiochian House of Studies and the St. John of Damascus School of Theology of the University of Balamand in Lebanon.
On February 15, 2004, Fr. Thomas was elevated to the rank of archimandrite by Bp. Antoun, and on December 5, 2004, he was consecrated to the episcopacy by Patriarch Ignatius IV (Hazim) of Antioch in Damascus, Syria.
Bishop Thomas was enthroned as Bishop of Oakland and the East at St. George Cathedral in Pittsburgh (Borough of Oakland), Pennsylvania, on May 6, 2005. In August of 2006, he was awarded a Doctorate in Education from California Coast University. His Grace also sits on the editorial board of the journal Christian Bioethics, which is published by Oxford University Press.
His Grace is also the author of several published articles, including "The Sanctification of Our Parish Life," "Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Its Importance in the Culture Wars," "Training Up a Child: Educational Options for Orthodox Christians," "An Orthodox University: Higher Education for Orthodox Christians," "Sanctified Schooling: Working out Salvation Within Education," "Instructing Your Spiritual Children for Salvation," and the "Orthodox Christian Witness" series. He also co-authored "The Emergence of Local Orthodox Christian Societies in America," and has given presentations for the St. Tikhon's 2016 Continuing Education program including "Instructing your Spiritual Children for Salvation Through Faith in Christ Jesus: The Role of the Pastor in the Lives of Young People" and "Introduction to Orthodox Homeschooling." Other articles include "Orthodox Christian Witness Through a Vibrant Parish Spiritual Life," "Holy Hierarch Nicholas: Patron of Children and Model for Parents," "Sacred Music in the Holy Orthodox Tradition," "Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem: The Spiritual Benefit of Frequent Communion," and "Seeking First the Kingdom of God."
In addition to his duties in the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, Bishop Thomas also served as the Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest from December 2010 to December 2011. Within the Archdiocese, His Grace assists Metropolitan Joseph in overseeing the Antiochian Village, the Archdiocesan Christian Education and Youth Departments, and the Antiochian House of Studies.
Since 2011, Bishop Thomas has also chaired the Committee for Youth of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the USA. In May 2014, His Grace was appointed Assistant to the President of the Balamand University in charge of Student Recruitment in North America. Since May 2015, His Grace has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
St. Tikhon’s Community Celebrates Successful ATS Site Visit - 05/11/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] The St. Tikhon’s Seminary Community gathered together for dinner at Café Rinaldi in Old Forge, on May 11th, to celebrate the strong re-accreditation report from the Association of Theological Schools. St. Tikhon’s was given a seven-year re-accreditation interval, with no notations.
The host of the evening's celebratory dinner was Archbishop Michael. Students, faculty, administrative team members, alumni, and family members spent the evening together. Thanks be to God for the wonderful review outcome, and for this opportunity to celebrate together!
Archbishop Michael was also recognized in celebrating the seventh anniversary of his elevation to the episcopate, with a cake during the dinner. May God grant our Seminary Rector many blessed years!
Mission Choir Members’ Recognized for Their Ministry - 05/09/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] On Tuesday, May 9th, all the members of the Mission Choir were invited for dinner in celebration of their service! Archbishop Michael hosted the dinner to give thanks for the time, energy, and outreach that these Mission Choir members offered during the course of the academic year over and above their coursework and community service. Contributions from mission choir outings are applied to scholarship those who make this very meaningful sacrifice.
This celebration was especially important for the majority of Mission Choir members that are now senior seminarians. These seminarians traveled as far as California and Florida. In addition, they sing many of the services of the early portion of Holy Week each year, and participated in the recent recording, as well!
May God grant our Mission Choir members many years of fruitful service in our Lord’s Vineyard!
Dr. Mary speaks at a conference at St. Nina's Georgian Monastery in Union Bridge, Maryland - 05/07/17
Dr. Mary Ford, New Testament professor at St. Tikhon's Seminary, spoke at a conference on May 6-7, 2017, held at St. Nina's Georgian women's Monastery in Union Bridge, Maryland. The conference featured five professional Orthodox women speaking about how their faith informs their work. Each of the speakers shared amazing stories of how God has worked through them in their professional and personal lives.
Dr. Mary's recently published book, The Soul's Longing: An Orthodox Perspective on Biblical Interpretation (St. Tikhon's Monastery Press, 2015), was highly acclaimed by Abbess Aemiliane, the abbess of St. Nina's Monastery, during the conference.
Their entire time at the monastery was a great blessing for Dr. Mary and Dr. David, as they connected with old friends and made many new ones.
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir visited Sts. Peter and Paul Church, in Lorain, Ohio. His Grace, Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest made a pastoral visit to the parish the same weekend. The mission choir sang the responses for Vespers. After Vespers a fundraising dinner was held. The Mission Choir sang a brief program of music, led by Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music, as part of the dinner.
The following morning Fr. Joseph McCartney (STOTS Class of 2010), Parish Rector, was awarded the Gold Cross by Bishop Paul. After Divine Liturgy Sam and Kathy Jacob hosted a wonderful luncheon for the choir members. May God grant Fr. Joseph, Protodeacon Edward, and parish faithful many blessed years!
St. Tikhon’s Records Live Celebration of the Divine Liturgy - 04/28/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] On Friday, April 28, 2017, an ambitious recording project was undertaken. Benedict Sheehan, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Director of Music, brought together members of the Monastery Church Choir, the Seminary Choir, along with several members of the Monastery Chamber Choir, to record a live celebration of the Divine Liturgy. The recording was completed at St. John the Baptist Cathedral, in Mayfield, PA, with gratitude to Mitred Archpriest John Sorochka for his hospitality and assistance!
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, was the celebrant, together with Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, and Deacon Jonathan Lincoln, Senior Seminarian. Following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, all remained throughout the afternoon for patch sessions, under the direction of Producer Elias Dubelsten. It is hoped that the recording will be available some time in the fall.
Registration Open for Memorial Day Conductors' & Singers' Workshop - 04/17/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] The St. Tikhon's community is pleased to be hosting once again a wonderful opportunity organized by PaTRAM for church musicians, The Memorial Day Conductors’ & Singers’ Workshop, on Friday, May 26 through Monday, May 29, 2017.
This year's program includes workshops for both conductors and singers, working independently and in tandem with Maestro Peter Jermihov and other faculty, and culminating in singing at the hierarchical services celebrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence Archbishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, and other hierarchs and clergy who will be visiting for the seminary's graduation ceremonies and the weekend's other traditional liturgical festivities.
"PaTRAM is engaged in an ongoing effort to build up the quality of liturgical music in the Orthodox Church in the United States and Canada," Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music at St. Tikhon's Seminary and a workshop leader at the PaTRAM event, said. "In workshops like this one, they give Orthodox musicians of varying levels of experience the opportunity to work with first-class educators and to do so in a spiritual atmosphere."
In addition to enjoying a very full weekend of instruction and singing, participants in the workshop will receive complimentary tickets to St. Tikhon's memorial concert featuring Tchaikovsky, of which PaTRAM is a major sponsor.
To find out more about the workshop, and to register, please click here.
St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary Celebrate Holy Week and Pascha - 04/16/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] Following the conclusion of the preparation of Holy Chrism at the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Holy Thursday, services of the later part of Holy Week were celebrated. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon remained at the Monastery Church to lead the celebration of Matins of Great and Holy Friday with the reading of the Twelve Gospels. We were also blessed to have Archimandrite Philip Mugadizi, from Nairobi Kenya, remain with us through Holy Week and Paschal services.
Please see the slideshows from the services of: Matins of Holy Friday, Vespers of Holy Friday, Matins of Holy Saturday, the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Holy Saturday, the Most Blessed Sabbath, and finally photos from the services of Great and Holy Pascha. The St. Tikhon's community shares the joy of the Risen Lord: "Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Photos taken by Reader Andrew Bohush and Seminarian Robert West.
Director of Mission Advancement Visits St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - 04/15/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] In addition to hosting the Mission Choir, (you can view the mission choir visit story and photos here) St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral hosted a Lenten Retreat on Saturday morning and afternoon, featuring a presentation and discussion session with Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement at St. Tikhon's, on the topic: "Why Young People Are Leaving the Church and What to Do About It."
Through the course of the weekend parishioners commented on all they received from the retreat. Archpriest Michael Senyo, Cathedral Dean, shared his gratitude for St. Tikhon’s contribution to the fullness of this special Sunday of the Most Precious Cross. Seraphim later joined in an evening of fellowship with parish faithful and Mission Choir members at the home of Protodeacon Michael and Mat. Mary Wusylko.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visits St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - 04/15/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] On the Feast of the Holy Cross in Great Lent, St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir visited St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Allison Park, PA, singing the responses for the Vigil on Saturday night and at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, was one of the presenters at a retreat held at the cathedral earlier in the day on Saturday. (You can view this story here.)
Archpriest Michael Senyo, Dean of the Cathedral, welcomed the choir, and His Eminence, Melchisedek, Archbishop of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, attended the Vigil on Saturday night. Following the Vigil, clergy and members of the cathedral community joined the Mission Choir members for an evening of fellowship at the home of Protodeacon Michael Wusylko, a long-time member of the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary, and Matushka Mary Wusylko.
"We are grateful to the clergy and faithful of the cathedral for their long-standing love, hospitality, and support of the seminarians at St. Tikhon's," Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, said. "It was a great blessing to visit with them again, to spend time together in prayer, and to enjoy fellowship."
May God grant Archpriest Michael, Protodeacon Michael, and cathedral faithful many blessed years!
Holy Chrism Prepared by Primate of the Orthodox Church in America - 04/14/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] This Holy Week, during the 100th anniversary of St. Tikhon being elected Patriarch of Moscow, was most special at St. Tikhon’s as His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon led the whole church in preparing Holy Chrism at the Monastery Church. Holy Chrism is used to receive those who are newly baptized, and those being received into the Holy Orthodox Faith in the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). This is one of the actions of an autocephalous church.
According to Fr. John Erickson’s 1971 article in the SVS Quarterly, a church is termed “autocephalous” if it has the right to resolve its own internal problems on its own authority (following Holy Tradition of course), independent of other churches, and is self governing, appointing its own bishops, including the first among them, without expression of dependence on another church. (SVS Quarterly, Vol. 15, 1971, pp. 28-29) The right to prepare Holy Chrism is given to the primate of an autocephalous Orthodox Church (see brief write-up on this from our OCA website by clicking here). Our Tomos of Autocephaly, given by the Russian Orthodox Church on April 10, 1970, specifically includes the preparation of Chrism as point 2 (d). This is an especially important action for the OCA in fulfilling its mandate of ministering to the needs of God’s children here in North America.
In glimpsing God’s hand present in the preparation of Holy Chrism, a most significant group of witnesses and participants were present. Our first Orthodox Christians in the new land, the native Alaskans, were represented by Archpriest Peter Chris, from St. Innocent Church in Anchorage, and Fr. Vasily Fisher, from St. James Church, Napaskiak, Alaska, respectively. Among those stirring included descendants from Orthodox immigrants to America and converts to the Orthodox Faith. Finally, we were blessed by the presence of Archimandrite Philip Mugadizi, Deputy Dean of the Patriarchal Seminary in Nairobi Kenya, from the ancient see of Alexandria. He came to observe and participate in the preparation of Holy Chrism.
Archpriest Joseph Martin has led the work of preparing Holy Chrism, under the Metropolitan’s oversight, since at least 1999. He shared that over 50 clergy came to assist in the preparation of the Holy Chrism. Among them were clergy from St. Tikhon’s Monastery, St. Vladimir’s and St. Tikhon’s Seminaries, and OCA hierarchs, and clergy from across the church. As is evident from the photos, one priest reads the Gospels continuously while the other stirs the mixture of olive oil, wine, and many oils and essences that is heated over a burner. During services one priest continually stirs the mixture. When the essences and oils were added, the church was filled with the fragrance of the Holy Chrism!
The preparation began on Monday morning with Metropolitan Tikhon blessing the ingredients before preparation and Holy Week services got underway. Fr. Basil Ferguson, a third-year St. Tikhon’s seminarian, assisted Archpriest Joseph during the course of the days of preparation. Additions were made periodically as the preparation continued to cook. Wednesday afternoon, the cooking concluded and the mixture was allowed to rest. Later on Wednesday evening, the Holy Chrism was poured into a number of jars.
The process of preparation was completed during the Vesperal Liturgy of Holy Thursday, with His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, and His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, who was also present on Monday morning. Archimandrite Philip, Archpriest Eric Tosi, OCA Secretary, and Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak, Secretary to the Metropolitan, were among the concelebrating clergy. (To see story and photos of the celebration of the Liturgy, click here.) At the Great Entrance, clergy carried all the jars of the newly prepared Holy Chrism, led by Archpriest Joseph Martin who carried a historic jar of Holy Chrism, given by the Russian Orthodox Church when autocephaly was conferred. The jars were then placed on the altar.
Later on in the Liturgy, the lids were removed from the jars. Before the Litany preceding the Lord’s Prayer, Metropolitan Tikhon blessed the contents of each jar three times. Then at the end of the Liturgy, the process was completed. A few drops of the historic Holy Chrism were placed in each jar of the new Holy Chrism. Then a few drops from each of the jars were likewise replaced in the historic jar. Now all the Holy Chrism is mixed between that which was newly prepared, and the historic Holy Chrism received!
This Holy Chrism will be used to receive all those being baptized into the Orthodox Faith in the Orthodox Church in America in the coming years, along with those being received in like manner into the Orthodox Faith. This Holy Chrism has been lovingly and prayerfully prepared by the hands of many in our Church under the direction of Metropolitan Tikhon. Thank you to all who assisted in this most holy action of our Orthodox Church in America, and thank God for the blessing of being able to participate in this essential effort during Holy Week.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Dean
(Photos meticulously captured during the course of the week by Reader Andrew Bohush!)
Vesperal Divine Liturgy includes completion of Holy Chrism preparation - 04/13/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] The Vesperal Divine Liturgy celebrated at St. Tikhon's was much more full both as His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, led the celebration that included the final steps of the preparation of Holy Chrism. (To see more about the preparation of Holy Chrism and related photos, please click here to see article devoted to this holy work during Holy Week.)
His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, was present for the beginning blessing of the ingredients of Holy Chrism on Monday morning, and joined His Beatitude for the celebration of the Vesperal Divine Liturgy. Archpriest Eric Tosi, OCA Secretary, and Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak joined celebrants of St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary, and Archpriest Joseph Martin, who oversaw the preparation of the Holy Chrism all through the week, at the celebration of the Vesperal Divine Liturgy. We were also blessed with the presence of Archimandrite Philip Mugadizi, Deputy Dean at the Patriarchal Seminary in Nairobi, Kenya, who present with us at St. Tikhon's through the course of Holy Week.
It is during this Vesperal Divine Liturgy, commemorating the celebration of the Last Supper by our Lord Jesus Christ, that Holy Communion is prepared for communing the sick during the course of the year. Metropolitan Tikhon, in his comments at the end of the Liturgy, indicated that this Liturgy is a present day celebration of the Passover from the Judaic Tradition, instituted by our Lord as the Last Supper, and the preparation of Holy Chrism also represents an ancient tradition (pouring on oil and wine for healing). Together they represent two ancient traditions carried forward at the present time.
What a truly memorable celebration of this special Holy Week service! Blessed Pascha to all in and beyond the St. Tikhon's community!
(Photos by Seminarians Reader Andrew Bohush, and Bob West)
New Short Film Released: "Holding St. Tikhon's Close to My Heart" - 04/10/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Seminary has released a new short film that has attracted more than 22,000 views since its posting on Facebook and YouTube on April 10. The 10-minute film tells the story of Father John and Matushka Michelle Kennerk, who reflect on their three years at St. Tikhon's, and share how their time in seminary has prepared their entire family for their next step: ministry in the Orthodox Church.
"You start seeing how the Lord opens up paths for you to come here. He opens up paths for you to remain here," Fr. John says in the film. "And I think that's one of the most powerful things that has ever happened to me in my life."
The new film, "Holding St. Tikhon's Close to My Heart," is a follow up to another short film the seminary produced about the Kennerks last year, in which they very engagingly tell the story of how it was they ended up coming to St. Tikhon's.
"Watching both of these films together, you see the providential nature of the Kennerks whole journey," Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, said. "At all stages of their discernment process, from visiting the seminary to living in this community to accepting God's call to ordination, they have engaged fully in the opportunities for pastoral formation offered here at St. Tikhon's."
Most of the film's views have taken place on Facebook, where a wide variety of people have responded to the Kennerk's story.
"Quite a few people have told me they have teared up watching this film," Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, said. "It's simply beautiful. When you put most people in front of a camera, they try to say the 'right' thing. They try to sound eloquent or present themselves with more polish than normal. The Kennerks, however, simply become a more transparent and honest version of who they really are: they open up and share from their hearts."
Both of the films about the Kennerks, and a number of other short films about seminary life at St. Tikhon's, are available on the seminary's website,YouTube, and Facebook pages.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visits St. Philip Antiochian Orthodox Church, Souderton, PA - 04/02/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir visited St. Philip Antiochian Orthodox Church, in Souderton, PA. Archpriest Noah Bushelli is the parish pastor. Including the members of the Mission Choir, St. Tikhon's Antiochian Seminarians Marshall Goodge and Yazen Fakhouri were blessed to make this trip instead of traveling to their parish assignments. This was especially meaningful for Marshall who has often traveled with the Mission Choir, and then driven to his parish assignment.
Marshall shared his experience of seminary with the congregation at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Steven also addressed the congregation to share recent events at the seminary. The parish was very generous with contributions benefitting the mission choir members' tuition.
May God grant Fr. Noah, Fr. James, and parish faithful many blessed years!
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] Drs. David and Mary Ford led a Lenten Retreat on Saturday afternoon, April 1, at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church (OCA) in Rochester, New York. Dr. David spoke on "The Home as a Little Church: The Wisdom of St. John Chrysostom"; and Dr. Mary spoke on "Growing Spiritually in a Family." They also made available for purchase the various books they have written and/or edited.
"The very warm reception we received from Fr. Ken Stavresky and the whole parish was deeply heartwarming," reported the Fords, who also stayed over to attend the Divine Liturgy the next day. Friday evening they spent with Cindy Heise, who used to be part of the St. Tikhon's Monastery parish for many years, and her husband Jeremy and children; and Saturday night they spent with our Board of Trustees member, Mitch VanDuyn, and his wife Jan.
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] His Eminence, Archbishop Michael traveled to Kerala, India on February 2 to be the Keynote Speaker and the Guest of Honor at the Centennial of the Diocesan Convention of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in the Diocese of Thumpamon.
Presiding over the five-day convention was His Holiness, Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East and the Supreme Head of the Indian Orthodox Church. He was assisted by numerous Metropolitans of the Holy Synod of the Indian Church. His Holiness is the successor to Saint Thomas the Apostle, who brought the Gospel to India in the mid-first century.
The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church is one of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, which separated from the Eastern Orthodox Church in the mid-fifth century over the doctrine of the two natures of Christ, promulgated at the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon (451 A.D.). The Oriental Churches do not accept the dogmatic teaching that Jesus Christ is one Divine Person with two distinct natures, one divine and one human.
Even though our Churches are not in sacramental communion, the Orthodox Church in America and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church have a special relationship. Many of the Indian Orthodox clergy have been educated either at St. Tikhon’s Seminary or St. Vladimir’s Seminary. And Zechariah Mar Nicholovos, Metropolitan of the Northeast Diocese of the Indian Church, meets frequently with His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, as the Indian Orthodox Centre is in Muttontown, NY, not at all far from the OCA headquarters in Syosset.
The Centennial Convention is an annual gathering of the Catholicos, hierarchs, clergy and faithful from all over a given area of India to renew their Orthodox Faith through divine services, Scripture study, presentations on the teachings of the Church, and Christian fellowship. This theme of this year’s Convention was “Christ in You” – from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians 1:27 – and the gathering drew thousands of people from Kerala, the southwest region of India. The Convention was hosted by His Grace, Kuriakose Mar Clemis, the Metropolitan of the Diocese of Thumpamon. It took place at the spacious complex of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Makkamkunnu, Pathanamthitta.
Following the Sunday morning Hierarchical Liturgy, which was concelebrated by five metropolitans of the Indian Church, with hundreds of clergy and nearly 5,000 faithful in attendance, Archbishop Michael was given the honor of opening the Centennial Convention by lighting the traditional ceremonial candle.
Over the course of the Convention, His Eminence offered three presentations on the theme “Christ in You” – a Scriptural analysis, a patristic commentary, and a practical application – the final one addressed to a crowd of almost 12,000 faithful. His Holiness, the metropolitans, the clergy and faithful were very receptive to his reflections, which will be published in Malayalam, the language of the Indian Orthodox Church, in the Commemorative Journal marking the Centennial Convention.
An interesting detail of the Convention is that it was held during the time when we observe the Week of the Publican and Pharisee and do not fast. The Indian Church does not have that practice of a fast-free week, and then a week of giving up meat, and then finally giving up dairy. At the same time as we observe the Week of the Publican and Pharisee, they observe a “mini Lent” – a time of strict fasting, penitential services and prostrations, in honor of the prophet Jonah and the fasting and repentance of the Ninevites. During the time of the Convention, no meat, fish or dairy products were eaten.
Throughout the rest of his week-long stay, Archbishop Michael traveled to various centers of the Orthodox Church in India. His schedule was set up by Fr. Abraham Thomas, the Secretary of the Department of Ecumenical Relations for the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. He was personally assisted by Deacon Kuriakose (Alex) Abraham. Both Fr. Abraham and Dn. Alex are graduates of St. Vladimir’s Seminary.
His Eminence was able to visit the headquarters of the Church, the residence and office of the Catholicos, in Kottayam. He was the guest of the senior hierarch of the Holy Synod of India, His Grace, Thomas Mar Athanasios, the Metropolitan of Chengannur, at his diocesan residence and headquarters. Archbishop Michael visited two men’s monasteries and one women’s monastery. All three have schools and orphanages attached to them, where not only Orthodox boys or girls are taught and cared for, but Hindus and Muslims as well.
One of the highlights of Archbishop Michael’s travels was his veneration of the relics of Saint Thomas, the Apostle to India. Known by most as the “doubter” among the disciples, it was Saint Thomas who made the greatest profession of faith; he was the first to call Christ “God” – “My Lord and My God” (John 20:28).
The other highlight of His Eminence’s travels was his visit to the Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kottayam, where he addressed the faculty and students. He spoke on the important need for the spiritual formation and theological education of clergy in today’s world; he encouraged the students to work hard and seek the will of God in their service of Him. After his presentation, he fielded questions from the 140 seminarians in residence. He also had an opportunity to share dinner with the Seminary community and to speak to a number of the students individually.
His Eminence is grateful for the kindness and hospitality of the hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Indian Orthodox Church over the course of his week-long stay in Kerala. He was the recipient of numerous awards and gifts, but most importantly the prayers of countless individuals whom he met.
(Story submitted by Archpriest David Cowan (STOTS Class of 2007), Secretary for the Diocese of New York and New Jersey.)
Century Association Invites All To Attend Hospitality A La Russe VIII - 03/27/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Century Association invites all to attend Hospitality A La Russe, to be held at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, 980 Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem, PA, on Sunday May 7th. You can view an announcement flyer by clicking here. Doors open at 2:30pm, and wonderful ethnic music will be provided by the South River Balalaika Orchestra, directed by Dimitri Kauriga.
If you would like to learn more about the Century Association or are interested in becoming a member, please see their page on our website by clicking here.
Seminary Dean Visits Holy Ghost Church, Ambridge, PA - 03/26/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] Following the ordination of Fr. Andrew Nelko on the Annunciation Feast, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary dean, visited Holy Ghost Church, in Ambridge, PA on Sunday, March 26th. Archpriest William Evansky, Chancellor of the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania, is the parish rector, who also participated in the ordination the previous day.
The photo was taken of Fr. Bill leading a parish education session before the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Steven preached the sermon, and joined parish faithful for a luncheon following the Liturgy. Omelan Mycyk (STOTS Class of 1973) serves on the Parish Council, and also traveled to Weirton, WV, for the ordination Liturgy on the 25th. May God grant Fr. Bill, Deacons Peter and Matthew, and parish faithful, many blessed years!
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visits Brick and Princeton, NJ - 03/25/17
[STOTS Communication, South Canaan, PA] The Mission Choir of St. Tikhon's Seminary visited two parishes in New Jersey over the weekend: Annunciation Church in Brick, NJ for Divine Liturgy on the community's patronal feast day on Saturday morning, March 25; and Mother of God Church in Princeton, NJ for Vespers and then Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 26.
His Eminence, The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and New Jersey, and Rector St. Tikhon's Seminary, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the feast day of the Annunciation, along with Archpriest Gary Breton, rector, and several clergy from the area. A festal luncheon took place after the Liturgy in the parish rectory, and seminarians were able to spend time in fellowship with the community.
After lunch, the Mission Choir left for Princeton and managed to squeeze in a one-hour, world-wind tour of parts of the campuses of Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University, and the historic borough of Princeton, including Revolutionary War sites, the home of Albert Einstein, the home of renowned Orthodox theologian Fr. Georges Florovsky, and the lobby of the art museum.
"We had to leave for Vespers, but we stopped in the art museum's lobby very briefly, because I remembered there is a large mosaic from the floor of a fourth century Byzantine church hanging right there," said Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement. "I had forgotten, and we were amused to discover, that the mosaic's massive inscription proclaimed who had donated this section of the church floor -- even in the time of St. Basil the Great!"
The choir then sang Vespers at the Mother of God, Joy of All Who Sorrow Mission, where Archpriest Peter Baktis is rector and Dn. Russell Komline, a recent graduate of St. Tikhon's Diaconal Formation Program in Philadelphia, serves. After Vespers, everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal with parishioners, during which each seminarian stood to share a little about their background, reason for coming to St. Tikhon's, and sense of how God was working in their lives and what kind of ministry they were being called to embrace.
Many thanks to the priests and faithful of both parishes for their hospitality and generous financial support of the seminarians.
Dn. Andrew Nelko Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 03/25/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] Dn. Andrew Nelko was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on the Annunciation Feast, March 25th. Fr. Andrew is the son of Archpriest Andrew Nelko (STOTS Class of 1981), Rector of St. John the Baptist Church, Campbell, Ohio. The ordination took place at St. Nicholas Church in Weirton, West Virigina. His Eminence, Melchisedek, Archbishop of Pittsburgh and the Diocese of Western Pennsylvaniak was the celebrant. Concelebrating priests included: Archpriest William Evansky, Diocesan Chancellor, Archpriest Samuel Smolcic (STOTS Class of 1979), Dean of the local deanery, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary dean, Archpriest Nicholas Wyslutsky (STOTS Class of 1989), Archpriest Emilian Hutnyan (STOTS Class of 1992), and Priest Gabriel Bilas (STOTS Class of 2014). Dn. Peter Ilchuk also served. Dr. John Schultz, former STOTS Board member served as subdeacon. Professor David Drillock, retired Provost of St. Vladimir's Seminary, directed the choir that included Fr. Andrew's family members.
Fr. Andrew is a third-year seminarian, and Mat. Kaila has been assisting in the bookstore. It is anticipated that upon graduation, Fr. Andrew will serve at St. Nicholas Church. May God grant Fr. Andrew and Mat. Kaila many blessed years!
Mission Choir Visits St. Michael's Church in Jermyn, PA - 03/22/17
[STOTS Communications, South Canaan, PA] St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir visited St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA on Wednesday, March 22nd. Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Parish Rector, and Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon's, celebrated the Presanctified Liturgy. Concelebrating with him was Archpriest Dennis Swencki, who also offered the homily. The parish offered a lenten meal after the Liturgy. It was a wonderful evening of prayer and fellowship!
St. Tikhon’s Hosts Jesse Brandow, Guatemalan Missionary - 03/17/17
[South Canaan, PA, STOTS Communications] On Friday, March 17, St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted Jesse Brandow, a missionary to Guatemala through OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center), for a lunch-time talk. Jesse was in Guatemala from April 2015 through January 2017, and is currently in the United States on furlough raising support to return to Guatemala for another 2-year term.
Jesse shared with the gathered students, families, and staff members a brief history of the Orthodox Church in Guatemala, the growth that is taking place, and the needs of the Guatemalan Church. Highlights of his own work include: setting up a print shop to produce Orthodox materials in Spanish, compiling and translating a daily Spanish liturgical guide, mentoring the seminarians and pre-seminarians, teaching the lay catechists from the villages, and supporting the Guatemalan priests in their ministry. Jesse encouraged those gathered to answer Christ's command to "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19-20) by engaging in missions themselves, supporting missionaries who are working in other countries, and praying consistently for the Church around the world.
St. Tikhon's student body supported Jesse during his last 2-year term, and has pledged to renew their support for the next 2 years. Student Government officers hope to strengthen the connection between St. Tikhon's students and the Guatemalan Church, especially the seminarians Jesse has been working with, in the year to come.
(Article by Megan Lincoln, Student Government Secretary, and Photo, by Dn. Andrew Nelko, Student Government President)
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Student Government Holds Elections - 03/16/17
[South Canaan, PA, STOTS Communications] On Thursday, March 16th, St. Tikhon’s Seminarians gathered to hold elections for the coming academic year’s officers. According to Megan Lincoln, current Student Government Secretary: “We sought to hold elections earlier this year so that the new officers will have more time to shadow current officers to learn their respective roles before we graduate.”
The new officers include (from Left to Right): Joseph Sharmin, President, Robert West, Vice President, Rony John, On-Campus Representative, Isaac Lampart, Secretary, Augustine Lewton, Treasurer, and Reader Timothy Kolb, Off-Campus Representative. May God grant our new Student Government Officers many years!
Dn. Matthew Fuhrman Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 03/12/17
[South Canaan, PA, STOTS Communications]
On Sunday, March 12th Dn. Matthew Fuhrman was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery Church. Metropolitan Tikhon celebrated the ordination. Concelebrants joining him included Archmindrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, Archpriest Alexander Garklavs, who worked with Matushka Jessica's family as former OCA Chancellor, Archpriest Dennis Swencki, Seminary CFO, and Archpriest Theodore Boback, former STOTS Alumni President, and Military Endorser. Many classmates also served, including Priests Matthew Joyner, Basil Ferguson, John Kennerk. Serving with Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak (Metropolitan Tikhon's Secretary) and Hierodeacon Maximus were more classmates, Deacons Andrew Nelko and Jonathan Lincoln. All concelebrating classmates are senior seminarians as is Fr. Matthew.
Fr. Matthew Fuhrman is actively preparing for service as a military chaplain. Fr. Steven shared that his thesis is part of his effort to prepare for this role. As all endorsements are processed through Metropolitan Tikhon's Office, it was most meaningful that he was able to be the celebrant for this ordination. Many family members were present for the ordination as well.
Photos, Robert West and Mat. Jessica Fuhrman (who has assisted with photography for many ordinations occurring at the monastery church).
St. Tikhon's memorial concert to feature Tchaikovsky - 03/11/17
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications]
The Chamber Choir of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, a professional vocal ensemble under the auspices of America’s oldest Orthodox monastery, will sing a memorial concert of sacred music, including Tchaikovsky’s Nine Sacred Pieces, at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre, PA on Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 7:30 PM.
The concert will be the second annual Memorial Day Concert by the Chamber Choir, and will honor departed loved ones. The program will include two a cappella choral works: Stepan Smolensky’s deeply contemplative Memorial Service for Tsar Alexander III (1904), scored for male chorus, and presented in a new English transcription by Benedict Sheehan; and seven of Tchaikovsky’s seminal Nine Sacred Pieces (1885), performed in the original Church Slavonic.
“One of the distinguishing features of Orthodox Christianity is the extent to which the departed are held in continual remembrance,” says artistic director Benedict Sheehan. “There is literally no service in the Orthodox Church that does not at some point remember those who have fallen asleep, often by name. This phenomenon witnesses to the fact that living believers see themselves as but a small part of that great ‘cloud of witnesses’ who have gone before, and which we ourselves will ultimately join. This depth and timelessness, this sense of being connected to an eternal reality, runs through Orthodox sacred music. Our concert is an attempt to present some of that reality, and to invite others to participate in it by remembering their own departed loved ones.”
In addition to commemorating the departed in Smolensky’s Memorial Service, the choir will present seven of Tchaikovsky's Nine Sacred Pieces.
“While only one of Tchaikovsky’s pieces expressly refers to the departed,” says Sheehan, “all of them partake in that sense of the nearness of eternity that characterizes the best examples of Orthodox music. They also formed an artistic foundation for the immense flowering of Russian sacred choral music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.”
The concert will conclude with Tchaikovsky’s triumphant chorus, Blessed Are They Whom Thou Hast Chosen (Блажени, Яже Избрал).
The Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery is composed of some of the finest solo and ensemble singers in the New York area and around North America.
Among those appearing with the ensemble during this concert will be Portland-based baritone John Michael Boyer, known internationally for his work with Cappella Romana; and mezzo-soprano Tynan Davis, whose voice may be heard in Grammy award-winning ensembles Conspirare and Roomful of Teeth and who recently appeared in the cast of the North American Tour of Phantom of the Opera. The choir will also be joined once again by renowned American basso profundo Glenn Miller, a veteran of numerous recordings and concert stages, including Robert Shaw’s seminal recording of Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil (1990), Conspirare’s Grammy award-winning Sacred Spirit of Russia (2014), and Clarion Choir’s recent Grammy-nominated Passion Week (2016).
Tickets are $30.00 for adults and $10.00 for students.
Memorial gifts and concert sponsorships are welcome, and the names and photographs of departed loved ones will be featured during the performance, as well as commemorated during the weekend’s Divine Liturgies.
Please contact Seraphim Danckaert, STOTS Director of Mission Advancement, at 570-561-1818, ext. 104 for more information, or to make a memorial gift in honor of loved ones you would like remembered during the concert.
Mission Choir Visits Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg PA: Updated - 03/11/17
[South Canaan, PA, STOTS Communications]
St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir visited Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, PA. This was the first visit the Mission Choir made to Holy Apostles Mission since the completion of the first of their new permanent buildings. The first photo album below are from the visit for Vespers on Saturday evening, with Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki. The choir then traveled to Harrisburg to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Christ the Savior Church in Harrisburg, with Archpriest Stephen Vernak, Rector, and Archpriest Daniel Ressetar, now retired former pastor.
Thank you to both parishes for your active support of the seminary!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary to host 75th Annual Commencement; His Grace, Bishop Thomas (Joseph) to be Graduation Speaker - 03/10/17
(South Canaan, PA) It is with great joy that Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary announces that it will hold its 75th Annual Commencement Exercises on Saturday, May 27, 2017 with His Grace, Bishop Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland, and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese serving as commencement speaker. The graduation exercises will be held in front of the All Saints Belltower Chapel on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Biography of His Grace, Bishop Thomas
Of Arab-American heritage, Thomas Joseph was born in Paterson, New Jersey in 1953. He attended John F. Kennedy High School in Paterson, graduating in 1970. He went on to college at William Paterson College, graduating in 1974. After college, he worked in the Department of Community Improvements in Paterson, then served as a teacher for the Paterson Board of Education. When the Antiochian Village camp opened in the late 1970s, he was recruited by Fr. John Namie to serve as one of the original camp counselors from 1979 to 1982.
In the fall of 1979, Thomas began part-time study at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and was made a subdeacon by Metropolitan Philip (Saliba) of Blessed Memory in July of 1982. He continued his studies until the spring of 1983, when he was assigned to Virgin Mary Church in Yonkers, New York.
In 1984, Metropolitan Philip assigned him to St. George Church in Houston, Texas, where he served as Director of Christian Education and Youth Services. While in Texas, the Archdiocese also assigned him to oversee Christian Education and then later teen activities for the churches in the Southwest Region (now the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America). In July of 1988 Thomas was ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Michael (Shaheen) of Toledo.
On August 28, 1994, Bishop Antoun (Khouri) ordained Dn. Thomas to the priesthood, and Fr. Thomas served as assistant pastor at his parish in Houston until August of 1996, when he was appointed pastor of St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church in Pinellas Park, Florida, near St. Petersburg.
Between 1996 and his consecration to the episcopacy, Fr. Thomas served in multiple capacities aside from his work as a pastor. He was an appointed member of the Archdiocese Youth Department Board; Spiritual Advisor to the Teen SOYO (Society of Orthodox Youth Organization) Southeastern Region; Chairperson of the Tampa Bay Orthodox Clergy Association; Director of Programs in Pastoral Bioethics for the International Academy of Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine in the United States; Speaker at Braunels, Germany, and at City University of Hong Kong on Bioethics; author of published articles on Christian Bioethics; Speaker at Antiochian Village and third session camp priest for many years; and past President and Vice President of the Tampa Bay Council of Orthodox Churches. In July 2002, Fr. Thomas was granted a Master of Arts degree in Applied Orthodox Theology jointly from the Antiochian House of Studies and the St. John of Damascus School of Theology of the University of Balamand in Lebanon.
On February 15, 2004, Fr. Thomas was elevated to the rank of archimandrite by Bp. Antoun, and on December 5, 2004, he was consecrated to the episcopacy by Patriarch Ignatius IV (Hazim) of Antioch in Damascus, Syria.
Bishop Thomas was enthroned as Bishop of Oakland and the East at St. George Cathedral in Pittsburgh (Borough of Oakland), Pennsylvania, on May 6, 2005. In August of 2006, he was awarded a Doctorate in Education from California Coast University. His Grace also sits on the editorial board of the journal Christian Bioethics, which is published by Oxford University Press.
His Grace is also the author of several published articles, including "The Sanctification of Our Parish Life," "Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Its Importance in the Culture Wars," "Training Up a Child: Educational Options for Orthodox Christians," "An Orthodox University: Higher Education for Orthodox Christians" "Sanctified Schooling: Working out Salvation Within Education," "Instructing Your Spiritual Children for Salvation," and the "Orthodox Christian Witness" series. He also co-authored "The Emergence of Local Orthodox Christian Societies in America," and has given presentations for the St. Tikhon's 2016 Continuing Education program including "Instructing your Spiritual Children for Salvation Through Faith in Christ Jesus: The Role of the Pastor in the Lives of Young People" and "Introduction to Orthodox Homeschooling." Other articles include "Orthodox Christian Witness Through a Vibrant Parish Spiritual Life," "Holy Hierarch Nicholas: Patron of Children and Model for Parents," "Sacred Music in the Holy Orthodox Tradition," "Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem: The Spiritual Benefit of Frequent Communion," and "Seeking First the Kingdom of God."
In addition to his duties in the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, Bishop Thomas also served as the locum tenens of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest from December 2010 to December 2011. Within the Archdiocese, His Grace assists Metropolitan Joseph in overseeing the Antiochian Village, the Christian Education Department, the Youth Department and the Antiochian House of Studies.
Since 2011, Bishop Thomas has also chaired the Committee for Youth of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America. In May 2014, His Grace was appointed Assistant to the President of the Balamand University in charge of Student Recruitment in North America. Since May 2015, His Grace has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Seminary.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Board of Trustees Holds Spring Meeting - 03/10/17
[South Canaan, PA: STOTS Communications]
St. Tikhon's Board of Trustees gathered at the seminary for their spring meeting. Board Committees met during the course of the day on Thursday involving a broad spectrum of representatives from seminary constituencies, followed by a full day's meeting of Trustees on Friday. Among the items discussed was the recent ATS reaccreditation review. The photo shows Director of Mission Advancement, Seraphim Danckaert, addressing board members.
The children at St. Tikhon’s gather under the flowering trees after Divine Liturgy. Your Lenten gift helps these families prepare for ministry in the Orthodox Church. Thank you so much for your support!
Beloved in the Lord,
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
When you think about Lent, what comes to mind? For many of us, we might think immediately about the serious ascetic tasks of increasing our prayer life, more rigorous fasting, and attending more services.
But Fr. Thomas Hopko paints a very different picture in his famous book The Lenten Spring. He begins by saying:
”The Church welcomes the Lenten spring with a spirit of exultation…with the enthusiasm of a child… The tone of the church services is one of brightness and light.”
Here at St. Tikhon’s, we are so blessed to be reminded of the “enthusiasm of a child” during our Lenten journey, precisely because we are surrounded by children in every service. Right now, there are over 40 children in our seminary community, with another 5 on the way this year!
It’s only because of your generosity that these families are able to attend St. Tihkon’s and prepare to become leaders of the Church.
Your past donations have helped cover tuition for these families, and even helped them cover emergency costs like medical expenses and car repairs. St. Tikhon’s is a faithful steward of your investment, and we do everything possible to help seminarians and their families when they need it. Thank you for making that generosity possible!
During Lent, will you consider a new gift of $100, $250, or more to help the seminarians at St. Tikhon’s?
Your generosity makes such a difference to the seminarians here —and to their families.
The children have watched their parents leave extended family and careers behind, come to a new place, and sacrifice so much to follow God’s calling to serve the Church.
Yet these same children also get to experience your generosity and love. They see that Orthodox Christians like you around North America care enough about the future of the Church to support their parents during seminary. What an amazing gift you provide!
Seeing Your Gift Make a Difference
Thanks to your support, we have celebrated 7 ordinations since December. AndI’m so happy to share with you that the Seminary's accreditation has been reaffirmed by the Association of Theological Schools for seven years with no notations!
This amazing accomplishment is a tremendous validation of St. Tikhon’s effectiveness. Our sole focus is practical preparation for ministry, rooted in the spiritual and liturgical life of the Church. Thank you for standing with us in this sacred mission!
How We Say Thank You
Will you consider a new gift of $100, $250, or more to help the seminarians at St. Tikhon’s during Lent?
By sending a new gift, you are re-committing to a special community of prayer and faith. We look forward to sending you pictures of the young families you are helping, and would like to remember you and your family by name in prayer during our daily Divine Liturgy.
Please use the enclosed reply envelope to send your prayer list and your contribution today. Thank you so much for your support, and may God bless you!
Wishing you a blessed Lenten journey,
Archpriest Steven Voytovich
Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary
P.S. Your generous support in the past has made St. Tihkon’s what it is today. Please join us once again this Lent by sending in your Lenten gift today. Click here to go to our online donation page. Thank you so much!
After celebrating the fullness of services of Clean Week, St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir visited Ohio during the first weekend of Great Lent. Please visit the three photo slideshows chronicling the weekend's events.
On Saturday evening, the choir, with Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, visited St. Nicholas Orthodox Chruch in Mogadore, Ohio. Archpriest Nicholas Wyslutsky, parish rector, serves as a member of the Seminary's Alumni Association. After singing the responses for Great Vespers, the congregation and mission choir together enjoyed an evening meal in the church hall. The choir offered a brief program of liturgical music during the dinner. Fr. Steven thanked Fr. Nicholas for his hospitality, and his continued service with the Alumni Association.
On Sunday morning the mission choir visited St. Andrew Church, in Maple Heights. Archpriest Emilian Hutnyan serves as a member of the Seminary's Board of Trustees. Fr. Steven preached the homily and again thanked the parish for their many years of financial support of the seminary. Paul Kappanadze directed the mission choir for the Divine Liturgy.
Sunday afternoon the choir visited Presentation of our Lord Orthodox Church (Romanian Episcopate) in Fairlawn, Ohio, for Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers. Clergy and faithful came together from many neighboring parishes. Fr. Silviu Bunta, a member of the faculty of the University of Dayton offered the homily. Proceeds from the collection was targeted to St. Tikhon's Seminary. Fr. Steven spoke of the pastoral formation ongoing at the seminary as Vespers ended. An evening lenten meal was served for all attending Vespers.
May God bless all those who made contributions during the course of the weekend to support the work of pastoral formation at the seminary!
Dr. David C. Ford, Professor of Church History at the Seminary, visited Buffalo over the weekend of March 3-5, 2017, at the invitation of the Council of Orthodox Christian Churches of the Niagara Frontier (COCCNF), headed by its new president, Fr. Jason Vansuch (STS 1999), pastor of St. George Orthodox Church (OCA) in Buffalo. Dr. David led a retreat at St. George's on Saturday, on the theme of "The Spiritual Struggle in the Contemporary World." During the retreat he shared a reflection he and his wife have written entitled "The Beauty of Holiness - An Orthodox Offering in Response to the Sexual Revolution of our Time."
On Sunday, during the Coffee Hour after the Divine Liturgy, Dr. David spoke on "Getting to Know the Saints Better," and shared a lengthy passage from his newly published translation of St. John Chrysostom's Letters to Saint Olympia, published by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press in their Popular Patristics series. Then that Sunday evening, after the Pan-Orthodox Vespers service held at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, where the head priest is Fr. Christos Christakis, Dr. David gave a presentation that included reading St. Tikhon of Moscow's homily for the Sunday of Orthodoxy which he preached in 1903 at his cathedral in San Francisco, as he was Archbishop of the Russian Missionary Archdiocese in America. This homily appears in a book published by St. Tikhon's Monastery Press that came out last year, entitled Saint Tikhon of Moscow: Instructions and Teachings for the American Orthodox Faithful (1898 - 1907), which Dr. David helped to translate and edit.
Saturday evening Dr. David had the pleasure of reconnecting with Stephen Gjurich, one of Fr. Jason's classmates in the Class of 1999 at the Seminary (see photo). Stephen has been a teacher of English as a Second Language at the college level for 18 years now, while attending the Serbian Orthodox Church in Buffalo, and an ongoing donor to the seminary.
St. Tikon’s Seminary Re-Accredited by ATS - 02/20/17
South Canaan, PA – St. Tikhon’s Seminary received word from the Board of Commissioners of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) regarding the final disposition of our periodic re-accreditation review site visit that occurred on November 20-23, 2016. In a letter dated February 15th, the Board of Commissioners indicated that St. Tikhon’s Seminary is re-accredited for seven years, with no notations!
This is great news for the seminary, following several years of consistent and intensive preparation, and gratitude is expressed toward all who assisted in this effort! The Self-Study Leadership Team was chaired by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean, directed by Dr. Paul Witek, Assistant to the Dean for Academic Affairs, and Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History, served as self-study editor. Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, served as chair of the Self-Study Steering Committee Chair, and Professor Sergei Arhipov served as committee secretary as well as respondent on behalf of the library. Michael Skor is one of several seminarians engaged in the self-study process (including those serving as Student Government chairs during the past few years) that continued to be integrally involved in developing the final draft of the self-study well after his graduation.
Fr. Steven shared words of gratitude for the seminary community: “our goal for this review was for all dimensions of the seminary community to be engaged in and able to speak to the self study process with the site visit team. Thanks be to God, it is wonderful to see such a strong outcome following our collaborative effort.” The seminary is also grateful to our new Accreditation Liaison, Dr. Barbara Mutch and the site visit team that worked together to conduct the review.
Photo features Dr. Barbara Mutch, ATS Accreditation Liaison for St. Tikhon's, addressing those attending the Opening Reception.
Jonathan Lincoln Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 02/19/17
South Canaan, PA – On Sunday, February 19th, Jonathon Lincoln was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery Church. His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and Diocese of the Midwest, celebrated the ordination. Concelebrating with him were: Archpriest Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, Archpriest Dennis Swencki, seminary CFO, Hieromonk Innokenty (Chmerko), and seminarian priests Basil Ferguson and John Kennerk.
Jonathan and Megan Haak, also a seminary student, were married in the monastery church in October. Bishop Paul indicated his hope that upon graduation, the Lincoln’s will settle and become engaged in the Diocese of the Midwest.
Axios and many years to Deacon Jonathan and Matushka Megan!
Dn. Stephen Muse to Visit St. Tikhon's Monastery - 02/13/17
Deacon Stephen Muse will give a talk on "Understanding Salvation in the Modern World", on Friday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the monastery trapeza (dining hall). It is open to the public, and all are welcome. He will be holding a retreat with the Monastery Brotherhood on Saturday, February 18th.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visits Paramus, NJ - 02/05/17
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir visited Christ the Savior Church, in Paramus, NJ, on Sunday, February 5th. This was a wonderful visit on multiple levels. Fr. Leonid Schmidt, (STOTS Class of 2010) began as pastor there early in 2015. His move there meant in part leaving his teaching responsibilities here at St. Tikhon's Seminary. Seminarians had the opportunity to sit in on Fr. Leonid's adult education session before the Divine Liturgy.
It was also meaningful to make this visitation in order that our current seminarians could have the opportunity to interact with Archpriest John Nehrebecki (STOTS Class of 1950). Fr. John participated in the Symposium on Metropolitan Leonty, held in May of 2015, and before that was a member of the delegation traveling to Russia to receive the Tomos of Autocephaly in 1970. Fr. John also initiated a number of mission parishes in the area. He and Matushka Eugenia remain actively involved in the parish.
Fr. Mikel Hill, senior seminarian, was the homilist at the Liturgy, and has had a meaningful relationship with Christ the Savior Parish during his course of studies at the seminary. The Mission Choir was treated to a sumptuous luncheon, after which a short concert of liturgical music was shared.
May God bless Christ the Savior parish, with gratitude for their very real support of the seminary through donations, and through their support of Fr. Mikel.
St. Tikhon's Community celebrates the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - 02/02/17
on February 1-2, St. Tikhon's celebrated the Feast of the Meetin of the Lord in the Temple. Most all of the recently ordained seminarians participated in celebrating the Feast, that included the blessing of candles following the Divine Liturgy. Classes are cancelled on major feast days so seminarians can fully particiapte in festal services.
Those seminarians who have been recently ordained have, as part of their formation supported by the St. Tikhon's Monastery community, celebrate all the services in the course of the week: Vespers and Matins or vigil in the afternoon, and Midnight Office and Divine Liturgy early in the morning (6am), unless feast days occur, where they serve Proskemedia and then concelebrate with clergy gatheirng for the feast.
St. Tikhon's Seminary is grateful to the monastery community for their continued active support of seminarians ordained while at seminary.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Establishes an Institutional Review Board - 02/01/17
South Canaan, PA – St. Tikhon's Seminary responded to two seminarians desiring to include research in their theses by establishing an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB met for the first time on Wednesday, February 1st to complete a brief orientation and consider the two protocols. As a part of the review process, the IRB met with each of the researchers.
One of the two submissions included research with incarcerated persons. This proposal, with the IRB approval, was then forwarded to the State of Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. The proposal was approved within days. This represents another of a series of steps the seminary has taken to support seminarians in elevating the level of engagement possible in the course of their studies.
Ordination of Dn. Mikel Hill to the Holy Priesthood - 01/28/17
Alliance, Ohio. [STOTS Communications] Dn. Mikel Hill was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at St. Nikolai of Zhicha Church on Saturday, January 28th. His Grace, the Right Reverend Alexander, Bishop of Dallas, the South, and the Bulgarian Diocese celebrated the ordination. Concelebrating with him were: Archpriest Don Freude, Chancellor of the Bulgarian Diocese, Archimandrite Joseph (Morris), Abbot of St. Gregory Palamas Monastery, Hayesville, Ohio, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon's Seminary Dean, Fr. John Boddecker, Rector of Sts. Theodore Orthodox Church, Buffalo, NY, and Fr. John Kennerk, seminary classmate. Protodeacon James Gresh has been administering the parish, and led Dn. Mikel as the ordination began.
Fr. Mikel is to be assigned to St. Nikolai Parish upon graduation, so many parish faithful attended the ordination, along with preparing a festive luncheon afterward. Many seminarians came from St. Tikhon's to participate in services, some staying over to witness Fr. Mikel's first Divine Liturgy at the parish on Sunday. It is also remarkable that St. Nikolai Mission only began in 2013, and has enjoyed robust growth and development.
Axios! May God bless Fr. Mikel, Matushka Rachel, and their children as he prepares to undertake parish ministry upon graduating from the seminary in May!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Participates in March for Life: Updated - 01/27/17
Washington, D.C. [STOTS Communication] St. Tikhon's Seminary participated in the March for Life on Friday, January 27th. To see the story posted on our OCA website, click here.
Metropolitan Tikhon concelebrated with OCA Hierarchs: His Eminence, Archbishop Melchisedek, His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel, His Eminence, Arcbishop Michael, St. Tikhon's Seminary Rector, and His Grace, Bishop Dimitrios of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, His Grace, Bishop John of Brooklyn of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, and His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho. Archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America and Canada in chanting a Service of Prayer for the Victims of Abortion before the march stepped off. Archpriest Chad Hatfield, President of St. Vladimir's Seminary, and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, were also present. According to Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak): "over thirty seminarians and faculty from four Orthodox seminaries: St. Vladimir’s and St. Tikhon’s, as well as Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, New York, and Christ the Savior Seminary, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, participated in the March."
Later all the seminarians gathered at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington D.C. for a dinner hosted by the parish. Thank you to Hieromonk Herman for coordinating the seminarians participation in the services and the march, and to all who came together to witness to our Orthodox Faith in support of the right to life!
St. Tikhon's to Host Symposium in Honor of Fr. Georges Florovsky - 01/26/17
SOUTH CANAAN, PA — St. Tikhon's Monastery will be the site of the sixth annual "Florovsky Symposium" on February 24-25, 2017, featuring a keynote lecture by Hieromonk Nikolai Sakharov from the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex, England.
The symposium is an annual tradition started by a scholarly society at Princeton University and attracts scholars, clergy, and laity from around the world who are interested in combining serious scholarly inquiry with faithfulness to the Tradition of the Church.
This year's gathering, "Steppingstone to Contemplation: Asceticism and Theology in Scripture and Tradition," takes its theme from St. Gregory the Theologian, who writes in Oration 20: "Do you wish to become a theologian some day, and worthy of the divinity? Keep the commandments; walk on the path of the precepts. For practical virtue is the steppingstone to contemplation. Labor to cultivate your soul by means of the body."
Other featured speakers include Mary Ford (St. Tikhon’s Seminary), Brian Dunkle, S.J. (Boston College), and Nicholas Marinides (Holy Cross School of Theology).
The symposium will start in the evening on Friday, February 24 and end in time for Vigil on Saturday, February 25 in the late afternoon.
The schedule features lectures, discussion, prayer, and time for fellowship. Registration is required and costs $30, which includes refreshments, continental breakfast, lunch, and program tuition.
Further information and online registration is available here.
Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Hosts Concert by Seminarian Choir on February 19 (Updated) - 01/25/17
Bethlehem, Pa. — The Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood will host a benefit concert by the St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 1607 W Union Blvd, Bethlehem, PA, on Sunday, February 19 at 6:30 p.m.
The performance, titled “Psalms and Hymns,” features Orthodox sacred music in English that highlights the Biblical foundations of Orthodox Christian worship.
"In November, we performed this program at Eastern University in Philadelphia, and it was very well received," Benedict Sheehan, director of music at St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery, said. "We look forward to performing it again for people in the Lehigh Valley in a sacred space that complements the music's beauty and spiritual depth."
The Clergy Brotherhood is looking forward to hosting its membership, which includes 13 Orthodox Christian churches throughout the region, as well as the general public.
"This concert is a perfect way to experience the beauty and scriptural depth of Orthodox Christian worship," Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick, president of the clergy brotherhood, said.
Drawing especially on the thousand-year-old tradition of monastic singing in Russia, the program will include examples of Znamenny Chant as well as more recent arrangements by composers from the Moscow Synodal School and the Trinity-Saint Sergius Lavra. Also included on the program will be arrangements by the late Deacon Sergei Trubachev [1919-1995], an original work by Mr. Sheehan, based on Znamenny chant, and a Byzantine-style psalm popular on Mt. Athos, a peninsula in Greece which is one of the holiest Orthodox monastic sites in the world. All selections will be sung in English.
Joining the choir as canonarch once again will be Hierodeacon Herman [Majkrzak] of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery brotherhood and teacher of liturgics at the seminary.
Proceeds from the event will benefit the seminarians of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary. Tickets will be available at the door and are $10.00.
Direct donations above that level are most welcome, and will go directly to pay the tuition of the seminarians who are singing in the concert.
A reception in the church hall will follow the performance.
Questions can be sent to St. Tikhon's Seminary at
Over 175 people attended the concert, in part thanks to a wonderful article publised by Daniel Sheehan of the Morning Call Newspaper in Allentown. As will be evident from the photos, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was an outstanding setting for the concert. Refreshments were served following the program of liturgical music. Please see "You Tube" recording from concert as well. If you were not able to attend the concert but want to donate, please see our donation page here.
Honoring the Pro-Life Legacy of Archpriest John Kowalczyk - 01/19/17
“The steps of a man are guided aright by the Lord, and he shall desire His way” (Psalm 36(37):23). These words of Scripture speak of the ministry of Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and Rector of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania (STOTS 1975). Fr. John has relentlessly sought to defend the unborn in articles, lectures, academic work, and in continued participation in the March for Life. On Wednesday, January 11, 2017, my wife and I had the pleasure to sit with Fr. John and his wife, Matushka Kathy, to discuss his spiritual journey leading him to participate in the March for Life.
It all began in 1987. Fr. John was already involved in the Sanctity of Life movement prior to marching, as a member of “Pennsylvanians for Human Life.” Another member challenged him to not only “talk the talk,” but “walk the walk” by going to the March for Life, which had been a yearly event since 1974. Fr. John had previously written the widely-distributed book, “An Orthodox View of Abortion” (Light and Life Publishing, Mpls, MN, 2nd ed., 1989), but had not yet attended the March for Life.
Fr. John was also encouraged to go by John and Valerie Protopappas and Fr. Edward Pehanich, of the organization “Orthodox Christians for Life.” Fr. John asked his bishop, Bishop Herman (now Metropolitan Herman), to go with him, and the two were joined by Martin Paluch, Bishop Herman’s assistant. With such incredible support all around him, it was clear that Fr. John needed to march.
However, that year there was a blizzard the day of the March, and only 30,000 of the typical 200,000 participants could bear the elements. Fr. John, Bishop Herman, and Martin had arrived in Washington, D.C. the day before, and were therefore fortunate to not have to drive through a foot of snow. Fr. John described this as a “paralyzing snowstorm,” and asserted that by the time the March began, a foot and a half of snow had already been dumped on the Capital.
Because of the blizzard, Fr. John and Metropolitan Herman were the only two religious leaders present. Nellie Gray, the co-founder and long-time President of the March for Life, therefore asked Fr. John to give the Invocation. Likewise, Bishop Herman spoke, the first Orthodox hierarch to address such a gathering. After the Benediction, Nellie Gray then expected that they would not march, as the religious leaders who opened the March with prayer did not march afterwards. She was surprised to hear that these three men were committed to marching—blizzard or no blizzard. This has inspired religious leaders since that time to more fully participate.
Since that year, the Orthodox Church has become “relentless” in their involvement, Fr. John was pleased to say. Many bishops and faithful of the Orthodox Church began to march, to publicly acknowledge the Orthodox position on abortion. “Orthodox Christians have become a natural presence,” he added, noting that from the first century all the way up to our time Orthodox Christians have defended unborn children and infants.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary started sending students to the March in 1988. Fr. John humbly said, “St. Tikhon’s talks the talk and walks the walk—and they invite others to join them.” Since that time, St. Tikhon’s has been sending students and faculty to the March nearly every year.
One of the highlights for Fr. John in his ministry of defending the unborn was the opportunity to meet Mother Teresa at The University of Scranton in 1989. Fr. John remembers that Mother Teresa said to him, “If the child in the womb is not safe, what hope is there for humanity?” He recalled that during her talk, someone asked her, “At the Judgment seat, Christ will judge us, and we will also question Him and say, ‘Lord, why was there so much sickness in the world? Why did we have cancer?’” And Mother Teresa replied, “Our Lord will answer, ‘Every time I sent a cure into the world, you aborted the child.” Fr. John continued on this thought: “We don’t know who we’re aborting. We’re aborting future leaders, scientists, musicians, doctors, etc.”
Fr. John received an icon of the greeting of Mary and Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45) from an Orthodox iconographer who was inspired by the Orthodox presence at the March for Life. As a result, thousands of copies of the icon have been reprinted and distributed. This joyous icon would lead the procession of the Orthodox contingent during the Marches, and many Christians of other traditions would even venerate it.
Fr. John is thankful for the support of his wife, Matushka Kathy, who would bring their children in a stroller on the March in the early years.
In the years that followed his first March for Life, Fr. John developed a close working relationship with Nellie Gray, hailed as the “Joan of Arc” of the Pro-Life movement. Up until her death in 2013, Nellie and Fr. John would regularly work together to discuss who would give which speeches at the next year’s March. Her death signaled the end of an era. Since that time, Fr. John has continued to attend the March for Life, yet is pleased to see other Orthodox Christians take up and share the leadership capacity that he carried for so many years.
What is the purpose of the March for Life? “To become a visible presence.” In Fr. John’s work as Director of St. Tikhon’s Field Education program, he stresses that seminarians’ visits to the local state prison are meant to engender experience in the “ministry of presence”—simply being with those who are suffering, much like Mary at the foot of the Cross. Likewise, attending the March is bearing witness to the Orthodox position on the tragedy of abortion. The March is not meant to be rancorous, but peaceful. “Let us depart in peace,” the priest says at the end of the Divine Liturgy. The March is a continuation of the Liturgy, Fr. John stressed. We carry that peace into the world, that we may bear witness to God’s love for every single precious human life—those who have been aborted, and those who have aborted.
Fr. John sees the date of the March for Life, typically January 22nd (the date of the Roe V. Wade decision), as falling conveniently within the liturgical cycle of the Orthodox Church: the Nativity of Christ, Theophany, the March for Life, and the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple on February 2nd. “In the Incarnation, Christ gave value and dignity to every human being,” Fr. John asserted. “It’s been my passion as a priest—the sanctity of life—because Christ came into the world to give us life, to give us eternal life, and He became one of us, that we may love one another.”
This year the March for Life in Washington, D.C. will take place on Friday, January 27th (the date has been moved because of the Inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump). More information can be found on the OCA page covering the event and the March for Life website.
Fr. John insisted that “No one person can take ownership of [the growth of] this movement…All priests should be involved in some way.” However, it is clear that Fr. John’s steps have been “guided aright by the Lord,” that he has been instrumental in opening up the Pro-Life movement to Orthodox Christians; it is clear that he has desired the Lord’s way, so that those who are able will stand up for the most vulnerable: the silent unborn children.
St. Tikhon’s Century Association Leads Seminary St. Tatiana Day Celebration - 01/19/17
The leadership and membership of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association provided lunch and sumptuous deserts for the seminarians as part of the St. Tatiana Day celebration. This is an annual celebration as St. Tatiana is the Patroness of Students.
Fr. Steven welcomed the newly elected President of the Century Association, Subdeacon John Lasichak, who is a parishioner of St. Michael Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA. Subdeacon John shared the story of the Martyr Tatiana of Rome. He went on to share how Empress Elizabeth founded the Moscow University on her feast day in 1755. St. Tatiana Chapel remains an integral part of that university today. (Photo above by A. Savin) You can read the life of St. Tatiana here, and either read or hear the story of how St. Tatiana became the patroness of students here.
On this auspicious occasion, the Century Association presented the seminary with a check for $6,000! The Icon of St. Tatiana is behind those gathered for the photo. Fr. Steven thanked the Century Association members present, including immediate Past President Sarah Jubinski for her many years of dedicated service to the seminary. Century Association members give at least $100 annually to support the pastoral formation of seminary students.
If you would like to become a Century Association member, you can find an application here. For more information, please contact Subdeacon John Lasichak . O Holy Martyr Tatiana, pray unto God for us!
Blessing of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Building - 01/18/17
In the spirit of the Feast of Theophany, and with seminary students back once again to begin the spring semester, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, blessed the offices, classrooms, library, and guest rooms of St. Tikhon’s Seminary main building on Wednesday, January 18th. His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, Seminary Rector, blessed each of the students in the seminary chapel at the conclusion of the service.
Through the prayers of our Most Blessed Master, O Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us.
Dr. Christopher Invited as Main Speaker for Parish Anniversary - 01/13/17
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, was invited to be the guest speaker at the 20th anniversary of St. Peter The Apostle Antiochian Orthodox Church, in Pomona, CA. The celebration lasted through the weekend of January 13-15th, and featured three presentations by Dr. Veniamin, and services led by His Eminence, Joseph, Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
Dr. Christopher’s three addresses were entitled: Metanoia: Repentance in the Orthodox Church, Hesychia: Preparation for Encounter with God, and Theosis: The Writings of St. Silouan the Athonite and Archimandrite Sophrony.
May God grant the pastor and faithful of St. Peter the Apostle Church many blessed years!
In Memoriam: Paul Chernay, St. Tikhon's Trustee Emeritus-Updated - 01/09/17
Paul Chernaskey Chernay, 90, member of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, in Bethlehem, PA, died on January 5th, 2017. Paul was the son of the late Roman and Fiona (Orischak) Chernaskey. He was the loving husband of the late Betty Jo (Bussey) Chernay who died in 1998. They were married for 52 years.
Paul was a veteran of WWII, serving with the Navy as an Aviation Electrician's Mate 2nd Class in Europe and North Africa. Paul was a gentleman of commanding presence, known by his friends and family to be fun loving and generous. His many pastimes included travel, boating, working on his "farm". Paul was a devout member of the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem. He also served on the board of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Paul was the owner of Chernay Printing, Inc., which he founded in 1966. His other businesses included PBC Guitars, Inc. and Paul's Cantina, formerly located in Center Valley. Paul also enjoyed success in his real estate ventures.
A generous benefactor of both his Church and of the Seminary, Paul was honored to receive the St. Innocent of Alaska Silver Award. One of the highest awards given by the Orthodox Church in America, it was bestowed on Paul for his zealous support of St. Tikhon's Seminary and St. Nicholas Church, and especially for his love and generosity for his fellow man. On Saturday, May 25th, 2013, St. Tikhon’s Seminary was also pleased to honor the years of dedicated service of Trustee Emeritus Paul Chernay by awarding him the Doctor of Humane Letters Honoris Causa for his continual support of the St. Tikhon’s Community and selfless dedication to the building up of the Orthodox Church. (The photo with this story reflects his receiving the honorary doctorate.)
Though Paul was preceded in death by his most of his immediate family, his twin sister, Pauline Chernaskey Kasick; loving grandchildren: Lisa Ward Arnold and her husband Barri-Jami, Laura Ward, and Nicholas Chernay, together with many nieces and nephews were present at the funeral. Serving at the funeral service on Monday, January 9, 2017, at St. Nicholas Church in Bethlehem were: His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Seminary Rector; Archpriest James Weremedic (STOTS Class, 2001), parish priest; Archpriests Steven Voytovich and Dennis Swencki, Seminary Dean and CFO, respectively; Archpriest James Mason (STOTS Class of 1962); and Fr. Jason Vansuch, whose father, the late Archpriest Eugene Vansuch, also served at St. Nicholas Church as Paul’s pastor. Archbishop Michael shared condolences from the Most Blessed Metropolitan Herman, St. Tikhon’s Seminary Rector for many years, and His Grace, the Right Reverend David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska, who also served the parish.
The family has designated that memorial contributions may be made to St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, 980 Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem, PA, and/or St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, P.O. Box 130 South Canaan, PA, 18459.
Memory eternal to the newly departed servant of God, Paul.
Ordination of Dn. John Kennerk to the Holy Priesthood - 01/01/17
On Sunday, January 1st, the Feastday of the Circumcision of our Lord and St. Basil the Great, Dn. John Kennerk was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. His ordination took place in his home parish of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, with His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest as celebrant.
Archpriest John Baker (STOTS Class of 2004), Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, Deacon Theophan Warren (STOTS Class of 2015), and Dn. Alexander Koranda (STOTS Class of 2014), all concelebrated with His Grace. A Molieben was celebrated for the new calendar year after the Divine Liturgy, and a festive community meal followed in the beautiful parish building. Many of Fr. John's family members were also present for the ordination and luncheon.
Fr. Steven thanked the parish for their outreach in supporting seminarians who came from this parish and are currently studying at St. Tikhon's. He also thanked Fr. John Baker for his efforts to reach out to alumni in the greater Chicago area as Regional Alumni Coordinator, presenting him with a copy of St. Tikhon's Sermons. 2017 will mark the 100th anniversary of his elevation as Patriarch of all Russia, and a number of the sermons were given for event occurring in the Chicago area.
May God bless Fr. John, Mat. Michelle, Inez, and Anthony, as Fr. John completes his studies during the coming semester.
(Photos by Bilyan Belchev, photographer in Christ the Savior Parish)
Dr. David Ford Helps Lead Winter Youth Camp in Colorado - 12/27/16
From dinnertime on Tuesday, December 27, through lunchtime on Thursday, December 29, 2016, Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, helped lead the annual Winter Youth Camp for about 65 Orthodox high school and college students, which was held at the Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp on the western flanks of the famous Pike's Peak. He was invited by Fr. Anthony Karbo, priest of the OCA church in Colorado Springs (STOTS Class of 1995), who has been leading this youth group for over ten years, as they meet for Summer and Winter Camp every year. Also assisting in supervising the retreat were two other St. Tikhon’s alumni: Fr. Benjamin Huggins, priest of the OCA church in Durango, Colorado (STOTS Class of 2013), and Fr. David Morrison, priest of the OCA church in Bozeman, Montana, (STOTS Class of 2013). Fr. Zachary Lynch, (STOTS Class of 2011) and priest of the OCA church in Pueblo, Colorado, came with his Matushka Natalia and their two younger children for the morning on that Wednesday – their three older children were participants during the entire event.
Over the three-day event, Dr. David led five one-hour sessions with the participants. Tuesday evening he shared about the life and wisdom of our beloved St. John Chrysostom, and for the next four sessions he basically led brainstorming sessions with the group – with a “scribe” recording our thoughts on newsprint on an easel – on such topics as “Where Did You Come From?”, “Why Are You Here?”,“To Whom Do You Belong?”, “How Does God Speak to Us?”, “What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live?”, “What Are Some Characteristics of the Christian Life?”, “Why Should We Preserve Our Virginity until Marriage?” “What Should We Look For in a Spouse?”, “What Are Some Characteristics of a Good Marriage?”, “What Are Some Characteristics of a Godly Single Life?”, “What Are Some Characteristics of Godly Monastic Life?”, and “Where Will Opposition Come From?”
In the final session, Dr. David presented some of the historical background of the origins and development of the Sexual Revolution over the last 150 years, to help explain the situation in which we find ourselves in contemporary America, in which two people of the same sex now have a legal “right” to get “married” anywhere in the U.S. And he suggested ways for us to “speak the truth in love” in the face of such developments in our society that run so counter to traditional Christian moral beliefs and practices.
On the way from the airport in Denver on Tuesday, Fr. Karbo, Fr. Morrison, and Dr. David paid a visit to Fr. Kirill Williams, priest of the oldest Orthodox Church in Denver, who is another St. Tikhon's graduate (2008).
Back in Colorado Springs after the Youth Camp, Dr. David spoke at Fr. Karbo's parish, after Vespers, on the topic of “Key Passages on Marriage from the Orthodox Tradition through the Centuries,” using the collection of passages given in the recently published Glory and Honor: Orthodox Christian Resources on Marriage (SVS Press, 2016), which Dr. David and his wife Dr. Mary Ford contributed to and co-edited. Much to Dr. David's surprise and delight, two more St. Tikhon's alumni came to this event – Fr. John Armstrong, with his Matushka Stacy and their son Andrew; and Fr. Alexander Vallens, with his Matushka Maria and their two children. Current St. Tikhon's Seminarian John Parker also attended.
All in all it was a wonderful four days in the Rocky Mountain State. Dr. David, sharing about the retreat stated: “I gained much from the experience with the youth, and through the renewed contact with so many of our beloved St. Tikhon's alumni.”
Deacon Basil Ferguson Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 12/24/16
Dn. Basil Ferguson, a third-year seminarian at St. Tikhon's Seminary, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Divine Liturgy on the Eve of the Feast of Our Lord's Nativity, at the monastery church. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon was the celebrant. Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Fr. Innocent Neal, St. Tikhon's Bookstore Manager, served with His Beatitude. Celebrating deacons included: Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak, Metropolitan Tikhon's Secretary, Hierodeacon Maximus from the Monstery Brotherhood, and Fr. Basil's classmates Dn. John Kennerk and Dn. Matthew Fuhrman.
May God grant many blessed years to Fr. Basil, Matushka Marina, and their children Elijah, Ephrem, and Gregory. Elijah and Ephrem served in the altar, and as will be noted in the photos, paid very careful attention to their father's ordination!
Photos by: Matushka Jessica Fuhrman, Fr. Steven, and Subdeacon Roman Ostash.
Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 12/13/16
On the Feast of the Repose of St. Herman of Alaska, Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. His Beatitude, the Most Blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All America and Canada, led the celebration of the Vigil and the Divine Liturgy with ordination. Many clergy came together with His Beatitude to celebrate the feast, including His Eminence, The Most Reverend Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, and His Eminence, The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York City, the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary. Archpriest Chad Hatfield, President of St. Vladimir's Seminary, joined Archimandrite Sergius (Bowyer), St. Tikhon's Monastery Abbot, and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon's Seminary Dean, in concelebrating at the Divine Liturgy. Many other clergy joined in the celebration including a number of Hieromonk Herman's classmates.
Hieromonk Herman is a graduate of St. Tikhon's Seminary (Class of 2005). Fr. Chad, during his homily at the Divine Liturgy, shared his own childhood memory of being called to serve God, and in turn shared his recollection of calling then Philip Majkrzak to also consider a vocation to ordained ministry. They both served in the Diocese of Alaska for a time. More recently Hierodeacon Herman served as Chapel Music Director and Lecturer in Liturgical Music at Saint Vladimir's Seminary. He recieved the St. Macrina award for excellence in teaching there. Returning to St. Tikhon's Monastery community this fall, he has been assisting in training those serving in the monastery church, and taught a liturgics practicum at the seminary. Hieromonk Herman has been involved with many projects related to liturgical music in the greater Orthodox Church.
Hieromonk Herman's parents were present for the ordination. His father is an Anglican priest.
Please click here to the see the festal celebration and ordination post on our OCA Website.
Axios to Hieromonk Herman on his ordination, and may God grant him many years!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Reaches out in Song to the Greater Community - 12/12/16
Members of St. Tikhon's Seminary Community offered time and talent to brighten the holiday season for patients and residents at two area caregiving institutions. Both time and talent were precious in that the seminary was heading into finals week as these events occurred.
Members of St. Tikhon’s Seminary shared a program of hymns, carols, and stories with residents at Wayne Woodlands Care Center, in Waymart, on Tuesday, December 6th. As it was St. Nicholas Feast Day, we honored St. Nicholas by singing his Troparion and sharing the story of his life and witness.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary also participated in the annual Love Lites ceremony at Wayne Memorial Hospital on December 12th. The seminary choir sang Nativity Feast Hymns, and The Honesdale High School choir sang additional carols. Lites were lit on the trees near the hospital entrance signifying those being remembered as patients at the hospital this past year. As in past years, Joyce Malicky, Volunteer Coordinator, arranged for our group to visit some of the patient floors to sing Christmas carols.
This was a wonderful opportunity to share the gift of song during this holy season of preparation with those who are being cared for at our area caregiving facilities. Thank you to, Archpriest David Shewczyk, Assistant Director of Field Education, Fr. Tesfalem Mezenghy, Dn. Mikel Hill and his daughters, Rony John, and Isaac Lampart, who shared of their time and talent at these events!
With love in Christ as we prepare for the Nativity Feast,
St. Nicholas Day at St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 12/06/16
The St. Tikhon’s community came together to celebrate St. Nicholas Feast Day with a special celebration late in the day of December 6th. Zena Hatez, Seminary Cook, prepared a wonderful dinner, and among the activities of the evening was a visit from St. Nicholas! This was a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together before entering into final’s week. Thank you to all who assisted in the preparations for this wonderful evening!
FOCA National Executive Board Members Visit St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 12/06/16
On December 6th, members of the National Executive Board of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) visited St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Archpriest Theodore Boback, Spiritual Director, Marge Kovach, President (to his left), and Allison Steffaro, Vice President, shared about FOCA’s mission, current work, and future plans.
Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, thanked FOCA again for completing a $300,000 pledge to St. Tikhon’s Seminary Married Student Housing project during the 18th All American Council in July 2015. On October 6th, 2015, Chapter 121 was re-established at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Since that time the chapter has engaged the greater community, including a fundraising dinner held at St. Michael’s Church in Jermyn, PA.
Fr. Steven, Seminary Dean, shared: “Since those who have been serving as the local FOCA chapter’s leadership this past year will be graduating in May, this visitation was timed well to pique the interest of newer students.”
FOCA’s Mission is to: proclaim, share and reveal our Orthodox Christian Faith through service, fellowship and example.
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir visits Holy Trinity Church in New Britain, CT - 12/04/16
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir visited Holy Trinity Church on the weekend of December 3-4, 2016. Archpriest David Koles is the pastor of the parish, and has served as Dean of the CT Deanery for the past six years. Fr. Steven, Seminary Dean, was attached to this parish for a period of time after serving as pastor of St. Alexis parish in Clinton, CT for fifteen years.
This was an auspicious weekend in many respects. Chris Dresko, Parish Warden and Choir Director who took primary responsibility for this visitation, and Benedict Sheehan, Director of Music at St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary, participated together in the New England Diocesan Youth Rally some 20 years ago!
In addition, December 4th was the Feast Day for St. Alexander Hotovitzky, Missionary to North America and Martyr under the Bolshevik yoke. Fr. Steven brought the newly written icon of saints who have walked the grounds of St. Tikhon’s for its first visitation. St. Alexander is one of the saints who walked the grounds at St. Tikhon’s. He also accompanied St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, who founded the monastery, when they blessed the original church in New Britain in 1902. Fr. Steven shared the very real connection between Holy Trinity and St. Tikhon’s Seminary through these saints.
Following Great Vespers on Saturday, Benedict Sheehan spoke of his new publication of two-part music. The Mission Choir sang several selections from this new publication. Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, spoke of the St. Tikhon and St. Nikolai Fellowship, and invited those present to support mission choir members financial needs as well as married students direct financial needs.
On Sunday, Greg Dresko and Dan Belonick joined the Mission Choir to sing the responses for the Divine Liturgy. The Mission Choir is most grateful for the parish’s hospitality over the weekend. Over $3,000 was also raised for the seminary. May God grant Fr. David, and parish faithful many blessed years!
Andrew Nelko Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 12/03/16
On December 3, 2016, Andrew Nelko, senior seminarian at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, was ordained to the Holy Diaconate. His Eminence, the Most Reverend Melchisedek, Archbishop of Pittsburgh and the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania, was the celebrant. Joining him were: Archimandrite Sergius (Bowyer) St. Tikhon’s Monastery Abbot, Archpriest Andrew Nelko, Andrew’s father, Archpriest David Shewczyk, Assistant Director of Field Education at the seminary, Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, Fr. Innocent Neal, St. Tikhon’s Bookstore Manager, Fr. Theodore Gregory, STOTS Class of 2015, and Fr. Matthew Joyner, Andrew’s classmate. Celebrating Deacons included, Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak), St. Tikhon’s Monastery, and more of Andrew’s classmates: Deacons John Kennerk and Basil Ferguson.
Matushka Kaila Nelko has been working at St. Tikhon’s Bookstore while her husband has been continuing his studies. Dn. Andrew will likely be assigned in the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania upon graduation from seminary. May God grant many years to Dn. Andrew and Mat. Kaila Nelko as they prepare for a new chapter of their vocational journey!
Photography: Andrew Bohush, and Mat. Jessica Fuhrman who has assisted with photography during several ordinations!@
St. Tikhon's Seminary Welcomes ATS Site Visit Team - 11/23/16
Our Accreditation Liaison, Dr. Barbara Mutch, and a Site Visit Team from The Association of Theological Schools visited St. Tikhon's Seminary from November 20-23 for a periodic re-accreditation review.
Institutional Accreditation Director, Association of Theological Schools; Ordained Minister and Preacher; Baptist Union of Western Canada.
Barbara Mutch was appointed to the ATS staff as director, accreditation and institutional evaluation in September 2015. Her work includes facilitating accrediting reviews, providing education and support to member schools about the process of accreditation, and providing staff support to the work of the Board of Commissioners of the ATS Commission on Accrediting. This is the first time St. Tikhon’s Seminary has welcomed our new accreditation liaison.
Site Visit Committee Chair: DR. LELAND ELIASON Former Dean Dean and Provost -Bethel University and Seminary, St. Paul, MN.
Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Franciscan School of Theology, Oceanside, CA; Teaching Fellow, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Diego; Podcast Contributor, Ancient Faith Radio.
SR. MARY MCCORMICK, OSU, PH.D. Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary and School of Theology, Wickliffe, OH.
DR. BARRY MORRISON Pastor, Wolfville Baptist Church, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The site visit began with an introductory dinner on Sunday, November 20th. Over the course of the next few days, site team members met with: Rector, Dean, administrative leadership, faculty, seminarians, alumni, and board members. They also undertook a document review related to the various meetings, and to confirm compliance with standards. Team members participated in services at the monastery church during the review. From the seminary’s vantage point, the team was well-prepared for this visit, directly touching upon the most salient points in each session they conducted.
Though we will need to wait until the final report is issued in February to publicize the accreditation review findings, the St. Tikhon’s Seminary community is grateful to our new accreditation liaison and the site visit team for a very meaningful and genuine engagement.
Photos are included from our opening reception, meetings with seminarians, alumni, board members, and field education representatives (including leadership members from SCI Waymart, Wayne Woodlands Manor, and Wayne Memorial Hospital).
The photo accompanying this story is of Dr. Barbaa Mutch, offering an introduction at the opening reception.
Bishop Thomas meets with Antiochian Seminarians - 11/22/16
During the recent ATS re-accreditation site visit, The Right Reverend Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic Diocese of the The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, met with his seminarians currently studying at St. Tikhon's Seminary on Tuesday, November 22nd. Bishop Thomas is also a member of the Board of Trustees.
Antiochian Seminarians seated include Marshall Goodge, Joseph Clark, and they were joined by Yazen Fakhouri. Sitting with them during lunch was Archpriest David Cowan, who participated in the Alumni Session, and has been integrally involved in the Self Study over the past two years.
St. Tikhon's Seminary posted its unqualified 2016 Audit results as of November 15th. You can either go to the audited financials page by clicking here, or see the 2016 audit by clicking here.
St. Tikhon's Combined Choir Offers Concert at Eastern University - 11/13/16
On Sunday, November 6th, a combined choir -- led by Benedict Sheehan of St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary -- including St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir and members of the St. Tikhon Monastery Choir, offered a concert of Russian Orthodox sacred music exploring the biblical foundations of Orthodox Christian Liturgy. The concert was co-hosted by St. Tikhon's Seminary and the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at Eastern University Christian College.
The choir made a dramatic entrance into the McInnis Auditorium by singing the Opening Psalm (103/104) of Vespers from memory as they took the stage. The program included a variety of settings of the Psalms and hymns from Vespers, Matins, and the Divine Liturgy.
The program of Psalms and Hymns was augmented by a brief series of comments by both Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement. Fr. Steven quoted from the journal of the 4th century pilgrim, Egeria, as she witnessed liturgical services at the Holy Resurrection Church in Jerusalem: "What I found most impressive about all this was that the psalms and antiphons they used are always appropriate, whether at night or in the early morning, at the day prayers at the sixth and ninth hours, or at vespers. Everything is suitable, appropriate, and relevant to what is being done."
Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, reflected that the Psalms are shared both in the church and at home as part of the earliest texts that form one's spiritual life in the Orthodox Faith.
Dr. Cyril Gary Jenkins, a member of St. Paul Antiochian Church in Emmaus, PA who has taught history at Eastern University for 20 years, was instrumental in developing and launching the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at the Univesity. He oversees a minor, by the same name, offered at the school. Dr. Jenkins was present for the concert and shared in the fellowship and conversation after the concert, as was Dr. Timothy Becker, also from Eastern University, who offered one of the evening lecture series presentations at St. Tikhon's in October.
The concert benefitted St. Tikhon's Seminary. The seminary in turn is grateful for the many sponsors who made this performance possible, including The Philadelphia Trust Company, and Renovation Angel as presenting sponsors!
Mission Choir Visits St. Herman Orthodox Church in Gradyville, PA - 11/13/16
The Mission Choir, along with Archpriest Dennis Swencki, Chief Financial Officer, Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, and Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, visited St. Herman Church on Sunday, November 13th.
Archpriest John Perich, Rector, and Deacons Nicholas Edwards and Gregory Hubiak, led the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Archpriest James Dougherty, who was attached to the parish, returned to concelebrate along with Fr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, Fr. Dennis, and Fr. Ignatius. This visit coincided with the parish's festival.
The Mission Choir, led by Benedict Sheehan, was even more complete with several members of the St. Tikhon Monastery Chamber Choir. The choir traveled to Eastern College for a concert later in the afternoon (see separate story).
Fr. Steven preached the sermon, and Fr. Dennis spoke to the congregation about the work of the seminary. This was all the more meaningful in that Fr. Dennis founded St. Herman Church as a Mission, and served as its first pastor.
Thank you to Fr. John and parish faithful for your hospitality on this celebratory day!
Mission Choir Visits Holy Cross Church in Williamsport, PA - 11/13/16
The St. Tikhon's Mission Choir visited Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport on Sunday, November 13th. Archpriest Daniel Kovalak, Rector, was the celebrant. Concelebrating were Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Fr. James Chuta who is attached to the parish.
After the Divine Liturgy with responses sung congregationally, the Mission Choir sang a brief program of liturgical music in the parish hall. Fr. Steven thanked the parish for sharing Fr. Daniel with the Seminary, as he has been a lecturer at the seminary for many years in Mission-related ministry.
The seminary thanks Fr. Daniel and the parish for their warm hospitality!
Vocation's Retreat Held at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 11/12/16
St. Tikhon's Seminary held its Vocation's Retreat from November 11-12. Twelve participants came together to share their respective journeys along with several current seminarians, pray together, and join in the celebration of the ordination of Dn. Matthew Joyner to the Holy Priesthood.
The theme of the retreat was Saint John Chrysostom: Champaion of the Priesthood. Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life, offered a presentation on Saint John Chrysostom as related to the retreat participants; vocational discernment. Also, during the brunch following the ordination, Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History, shared some translations of Saint John Chrysostom's correspondence with Deaconess Olympia, of Constantinople, during his exile. These translations will soon be published.
The Vocation's Retreat, traditionally held on Lazarus Saturday, was moved back to the fall both to seek greater participation, and to offer more time for those attending who subsequently decide to apply, to complete application materials. From these vantage points, and from the feedback from participants, this move was certainly worthwhile.
May God continue to bless the lives of those particpating in the vocation's retreat!
Ordination of Deacon Matthew Joyner to the Holy Priesthood - 11/12/16
Dn. Matthew Joyner, a third-year seminarian, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, November 12, 2016. His Eminence, the Most Reverend Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania was the celebrant. Dn. Matthew had been his driver for the past two years, traveling throughout the diocese. Clergy from the seminary, monastery, and the diocese concelebrated.
The ordination took place during the seminary's Vocations Retreat, so participants were able to witness the ordination in the context of the retreat. Diocesan faithful planned a retreat weekend here as well before learning that they would be present for both the retreat and the ordination.
A festive luncheon was held for all in the seminary refectory following the ordination. Fr. Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, welcomed everyone, and Dr. David Ford shared some of his translations of St. John Chrysostom's writings as part of a forthcoming publication with all present.
Axios and many years to Fr. Matthew and Matushka Ashley!
Photos by Seminarian Andrew Bohush and Mat. Jessica Fuhrman
90th Birthday of Ann Dahulich, Mother of Archbishop Michael - 11/10/16
On Thursday, November 10th, The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York, and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, his brother George, and their sister Barbara, invited family, friends, and members of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and St. Tikhon's Seminary, to come and celebrate the 90th birthday of their mother, Mrs. Ann Dahulich.
The evening began with a Moleben, celebrated at St. Michael's Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church in Binghamton, NY. This is the church where Archbishop Michael was baptized and raised in, after his parents were also married in the same church! Archbishop Michael offered a most heartwarming homily of the "love of a mother", referring of course to the Mother of God for her Son Jesus Christ, in referencing his expereince of his mother's love. Following the Moleben, all gathered then moved to the church hall for a festive dinner.
In lieu of gifts, the Dahulich family requested that donations be made either to St. Michael's Church Iconography Fund, or St. Tikhon's Seminary Married Student Housing, reflecting His Eminence's ongoing efforts to see this project through to completion. A highlight of the evening was Father David Cowan, NY/NJ Diocean Secretary, and his family singing some show tunes. Archbishop Michael has enjoyed taking his mother to Broadway shows over the years. They sat together in front of those gathered to listen to the talented Cowan family.
May God grant Ann and her children, Archbishop Michael, George, and Barbara, and the Dahulich family many blessed years! Thank you for sharing your family's loving celebration with so many others who know and love you.
Photos by Archpriests Steven Voytovich and Alexey Karlgut
St. Tikhon's Seminary Celebrates Molieben for Guatemalan Missionaries - 11/10/16
Two years ago, Jesse Brandow came to St. Tikhon’s Seminary to talk about his impending missionary journey to Guatemala. Since that time the Student Government has been sending monthly donations to aid in funding Jesse’s ministry. Two weeks ago Student Government leadership asked for a Molieben to be celebrated, in order to pray for those involved in this missionary work. Jesse in turn asked for several “informal seminarians” to also be remembered.
In addition, Archimandrite Juvenal, formerly of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, has been raising funds in order to join this missionary effort. Both the current missionaries and Archimandrite Juvenal were prayed for during the Molieben, celebrated on Thursday, November 10th.
This is just one example of our St. Tikhon’s Seminary Student Government making a difference!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Prepares for ATS Site Visit: Comments Invited (Updated) - 11/02/16
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary will be receiving an evaluation committee from the Association of Theological Schools November 20-23rd. You are invited to forward comments related to this evaluation to either to the ATS Commission on Accrediting or to our Seminary Accreditation Leadership Team. Comments are particularly welcome regarding the General Institutional Standards, the EducationalStandards, and Degree Program Standards.
or send comments by mail to the Commission or the Seminary:
Director of Accreditation ServicesSTOTS ATS Accreditation Leadership Team
The Association of Theological Schools St. Tikhon’s Seminary
10 Summit Park Drive P.O. Box 130
Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1110 South Canaan, PA 18459
Update: A Town Hall Meeting was held on Monday, November 14th, at 7pm in the Seminary Refectory. The focus of this town hall meeting was for public comment related to our completed Self Study. Copies of the Self Study are available at the St. Patriarch Tikhon Library for reference.
(Photo from ATS Focused Visit at St. Tikhon's Seminary in 2012)
Fall Lecture Series Concludes with Lecture on Christian Stewardship - 10/25/16
The Seminary's annual Fall Lecture Series concluded on October 25 with a lecture by Dr. Andy Geleris, entitled "Money to Burn: A New (Old) Approach to Christian Stewardship.”
Dr. Geleris' presentation examined the biblical and patristic vision of generosity, and suggested that how we use our money is, at root, a spiritual issue.
"Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are the pillars of Orthodox spirituality and worship. Since I became Orthodox 20 years ago, I have come across a vast literature on prayer and fasting, but comparatively little literature discussing almsgiving or how to think in a Christian way about finances," Dr. Geleris observed. "Yet it is one of the most important areas of our lives where we need to find God's peace, wisdom, and salvation."
Dr. Geleris shared his own spiritual experience with tithing, and discussed how a robust understanding of the Providence of God should re-orient our understanding of money, both in our own lives and also in the lives of parish communities.
As an example, Dr. Geleris shared a story about St. Athanasius Antiochian Orthodox Church in Santa Barbara:
"The parish community in Santa Barbara had very strong interpersonal relationships and commitments to one another," Dr. Geleris related. "Everyone in the parish was strongly encouraged to tithe because they deeply believed in God's blessing on tithing and longed for everyone in their parish to experience it. However, if as a result of tithing anyone was unable to pay any of their essential expenses, such as rent or utilities, the church would pay it for them. Furthermore, the church was really willing to help its members in other kinds of difficult financial circumstances... I believe that this example is a model of how parish financial priorities should express the priorities of the Kingdom of God."
Dr. Geleris encouraged everyone present to at least ponder these things, and to not neglect the spiritual significance of financial issues: "None of us like talking to other people about money," he said. "It is much more satisfying to talk about love and forgiveness. I suspect that even Jesus wasn’t thrilled about potentially offending people by talking about finances. But He loved people enough to do it anyway. And perhaps so also should we."
After giving his talk, Dr. Geleris and his wife, Jeri, spent a few days at St. Tikhon's, attending services, sitting in on classes, and spending time with members of the community.
"St. Tikhon's impressed me as a uniquely Orthodox oasis in the midst of modern American culture," Dr. Geleris said. "I was uniquely refreshed and stimulated by the combination of the monastery with its daily Liturgy and other services and the seminary pursuing its academic and pastoral missions. I was really impressed by the open-hearted kindness of the seminarians and professors and the fascinating stories of the journeys that led them to St. Tikhon's."
Diocesan Hierarchs visit St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 10/25/16
His Grace, The Right Reverend David, Bishop of Sitka and the Diocese of Alaska, and His Grace, The Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary while attending the fall Holy Synod meeting that concluded on Friday, October 21st. His Grace Bishop David visited before the Holy Synod and returned after for several additional days. His Grace, Bishop Paul visited over the weekend following the Holy Synod meeting and remained into the early part of the following week.
During his visit, Bishop David visited his student, Reader Timothy Kolb, who traveled from Alaska with his wife Elisabeth in a Winnebago to begin the new school year after attending a vocations retreat in the Spring. Bishop David returned again after the Holy Synod meeting to further visit with members of the seminary community.
During his visit, Bishop Paul visited with his students from the Diocese of the Midwest here at the seminary. He also sat in on several classes.
Both hierarchs also met briefly with V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean. Fr. Steven briefly related how important these archpastoral visitations are: "It is very important for our seminarians to see their respective hierarch come to visit and encourage them on their formation journey. The whole seminary community also greatly benefits from the opportunity to interact with our hierarchs."
Photos with Bishop David: Reader Timothy and Elisabeth are both in the first photo. In the second photo, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, and Fr. Steven are with Bishop David and Reader Timothy just before class began.
Photo with Bishop Paul from left to right: Jonathan and Megan Lincoln, married earlier in October, making history as the first two St. Tikhon's students to be married at the seminary; Dn. Basil and Marina Ferguson, with their sons Elijah, Ephrem, and Gregory; Bishop Paul, Fr. Steven, Dn. Stephen Gresh; Dn. John and Michelle Kennerk, with Anthony (Inez not in photo).
The St. Tikhon's Mission Choir visited Christ the Savior Church in Ballston Lake, NY. Fr. Matthew Markewich, Rector, was formerly the St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore Manager, and traveled with the Mission Choir. It was wonderful for members of teh Mission Choir to visit him now with his parish faithful!
Fr. Matthew remarked in the context of Vespers and the Divine Liturgy how clearly the syllables of the text came across, carried by the musical setting as the choir sang. The parish faithful were enthusiastic in welcoming the choir, as well as collecting funds to assist married students' needs.
Following the Liturgy, Fr. Matthew and Mat. Rebecca welcomed the choir to their home for lunch. May God bless Fr. Matthew and the faithful of Christ the Savior Church!
Sr. Vassa (Larin) Speaks at Fall Lecture Series - 10/18/16
On October 18th Sr. Vassa spoke at the Seminary’s Fall Lecture Series on “Vocation and Ministry in the Orthodox Church Today.”
Sr. Vassa, who is the host of the well-known program “Coffee with Sister Vassa,” also teaches Liturgical Studies at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna, Austria. She shared with the St. Tikhon’s community and many guests about vocation as the realization of the Great Commission in one’s own life.
“We are called to become ourselves,” she asserted, “who we are meant to be in God.” Therefore, although life circumstances may change, the fulfilling of one’s vocation is always found in the humble acceptance of God’s will.
How do we determine God’s will? Sr. Vassa suggested doing three things in one’s daily life: 1) self-reflection, 2) heartfelt prayer, and 3) deep reading of Scripture.
STOTS Seminarian Speaks at ROCOR's Western Rite Conference - 10/13/16
On Wednesday, October 12, Deacon Matthew Joyner, a senior seminarian at St. Tikhon's, gave a plenary address at the 2016 Western Rite Conference for the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
The lecture was entitled "Evangelical Necessity: An Apologetic for the Western Rite," and was an expansion of an article that Dcn. Matthew published last February through
"In my talk, I urged the Western Rite Communities to continue in their call to evangelize and 're-baptize' the Western Culture," Dcn. Matthew explained, "and to be undeterred by criticism, giving an apologetic for the Western Rite itself, and its ongoing growth and existence within the Orthodox Church."
In attendance during Dcn. Matthew's talk were His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad; His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah, the dean of the Western Rite Communities; Fr. Mark Rowe, and many clergy of the ROCOR Western Rite Communities.
Fall Lecture Series Continues with Lecture on Patristic Reading Groups - 10/11/16
The Seminary's Fall Lecture Series continued on October 11 with a talk by Dr. Timothy Becker, entitled "Identity and Knowledge: A Reflection on Leading Reading Groups on the Church Fathers."
Dr. Becker, who teaches at the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at Eastern University in Philadelphia, discussed his years of experience in leading patristic reading groups in several contexts, including at Eastern University.
"We were impressed with Dr. Becker and his warm, insightful presentation. He really opened up for us greater possibilities for reading groups as a means for evangelistic outreach as well as spiritual growth," observed Drs. David and Mary Ford.
Dr. Becker described how his groups adopt common spiritual practices (e.g. waking at 2 AM for the Midnight Office on the day of their meeting), and how he encourages open conversation that attends to life application.
Scranton District Dental Society Honors St. Tikhon's Board Emeritus Member, Dr. Eli Stavisky - 10/10/16
(Scranton, PA) The Scranton District Dental Society (SDDS) honored Dr. Eli Stavisky for his years of dedication and service to the field of dentistry with a dinner on September 9, 2016 at Fiorellis. In attendance were members of the SDDS, family, and friends, along with featured speakers Judge A. Richard Caputo, United States Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania; Archbishop Michael Dahulich, Bishop of New York and New Jersey; Dr. Amid L. Ismail, Dean of the Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple Dental; Camille Kostlac-Cherry, Esquire, Chief Executive Office of the Pennsylvania Dental Society; Dr. Mary Sewatsky, Chief medical officer at Moses Taylor Hospital; Dr. Linda Himmelberger; Dr. Albert Giallorenzi ; Dr. John Erhard, Chairman of the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry; and Dr. Justin Burns.
Dr. Eli Stavisky served for over thirty years as a Board Member of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Upon his retirement, he was given Board Emeritus status, and awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters by the seminary during Graduation Exercises in May, 2014 for his decades of dedicated service. Dr. Eli provided for the dental care of many seminarians during his years of service on the board.
Born and raised in Old Forge, Pennsylvania, Dr. Stavisky graduated from Lycoming College (Williamsport, PA); Temple University School of Dentistry (Philadelphia, PA); New York University (New York, NY); and served in the United States Air Force as a Captain. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Fellow of the International College of Dentists, Fellow of the American College of Dentists, and Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Among Dr. Stavisky’s numerous honors are Pierre Fauchard, Pennsylvania Section (Distinguished Dentist citation); St. Tikhons Theological Seminary, Doctor of Humane Letters (Honorius Cusa) and Trustee Emeritus; Angela R. Kyle Award, Lycoming College (given for a lifetime of service to humanity and whose life exemplifies those qualities encouraged and fostered at Lycoming College and by its predecessor institutions); The Pennsylvania Dental Association (PDA) Annual Award (the highest award given by the PDA); and Temple University School of Dentistry Founder’s Award.
Dr. Stavisky has held several positions throughout the field of dentistry and medicine including: Pennsylvania State Dental Council and Examining Board, where he served as Chair for 10 years; President of the American College of Dentists, Philadelphia; Chair of the Board of Distinguished Temple University Dental Advisors; Examiner for the North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners for 35 years; Examiner for the North East Regional Board, Specialty Examination in Oral Surgery; Trustee of the Pennsylvania Dental Association; Delegate to the American Dental Association Annual Meeting; and member of the Executive Committee of Moses Taylor Hospital.
One of Dr. Stavisky’s most notable achievements is the fact that he personally mentored sixty pre-dental students throughout his career and assisted them in their journey into and through dental school. These former students are now successful dentists serving patients all over the country.
The SDDS is a voluntary organization comprising approximately 150 local member dentists. It is a constituency of the American Dental Association, the largest and oldest national dental society in the world, and the Pennsylvania Dental Association. The SDDS oversees activities like National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM), public education, school visitation, and continuing education for dentists.
The mission of the SDDS is to provide dentists with a forum to discuss pertinent issues that relate to the practice and regulation of dentistry as it pertains to the health and general well-being of the communities they serve.
PHOTO: L to R: Judge A. Richard Caputo, United States Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania; Dr. Linda Himmelberger; Archbishop Michael Dahulich, Bishop of New York and New Jersey, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary; Dr. Eli Stavisky; Dr. John Erhard and Dr. Amid L. Ismail, Dean of the Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple Dental.
Century Association Holds Annual Meeting - 10/09/16
The Century Association, led by President Sarah Jubinski, held their annual meeting following Divine Liturgy and festive luncheon celebrating Founder’s Day. They presented a check to the seminary totaling $8,000, representing contributions of at least $100 from Century Association members.
Elections were held during the meeting, and a new president was elected, Subdeacon John Lasichak, of St. Michael’s Church in Jermyn, PA. He joins Rosalee Luster, Vice President, Matushak Gloria Martin, Secretary, Elizabeth Dutko, Recording Secretary, and Kathryn Fedirko, Treasurer, as association leadership.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary joins the Century Association leadership in expressing gratitude to Sarah Jubinski for her many years of service to the seminary, both in supporting the St. Patriarch Tikhon Library, and her leadership of the Century Association. She will continue serving as Immediate Past President. May God grant her and Century Association leadership team members many blessed years!
If you would like to join the Century Association, please find the application elsewhere on this website by clicking here.
St. Tikhon's Community Celebrates Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow - 10/09/16
St. Tikhon's Monastery Brotherhood and Seminary community came together to celebrate the Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow. St. Tikhon was the one who founded the monastery. Upon returning for the consecration of the Monastery Church in May, 1906, St. Tikhon stated: "I would like our monastery to become, according to the words of the Savior, like a leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened (Matt. 13:33)." (St. Tikhon of Moscow: Instructions and Teachings for the American Orthodox Faithful (1898-1907), translated and edited by Alex Maximov and David C. Ford, STM Press, 2016)
Every year the founding of the monastery is commemorated by the celebration of "Founder's Day", on the Sunday nearest the Feast of St. Tikhon. This year the Feast itself was on Sunday making for an even greater celebration! Additionally, Jonathan Lincoln and Megan Haak were married later the same afternoon, making seminary history as the first two St. Tikhon's students to be married.
May Christ our God continue to bless the monastery community to be the leaven that St. Tikhon prayed for, and the ongoing formation work of the seminary.
Seminary Participates in Observance of First Anniversary of Dn. Mark Hoeplinger's Repose - 10/08/16
St. George Church in Buffalo, NY celebrated the one-year anniversary of the repose of Dn. Dr. Mark Hoeplinger. Dn. Mark was a graduate of the Diaconal Formation Program, a practicing Ear-Nose-and-Throat physician, and a St. Tikhon's Seminary Board member. He reposed in the Lord on October 8, 2015.
Fr. Jason Vansuch, parish rector, celebrated the Divine Liturgy with many concelebrants. Among them was Archpriest alexey Karlgut, and the participants of the Endicott Diaconal Formation program. Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and two first-year seminarians, Alex Norton and John Parker, together sang the responses for the Divine Liturgy and the Panikhida that followed it. Matushka Christine Hoeplinger and her family not only were present for the services, but assisted in preparing a wonderful luncheon that followed. Fr. Steven offered brief comments after the Liturgy. He indicated that Dn. Mark would have approved both of the many developments in the past year to the parish, as well as the diaconal program participants meeting together after the conclusion of the services.
After the services were concluded, all present went out front to bless a new sign for the church donated by the Hoeplinger family. During the luncheon, Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, shared with all that Tikhonaires were available that featured a story on Dn. Mark's repose.
Many continued on from there to the cemetery, where the graves of Dn. Mark, and Fr. Ratchko, who reposed shortly before Dn. Mark, were blessed. Fr. Ratchko had received Dn. Mark and celebrated their marriage.
Fr. Jason shared his hope that this would be an annual celebration of Dn. Dr. Mark's life and ministry. May Dn. Mark's memory be eternal.
Concert on November 6 in Philadelphia to Explore Biblical Foundations of Orthodox Christian Liturgy - 10/07/16
South Canaan, Pa. — St. Tikhon's Seminary has partnered with the newly launched Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture to hold a benefit concert in Philadelphia on Sunday, November 6 at 4:00 PM in the McInnis Auditorium on Eastern University's campus, located in St. Davids, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia.
The performance, entitled “Psalms & Hymns,” will feature Russian Orthodox sacred music in English that highlights the biblical foundations of Orthodox Christian liturgy. An ensemble made up of select singers from the St. Tikhon's Seminary choir and a group of professional vocalists from the Chamber Choir of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery will perform the program under the direction of Benedict Sheehan. The performance is the third public concert featuring the highly regarded Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, which celebrated the release of its inaugural CD with a concert in New York City last year.
“While the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church has certainly evolved and deepened over the course of two millennia, spanning as it has a multitude of cultures and languages, it continues to, as it were, breathe the air of Holy Scripture,” says Sheehan, who teaches liturgical music at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in addition to directing the choirs. “The Psalms remain the core of Orthodox services, and likewise the rich body of hymnography that we now possess in Orthodoxy grows entirely out of an original foundation of psalmody. Psalms and hymns interact seamlessly within our services, and the language of psalms, and of Scripture in general, is vividly mirrored in the words of the hymns.”
The music in the program will draw on the thousand-year-old tradition of monastic singing in Russia, as still practiced today at St. Tikhon’s Monastery. Znamenny Chant from medieval Russia will be featured alongside more recent arrangements by composers from the Moscow Synodal School and the Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery. Also included on the program will be arrangements by the late Deacon Sergei Trubachev (1919-1995), as well as an original work by Benedict Sheehan, based on medieval znamenny chant. All selections will be sung in English.
Joining the choir as canonarch—a liturgical soloist in Orthodox monastic practice—will be Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) of St. Tikhon’s Monastery brotherhood and teacher of liturgics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
McInnis Auditorium is located on the main campus of Eastern University at 1300 Eagle Road Saint Davids, PA 19087. A campus map is available for download. Seating is limited, so please write to to express interest and reserve tickets for pick up at the event. You can click here to access a flyer to post for the event as well.
Proceeds from the event will benefit St. Tikhon's Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Center at Eastern University. Tickets will be available at the door and are $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for students. Direct donations above that level are most welcome.
More about the Center The Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture is a new academic program offered by the Agora Institute of Eastern University in Philadelphia. Students at the Center benefit from a rigorous education in the Great Books of Eastern Christianity, a regular cycle of Orthodox worship, and are able to pursue accredited degrees in 35+ different fields through the Templeton Honors College and Eastern University. Eastern University’s scenic 90+ acre campus is located on a former estate in the historic “Main Line” area of suburban Philadelphia, close to the St. David’s train station (5 minutes) and a brief (20 minute) train ride into downtown Philadelphia. Contact for more information.
More about the Chamber Choir
The Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery is a professional vocal ensemble under the auspices of St. Tikhon’s Monastery in Pennsylvania, America’s oldest Orthodox monastery. Founded in 2015 by artistic director, Benedict Sheehan, and Archimandrite Sergius, abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, the Chamber Choir’s mission is to explore, promote, and build up the tradition of Orthodox sacred music in America, and to bring people of today’s world into contact with the living tradition of ancient Christianity through vibrant and inspiring choral singing. The group is comprised of some of the finest solo and ensemble singers in the New York area and around North America.
STOTS to Host Fall Vocations Retreat, "St. John Chrysostom: Champion of the Priesthood" - 10/07/16
Saint Tikhon’s Seminary will host a Fall Vocations Retreat on Friday and Saturday, November 11-12, 2016. The theme will be “St. John Chrysostom: Champion of the Priesthood."
"We look forward to celebrating the feast of St. John Chrysostom this year by welcoming to campus men and women from throughout the country who are interested in exploring the teachings of this great Church Father," Archpriest Dr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, said. "His vision of the priesthood is inspiring to anyone who is thinking seriously about serving the Church in some capacity."
During the retreat, participants will have the opportunity to join with the seminary community and monastery brotherhood in prayer, tour the monastery and seminary grounds, hear talks and join in discussions about ministry and St. John Chrysostom, and meet the seminary’s Dean, faculty, and students. Both women and men are encouraged to attend.
There is no cost to participate in the retreat, which begins at 6:00 PM on Friday, November 11 and ends at 4:00 PM on Saturday, November 12. Food and accommodations are available at the Seminary, and participants are welcome to extend their stay through the weekend to attend Saturday evening's Vigil and Sunday's Divine Liturgy if their schedule allows. To register or to obtain more information, please contact the seminary at 570-561-1818, ext 101 or
A PDF poster that parishes may download and distribute is also available for download here. You can also register on the form below.
Fall Lecture Series Begins at St. Tikhon's with Gary Cattell, "The Willard Preacher" - 10/04/16
Gary Cattell, also known as “The Willard Preacher,” at Penn State University, presented the first Lecture on Tuesday, October 4th, entitled: “Understanding Today’s College Students from an Orthodox Street Preacher’s Perspective”. During his presentation Gary outlined how he recently needed to change his approach to reach out to today’s college students, while similarly sharing his perspectives concerning how they view themselves and our cultural context today. Seminarians present connected with the value of his sharing in preparing them to interact with young people in parish and college contexts alike. Gary encouraged all present to similarly reach out to others, not copying his approach, but utilizing the unique gifts that each of us are given.
Gary began preaching and dialoguing with students at Penn State as a Protestant in November of 1982. In the spring of 1999, he became an Orthodox Christian. He now ministers to Penn State students from the perspective of the Orthodox faith. He is married to Karen, his wife for more than thirty years, and has four grown children and four grandchildren.
St. Tikhon's Seminary announces 2016 Fall Lecture Series - 10/03/16
The annual Fall Lecture Series at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, featuring four public lecture on Tuesdays throughout the month of October, will begin this Tuesday, October 4. Please note the time for each lecture as they are not all evening presentations.
Weekly topics and speakers include the following.
October 4 at 7 PM — “Understanding Today’s College Students from an Orthodox Street Preacher’s Perspective” Gary Cattell, also known as “The Willard Preacher,” began preaching and dialoguing with students at Penn State as a Protestant in November of 1982. In the spring of 1999, he became an Orthodox Christian. He now ministers to Penn State students from the perspective of the Orthodox faith. He is married to Karen, his wife for more than thirty years, and has four grown children and four grandchildren.
October 11 at 7 PM — “Identity and Knowledge: A Reflection on Leading Reading Groups on the Church Fathers” Dr. Timothy Becker, PhD, teaches at the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at Eastern University in Philadelphia, where he also leads a popular reading group for anyone interested in the Church Fathers and Orthodoxy. Dr. Becker will reflect on why and how participation in this communal activity has been transformative for students and others.
October 18 at Noon — “Vocation & Ministry in the Orthodox Church” Sr. Vassa Larin, PhD, is host of the popular YouTube show “Coffee with Sr. Vassa,” the author of various scholarly and popular works, and a professor of liturgical studies at the University of Vienna in Austria. Sr. Vassa will explore the intriguing concepts of “ministry” and “vocation” in the context of our post-modern, globalized world. Have these concepts “changed" in the Internet-Age — an Age of Fluidity?
October 25 at 7 PM — “Money to Burn: A New (Old) Approach to Christian Stewardship” Dr. Andy Geleris, MD, completed medical school and a neurology residency at UCLA, and has been a practicing neurologist for 33 years in southern California. He and his family became Orthodox as part of St. Peter's in Pomona, a Protestant church that converted to Orthodoxy in 1996. In his talk, Dr. Geleris will examine how embracing a biblical and patristic vision of generosity can revitalize one's spiritual life and the Church's witness to the world.
The general public is encouraged to attend. Admission for the entire lecture series is $10 per person. Refreshments will be provided. Please direct questions and RSVP to Teresa Vaux-Michel, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, at 570-561-1818 ext. 101 Please click here for a flyer that you can post.
Professor David Ford speaks at the OTSA Annual Meeting about St. Photios the Great - 09/30/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA — On Sept. 29 and 30, 2016, Dr. David and Dr. Mary Ford represented St. Tikhon's Seminary in attending the annual meeting of Orthodox Theological Society of America (OTSA), held at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, in Brookline, Mass. The theme of the conference was "Conciliarity and the Council of Crete."
"It was a very good experience to be at the meeting," Dr. David Ford said, "where several interesting first-hand reports were given about the recent council in Crete. The keynote address was given by Dr. Elizabeth Perdromou, a trained political scientist, on some of the geo-political realities that inevitably influenced that council and the various back-stories behind it."
Dr. David gave a talk at the conference entitled "St. Photios the Great, the Photian Council, and Relations with the Roman Church," in which he recounted the enthralling story of the high-level controversy between St. Photios the Great and Pope Nicholas I of Rome in the 860s, when Nicholas attempted to declare who was the legitimate patriarch of Constantinople — Photios, or his predecessor Ignatius, who had resigned. In addition to solving this controversy, the Photian Council of 879-880, which was accepted by the Papacy for the next 200 years, outlawed any changes to the Nicene Creed, thus forbidding the Filioque clause added to the Creed in the West; and it also repudiated Roman claims to have jurisdiction over the Eastern Churches.
"A number of Orthodox theologians have emphasized the ecumenical authority of the Photian Council of 879-880," Dr. David observed. "In fact, I began my talk with a quote written in 1996 by Alexander Golitzin, now His Grace Bishop Alexander of the South and the Bulgarian Diocese of the OCA: 'Given the convocation of another ecumenical council, the Orthodox Church would almost certainly recognize the synod of 879 as the Eighth Ecumenical.'"
Dr. David's talk proceeded to make a case for the Photian Council to be recognized as the Eighth Ecumenical Council — with the Palamite Councils of 1341-1351 then being recognized as the Ninth Ecumenical Council.
"This would make it even more clear to everyone that the Orthodox Church will never recognize any change to the Nicene Creed, and will never allow Papal authority over Her; and that She holds the crucial distinction between God's Essence and His Energies, which was articulated and proclaimed in the Palamite Councils, at the level of unchanging, dogmatic, eternal Truth," Dr. David concluded.
Joint Seminary Celebration of OCA Chancery Patronal Feast Day - 09/24/16
Students, faculty, and administrators from both St. Vladimir’s Seminary and St. Tikhon’s Seminary gathered at our national chancery in Syosset on Saturday, September 24th to celebrate the Chapel Patronal Feast Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. This celebration was hosted by chancery staff, began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, and was followed by a luncheon. Archbishop Michael, St Tikhon’s Seminary Rector, preached during the Divine Liturgy.
Photos of the day’s events viewed here were taken by St. Tikhon's seminarians.
Please also see the complete coverage of the day’s events on our OCA website by clicking here.
Sr. Vassa to Visit St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery - 09/17/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – All are invited by St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery to come to St. Tikhon's Monastery Trapeza on Tuesday, October 18th at noon for "Coffee with Sr. Vassa", featuring the new Burning Bush Coffee from the Monastery bookstore!
Sr. Vassa is a Russian Orthodox ryassofor nun, the host of the popular show "Coffee with Sr. Vassa". She is the author of many scholarly articles as well as a monograph on Byzantine liturgy and theology, and is an outspoken public intellectual on current issues.
Sr. Vassa was enrolled by Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany (ROCOR) to study Orthodox Theology at the Orthodoox Institute of Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany. She completed her Master’s Degree in Orthodox Theology there. From 2006-2008 she worked as the Graduate Assistant of the renowned expert on Byzantine Liturgy, Professor Robert F. Taft, S.J. at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. Taft directed her doctoral dissertation on the Byzantine Hierarchical Liturgy, which was published in 2010.
She currently teaches Liturgical Studies at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna in Austria. Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin is a member of two Commissions of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church: the Commission on Liturgy and Church Art, and the Commission on Canon Law.
To see the rest of her tour in the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, click here. Please check back at the seminary website for the rest of the fall lecture series schedule.
Feast of the Elevation of the Cross with Metropolitan Tikhon - 09/14/16
The Feast of the Elevation of the cross on September 14th, in which we glorify our Lord’s Resurrection and celebrate the life-giving power of His Holy cross, St. Tikhon’s was especially blessed to celebrate the feast with The Most Blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of all America and Canada. His Beatitude was there for the Vigil on Tuesday night and concelebrated Wednesday morning with: His Eminence Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Seminary Director of Student Life, Fr. Innocent Neal, Monastery Bookstore Manager, Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak, Secretary to the Metropolitan, Hierodeacons Herman and Maximus, and Seminary Deacons Basil Ferguson, and Mikel Hill, amongst others.
Metropolitan Tikhon’s homily encouraged the faithful to consider the gift we have been given in the saving power of Christ’s death on the cross and his resurrection, and to remember what hope this inspires. Continuing from there, he emphasized the importance of personalizing the feast of the cross, taking this hope and truth into our own personal life to in turn be sources of hope and Christ’s truth to all we come into contact with. This was a wonderful encouragement to the students who are studying to be servants, to the monks struggling in prayer and asceticism, and to all who live in this area working out their salvation “with fear and trembling.”
New Students Arrive at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 09/01/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – New Seminarians Arrive at St. Tikhon’s!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary welcomes 14 new M.Div. Students for the coming academic year! Of the new students, eight are from the Orthodox Church in America, two each from the Antiochian and Greek Archdioceses respectively, one is from the Bulgarian Patriarchate, and one is from the Eritrean Church. In addition, several other OCA students are beginning special programs of study.
The new academic year coincided with the new Ecclesiastical year. Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on September 1st, with Priest Patrick Burns, Alumni President, and Priest Ignatius Gauvain, Director of Student Life. Seminarian Deacons Mikel Hill and Basil Ferguson also concelebrated. At the end of the Liturgy prayers were offered for the monastery and seminary at the beginning of the New Year, and new students were blessed to wear their cassocks.
Alumni came together for a continuing education program in part to have greater interaction with new and returning seminarians. This initiative came from the alumni. Presentations were offered by Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick (STOTS, 2007), Pastor of St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Emmaus, PA, and Archimandrite Sergius, St. Tikhon’s Monastery Igumen (STOTS, 2005). Alumni and seminarians alike expressed how meaningful it was to have spent almost two days together! A separate story will be posted with more details related to the retreat.
Fr. Steven shared a comment about the beginning of the year: “With special thanks to the work of many during this past week, especially Fr. Ignatius Gauvain as Director of Student Life, and Fr. Patrick Burns, Alumni Chair who spent most of the week at the seminary, we are off to a very good start for the new year!”
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Opens Parish Lay Leadership Training Program in Philadelphia, PA - 08/14/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a new program of studies developed for theological training of lay parishioners who are involved in various leadership activities in their parish. This program is an expansion of already existing Diaconal Formation program, which has been successfully offered off-campus for last 9 years. Just like the Diaconal Formation program, Parish Lay Leadership Training Program is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years) during which participants are enrolled in graduate level courses in theology, scripture, church history and liturgics. In addition to this, the new program will also offer courses that are specifically geared towards training students to be better assistants to the pastor in various areas of parish life, like catechetical and Sunday school instructions, liturgical services and parish management.
For 2016-2017 school year the new program will only be offered in Philadelphia location with plans to expand it to other locations and possibly add more topic areas in the future. “The setting of the Diaconal Formation program proved to be very appealing to those who live within driving distance from our location and who can attend the program on Saturdays while holding full-time jobs” remarked Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk, the administrator of Philadelphia location of the program. “While we continue to give theological training to Diaconal candidates, we realize that there is a clear need to help parishes of our area by training those lay parishioners who desire to be actively involved in the lives of their communities and who could greatly benefit from structured coursework in such areas as Theology, Liturgy and Scripture.”
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary dean, shared his enthusiasm regarding the program development. “With the solid foundation of the diaconal training program components already in place, this expansion will offer significant opportunities for motivated laypersons to more actively serve the Church by accessing this spiritually enriching formational training,” stated Fr. Steven.
To access a flyer with more information, click here. To learn more about the details of new Diaconal Formation and Parish Lay Leadership Training program or to enroll in the program, please contact Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk by calling 215-745-3232 or emailing .
St. Tikhon’s Celebrates Patronal Feast Day - 08/13/16
The St. Tikhon’s Community came to celebrate the Feast of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, Patron Saint of both the monastery and seminary. The feast began with Novice Daniel Armstrong being tonsured a Riasaphore Monk at the end of the vigil.
His Eminence, the Most Reverend Mark, Archbishop of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania was the celebrant at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. With him was Archimandrite Sergius (Boywer), Monastery Igumen, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, Igumen Gabriel (Nicholas), Archpriests John Kowalczyk and David Shewczyk, Seminary Field Education Director and Assistant Director, Fr. Theodore Petrides, pastor of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church in Stroudsburg, Fr. Ignatius Gauvain, Seminary Director of Student Life, and Fr. Innocent Neal, St. Tikhon’s Bookstore Manager. Those serving as deacons included: Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak), Hierodeacon Maxim (Romanchak), Deacon Michael Pavuk, from St. John’s Cathedral, Mayfield, and Deacon Matthew Joyner, seminarian.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, Archimandrite Sergius presented Mr. Alexander Bratic, J.D. with the Order of St. Tikhon in recognition of his very generous philanthropic support of the monastery and seminary over many years. He has graciously donated funds for many projects at St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary, and has served as a Board Member of the Seminary. A festive lunch followed where everyone enjoyed some fellowship.
Register now for the 19th Annual St. Tikhon’s Golf Tournament - 07/18/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA -- The 19th Annual St. Tikhon's Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, August 20 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in White Haven, Pa.
"We are looking forward to another great opportunity for fellowship and fun during the golf tournament at Jack Frost, which has been rated as the best course to play in the state by Golf Advisor," Archpriest Dr. Steven Voytovich, STOTS Dean, said. "Alumni, donors, and friends of St. Tikhon's have been coming to this tournament from all over Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey for many years. If you enjoy golf, or simply want to support the Seminary, we hope you will join us this year."
The event begins with lunch at 12:00 p.m. and a shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. There will be an awards dinner at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $100 per golfer, which includes lunch, green fees, cart, sleeve of balls, steak dinner, liquid refreshment, prizes and awards. There will also be skill prizes.
To enter the tournament, either as a single player or with a group, please contact Berny Golubiewski at or by calling 570-825-4780, or click here for a registration form.
Individuals interested in sponsoring the event are encouraged to contact Fr. David Shewczyk, STOTS Class of '75 and a member of the Tournament Committee. Please click here for more information on sponsorships.
"By God's grace there are many wonderful and exciting things happening at the Seminary," Fr. David said. "We ask you to consider making a donation to this fundraiser for the Seminary, which has been coordinated by supporters of the Seminary for the last 18 years. Please understand that all donations go directly to the Seminary. No donation money is used for Tournament costs."
Hole sponsorships are available for a donation of $100. Other sponsorship levels exist, and all donations will be welcomed and acknowledged in a Tournament Ad Booklet. Please make checks payable to St. Tikhon's Seminary and return by August 15, 2016 to Fr. David Shewczyk, 401 E. Main, St. Wilkes Barre, PA 18705.
Archpriest John Kowalczyk Represents OCPM at GOA Clergy Laity Congress - 07/11/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – From Monday, July 4th through Thursday, July 7th, The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk (STOTS Director of Field Education) and Matushka Kathy (Seminary Bursar) attended the Greek Orthodox Clergy and Lay Congress in Nashville, TN representing OCPM - Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry. The Congress itself ran from July 3-8 at the famous Gaylord Opryland Convention Center. You can click here for further congress details.
Photo L-R Fr. John Kowalczyk, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Matushka Kathy; Paul Polites, Director of Operations, with Vicki Haskopoulos; and Fr. Stephen Powley, Executive Director of OCPM, with Matushka Ashley.
Fr. John answered questions and spoke on the work of OCPM at its conference booth. He also had the opportunity to speak with many of the Greek Orthodox Bishops and Clergy on Orthodox Prison Ministry and personally thank them for the tremendous Pan-Orthodox Support the organization is receiving under the leadership of the Director and Executive Officer of OCPM, the Very Rev. Stephen Powley.
OCPM was the first agency under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North America, headed by Archbishop Demetrius, to have the newly adopted By-laws to be approved and ratified by the Assembly of Bishops. Fr. John’s signature was affixed to this document as the Secretary of the Board of Directors of OCPM.
Last September, "Leadership 100 of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese" presented a grant to OCPM to have a series of teaching Videos ready for distribution to all the canonical parishes in the continental United States. This monumental task was completed with the filming of these Videos in September of 2015 in Jacksonville, Florida. These teaching Videos can be downloaded from theocpm.orgthe official site of OCPM, or click here. During the Greek Orthodox Clergy Laity Congress the clergy and lay delegates had an opportunity to view these videos again.
Other agencies were also represented at the congress such as: OCF, OCMC, and IOCC. The Kowalczyks’ had the opportunity to attend the IOCC workshop on the Crisis in the Syria.
Fr. John had this to say about attending the congress: “The three days were filled with hours of interaction with the delegates and clergy, answering questions and sharing with them, the tremendous work the OCPM is accomplishing.” Locally Fr. John also facilitiates STOTS seminarians in experiencing ministry to incarcerated persons at SCI Waymart, now as interns as of this year.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Welcomes new Director of Student Life - 07/10/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – St. Tikhon’s Seminary is pleased to welcome Fr. Ignatius Gauvain in the role of Director of Student Life. He began serving in this role on July 1st.
Fr. Ignatius (then Robert) completed coursework in Mathematics and Civil Engineering at the University of Alaska, before completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts from St. Thomas Aquinas College in California in June 2000. He married his wife Elizabeth in July, 2001.
With his preliminary teaching certificate, Robert taught math courses, grades 9-12, for at-risk students. He completed a Teacher’s Secondary Certificate in Mathematics at California State University in Northridge California (2005). While there he also tutored other students in math and science.
Before coming to St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Fr. Ignatius attended St. Herman Church in Minneapolis, MN. While in Minnesota he served as Vice-President of the Watertown Chamber of Commerce in the midst of building his own computer business supporting individuals and businesses.
Fr. Ignatius came to St. Tikhon’s Seminary in 2010 with his wife Elizabeth and their children: Alexei, Xenia, and Veronika. Anna and Maximos were born while they were at seminary. He worked part-time while taking slightly less than a full semester course loads. He also served as Mission Choir Member, traveling with the choir on many weekends during his years of study. Fr. Ignatius was ordained to the Holy Diaconate on May 25, 2013, and to the Holy Priesthood on February 2, 2014, by Metropolitan Tikhon.
While completing his studies, Fr. Ignatius began serving at St. Mary’s Church, Coaldale. He graduated with his M.Div. Degree in May, 2014, and has since completed two years of pastoral service to this parish community. He also has served as Treasurer for the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. All during this time Fr. Ignatius continued to travel to St. Tikhon’s, serving vigil and Divine Liturgy weekly, as well as assisting both the seminary and monastery with information technology support.
Fr. Steven, seminary dean, had the opportunity to work with Fr. Ignatius on information technology needs during these past two years. He noted: “Fr. Ignatius approached each situation with an unbiased sense of balance and resourcefulness that was most helpful in resolving even the most difficult challenges.”
Fr. Ignatius shared a brief reflection in taking up his new responsibilities: “I and my family feel as if we have returned home, though in truth part of us never left; a piece of our hearts remained here even while we lived away. Brother and sisters, each of us can plant a small piece of our hearts like a seed in this fertile soil. Here that seed is tended by the saints and watered by the Spirit and yields much fruit. And for anyone whose heart is planted here, each return is a homecoming. Thank you for welcoming us home. May God bless us all!
Please join us in welcoming Fr. Ignatius. You can contact Fr. Ignatius by phone at 570.561.1818, Extension 103, or by e-mail at:
New Strategic Plan Posted on Seminary Website - 07/06/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – At its May 27, 2016, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Board of Trustees adopted a new Strategic Plan for 2016-2020. You can find the Strategic Plan under the "About Us" tab, or simply by clicking here.
This plan includes input from a broad spectrum of seminary constituencies. You can read the story of our World Cafe session devoted to developing the strategic plan in October of 2015 here.
Fr. Steven Voytovich, Chair of the Board's Strategic Planning Committee, shared the following comment: "I am grateful to all who have contributed to the development of this new strategic plan that will be a core document for planning and assessment in the coming years toward advancing the mission of the seminary!
St. Tikhon's Continuing Education Program Focuses on Youth - 06/23/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] -- St. Tikhon's Seminary Annual Continuing Education Program was focused on Youth. The theme: Our Youth: a Precious Portion of Today’s Church Community in Great Need of Attention was addressed by each presenter during the program running at the seminary from Tuesday, June 21 -- Thursday, June 23.
Tuesday afternoon: 1:30pm Matushka Myra Kovalak (Director of Orthodox Christian Education Commission) quoting Jesus’ own admonition concerning children:“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven”, (Matt. 9:14) shared with clergy attendees about their involvement in church school, assisting in building up relationships with their youth, in part through modeling, as an integral part of young persons’ developing their own relationship with Jesus Christ.
Tuesday evening: 6:30pm Deacon Jason Ketz (OCA Youth Department, Wonder Blog) spoke on Bible Study with young people. His talk was entitled, “Have you never read in the scriptures...? Opening the Holy Texts to our Youth”.
Wednesday morning 9:00am Archpriest Dennis Rhodes (OCA Albanian Archdiocese) talked about the reality of addiction both for young people and clergy themselves: “Protecting Ourselves and our Youth from the Scourge of Addiction”.
Wednesday afternoon: 1:00pm Emma Solak (OCA Youth Department) addressed current efforts around Orthodox Campus Fellowship (OCF) outreach, as a very important connection for young adults going off to college. Her talk was entitled: "Making Disciples and Mentoring Leaders: Campus Ministry from Start to Finish"
Thursday morning: 9:00am, Bishop Thomas (Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic) addressed the attendees with his talk entitled: “Instructing your Spiritual Children for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus: The Role of the Pastor in the Lives of Young People”.
Thursday afternoon: 1:00pm Fr. John Malcom (St. Andrews Camp Director and now board member) talked about how clergy can support and encourage participation in church camps through his many years of experience. His presentation was entitled: “Ministering to Youth Through God's Creation: The Importance of Church Camp in Today's Society”.
Those attending the program completed eighteen hours of continuing education. Each can self report through the OCA Department of Continuing Education, or by clicking here. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, hosted the presenters at this year's program. Please watch for announcements about our fall lecture series coming up in October!
Seminary Dean attends Elevation of Bishop Alexander - 06/11/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon's Seminary dean, was invited to attend the elevation of Bishop Alexander to the see of Dallas and the Diocese of the South, on Saturday, June 11. You can read an account on the OCA Review here.
The celebration began with Vespers and a reception on Friday evening at the rectory next to St. Seraphim Cathedral. Many clergy and visitors alike gathered together at this festive reception.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided at the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning. With him were several Holy Synod concelebrants: His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin, His Emiencen Arcbishop Melchisedek, His Eminence, Archbishop Irénée, and Bishop Daniel. V. Rev. Don Freude, Chancellor, and V. Rev. Matthew-Peter Butrie, Secretary, were also present, representing the Bulgarian Diocese. Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak was accompanied by parish deacons, and Deacon Mikel Hill, currently a seminarian at St. Tikhon's, from the Bulgarian Diocese.
After Liturgy Metropolitan Tikhon prayerfully presented Bishop Alexander his archpastoral staff. Following services, a wonderful banquet was held for all attending this joyous occasion in the parish hall.
Though Metropolitan Tikhon had to leave, all of the concelebrating bishops were able to remain to concelebrate the Divine Liturgy on Sunday with Bishop Alexander. Archimandrite Gerasim is to be commended for his very careful and comprehensive oversight of all the events occurring through the course of the weekend!
Having been with the diocesan clergy a little more than one year ago, it was truly a blessing to participate in the elevation of Bishop Alexander. May God grant him many years of archpastoral service among the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of the South and the Bulgarian Diocese!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Continuing Education Program UPDATED! - 06/09/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] – St. Tikhon’s Seminary Announces its annual Continuing Education Program, to be held at the seminary June 21-23, 2016. The program will begin at noon on Tuesday, and continue through Thursday afternoon. Registration cost for the program is $100, covering overnight accommodations in our dormitory, and meals. The program will be submitted for review for continuing education credit for our clergy. Interested lay persons are also welcome to attend!
Please register by June 15th either by calling St. Tikhon’s Seminary: 570.561.1818, or by e-mailing Teresa Vaux-Michel:
St. Tikhon’s Seminary 2016 Continuing Education Program
Our Youth: a Precious Portion of Today’s Church Community
in Great Need of Attention
“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” (Romans 8:16-17)
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 9:14) Matushka Myra will talk with clergy attendees about their involvement in church school, assisting in building up relationships with their youth, in part through modeling, as an integral part of young persons’ developing their own relationship with Jesus Christ.
112th St. Tikhon's Monastery Pilgrimage - 05/30/16
Thanks be to God, the St. Tikhon's Community celebrated the 112th Monastery Pilgrimage on Monday, May 30th!
The day began with early Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Archpriest T. Stephen Kopestonsky, along with Fr. Nicholas Gabriel and seminarians, including those graduating: Fr. Theodore Gregory, Fr. David Gresham, Timothy Winegar, and Joseph Frangipani, who took the photos for the pilgrimage day!
Later on the main Divine Liturgy began with a procession from the seminary, with celebrants that included: His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence Mark, Archbishop of San Francisco and the Diocese of the West, His Eminence, His Eminence, Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, and His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Seminary Rector. Many clergy came to concelebrate on this day!
Photos are included here of those visiting the bookstore, eating lunch after Liturgy, and participating in the many services conducted during the course of the day. Thank you to everyone who participated in making this a wonderful day, and, thanks be to God, the rain held off until most were heading home!
St. Tikhon's Chamber Choir Shares the Beauty of Orthodox Music with Growing Public - 05/29/16
A diverse crowd of about 300 people attended "Rejoice, O Mountains of Pennsylvania," a benefit concert for St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary sung by the Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon's Monastery on Sunday, May 29 at St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro-Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre.
In addition to several hierarchs, dozens of clergy, and many Orthodox faithful, the concert attracted at least 100 attendees who were not Orthodox.
"A husband and wife who were passing through the area on the day of the concert heard a recording of the Chamber Choir on WVIA, the NPR affiliate for Northeastern Pennsylvania," reported Benedict Sheehan, artistic director of the Chamber Choir and professor of Orthodox liturgical music at St. Tikhon's Seminary. "They were so taken with what they heard that they changed their plans, stayed in Wilkes-Barre, and ended up buying tickets. Many people received their first introduction to Orthodox sacred music, and perhaps even to Orthodoxy, because of this event."
The Chamber Choir is a professional vocal ensemble whose members include some of the finest solo and ensemble singers in the New York area and throughout North America. Several of the singers are also members of Grammy Award-winning ensembles and appear as soloists with professional opera companies around the country. Six members have direct ties to St. Tikhon's Seminary, either as current students, alumni, or wives.
The choir's debut album, "Till Morn Eternal Breaks: Sacred Choral Music of Benedict Sheehan," attracted the attention of the regional arts media, as well as various Orthodox media outlets, following its release in 2015 and a celebratory concert on November 12 in New York City.
In December, ArtScene with Erika Funke, a radio program which brings attention to arts and cultural events in Pennsylvania, featured an interview about the debut album with Archimandrite Sergius, abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, and the Sheehans. In March, Vladimir Morosan, a leading musicologist of Orthodox music, reviewed the album during an episode of his podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. Then, in April and May, WVIA featured two long-form broadcasts of the album itself, exposing the region's classical music fans to Orthodox sacred music.
"Beauty, as Dostoevsky said, saves the world. Beauty is one of the things that the Church has to offer, and making that beauty available to a wide audience can open people's hearts to deeper realities," Archimandrite Sergius said. "That's why the monastery is committed to supporting this choir and a regular cycle of performances."
A five-minute video from the concert is available on YouTube. It shows the program’s very first piece and its very last: the final encore at the evening’s conclusion.
"We look forward to hosting more concerts like this in this region of the country, and maybe even beyond," Archpriest Dr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, said. "The Chamber Choir is one of the ways that the monastery and the seminary work together for the life of the world and its salvation."
The presenting sponsor for the evening was Renovation Angel, a national non-profit organization that recycles luxury kitchens and donates proceeds to charity. Other major sponsors included the Philadelphia Trust Company, the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute, and the Honesdale National Bank.
Sponsorships for the choir's 2016-2017 season are now available. For more information please contact Benedict Sheehan at
Successful First Annual Memorial Day Young Singers’ Conference - 05/28/16
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Monastery in South Canaan, PA, hosted PaTRAM's 1st Annual Young Singers' Conference this past Memorial Day weekend. This course provided participants with the opportunity to learn more about the beautiful tradition of Orthodox choral singing. The Conference was initiated as a 3-day hands-on, intensive classroom music workshop, but it was so much more than a choral workshop. Being a part of this course, with the opportunity to sing with the Chamber Choir in a monastery setting at a hierarchal service, and venerate the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos with St. Tikhon’s monks and pilgrims is not an opportunity everyone is blessed with, especially for our youth!
Under the direction of our faculty Dr. Peter Jermihov, Dr. Irina Raizanova, and Katya Lukianova, students worked together in faith and harmony to become one unified choir. This Memorial weekend marked the monastery's 112th pilgrimage. The Youth Choir debuted at the all-night vigil and Memorial Day Hierarchal Divine Liturgy under His Beatitude, Tikhon, Metropolitan of all America and Canada, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco, the Diocese of the West, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Seminary Rector and Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and His Grace, the Right Reverend Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic Diocese of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
PaTRAM’s workshop, with sessions held at St. Tikhon’s Seminary classrooms, allowed students to soak up important musical knowledge while appreciating the power of Orthodoxy with words from Archimandrite Sergius, St. Tikhon's Monastery Igumen, and lectures on "The Purpose of Singing in Divine Worship" by Fr. John Whiteford, St. Jonah Orthodox Church, Spring, Texas and "What is Prayerful Singing, and What Does It Sound Like?” by Dr. Peter Jermihov.
For more information on upcoming PaTram events, please click here to view their website.
74th Graduation Exercises held at St. Tikhon's Seminary: Updated 6-23-16! - 05/28/16
The St. Tikhon's Seminary Community was very pleased to welcome His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America, and Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, as Commencement Speaker for the 74th Graduation Exercises! He was joined at graduation by His Eminence, Metropolitan Savas, of the Pittsburgh Metropolis of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. Our Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and President of all three seminaries of the Orthodox Church in America, led the Commencement Exercises. His Eminence, The Most Reverend Michael, Seminary Rector and Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey was joined by His Eminence, the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of the Diocese of the West of the Orthodox Church in America.
The Doctor of Divinity Degree, Honoris Causa, was conferred upon Archbishop Demetrios by Metropolitan Tikhon and Archbishop Michael before Archbishop Demetrios offered the Commencement Address. Archbishop Demetrios shared very practical dimensions of ministry with the graduates, both with genuine warmth, and from the depth of his many years of service in our Lord's vineyard. To read Archbishop Demetrios' Commencement address, click here. To see a posting of our graduation, in the most recent Greek Orthodox Observer, please click here.
Graduating with a Master of Divinity Degree were: Joseph Frangipani, Priest Theodore Gregory, and Erik Timothy Winegar. Priest David Gresham completed a Certificate in Pastoral Studies. Edward Dawson and Russell Komline completed the Diaconal Formation Certificate Program.
Timothy Winegar graduated with honors. He completed a thesis entitled: The Temple of His Body: Saint Cyril of Alexandria's Understanding of the Temple and Worship in Spirit and Truth in His Commentary of John.
Timothy, also having served as Student Government President, Presented the Fr. Alexander Atty Memorial Award for Community Service to Archpriest Daniel Donlick for his decades of service to the seminary that continues to this day as he serves as confessor for many of the seminarians! The first set of photos reflects the graduation exercises.
Later in the evening, after Vespers, the graduates, their family members, and the community of St. Tikhon's came together for the graduation dinner, held at Genetti Manor in nearby Dickson City. All the hierarch particpating in graduation remained to join in the celebration. Each graduate shared some reflections during the dinner, as did Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, and Metropolitan Tikhon.
Andrew Nelko, now President of Student Government, presented the graduates with an icon bearing the patron saints of all those graduating. This has been an initiative of Student Government. Dn. John Kennerk also shared a gift certificate, representing hearfelt gratitude by all the seminarians, with Matushka Lorissa Gregory, who has served as our cook for the past two years. The second set of photos cover the graduation dinner.
May God grant many years to Archbishop Demetrios, and all our St. Tikhon's Seminary graduates!
112th St. Tikhon's Monastery Pilgrimage Begins - 05/28/16
Archimandrite Sergius, St. Tikhon's Monastery Igumen, welcomed His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, and other hierarchs, as the 112th Pilgrimage began, on Friday, May 27th. Metropolitan Tikhon was joined by: His Eminence, the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the Diocese of the West, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Seminary Rector and Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and His Grace, the Right Reverend Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic Diocese of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
Archimandrite Sergius received the miraculous myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from Subdeacon Nectarios who travels with her and Mitred Archpriest John Sorochka from St. John's Cathedral in Mayfield. After veneration of the myrrh-streaming icon by the hierarchs, the procession continued into the Monastery Church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. The first slide show chronicles the beginning of the pilgrimage.
On Saturday, May 28th, the pilgrimage continued with Divine Liturgy followed by the 74th Graduation Exercises at St. Tikhon's Seminary. The St. Tikhon's Community was very pleased to welcome His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. He arrived in time for the Divine Liturgy in the morning, before giving the Commencement Speech at graduation. The second set of photos here are from the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning.
Dr. Christopher Offers Commencement Address: Updated - 05/27/16
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Patristics Professor at St. Tikhon's Seminary, will offer the Commencement Address, on Sunday, May 29th, during the Graduation Exercises at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY. Please check back to this story for updates once photos have been posted by Holy Trinity Seminary.
To see article and photos from Holy Trinity Seminary, click here.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Community Softball Game - 05/19/16
The St. Tikhon's Seminary community gathered near the end of final's week for a softball game played at the local high school ball field. Seminarians, seminary wives, and children gathered for an annual match-up between dormatory and married students. As will be evident from the photos, this was an incredible evening!
Photos, Andrew Bohush, Rachel Frangipani, and others!
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visits Lorain, Ohio - 05/15/16
The Mission Choir visited Sts. Peter and Paul Church, in Lorain, Ohio, over the weekend of May 14-15. This was the third Sunday of Pascha commemorating the Myrrhbearing Women. Fr. Joseph McCartney was the celebrant, along with retired pastor, Archpriest Basil Stoyka.
The weekend began with Vespers, followed by a wonderful dinner! Fr. Steven shared events occurring at St. Tikhon's Seminary, and the Mission Choir sang. Megan Haak joined the mission choir for this event, offering Fr. Steven the opportunity to share her engagement, over Bright Week, to Seminarian Jonathan Lincoln! This is the first engagement of seminary students occurring at St. Tikhons!
The Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning returned everyone to the events of Holy Week and the beginning of the Paschal Feast with the beautiful hymnography. After this the choir was invited to a parishioner's home for a sumptuous Paschal dinner with friends and family of Sts. Peter and Paul Church. What a joyous visitation!
Members of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association, clergy, matushki, seminarians, and friends enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of food and fellowship at Hospitality ala Russe VII on Sunday, May 15, at St. John’s Center in Mayfield, Pa.. In all, over 150 attended! The festival featured a magnificent “Russian Table” with zakushki (appetizers) of potato pancakes, beet salad (vinaigrette), eggplant caviar, potato cheese pierogi, kielbasi, Russian meatballs, marinated mushrooms, meat and cabbage pirozhki, Georgian pizza, marinated herring, and Paska bread followed by a dinner with shaslyk (beef kabobs), Novgorod potatoes, and old country carrots with a delicious ice cream sundae.
The renowned Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra played our favorite balalaika melodies! There were door prizes and a superb basket raffle with themes of Cold Cash, Keurig Coffee Maker, and Vera Bradley, Star Wars, and Russian Trinkets. “HANYA’S KITCHEN: The Orthodox Herald Recipe Collection,” cookbook was available for purchase.
On behalf of the Association members and friends, Sarah Jubinski, president, presented Father Dennis Swenki with a check for $15,000 for the Seminary.
Story by Sarah Jubinski, Photos by Dn. John Kennerk
In Memoriam: Fr. Walter Smith -- Updated - 05/14/16
Fr. Walter Smith, Class of 2004, reposed in the Lord on the evening of May14, 2016 at the rectory of Nativity of the Holy Virgin Church, Waterbury CT.
A native of the state of Montana, Fr. Walter’s first career was as a professor of art history and art gallery curator/director. He has taught and directed art galleries in Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Mississippi. A convert, he was received into the Orthodoxy at Holy Trinity Church of Kansas City, Kan., in 1996. In 2001, he took up full-time study at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan, Pa. Smith was ordained a priest in 2003, and graduated from the Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree in May 2004.
Since his ordination, Fr. Walter served in several parishes: Holy Trinity Church, McAdoo Pennsylvania, Holy Trinity Church, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church back in Missoula, Montana, and most recently began serving at Nativity of the Holy Virgin Church, Waterbury, CT.
Presbytera Nancy Smith, who received her Ph.D. in art history from the University of Chicago in 2000, taught art history at Marywood University in Scranton Pennsylvania from 2001 to 2006. She has also trained as a painter and iconographer, producing icons for Holy Trinity Church in Moose Jaw. Father Walter and Presbytera have one adult daughter, Flora.
Visitation will begin at the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Church, 3125 North Main Street, Waterbury, CT at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 20. The Funeral for a Priest will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m. On Saturday, May 21, the Divine Liturgy and a Panikhida will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m., followed by interment in the parish cemetery.
May Fr. Walter’s memory be eternal. Please remember Presbytera Nancy, Flora, and the faithful of The Nativity of the Holy Virgin Church in your prayers.
Drs. David and Mary Ford will be in the Diocese of Alaska in May. Dr. David will be participating in the St. Herman Seminary Graduation exercises on May 15th. Dr. David is scheduled to give the Commencement Address.
Drs. David and Mary Ford will be leading a Diocesan Clergy Wives and Family Life Retreat at St. Innocient Cathedral in Anchorage, May 20-21. Click here to see a brochure for the marriage retreat they will be leading.
Matthew Fuhrman Ordained to the Diaconate by Metropolitan Tikhon on St. Alexis Feast - 05/07/16
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon visited Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, South Canaan, PA, to lead the celebration of the Feast of St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre on Bright Saturday, May 7th. During the hierarchical Divine Liturgy His Beatitude tonsured Matthew Fuhrman, St. Tikhon’s Seminarian, Rassophore Monk Maxim and Hesychios Webb from the Monastery brotherhood, readers. Rassaphore Monk Maxim was subsequently ordained to the Subdiaconate, as was Matthew, who was then ordained to the Diaconate!
Priests concelebranting at the Liturgy included: Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of Saint Tikhon's Monastery; Igumen Gabriel; Archpriest Steven Kopestonsky; Seminarian Priest Theodore Gregory; deacons included: Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak; Deacon Alexander Cadman from State College where Matthew previously studied; and Seminarian Deacons Matthew Joyner, John Kennerk and Basil Ferguson.
At the conclusion of the Liturgy a Molieben was celebrated before St. Alexis’ relics. St. Alexis is remembered for leading many Eastern Rite Catholics to the Orthodox Church, beginning with congregations in Minneapolis MN, and Wilkes-Barre, PA, and many others who followed. You can read more about St. Alexis at our OCA Website by clicking here.
Axios to Deacon Matthew and Mat. Jessica, who continues to serve as part of the website team for our Orthodox Church in America!
Archbishop Demetrios to be Commencement Speaker at St. Tikhon's Graduation - 05/06/16
With great joy, the Board of Trustees of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary announces that the Commencement Speaker for this year’s 74th Annual Commencement will be His Eminence, the Most Reverend Archbishop DEMETRIOS, Geron of America, and Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America.
This year’s Graduation will be held at the Outdoor Chapel on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, beginning at 1:00 p.m. During the festivities, His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, will be the recipient of the Degree, Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa, in recognition of his yeoman service to Orthodox theological education, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and World Orthodoxy in general.
Archbishop Demetrios' Biography:
His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios (Trakatellis), Geron of America was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. In 1950 he graduated with distinction from the University of Athens School of Theology. He was ordained a deacon in 1960, and a priest in 1964.
He was elected Bishop of Vresthena in 1967, auxiliary to the Archbishop of Athens, responsible for the theological education of the clergy. From 1965 to 1971, he studied New Testament and Christian Origins at Harvard University, and was awarded a Ph.D. “with distinction” in 1972. He earned a second doctorate in Theology from the University of Athens “with distinction” in 1977. From 1983 to 1993, he was the Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts. He also taught at Harvard Divinity School as Visiting Professor of New Testament. He was inducted in 2003 into the Academy of Athens as a member who resides abroad.
In August 1991 he was elevated to be the Titular Metropolitan of Vresthena. He was elected Archbishop of America on August 19, 1999 by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and enthroned on September 18, 1999 at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York.
During his ministry as the leader of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, he has touched and inspired the lives of thousands of people with his incessant, methodical and loving archpastoral ministry.
As Archbishop of America, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and head of the Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese, ArchbishopDemetrios has traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and globally, officiating at services, consecrating churches, ordaining clergy, extending the scope of the work of the Church in America, and sharing in the vitality and accomplishments of the people and the parishes.
Throughout his ministry Archbishop Demetrios has led the Church in responding to national and international needs and crises, including the tremendous ordeals confronting the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001 and the destruction of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, the Macedonian issue, and the Cyprus issue. He has led the philanthropic responses to natural disasters including the mudslides in California, the tsunami in Asia, Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast, and the appeal for aid to Greece after the devastating fires. In 2012, when the financial crisis in Greece took immense proportions, the Archbishop initiated a rigorous campaign for humanitarian assistance to the people of Greece, which is channeled through the Church of Greece. A similar effort was also initiated in 2013 for humanitarian assistance for the people of Cyprus who were faced with a severe financial crisis. Both are ongoing efforts that continue to offer significant assistance. In recognition of his efforts for a just resolution in Cyprus, he received the highest honor of the Republic of Cyprus, the medal of the Great Cross of the Order of Archbishop Makarios III. He was also bestowed with the Great Cross of the Order of the Phoenix, the highest honorary distinction of the Hellenic Republic.
An Orthodox hierarch for nearly half a century, a theologian, statesman, and biblical scholar of international recognition, His Eminence has faithfully demonstrated the healing power of Christ’s truth and compassion. His message has been one of unity, genuine relationships, and an ever-increasing commitment to God and to service in the name of Christ. He has manifested the effectiveness of God’s grace in establishing peace, tranquility, stability and trust both within the Church and throughout the world. On November 26, 2015, by unanimous decision, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate bestowed upon Archbishop Demetrios the high title of Geron (“Elder”) in recognition of his “invaluable services to the Mother Church, the entire Orthodoxy and the Theological Literature.”
Great and Holy Pascha celebration at St. Tikhon's - 04/30/16
With great joy the St. Tikhon's community came together to celebrate Nocturne, Matins, and Divine Liturgy of Great and Holy Pascha! Matins includes the singing of the canon of St. John of Damascus. Following this are the Paschal Verses during which we sing:
This is the day of resurrection.
Let us be illumined by the Feast.
Let us embrace each other.
Let us call "brothers" even those that hate us,
and forgive all by the resurrection...
The Sermon of St. John Chrysostom, originally composed as a baptismal instruction, is retained as so much of the Paschal Services recalls the Sacrament of Baptism. (texts above taken from introduction of Paschal Services by Archpriest Paul Lazor)
We remain grateful for our seminarian photographers including on Pascha, Joseph Frangipani.
Thank you also to our choirs who led the singing of the responses all through Holy Week and Pascha: Benedict Sheehan and both the Mission and Mixed Choirs, and Brother Daniel and the Monastery Choir!
Holy Friday and Saturday at St. Tikhon's - 04/29/16
The services of Holy Week continue with Vespers with placing of the Winding Sheet Friday afternoon, followed by Matins of Holy Saturday. The latter service includes a procession with the Epitaphion. This "is not a funeral procession. It is the Son of God, the Holy Immortal, who proceeds through the darkness of Hades, announcing to 'Adam of all generation' the joy of the forthcoming resurrection. 'Rising early from the night," He proclaims, 'The dead shall arise, those in the tombs shall awake, and all those on earth shall greatly rejoice.'" (From the preface written by Fr. Alexander Schmemann in the Matins of Holy Saturday service book).
On Holy Saturday we celebrate a Vesperal Divine Liturgy revealing the first announcement of the Resurrection to the Myrrhbearing Women! Please take a moment to review the slideshows from both Holy Friday and Holy Saturday, with gratitude to our seminarian photographers.
Metropolitan Visits St. Tikhon's During Holy Week - 04/28/16
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon visited St. Tikhon's during Holy Week. He served the Hours and Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Wednesday, as well as Matins of Holy Thursday. On Holy Thursday he led the celebration of the Vesperal Divine Liturgy, and Matins of Holy Friday with the reading of the Twelve Gospels. Please take time to review the two photo slideshows representing services for each day.
Thank you to Seminarian Andrew Nelko and those with him who took photos during these services.
St. Tikhon's Community Celebrates Palm Sunday - 04/24/16
Palm Sunday services, Vigil and Divine Liturgy, were celebrated with great Joy on April 23-24. Several of the Vocations Retreat participants remained to join in the celebration led by Archimandrite Sergius, Igumen of St. Tikhon's Monastery. Celebrating clergy included, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, Igumen Gabriel (Nicholas), and recently ordained Fr. Theodore Gregory, along with Seminarian Deacons Matthew Joyner and Mikel Hill. Please check back in the coming days for photos from Holy Week and Pascha services.
St. Tikhon's Seminary holds Vocational Retreat - 04/23/16
Ten participants attended St. Tikhon's Vocational Retreat, held on Friday and Saturday, April 22-23! A mixture of cradle Orthodox and recent converts, these men came from as far as Alaska to participate in retreat sessions, and attend services of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. Sessions were led by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, dean and Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen. Retreat participants also were led on a tour of the monastery and seminary grounds. May God continue to bless the vocational journeys of these men!
St. Tikhon's Announces 112th Pilgrimage Schedule - 04/20/16
St. Tikhon's Monastery announces the schedule for the upcoming Memorial Day Pilgrimage Weekend: May 27-30. Please join us!
The weekend will begin with welcoming the Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon on Friday afternoon, at 3:30pm. On Saturday, at 1pm will be St. Tikhon's Seminary 74th Annual Commencement. Vigil follows at 4pm, as does the Graduation Dinner.
Special concerts and program will be occurring on Sunday. Please click here to go to our webpage for the St. Tikhon's Monastery Chorale concert Sunday evening.
The 112 Monastery Pilgrimage will take place on Monday, with Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 10am, followed by a day filled with activities and prayer. Please click here to see the full schedule, along with invitation letter and hotel information.
Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Church, Baltimore, MD - 04/17/16
The Mission Choir visited St. Andrew Church, in Baltimore. After singing the responses for Great Vespers, a wonderful crab-cake dinner followed in the church hall. Parishioners looked through the bookstore items.
In the morning, the Mission Choir again sang the responses for the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Steven offered the homily. A special collection was taken for the seminary, and Archpriest Theodore Boback offered an opportunity for sharing a brief update on seminary life. Fr. Boback served as Alumni President for a number of years, and at one time Archbishop Kiprian also served the parish as pastor. At the seminary we continue to regularly remember Leda Dzwonczyk of blessed memory, who served as Board Secretary. Seminarians stayed overnight with parish families. Fr. Steven enjoyed a brief opportunity for fellowship with Fr. Ted and and Hope at Baltimore Harbor.
During the festive lunch that followed, each of the seminarians introduced themselves. The young child shown in the photos, with permission, is the Great-Grandson of Archbishop Kiprian! Blessed Pascha to all at St. Andrew's Church!
Several St. Tikhon's Seminary Faculty Gather for Seminar - 04/12/16
Several members of the St. Tikhon's Seminary faculty met for a seminar on the evening of April 12th. They met at the home of Drs. David and Mary Ford, who offered wonderful hospitality. Present were: Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics, Dr. David, Chair of Department of Church History and Patristics, Dr. Mary Ford, Associate Professor of Scripture and Spirituality, and V. Rev. Dr. Steven Voytovich, Chair of Department of Pastoral Arts and Praxis. Dr. David was also the presenter, sharing some of his work in translating and setting into English letters written by St. John Chrysostom, while exiled, to St. Olympia the Deaconess. He then led faculty in discusing points related to this work. These letters will also soon be appearing in print.
Several other faculty planned to attend but when the session had to be re-scheduled, had conflicts. Fr. Steven, seminary dean, proposed holding seminar sessions as opportunities for faculty to interact with each other outside "meeting" contexts. Fr. Steven added: "this is the first of hopefully many seminar sessions not only for faculty to share their work, but to build relationships with one another."
St. Tikhon's Professor to Participate in Great and Holy Council - 04/11/16
Christopher Veniamin, D.Phil. (Oxon.), a distinguished member of the faculty of St. Tikhon's Seminary, has been appointed as a representative to the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church, which is to take place June 16 to 27, 2016, in Crete. His appointment comes from the Holy Synod of the Apostolic Church of Cyprus, for which he will serve as theological consultant during the Council's deliberations.
The conciliar gathering of hierarchs of the various universally recognized autocephalous Churches throughout the world is the first of such councils since the time of the Ecumenical Councils (the last of which was held in 787 in Nicea). The Council will be presided over by His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople.
Dr. Veniamin was born and raised in London, England, of Greek Cypriot parents. A love for the Church and a desire to learn more about the Orthodox faith came as a direct result of growing up in the spiritual climate of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist (Tolleshunt Knights, Essex, England), founded by his spiritual father, Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov.
His formal training in theology began at the School of Theology in the University of Thessalonica (Greece), where he studied under Professors George Mantzarides, John Fountoulis, and Fr. John Romanides. Following the successful completion of his studies in Thessalonica, he undertook doctoral studies at Pembroke College, Oxford, under the aegis of the Most Rev. Dr. Kallistos T. Ware, Metropolitan of Diokleia. His thesis, The Transfiguration of Christ in Greek Patristic Literature: From Irenaeus of Lyons to Gregory Palamas, was a diachronic study of the meaning of the Transfiguration in patristic theology.
Dr. Christopher is also an accomplished cantor and holds the four-year Degree in Byzantine Music from the celebrated School of Greek Ecclesiastical Music in Thessalonica, and is a pupil of Eleftherios Georgiades, former Lampadarios of the Great Church of Christ.
Professor Veniamin joined the STS faculty in the fall of 1994, and on September 30, 2005, received the distinct honor of being elected its first ever full professor, in recognition of his outstanding service to the Seminary and his distinguished record of teaching, research, and publication. He also serves as the assistant director and registrar of The Antiochian Orthodox Institute Ph.D. Program and as its professor of Patristic Theology and Dogmatics.
Among the books he has written or edited are: Ecclesial Being: Contributions to Theological Dialogue (2005, ed.; 2006, reprint), The Enlargement of the Heart (2006, ed.; 2012, repr.), The Hidden Man of the Heart (2008, ed.; 2014, repr.), The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: "Theosis" in Scripture and Tradition (2013; 2014, repr.), Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies (2009; 2014, repr.), and The Transfiguration of Christ: In Greek Patristic Literature from Irenaeus of Lyons to Gregory Palamas (forthcoming).
Dr. Christopher has also published numerous articles, ranging in subject from the Apocryphal writings of the New Testament to Euthanasia. He is well known for having edited and translated into English the first complete edition of the homilies of Saint Gregory Palamas, for which he also wrote the introduction and detailed notes. Forthcoming publications include the reworked version of his doctoral dissertation, an inquiry into the anthropological significance of Pentecost, and a study on St. Augustine, viewed within the context of the Orthodox Patristic Tradition. He is also the President of Mount Thabor Publishing, specializing in quality books on Orthodox theology since 2005.
Professor Veniamin has known Saints Porphyrios and Paisios, and he is familiar with many of the Elders of the Holy Mountain and with other notable figures in contemporary Orthodoxy, academic and ecclesiastical, including Archimandrite Zacharias, Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos, and Professor Constantine Scouteris.
Dr. David Ford to offer presentation on Marriage April 16 - 04/10/16
BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, OH [MW Diocese Communications] -- Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at Saint Tikhon's Seminary, South Canaan, PA will offer a presentation titled "Marriage as a Path to Holiness" at Archangel Michael Church, 5025 East Mill Road, Broadview Heights, OH fron 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 16, 2016.
Dr. Ford will highlight the lives of various married saints while sharing ways their example can transform marriages and families today.
The public is invited; there is no charge. Refreshments will follow the presentation. Donations will benefit Saint Tikhon's Seminary.
Register by calling the parish office at 440-526-5192.
The St. Tikhon's Mission Choir, accompanied by Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, visited two parishes in Ohio during the weekend of April 9 and 10. On Saturday they visited St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Mogadore. Archpriest Nicholas Wyslutsky (Class of 1989), currently serves as Alumni Association Treasurer. On Sunday they visited St. Andrew Church, Maple Heights, Ohio. Archpriest Emilian Hutnyan (Class of 1992) currently serves as a St. Tikhon's Seminary Board Member.
Seminary Dean leads Retreat in Macon Georgia - 04/09/16
Fr. Steven led a parish retreat at St. Innocent Church, Macon, Georgia, on Saturday, April 9th. The focus of the retreat was: "The Parish Community: Our Life in Christ." Fr. Steven prepared parish feedback sent to him in advance on various aspects of parish life using an approached he developed, while previously serving as a mission parish pastor, from materials originally prepared on this topic by Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko. Fr. Steven initially shared the results with all attending the retreat, and then facilitated a discussion where those present offered very heartfelt reflections and thoughts related to parish life. Later he reviewed some material from St. Innocent's Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven. The faithful perceive their calling to follow St. Innocent, their patron saint, in his evangelization of and ministry to the Native Aleut and Tlingit peoples in Alaska, by offering the same presence and ministry to those residing in the greater Macon community.
Fr. Steven concelebrated with Fr. Theophan Buck (STS Class of 2010) at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday. St. Innocent Church, as a mission parish, with their pastor of now over five years, is making remarkable progress, and this retreat is only part of the ongoing work within the community to foster healthy and robust parish life and ministry. Fr. Steven had opportunity to meet and talk with many of the core members that began this mission, and who continue to inspire others to get involved by offering their gifts and talents. May God bless the pastor and faithful of St. Innocent Church!
Dr. Christopher asked that his schedule of speaking engagements be posted on the website. It follows below:
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics
St. Tikhon's Seminary
Events and Appointments:
External doctoral examiner for the PhD studies of Fr. Matthew Penney, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario (since Spring semester, 2016)
External examiner for PhD studies of Fr. Maxym Lysack, at Laval and Sherbrooke Universities, Quebec, Canada (Spring semester, 2016)
External supervisor for STS Alumnus, Fr. Abraham (Abey) George (MA in Christian Spirituality) Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, Fordham University, NY (since Spring semester, 2016)
Lecture on "The Theology of Fr. John Romanides: The Ten Fundamental Points of the Orthodox Faith", Grove City College, Grove City PA (April 8, 2016)
Guest Speaker, "The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: Theosis and Hesychia", Annual Pan Orthodox Lenten Retreat, the Shenango Valley Clergy Association, Holy Cross Orthodox Church (OCA Romanian Episcopate), Hermitage PA (Saturday, April 9, 2016)
Sermon, "On St. John Climacus", St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church, New Castle PA (Sunday, April 10, 2016).
Guest Professor for Dr. Peter Bouteneff's class on Prayer and Holiness (SVS, Monday, April 18, 2016). Topic: "Prayer in Silouan and Sophrony."
External evaluator/assessor for V. Rev. Dr. Athanasios Gikas' (University of Thessalonica) promotion to position of full professor in theology
Graduation Address at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville NY (Sunday May 29th)
Appointed by the Holy Synod of the Apostolic Church of Cyprus as representative to the Holy and Great Council, which is to take place in Crete (June 16 to June 27, 2016)
At the invitation of Metropolitan Joseph, spearheading The Antiochian House of Studies push for accreditation of its four graduate programs in theology (two Masters, two Doctoral programs). June, 2016.
Introducing, assisting and interpreting for Mtp Hierotheos Vlachos at Antiochian Biennial Clergy Symposium, Antiochian Village (July 18 - 22, 2016)
Guest Lecturer at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 04/05/16
On Tuesday, April 5th, Dr. Peter Bouteneff, Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Vladimir's Seminary, was a guest lecturer in Dr. Christopher Veniamin's Patristics class. Seminarians and visitors alike came to hear Dr. Bouteneff's presentation entitled: "In What Sense am I a Sinner?"
Later, Dr. Bouteneff and Fr. Steven, seminary dean, had a brief opportunity to talk together. They are seminary classmates (SVS, 1990). Dr. Veniamin will also be lecturing in Dr. Bouteneff's class.
Mission Choir Visits St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - 04/03/16
The mission choir led the singing of the responses for the Vigil and Divine Liturgy of the Sunday of the Most Precious Cross, at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, in Allison Park, PA, April 2-3. His Eminence, Archbishop Melchisedek (Pleska), returning from the Holy Synod meeting the previous week, was present for the Vigil, celebrated by Archpriest Michael Senyo, Cathedral Dean. It was great to see Joel Brady (STS Class of 2015) who is now a cathedral parishioner.
After the vigil, we gathered at the home of Protodeacon Michael and Matushka Mary Wusylko's home for an evening that included dinner and fellowship. Protodeacon Michael, a St. Tikhon's Board member, was recuperating from surgery, but joined us for a brief time. His Eminence joined us at dinner, as did David Jarrett.
The mission choir sang the responses also on Sunday morning. Fr. Steven preached the homily, and Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Choir, shared about the work at St. Tikhon's Seminary during coffee hour. Fr. Steven was pleased that Matushka Cindy was able to join him for this trip, meeting the wonderful cathedral clergy and faithful.
Fr. Steven shared his gratitude to the cathedral community for their generous support of the seminary!
Dn. Theodore Gregory was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, March 27th, in St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner, New Jersey. His Eminence, Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, was the celebrant. Concelebrating clergy included Archpriest Alexey Karlgut, dean of NY deanery, retired Archpriest Sergius Kuharsky, Priest John Diamantis (pastor of St. Gregory parish), Priest Gregory White (STOTS Class of 2015, pastor of Holy Spirit Church, Wantage, NJ), Protodeacon Leonid Roschko (Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Howell, NJ (ROCOR)), Dn. Joseph Shaluha (Fr. Theodore’s cousin from St. Gregory of Nyssa Church, Columbus, Ohio), and current seminarian Dn. John Kennerk. Fr. Gregory and Fr. Theodore both came to seminary after completing the diaconal formation program that is overseen by St. Tikhon’s Seminary. The Seminary Mission Choir visiting South River was able to join family and friends at a festive luncheon following the ordination, singing “Many Years” to the newly ordained Fr. Thedore, Matushka Lorissa, and their family. May God bless Fr. Theodore and Mat. Lorissa!
The Mission Choir visited Archpriest David Garretson and faithful of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in South River on March 26-27. You can see in the photo slideshow a stunning photo of the domes of this historic church. We celebrated Great Vespers on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Seminarians Fr. David Gresham, Jonathan Lincoln, Marshall Goodge, Paul Kappandaze, and Fr. Steven, seminary dean, were led by seminarian choir director Mikel Hill. During the Liturgy, Basil Kozak, parish Choir Director read the epistle, and Seminarian Dn. Mikel Hill, preached. Both Fr. David and Basil are seminary classmates of Fr. Steven! At the end of the Liturgy, Fr. David queried the children about the hierarchical Liturgy celebrated the week before. It was wonderful to be with such a vibrant parish community!
St. Tikon’s Celebrates Feast of the Annunciation - 03/25/16
St. Tikhon’s celebrated the Annunciation Feast on March 24th and 25th, with Festal Vigil and Vesperal Divine Liturgy. This is the one major feast that falls during Great Lent! Archimandrite Sergius (Bowyer), monastery Igumen, was the celebrant. Joining him was Fr. Steven Voytovich, seminary dean, Fr. Stephen Kopestonsky, Hieromonk Innokenty (Chmerko), and seminarians: Fr. David Gresham, Dn. Theodore Gregory, and Dn. Matthew Joyner. “Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee!”
STOTS concert to feature pieces by American composers - 03/21/16
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Communications] -- The Chamber Choir of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, a professional vocal ensemble under the auspices of America’s oldest Orthodox monastery, will sing a benefit concert of sacred music by American composers at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre, PA on Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 7:30 PM.
Proceeds from the concert, titled “Rejoice, O Mountains of Pennsylvania,” benefit Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [STOTS]. Please click here to download a flyer to post.
The performance, part of a series of events that will take place during the 112th annual Saint Tikhon’s Memorial Day Pilgrimage, will feature a selection of original compositions by American Orthodox composers Benedict Sheehan, Richard Toensing, Nazo Zakkak, and Kurt Sander.
“I’m overjoyed to see a surge of interest in Russian Orthodox choral music over the past twenty years," said Benedict Sheehan, resident music director at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery. “I’m even more delighted to say that this profound tradition is not simply a relic of the past, but is an artistic tradition that is alive and well today. With this concert, we hope to present the living voice of Orthodox sacred music, as embodied in the works of several American composers.”
The first half of the program will include a world premiere of the striking new Canon of Saint Andrew by Nazo Zakkak, a 28-year-old composer from San Diego, CA, as well as works by the late Richard Toensing (1940-2014), recipient of numerous awards and grants including a Guggenheim Fellowship and a commission from the National Endowment for the Arts, and Kurt Sander, an award-winning composer who teaches at Northern Kentucky University.
The second half of the program features music by Benedict Sheehan, including the world premiere of his new composition, Opening Psalm, and a performance of Triduum Paschale, a three-movement work about the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ that met with enthusiastic acclaim when premiered at a benefit concert in New York last November.
Among those giving solo performances during the concert will be Portland-based baritone John Michael Boyer, known internationally for his work with Cappella Romana; soprano Laura Soto-Bayomi of the Chautauqua Opera Festival and 2015 finalist at the Metropolitan Opera Auditions; and mezzo-soprano Tynan Davis, whose voice is regularly heard in Grammy award-winning ensembles Conspirare and Roomful of Teeth and who last year joined the cast of the North American Tour of Phantom of the Opera. The choir will also be joined by renowned basso profundo Glenn Miller, a veteran of numerous recordings and concert stages, including Robert Shaw’s seminal recording of Rachmaninoff All-Night Vigil (1990) and Conspirare’s recent Grammy award-winning Sacred Spirit of Russia (2014).
Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for students. See the concert’s website for more information.
Corporate sponsors of the event include Renovation Angel, a national non-profit organization that recycles luxury kitchens and donates proceeds to charity, and the Patriarch Tikhon Russian American Music Institute, which is holding a weekend training seminar for Church singers that overlaps with the benefit concert. Additional corporate sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Seraphim Danckaert, STOTS Director of Mission Advancement, at 570-561-1818, ext. 104 for more information.
STOTS Commemorates the 60th Anniversary of St. Nikolai’s Repose - 03/18/16
Community chanted an Akathist composed by St. Nikolai of Zhicha, gathered at the site of his repose in the Seminary’s main building.
South Canaan, Pa (March 18, 2016) -- At the initial request of seminarians asking to specially mark the Feast Day of St. Nikolai of Zhicha, they discovered, together with Fr. Steven, seminary dean, that this is the 60th anniversary of his repose at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Members of the Seminary community gathered outside the saint’s former room to chant an Akathist and venerate his Icon and relics.
St. Nikolai, who is known internationally for his numerous theological and spiritual writings, including the Prologue from Ohrid, spent the last five years of his life here at St. Tikhon’s, where he taught classes, mentored seminarians, and served as the Seminary’s Rector. To learn more about the life of St. Nikolai, click here to see a write-up from the 1986 Tikhonaire.
He reposed on March 18, 1956 in his room in the seminary’s main building. A commemorative photo and short bio hangs in the hallway outside his former room (see photo in slideshow), serving as a daily reminder of his presence and protection.
The Akathist, written by St. Nikolai and dedicated to Jesus, the Conqueror of Death, was composed on Pascha, 1923. At that time St. Nikolai was Bishop of Ohrid. He had earlier composed “Prayers by the Lake” bearing the same name. For today’s service, one of the Prayers by the Lake focusing on prayer to Jesus as King and God, made public on Ancient Faith Radio, was read as the prayer after the Akathist. Then all gathered sang the Magnification for St. Nikolai before venerating his icon bearing relics.
Fr. Steven was joined for the Akathis by seminarians, faculty and administrative team members, and Fr. Stephen Kopestonsky. At the conclusion of the service he noted: “we take this opportunity today to prayerfully remember one of our saints who have walked on these grounds, and ask his intercession before Christ our Lord for our ongoing efforts toward pastoral formation: for the faculty, the seminarians, and all who continue to labor here.” “O Venerable Father Hierarch Nikolai, pray unto God for us!”
Photo Slideshows and Galleries working again!!! - 03/11/16
Due to some unexplained issue with picasa photos where our photos reside, our slideshows are not currently loading on St. Tikhon's website. We have been informed that picasa is being phased out later this year.
We apologize for this error and are currently trying to discover what can be done. Please be patient with us, recognizing that this is not due to the website, or with Orthodox Web Solutions who power it. Will update this message as new information is known.
Update on March 17, 2016: all are working again thanks to great assistance!!!
Seminary Dean Leads Retreat on Confession - 03/05/16
On Saturday, March 5th, Fr. Steven was invited to lead a family retreat on the topic of confession. Archpriest Michael Senyo, pastor of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Allison Park, Pennsylvania, has been actively scheduling educational programs for parish faithful, and asked Fr. Steven to lead this retreat.
Among the participants was Joel Brady (Class of 2015) who is now a parishioner of the cathedral, and Matushka Mary Wusylko, wife of Protodeacon Michael Wusylko, one of our seminary board members. Parish youth were invited to attend the morning session, and in the afternoon they participated in making prosphora that were used for commemoration of family members at Sunday's Liturgy.
Fr. Steven offered a brief historical sketch of confession, drawing upon the many icons in the nave of the church to highlight Scriptural accounts focused on repentance. In the afternoon he led the participants in reflecting upon the eight deadly thoughts attributed to Evagrius Ponticus, and developed further by St. John Cassian, whose feast day was just celebrated on this leap year. The overal focus was on the signfiicance of repentance at the core of confession. The retreat was well-planned in terms of timing to prepare parish faithful for the upcoming Great Lenten Journey.
Fr. Steven stayed at the cathedral during the remainder of the weekend, preaching during Sunday's Liturgy. He expressed heartfelt gratitude, both for the ongoing generosity of the cathedral community toward the work of the seminary, and for the depth of their hospitality. He shared his anticipation in returning with the Mission Choir in early April!
St. Tikhon’s Seminarians Present Papers at Patristics Conference - 03/03/16
On March 3-5, seminarians Deacon Mikel Hill, Marshall Goodge, and Jonathan Lincoln participated in the 12th Annual Graduate Student Conference in Patristic Studies at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary in Brookline, Massachusetts, sponsored by the Pappas Patristic Institute. The students presented academic papers, attended services at the campus chapel, and had many opportunities to get to know the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant scholars who attended the conference.
For the St. Tikhon’s students who participated, the conference was an opportunity for bridge-building, both within Eastern Orthodoxy and with those representing other Christian traditions. First, the conference afforded the St. Tikhon’s students the opportunity to share their unique perspective on the writings of the Fathers with the conference’s participants, specifically, the biblical-patristic mindset that is: acquired through the Church’s services, discussed in the classroom, and lived in the Orthodox Christian life.
Second, that very relationship between the spiritual life and academic study was brought into focus during the course of the conference. How can the academic study of the Fathers not merely inform us, but transform us if at the core union and communion with Christ is the goal? St. Tikhon’s students sought to witness this transformative power of a relationship with Christ, experienced in the Church of the Fathers, now in the present with: those to whom they presented their academic work, those who prayed with them in the chapel, and those whom they shared their meals with.
Those who participated in the conference are continuing to reflect on this experience with the hope of glimpsing the reality of transformation, while preparing to enter the Great Lenten journey.
The St. Tikhon’s pickup basketball team squared off against the formidable St. Vladimir’s again this past Friday afternoon.
The St. Tikhon’s team packed up after lunch and made the two and half hour drive to Yonkers. After a visit to the bookstore and some pre-game banter with the locals, they set off for Hooperstown, the basketball facility nearby, where they met their opponents sneaker to sneaker. Archpriest Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of St. Vladimir’s, opened the game with a prayer and encouraging words for both teams.
Despite an effort unmatched in recent Orthodox Theological Seminary basketball history, St. Tikhon’s lost to St. Vladimir’s by “a considerable amount,” one spectator recalled. “The boys from PA just couldn’t get their defense, or offense for that matter, together in time. St. Vlad’s came out strong and stayed strong.”
The evening was rounded out by a generous pizza dinner hosted by St. Vladimir’s in their own Germack Hall, where the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) was also gathered. Seminarians from Holy Cross (Boston) and Holy Trinity (Jordanville) were also in attendance. After some encouraging fellowship, the St. Tikhon’s boys gathered in the van for the late night drive home. Their heads were held high as they strategized for next year; optimistically anticipating that the top four players from St. Vladimir’s would graduate in May.
If you would like to join the St. Tikhon’s basketball team (and attend seminary), be sure to attend the upcoming Vocations Retreat, titled: “The Priest: A Vessel of Clay in the Potter’s Hand.” For more information, click here.
(Story written and edited by seminarians Dn. John Kennerk and Andrew Nelko)
Spring OISM Gathering Held at St. Vladimir's Seminary - 02/26/16
On Friday February 26th, five seminarians from St. Tikhon's traveled to St. Vladimir's Seminary to join with students from Holy Trinity Seminary (Jordanville) and Holy Cross/Hellenic College for the spring gathering of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM). OISM provides a forum for students from different Orthodox seminaries and theological schools to meet one another, visit respective institutions, fellowship, attend lectures and discuss topics of interest to future servants of the Church.
Following the annual STOTS vs SVS basketball game Friday evening, students renewed old friendships and made new ones while chatting over pizza and snacks. The OISM retreat officially began Saturday morning with a molieben, followed by a campus tour. The highlights of the day included a series of talks by Father Vladimir and Matushka Suzanne Aleandro, who shared about their experiences of missionary work among the Turkana people of Northern Kenya, and by Fr. Chad Hatfield, who spoke about Orthodox missiology with a particular focus on the changing religious landscape in America and the world today, and the need for greater Orthodox witness and mission. Afterwards, an OISM general meeting was held and new officers were elected, including St. Tikhon's Megan Haak who will continue to serve as OISM Secretary. (Timothy Winegar has completed his term as OISM President.
The weekend culminated in the celebration of the divine services together, with vigil Saturday evening and a hierarchical liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Irénée, Archbishop of Ottawa and the Archdiocese of Canada, along with an ordination to the priesthood on Sunday morning. The seminarians returned home following a meal together Sunday afternoon, thankful to God for the friendships made and strengthened over the weekend and for the rewarding time spent together. A special thanks also to St. Vladimir's Seminary for hosting the Spring OISM meeting and for their gracious hospitality throughout the weekend.
(Story written by Seminarians Timothy Winegar and Megan Haak)
St. Tikhon’s Century Association Announces Special Event - 02/25/16
St. Tikhon’s Century Association presents Hospitality A La Russe on Sunday, May 15, 2016. This awesome annual event will be held at St. John’s Russian Cathedral Center, 703 Hill Street, Mayfield, PA. You can download a flyer here with all the information.
The doors open at 3pm, and besides wonderful traditional Russian cuisine, you will have the opportunity to hear the Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra. There are also many opportunities to financially support this event, with all proceeds benefitting St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Please consult the flyer for contact information to be part of this wonderful event!
Ordination of Seminarian Mikel Hill to the Diaconate - 02/20/16
Seminarian Mikel Hill was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Alexander, Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese on Saturday, February 20th, at St. Elia the Prophet Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Akron Ohio. Mikel is a second-year seminarian at St. Tikhon's Seminary, and is student director of the Mission Choir.
Benedict Sheehan, Choir Director and Music Professor for the monastery and seminary, respectively, led the mission choir, accompanied by several of his children.
May God grant Deacon Mikel, Matushka Rachel, and their three daughters many blessed years!
St. Tikhon's to Host Annual Vocations Retreat on Lazarus Saturday - 02/18/16
South Canaan, Pa (February 18, 2016) -- Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary will host its annual Vocations Retreat on Friday and Saturday, April 22-23, 2016.
"For many years, men from multiple Orthodox jurisdictions have been coming to St. Tikhon's on Lazarus Saturday for a spiritual retreat designed specifically to help them discern their calling to serve the Lord and His Church," Archpriest Dr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, said. "We look forward to continuing that sacred tradition, and spending some time together in prayer, reflection, and fellowship at the very beginning of Holy Week."
The theme of this year’s retreat will be "The Priest: A Vessel of Clay in the Potter's Hand."
During the retreat, guests will have the opportunity to join with the seminary community and monastery brotherhood in prayer, tour the monastery and seminary grounds, hear talks and join in discussions about priestly ministry, and meet the Seminary's dean, faculty, and students.
There is no cost to participate in the retreat. Please click here to access a retreat poster. To register, or to obtain more information, please contact the Seminary at 570-561-1818 or
The Mission Choir visited St. John the Baptist Church, Campbell, Ohio, over the weekend of February 13-14, 2016. This was an incredibly joyous celebration led by His Grace, Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest. Fr. Andrew D. Nelko (STOTS Class of 1981), father of our current seminarian Andrew Nelko is parish pastor, and serving with him was Dn. David Gemmel.
The Mission Choir was visited by Fr. Gabriel Bilas (STOTS Class of 2015), who joined in singing the responses during Great Vespers. The parish hosted a dinner for parishioners and choir members following Vespers. On Sunday we celebrated a hierarchical Divine Liturgy, followed by an incredible steak luncheon. The Mission Choir sang a brief concert during the luncheon. We are most grateful for the warm hospitality shown by St. John the Baptist parish! Thank you to Nathanael Nelko who forwarded some of the photos in the gallery.
In Memoriam: Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalski) - 02/05/16
Archimandrite Athanasy fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, February 5th. He was a much loved member of the St. Tikhon's community. Please click here to see a brief write-up on our OCA website, or here to see the same plus service schedule from St. Tikhon's Monastery.
Upon arriving at St. Tikhon's in 2012, and continuing as guardian of the Miraculous Icon of the Righteous Anna, Archimandrite Athanasy began investing his life and years of ministry service in the lives of the seminarians. Archimandrite Sergius, Monastery Igumen, appointed him as Seminarian Chaplain in the summer of 2013 while serving as Interim Dean. Fr. Athanasy also taught liturgical practicum courses for as long as his health allowed. Many seminarians also saw him as their confessor. He delighted in having informal time with seminarians, sharing a meal for example.
Before becoming too ill to regularly serve at the monastery church, Fr. Athanasy marked 50 years of ordained ministry. May Archimandrite Athanasy's memory be eternal.
Ordinations on Feast of the Presentation of our Lord - 02/02/16
His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest, was the main celebrant at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church for the Vigil and Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple. During the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Paul ordained two St. Tikhon's seminarians from the Diocese of the Midwest. Dn. David Gresham was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, and Basil Ferguson was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
Concelebrating together with Bishop Paul were: Archimandrite Sergius, Igumen of St. Tikhon's Monastery, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, St. Tikhon's Seminary Dean, Archpriest Daniel Degyansky (STS Class of 1991), a VA Chaplain and Rector of St. John Chryostom Church, Woodside, NY, The Rev. John Brown, Federal Bureau of Prisons Chaplain, attached to St. John the Wonderworker Church, Atlanta, Georgia, and Hieromonk Innokenty (Chmerko), of the Monastery Brotherhood.
Please take time to look at the many meaningful photos capturing the ordinations, taken by several seminarians, Monk Maxim, and Jessica Fuhrman. Axios! May God grant many blessed years to the newly ordained Fr. David Gresham, Dn. Basil Ferguson, and their families!
During the luncheon following the Divine Liturgy, Timothy Winegar, President of Student Government, presented Fr. David a wooden pectoral cross from all his classmates with funds raised through the work of Student Government!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association Hosts St. Tatiana Luncheon - 01/28/16
The Century Association, led by President Sarah Jubinski, hosted the annual St. Tatiana’s Luncheon on Thursday, January 28th. The luncheon meal was surpassed only by the wonderful deserts that had also been prepared! St. Tatiana, a second-century martyr, is the patron saint of students. This identification occurred in the context of the Empress Elizabeth founding the Moscow University on her feast day in 1755. St. Tatiana Chapel remains an integral part of that university today.
Sarah shared that the icon of St. Tatiana that resides in the dining hall was carried in 2009 by her, together with Mary Sernak, all the way from Russia to be presented to the Seminary! Sarah shared about the work of the Century Association, and a check totaling $6,000 was presented to the seminary as a first donation in the new year. Most all the Century Association Board and many members were present for the luncheon, and were photographed together.
Both Fr. Steven, Dean, and Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement expressed gratitude in receiving the Century Association Donation, presented by Sarah Jubinski and Archpriest Joseph Martin (Spiritual Advisor). For those who would like to join the Century Association, please see the Benefactor page. Each member contributes at least $100 to the association.
FOCA Moleben and Dinner at St. Michael Church, Jermyn, PA - 01/24/16
It is truly a blessing to be able to reinstate the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) Chapter, 121, here at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. FOCA has been really gracious to the seminary and the families throughout the years. We restarted the chapter in order to show our support and recognition for all the work they do and to help grow the FOCA so that they can continue their dedication to serving and assisting the Orthodox Church in America.
The St. Tikhon’s FOCA Chapter hosted a dinner for the local parishes in the Wilkes-Barre Deanery on January 24, 2016. The dinner began with a Moleben for beginning of a charitable work at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA. After the Moleben all were invited to St. Michael’s Center for a lovely dinner. A band consisting of seminarians and professors called the Dogmatixs entertained the faithful before several guest speakers spoke regarding their time at St. Tikhon’s and the FOCA chapter during their time. St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir also sang.
We were truly blessed to have the Very Rev. Eugene Pianovich, a 1950 Alum of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, speak. Fr. Eugene’s class was the first class to begin a FOCA chapter at St. Tikhon’s back in 1947. I can’t think of any better way to restart the chapter at St. Tikhon’s than a Moleben and having one of the people responsible for starting the chapter almost 65 years ago in attendance.
Nearly $500 was collected at the dinner which will be used toward the work of the chapter!
We would like to thank everyone who came out to support the starting of our new FOCA chapter at St. Tikhon’s!
On Wednesday, January 20th, Fr. Steven gathered in the St. Nikolai of Zhicha Seminary Chapel together with faculty, administrative team members, and students to bless the main administrative building as the spring semester got underway. In addition, later in the day both the Archbishop Kiprian Women’s Dormitory and the Metropolitan Leonty Men’s Dormitory were blessed. May the Lord Jesus Christ, who deigned to be baptized by John in the River Jordan, bless all those who work, study, and teach, at the seminary!
Have you thought about attending St. Tikhon's Seminary? - 01/17/16
As we prepare to enter the New Year, perhaps you are reflecting on your vocational journey. Is God calling you to serve in His vineyard? Come to visit St. Tikhon's Seminary as classes resume on January 18th to experience life at the seminary, sit in on classes, visit with current students, and talk to our dean, registrar, and others. Attend services at the monastery church.
Please also take a moment to listen to an introductory video (link below) where you will hear from many at the seminary about their experience of seminary life! As you think about a possible seminary vocation, please note that our new Seminary Bulletin is now posted online with updated information regarding St. Tikhon's Seminary, and our application has recently been revised.
You can contact us at 570.561.1818 or by e-mail at . We will be praying for you!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary FOCA Chapter to host Dinner - 01/15/16
St. Tikhon's Seminary FOCA Chapter will be hosting a dinner at St. Michael's Orthodox Church Center on Sunday, January 24th, at 4pm. Please click here for an event poster. Please contact Andrew.Nelko@stots.eduto register or for more information.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary participated again in the ceremony of the Love Lites at Wayne Memorial Hospital on December 14th. The Honesdale Chamber Choir also came to sing. The hospital’s President and Chief Executive Officer participated in this event that is focused both on remembering family members during the holiday season and raises funds for the hospital.
Joyce Malicky, Volunteer Coordinator, who assists our seminarians in visiting patients at the hospital, arranged for our group to sing Christmas carols on the floors. It was wonderful to share the gift of song during this holy season of preparation with those who are hospitalized, and the staff who are caring for them.
Matthew Joyner Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 12/13/15
Today, on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers and the Commemoration of the Repose of St. Herman of Alaska, 2nd year seminarian Matthew Joyner was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. Dn. Matthew will continue to travel with Archbishop Mark on archpastoral parish visitations as he completes his studies.
St. Tikhon’s would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to the newly ordained Deacon Matthew, and Matushka Ashley as they begin the next phase of their ministry. Thank you to Seminarian John Kennerk who took the photos included in the gallery.
OCEC Offers Training at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 12/12/15
The Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC) came to St. Tikhon's Seminary on Saturday, December 12th. V. Rev. George Alberts, Khouria Anna Hughes, and Matushka Myra Kovalak prepared a full day's training program for seminarians and seminary wives. Fr. Steven welcomed them in the morning as sessions got underway. Two tracks were offered: Teacher Training (part I) (with Fr. George and Khouria Anna), and Church School Director training (with Mat. Myra). In addition, they brought a number of resources for everyone to review.
Many seminarians commented on the value of this day of training. The OCEC is a multi-jurisdictional organization, under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, and offers training around the country for those engaged in religious education, utilizing resources developed by all our Orthodox Churches here in North America. Click here to view their website. Seminarians not only received training, but also now are aware of this resource that they can call upon in parish communities. OCEC asks that when they are requested, that all jurisdictional parishes in a locality be invited to participate. What a wonderful example of collaboration!
We are grateful to our three presenters for all they shared with us, and very grateful to Maria Sheehan and those working with her who did most of the coordination making this event possible!
Mission Choir Visits New England on St. Nicholas Day - 12/06/15
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir visited Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Meriden on Sunday, December 6th, and then headed to Three Saints Church in Ansonia for a concert on Sunday afternoon. The mission choir, led by Benedict Sheehan, sang the responses at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. The choir celebrated the return of J.J. Kotalick (Class of 2015) who was visiting from the State of Washington. Fr. Steven, Seminary Dean, concelebrated with Fr. Joshua Mosher and preached. Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement addressed the congregation at the end of the Liturgy. Fr. Joshua shared his joy in having Fr. Steven back in New England after having served as pastor of St. Alexis Church in Clinton, a sister parish in the deanery for fifteen years.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir Offers St. Nicholas Day Concert - 12/06/15
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir offered a concert at Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT, on Sunday afternoon, December 6th. This concert was hosted by the parish and co-sponsored by the CT Deanery of the Diocese of New England. The Mission Choir, including J.J. Kotalick (Class of 2015) who was visiting the seminary, was directed by Benedict Sheehan, sang a selection of liturgical hymns from Vigil and Divine Liturgy and music from the Christmas season. Benedict was also featured as a soloist in the Nativity Magnification by Dodonov. Fr. Steven and Fr. Patrick Burns, current pastor, both shared having first visited Three Saints Church during seminary choir trips, and Matushka Cindy Voytovich presently serves with Fr. Patrick as Choir Director for the parish.
Nearly 200 clergy and faithful from the area came to hear the concert during the Advent season! Fr. Steven thanked the many donors who made this concert possible, including the efforts of Fr. Patrick and faithful from Three Saints Church who offered delicious light sandwiches, finger-food-appetizers, and wine following the concert , and a number of local funeral directors and other donors contributing to the concert. Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement, announced during the reception that all donations made during the concert would be doubled! All the proceeds from the concert will go toward the work of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and in particular scholarships for mission choir members who commit to these regular parish visitations throughout the academic year.
On Thursday, November 26th was the formal valedictory program of the Bicentenary of the Theological Seminary. We began with memorial prayers in the seminary chapel for the founder, Pulikottil Joseph Mar Dionysius I, Metropolitan and founder of the Seminary, then processed to the new seminary building for the formal program. We briefly convened with those presiding at the formal event before entering the auditorium. It should be well noted that Kerala’s Chief Secretary, Jiji Thomson, shown with his wife, has been a life-long Orthodox Christian and involved with the church-community surrounding the seminary.
After presentations by all on the dais that included Fr. Konat (far left looking at photo, who teaches at the seminary and is the holder of the Syriac texts we visited earlier in the week). To his right is Fr. Dr. Jacob Kurien, most recent Principal of the Seminary, under whose watch most of the bicentennial celebration were planned. Immediately preceding the Governor’s presentation was Kerala’s Chief Secretary, who gave an impassioned presentation including the need for “self introspection with regard to the mission of the church”, and that people must “spread the gospel across the world”.
All, including the Catholicos, participated in lighting the lamp before the Governor’s presentation. Kerala’s Governor, Justice P Sathasivam, offered the main address of the bicentennial celebration. He was then presented by a gift from the Catholicos and seminary. The seminary choir followed by singing the national anthem. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony, all gathered for a festive luncheon.
After lunch with the dignitaries we returned briefly to the hotel before getting underway to the airport. On the way we stopped at St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, believed to have been founded by the Apostle Thomas. Each of the delegation members were graced with a ceremonial cloth as we entered the church. We visited a reliquary is there also. The icon presented in a photo is an example of Malankara iconography. Metropolitan Nicholovos’ family attended this parish early on in his life, relaying directly the oral tradition of Apostle Thomas founding this church. That oral tradition remains alive in this parish community.
Later on we visited Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Parumala, where the remains of Saint Geevarghese Mar Gregorios or Parumala Thirumeni are entombed. There is a seminary there also. One photo shows Metropolitan Nicholovos and Tikhon at the reliquary, and a second photo shows the reliquary itself. Later prayers were offered inside the church, after which the faithful approached Metropolitan Tikhon to receive an icon of St. Herman that he shared throughout this trip.
Before making the final approach to the airport, we visited Matha Mariam Church of Matha Mariam Ashram, Pawdikonam, Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala. The Metropolitan, Dr. Gabriel Mar Gregorios, is the leader of the External Affairs Department putting our trip together, hosting us. We celebrated a brief service in the chapel before enjoying an evening meal on this small mountain-top, in open air. Gifts were exchanged between Metropolitan Gregorios and Metropolitan Tikhon. Metropolitan Tikhon gave hand crosses to both Fr. Abraham Thomas (left) and Fr. Aswin Fernandis, who were the planners, directors and guides for the whole of this trip. After a brief time of rest, Metropolitan Gregorios accompanied us to the airport at 2am, and facilitated our entrance to the airport to be hassle free as we waited in a lounge with him and our guides.
Two brief comments in closing this reflection. The first heartfelt expression is that we were shown such hospitality during the whole of our trip by the Malankara Church, and what an honor it was to participate in the bicentennial celebration! Thank you to all who obviously put so much time and energy into planning for such a wonderful and meaningful series of events. I return home knowing that I will be reflecting on these events for significant time to come.
The second comment is made amidst the rhetoric that is free flowing here at home in recent months. The state of Kerala has about the population of our country. As was explained during our time together, about half the population is of the Hindu faith. The other half is divided fairly evenly between Muslim and Christian faiths. It was incredible to hear our hosts repeatedly share just how well they all get along with each other, and have for a long time.
Today would be the fullest day of our journey, especially for Fr. John and Fr. Steven. All three members of the delegation participated in a meeting with gathered Kottayam Seminary faculty. As Fr. Steven and Fr. John would later reflect on together, both OCA deans were similarly consulting with the seminary faculty in terms of measuring the effectiveness of their current program. The faculty continued to highly value the contributions of Metropolitan Paulose Mar Gregorios. They were encouraged to draw from this example, and to continue his example in making their curriculum relevant to the changing cultural dynamics. It was quite moving to particpate in consulting in this way, with both OCA schools being witnessed as working together. Metropolitan Nicholovos also participated in the faculty meeting. Fr. Steven presented an icon and Tikhonaire to Fr. Dr. O. Thomas, principal of Kottayam Seminary, whose field is also pastoral theology!
It was the next series of events that became most meaningful for Fr. Steven. Seminarians had researched the backgrounds of both Fr. Steven and Fr. John, and then proceeded to interview each on the basis of their research. While Fr. John was being interviewed, Fr. Steven was given a brief tour of the museum. As Fr. Steven sat down for his interview, he queried the seminarians, and at the end offered them encouragement on their very creative plan!
In the afternoon was a Seminar on Theological Anthropology. Fr. Steven was asked to present from the perspective of pastoral theology, so his presentation topic was: The Practice of Virtue in our Technological Age. It was thought that the seminar would include a new edition of Metropolitan Gregorios' Cosmic Man. With this being the case he wove some of the Metropolitan's work into the presentation, as well as encouragement of seminarians attending the seminar to draw from St. Gregory of Nyssa's engagement of contemporary thinkers and writers in order to similarly engage contemporary thinkers and writers in our age. Fr. Dr. Bijesh Philip was the moderator, and besides Fr. John Behr's presentation, Rev. Dr. K.M. George gave a presentation.
In the evening, the Catholicos received our delegation with others at the Chapel of the Headquarters for the Malankara Church. First we prayed in the church, then we visited a reliquary of St. Thomas in a room with many portraits of church leaders. The banner for the church, seen in several places, quoted St. Thomas' words: "My Lord and My God."
At the official recpetion gifts were exchanged, with our Metropolitan giving both a wooden panagia and a pocket watch to the Catholicos, and receiving him, among other gifts, the very cross he had been given to bless the gathered students at the seminary the day before! Fr. John and Fr. Steven were also given gifts. Metropolitan Tikhon then offered a brief address and turned on a video presentation of the new Malankara Church's website. Click here to view the website. After the official reception, the Catholicos invited all those gathered to dinner together. As it was Thanksgiving, the delegation was asked to share about this celebration in America.
Today we began our more official functions. The day began with the Liturgy celebrated in the Kottayam Seminary Chapel. Among the first persons to greet us upon arrival was Deacon Basil Kuriakose (Class of 2015) who is continuing his liturgical serving training upon graduating from St. Tikhon's. He was so enthusiastic in seeing us in India. Unfortunately his family is still not with him there, so we did not have opportunity to meet them.
Upon the completion of the Liturgy, the celebrants, together with Metropolitan Tikhon, were given copies of early writings of Metropolitan Paulose Mar Gregorios, who is remembered as setting the seminary on its present trajectory. Prayers were then offered for Metropolitan Gregorios and Metropolitan Pulikottil Joseph Dionysius I, founder of the seminary.
After these prayers were concluded, a most moving procession occurred. Students from a school some three hours away that Metropolitan Gregorios also founded, traveled here to process to the old seminary building. They, together with seminarians, lined the balcony of this now historic building. Finally deacons began chanting to announce the arrival of the hierarchs. The Catholicos, brother bishops, and Metropolitan Tikhon all blessed those who were gathered.
Later in the afternoon we journeyed to Mar Baselios Monastery, Njaliakuzhy, for the inauguration of the Sopana Academy. the academy, in a new building on the monastery grounds, will focus on education for interested Orthodox persons on a variety of topics. Dr. K.M. George is the director of the academy. Metropolitan Tikhon joined the Catholicos in lighting a ceremonial lamp. Then they all addressed those gathered. Both Fr. Behr and Fr. Steven were asked to share brief comments. At the table were deans of four seminaries, Fr. Dr. O. Thomas from Kottayam, and Fr. Dr. Bijesh Philip, from St. Thomas Seminary, Nagpur. After this Metropolitan Tikhon cut the ribbon for library to be part of the academy.
After some refreshments we headed back to the hotel, stopping at another church on the way back. Fr. Abraham took Fr. John and Fr. Steven out for a brief walk in the area that included sharing some beer, refreshments, and conversation. On the way back we together rode in one of the three wheeled motorized taxis!
Today was one of the most relaxing days of our trip. We checked out of our first hotel in the morning, and our belongings were taken to a hotel closer to Kottayam. We traveled to Kumarakom. In this area are inlet waters off of the Arabian Sea. At a resort area, we were treated to a most relaxing boat trip on these waters. As we took in the beauty of nature in this area, we had the opportunity for relaxed conversation with our hosts. Moreover, Fr. John Behr had the opportunity to visit with a former student, now at one of the area monasteries, who joined us on this trip.
Later we visited St. Mary's Church in Cheriyapally, established in 1579. In visiting the churches we began by praying at the altar, then having some light refreshments. Though this is not the original church, the iconography is quite striking. Please watch for entries for our more official events in the coming days.
Metropolitan Tikhon was invited by the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church to Kerala India for the 200th anniversary of their Seminary in Kottayam. Metropolitan Tikhon in turn invited Archpriest John Behr, Dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary, and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary to accompany him. To see the official write-up of this visitation, please click here to be redirected to our OCA website.
The hospitality extended to us was quite extraordinary! What follows will be a brief daily log of events, some of which occurred before and after the official events related to the bicentennial celebration, to capture and share more informally the events of our journey.
In the very early morning of Sunday, November 22nd, our delegation arrived at Kochi International Airport. We were immediately met by Fr. Abraham Thomas and Fr. Aswin Fernandis, who accompanied us throughout the course of the week. Fr. Abraham represents the External Affairs Department of the Diocese. After some rest at our hotel, we made some initial excursions. Joining us was Metropolitan Nicholovos who also has offices in Muttontown, NY, almost neighbor to Metropolitan Tikhon in Oyster Bay Cove! All three were so generous of their time and energy with us during the course of the week.
Our first stop was near an existing synagogue. As we got out of our vehicle, we were nearly surrounded by young people who were marching and beating drums very enthusiastically. As we watched, an open-air vehicle revealed a newly married couple. Those before them were announcing their passage through the town!
According to local tradition, when the Jewish Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem in 70 AD, some of the local Jewish community traveled as far as Kerala to re-establish their homes. The synagogue was thriving at one time, but most of the Jews have since relocated away from this area. Our delegation had the opportunity to see some of the history, and walk through the synagogue. After some refreshments at a Chinese restaurant and repository of antique wooden carvings, we headed off in cars again.
Later in the afternoon we visited St. John Orthodox Church in Pampakuda. The Rev. Dr. Johns Abraham Konat is the pastor (second from the right in the church photo). He in turn showed us a repository of Syriac manuscripts kept onsite. Some of these manuscripts were created by Fr. Konat's ancestors, as he is the 23rd generation of clergy in his family serving this church! Some family lineage and other writings are preserved on palm leaves between wood bindings! Some of the manuscripts have historical value that is difficult to measure.
Upon returning to our hotel we had dinner together. Incredible first day.
St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir visited Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport, PA, on Sunday, November 22nd. The mission choir joined in the congregational singing of the responses during the Divine Liturgy and then offered a brief concert in the fellowship hall during coffee hour. Archpriest Daniel Kovalak (St. Tikhon’s Class of 1974) has been the pastor of this parish since it began as a mission. Archpriest Dennis Swencki, the seminary’s Chief Financial Officer, concelebrated with his classmate and preached the homily.
In reflecting on his visit, Fr. Dennis stated: “It was a personally jubilant and heartwarming experience to share the altar with my Brother and fellow classmate Fr. Daniel and experience firsthand his leadership in developing a startup mission Parish and for the past 38 years dedicate his life to his people and their Church. Fr. Dan continues to serve as a gifted example for our St. Tikhon’s Seminary students.” Fr. Daniel has taught seminarians in the area of mission development for the past twenty years, and presented at our fall lecture series in October.
His Beatitude Tikhon, Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church in America, asked Archpriest John Behr, Dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary, and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, to accompany him to Kerala India, for the 200th anniversary of the Seminary in Kottayam! They will be traveling together for a week, beginning Friday, Nov. 20th, between this historic seminary and a sister seminary in Nagpur (also identified as STOTS!). Please check back here for updates during the course of the week, and photographs as well!
The seminaries in Kottayam and Nagpur are part of the Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church. Both St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's have had Malankara seminarians from this region studying here in North America, so we look forward to seeing alumni in the course of our trip!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Field Education Elevation - 11/17/15
Seminarians completing their field education at SCI Waymart have been elevated from volunteer to intern status this fall! This facility is one of three local institutions where our seminarians are currently ministering as part of their field education.
Those in the above photo from our meeting on November 17th were, from right to left: Joseph Grillo, Interim Corrections Classification and Program Manager, The Rev. Don Schaible, Facility Chaplaincy Program Director, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Seminary Field Education Director. In the midst of this elevation and another important focus of this meeting was negotiation of a contract formalizing the relationship between these two institutions. “This relationship has been in place for 27 years” according to Fr. John, and “today we celebrate another significant step!”
Till Morn Eternal Breaks: Benefit Concert Featuring Compositions by Benedict Sheehan - 11/12/15
Well over 300 people attended this concert of both liturgical music and other music arising out of the Orthodox ethos and experience composed for concert performance, all from the hand of Benedict Sheehan! Benedict directed the St. Tikhon's Monastery Chamber Choir, a group of professional singers both in and beyond the Orthodox Church, as they sang selections from both types of compositions.
Among those attending the concert were His Beatitude Tikhon, Metropolitan of our Orthodox Church in America, His Eminence Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, and His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Manhattan of the Eastern Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia. With them were Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, Archimandrite Sergius, Igumen of the Monastery of St. Tikhon's, and Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
The St. Tikhon's community is most grateful for the warm hopsitality offered by Fr. Richard D. Baker and the Church of St. John Nepomucene Church in New York City. Fr. Baker hosted a reception for benefactors in his rectory before the concert, and then a reception was held in their hall for all those attending the concert. He was presented with an Icon of Christ our Lord at the end of the concert in recognition of all his contributions toward this wonderful concert.
Benedict Sheehan currently serves as the Director of the St. Tikhon's Monastery Choir, and both teaches liturgical music and leads our seminary choirs, including the Mission Choir that regularly visits parishes during the academic year. When we reference the synergy between St. Tikhon's Monastey and Seminary, Benedict himself actively reflects this synergy.
St. Tikhon's is grateful for the many sponsors that made this program possible, and for the work of our new Director of Mission Advancement, Seraphim Danckaert, who put the concert plans together and sought the participation of our benefactors. Thank you also to the St. Tikhon's Bookstore Manager, Innocent Neal, who handled ticket sales and assisted with video and photographic coverage of the concert. Proceeds from this concert will benefit the seminary.
Compact Discs of the Monastery Chamber Choir singing many of the hymns shared live at this concert are available from the Monastery Bookstore. You can click here to connect with the Bookstore website.
Thank you to the singers of the Monastery Chamber Choir who brought these compositions to life for all those attending this evening's concert, and Benedict for his work to elevate Orthodox liturgical music here in North America!
Archpriest Joseph Martin celebrates 50th Anniversary of Ordination - 11/07/15
Archpriest Joseph Martin (Class of 1963), celebrated his 50th annivesary of ordination on Saturday, November 7th. The celebration began with Divine Liturgy at Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral where he served for twenty years before retirement. His Eminence Mark, Archbishop of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, presided at the Liturgy with both diocesan clergy and Archimandrite Sergius and Archpriest Steven Voytovich from St. Tikhon's.
At the end of the Liturgy he was given a Synodal Grammota, he and Matushka Gloria were given a Grammota from the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. He was also given a pectoral cross from St. Tikhon's Seminary, in recognition of his years of active service on the seminary board (longest serving active member), and serving as spiritual advisor for the Century Association, that raises funds for the seminary. Matushka Gloria has faithfully served on the Century Association with Fr. Joseph.
The celebration continued with a wonderful luncheon at Gennetti's in Wilkes-Barre. Fellow chaplains from the VA Hospital that he serves with, many local clergy, family members, and many others came together to share in the joy of this anniversary.
May God grant Archpriest Joseph and Matushka Gloria many blessed years!
Thank you to David Mills of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre for the photos!
On Tuesday, October 27th, Archpriest Dan Kovalak shared the fourth and final segment of our Adult Education Series focused on Expanding the Mission, the theme of this past summer's All-American Council.
Archpriest Daniel entered St. Tikhon’s Seminary right out of high school in greater Cleveland, Ohio, and graduated in 1974 from the undergraduate program. He married Myra (Pianovich) in 1976 and was ordained to the diaconate. For two years he served at the Christ the Savior Church in Miami where he assisted in the founding of new missions, and preparations for the founding the Diocese of the South itself. Following ordination in 1978 he began his tenure at Holy Cross Church, Williamsport, bringing the parish from mission to full parish status. He has served at virtually all levels of church life in the OCA as well as strong representation in his local community. Most recently he was a presenter at our newly established mission school. He has been adjunct faculty member here at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, teaching pastoral theology, for the past twenty years.
Fr. Daniel shared, from the Exodus story, the Lord’s command to Moses on Mount Sinai. “Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me an offering; … And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.” (Exodus 25:2, 8) Fr. Daniel spoke with great enthusiasm how the Lord of the Old Testament expressed such desire to dwell with His people. He then expanded this calling from the Old Testament, bringing it to our present age in calling upon those gathered to do all we can to build sanctuary for God to dwell with us, and for all those who are searching for life in the midst of our broken world can find refuge.
To punctuate his presentation, Fr. Dan shared sobering statistics about how our nation is increasingly turning away from God, fueling the very call for sanctuary to be built.
This has been a most meaningful lecture series for those able to attend. Please check back for updates as we hope to post the videos from each of the lectures in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday, October 20, the Saint Tikhon’s community had the blessing of being visited by Archimandrite Tryphon, Abbot of All-Merciful Saviour Monastery on Vashon Island, Washington State. A larger-than-usual crowd consisting both of members of the seminary community and visitors gathered in the monastery trapeza to hear Abbot Tryphon speak on his ministry on Vashon island and the surrounding area. Archimandrite Tryphon gave an account of his own journey to Orthodoxy from a background in psychology, as well as his work as a police and fire chaplain. He further recounted his work with youth on Vashon Island and the Pacific Northwest as a whole, and the growth of his electronic media presence leading to his current Ancient Faith podcast and blog, The Morning Offering. Fr. Tryphon also emphasised the necessity of involvement in the community at large for the expansion of our mission, as well as engaging people where they are in life. After the talk, Fr. Tryphon answered questions from the audience, and then tarried with a large group of the seminarians for some continued discussion. (Reflection written by Seminarian Marshall Goodge)
On the evening of November 1st, the St. Tikhon's community gathered together for a Fall Harvest Party. Seminarians, seminary families, faculty, and others gathered for an evening of fellowship, activities, and just plain fun, as shown in the photos below!
Please see changes to our website that now features Videos related to seminary life! Find tab right between News and Events, and Contact Information or click here. Videos posted there were recently shot at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Hosts Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Gathering - 10/23/15
From October 23rd - 25th, 2015, 30 students from five Orthodox seminaries joined the seminarians at St. Tikhon's for the bi-annual gathering of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM)! Participating schools included: St. Vladimir's Seminary, Crestwood, NY, Holy Cross/Hellenic College, Brookline MA, Holy Trinity Seminary - Jordanville, NY, Christ the Savior Seminary - Johnstown, PA, and St. Herman's Seminary - Kodiak, AK.
Founded in the 1960's and revived in 2003, OISM seeks to foster fellowship and cooperation among Orthodox seminary and theology students. The event this weekend seemed to do exactly that, as students were encouraged by learning about and from each other through praying together, sharing meals, discussing pertinent issues, and experiencing the life at St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery.
This fall's gathering focused on the theme of Expanding the Mission of the Orthodox Church. The weekend began Friday evening with an opening Molieben for the OISM Gathering, celebrated by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, dean, with icons present in the seminary chapel from many of the participating schools. This was followed by a talk from Archimandrite Sergius, the Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, on the spiritual life that necessarily forms the core of Church growth on any level. Saturday's events began with Divine Liturgy for St. Demetrius Saturday. Two discussion sessions followed, in which students shared ideas, insights, and questions with each other regarding parish growth, mission, and evangelism. One session was facilitated by Dr. David Ford from St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and the second by Archpriest John Reeves from State College in PA. Discussions and sharing continued informally over meals and around a bonfire later that evening. Many remained for Saturday Vigil and Sunday Divine Liturgy celebrated in the Monastery Church.
It was encouraging to have such a large gathering, with representation from so many schools, and to see new friendships made and relationships grow over the course of the two days. Students came from a wide variety of backgrounds and even countries – Australia, India, Russia, Serbian, Uganda, Canada and the U.S. – and found that they have common concerns and desires for the health and growth of Christ's Church. This common ground gives hope for continued dialogue, collaboration, and spiritual fellowship.
Megan Haak, OISM Secretary, and co-facilitator of the weekend's events, shared her thoughts as the weekend concluded: "I was greatly encouraged by the size of the group that came – this being the largest attendance for an OISM gathering in the past couple of years – and by the conversations that happened over the course of the weekend. There was a feeling of warmth, respect, and eagerness for sharing and collaborating with each other that was wonderful to experience in a pan-Orthodox gathering like this."
At the Sunday brunch for participants, Fr. Steven thanked Megan and Timothy Winegar, current OISM President, both from St. Tikhon’s Seminary, for their many hours of work and preparation for this gathering, along with many others helping them. Seminarians assisting in taking the many photos now available for this event included: Andrew Nelko, Andrew Bohush, and John Kennerk.
Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon's Monastery Dedicates upcoming Sacred Music Concert - 10/17/15
Performance of New Sacred Music to Honor the Memory of Fr. Matthew Baker
Professional Vocal Ensemble Giving Benefit Concert in Manhattan on November 12
SOUTH CANAAN, PA (October 16, 2015) - Benedict Sheehan, the artistic director of the Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, is dedicating the world premiere performance of one of his original compositions to the memory of Fr. Matthew Baker, a friend and fellow alumnus of St. Tikhon’s Seminary who passed away earlier this year in a tragic car accident.
The performance will take place as part of “Till Morn Eternal Breaks,” a benefit concert for the seminary being held in New York City on November 12 at the Roman Catholic church of St. John Nepomucene at 66th and 1st Ave.
Following Fr. Matthew’s untimely death, thousands of people across the United States rallied to aid his widow, Presbytera Katherine, and six young children, resulting in a viral online fundraiser currently featured as No. 4 in the “All-Time Most Successful GoFundMe Campaigns.”
“Fr. Matthew Baker was one of those rare, integrative, thinkers, who saw deep connections between seemingly disparate things,”Sheehan said. “My father was also such a thinker, and perhaps this is why from the first, I felt an intuitive bond with Fr. Matthew. It is for this reason, as well as the fact that I somehow felt the pain of his recent death, so sudden and tragic, perhaps even more sharply than the loss of my own beloved father five years ago, that I am dedicating the world premiere performance of Triduum Paschale—a piece that explores both the agony and hope of loss, and attempts to connect a number of disparate realities along the way—to Fr. Matthew’s memory.”
Sheehan’s Triduum Paschalae, a three-movement work for chorus and soloists that blends motifs from Eastern and Western Christianity, is a musical journey through Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. Although he never had the chance to hear the work performed, Fr. Matthew applauded Sheehan’s artistic vision in the composition and particularly loved the creative use of the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, one of Fr. Matthew’s favorite poets.
Sheehan’s liner notes explaining the composition reveal part of the reason for Fr. Matthew’s enthusiasm:
The first movement, The Crucifixion, is based on a translation of a 12th century Middle English lyric (famously set by Samuel Barber in his Hermit Songs) that acts as a kind of Stabat Mater—or in Orthodox terms, a stavrotheotokion—a heartbreaking glimpse into the Virgin Mary’s grief at the crucifixion of her Son. The second movement, Nondum, uses a poem by the great Jesuit poet and forefather of modernist poetry, Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889), interspersed with exclamations in Hebrew of Christ’s words from the Cross, Eli, eli, lama sabachthani? (My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?), coupled paradoxically with the joyful (and in the West, paschal) exclamation, Alleluia. The movement speaks of a world where God is seemingly and unaccountably absent, dead, and yet it conceals a profound hope that God will finally and fully reveal Himself in the end: “Yet to behold Thee as Thou art / I’ll wait (Alleluia) till morn eternal breaks.”The music is based on a Byzantine scale, and it features aleatoric solo passages in a microtonal Byzantine style composed in collaboration with, and first performed by, John Michael Boyer. The final movement, Easter, also based on a poem by Hopkins, is a profusion of paschal joy and exuberance. Anyone who has ever attended an Orthodox Easter vigil will immediately recognize the sort of reckless and overflowing spirit with which this movement—composed in a style faintly reminiscent of Early American psalm singing, and in mixed meter and mixed modes—is imbued.
Among those giving solo performances at the concert will be Portland-based baritone John Michael Boyer, known for his work with Cappella Romana, and soprano Laura Soto-Bayomi of the Chatauqua Opera Festival and the Bard College Conservatory of Music.
The event will be held at the Church of St. John Nepomucene, 411 East 66th Street, New York, NY, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door, but may be ordered in advance online at Discounts are available for students and for groups by purchasing early.
The Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monasteryis a professional vocal ensemble under the auspices of St. Tikhon’s Monastery in Pennsylvania, America’s oldest Orthodox monastery. Founded in 2015 by artistic director, Benedict Sheehan, and Archimandrite Sergius, abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, the Chamber Choir’s mission is to explore, promote, and build up the tradition of Orthodox sacred music in America, and to bring people of today’s world into contact with the living tradition of ancient Christianity through vibrant and inspiring choral singing. The group is comprised of some of the finest solo and ensemble singers in the New York area and around North America.
Strategic Planning Session held at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 10/15/15
During the board’s October meeting at the seminary (October 15 and 16), the Board’s Strategic Planning Committee organized a community-wide session to focus on the effort to initiate discussion around the formation of a new strategic plan. Board members, faculty, administrative team members, seminarians, and alumni, all came together for this session.
Seraphim Danckaert, our new Mission Advancement Director, organized the session in a World Café model. Each of five tables had a specific draft focus area of the developing strategic plan, and successive groups comprised of all seminary constituencies engaged in discussing that topic, led by a facilitator who also took notes on all ideas raised.
All involved were energized by this session, with the hope that future similar sessions might be held to further the dialogue and indeed the energy created at this initial session. The seminary is grateful for the board taking time out of its meeting schedule in order that this session could have the fullest potential constituency representation.
On Tuesday, October 13th, Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki continued on our theme of Expanding the Mission, through telling the story of the founding of the Holy Apostles Mission in Mechanicsburg, PA. This leg of the lecture series is focusing on real outreach in the greater community.
With a very engaging powerpoint presentation, Fr. Timothy shared how he began serving in Olyphant, PA while still completing his studies at St. Tikhon’s, and shortly after his graduation in 2005 was sent to this new mission. He chronicled both successful steps and struggles related with beginning a new mission parish that will be of great assistance to seminarians who may find themselves one day in a similar position. Among the strengths he outlined was the very real power of prayer, not only in liturgical worship, but at several critical junctures of the mission’s journey that aided in important steps being taken.
In the course of his presentation he also touched upon the parish’s engagement of the greater community, not only with Christ the Savior Church in Harrisburg that was in part responsible for the new mission getting started, but also in participating in community events. Such participation not only was in support of the greater community, but as very real outreach to those who might be searching for the fullness of the Orthodox Faith.
Fr. Timothy’s presentation was of great interest to seminarians and those gathered, not only as a recent graduate of St. Tikhon’s, but also for the compelling story of mission parish life as an important dimension of healthy church life here in North America today!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association holds Annual Meeting - 10/11/15
Sarah Jubinski, President of St. Tikhon's Seminary's Century Association, led the Annual meeting following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 11th, Founder's Day Weekend. Association leadership and members met in the seminary dining room, and enjoyed a potluck meal afterward. Founder's Day is always the Sunday following the Feast of St. Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow, on October 9th.
Among the highlights were election of officers, celebrating 50th wedding anniversary of longtime members and spiritual advisor, Archpriest Joseph (Class of 1963) and Mat. Gloria Martin (Class of 1963), and the association giving the seminary $5,000! Please click here to see more about the Century Association and their support of the seminary. All members of the association give at least $100 annually, and all donations are in turn given to the seminary. They also host Hospitality ala Russe each year as a major fundraising activity!
May God grant the leadership and members of the Century Association many blessed years!
Feast of St. Tikhon of Moscow, Ordination of Fr. Vasili Dubee - 10/09/15
The St. Tikhon Monastery and Seminary Community gathered together on October 8-9 to celebrate the Feast of the Founder of the St. Tikhon Monastery, Saint Patriarch Tikhon, Confessor and Patriarch of Moscow. This year's feast was even more full with the ordination of Dn. Vasili Dubee (St. Tikhon's, Class of 2009) to the priesthood. His Eminence, Mark, Archbishop of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, presided at the Hierarchical Liturgy and ordination.
St. Tikhon's would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations and offer prayers for Fr. Vasili and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
In Memoriam: Dn. Mark Hoeplinger, M.D.: Updated with Service Schedule - 10/08/15
The St. Tikhon’s Seminary community mourns the passing of Dn. Mark Hoeplinger, a member of our Board of Trustees.
The son of Frank and Rose Hoeplinger, Dn. Mark was received into Orthodoxy in 1987 from the Roman Catholic Church into St. Stephen’s Serbian Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, NY. This is the same parish where he and his wife, Dr. Christine (Stefanovich), were married in in 1980. They have two adult children, Stephen and Alex.
A practicing Ear, Nose and Throat Physician in Seneca, NY since 1987, Dr. Mark and Dr. Christine, a dentist, have traveled with colleagues to countries such as Uganda, Peru, and Guatemala to offer medical and dental expertise to those in need, as medical ministry. These trips have been organized through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in St. Augustine, FL, and through Faith in Practice. Dr. Mark also served as a resident faculty member at the ENT Department of the University at Buffalo Medical School for over 25 years.
In 2011, Dr. Mark entered the Diaconal Training Program through St. Tikhon’s Seminary. He was ordained deacon on August 11, 2013 at St. George Orthodox Church (OCA) in Buffalo, NY, by then Bishop Michael (Dahulich) and has continued serving there since.
Dn. Mark became a St. Tikhon’s Seminary Board member just months later in October of 2013. Since that time he has worked ceaselessly to advance a number of areas of seminary life, most notably our married student housing project.
Fr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s, shared his remembrance of Dn. Mark: “When I first met Dn. Mark, he was excited about connecting with recent graduates of St. Tikhon’s Deacon Training program to encourage their support of the seminary. This energy has only grown in the past two years in his untiring efforts to build support for the seminary. Dn. Mark so often shared how he felt he had received so much, and now felt called by God to give back out of the abundance he had received.”
Michael Herzak, Board Chair, shared his thoughts upon learning of the death of Dn. Mark: "His untimely repose has hit the St. Tikhon's community very deeply. In the short time of his service as a board member, he has been such an energizing force in advancing St. Tikhon's Seminary mission, most recently in working to fund the married student housing project so that future married students can count on housing in enrolling at the seminary."
Dn. Mark will be sorely missed by the St. Tikhon’s Seminary community, and our prayers are with his family and parish family as they too grieve his passing. A Memorial Service was celebrated by the St. Tikhon Community upon learning of his repose. May the memory of Dn. Mark be eternal!
Please find below the schedule of funeral services for Thy Newly-Departed Servant of God, Dn Mark Hoeplinger
MONDAY OCTOBER 19, 2016 Viewing at Hoy Funeral Home - 3855 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 2:00-5:00 pm 6:00 to 9:00 pm
TUESDAY OCTOBER 20, 2016 Viewing at St George Orthodox Church - 2 Nottingham Terrace Buffalo, NY 2:00-5:00 pm 5:00-6:00 pm meal served in The Parish Fellowship Hall 6:00 to 9:00 pm 7:00 pm - Panahyda Service
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21, 2016 9:00 - 10:00 am Viewing at St George Orthodox Church - 2 Nottingham Terrace Buffalo, NY 10:00 am - Funeral Service at St George Orthodox Church - 2 Nottingham Terrace Buffalo, NY Light meal in Parish Fellowship Hall following Funeral Service Internment at Lakeside Cemetery Hamburg NY followe by Repast Meal
Hotel Info: Best Western Hotel which is less than 10 minutes from the church. The rate per night is $89. When you call to reserve a room you need to mention funeral at Saint George Orthodox Church.
St. Tikhon’s welcomed Dr. Constantine Kallaur to start off our Lecture Series following the All-American Council’s theme of Expanding the Mission. He provided a historical review from his eye-witness experience of these events, and through his service for many years in our Orthodox Church in America’s External Affairs Department.
Dr. Kallaur was a member of the delegation receiving the Tomos of Autocephaly in April of 1970. He first chronicled events of the Russian Mission here in America through the Russian Revolution and the aftermath. He also shared a significant level of detail about the events leading up to the Tomos being completed, including that it was the Russian Orthodox Church that initiated the dialogue that was later broken off when impasses cropped up in 1967. Archbishop Kiprian was tasked with overseen the dialogue in this early period.
After several subsequent less formal meetings, work began in earnest once again. He recounted how Fr. Alexander Schmemann and Bishop Nikodim, along with others, painstakingly reviewed each point of the document that was ultimately signed. As part of his presentation, Dr. Kallaur utilized the photos from the website chronicling these events to introduce all the participants and share the story. Upon signing the document, Patriarch Alexis died one week later. See photos by clicking here.
Dr. Kallaur continued his historical review to talk briefly about Orthodox Campus Fellowship development that he was part of early on, as well as the now Orthodox Church in America’s involvement in ecumenical witness. As he summarized his main points, Dr. Kallaur indicated regarding the OCA and its witness as local church here in North America: “full speed ahead!
During the question and answer period, Arlene Kallaur shared about the resources contained in the renamed Resource Handbook. Fr. Steven seized on this comment to verbalize the significance of the Orthodox witness this husband and wife team has offered within our OCA and beyond, as lay persons, underscoring the priesthood of all believers!
St. Tikhon's Re-establishes Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America Chapter - 10/06/15
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Re-starts FOCA Chapter
On October 6th the seminarians, led by the Seminary Rector, Archbishop Michael, restarted the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA). This movement highlighted several significant events most recently including FOCA’s completed pledge of $300,000 to the seminary’s married student housing project at this past summer’s All-American Council in Atlanta.
Previously known as the Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs (FROC), this organization supported the very founding of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. In addition, St. Tikhon’s Seminary had a functioning Chapter, 121, that in October of 1963 hosted the National FROC Convention! Even up to 2007 in the FOCA Journal, Chapter 121 was represented. FOCA has also supported our seminarians at Christmas time with gifts for seminary familiies.
Those elected to office during this inaugural meeting included:
Andrew Nelko, President, Andrew Bohush, Vice President, Rachel Hill Secretary, and Timothy Winegar, Treasurer.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary remains grateful for their relationship with the FOCA, and we look forward to further interactions both as we continue the work on the married student housing project and in the acceptance of this re-instated FOCA Chapter!
St. Tikhon's Announces Fall Lecture Series With Abbot Tryphon - 09/12/15
Annual Fall Lecture Series to Further Examine "How to Expand the Mission"
The annual fall lecture series at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will focus on "How to Expand the Mission," continuing discussions started at the 18th All-American Council held in Atlanta over the summer. Presenters will include Abbot Tryphon of All-Merciful Savior Monastery (ROCOR) on Vashon Island, Washington.
The series is open to the public and features four lectures on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. throughout the month of October. Click to either view or print a fall lecture series poster to share the schedule.
"The enthusiasm expressed at the All-American Council for expanding the Church's ministry and witness on this continent was an inspiring thing for our seminarians to see," Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's, said. "We hope our annual fall lecture series this year will continue to inspire prayerful reflection on what it means to actually be 'for the life of the world and its salvation' in this day and age."
On October 6, Dr. Constantine Kallaur will discuss times in recent history when the Orthodox Church in North America exemplified its missional calling, and also offer suggestions for the future. Dr. Kallaur, a parishioner of Holy Trinity Church in East Meadow, NY, is Professor Emeritus of Russian language at Nassau Community College in Garden City, NY, serves as a member of the Department of External Affairs of the OCA, and was a member of the delegation which received the Tomos of Autocephaly from the Russian Orthodox Church.
On October 13, Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki will share from his own experience as the pastor of a growing mission parish, and talk about lessons learned in reaching out to the larger community. Fr. Timothy is a 2005 graduate of St. Tikhon's and Pastor of Holy Apostles Mission in Mechanicsburg, PA.
On October 20, Abbot Tryphonwill offer a spiritual perspective on expanding the mission, discussing how to engage modern-day culture while remaining faithful to the Gospel. Abbot Tryphon is the author of the "Morning Offering" blog, podcast, and book from Ancient Faith Publishing. Click here to see Abbot Tryphon's itinerary during his visit to the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania and St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery.
On October 27, Archpriest Daniel Kovalak will reflect on the ideas raised by the previous speakers and also look forward toward next steps in expanding the mission of the Orthodox Church in the greater North American context. Fr. Daniel is a 1974 graduate of St. Tikhon's, Adjunct Faculty Lecturer in Evangelism and Mission at the Seminary, and Pastor of Elevation of the Holy Cross Church in Williamsport, PA.
Members of the public, as well as groups from area parishes, are encouraged to attend. Admission for the entire lecture series is $10 per person or $100 for a group of 10 or more. Complimentary refreshments will be provided. RSVP byOctober 5 to Teresa Vaux-Michel, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, at 570-561-1818 ext. 101 or at
St. Tikhon's 78th Academic Year Begins with Feast and Picnic - 09/08/15
St. Tikhon's Seminary began its 78th academic year with the Feast of the Nativity of the Thetokos. Seminarians, faculty, administrative team members gathered with Archimandrite Sergius, Igumen, and the monastic brotherhood to celebrate the feast with Vigil and Divine Liturgy.
Following Divine Liturgy was a picnic for seminarians and their families together with the whole St. Tikhon community to continue a more informal time of fellowship. Those attending were also entertained by Dr. Harry Boosalis and the Dogmatics, made up of our talented seminarians, who played music through the course of the afternoon. With the weather cooperating, this was a wonderful beginning of the new academic year. Classes and regular schedule began the following day. May God grant us a fruitful year of prayer, worship, study, and service.
Seminary Faculty Recently Engaged in the Greater the Community - 09/06/15
Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector and Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristic Studies were presenters at the Antiochian House of Studies 35th anniversary gathering just as this new academic year got underway, September 6-8th.
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, and Dr. Paul Witek, Accreditation Liason, and Lecturer in Homiletics will be attending an ATS workshop for institutions, including St. Tikhon's Seminary, who are preparing for accreditation reviews in the coming year near its Pittsburgh headquarters on September 14-15.
Fr. Steven also celebrated a Panikhida in the Monastery Church on September 2nd, the 25th anniversary of the repose of Archpriest Vladimir Borichevsky, former Dean of Faculty, for him and for many others who have taught and mentored seminarians in past years who have since reposed. The seminary will be planning a more formal recognition of this anniversary later in the academic year.
Dr. MaryFord, Associate Professor of New Testament and Spirituality, will be speaking to the Metropolitan Council at the Chancery for the morning section of their pre-meeting retreat on Sept. 21, 2015. The subject of her talk is "Whom Shall We Fear?: Key Themes From the Revelation of St. John."
Your prayers are asked for Archpriest David Shewczyk, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Praxis as he recovers following his recent surgery.
Bishop Alexander Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 09/02/15
The Right Reverend Alexander, Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese, visited St. Tikhon’s Seminary during orientation week on Wednesday, September 2nd. He first met with Seminarian Mikel Hill, who is a second-year student. Later, he visited the monastery church and toured both monastery and seminary grounds with Mikel and Fr. Steven, seminary dean. Upon returning to the seminary’s main building he briefly addressed new seminarians preparing to engage their studies, while they were in the Saint Patriarch Tikhon Library with Sergei Arhipov, Seminary Registrar and Librarian. It is uplifting for both seminarians and the seminary community to have our bishops visit!
St. Tikhon’s to Sponsor Premiere of New Sacred Music - 08/31/15
Professional Vocal Ensemble Giving Benefit Concert in Manhattan on November 12
SOUTH CANAAN, PA (August 31, 2015) - The Chamber Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, a professional vocal ensemble under the auspices of America’s oldest Orthodox monastery, will give a concert in New York City on November 12 at the Roman Catholic church of St. John Nepomucene at 66th and 1st Ave.
The concert will celebrate the release of the choir’s forthcoming debut album, “Till Morn Eternal Breaks: Sacred Choral Music of Benedict Sheehan,” and proceeds from the event will benefit St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Please click here for a press release with updated information on the dedication of this performance.
The performance will consist of original compositions, arrangements, and transcriptions by composer and conductor Benedict Sheehan, resident music director at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery.
Several works on the program will be receiving their world premiere performances that evening, including Sheehan’s Triduum Paschalae, a three-movement work for chorus and soloists based on medieval English poetry and poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Among those giving solo performances on the evening will be Portland-based baritone John Michael Boyer, known for his work with Cappella Romana, and soprano Laura Soto-Bayomi of the Chatauqua Opera Festival and the Bard College Conservatory of Music.
More information about the concert, which will begin at 7:30 PM on November 12, is available at
His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, observed that the upcoming concert is an example of the ongoing close cooperation between St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery, which have existed in a symbiotic relationship for the past 77 years.
“From the founding of the Monastery in 1905, and then together with the Seminary since its founding in 1938, St. Tikhon’s has worked to put the Liturgy at the center of people’s lives. One essential way we can do this is by dedicating ourselves to beautiful church singing, which is, par excellence, a sacramental offering of our time, our treasure, and our talents to God.”
Archbishop Michael also noted that this concert, the first joint Monastery and Seminary effort of its kind, represents “a deepening commitment on the part of both institutions to fostering excellence in the liturgical arts."
Archimandrite Sergius, abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, said that the concert and the CD it celebrates represent an important milestone in the development of Orthodox musical culture in America.
“Not only is this the first time that an established Orthodox institution such as St. Tikhon’s Monastery has committed itself to cultivating sacred music-making at a professional level,” he said, “but it is also the first time that an entire album has been dedicated to the work of a single living Orthodox composer born and bred on American soil.”
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, shared his excitement about this joint effort in developing liturgical music.
“Benedict Sheehan (St. Tikhon's Class of 2011) continues to manifest an active commitment to both the seminary and monastery by equipping our seminarians in the area of liturgical music as a faculty member, leading the Seminarian Mission Choir that travels to parishes across the country, while also training and directing the monastery choir in singing the responses in the daily cycle of services,” Fr. Steven said. “We celebrate his dedication to elevating and developing Orthodox liturgical music in North America.”
For more information, please contact:
Seraphim Danckaert, Director of Mission Advancement
St. Tikhon's Seminary Board of Trustees Holds Early Fall Meeting - 08/22/15
St. Tikhon’s Board of Trustees met at the seminary, August 20-21. Board committees met on Thursday, with the whole board meeting together on Friday.
Board committees are comprised of board members, faculty, administrative team members, seminarians, and others. These meetings form a multi-disciplinary platform bringing together many voices across the community, especially important now while St. Tikhon’s Seminary is in the midst of a Self Study, preparing for a re-accreditation review in 2016.
Among the celebrations of the board meeting itself:
The board celebrated the completion of the $300,000 Married Student Housing pledge by the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA), announced during the All-American Council!
The board accepted a proposal from Peter and Sarah Jubinski to form the Peter and Sarah B. Jubinski Library Endowment! With initial funding pledged from Peter and Sarah, this endowment will be focused toward acquisitions for the Patriarch Saint Tikhon Library. This is an especially meaningful gift, as it follows 40+ years of support and direct engagement in the library by Sarah Jubinski. She has served there as librarian and has remained an ardent supporter of the Patriarch Tikhon Library! Sarah also serves as the Chair of the Seminary’s Century Association, representing those offering annual financial stewardship gifts. May God grant Peter and Sarah many blessed years!
The board heard for the first time from new Director of Mission Advancement, Seraphim Danckaert, and from Fr. Patrick Burns, new Alumni President, elected at the All-American Council.
Board members participated in a presentation focusing on their development efforts by Dawn Miller of Zielinski Company. Dawn has been our consultant that assisted us with development work and in hiring Seraphim.
The board also reviewed documentation that revealed a much stronger year financially in the fiscal year just ended.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Opens Search for Director of Student Life (Updated) - 07/31/15
Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary here recently re-initiated a search for a full-time Director for its Office of Student Life, which directly provides for the overall welfare and practical needs of seminarians in formation, with special attention given to their spiritual life.
The Director of Student Life will be responsible for supervising the overall discipline of seminary student body, coordinating with all seminary constituencies in matters related to community events, serving in counseling, advocacy, and advisory roles to students in general academic, spiritual, and personal matters.
The seminary is offering a competitive salary, flexible work environment, and benefits package.
To apply for the position, please forward a cover letter, resume, three references and three writing samples to the V. Rev. Steven Voyovich, Dean, at P.O. Box 130, South Canaan, PA 18459. Alternatively, applications may be submitted by e-mail to:
Axios! Gabriel Monforte is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate and Priesthood - 07/26/15
On Sunday, July 26, 2015, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils as well as the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel, Gabriel Monforte (STOTS 2013) was ordained to the diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan HILARION, in St. Vladimir Memorial Church in Jackson, NJ. On Tuesday, July 28, 2015, the thousandth anniversary of the repose of St. Vladimir, Dn. Gabriel was ordained to the priesthood by His Grace Bishop NICHOLAS, also in St. Vladimir Memorial Church in Jackson, NJ. Priest Gabriel will serve for the time being in the Mid-American Diocese, while being attached to the diocesan cathedral.
May God bless Fr. Gabriel and Matushka Laura as they begin the next phase of their public ministry!
This morning hierarchs, clergy, delegates, and all present gathered to celebrate the Divine Liturgy, literally manifesting the local church gathering to celebrate the Eucharist. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon celebrated with Metropolitan Onufry, Archbishop of Kiev and all Ukraine, Archbishop John of Naro-Fominsk, other visiting hierarchs, members of the OCA Holy Synod, together with many clergy, and all those gathered in council. A number of St. Tikhon's Seminarians are assisting in the All-American Council this week, including: JJ Kotalik (graduate), Timothy Winegar, Megan Haak, Paul Kappandaze, Jonathan Lincoln, Mikel Hill, and Andrew Nelko.
18th All-American Council Begins (Updated) - 07/20/15
The 18th All-American Council formally begins today in Atlanta, Georgia. During the course of the week updates will be posted, so please check back regularly whether or not you are attending the council.
This posting, from Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, is focused toward our Alumni:
A joint Alumni Reception will be held on Tuesday evening from 8-10pm. Archpriest Theodore Boback, Alumni President, has, with AAC planners, arranged for time specifically for STS Alumni to come together for our General Session with Elections. You can click here to read his most recent letter. We plan to meet in Room 403 on Tuesday evening, from 7-8pm. Please make every effort to come to this business meeting and opportunity for fellowship in advance of the alumni reception, and encourage classmates to also.
During the General Session, elections will be held for four offices: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The bylaws also make provisions for the President to appoint two nominations committee members, so if you are interested in serving as will be noted below for this election, consider sharing this interest (there is certainly no hurry between now and coming three years).
Nominations: Fr. Nicholas Wyslutsky (Class of 1989) has agreed to serve as Nominations Chair for this election. If you would like to nominate someone for one of the above offices, please contact him at 330.608.2092 or via e-mail at . He will forward nominations to Fr. Ted for the elections. Thank you for offering to assist in this way, Fr. Nicholas!
I look forward to gathering with all of you as our alumni, for the first time as dean of the seminary, and to our journey forward. His Eminence, Arcbishop Michael, Rector, Fr. Dennis Swencki, our CFO, and Seraphim Danckaert, our new Director of Mission of Advancement, will God-willing, join us for this evening's activities.
In Christ,
Fr. Steven
This evening the St. Tikhon's Alumni met prior to the first joint seminary reception. During this session Archpriest Theodore Boback, Alumni President for the past nine years, led those gathered through a short agenda, before elections were held for new alumni leadership. Those completing their offices include: Archpriest Theodore Boback, President, Archpriest Joseph Gallick, Vice President, Bishop David (Mahaffey) Treasurer, and Archpriest David Shewczyk, Secretary. May God grant them many years for their service! New leadership elected today includes: Priest Patrick Burns, President, Archpriest Stephen Evanina, Vice President, Archpriest Nicholas Wyslutsky, Treasurer, and Archpriest Andrew Nelko, Secretary. We look forward to renewed efforts to reach out and connect with our seminary alumni!
FOCA Completes St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing Pledge! - 07/20/15
The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA), is meeting for the first time in conjunction with the All-American Council. During dinner with the hierarchs Sunday evening, Becky Tesar, FOCA President, presented Archbishop Michael, St. Tikhon's Seminary Rector, with a check for $300,000, representing the fulfillment of a pledge made by them toward our St. Tikhon's Seminary! St. Tikhon's Seminary is most grateful for all the efforts made by FOCA to complete their pledge to this important project!
St. Tikhon's Seminary Welcomes Seraphim Danckaert - 07/07/15
Seraphim Danckaert, new Director of Mission Advancement at St. Tikhon's!
Seraphim Danckaert was received into the Church at the age of 13, along with his parents and sister, at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA) in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. Danckaert met his wife, Anne, one summer during graduate school in an intensive summer program at Indiana University for young scholars learning Romanian. Anne and Seraphim have three young children, Benjamin, Evelina, and Brigitte, all under the age of five.
After receiving his M.Div. with highest honors from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 2007, Mr. Danckaert has spent the last eight years in management and fundraising roles at the Orthodox Christian Network, a national ministry under the auspices of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States, and at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he served in the Office of the President and also oversaw various initiatives in social media, online education, and continuing education for alumni, pastors, and lay leaders. Earlier this year, after his close friend Fr. Matthew Baker, an alumnus of St. Tikhon's, fell asleep in the Lord following a tragic car accident, Mr. Danckaert started and managed an online fundraising campaign for Fr. Matthew's widow and six young children, which has raised nearly $800,000.
In addition to his professional activities, Mr. Danckaert studied under Fr. Andrew Louth for four years as a Ph.D. candidate in theology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and has been an active member of the Fr. Georges Florovsky Orthodox Theological Society of Princeton University, serving as co-chair of four major international conferences for Orthodox theologians, clergy, and lay people interested in the theological vision of the Church Fathers. His publications have appeared in theological journals in the United States, England, Greece, and Serbia.
Mr. Danckaert and his family look forward to joining the St. Tikhon's community and working closely with its leadership, alumni, and supporters for the advancement of St. Tikhon's sacred mission and for the glory of God. As of beginning of July, Seraphaim is available by phone at 570.561.1818, or by e-mail at .
St. Tikhon's Summer Camp celebrated its 44th season from July 5-11! The camp, under the auspices of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, has been held at St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery since 1971. Over 100 campers, plus counselors and staff spent the week in fellowship, education, activities, and celebrating daily liturgical life of the Orthodox Church. St. Tikhon's Seminary Rector, Archbishop Michael, spent the day with each of the camp's age groups on July 9th. To see a daily log of the camp, please click here to see their dedicated facebook page. The campers left a wonderful thank you card that is hanging in the seminary entrance! May God grant the campers, counselors, and staff many blessed years!
2015 Commencement Address Now Available Online - 06/23/15
The following address was presented by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at the 73rd Annual Commencement exercises at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary on May 23, 2015.
Reserve Your Place in the 18th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Tournament (Updated) - 06/23/15
The St. Tikhon’s Community is pleased to announce that the 18th Annual Golf Benefit will be held on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee, PA. Registration for the event begins at 12:00 PM, with the Shotgun Start occurring at 1:00 PM, followed by an Awards Dinner at 6:00 PM. The deadline for registration is fast approaching, so register now! Click here for registration information.
The cost of the event is $100 per golfer, which includes Golf, cart, lunch, admission to the banquet, drinks, refreshments, and prizes. Checks should be made payable to St. Tikhon’s Seminary and mailed to Bernard S. Golubiewski at 19 Main Street, Laflin, PA 18702. You can also contact Berny Golubiewski by email: or Phone: 570-825-4780; cell: 570-417-8271.
Those wishing to support the event are invited to sponsor a hole at the tournament. Corporate Sponsorship costs $100 and Individual Sponsorship is $25. All sponsor participants will be recognized on the course for all to see and your sponsorship will be indicated in a special remembrance at the awards dinner to follow.
Checks for sponsorships should also be made out to Bernard Golbiewski and mailed to the aforementioned address.
Registration is Now Open for the St. Tikhon's Seminary Annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium - 05/29/15
Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary will host its annual Continuing Clergy Education Symposium June 16-18, 2015. The seminary is pleased to provide this symposium to assist OCA priests and deacons fulfill their 20 hours of continuing education studies mandated each year by the Holy Synod of Bishops.
This year’s program is focused most intensively on theological foundations for and the practice of pastoral care by our clergy in parish life.
The list of speakers and topics to be included in this year’s symposium includes the following:
“Practical Issues in the Life of an Orthodox Priest with Guidance from the Holy Fathers” by Archbishop Michael (Dahulich), Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Professor of Scripture - Tuesday afternoon, June 16, at 1:30 p.m. We will explore specific aspects of the Holy Priesthood, with direction gleaned from the writings of pastoral theology by Saint Ambrose of Milan, Saint Gregory the Great and Saint John Chrysostom.
“The Concept of Healing as Found in the Dynamic of the Treatment Team Model” by Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Chaplain at SCI Waymart - Tuesday evening, June 16, at 6:30 p.m. We will examine the concept of healing as found in the dynamic of the Treatment Team Model and how the various disciplines working together interface in a harmonious way and bring care for the total person. We will review and bring examples of how this treatment model can bring healing for the priest in his personal life and pastoral work.
“Palliative Care” by Dr. George Giokas, Physician specializing in: Geriatric Medicine, Hospice and Palliative medicine in Schenectady, NY - Wednesday, June 17, at 9:00 a.m. Palliative Care is a specialty of medicine caring for seriously ill people using an interdisciplinary team approach. The presenter, a practicing palliative care physician, will provide a medical perspective of current challenges to caring for adults with life-threatening illnesses. We will also explore issues related to advance care planning including advanced directives.
“Pastoral Care in the Lives of the Saints” by Fr. Joseph Frawley, St. Martin Chapel at West Point Academy - Wednesday, June 17, at 1:00 p.m. We will examine Pastoral Care from two perspectives: first, as reflected in the Lives of the Saints (i.e. the various categories of saints); and then as exemplified in the lives of more contemporary God-pleasers.
“Caring for the Elderly and Disadvantaged” by Mat. Marion Swencki, Director of Long Term Care, Wayne Woodlands Manor, Waymart, PA - Thursday, June 18, at 9:00 a.m. We will discuss the following topics: Alzheimer's disease and related dementias; simple solutions to major problems; person centered care and the corresponding right to dignity and respect; multi-pharmacy and effects on well being; Medicare, Medicaid, Private insurance, Managed Care, and Supplemental Insurance; Elder Abuse -- identification, prevention, and reporting.
“Pastoral Counseling in the Parish” by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean, Associate Professor of Pastoral Arts and Praxis, St. Tikhon’s Seminary - Thursday, June 18, at 1:00 p.m. We will consider some topics related to parish life that will include grief and loss, marriage, addictions, and family system orientation helpful for family counseling, and other topics of interest to participants; also considerations given to referrals.
All courses are available for Clergy Continuing Education credit, as approved by Archpriest Ian Pac-Urar. The cost, which includes lecture registration, room and board (in the Metropolitan Leonty Dormitory), is $100.00 per person. For an additional charge, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Pioneer Plaza Hotel in Carbondale, PA. Please contact the seminary directly for any questions or to make reservations at at the seminary’s main number 570-561-1818 or by e-mail to
Each year the St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary Community opens its arms in dramatic fashion to the greater Orthodox and non-orthodox community. This is a labor of love, the preparation for which is several weeks long and involves every person associated with the Monastery and the Seminary as well as many friends and families, volunteers from neighboring parishes, and long-time supporters.
This labor of love is, in many ways, an iconic representation of our relationship with the world and an articulation of our place it that world. Each year we open up our lives to everyone who wishes to come and take part in the pilgrimage and each year we are surprised by the response. This year, hundreds of Pilgrims turned out to spend Memorial Day with the St. Tikhon’s Community. This was the 111th Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
On Monday the main Liturgy was celebrated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of New York and New York and New Jersey; His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania; His Grace, Bishop Thomas of the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America; and His Grace, Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Moscow Patriarchate.
Following the Liturgy pilgrims were also able to participate in memorials for the departed and Holy Unction for the healing of soul and body. They enjoyed a wide variety of food from vendors stationed around the Monastery grounds. They beheld and venerated relics, ancient icons, and priceless treasure of the Church at the St. Tikhon's Metropolitan Museum. They were able to venerate the Miraculous Myrrh Streaming Icon from Hawaii. They immersed themselves in the rich history of the Seminary through the latest edition of the Tikhonaire, which chronicles history of the Seminary and Monastery and has been in publication since 1948.
The Memorial Day Pilgrimage is an opportunity to reunite with friends and loved ones each year to pray together, share stories with one another, to teach one another, and to remember together.
Thank you for allowing us to share our lives with you. Thank you for sharing each of your lives with us, and God willing we hope to see you again next year.
Axios! Seminarian Joel Brady is Tonsured a Reader - 05/23/15
On Saturday, May 23, 2015 Seminarian Joel Brady was tonsured a Reader by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at St. Tikhon's Monastery Chapel as part of the Memorial Day Pilgrimage service on Pilgrimage Saturday. Later that day Reader Joel would also graduate Valedictorian of the graduating Class of 2015.
As a seminarian Reader Joel exemplified what it means to be a model student and servant in Christ. He was active in student government, maintained constant participation at both the Holy Services and Community Events, and was ever vigilant of his community stewardship responsibilities. During his final year the additional responsibility of being one of the two dormitory RA's was placed upon him, a responsibility that was accepted graciously with a profound humility.
On behalf of the entire community we would like to thank the Reader Joel Brady for his service to St. Tikhon's and pray that God continues to bless and keep him as he begins this next phase of his public ministry.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary 2015 Commencement - 05/23/15
On May 23rd, St. Tikhon’s Seminary held its 73rd Commencement. Metropolitan Tikhon offered the Commencement Address. Thirteen graduates completed the requirements for the Master of Divinity Degree, including graduates from India, Austria, and the Middle East. Dn. Theophan received Honors in Church History for his Thesis: “The Mystery of Lawlessness: A Pastoral Examination of the Manifestation of Evil in Contemporary Society.”
Archpriest Daniel Donlick, in just having celebrated 50 years of ordination to the priesthood, was awarded an honorary doctorate following his decisive role in moving the seminary toward accreditation with the Association of Theological Schools, and literally decades of service as professor, academic dean, and confessor that continues to the present day! A scholarship was also named in honor of Fr. Daniel in recognition of his fiftieth anniversary.
Participating in commencement exercises were two new board members: Nancy Kohudic, who is a member of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA and an ardent supporter of our Married Student Housing Project, and Bishop Thomas (Joseph) of the Antiochian Christian Diocese of Charleston, Oakland, and the Mid-Atlantic, who is a long time supporter and friend of the St. Tikhon’s Community.
May God grant our graduates many blessed years of ministry in our Lord’s Vineyard!
O Christ God, You have ascended in Glory, / Granting joy to Your disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. / Through the blessing they were assured / That You are the Son of God, / The Redeemer of the world!
Kontakion — Tone 6
When You had fulfilled the dispensation for our sake, / and united earth to heaven: / You ascended in glory, O Christ our God, / not being parted from those who love You, / but remaining with them and crying: / “I am with you and no one will be against you!”
Metropolitan Leonty Symposium held at St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 05/20/15
On Thursday, May 14th, St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosted a Symposium on the life, witness, and service of Metropolitan Leonty. The day began with Divine Liturgy, and a graveside Memorial Service celebrated by Metropolitan Tikhon at Metropolitan Leonty’s tomb. Fr. John Jillions, OCA Chancellor, read a eulogy written by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann.
During the course of the day we had five presentations, that included:
“The Life and Legacy of Metropolitan Leonty,” by Mr. Alex Liberovsky, OCA Archivist
“Metropolitan Leontii and St. Tikhon of Moscow,” by Dr. Scott Kenworthy Dept. of Comparative Religion, Miami University, Oxford, OH
“The Diaries of 1917-1918,” by Mat. Tamara Turkevich Skvir, Princeton, NJ
“Metropolitan Leonty as a Man of Letters,” by Dr. Leonid Turkevich, Cincinnati, OH.
“The Metropolitan Leontii Papers at the Library of Congress: a Brief Introduction,” by Harold Leich, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Later in the evening, after Vespers, a reception and time of informal sharing followed in the Monastery Museum. Archpriests Sergei Glagolev, Daniel Hubiak, and John Nehrebecki shared their remembrances, along with Constantine Kallaur and many others. The evening ended with reflections and a prayer that had been written by Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko before he reposed, read by Dr. David Ford.
Participants received individually numbered copies of a Homiletics Course that Metropolitan Leonty taught that were designed and produced in commemoration of the event. Clergy participants who registered and attended this symposium are approved for 3.5 hours of continuing education credit.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to thank each one of the presenters for being with us to share their contributions and reflections on this most beloved leader of our Orthodox Church in America. We would also like to thank each of the participants for traveling to be with us for this “Time of Holy Remembering.”
Finally we would like to thank the event committee: the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, the V. Rev. Dennis Swencki, Fr. Leonid Schmidt, David Ford, Sergei Arhipov, Christopher Patton, Teresa Vaux-Michel, as well as Innocent Neal for his contributions.
Video recordings of the event will be made available to the public in some form in the near future. Information will be forthcoming on the seminary website.
The following except is from the remembrance of Metropolitan Leonty by Archpriest Thomas Hopko on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Metropolitan’s Repose.
“Through his weakness, Your divine strength has established the Church in this land. Through his folly, Your divine wisdom has guided her destiny. Through his humility, You have exalted her with divine glory. Through his poverty, You have filled her with the riches of Your divinity. Through his obedience, You have granted her freedom from the powers of this world. Through his fidelity, You have counted her worthy to remain faithful to her calling to be the Kingdom of Heaven in the midst of the earth.
Community Prepares for Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage - 05/19/15
As it does each year, the seminary community came together this past week to prepare the Seminary and Monastery grounds to receive the great gathering of faithful expected for the 111th Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to thank the seminarians, administration, faculty, and staff as well as the countless volunteers who gave of their time and talents to assist in this grace filled labor of love.
Through their hard work and perseverance, they have prepared these hallowed grounds to be a truly welcoming sight and we each look forward to being able to share the beauty with all of our visitors.
You can view a Pilgrimage schedule courtesy of the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Website here.
Recently the Abbot of the St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Archimandrite Sergius, gave an interview on what is involved in the Pilgrimage preparation.
St. Tikhon's to Once Again Host Annual CCE Symposium - 05/19/15
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that it will once again be hosting the Annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium June 16-18, 2015.
Details for the upcoming event will be made available in the comming weeks at but reserve the date and plan to take part in what is always a very informative learning experience and an opportunity to reconnect with fellow clergy.
Community Offers Week-Long Preparation for Memorial Day Pilgrimage - 05/18/15
As it does each year, the seminary community joined together on May 18 - 22, 2015 to prepare the Seminary and Monastery grounds to receive the great gathering of faithful expected for the 111th Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we are pleased to thank the seminarians, administration, faculty, and staff as well as the countless volunteers who gave of their time and talents to assist in this grace filled labor of love.
Through their hard work and perseverance, they have prepared these hallowed grounds to be a truly welcoming sight and we each look forward to being able to share the beauty with all of our visitors.
On thursday of work the seminarians and their families were invited to the Annual-End-of-Workweek-Pizza-and-Ice-Cream-Social at John’s Restaurant in Hamlin. This year the event was sponsored by the Dean of the Seminary, the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich and the Chief Financial Officer, Fr. Dennis Swencki.
It was an opportunity for everyone to relax and catch their breath after all the preparations had come to an end and before the flurry of activity associated with the Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
On Monday, May 18, 2015 the administration, faculty, staff, and graduating class of 2015 gathered with their families at Cafe Ronaldi in Old Forge, PA for the Annual Graduate Appreciation Dinner.
This event was generously sponsored by His Grace, Bishop Michael and all who attended enjoyed good food and fellowship. St. Tikhon’s wishes to extend congratulations to the 2015 graduates and their families as they prepare to leave our community to serve the Church in whatever capacity that they have been called.
St. Tikhon's Honors the Women of the Community - 05/17/15
As the Spring 2015 semester drew to a close, the women of the St. Tikhon's community gathered for a meal held to recognize and honor their often behind-the-scenes work and support. Married and single students alike pitched in to plan and serve food and to provide childcare so the women of the community could enjoy each other's company for the evening.
In particular, the wives of this year's graduating seminarians were recognized as they prepare to depart for new and different destinations. The atmosphere was light-hearted as favorite and funniest memories were compiled and shared to everyone's amusement and laughter.
Thank You and Many Years to the women of the 2014–2015 St. Tikhon's Seminary community!
St. Tikhon’s Community Honors Archpriest Daniel Donlick - 05/16/15
On May 16, 2015, Archpriest Daniel Donlick marked the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood. Many clergy concelebrated with Metropolitan Tikhon at the Monastery Church, followed by a festive luncheon in the monastery trapeze that was attended by former and present students, family members, and the St. Tikhon’s community.
Fr. Daniel was Director of Admissions and part-time faculty member from 1971-1977. He served as registrar beginning in 1978, and in 1988 he was named to the newly established post of Academic Dean in 1988, a post he held until 1994 when his illness forced him to retire. He was also Associate Professor of History. Since then, he has remained a mentor and confessor to seminarians and their families at St. Tikhon’s.
During his tenure as Academic Dean, Fr. Donlick oversaw and in many ways shouldered much of the initial burden for preparing the institution for accreditation. This monumental effort resulted in the Seminary being granted Associate Membership in the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in January of 1994. This is a most significant achievement for the life of the seminary, but when asked about this, he still saw his most significant work in preparing young men to serve the church, fulfilling the mission of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Fr. Daniel also took the opportunity to present his own gifts to the Seminary and Monastery during the celebration, to the Seminary he gave a new chalice set for use in the chapel, and to the Monastery he offered a lovely censer for use in the monastery church.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary has established a Scholarship in Fr. Daniel’s name, as a living tribute to his efforts to support vocations over now several decades. Contributions to this scholarship are most welcome!
In having reflected on Fr. Daniel’s life, ministry, and contribution to the seminary, it seemed most appropriate to further honor Fr. Daniel with a Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, at graduation on Saturday! May God grant Archpriest Daniel, Matushka Dolores, and their family many blessed years!
Celebration held for Archbishop Michael in Honor of His Consecration to Episcopacy - 05/09/15
On Saturday, 9 May 2015, the Dean of the seminary, the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich together with V. Rev. Dennis Swencki, Chief Financial Officer traveled to Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Passaic NJ to join with diocesan clergy in honoring His Eminence Michael (Dahulich), Archbishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary on the 5th Anniversary of his consecration to the episcopacy. His Eminence celebrated the Divine Liturgy, and a festive luncheon followed in Patterson, NJ.
Then Fr. Michael began teaching here at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in 1993, and became dean in 2001. He served as dean until 2010 when he was elected for elevation to the Episcopacy for the Diocese of New York and New Jersey. Bishop Michael returned to St. Tikhon’s in 2012, being named Rector in the fall of 2013. Most recently, at the Spring 2015 session of the Holy Synod, Bishop Michael was elevated to Archbishop.
As part of the celebration His Eminence was presented with a new mitre on behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community.
May God grant His Eminence Michael good health and a long life and may He preserve him for many, many years.
July 13-18, 2015 Summer Master Class: Blagovest Bells, St. Tikhon’s Monastery, PaTRAM Institute - 05/08/15
This July St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary will open its doors to welcome the PaTRAM Institute for a second intensive workshop for church musicians. This year’s program boasts an exciting collaboration between PaTRAM and Blagovest Bells.
Vladimir Gorbik – PaTRAM Artistic Director, Choirmaster Moscow Podvorye of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Conducting Instructor (joining us virtually from Moscow)
Vladimir Morosan – Founder Musica Russica Rehearsal Technique Instructor, Congregational Singing Lecturer
Benedict Sheehan – Music Instructor St. Tikhon’s Monastery & Seminary, Conducting Instructor, Vocal Instructor
Mark Galperin – General Manager Blagovest Bells, Russian Orthodox Bells Lecturer
Constantine Stade – Bell Installation and Ringing Specialist, Russian Orthodox Bell Ringing Instructor
Training in this program will focus on techniques and materials specifically applicable to small choirs (e.g. from 2 to 8 singers) singing repertoire in English. This includes small ensemble vocal, conducting, and rehearsal techniques. These kinds of ensembles are certainly the norm in most parish situations, and leading and singing in them requires specific skills. Each participant will have the opportunity to be coached personally. Singers will be placed in one of several small ensembles, in which they will receive personal voice coaching in confident, yet sensitive ensemble singing. Conducting applicants, chosen by audition, will have private conducting coaching and will lead the small ensembles in the services that end the program.
Blagovest Bell’s participation in this year’s program will provide the unprecedented opportunity for intensive, one-on-one training in traditional Russian Orthodox bell ringing. Traditional bell ringing is often considered a luxury. However, when St. Innocent Veniaminov— America’s first Orthodox bishop (1840-1868)— traveled Alaska, he had with him a priest, a deacon, a subdeacon, a reader— and a bell ringer. Using the beautiful bells of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, and a mobile set of bells, the guest experts from Blagovest will train participants in the proper setup of Orthodox church bells, traditional ringing techniques, and the canonical peals. Bell ringing participants will also ring the peals in the services that end the program.
Our daily lecture and discussion series will include the fascinating topic of congregational singing. So many church musicians find themselves awash with enthusiastic singers in the congregation, but lacking in highly-trained and committed choir singers. Congregational singing is often the chosen solution to this situation. This year’s lectures will focus on the historical precedent for congregational singing, its efficacy as a liturgical music model, and how and when it is best undertaken. Participants will experience the incorporation of congregational singing in the services at the end of the program.
Participants will enjoy the elegance and convenience of the newly constructed Pioneer Plaza Best Western in nearby Carbondale, Pa. Daily dinners and lectures will be held in the Pioneer Plaza’s ballroom. And guests will enjoy their full breakfast buffet before heading to St. Tikhon’s for rehearsals and coaching.
Tuition costs:
Singers – $250
Conductors – $400
Bell-Ringers – $300
Auditors – $150
Room & Board: $435
Sunday-Friday nights stay at Pioneer Plaza Best Western (double occupancy)
All meals: breakfast buffet at hotel, lunches at St. Tikhon’s during workshop rehearsals, lecture dinners in ballroom, final brunch after Saturday liturgy.
Women's Group Learn Valuable Life Skills - 05/06/15
This year the St. Tikhon's Women's Group teamed up with the Carbondale YMCA to offer a CPR / First Aid class to Seminarians and their families. It was a wonderful opportunity for participants to learn responsiveness and preparation for a variety of emergency situations. Topics ranged from breathing and cardiac emergencies to first aid. We are thankful for the YMCA's remarkable willingness to work with us and facilitate our certification through the American Red Cross.
Annual St. Tikhon's Community Softball Game - 05/04/15
On May 4, 2015 students gathered with members of the faculty and administration to open the spring season with the annual St. Tikhon's Community Softball game, organized by the student government. Bishop Paul of the Diocese of the Midwest joined the spectators, and Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, opened the game with the first at-bat and hit. Inning after vigorous inning, the game went until dusk, finally ending with a 9-4 victory for the off-campus student team. Everyone dined on standard ballpark cuisine from the grill and enjoyed the pleasant springtime change of scenery.
St, Tikhon’s would like to thank all of the participants in this year’s event. It was a wonderful opportunity for “off-campus” fellowship and friendly competition.
St. Tikhon’s Welcomes His Grace, Bishop Paul (Gassios) - 05/04/15
On May 4, 2015 the St. Tikhon’s Community was pleased to have with us His Grace Bishop Paul (Gassios), Bishop of the Diocese of the Midwest. His Grace met with the Dean of the seminary the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, as well as seminarians from his diocese.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to thank His Grace, Bishop Paul and we look forward to him being able to visit with us again in the future.
Annual Century Association Event Continues to Provide Support for St. Tikhon's Seminary - 05/03/15
Members of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association, clergy, matushki, seminarians, and friends enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of food and fellowship at Hospitality ala Russe VI on Sunday, May 3, at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Bethlehem. The festival featured a magnificent “Russian Table” with zakushki (appetizers) of potato pancakes, holodetz (pork in aspic), beet salad (vinaigrette), eggplant caviar, pierogi, kielbasi, Russian meatballs, marinated mushrooms, spinach and cheese puffs, Paska and Russian rye bread followed by a dinner with Baba’s chicken soup, Chicken Kiev, Novgorod potatoes, garden green beans, and a delicious ice cream sundae with home baked cookies. The renowned nine-member Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra played our favorite balalaika melodies. There were door prizes and a superb basket raffle with themes of Afternoon Tea, Cold Cash, Keurig Coffee Maker, and Vera Bradley. “HANYA’S KITCHEN: The Orthodox Herald Recipe Collection,” cookbook was available for purchase and The Treasures of Russia Gift Shop was open for shopping. All proceeds from the event benefit St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Travels to Baltimore to Offer Prayers for the City - 05/02/15
On Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3, 2015, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir, together with V.Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, visited St. Andrew Orthodox church in Baltimore, Maryland. The Rector, Fr. Theodore Boback (STOTS 1972), and the parishioners of St. Andrew's have a long history of supporting the St. Tikhon's Community. Each year the mission choir looks forward to their visit to St. Andrew’s, where they know that they will receive a warm welcome from the parish community.
This warm welcome was all-the-more remarkable as, at the time, the city of Baltimore was dealing with great deal of civil unrest, making getting in and out of the city very difficult. Despite all these and other obstacles the mission choir enjoyed a wonderful time of worship and fellowship with the good people at St. Andrew’s.
On Saturday, May 2nd, Vespers was held at St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, north of the city. This pan-Orthodox Vespers included clergy and faithful of the Greek Orthodox parish, Antiochian Orthodox, and Fr. Ted and faithful of St. Andrew’s Church. On Sunday, at the end of the Liturgy a prayer service was offered on behalf of the city of Baltimore and its inhabitants.
St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to thank Fr. Ted Boback and all of the parishioners and faithful of St. Andrew Orthodox Church for their support of the Seminary and for their gracious hospitality towards our St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir.
This warm welcome was all-the-more remarkable as, at the time, the city of Baltimore was dealing with great deal of civil unrest, making getting in and out of the city very difficult. Despite all these and other obstacles the mission choir enjoyed a wonderful time of worship and fellowship with the good people at St. Andrew’s. During the service a prayer service was offered on behalf of the city of Baltimore and its inhabitants.
St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to thank Fr. Ted Boback and all of the parishioners and faithful of St. Andrew Orthodox Church for their support of the Seminary and for their gracious hospitality towards our St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir.
Still Time to Take Part in This Historic Event! - 05/01/15
Though Pre-Registration has completed, there is still time to take part in this historic event!
There is still time to reserve your place at Academic Symposium Honoring the Life and Work of Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich) (1876 – 1965.) This event will be held at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA, on Thursday, May 14, 2015 on the 50th Anniversary of his repose in the Lord.
This day-long symposium will feature not only yet to be published selections from the 1917-18 diary of Metropolitan Leonty as read and translated by his granddaughter Mat. Tamara Turkevich-Skvir, but will also feature poems and observational anecdotes written throughout the life of this champion of the Faith.
Presenters will also include Harold M. Leich, Russian Area Specialist European Division, The Library of Congress, as well as Dr. Scott M. Kenworthy presenting on the topic, “The Relationship between Metropolitan Leontii and St. Tikhon of Moscow.”
In addition to the more formal academic offerings, a time will be set aside for stories and recollections by friends, family, and others who had the opportunity to experience first-hand the grace and wisdom of Metropolitan Leonty.
The tentative schedule is listed below:
7:00 – 8:15 AM Divine Liturgy, Monastery Church
8:30 – 9:00 Graveside Memorial Service for Metr. Leonty
9:10 – 9:50 Continental Breakfast and Fellowship
10:00 – 10:55 First Presentation
11:00 – 11:55 Second Presentation
12:00 – 1:25 PM Lunch and Museum Tour
1:30 – 2:25 Third Presentation
2:30 – 3:25 Fourth Presentation
3:30 – 4:25 Fifth Presentation
4:30 – 5:10 Vespers, Monastery Church
5:15 – 6:30 Wine and Cheese Reception
6:30 – 8:00 Panel Discussion, centering on personal reminiscences of His Eminence
In anticipation of the number of faithful who will be visiting with us, we have arranged two separate group reservations with local hotels. The first is with the Comfort Inn in Hamlin, PA (570-689-4148), and the second is with the newly constructed Pioneer Plaza Hotel in Carbondale, PA (570-536-6020). Both hotels have reserved a block of rooms for the low rate of $88 per room. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly and asking to be included in the group of rooms reserved for St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Registration for the Symposium can be made by calling St. Tikhon’s Seminary at 570-561-1818 and then dialing 0 for the receptionist, or you can register online through the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore by following the link here.
Please consider visiting St. Tikhon’s for this once in a lifetime chance to be a participant as our community of faith undertakes a “Holy Remembering” of one of its most beloved and revered paragons of faith whose life touched so many throughout the last century!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Participates in Mission School - 04/24/15
Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean, and Archpriest Daniel Kovalak, Lecturer in Pastoral Arts and Praxis both were presenters at the recent launching of the Orthodox Church in America’s newly founded “Mission School” which was held in Detroit Michigan. The week-long program was held at St. Andrew House, April 20-24, 2015 and was funded by a bequest made to the OCA for Missions and Evangelization. In addition, Archbishop Michael, Seminary Rector, facilitated discussions during the week-long program, along with Archbishop Nathaniel.
On Thursday, April 16, 2015 Dn. Stephen Muse gave a well-researched and thought-provoking presentation titled Holy Image Holy Blood: What Forensic Studies of the Shroud Can Tell Us About the Crucifixion and Resurection of Jesus.
The lecture was free of charge and open to the public. Dn. Stephen was also gracious enough to allow the publication of the presentation for all to enjoy and can be viewed via the St. Tikhon's YouTube Channel below.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon's Community we would like to offer Dn. Stephen Muse our appreciation for taking the time to be with us and we look forward to visiting with him again in the near future.
Seminary Chapel Receives Beautiful New Floor - 04/16/15
On Thursday April 16, 2015 the St. Nicholai Velemorovich Chapel located inside St. Tikhon’s Seminary was remodeled with a beautiful new hardwood floor and carpeting due to the generosity of Dr. Nabil a longtime supporter of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary who donated the hardwood flooring in the hopes that it would be used for just such purposes.
The cost of the installation of the flooring and the new carpet were donated by St. Tikhon’s Monastery. The hardwood is of an exceptional quality and should serve the seminary community for years to come. An alumnus who graduated in the early 70’s and has personally witnessed the transformation of the space from a library to a chapel remarked “I did a few petitions and the acoustics are so different its like being in a whole new place.”
Many thanks are due to Dr. Nabil for his donation and also to Abbot Sergius and the St. Tikhon’s Monastic Brotherhood for their continued and ever-present support of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Of Your Mystical Supper, O Son of God, / Accept me today as a communicant. / For I will not speak of Your mysteries to Your enemies, / Neither like Judas will I give You a kiss, / But like the thief will I confess You. / Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!
Troparion — Tone 4
By Your precious blood, / You have redeemed us from the curse of the law. / By being nailed to the cross and pierced by a spear, / You have poured forth immortality for man. / O our Savior, glory to You!
Kontakion — Tone 8
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him who was crucified for us, / For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree: / Though You do endure the cross, You are my Son and my God!
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your passion, / You did confirm the universal Resurrection, O Christ God! / Like the children with the palms of victory, / We cry out to You, O Vanquisher of death; / Hosanna in the Highest! / Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord!
Troparion — Tone 4
When we were buried with You in Baptism, O Christ God, / We were made worthy of eternal life by Your Resurrection! / Now we praise You and sing: / Hosanna in the highest! / Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord!
Kontakion — Tone 6
Sitting on Your throne in heaven, / Carried on a foal on earth, O Christ God! / Accept the praise of angels and the songs of children who sing: / Blessed is He that comes to recall Adam!
St. Tikhon's Holds Annual Vocations Retreat - 04/04/15
On April 3-4, 2015 Saint Tikhon's Seminary hosted its Annual Vocations Retreat. This annual event is designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church in whatever capacity that He reveals.
Over the course of the retreat, prospective students had an opportunity to join with the Seminary Community and Monastery Brotherhood in prayer, tour the Monastery grounds and the Seminary Campus, meet the Dean of the school, hear talks, and join in discussions. It also provided a small glimpse of what a potential seminarian can expect to experience at St. Tikhon’s as an active member of the community.
The theme of this years retreat was “In the Fear of God and With Faith Draw Near.”
The retreat has already added names to the quickly growing list of incoming students for the Fall 2015 semester.
There is Still Time to Share Your Stories for This Year’s Tikhonaire - 04/03/15
There is still time for you to share your memorable story for this year’s Tikhonaire Publication. This year the Tikhonaire is dedicated to the life and work of Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich.) If you have a story or reflection that you would like to offer about this champion of the Orthodox Church in the country feel free to send it via email to or you can also send it via postal courier to PO Box 130 South Canaan, PA 18459.
There is also time if you have not been able to reserve your place in this year’s Tikhonaire with a sponsorship ad. Follow the directions below to register online or you can mail in your advertisement to the address above. Please consider lending your support to this historically rich document of faith and in doing so, making it clear that you support Orthodox Theological Education and the St. Tikhon’s Community.
On behalf of St. Tikhon's we would like to thank you for your untiring support, and may this coming Holy Week be a time of great spiritual renewal as we all make our way to that Feast of Feasts, Great and Holy Pascha, that awaits us at the end.
There is Still Time to Pre-Register for the Academic Symposium Honoring the Life and Work of Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich) - 04/01/15
Only 27 More Days to Pre-Register for the Academic Symposium Honoring the Life and Work of Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich). As was announced previously this historical occasion will feature the life and work of this beloved Archpastor and fearless advocate for Orthodoxy in America.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is pleased to announce that Leonid Turkevich Phd, the grandson of the beloved Metropolitan Leonty will also be presenting at the Symposium a Lecture entitled Metropolitan Leonty and the Literary Tradition. Below we have included a section from his submitted abstract.
“Most of this Symposium is devoted to the pastoral, ecclesiastical and administrative legacy of Metropolitan Leonty. Although appreciated during his lifetime, but less well-known in the present day, is his literary legacy. While it is not my intent or training to venture a definitive literary criticism of his corpus of works, I would like to revisit this aspect of his life. He certainly viewed it as an important activity, so it is appropriate for us to attempt some understanding of these contributions.”
Harold M. Leich, Russian Area Specialist European Division, The Library of Congress will be presenting on The Papers of Leonty, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, at the Library of Congress. Below we have included a section from his submitted abstract.
“The presentation will provide an overview of the papers of Metropolitan Leonty Turkevich (1876-1965) at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC. The collection was generously donated by members of the Turkevich family in 1998 and is housed in the Library’s Manuscript Division. The collection has been cataloged and is open for use by all interested researchers.
Most of Metropolitan Leonty’s papers, comprising eight linear feet of materials in archival boxes, are in bound volumes of correspondence records and diaries. His poetry and financial notes are scattered throughout the diaries and correspondence records. One of the most significant holdings in the collection is the Metropolitan’s detailed record of the Church council (Sobor) held in Moscow in 1917-1918. Many of his notes on the Sobor are in shorthand and remain undeciphered. The presentation will include reading a poem, heretofore unpublished, composed by Metropolitan Leonty in late October 1917, on the eve of the election of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.
In summary, the papers are a rich source for the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, Orthodoxy in America, and for the biography of Metropolitan Leonty himself.”
Also St. Tikhon’s would like to acknowledge the wonderful treasure that has been offered by V, Rev. Daniel Skvir who has submitted copies of the translated class notes of Metropolitan Leonty when he taught at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. It is from this that we intend to create a one of a kind, event exclusive offering that will be available only at the symposium itself. The offering will be limited edition, individually numbered, and will be offered exclusively to those who attend this historic event.
Only 27 more days to pre-register at a discounted rate!
Please register before April 2, 2015 for a discounted rate of $60. This can be done clicking on the link marked REGISTRATION below.
Please consider visiting St. Tikhon’s for this once in a lifetime chance to be a participant as our community of faith undertakes a “Holy Remembering” of one of its most beloved and revered paragons of faith whose life touched so many throughout the last century!
Member of St. Tikhon's Women's Group Has Lenten Reflection Published on OCN - 03/30/15
Rachel Hill, wife of first year seminarian Mikel Hill, recently had an article featured on Orthodox Christian Networkas part of their ongoing feature titled "The Sounding."
St. Tikhon's Seminary Begins Search for Director of Mission Advancement - 03/30/15
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is seeking a full-time Director of Mission Advancement. Responsibilities include annual giving initiatives, major and planned giving programs, capital campaign efforts, administration, and reporting of department efforts to Dean, Rector, and Board of Trustees. Please see the attached job description for more information. To apply, forward resume
On March 28-29, 2015 four St. Tikhon’s students traveled to Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts for a meeting of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM). Twice a year, this group brings together students from all Orthodox seminaries for a weekend of fellowship and shared learning. Activities at the most recent OISM event included a tour of the Holy Cross campus, services in their beautiful chapel, and time to get to know one another. The students also benefited from discussions led by His Grace Bishop John of Worchester and Father Edward Hughes on the theme of “Building Community.”
In the opening session on Friday evening, students from St. Vladimir’s Seminary in New York, Christ the Saviour Seminary in Johnstown Pennsylvania, St. Herman’s Seminary in Alaska, Holy Cross, and St. Tikhon’s were able to hear from each other what “a day in the life” looks like at their respective seminaries. This set the tone of open communication and learning from one another that continued throughout the weekend, as seminarians had the opportunity to come together in discussions of concerns that are common to every geographical location and jurisdiction. The St. Tikhon’s students returned eager to share their experience, and looking forward to the next OISM event.
Article by Megan Haak first year seminarian at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and newly elected OISM secretary.
Archivist from National Church Makes Annual Visit To St. Tikhon's Seminary - 03/26/15
On Thursday morning, March 26, 2015 in Dr. David Ford's course on America and Orthodoxy, Mr. Alex Liberovsky, the Archivist of the OCA, gave a wonderfully thorough and inspiring slide-and-lecture presentation entitled "The Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in America and Church Unity: From Historical Vision to the Present." In this presentation he recounted the highlights of the story of Russian Orthodoxy in America, beginning with the missionary work in Alaska in the 1790s up to the present, with special emphasis on the synods of the Church, beginning with the first synod of the Russian American Diocese, held in Mayfield, PA, in 1907, under St. Tikhon of Moscow, through the granting of autocephaly in 1970, and continuing up to the upcoming 18th All-American Council, to be held in Atlanta, GA, this coming July.
Mr. Liberovsky also gave a short presentation at lunch in which he explained the current process of revising the Statutes of the OCA. He, and Fr. Steven Kopestonsky (who attended the 1971 Council held at St. Tikhon's at which the current Statutes were instituted), both emphasized the importance of the Statutes for everyone in the Church - especially parish priests, who need to make sure that their parish by-laws are aligned with the Statutes of the diocese and of the OCA. Mr. Liberovsky urged the students to study the tentative revision of the OCA Statute (as given on the OCA website) and make any suggestions by April 21.
We all wish to thank Mr. Liberovsky very much for everything he shared with us during his visit.
Today is the beginning of our salvation, the revelation of the eternal mystery. The Son of God becomes the Son of the virgin, as Gabriel announces the coming of Grace. Together with him let us cry to the Theotokos: Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you (Troparion).
Axios and Many Years to Archbishop Michael - 03/24/15
St. Tikhon’s Seminary community celebrates the wonderful news that the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, during its recent meeting, elevated Bishop Michael to the dignity of the rank of Archbishop. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael will celebrate in May the fifth anniversary of his consecration, and was elected Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary in October of 2013 also by the Holy Synod.
Grant, O Lord, a peaceful and prosperous life, health, salvation, and furtherance in all good things, unto Thy Servant, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and protect and preserve him for many years!
St. Tikhon's Seminary to Host Annual Vocations Retreat - 03/24/15
Saint Tikhon's Seminary will once again be hosting its Annual Vocations Retreat on Friday, April 3 and Saturday, April 4, 2015. This encounter is designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church in whatever capacity that He reveals.
The Vocations Retreat will begin on Friday evening at 6:00 for Registration and end after Vigil Saturday evening. Over the course of the retreat, guests will have the opportunity to join with the Seminary Community and Monastery Brotherhood in prayer, tour the Monastery grounds and the Seminary Campus, meet the Dean of the school, hear talks, and join in discussions. The schedule will provide participants the opportunity to consider very seriously one's active role, purpose and responsibilities as a member of the Body of Christ. It will also provide a glimpse of what a potential seminarian can expect to experience at St. Tikhon’s as an active member of the community.
The theme of this years retreat will be “In the Fear of God and With Faith Draw Near” and is offered at no cost to all individuals interested in visiting the seminary. If you would like to register for the retreat or if you would like more information on the retreat, or on St. Tikhon's Seminary, please call the school at 570-561-1818 or send an email to
You Can Now Support St. Tikhon's Seminary Through AmazonSmile - 03/24/15
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that you can now automatically make a donation to St. Tikhon’s Seminary each time you make a purchase using
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Memory Eternal Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko - 03/19/15
On behalf of the faculty, administration, staff, students and families of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary community, I express our deepest sympathies on the falling asleep in the Lord of the ever-to-be-remembered Protopresbyter, Father Thomas Hopko.
So often our society idolizes celebrities and billionaires; we make them our “heroes” and our “role models”. But, in reality, their records are short-lived and their fame is fleeting. We need to exalt and pattern our lives after the Saints who imitated Christ … and the pastors who imitate them. Father Tom lived such a life: teacher, author; scholar, dean; husband, father; mentor, friend … But primarily, he was a priest.
From his days in Endicott serving as an altar boy, to his years at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, as one of its renowned Deans, Father Tom loved serving the Lord, His Church, and His people. He celebrated the Divine Services in a manner that would make one wonder if he were in Heaven or on earth. He preached with the boldness of a prophet, the brilliance of a patristic father, and a clarity that reached the youngest of children – and the most senior of faithful.
In his parishes, he was loved as a father and a friend. He led people to Christ by his preaching and guided them on the path to theosis as a confessor. His writings, which were both brilliant in depth and easy to understand, touched the minds and hearts and souls of countless individuals, not only in his parochial assignments but throughout this country and all over the world.
Father Tom was the consummate priest. He trained men to become priests. He mentored them in the Seminary and in their parishes. He gave them advice and inspired them, guided and comforted them, but most of all, loved them. He was, in fact, a priest’s priest.
In the book of Sirach, there is a passage praising a high priest, Simon. Its words are applicable to the Protopresbyter – the first of priests – Father Tom: “When he put on his splendid vestments and was clothed with the perfection of grace, and went up to the altar to serve … he honored the priesthood itself.” (50:10).
All of us whose lives were touched by Father Tom are better for it. The faculty, students and alumni of St. Tikhon’s Seminary – for many of whom his teachings have been pivotal in their discerning of vocations – are richer for the years we have had him, as is the entire Orthodox Church in America. We pray for the repose of his soul, that the Lord will indeed say to this consummate priest among priests, “Well done, good and faithful servant … enter into the joy of your Lord.” (Matthew 25:21).
May God beatify him and give him rest with the Saints … and may his memory be eternal!
May 16, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Nicholas Church in Auburn, NY - 03/15/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Nicholas Church in Auburn, NY to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and ordination to the priesthood of Deacon Michael Speck on May 16, 2015. Following the Liturgy, refreshments will be served and the members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Welcomes Master Pysanky Artist Nancy Dudchik - 03/14/15
This year’s pysanky workshop for the St. Tikhon's Women’s Group was conducted by Nancy Dudchik on March 14, 2015. Nancy is an accomplished artist from Connecticut who has years of experience in the art of pysanky, and has even had her beautiful works of art displayed at the White House. Those in attendance learned the ancient art of making pysanky eggs which are traditionally made during Lent. Pysanky is an egg which has been decorated or “written” on with layers of beeswax and is often dyed multiple colors. Once the wax is heated and removed, a beautiful design is revealed. Attendees were provided an in- depth demonstration and education regarding the significance of the colors and the symbols that have been historical used to create pysanky eggs. Ms. Dudchik also brought with her pysanky eggs that she herself created which provided a great source of artistic inspiration for those present who made their own colorful creations.
The St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group would like to extend its thanks to Ms. Dudchik for giving of her time, talent, and knowledge which is very much appreciated.
St. Tikhon's Community Mourns the Loss of One of Its Own - 03/07/15
By Drs. David and Mary Ford
It was very moving for us to experience the vast outpouring of love and condolences at Fr. Matthew Baker's (STS 2008) funeral at the Church of the Annunciation (GOA) in Cranston, Rhode Island, on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Officiating were two hierarchs - Metr. Methodios and Bp. Andonios - and about 30 priests, with at least 20 other priests in attendance, and many hundreds of people there - so many that police help was required for parking and for the very long funeral procession on the expressways from Cranston to Providence. One great highlight was hearing the very personal letter written by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Presvytera Katie and the children. It was a powerful experience, mourning the loss to the whole Church of one who many had hoped would become a leading theologian, but also, perhaps more importantly, one whom many had experienced as a loving friend and highly respected mentor. There were people there from all over the country, from many jurisdictions and all walks of life - both Orthodox and non-Orthodox - coming to pay their respects to a man who had touched their lives in significant ways.
It was also very meaningful and gratifying for us to see so many of our former students (and some of their families) there to honor and pay their last respects to their brother in Christ who had entered Christ's Holy Priesthood only 14 months before. The alumni present included our current faculty member and Choir Director Benedict Sheehan (STOTS 2011) and his family; Fr. Seraphim Majmudar (STOTS 2008) from Tacoma, Washington; Paul Jungwirth, from Portland, Oregon; Fr. Joseph Lucas (STOTS 2010) from Miami, Florida; Fr. Matthew Brown (STOTS 2013) from Saddle Brook, New Jersey; Fr. Patrick Burns (STOTS 2009), from Ansonia, Connecticut; Fr. Nicholas Dellermann (STOTS 2008), from Norwich, Connecticut; Fr. Nicholai Meyers (STOTS 2009), from Utica, New York; Fr. Andrew Damick (STOTS 2007), from Emmaus, Pennsylvania; Fr. Adam Sexton (STOTS 2008), from Ashland, Virginia; Fr. Philip Kontos (STOTS 2008), from Jupiter, Florida; Fr. Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Fr. Mark Lichtenstein (STOTS 2010) from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania; as well as Jerry Tarris, the Bakers' former "landlord" at the Tarris Estates in Simpson.
For a photo from the funeral, and a short description, please go here.
May we all be stirred with great resolve by the inspiring example of this brilliant scholar, challenging teacher, bold preacher, dynamic priest, and beloved friend and mentor to many. We are truly honored to have him as one of our St. Tikhon's graduates.
May 2-3, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD - 03/01/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on May 2 and 3, 2015. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
April 1, 2015 Mission Choir to visit Holy Apostles Church in Saddlebrook, NJ - 03/01/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Assumption of the Holy Virgin Church in Clifton, New Jersey to celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on April 1, 2015 at 6:30pm. Following the Liturgy, refreshments will be served and the members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
May 6, 2015 Dr. Christopher to speak at St. Mary's Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN - 03/01/15
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will be speaking at the St. Alexis Toth Lecture at St. Mary’s OCA Cathedral, Minneapolis, MN on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
The St. Alexis Toth Lecture is an annual event sponsored by the St Mary's Boriss-Hansen Committee, which is dedicated to furthering educational opportunities for Cathedral parishioners and the local Orthodox community.
Memory Eternal Priest Matthew Baker (STOTS 2008) - 03/01/15
It is with a very heavy heart that we received the news of the tragic passing from this life of the servant of God Presbyter Matthew Baker (STOTS 2008). Currently details are few but some time early this evening while attempting to drive home from his parish assignment at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Norwich, CT Fr. Matthew was involved in a car accident and passed away as a result of the injuries.
The following message was published by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston:
Memory Eternal!
Fr. Matthew Baker tragically passes away in a car accident this evening
To the Faithful Stewards of the Metropolis of Boston,
With a very heavy heart, His Eminence informs you of the untimely passing of the Rev. Fr. Matthew Baker, who tragically died in a car accident early this evening. Fr. Matthew was recently assigned to the Holy Trinity Parish of Norwich, CT, following the retirement of Fr. Paul Pantelis. During this evening's snow storm, Fr. Baker was traveling home from the parish when he had an accident from which he did not survive. His children who were traveling in the car with Fr. Matthew are thankfully not injured. The Metropolitan spoke directly with Presbytera Katherine a few moments ago and expressed the love and sympathy of the entire Metropolis and assured her of our prayers, presence and support.
More information will be forthcoming tomorrow. Please join His Eminence as we pray for Fr. Matthew's eternal repose. We pray for Presbytera Kate, their six beautiful children, Fr. Matthew's mother and their entire family, that the Lord surround them in His comforting and peaceful embrace. May he rest in peace! May his memory be eternal!
The following funding website has been set up where people can make direct donations to offer support for his family during this most difficult time. Fr. Matthew was a dedicated priest, husband, father, and friend.
The Church and world are the lesser for his passing.
Within Your peace, O Lord, where all Your saints repose, give rest also to the soul of Your servant, for You alone are immortal.
St. Tikhon's Community Begins Lenten Journey with Forgiveness - 02/27/15
On Sunday, February 22, the St. Tikhon's Community joined together to begin their Lenten Journey with Forgiveness Vespers. During the following week, the Monastic and Seminary community came together to observe each of the daily services of Clean Week. This time of communal prayer and worship served as a beautiful beginning to the Lenten season and united the community in mutual labor and struggle as we head toward the goal of Great and Holy Pascha.
On Wednesday, February 25 and Thursday, February 26, 2015, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon graciously hosted a Clean Week Retreat for the student body of St. Tikhon's Seminary. His Beatitude taught on the importance of silence in the everyday life of the Christian and how to maintain that state even when engaging in the sometimes mundane daily activities that make up a person's routine.
Students were able to have multiple question and answer sessions during which his Beatitude patiently responded to each of the student's queries about spiritual life, liturgics, and the lives of the Saints.
The St. Tikhon's Community would like to extend its gratitude to Metropolitan Tikhon for taking the time to host this spiritually profitable and enlightening retreat.
Orthodox Exhibition Begins at Neumann University - 02/23/15
On Monday, February 23, 2015 an exhibition titled East Meets West: An Ecclesial Embrace began on the campus of Neumann University. The Exhibition commemorates the historic meeting between the Pope Paul VI and His All Holiness Patriarch Athenagoras, both of blessed memory, which occurred on January 5-6, 1964 in the Great City of Jerusalem.
This exhibition along with several lectures and presentations by renowned scholars hopefully endeavors to bring attention to the historical and spiritual significance of this first embrace.
The exhibition began Monday, February 23rd and will continue until Friday, April 24th, 2015 at the Neumann University Library 1 Neumann Drive Aston, PA 19014 and is free and open to the public.
In association with the event, on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 (Feast of the Annunciation) at 7 PM in the Neumann University Chapel a lecture will be given by Dr. Aristeides Papadakis, Professor Emeritus of Byzantine History at the University of Maryland, titled The “Schism” of 1054: Points of Reflection.
Fr. Steven and Mission Choir Attend Diocesan General Assembly for the Diocese of the South - 02/15/15
On Sunday, February 15, 2015 Archpriest. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, accompanied the St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir to Christ the Savior Cathedral, Miami, Florida, for a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with His Eminence, Archbishop Nikon. His Eminence ordained Subdeacon Carlos Miranda (deacon program participant in Miami) to the Holy Diaconate, with local clergy gathered in advance of the Special Diocesan Assembly for the Diocese of the South. With Fr. Sergius’ blessing they also brought with them the wonderworking Icon of the Righteous Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery to be venerated by the clergy and the faithful.
The mission choir remained to offer the responses for services related to the assembly to nominate a new diocesan bishop candidate. They led the responses for a Hierarchical Liturgy beginning the Special Assembly, and witnessed the nomination process, singing hymns while the ballots were counted. Later that day an Akathist was celebrated to the Righteous Anna. On Monday evening, Archpriest Philip Reese, Regional Alumni Coordinator, brought together diocesan clergy who are also St. Tikhon’s Alumni to gather together with Fr. Steven for an evening of fellowship.
Following the assembly, Fr. Steven also led a retreat for the diocesan clergy that included sessions on Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon. It was wonderful to spend these several days with the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of the South. May God continue to guide the nomination process for a new diocesan bishop.
Axios! Deacon Gabriel Bilas Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 02/14/15
On Saturday, February 14, 2015, Deacon Gabriel Bilas was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Alexander (Golitzin) of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese. May God bless Fr. Gabriel and his wife, Matushka Laura, as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
St. Tikhon's Community Enjoys Annual Pre-Lenten Celebration - 02/12/15
On Thursday, February 12 2015, the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Community enjoyed a time of celebration and fellowship before the beginning of the Lenten season. This year’s festivities were held at the Pioneer Plaza in Carbondale and included a delicious meal as well as live music provided by “Harry and the Dogmatics.”
This was our first time utilizing the new hotel’s beautiful banquet room and everyone agreed that it was a beautiful space and should be considered for future events as well.
A big thank-you to all those who contributed to the preparations for the evening. It was a truly wonderful event that provided a much needed opportunity for fellowship before beginning the Lenten journey.
March 1, 2015 Fr. John Kowalczyk to Speak in Minneapolis, MN - 02/10/15
On Sunday, March 1st, 2015 the V. Rev. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education, has been invited by the Pan-Orthodox Clergy Association of the Greater Twin cities to provide the homily for the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers service at St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
February 27-28, 2015 Fr. John Kowalczyk to Lead Lenten Retreat in Minneapolis, MN - 02/10/15
Friday, February 27th, and Saturday, February 28th, 2015 the V. Rev. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will lead a Lenten Retreat at St, Mary's Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
March 18, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA - 02/10/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA to celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on March 18, 2015 at 6:30pm. Following the Liturgy, refreshments will be served and the members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
February 28 - March 1, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Broadview, OH - 02/10/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Broadview, OH to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on February 28 and March 1, 2015. Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, refreshments will be served and the Mission Choir will have the opportunity to meet with parishioners. Then on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 pm, the Mission Choir will join in a pan-Orthodox Vespers service for Sunday of Orthodoxy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in nearby Parma, OH.
PaTRAM Institute Now Accepting Enrollment for Spring - 02/10/15
Our 2015 church music courses are now open for enrollment at the PaTRAM Institute. These 12-week courses will begin at the end of February. This semester we are offering the following six classes online:
Music Theory: Introduction to Musicianship Level I, Introduction to Musicianship Level II
Voice Lessons: Private and Group Lessons
Conducting Lessons: Private and Group Lessons
The content of our courses is specifically designed for immediate application in Orthodox sacred choral music in the Russian tradition. All examples and weekly assignments are drawn from selections from common English repertoire. All PaTRAM course enrollees receive discounts on PaTRAM master class events.
The PaTRAM Institute curriculum offers an innovative approach to music learning. Orthodox musicians often lead very busy lives apart from their work for the Church, and so enrolling in a conventional music program is simply not an option for many. Using a groundbreaking combination of:
private lessons via video-conference
online virtual classrooms
guided independent study
seasonal workshops and master classes
assessment-based, multi-level certification
the PaTRAM Institute curriculum makes it possible for working church musicians to increase their God-given talents at their own pace, under the tutelage of some of the forest Orthodox professional musicians, and at a fraction of the cost of a conventional music program.
Would you be kind enough to send the attached email announcement to your constituents or make mention of our program on your website using the above copy?
St. Tikhon's Welcomes Representatives From the Diocese of the West - 02/10/15
On February 10, 2015 the St. Tikhon’s Community was pleased to welcome representatives from the Diocese of the West the V. Rev. John Pierce, Dean of the Pacific Northwest and the V. Rev. Matthew Tate, Dean of Mission Deanery.
Both Fr. John and Fr. Matthew met with students from the Diocese of the West and shared words of encouragement with the seminarians and their wives as they continue their theological education.
On behalf of St. Tikhon’s we would like to thank both Fr. John and Fr. Matthew for their visit with us.
February 19-20, 2015 Fr. John Kowalczyk to Attend Annual OCPM Event in Atlanta, GA - 02/09/15
Thursday, February 19th & Friday, February 20, 2015 the V. Rev. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon's Seminary, will attend the Annual Board of Directors Meeting of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) in Atlanta, Georgia.
Fr. John serves as the Secretary of the Board of Directors for the OCPM.
February 13-14, 2015 Fr. John Kowalczyk to Speak in Broadview Heights, OH - 02/09/15
Friday, February 13 and Saturday February 14, 2015 the V. Rev. John Kowalczyk will be speaking to the Cleveland area Pan -Orthodox Clergy at the Archangel Michael Orthodox Church in Broadview Heights, OH on the Ministry of those who are incarcerated and response to Last Judgment Gospel: Matt. 25:31-46.
Rector and Dean Speak at 17th Annual Clergy Event for Antiochian Archdiocese - 02/09/15
On February 9-12, 2015 His Grace Bishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, each shared words at the 17th Annual Clergy Symposium for the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
This year the event was held at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra, CA and featured presentations on the topic of "Practical Issues in the Life of an Orthodox Priest."
A slide show has been provided courtesy of the Antiochian Diocese of Los Angeles and the West and can be viewed here.
March 21, 2015 Dr. Christopher to speak at Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA - 02/08/15
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will be speaking at the St. Matthew’s Lenten Prayer Retreat at the Jesuit Center in Wernersville PA on Saturday, March 21, 2015.
The theme for the retreat is “Prayer in St. Silouan and Elder Sophrony.” Dr. Christopher will be giving three talks, entitled “The Three Forms of Prayer,”“The Development of Intrusive Thoughts (logismoi),” and “The Role of the Imagination in the Spiritual Struggle.”
St. Tikhon's Community Enjoys Prosphora Workshop - 02/07/15
On Saturday, February 7 2015, Fr. Stephen Kopestonsky held a one-day workshop on the art of Prosphora baking for members of the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Community. Attending the workshop was Seminarian Megan Haak, Seminarian Timothy Winegar, Melanie Neal, Matushka Katherine White, Jason Malone, Mary Carol Ashley, Marina Ferguson and Anne Gillis. Thank you to Fr. Stephen and Matushka Sandy for hosting and teaching the class, and to community member Anne Gillis for organizing the event.
On Friday, February 6, 2015, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and her sister school St. Vladimir’s Seminary faced off once again for their annual basketball game. The evening began with a joint Vespers served in the Saint Nicholai of Zicha chapel located on the campus of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. After Vespers, Fr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of the seminary, thanked those from St. Vladimir’s for joining with us for the upcoming game and expressed his support for the players.
The game itself was held at the gymnasium of a local evangelical church in Honesdale, PA, just a few minutes away from St. Tikhon’s. Both teams gave it their all, but in the end St. Vladimir’s Seminary “narrowly” won out against St. Tikhon’s with a score of 42 to 30. After the game, everyone enjoyed pizza, soda, and fellowship. This annual game is geared toward fostering brotherly love between the seminarians, and among their families. We would like to thank all those who had a hand in making this game possible, especially Seminarian Andrew Nelko who handled all of the planning and organization for the event.
2014 - 2015 St. Tikhon’s Seminary Basketball Team:
John Andoun, Chris Kuriakose, Andrew Nelko, Khader Baramki, Gabriel Bilas, Timothy Winegar, Michael Skor, Veljko Pejovic, Michael Danhofer, Mikel Hill.
Dr. Mary Ford Provides Second Part of Lecture on the Book of Revelation for St. Tikhon's Women's Group - 02/05/15
On Thursday, February 5, 2015 Dr. Mary Ford presented Part 2 of her lecture “Topics in the Revelation of John” to the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Women’s Group.
The lecture focused on various aspects including the vast numeric and symbolic imagery present throughout the book of Revelation, as well as the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, its origin and affect on modern Christianity.
The St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group would like to thank Dr. Mary Ford for her time and effort as it was truly an edifying and enjoyable evening for all of those present.
St. Tikhon's Community Welcomes His Grace Bishop Paul (Gassios) - 02/04/15
The St. Tikhon’s Community was pleased to have with us this week the newly consecrated Bishop Paul (Gassios), Bishop of the Diocese of the Midwest. His Grace has been visiting with us on retreat and meeting with seminarians from his diocese.
On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 His Grace addressed the students during lunch and encouraged them to reflect on what it means to be the local Church while they receiving their theological training and to attempt to keep this reality in mind throughout their lives as they minister to a world that continues to become ever more polarizing.
We would like to thank His Grace Bishop Paul for visiting with us and we look forward to his visiting with us again in the near future.
Registration is Now Open for the May 14 Academic Symposium Honoring the Life and Work of Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich) - 02/03/15
Academic Symposium Honoring the Life and Work of
Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich) (1876 – 1965)
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Seminary South Canaan, PA
May 14, 2015
(The 50th Anniversary of his repose in the Lord)
The St. Tikhon’s Community is pleased to announce that registration has begun for this historical occasion which will feature the life and work of this beloved Archpastor and fearless advocate for Orthodoxy in America.
This day-long symposium will feature not only yet to be published selections from the 1917-18 diary of Metropolitan Leonty as read and translated by his granddaughter Mat. Tamara Turkevich-Skvir, but will also feature poems and observational anecdotes written throughout the life of this champion of the Faith.
Presenters will also include Harold M. Leich, Russian Area Specialist European Division, The Library of Congress, as well as Dr. Scott M. Kenworthy presenting on the topic, “The Relationship between Metropolitan Leontii and St. Tikhon of Moscow.”
In addition to the more formal academic offerings, a time will be set aside for stories and recollections by friends, family, and others who had the opportunity to experience first-hand the grace and wisdom of Metropolitan Leonty.
Updates to the symposium will be published regularly in the weeks leading up to the event.
The tentative schedule is listed below:
7:00 – 8:15 AM Divine Liturgy, Monastery Church
8:30 – 9:00 Graveside Memorial Service for Metr. Leonty
9:10 – 9:50 Continental Breakfast and Fellowship
10:00 – 10:55 First Presentation
11:00 – 11:55 Second Presentation
12:00 – 1:25 PM Lunch and Museum Tour
1:30 – 2:25 Third Presentation
2:30 – 3:25 Fourth Presentation
3:30 – 4:25 Fifth Presentation
4:30 – 5:10 Vespers, Monastery Church
5:15 – 6:30 Wine and Cheese Reception
6:30 – 8:00 Panel Discussion, centering on personal reminiscences of His Eminence
Registration is $60 per person if received by April 2, 2015. After the deadline and up to the day of the symposium, the registration fee will be $75.
In anticipation of the number of faithful who will be visiting with us, we have arranged two separate group reservations with local hotels. The first is with the Comfort Inn in Hamlin, PA (570-689-4148), and the second is with the newly constructed Pioneer Plaza Hotel in Carbondale, PA (570-536-6020). Both hotels have reserved a block of rooms for the low rate of $88 per room. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly and asking to be included in the group of rooms reserved for St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Registration for the Symposium can be made by calling St. Tikhon’s Seminary at 570-561-1818 and then dialing 0 for the receptionist, or you can register online through the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore by following the link here.
Please consider visiting St. Tikhon’s for this once in a lifetime chance to be a participant as our community of faith undertakes a “Holy Remembering” of one of its most beloved and revered paragons of faith whose life touched so many throughout the last century!
Hospitality A La Russe VI Now Accepting Reservations - 02/02/15
St. Tikhon’s Century Association is pleased to present the 6th Annual Hospitality A La Russe, featuring traditional Russian cuisine with the Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra.
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2015
Location: Chernay Fellowship Hall
St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church 980 Bridle Path Road Bethlehem, PA 18017
$40.00 per Ticket
Children (under 12) $10.00 per Ticket
Doors Open at 3:00
3:30 pm Reception & Russian Table, followed by Dinner and Dessert
5:45 pm Musical Selections by Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra
7:00 pm Theme Basket Drawings
Enjoy a selection of traditional Russian delicacies, including eggplant caviar, stuffed grape leaves, peroshki, kielbasa, and soup followed by a dinner of Chicken Kiev and, of course, dessert.
Carbondale-Wilkes Barre Area (Mary Sernak): 570-357-7109
Bethlehem-Allentown Area (Sarah Jubinski): 610-691-8777
All proceeds benefit St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA
UPDATED: Mission Choir Trip Receives Local Media Attention - 02/01/15
On February 7-8, 2015 the Dean of St. Tikhon's, the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, will accompany the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Ambridge, Pa. This will be the first time in 40 years that the mission choir has had the privledge to worship with the faithful in Ambridge.
Follow the link here to see article announcing the visit in the local times.
Updated: Axios! Deacon Gregory White Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 01/31/15
On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Deacon Gregory White was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey. May God bless Fr. Gregory and his wife, Matushka Katherine, as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Several members of the community remarked that they were particularly moved by the homily and closing words of His Grace Bishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary. Both the homily and closing remarks have been transcribed and can be read by following the link here.
Century Association Hosts Annual St. Tatiana Luncheon - 01/29/15
St. Tikhon’s Century Association held its annual luncheon at the Seminary on Thursday, January 29, 2015 in honor of St. Tatiana of Rome, the patron saint of students.
Joining the student body was His Grace, Bishop Michael, Seminary Rector; His Grace, Bishop Mark; V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean; members of the faculty and staff and Century Association members. Representing the Century Association was president Sarah Jubinsky, together with Mary Sernak, Mat. Dorothy Sulich, Kay Fedorko, Jim and Rosalie Luster, John Kutchmanik, V. Rev. Joseph and Matushka Gloria Martin, Elizabeth Dutko, Robert Roth, Alexandra Fedorchak. With them they brought a delicious dessert table that was enjoyed by everyone present. A very special thank you to Archpriest Joseph Martin, Spiritual Advisor for the Association, for preparing the meal of sausage and peppers as he does each and every year.
After the meal, Fr. Steven asked each of the Association members to stand up and introduce themselves to the students. Sarah Jubinski explained to the Seminarians what the Century Association is and how they support the school. She also gave a brief history of St. Tatiana and her role as patron Saint of students, after which the Troparion and Kontakion to St. Tatiana was sung. His Grace, Bishop Michael, thanked the Century Association for their long history of support to the school, and encouraged the Seminarians to remember the organization in their prayers during their time here and after they have graduated.
The event ended with a check presentation in the amount of $9000.00 by Mrs. Jubinski and Association officers to Fr. Steven. Fr. Steven thanked the Century Association for all they do to support the St. Tikhon’s Community and Orthodox Theological Education. Sarah encouraged those attending to consider becoming members themselves and to invite their families and friends to join with them in becoming members so that together we may all continue the giving legacy that the Century Association has maintained for over 40 years.
February 1, 2015 Dean to Accompany Wonder Working Icon of St. Anna in Old Forge, PA - 01/26/15
On Sunday, February 1, 2015 the V. Rev. Syeven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, will accompany the Wonder-Working Icon of St. Anna from the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church to St. Michael's Church in Old Forge, PA.
Matushka Mildred Kluchko, wife of Archpriest John Kluchko (STOTS 1962), fell asleep in the Lord here on Monday, January 26, 2015.
Fondly known by many as “Millie,” she faithfully served the Church along side her husband for decades. Their last parish assignment before Father John’s retirement was Holy Resurrection Church, Belle Vernon, PA.
Additional information and service times will be posted as they are received.
March 28-29, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Basil's Orthodox Church in Watervliet, NY - 01/25/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Basil's Orthodox Church in Watervliet, NY to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on March 28 and 29, 2015. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
Memory Eternal Archpriest Paul White (STOTS 1970) - 01/25/15
On Sunday, January 25, Archpriest Paul White reposed in the Lord. Fr. Paul faithfully served the Church in America as Rector of St. Nicholas Church in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. His Matushka, Pauline White reposed in the Lord in 2010.
Schedule of Services for the Newly-Departed Archpriest Paul White
Thursday, January 29 - Office of the Funeral for the Priest - 7:00pm
Friday, January 30 - Divine Liturgy for the Departed - 9:30am
followed by internment in Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetary, Centralia PA
All Divine Services will be held at
St. Nicholas Church 58 Seneca Street Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 19702
On Thursday, January 22, 2015, representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community traveled to Washington DC to support the 42th Annual March for Life. The theme for this year’s March was “Every Life is a Gift,” and had a special focus on babies diagnosed in utero with fetal abnormalities, 85% of which are currently aborted in the US.
Thursday morning began with a visit by members of the St. Tikhon’s Community to the March for Life expo hall. While there, they attended a talk given by Senator Rick Santorum, who is the parent to a child with a chromosomal disorder, trisomy 18, and by Joshua Duggar, pro-life advocate. They also got a chance to spend time exploring the large expo hall, where various political, religious, and social organizations had booths. Some of these booths were handing out informational pamphlets, others were selling books or souvenirs, and others were providing information on how to become more involved in the pro-life movement, from becoming more politically active to helping to foster a “culture of life” within our own communities.
Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision made abortion on demand the law of the land, millions of innocent children have died, their lives snuffed out while still in their mothers' wombs. And for over four decades, hundreds of thousands of marchers have gathered annually in Washington, DC in mid-January to protest this decision and proclaim the sanctity of life. This year was no different, and once again the St. Tikhon’s community joined with groups from St. Vladimir’s Seminary and from local Orthodox churches to present a unified presence in the 42th Annual March for Life.
The Hierarchs from the Orthodox Church of America who joined with Hierarchs from other jurisdictions in leading the Orthodox presence during the long walk from the Mall to the Capitol Building were His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon (STOTS 1993) and His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey and Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Graciously carrying the Icon of the Visitation from St. Michael’s parish in Jermyn, PA, as well as the groups large standards through the pressing crowds for this year were seminarians from St. Tikhon’s Seminary, which included: Jonathan Lincoln, Subdeacon Marshall Goodge, Khader Baramki, Michael Danhofer, Veljko Pejovic, Timothy Winegar, Megan Haak, Mikel Hill, and Joel Brady. Also attending the March were representatives from St. Tikhon’s, including Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History; V. Rev. John Kowalczyk (STOTS 1975), Director of Field Education and one of the earliest initiators of the Orthodox Church’s presence at the March for Life; V. Rev. Theodore Boback (STOTS 1972), Alumni President; Rev. Ignatius Gauvain (STOTS 2013); as well as representatives from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and families, friends and loved ones from both institutions, as well as a large representation from the various parish communities throughout the East Coast.
At the conclusion of the March, a memorial service was offered for the millions of unborn who have lost their lives through abortion.
On the evening of the March for Life was the 33rd Annual Rose Banquet. This dinner serves as the conclusion of the activities for the March for Life event, and provides an opportunity for March supporters and planners to discuss the past year’s events and take a look forward to the expectations for the next year.
Following welcoming remarks, the Invocation was offered by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon (STOTS 1993). His invocation reminded all present that even when faced with the tragedy of abortion, we can take solace in Christ’s victory over death and corruption.
The keynote address was offered by Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, who spoke of the myth in our society that pregnant women are presented with an honest choice during their pre-procedure counseling. He explained that one of the ways that the Knights of Columbus are combating that myth is by providing ultrasound machines to clinics throughout the country so that pregnant women who may be considering abortion can see clear, life-like, 3D imaging of their unborn children.
Among those in attendance at the dinner were His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey; V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary; V. Rev. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary; V. Rev. John Jillions, Chancellor of the OCA; V. Rev. Eric G. Tosi; Melanie Ringa, OCA Treasurer; V. Rev. John Kowalczyk (STOTS 1975), Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern PA and Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon’s Seminary; Christopher Patton (STOTS 2005), Office and Community Resource Coordinator at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, with his wife Leslie Patton; Seminarian Michael Pierce, with his wife Sophia Pierce; Rev. David Cowan (STOTS 2007) from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY; Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak, Director of Admissions of St. Vladimir’s Seminary; Matushka Alexandra Safchuk from St. Mark Orthodox Church in Bethesda, MD; and Daria Petrykowski from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Parma, OH.
February 15, 2015 Fr. Steven and Mission Choir to be at the Diocesan General Assembly for the Diocese of the South - 01/19/15
On Sunday, February 15, 2015 the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will accompany the St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir and will be concelebrating a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with local clergy at Christ the Savior Cathedral, Miami, FL, in advance of the Diocesan Assembly for the Diocese of the South. They will also be bringing the wonderworking Icon of the Righteous Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery. The mission choir will then stay and be offering the responses for services related to the assembly. Fr. Steven will also be leading a retreat following the assembly with diocesan clergy.
February 9-12, 2015 Rector and Dean to Speak at 17th Annual Clergy Event for Antiochian Archdiocese - 01/19/15
February 9-12, 2015 His Grace Bishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will speak at the 17th Annual Clergy Seminar for the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
This year the event will be held at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra, CA and will feature presentations on the topic of "Practical Issues in the Life of an Orthodox Priest."
For additional information please refer to the diocesan website here.
April 5, 2015 Mission Choir to visit the Cathedral of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary in New York - 01/18/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join the Cathedral of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary in New York to celebrate a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on April 5, 2015. Following Liturgy, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
March 21-22, 2015 Mission Choir to visit Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Harrisburg and Holy Apostles Orthodox Church in Mechanicsburg, PA - 01/18/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, Pa to celebrate Vespers on March 21, 2015. The next morning, March 22, 2015, they will join with Holy Apostles Orthodox Church in Mechanicsburg, PA to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
March 14-15, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Alexander Orthodox Church in Allison Park, Pittsburgh, Pa - 01/18/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Alexander Orthodox Church in Allison Park, Pittsburgh, Pa to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on March 14 and 15, 2015. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
February 7, 2015 Dr. Paul Witek to Speak in Garrsion, NY - 01/16/15
Dr. Paul Witek, Lecturer in Pastoral Arts and Praxis, will be speaking at the Annual Altar Servers Retreat of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey to be held at St. Basil's Academy, Garrison, NY on February 6- 8, 2015.
Information concerning the event can be found online at
Seminary Gathers for Blessing to Begin New Semester - 01/14/15
On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 the members of the seminary administration, faculty, and student body gathered together to mark the beginning of the new spring semester and to bless the main seminary building. Later this week both men and women's dormitories will be blessed as well. The blessing service was offered by the Dean of the seminary, V. Rev Steven Voytovich, with the responses sung by all in attendance.
St. Tikhon's Community Prepares for Annual Sanctity of Life Event - 01/14/15
For the 27th consecutive year, representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community will take part in the March for Life on Thursday, January 22nd at the Capital Mall in Washington, D.C.
St. Tikhon’s will be joined by other delegations from St. Vladimir Seminary, Holy Cross Seminary, as well as Orthodox faithful of various jurisdictions from all over the country who travel each year to participate in this celebration of life.
Please feel free to contact Dr. David Ford for any additional details regarding the March for Life or for any questions or concerns at
Photos from the event from previous years can be viewed below.
February 20-24, 2015 Dr. Christopher to Lead Lenten Retreat in Kansas City, KS - 01/12/15
Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be leading a Lenten Retreat on February 20-24 at St. Basil the Great Greek Orthodox Church (Fr. Elias Issa, pastor) in Kansas City, KS. He will be providing three lectures as well as time for Open Discussion.
Saturday Feb. 21st, 10:00 AM “Discovering the Will of God”
Saturday Feb. 21st, 1:00 PM “Obedience in the Orthodox Tradition”
Monday Feb. 23rd, 10:00 AM “The Spiritual Father and Child Relationship”
Monday Feb. 23rd, 1:00 PM “Concluding Remarks and Open Discussion”
Please see the promotional flyer here for additional information.
West Coast Tour Proves to be Tremendous Success - 01/12/15
Dean's Journal: Update from South Canaan
We returned home safely! Thank you for your prayers aiding this happening. Please take time to enjoy further photos that are still being posted from our trip. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who offered time, talent, and treasure to make this trip happen. Please do not read the list as hierarchical in terms of significance: that those near the top of the list gave more than those appearing further onward.
Thank you to:
Bishop Michael for his blessing as Rector for us to undertake this trip.
All our seminarians who took time from their winter break schedules to make this trip! In particular: JJ for doing most the 1500 miles of driving, Mikel for doing the lion’s share of choir directing, and Andrew for taking most of the photos that have been posted. It should be noted that most of our Mission Choir seminarians have completed one semester of studies before making this trip! It was wonderful to see our seminarians skills shine forth in various ways as we made this trip, visiting parishes in at least four different jurisdictions!
LOVES Van Program from our OCA Los Angeles Cathedral who offered their van to transport us to all our appointed rounds.
Fr. Michael Tassos for all of his efforts to coordinate our schedule in California, and for his Parish of St. Luke’s Antiochian Church, in Garden Grove, for hosting us for a significant portion of our trip as we arrived and between other stops. You opened your church office for our use (thank you Anna for all your help!), offered several meals while we prepared for our visit, and for the kindness of your office staff and parishioners. The closing barbeque was wonderful with Anna and her family!
Alll the parishes willing to host the Mission Choir. Thank you to all who offered their homes for us to stay in who were so generous in terms of hospitality! Thank you to Archpriest Alexander Federoff of St. Johh of Damascus Church, Poway, Archpriest Nicholas Boldireff of Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral in Los Angeles, and Fr. Simeon Corona of St. Greogory of Nyssa in El Cajon for wonderful meals in the context of our visits! It was great to meet the newly consecrated Bishop Apostolos at St. Gregory’s Church.
Fr. Yousuf Rassam for not only hosting the mission choir at St. Innocent in Tarzana, including a wonderful steak dinner on the Theophany Feast, but also for providing a place for our alumni gathering that occurred during our visit and reaching out to area alumni.
Fr. Sergius, the Monastery brotherhood, and everyone at the seminary for praying for us during our trip.
Christopher Patton for diligently posting our photos and updates from the road so that so many could follow us on our trip. He also pulled together promotional materials we took with us.
Sophia Pierce for taking care of all our packaging needs including printing out address labels for our trips out and back. Also, Sophia processed all the letters I sent her while on the road so that most of you should have received acknowledgements of your donations by the time this update is posted! Thank you to her husband Michael for driving us to/from the Philadelphia Airport.
Benedict Sheehan for the skype session at the beginning of our trip. Our seminarians had been on break, so with his assistance we got ourselves together as a singing group on the Saturday of our arrival. Benedict directed Theophany Services at St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church so that they would be celebrated well.
Archbishop Benjamin for his prayers along with Bishop Apostolos, and clergy gathered as we celebrated the Great Blessing of Waters in La Jolla Cove, and later Vespers.
Archpriest Dennis Swencki for all of his efforts to contact the local clergy to arrange for this visit. His efforts began early this fall, and included very regular communications with Fr. Michael Tassos during our visit.
Thank you to all who were so gracious in various ways as we visited a number of churches in the San Francisco area as we sought to visit St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco.
For our St. Tikhon’s Bookstore for furnishing the brochures that we distributed during our tour. Hopefully you have received many orders as so many were looking for cd’s!
For anyone I have inadvertently forgotten to list here, please know of our heartfelt gratitude! Thanks be to God for all things!
West Coast Tour: Update from the Road Part 3 - 01/12/15
This third and final installment was recieved today from Seminary Dean V. Rev. Steven Voytovich chronicling the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir as they are touring churches in the western part of the U.S. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them as they lend their voices and talents to the prayers of the Orthodox faithful an entire continent away.
West Coast Tour Continued (Dean's Journal)
Friday, Jan. 9, 2015
We drove back from San Francisco, reaching Tarzana in time to begin preparations for an alumni gathering. St. Tikhon’s is working to reconnect with alumni and so we planned a small reception, with Fr. Yousuf’s gracious opening of his church hall. We returned to the Firehouse Greek Restaurant we had eaten at earlier in the week, and they prepared dinner items that we served at the reception. Alumni attending the dinner included: Fr. Nicholas Boldireff, Fr. Yousuf, Fr. Paul Waisanen, Fr. Nathan, and Fr. Minas Sarchizian. We took a photograph together with our seminarians later in the evening.
Following the alumni gathering, we headed down to San Diego, arriving at 10pm to stay with our host families there.
Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015
Another full day for the mission choir. We began by being a second choir to St. Gregory of Nyssa Greek Orthodox Church. This was their first patronal feast day in their new church that had been destroyed by fire, with a visitation from their new Auxiliary Bishop Apostolos. Fr. Simeon Corona attended St. Vladimir’s during the time Fr. Steven was completing his D.Min. degree, and hadn’t seen each other in many years. Marshall read the Epistle reading, and Fr. Michael Tassos was among those serving at the altar.
After a wonderful luncheon put on by the parish, we all headed to La Jolla Cove, for a Pan-Orthodox blessing of the Pacific Ocean at a public beach. It was quite a scene with people gathered to be near the water, others gathered for the blessing, and seals were lying on the beach nearby. Archbishop Benjamin concelebrated with Bishop Apostolos, and a number of area clergy. The Mission Choir led the singing of the responses.
Three crosses were thrown in, with parishioners swimming for them. After a light meal, Vespers was served in a pavilion on the beach. Again the Mission Choir led the responses for Vespers. After stopping briefly for coffee, we headed back to our host families.
Fr. Alexander Federoff and Matushka Vickie put up several of the seminarians, including Fr. Steven. We had a great time reminiscing about our octet days, and the seminarians shared their experience of this trip thus far.
Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015
What a wonderful parish to complete our tour at St. John of Damascus Church in Poway. Many on the mission choir met people they knew or had connections with, including family members of Archpriest Vasily and Matushka Nancy Gilbert, board member of the seminary. We sang the responses for Liturgy, and the fellowship at their hall was such that it was difficult to leave.
We returned to Garden Grove area, and were treated to a wonderful barbeque by St. Luke’s parish secretary and her family! It was finally time for a little relaxation before returning back to South Canaan tomorrow.
February 14-15 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to be Keynote Speaker in San Francisco, CA - 01/11/15
Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be the keynote speaker at the 2015 San Francisco Symposium for the Saints Cyril and Athanasius of Alexandria Institute for Orthodox Studies on Saturday and Sunday, February 14 & 15, 2015. Dr. Christopher is Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Also speaking at the symposium will St. Tikhon’s Alumnus Fr. Philip Halliwell (STOTS 2012).
April 25-26, 2015 Mission Choir to visit Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Lorain, OH - 01/11/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Lorain, OH to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on April 25 and 26, 2015. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
When You, O Lord were baptized in the Jordan / The worship of the Trinity was made manifest / For the voice of the Father bore witness to You / And called You His beloved Son. / And the Spirit, in the form of a dove, / Confirmed the truthfulness of His word. / O Christ, our God, You have revealed Yourself / And have enlightened the world, glory to You!
Kontakion — Tone 4
Today You have shown forth to the world, O Lord, / and the light of Your countenance has been marked on us. / Knowing You, we sing Your praises. / You have come and revealed Yourself, / O unapproachable Light.
January 10, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. John of Damascus Orthodox Church in Poway, CA - 01/05/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. John of Damascus Orthodox Church in Poway, CA for Divine Liturgy, beginning at 9:00 am. Following Liturgy, coffee hour will be served, during which members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
January 10, 2015 Mission Choir to visit La Jolla Cove in Oceanside, CA - 01/05/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join with a pan-Orthodox gathering at La Jolla Cove in Oceanside, CA to celebrate a Great Blessing of Waters on Saturday, January 10, 2015, beginning at 2:00 pm. Following the Blessing of Waters, at the same location beginning at 5:00 pm, the Mission Choir will join in a pan-Orthodox Vespers service by the water.
January 6-7, 2015 Mission Choir to visit Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA - 01/05/15
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA to celebrate services on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 6 and 7, 2015. On Tuesday evening Vigil will be served for Old Calendar Nativity (served in English and Slavonic), beginning at 7:00 pm. On Wednesday morning, Divine Liturgy will be served in English and Slavonic for Old Calendar Nativity, beginning at 10:00 am. Following the Divine Liturgy, the members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and then the Mission Choir will perform a concert for all assembled.
West Coast Tour: Update from the Road Part 2 - 01/05/15
This second installment was recieved today from Seminary Dean V. Rev. Steven Voytovich chronicling the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir as they are touring churches in the western part of the U.S. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them as they lend their voices and talents to the prayers of the Orthodox faithful an entire continent away.
West Coast Tour: Visit to Tarzana continued (Dean's Journal)
Eve of Theophany, Jan. 5, 2015
With the mission choir’s visit to St. Innocent parish, Fr. Yousuf Rassam (STOTS 1997) planned to celebrate the fullness of the Theophany Feast. We began with Royal Hours, then Vesperal Divine Liturgy and blessing of water. After a short respite, we returned to celebrate the Vigil for the Feast, and again blessing of water. This was a full day of liturgical services. Faithful from the parish prepared a light Lenten luncheon following services, and mission choir members again had opportunity to talk with them.
Theophany Feast Day, Jan. 6, 2015
Fr. Yousuf celebrated festal Divine Liturgy, then we celebrated the Great Blessing of Water in the courtyard between the church and the hall. Fr. asked seminarian J.J. Kotalik to preach a brief sermon after the Gospel. It is ironic that this parish was the first English-speaking parish established by Archpriest Sergei Glagolev in the 50’s, as the make-up of the parish is now quite diverse due to more recent immigration. According to Fr. Yousuf, many will come to draw water over the course of this feast, necessitating the many celebrations of the great blessing of water.
Following Liturgy, Fr. Yousuf and parishioners prepared a tri-tip cut of beef that was perfectly prepared, and especially tasty following the fasting and celebration of services. After enjoying this luncheon, it was time head out to the OCA Cathedral in Los Angeles.
Eve of Nativity Feast (O.S.)
The Mission choir became a partner in a moment of transition in parish life for several reasons. This would be the first time in over 30 years that the Nativity Feast is celebrated on Julian Calendar, again due to recent immigration to the area. In addition, the pastor, Archpriest Nicholas Boldireff (STOTS 1970), was retiring. Just the previous weekend, the new priest, Fr. Nazari Polataiko came to begin serving the parish. He has served for many years as a Protodeacon and administrative support for the Archdiocese of Canada. Our challenge here would be to sing responses and portions of the service in Slavonic. Archpriest Michael Tassos, a long time supporter of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, came to join in the singing of the responses. He read the passage from the Prophet Isaiah in Slavonic while the choir sang the refrain. Services were quite well attended.
After the vigil, Fr. Nicholas invited the mission choir members to his home for a festive meal and fellowship. Fr. Nazari joined us, as did the parish’s long-time Protodeacon Arkady. After dinner, Fr. Nicholas regaled the seminarians with recordings of services and choir celebrations, some of which featured his brother Sergei. Fr. Nicholas also arranged overnight accommodations for the choir. We have also been blessed to use a van from the cathedral used to transport persons in need in the greater Los Angeles area as our transportation while in California.
Nativity Feast (O.S.)
The choir prepared for Liturgy, again with responses in both English and Slavonic. Fr. Nazari celebrated the Liturgy with the Protodeacon up through communion, at which time he had to meet a car waiting to take him to the airport back to Canada. Fr. Nicholas completed the Liturgy, and Fr. Steven was asked to preach a brief sermon.
After Liturgy the choir sang a short concert for the faithful gathered for a luncheon. Then once again Fr. Nicholas invited the mission choir over to his house for a very festive festal luncheon prepared by members of the parish. For several hours we ate, shared stories, and saw further recordings of singers, most notably the Don Cossack Choir, reflecting Fr. Nicholas’ heritage! In mid-afternoon, after packing up once again, the choir was on the road. We stopped briefly at the St. John of Kronstadt Nursing Home, an Orthodox institution, to sing a brief concert for the residents. We also paused a brief moment to visit the Agia Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral nearby. It is an incredible church both in terms of size and iconography.
In the evening the Mission Choir was treated to an evening of fellowship and Nativity Feast dinner at the home of a parishioner from St. Innocent Church, back in Tarzana. We have made it through the intensive services of the early part of the week, and had opportunity to talk with parish faithful we met earlier, as well as extended family members of our host. It was truly a relaxing evening following several very intensive days.
Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015
Even though the Mission Choir’s current singing schedule is based in the Los Angeles area, the Mission Choir members expressed great interest in visiting the relics of St. John Maximovich, in San Francisco. Our plan is to visit the area, stay overnight, and return on Friday in time for an Alumni Reception to be held at St. Innocent Church.
February 10, 2015 Dr. Christopher to give lecture at Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute in Berkley, CA - 01/04/15
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, will be giving a Lecture for Metropolitan Nikitas (Lulias) of Dardanellia to the students of Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute (PAOI) on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. The PAOI is a member school of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkley, CA.
The following update was received from the Dean of St. Tikhon’s, V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, who is currently directing their West Coast Tour. It has been several years since the Mission Choir has been able to make such a trip and so far the warmth and hospitality of the faithful has succeeded in making this trip a valuable and worthwhile endeavor.
West Coast Tour: Update From the Road (Dean’s Journal) January 4, 2015.
Upon arriving in California, we proceeded to our first parish visit to St. Luke’s Antiochian Church in Garden Grove, CA. Fr. Michael Tassos, rector of St. Luke’s, was instrumental in putting plans together with local parishes for our visit. After a potluck dinner at church, he arranged for the mission choir members to stay with parishioners Friday night. On Saturday we connected by Skype with Benedict Sheehan, Mission Choir Director, in Pennsylvania. Benedict assisted with getting the choir in sync with one another after the short end-semester break.
In the course of the afternoon we prepared for Theophany Vespers at St. Luke’s, and put together a brief concert program. Mikel Hill, first-year seminarian, prepared to direct the services.
Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning was quite well attended. Fr. Steven offered the homily. Following directly after the Divine Liturgy was the Great Blessing of Water. Fr. Steven presented an icon of the 100th anniversary of St. Tikhon’s Monastery to Fr. Michael and the parish, which was blessed on the monastery church altar.
After the Liturgy, faithful gathered in the hall for a wonderful luncheon, during which time the Mission Choir offered the concert program. Fr. Steven asked each seminarian in turn to introduce himself as well as the hymn that was about to be sung. The response among the parishioners was quite moving. It was difficult to leave St. Luke’s Church after experiencing such an outpouring of hospitality.
On Sunday afternoon we got back on the road and headed toward St. Innocent Orthodox Church in Tarzana. Once there, we sang Vespers for the eve of Theophany. After Vespers we were invited to sing a brief concert for those gathered. Fr. Yousuf Rassam, alumnus of St. Tikhon’s (STOTS 1997) and pastor of St. Innocent Church, sang with us!
After the program we were treated to supper in the parish hall. Other area Orthodox clergy were present to share fellowship. All in all, it was a good first two days of our West Coast Tour! We will be celebrating Royal Hours and Vesperal Divine Liturgy in the morning (Monday, January 5).
The first photos from our trip will be posted in the coming days.
V. Rev. Steven Voytovich
Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
Reserve Your Place in this Year's Tikhonaire! - 01/01/15
This year the St. Tikhon’s Community remembers the holy and exemplary life of
His Eminence Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich)
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of his repose, St. Tikhon’s Seminary will be hosting an Academic Symposium May 14, 2015 honoring the life and work of this beloved servant of God who will also be featured in this year’s Tikhonaire.
Please consider supporting this historically rich publication with a sponsorship ad.
All proceeds for advertisements will go directly toward the printing of this year’s Tikhonaire and include the shipping cost of your complimentary copy of the publication. As an added bonus the Tikhonaire is now made available online at the Seminary website ( where it will be viewed by the thousands of people who visit the website every week.
Each year loyal supporters reconfirm their commitment to ensure the long-term sustainability of the St. Tikhon’s Community. That is because the story of each of our lives has been joined unalterably to the story of this most holy place where saints have lived and walked, and prayed and taught.
Please accept our invitation to once again join the story of your life to the story of our life so that together we might have the opportunity to share the story of us with the world.
Please keep in mind that Tikhonaire ads must be recieved this year by April 10th.
You can now reserve your place online by completing the form below. There is no
UPDATED: St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Begins Wirlwind West Coast Mid-Winter Tour - 12/31/14
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir will be visiting the West Coast of the US during seminary winter break, in early January. The choir, accompanied by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, will visit a number of parishes including those in the Orthodox Church in America and Antiochian Archdiocese from January 3-11, 2015.
This is the first visit to the West Coast in a number of years for the seminary. Two of the current Mission Choir members reside on the West Coast, and they began conversations with local parishes about a potential trip over the summer months while at home which led in part to the current plans.
Please check back to our website regularly during the coming days to follow the Mission Choir on their parish visitations.
January 3 - 4 - St. Luke’s Antiochian Orthodox Church, Garden Grove, CA
On Saturday evening, January 3, the Mission Choir will join St. Luke’s Church for Great Vespers beginning at 6:00 pm. Following Vespers, a dinner will be served, during which members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
On Sunday morning, Divine Liturgy will be served for Holy Theophany at St. Luke's, beginning with matins at 8:50 am, and followed by the blessing of water. There will be a potluck meal to follow, then a short concert by the Mission Choir
January 4 - 6 - St. Innocent Orthodox Church, Tarzana, CA
On Sunday evening, January 4, the Mission Choir will join St. Innocent Church for Vespers, beginning at 5:30 pm. Following Vespers, members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and offer a brief concert.
On Monday morning, Royal Hours will be served.
On Monday evening, Great Vespers for Theophany will be served.
On Tuesday morning, Divine Liturgy for Theophany will be served, beginning at 9:30 am, with the Mission Choir singing the responses.
January 6 - 7 - Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA
On Tuesday evening, Jan 6, the Mission Choir will join the Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral for Vigil for Old Calendar Nativity (served in English and Slavonic), beginning at 7:00 pm.
On Wednesday morning Jan 7, Divine Liturgy will be served in English and Slavonic for Old Calendar Nativity, beginning at 10:00 am, followed by a concert performed by the Mission Choir.
January 8 or 9, St. Luke's Antiochian Orthodox Church, Garden Grove, CA
Area Alumni Reception. All invited to attend.
January 10, La Jolla Cove, Oceanside, CA
On Saturday, January 10, the Mission Choir will join in a Pan-Orthodox Great Blessing of Water, beginning at 2:00 pm. At the same location, beginning at 5:00 pm, the Mission choir will join in a Pan-Orthodox Vespers service by the water.
January 11- St. John of Damascus Orthodox Church, Poway, CA
On Sunday, Jan 11, the Mission Choir will join St. John of Damascus Orthodox Church for Divine Liturgy for Divine Liturgy, beginning at 9:00 am. Following Liturgy, coffee hour will be served, during which members of the Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
February 6 - 7, 2015 Dr. Christopher to speak at St. Paul's Orthodox Church in Brier, WA - 12/29/14
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, will be guest speaker at a Pre-Lenten Retreat for the Washington Orthodox Clergy Association, to be held at St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church in Brier, WA (Fr. James Bernstein, pastor) on Friday and Saturday, February 6 and 7, 2015.
The Pre-Lenten retreat, which is titled “SALVATION IN THE ORTHODOX CHURCH: Metanoia, Hesychia and Theosis” will begin on Friday evening at 6:00 pm for Vespers. Over the course of Friday evening and Saturday, Dr. Christopher will be giving three talks. Following the talks will be a question and answer session. St. Paul Church is located at 21236 Poplar Way - Brier, WA 98036. For more information, please visit their website, here.
February 2 - 4, 2015 Dr. Christopher to speak at St. Peter's Orthodox Church in Madison, Mississippi - 12/29/14
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, will be guest speaker at a Pre-Lenten Retreat for St. Peter Antiochian Orthodox Church (Fr. John Henderson, pastor) in Madison, Mississippi at on Monday February 2 - Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
The lectures will begin at 7:00 pm, and they are all open to the public. St. Peter Church is located at 180 St. Augustine Dr., Madison, MS 39110. For more information, please visit their website, here:
Orthodox Christian Journal Highlights Recent Efforts for St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing - 12/29/14
The most recent Orthodox Christian Journal features several articles on the recent efforts to fund St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing. Included is an article describing the efforts of stots alumnus Fr. Joseph McCartney (STOTS 2010) whose "Run for Married Student Housing" raised a little over $20,000 this past year. The feature article was written by Board of Trusttee Member and project spokesman Dn. Mark Hoeplinger whose matching grant for Fr. McCartney's effort brings the total to just over $40,000 raised for this one project.
In the article Dn. Mark explains why the Married Student Housing Project has become for him the single most important effort in his life and why he has chosen to champion this cause on behalf of St. Tikhon's. Dn. Mark goes on to explain why this effort should be important to everyone in the Church and what each individual can do to help.
The entire journal can be read free of charge here.
Community Celebrates Great Feast of Nativity - 12/25/14
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to wish a very blessed feast to those of us who have already celebrated this most holy of celebrations as well as those of us preparing to observe the birth of our Lord just a few short days from now.
We would also like to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support during 2013. May you continue to remember St. Tikhon’s in thought and deed and may God greatly bless all your good works and we begin 2014 together. Christ is Born!
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One, and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One! Angels, with shepherds, glorify Him! The wise men journey with the star! Since for our sake the Eternal God is born as a little child (Kontakion).
2014 St. Tikhon's Fall Lecture Series Featured on Ancient Faith Radio - 12/18/14
The 2014 St. Tikhon's Fall Lecture Series is now being featured on Ancient Faith Radio.
Each of the lectures can be viewed absolutely free of charge.
This year's lecture series featured Fr. Stephen Freeman, author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe and the popular blog Glory to God for All Things as well as three St. Tikhon's graduates Fr. John Oliver (STOTS 2004), Fr. Joel Weir (STOTS 2010), as well as Fr. Andrew Damick (STOTS 2007).
Please take time to enjoy these moving and thought provoking lectures from what has been described as one of the best lecture series in recent memory, brought to you compliments of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Ancient Faith Radio.
St. Tikhon's Community Gives Back at Local Hospital - 12/08/14
Volunteers from the St. Tikhon's Community gave back to their neighboring community on Monday, Dec. 8, 2014 with a time of caroling at Wayne Memorial Hospital in Honesdale. This offering of voice has become a proud tradition at St. Tikhon's who sends represenatives each year to take part in the event. This is just one of the many ways that the faithful of St. Tikhon's gives back to their neighboring community.
Thank you to all who took time out of their hectic holiday schedule to bring joy to life in the hearts of those less fortunate.
Reserve Your Place at the 78th Annual Novogodny Ball - 12/08/14
On Sunday evening, January 18, 2015, St. Stephen's Orthodox Catholic Fellowship, Chapter #82 of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (F.O.C.A.) will proudly host the 78th Novogodny Ball. The Ball will once again be held at the beautiful Crowne Plaza Hotel Philadelphia, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. A wide variety of music to please all ages will be provided by the Kauriga Orchestra. Many of our patrons will also join us for a delicious dinner at the hotel prior to the evening of fun,dancing, and renewing old friendships.
Chapter#82 has always been a faithful supporter of St. Tikhon's Seminary. 2014 was the eighth consecutive year the chapter has participated in the Seminarian Gift Program. And as in previous years, a portion of the net proceeds from the Ball will be donated toward the F.O.C.A.'s $300,000 fundraising goal for the Married Seminarian Housing Project at St. Tikhon's. Novogodny Ball tickets are available by reservation only. For additional information or to request a reservation, please contact Paul Fedoronko, Co-Chairman, at 610-328-6911 or
On Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014, following the Divine Liturgy, the St. Tikhon’s Community gathered together for the Annual Saint Nicholas Day Celebration. Following a potluck lunch, we enjoyed a visit from St. Nicholas who brought gifts of coins, candy, and oranges for all of the children! His entrance to the party was marked by Seminary Dean, Fr. Steven Voytovich, and Professor of Church History, Dr. David Ford, leading the group in the singing of “O Who Loves Nicholas the Saintly.” St. Nick also donated some of his precious time by sitting for a photo with each of the children.
Leslie Patton, Rachel Hill, Seminarian Timothy Winegar, and several other Seminarians helped entertain the children with Christmas crafts and games. The music was a medley of live music from members of the community and extended community as well as recorded selections from the album “Please Joyne Us for Christmas” by Seminarian Matthew Joyner and his wife Ashley; and caroling, led by Maria Sheehan.
A wonderful time was had by all those present. Each year this event provides an important opportunity for the community to gather together for a fun time before finals week and Christmas break.
On behalf of the entire Saint Tikhon's community we would like to thank all of the people who volunteered their time and talent to make this event possible but especially for Sophia Pierce and Leslie Patton for planning and organising this truly spectacular holiday celebration.
FOCA Continues to Support St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 12/02/14
On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, representatives from the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) visited St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. While here, they shared with the students during lunch some of the organization's history including many of their philanthropic activities. FOCA has supported St. Tikhon’s for many years, most notably through their recent support of the Married Student Housing Project (MSHP), towards which they have pledged $300,000. Due to the efforts of FOCA and others, the married Seminarians also enjoy gifts from “Saint Nicholas” for themselves and their children each year, through FOCA’s Christmas Wish List program.
Representing FOCA was Michael Steffaro, who spoke to the students about the MSHP; Carol Derikson; Fr. Theodore Boback, Spiritual Advisor to FOCA; and Marge Kovach, FOCA Vice President, who spoke about FOCA’s history. The seminary’s rector, His Grace, Bishop Michael (Dahulich), also shared a story with the students of a time when FOCA assisted a church that was in need, and how much that help meant to the faithful that were there. He then urged all of the Seminarians to join with FOCA in support of the Seminary.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary would like to thank FOCA for their visit, and for all of the support that they have provided over the years, and continue to provide, to ensure the long term sustainability of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
December 13, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis to lead Retreat in Hibbing, Minnesota - 11/24/14
On Saturday, December 13, 2014, Dr. Harry Boosalis will lead a Pan Orthodox Retreat sponsored by the Northland Orthodox Christian Clergy Association of Minnesota. The Retreat will be held at St. Archangel Michael’s Serbian Orthodox Church in Hibbing, Minnesota. The topics include ‘St. Silouan of Mount Athos and Orthodox Spiritual Life’, as well as ‘The Virtue of Love: Our Path to Holiness’. The Retreat, which begins at 12:30 and concludes with Vespers at 5 pm, will be blessed with the presence of a holy relic of St. Nikolai Velimirovich.
For more information contact Fr. Vladimir Lange: or Fr. Timothy Sas:
Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple - 11/21/14
Troparion, Tone 4:
Today is the preview of the good will of God, and the proclamation of the salvation of mankind: the Virgin appears clearly in the Temple of God, and Christ is foretold to all. To her, therefore, let us cry with mighty voices: Rejoice, O thou fulfillment of the Creator’s Providence!
Kontakion, Tone 4:
The most pure Temple of the Savior; the precious Bridal Chamber and Virgin; the Sacred Treasure of the glory of God, is led today into the house of the Lord. With her she brings the Grace of the Divine Spirit, of her the angels of God sing in praise: Truly she is the tabernacle of heaven!
St. Tikhon's Community Welcomes Archimandrite Justin from the Monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai - 11/21/14
On Friday, November 21, 2014, the St. Tikhon's Community was honored to receive Archimandrite Justin of Mt. Sinai. Archimandrite Justin, who is the librarian of the Monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai, offered a fascinating presentation at the Metropolitan Museum in which he presented The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel as a Type of the Modern Orthodox Sanctuary. He graciously agreed to answer questions after the lecture and shared some of his experiences living at the ancient monastery of St. Catherine.
The St. Tikhon's community extends its warmest thanks to Archimandrite Justin for taking the time to share his experiences and knowledge.
March 7-8, 2015 Mission Choir to visit St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Maple Heights, OH - 11/20/14
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Maple Heights, OH to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on March 7 and 8, 2015. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
Dr. Mary Ford Provides Revealing Look at Book of Revelation for St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group - 11/19/14
On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Dr. Mary Ford presented a lecture to the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group entitled “Topics on the Revelation of St. John”. Dr. Mary Ford is the Associate Professor of New Testament and Spirituality at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. In this first part of a two-part series, she spoke of the importance of approaching the book of Revelation with an Orthodox world-view. Dr. Mary also talked about the misunderstandings in our culture surrounding Revelation, and warned that the recent fascination with the imagery in the book can lead to further misunderstandings. The second lecture will be held on Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:30 pm, for further information please contact
Bishop Thomas Visits St. Tikhon's Community - 11/18/14
His Grace, the Right Reverend Thomas, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic visited St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary on Tuesday, November 18, 2014. His Grace has been a long-time supporter of St. Tikhon’s and came to visit with the students as well as to meet with Fr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean.
While here, His Grace also took a tour of the Seminary and Monastery and spoke to the student body during the lunch hour. During the talk he announced “I always enjoy coming to St. Tikhon’s because every time I visit I see people who are filled with joy!” He continued by reminding those assembled of the importance of remaining joyful, and then instructed them to take that same joy out into the world and be ambassadors for Christ.
Fr. John Parker Speaks to St. Tikhon's Community about Evangelism - 11/13/14
On Thursday, November 13, 2014, Fr. John Parker gave a lecture on Mission-Mindedness at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Fr. John's lunch-time presentation focused on the changing demographics of the Orthodox Church in America and the need for clergy to adapt their pastoral approaches to fit new situations. He urged the students to evangelize fearlessly and to "view the world as your parish, rather than your parish as your world." He expressed the need to "preach Christ, not Orthodoxy" in the modern age where Orthodox churches are less full each year.
The St. Tikhon's community wishes to thank Fr. John for his inspired and edifying presentation.
Board Member Continues to Champion Effort for Married Student Housing - 11/11/14
St. Tikhon's Board of Trustees Member, Deacon Mark Hoeplinger delivered a presentation at the 63rd consecutive meeting of the New Jersey district of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America. Deacon Mark updated FOCA on the progress of the Married Student Housing Project at St. Tikhon's, which included a video of the wildly successful half-marathon fundraiser by Alumnus Fr. Joseph McCartney. The 48 faithful in attendance generously voted to sponsor a new fundraiser in support of the project. Dcn. Mark wished to extend his thanks to the New Jersey district of FOCA as well as Fr. Velodomyr Zablotskyy for his invaluable help with the IT portion of his presentation.
February 7-8, 2015 Mission Choir to visit Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Ambridge, PA - 11/10/14
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Ambridge, Pa to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on February 7 and 8, 2015. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners. Additional details will follow.
Dean’s Visitation to St. Mary’s Cathedral, Minneapolis, MN - 11/09/14
Fr. Steven visited St. Mary’s Cathedral over the weekend of November 8-9th. With gratitude to Archpriest Andrew Morbey, Cathedral Dean, Fr. Steven was able to concelebrate at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. As this was also Veteran’s Day, the cathedral veterans were both recognized and thanked for their service. Fr. Steven thanked the parish and many faithful who have been financial supporters of the seminary.
Following not long after coffee hour, a special brunch was hosted by the FOCA Chapter, coordinated by Todd and Polly Walker. The brunch was arranged to support St. Tikhon’s Married Student Housing Project. Fr. Steven shared a presentation on progress made thus far utilizing a new multi-location audio/video system in the church hall. Fr. Benajmin Tucci (STOTS 1999), and Fr. Richard Flom (Special Studies student at St. Tikhon’s during 2006-2007 school year) also shared their experiences and reflections at seminary relative to married student housing. It was also moving for Fr. Steven to have family members attend the brunch, including his mother, sister and her family, and extended family members! In all it was a wonderful afternoon of fellowship and sharing about St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
During that same weekend we prayed for the newly departed servant of God Constance Tarasar. Having driven to Minnesota, Fr. Steven arranged to remain in Minneapolis to attend funeral services on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thanks to the assistance of seminary staff, Fr. Steven was able to conduct classes via skype. Connie was the first woman to graduate from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and went on to a full career in teaching and fostering Christian Education, among many other noteworthy accomplishments in service to the Orthodox Church in America, as was well noted on the OCA website. She was also briefly a faculty member at St. Tikhon’s Seminary from 1974-1975.
At the funeral home a wonderful display was arranged that included many forms of recognition of her work, a table of books and pamphlets that she either authored or contributed to, a full biography of her life, and pictures scrolled of Connie with many in leadership roles in the OCA and beyond. “It was meaningful to have been able to remain for funeral services in having grown up in the cathedral community as well as contributing toward the 1999 Church-Wide Initiative for Christian Education that Connie led.” May Connie’s memory be eternal.
Thank you Fr. Andrew, Todd and Polly, and the cathedral community for such a warm welcome, especially also James Varian, who shared some of his photographs that accompany this brief article.
Internationally Acclaimed Speaker to Lecture at Saint Tikhons - 11/07/14
On Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 the internationally recognized speaker and librarian of the famed Monastery of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai, Archimandrite Justin (Sinaites), will be visiting with the St. Tikhon’s Community for the first time. Archimandrite Justin travels broadly throughout the world raising awareness of the priceless treasures of Christendom housed in this most holy monastery as well as gathering support for their preservation and restoration. His lecture topic will be "The Tabernacle in the Wilderness: Sinai as Past and Future Hope."
This event will be free of charge and open to the public and will take place on Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 at 7pm in the Metropolitan Museum just above the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to take part in what promises to be an informative and enriching experience.
In 2012 Fr. Justin visited briefly with St. Vladimir’s Seminary where he granted an interview to Virginia Nieuwsma. That article can be seen by following the link provided here.
Additional information regarding Archimandrite Justin (Sinaites) including other speaking engagements and projects he has been involved with can be viewed below.
St. Tikhon's Faculty Join Together for Meeting and Fellowship - 11/05/14
The faculty of St. Tikhon's Seminary gathered for its monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014 at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA. Following the meeting the faculty was invited to a wonderful dinner hosted by Archpriest John and Matushka Katherine Kowalczyk at the rectory across the street. Having a meeting and dinner together offered a meaningful opportunity for fellowship. From left to right: Archpriests David Shewczyk, John Kowalczyk, and Steven Voytovich, Dean; Drs. David and Mary Ford, Bishop Michael, Rector; Sergei Arhipov, and Dr. Harry Boosalis. Dr. Paul Witek and Archpriest Dennis Swencki attended both the meeting and dinner, but were not in the photo. Thank you Fr. John and Matushka Kathy!
St. Tikhon's Community Garden Offers Fall Bounty - 11/04/14
As the growing season draws to a close, a final harvest was made of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Community Garden. In the spring, Seminarians and several members of the St Tikhon’s Community gathered together to prepare the beds and plant seeds. The compost that was started last fall was collected and added to the beds to provide a nutrient-rich base for seeds. Over the summer, community members made sure that the beds stayed watered and weeded. As the school year began, the garden was full of herbs and vegetables. The Seminarians really enjoyed having fresh, organic vegetables made available for them to eat. While some of the seeds that were planted failed to grow, others provided an abundant harvest, including the yellow squash, zucchini, dill, thyme, oregano and carrots. There was also a smaller harvest of the spring onions, kohlrabi, peas, and cucumbers. The okra plants produced a single edible pod. Many lessons were learned from the experiment and we hope that by applying these lessons, and with the help of the community, the garden will be even more fruitful next year.
November 16, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in Bethlehem, PA - 11/01/14
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be giving a presentation on Orthodox Spiritual Life at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA on Sunday, November 16, 2014 following the Divine Liturgy. Dr. Harry is Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
The Nativity Fast Presentation will begin around 11:15 am, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Following the talk with be a question and answer session. St. Nicholas Church is located at 980 Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem, Pa 18017. For more information, please visit their website at
December 7, 2014 Mission Choir to visit Saints Peter & Paul Albanian Church in Philadelphia, Pa - 10/31/14
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Saints Peter & Paul Albanian Church in Philadelphia, Pa to celebrate the Divine Liturgy on December 7. Following Liturgy, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
November 22-23, 2014 Mission Choir to visit Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY - 10/31/14
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY to celebrate Vespers and the Divine Liturgy on November 22 and 23. Following Liturgy on Sunday, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioners.
November 2, 2014 Mission Choir to visit Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Wilkes Barre, Pa - 10/31/14
The St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary's Mission Choir will join Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Wilkes Barre, Pa to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at10:00 am on November 2. Following Liturgy, refreshments will be served and the members of Mission Choir will introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet with parishioner
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosted the Annual Fall Festival Talent Show and Costume Gala. This year was marked by a new addition to the event which was the first ever STOTS chili cook-off. The evening also included the musical talent of several seminarians and children of St. Tikhon’s staff as well as games for both the adults and children. St. Tikhon’s would like to thank everyone who donated their talent and time to once again make this year’s event a success!
Annual Fall Lecture Series Welcomes Fr. John Oliver - 10/28/14
The Annual Fall Lecture Series ended on Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014 with a talk by Fr. John Oliver (STOTS 2004), pastor of St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary thanks all of our speakers and visitors for their participation, and for helping to make this years event successful.
Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s Fall Lecture Series, which will take place on October 6, 13, 20, and 27, 2015.
Faculty Member Speaks to Ancient Faith Radio - 10/27/14
Recently Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary, sat down to do an interview with Ancient Faith Radio about his newly released book "Wisdom for Today from the Early Church."
You can listen to the interview by clicking on the link here.
Fr. Joel’s lecture entitled Saved Together: Practical Asceticism and Family Life was an invitation to consider how God provides all people, in whatever state they find themselves, a way toward salvation and Communion with God.
The next lecture in our series will be this coming Tuesday, Oct. 28 where we will hear from Fr. John Oliver (STOTS 2004) who will give the lecture Blessed Violence: Caring for a World in Crisis.
The Annual Fall Lecture Series is open to the public and admission is free for alumni of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Admission for the public is only $10 with a group rate for groups of ten or more for only $100. Drinks and refreshments are provided free of charge.
Please consider being a part of this year's Annual Fall Lecture Series
Fr. Andrew’s lecture entitled The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism was an invitation to consider everything around them as an opportunity for prayer and thankfulness.
The next lecture in our series will be this coming Tuesday, Oct. 21 where we will hear from Fr. Joel Weir (STOTS 2010) who will give the lecture Saved Together: Practical Asceticism and Family Life.
The Annual Fall Lecture Series is open to the public and admission is free for alumni of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Admission for the public is only $10 with a group rate for groups of ten or more for only $100. Drinks and refreshments are provided free of charge.
Please consider being a part of this year's Annual Fall Lecture Series
On Sunday Evening, October 19th, a large representation from the student body as well as others from the community, gathered at Valley Lanes in Carbondale, PA for a fun filled night of bowling and pizza.
Students, faculty, administration, and their families enjoyed this time of fellowship by bowling for two hours and spanning 8 lanes of the bowling alley. This event was organized by the St. Tikhon’s Student Government and sponsored by several anonymous donations.
(Article by Dn. Gabriel Bilas, Student Government President.)
Seminary Community's Annual Trip to Ritter's Cider Mill - 10/18/14
On Saturday, October 18, 2014, the St. Tikhon’s Community held its annual Fall Gathering at Ritter’s Cider Mill in Mt. Cobb. The festivities included a petting zoo, an apple slingshot, watching the presses make delicious homemade cider, and a hayride. Everyone enjoyed the fresh cider and warm donuts, and all of the children got to take home a pumpkin.
The beautiful chilly fall weather provided a wonderful atmosphere for fellowship and fun. The community wishes to extend its thanks to all who participated in the event.
Seminarians Travel to New York to Support St. Tikhon's Music Director and Enjoy a Performance of Mozart's Requiem - 10/17/14
On Friday, October 17, 2014 a group of seminarians traveled from St. Tikhon's to Bard College in New York to attend a free concert of Mozart's Requiem. The concert was performed by graduate and undergraduate students in the conservatory at Bard, including St. Tikhon's choir director Benedict Sheehan, who is currently pursuing a master's in conducting from Bard.
The concert was conducted by Hungarian conductor Maestro Adam Fischer, who took time off from conducting a run of performances at the New York Metropolitan Opera to conduct the Mozart Requiem at Bard. Students enjoyed a lovely fall evening on the beautiful grounds at Bard, a wonderful concert, and fellowship with each other.
Oct. 23-26, 2014 Fr. Daniel Kovalak to Speak in Fort Worth, TX - 10/16/14
On Thursday, October 23 through Sunday, October 26, Fr. Daniel Kovalak (STOTS 1974), Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Practice at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, will be the guest speaker at St. Barbara Orthodox Church in Fort Worth, TX for their 35th Anniversary Celebration. Over the course of the weekend, Fr. Daniel will talk on Seminary life, life at St. Tikhon's, offer the homily on Sunday, and give a Keynote Address on the significance of the 35th Anniversary of the church, and the importance of their legacy of mission and evangelism. Fr. Daniel's wife, Matushka Myra will also present a Christian Education Workshop on Saturday.
The festivities begin on Thursday with 6:00 Vespers followed by a meal, and continue on throughout the weekend, ending with a Keynote Address on Sunday. St. Barbara's is located at 5201 Altamesa Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76133. Their phone number is 817-294-0325. The full schedule of events can be found here.
Seminary Board of Trustees Participate in Retreat During Fall Session - 10/16/14
The Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary held a board retreat at the seminary, on Thursday, October 16th, with consultants of the Zielinski Companies. Zielinski Companies assists and serves the management needs of religious institutions and other non-profit organizations with financial, planning, and management consulting services. Greg Zielinski, Ph.D. and Dawn Miller, CFRE, focused the 5 hour session on the responsibilities and duties of a not-for-profit board, fund development, and the role of trustees in fundraising and board self assessment. Holding periodic retreats is also an important dimension of board and also faculty development. This is a critical juncture in terms of board development, as St. Tikhon's is currently in the midst of a self-study in preparation for an upcoming re-accreditation review with the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).
Mr. Michael Herzak, Board Chair, reflected on the retreat: "The session was well received by the STOTS Board and will be invaluable going forward."
Many members of the local community came to South Canaan this weekend to participate in the annual Founders Day celebration commemorating St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow, Enlightener of North America, and founder of the holy habitation of St. Tikhon’s Monastery.
After the service a wonderful meal was offered in the monastery refectory that had been prepared by volunteers from the St. Tikhon’s Parish Community. St. Tikhon's would like to thank Mary Carol Ashley for her work in organizing the meal.
This joyous feast concluded with the Century Association holding its annual meeting in the seminary dining hall. The constant and steadfast support of the Century Association helps ensure that St. Tikhon’s Seminary continues to be able to fulfill its holy calling to educate and prepare the future leaders of the Orthodox Church, both in this country and around the world.
Run for Married Student Housing Crosses Finish Line and Continues to Gain Ground - 10/11/14
On Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 St. Tikhon’s Alumnus Fr. Joseph McCartney (STOTS 2010) finished his 13.1 mile “Run for Married Student Housing,” successfully raising $16,639 to go towards the initial phase of the renovations necessary to begin construction. Fr. Joseph went forward with the race despite a number of obstacles including the cancellation of the originally planned venue, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Cleveland Half Marathon, and also a terrible leg cramp that dramatically impeded the swiftness of his progress beginning around mile marker 9.
Nevertheless Fr. Joseph persevered, cheered on by family, friends, and loyal supporters of both his efforts and also of the St. Tikhon’s Married Student Housing Program. The donation page for the Run for Married Student Housing will be left active for another few days for those interested in making any last minute donations. In the words of Fr. Joseph, “If you were waiting to donate until you found out if I died en route, then now is your opportunity! Thanks everyone.”
As announced earlier this effort was made all the more remarkable when Board of Trustee member and graduate of the diaconate program Dn. Mark and his wife Mat. Christine Hoeplinger agreed to match all donations raised on behalf of the “Run for Married Student Housing.” That story can be viewed here.
That would bring the grand total to $33, 278 for the total project thus far. Hurry - because there is still time to have your donation count double. Please join with Fr. Joseph and Dn. Mark in helping to ensure a place for the future priests, leaders, and teachers of the Orthodox Church in this country.
On behalf of everyone in the St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to extend our heartfelt thank you to Fr. Joseph for all his preparation and training leading up to the event, for all of his efforts in helping to promote the project, and most importantly for doing all of the literal “leg work” necessary to make this one of the most fruitful Married Student Housing fundraising projects to date.
Faculty Member Publication to be Translated into Romanian - 10/10/14
Dr. Harry Boosalis, Professor of Dogmatics at St. Tikhon's Seminary, has recently been notified that his book Orthodox Spiritual Life According to St. Silouan the Athonite is being translated into Romanian and will be published by the Holy Metropolis of Cluj.
May the story of St. Silouan's life and service continue to be an inspiration to the faithful in Christ, here and through out the world.
Fr. Stephen’s lecture entitled The One-Storey Heart: Christianity with a Single Mind offered a profoundly meaningful and visible connection between heartfelt and tearful confession related to our inner places of shame, and “uniting ourselves to Christ” as repeated in the reception of Catechumens portion of the Baptism service. By making this connection he drew out for all present the actual steps involved in actualizing one’s baptism that we are called to be about all our lives as Orthodox Christians.
The next lecture in our series will be next Tuesday, Oct. 14 where we will hear from Fr. Andrew Damick (STOTS 2007) who will speak on The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism.
The Annual Fall Lecture Series is open to the public and admission is free for alumni of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Admission for the public is only $10 with a group rate for groups of ten or more for only $100. Drinks and refreshments are provided free of charge.
Please consider being a part of this year's Annual Fall Lecture Series.
LuAnn Motel Scholarship Fund to Support Female Students at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 10/08/14
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is very pleased to announce the LuAnn Motel Scholarship Fund established 2014 by the Motel family, husband Donald, sons, Dr. Peter Motel, Andrew Motel, Esq. and Stephen Motel, and daughter, Dr. Marta Motel Grewell in loving memory of their Wife and Mother LuAnn. The scholarship is to aid one or more female students studying at St. Tikhon’s Seminary enrolled in the Master of Divinity Program.
LuAnn’s life was a living tribute to the service of others in both her church life as one of the founding members and later church Warden of St. Herman’s Church, Gradyville, Pa and her professional life as an oncology nurse at Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia. What set her apart much like the Myrrh bearing women was her incredible strength and lack of fear no matter what cross was laid before her. She was an inspiration to all who knew her and the establishment of this scholarship Fund in her Memory is true testimony of the incredible love and respect of her family who will continue to honor her through helping others complete their studies at the Seminary and go on to serve the church.
Initial funding of this scholarship of $25,000.00 has been given by the Motel Family. Anyone can contribute to this fund as even the smallest gift will allow us to continue to help our female students and encourage more to consider attending the Seminary.
If you would like to establish your own scholarship to honor a special person please contact Fr. Dennis Swencki, CFO /Development Director at St. Tikhon’s Seminary 570-561-1818 ext 7. The Seminarians truly welcome your gifts and your expression of love and care for them as they begin their life long service in our Holy Orthodox Church.
St. Tikhon's Student Government Sponsors Missionary Outreach - 10/08/14
At the first St. Tikhon's Seminary Student Government meeting of the 2014/2015 academic year, a proposal was made to make a donation to a worthy cause in thanksgiving to God for funds raised during recent t-shirt sales. The officers decided to make a donation of $200 to support an orthodox missionary, recognizing both the centrality of missionary labors to fulfilling our Lord's Gospel commandment to make disciples of all nations, and to raise awareness of Orthodox missionary activities within the seminary community. The Student Government identified Jesse Brandow as a worthy recipient and passed a motion to invite him to come and share his experiences and future plans with the St. Tikhon's Community.
Jesse, a 2013 graduate of St. Vladimir's Seminary, will be spending the next two years working with the people of the many indigenous Mayan villages in Guatemala who have recently embraced the Orthodox Faith. These villages were led into the Faith in 2010 largely through the efforts of Fr. Andres Girón, who fell asleep in the Lord earlier this year. Still being new to the Faith and mostly without Orthodox resources in their native languages, having less than ten priests for hundreds of villages, the Mayan Orthodox people are very much in need of further teaching and ministry, which Jesse hopes to help provide.
Jesse came and spoke with the St. Tikhon's community during lunch on Wed. October 8th. He shared his experiences during past trips to Guatemala and the story of the mass conversion of the Mayan peoples to the Orthodox faith, as well as his own future plans. The inspiring talk generated much interest and a lively discussion among the seminary community. The St. Tikhon's Seminary community offers prayers, love and best wishes to Jesse as he sets out to serve our Lord in the vast mission field of Guatemala! Donations to support Jesse in his missionary work can be made through
(Article by Student Government Officers Joel Brady and Timothy Winegar.)
St. Tikhon's and St. Vladimir's Seminaries Join Together for Liturgy in New York - 09/27/14
On September 27, 2014, members of the St. Tikhon’s Community joined with members of the St. Vladimir Seminary Community for the second Annual Joint Seminary Liturgy to celebrate the 700th Anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who is the patron saint of the chapel at the OCA Chancery. The liturgy was celebrated outdoors in a walled garden on the Chancery property, which is enjoying its 100th Anniversary. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon (Mollard) (STOTS 1993) and His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin (Peterson) concelebrated. As Metropolitan, His Beatitude Tikhon serves as the President of both St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s Seminaries.
Also serving were Archpriest John Jillions, OCA Chancellor; Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary; St. Tikhon’s faculty member Archpriest Joseph Woodill, (STOTS 1981); Priest James Weremedic (STOTS 2001); Priest David Cowan (STOTS 2007); Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak; and Deacon Gregory Hatrak (STOTS 1994). Singing the responses during the liturgy were the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir, led by Benedict Sheehan (STOTS 2011), joined by the choir from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, led by Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) (STOTS 2005).
Following the beautiful outdoor ceremony, Metropolitan Tikhon presented awards for the newly-established Order of Saint Romanos. This award was created by the Holy Synod of Bishops to honor those who have made significant contributions in the field of liturgical music. The four recipients were:
Prof. Dr. David Drillock, “for his multi-faceted, untiring and widely influential work as a teacher, conductor, arranger and administrator, who has influenced decades of seminary choirs, authored numerous books and chairs the Department of Liturgical Music.”
Archpriest Sergius Glagolev, “for his lifetime of musical contributions as a singer, choirmaster, composer and teacher. He pioneered the use of English in liturgical services, of which many are now classic parts of the repertoire of parish choirs.”
Archpriest Igor Soroka, “for his pioneering work and more than 50 years of accomplishments in liturgical music. Many of his published works are commonly known as the “Soroka” books, which were watershed events in the life of the Church in North America.”
Mr. Walter Shymansky, “for a lifetime of dedicated services to music and musicians in the Church with decades of directing, arranging, teaching and singing. His extensive English arrangements of Russian music is the foundation of the Podoben web site.”
Following the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Tikhon welcomed visitors from both schools as well as others who took part in the service to be his guests and to join together in a common meal at the chancery.
Oct. 23-25, 2014 Dr. David Ford to Speak at Annual Meeting of the Orthodox Theological Society - 09/26/14
Dr. David Ford will be speaking at the annual meeting of the Orthodox Theological Society of America. The annual meeting takes place Oct. 23-25, 2014 at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary in Brookline, MA. The topic of this year’s conference is “The Orthodox Church in America in a Post-Modern World.” Dr. David is Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He will be giving a talk entitled "The Glory of Marriage in Postmodern America."
For more information on the Orthodox Theological Society of America or their annual meeting, please visit their website here. (
Nov. 8. 2014 Two Faculty Members and Alumnus to Speak in Mount Carmel, PA - 09/26/14
Dr. Harry Boosalis and Dr. David Ford will be speaking at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA on November 8, 2014 as part of the parish’s Patronal Feast celebrations. Dr. Harry is Professor of Dogmatic Theology, and Dr. David is Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
Following a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, the parish will offer a luncheon during which Dr. Harry, Dr. David and Fr. Andrew Damick (STOTS 2007) will be guest speakers. The day will finish with Vespers, and everyone is invited back for Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. The church is located at 131 North Willow Street, Mount Carmel, PA 17851. For more information, please call (570) 339-1200.
Oct. 23, 2014 Archimandrite Athanasy to Speak in Ballston Lake, NY - 09/26/14
On Thursday, October 23, Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalsky) will be giving a lecture entitled “On the Priesthood” as part of the 2014 Religious Institute at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in New York. Archimandrite Athanasy is a Lecturer in Pastoral Arts and Praxis at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. The theme of this year’s Religious Institute is “Lectures on the Sacramental Life.”
The lecture will begin at 7:00 pm, and it is open to the public. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the talk. A suggested minimum donation of $25 is requested for each lecture. The Church is located at 349 Eastline Rd, Ballston Lake, NY 12019.
Oct. 16, 2014 Abbot Sergius (Bowyer) to Speak in Ballston Lake, NY - 09/26/14
On Thursday, October 16, Archimandrite Sergius (Bowyer) will be giving a lecture entitled “On the Divine Liturgy” as part of the 2014 Religious Institute at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in New York. Archimandrite Sergius is a Lecturer in Spirituality at St. Tikhon’s Seminary as well as the Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery. The theme of this year’s Religious Institute is “Lectures on the Sacramental Life.”
The lecture will begin at 7:00 pm, and it is open to the public. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the talk. A suggested minimum donation of $25 is requested for each lecture. The Church is located at 349 Eastline Rd, Ballston Lake, NY 12019.
Oct. 9, 2014 Bishop Michael (Dahulich) to Speak in Ballston Lake, NY - 09/26/14
On Thursday, October 9, His Grace, Bishop Michael (Dahulich), Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will be giving a lecture entitled “On Confession” as part of the 2014 Religious Institute at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in New York. The theme of this year’s Religious Institute is “Lectures on the Sacramental Life.”
The lecture will begin at 7:00 pm, and it is open to the public. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the talk. A suggested minimum donation of $25 is requested for each lecture. The Church is located at 349 Eastline Rd, Ballston Lake, NY 12019.
Oct. 2, 2014 Dr. David and Dr. Mary Ford to Speak in Ballston Lake, NY - 09/26/14
On Thursday, October 2, Dr. David and Dr. Mary Ford will be giving a lecture entitled “On Christ-Centered Marriage” as part of the 2014 Religious Institute at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in New York. Dr. David Ford is Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and Dr. Mary Ford is Associate Professor of New Testament and Spirituality. The theme of this year’s Religious Institute is “Lectures on the Sacramental Life.”
The lecture will begin at 7:00 pm, and it is open to the public. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the talk. A suggested minimum donation of $25 is requested for each lecture. The Church is located at 349 Eastline Rd, Ballston Lake, NY 12019.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary will once again be holding its Annual Fall Lecture Series each Tuesday evening in the month of October. The guest speakers and dates will be as follows:
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Archpriest Stephen Freeman
Author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe and the award winning blog Glory to God for All Things will sign copies of his new book and offer the lecture
The One-Storey Heart: Christianity with a Single Mind
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Fr. Andrew Damick
2007 Saint Tikhon’s graduate and author of the best-selling Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Exploring Belief Systems through the Lens of the Ancient Christian Faith as well as his new book An Introduction to God: Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity and the popular Roads from Emmaus weblog will sign copies of his new book and speak on
The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Fr. Joel Weir
2010 Saint Tikhon’s graduate, missionary for IOCC frontline Katrina, instructor at Hagia Sophia Classical Academy, as well as devoted pastor, husband, and father will speak on
Saved Together: Practical Asceticism and Family Life
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Fr. John Oliver
2004 Saint Tikhon’s graduate and author of the best-selling Touching Heaven, his new book Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition, and the popular Hearts and Minds podcast will sign copies of his published works and speak on
Blessed Violence: Caring for a World in Crisis
All lectures begin at 7 pm and are open to the public. Admission is $10 a person or $100 for a group of ten or more. Complimentary refreshments will be provided. RSVP to the Office of the Dean at 570-561-1818 or online at
Nov. 8-9, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich to Speak in Minneapolis, MN - 09/22/14
On Nov. 8-9, 2014 the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, will give a presentation on the St. Tikhon's Seminary Married Student Housing Program at St. Mary's Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN.
Oct. 18, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich to Accompany Miracle Working Icon to Local Icon Festival - 09/22/14
On Saturday, October 18, 2014 the V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary will be accompanying the wonderworking icon of St. Anna to Holy Cross Church in Williamsport, PA where they will be holding an all-day Icon Festival.
For more information regarding this exciting day of guest speakers and good food please visit the parish website at
Oct. 12, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich to be in Hagerstown, MD - 09/22/14
On Sunday, October 12, 2014 the Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, will be at St. Catherine the Great Martyr Church in Hagerstown, MD.
Women's Group Organizes Community Crafting Day Event - 09/21/14
On Sunday, Sep. 21, 2014 the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group participated in a Crafting Day organized by Matushka Kathy White and Michele Kennerk. The various creative skills discussed and demonstrated included learning how to make stamps, embossing ornate paper, creating decorative decals, and much more. Both Matushka Kathy and Michele displayed examples of their own creative work which provided inspiration for the group. Additional Crafting Days will hopefully be scheduled in the future for anyone who was unable to attend the Sunday event, and for those who would like to continue to learn about the beautiful techniques already shared.
Seminarian Shares Reflections on Mission Trip to Albania - 09/18/14
On Thursday, September 18, 2014, Khader Baramki gave a lunchtime presentation in which he shared his summer field experience of serving on a short-term Mission Team in Albania. Khader, a third year seminarian studying in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, was the first student from Jerusalem to be selected to a mission team sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).
The mission was a part of a class entitled, “The Missiology of Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) of Albania,” taught by Fr. Luke Veronis, a professor at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA. During this summer program, Fr. Luke takes 12 Seminarians to Albania. While there, they visit hubs of Orthodox Christian activity, including parishes, monasteries, orphanages, and education centers. Khader made stops in Tirana, Korça and Durrës, as well as other smaller towns.
While in Tirana (Albania’s capital city), Khader had the opportunity to be present at the consecration of The Resurrection of Christ Cathedral on June 1, 2014. His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I consecrated the Cathedral, together with His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) and many Primates and representatives of the world’s Orthodox Churches, including Archbishop Nikon (Liolin) of the Orthodox Church in America.
Khader also shared stories of his time in Durres, where the team visited the monastery of Shen Vlash, Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy, and the “Home of Hope” Orthodox Children’s Orphanage. Their visit to the Orphanage also coincided with a visit by the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos (Giannopoulos) III.
As we begin this new academic year, a new incoming class of seminarians likewise begins their journey of formation Included in this enthusiastic class are men and women, sons of ordained clergy previously completing studies at St. Tikhon’s, and those who have been inspired by God and prepared by compassionate parish priests to enter the Orthodox Faith, who all desire to serve as priests, teachers, and leaders. Our returning students continue with them on this journey.
The Seminary Women’s Group had an opportunity to meet with the faculty and staff of the Seminary on Tuesday, September 16th, 2014. This yearly event allows for the seminary community to greet the wives of the new students and tell them a little about themselves as well as a time for getting to know the new faces and finding out about their journey to St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Having met the previous week with the Rector, His Grace Bishop Michael, the wives of the student body were greeted with an introduction by Dean of the Seminary, Archpriest Steven Voytovich. Following that, each faculty and staff member and each member of the women’s group, were given an opportunity to tell a little about themselves and their journey to St. Tikhon’s. For many of the women, that journey included the finding of the Orthodox faith and their marriages to their Seminarian husbands.
St. Tikhon's Community Featured in Local Publication - 09/15/14
Recently the St. Tikhon's Community was featured in a Philadelphia area newspaper named "The Spirit." The article can be viewed by following the link provided here.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Continues Search for Development Director - 09/14/14
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA is now interviewing qualified people for the position of Director of Development. Those interested may send resume information to 178 St. Tikhon’s Rd. Waymart, PA 18472.
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
Director of Development
Job Description
Position: Reporting to and in partnership with the Dean and Rector, the Development Director (Director) will spearhead development efforts as St. Tikhon’s continues to evolve and grow. Depending on experience and availability, the position can be part time leading to full time. Director will have the opportunity to build development functionality in the institution.
1) Develop and execute St. Tikhon’s Seminary’s annual fundraising plan. 2) Develop and execute St. Tikhon’s Seminary’s periodic capital fundraising campaigns. 3) Secure financial support from individuals, parishes, foundations and corporations, and others. 4) Manage the implementation of fundraising software and oversee staff responsible for data entry and gift processing. 5) Develop and maintain ongoing relationships with major donors. 6) Create and execute a strategy for a large sustained base of annual individual, parish, foundation, and corporate donors. 7) Oversee organization of special events. 8) Develop and track proposals and reports for all foundation and corporate fundraising. 9) Work with Board Members for board development.
1) Bachelors’ Degree (required), Master’s Degree in area related to development (a plus). 2) Demonstrated excellence in organizational, managerial, and communication skills. 3) Knowledge of computers and development-related software. 4) Ability to travel (especially weekends). 5) Certified Fundraising Executive (e.g. Association of Fundraising Professionals) (preferred).
It is with heavy hearts, that the St. Tikhon's community mourns the loss of the handmaid of God, Leda Dzwonczyk. She was a dedicated board member, trusted supporter, and devoted friend of the community.
She offered many years of dedicated service as the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and fell asleep in the Lord on Tuesday, September 9 at 3:15 PM after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Funeral services will be held on Saturday, September 13 at 9:30 AM at St. Andrew's Orthodox Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
May God grant rest and a blessed repose to the Handmaid of God Leda, and may her memory be eternal.
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Meets for First Gathering of the Year - 09/09/14
On Tuesday, September 9, 2014 the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group met for their first meeting of the year with the rector of the seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael. It was a time for fellowship and introductions.
The women’s group meets several times a year and serves as a valuable support structure for the wives of seminarians and other women in the St. Tikhon’s Community.
After meeting with his Grace Bishop Michael, the wives discussed the planning of this year’s Women’s Group events including guest speakers, dinners, children’s costume parties, and many other activities that are to be held throughout the academic year.
Your nativity, O Virgin, has proclaimed joy to the whole universe. The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, has shone from you, O Theotokos. By annulling the curse he bestowed a blessing. By destroying death he has granted us eternal life. (Troparion)
By your nativity, O most pure virgin, Joachim and Anna are freed from barrenness; Adam and Eve from the corruption of death. And we, your people, freed from the guilt of sin, celebrate and sing to you: The barren woman gives birth to the Theotokos, the Nourisher of our Life. (Kontakion)
The Orthodox community mourns the loss of a dedicated churchman, a St. Tikhon’s Alumnus, and beloved friend.
May his prayers assist us all and may his memory be eternal.
Priest John Bohush, Associate Pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church, fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, September 8, 2014.
Father John was well-known and beloved throughout the Diocese of New York and New Jersey for his extensive travels and labors assisting parishes during times of pastoral need, especially in the New York State Deanery.
Additional information and funeral arrangements will be posted as they are received.
May Father John’s memory be eternal!
(Article from
Also a moving reflection about Fr. John’s life and work appears on the St. Tikhon’s Summer Camp webpage. It highlights Fr. John’s dedication to helping young people understand their faith and just one of the many ways he helped support the St. Tikhon’s Community over the years. A link to the article has been provided below.
Oct. 31 - Nov. 2 Faculty Members to Teach at the 2014 Orthodox Institute at Antiochian Village - 09/04/14
Dr. Harry Boosalis, Professor of Dogmatics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Archpriest David Hester, AAP Patristics & Church History have been asked to direct the core courses at this year’s Orthodox Institute at Antiochian Village in Ligionier, PA. The event will be held from October 31 to November 2, 2014. The theme for this year is Theosis: Your Life With God.
Dr. Boosalis will be speaking on the topics of Freedom in Christ, Spiritual Warfare and Suffering, as well as Love and Prayer.
Fr. Hester will be speaking on The Jesus Prayer and Theosis.
This year’s keynote speakers are Fr. Anthony Coniaris and Dr. Kyriakos Markides. St. Tikhon's Alumnus Fr. John Oliver (STOTS 2004) are among the other speakers.
Consider participating in this year’s Institute at the Village. For more information visit:
September 19 - 21 Dr. Harry Boosalis to lead Men’s Retreat in Minneapolis, MN - 09/04/14
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be leading the annual Men’s Retreat sponsored by St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church of Minneapolis from September 19 - 21, 2014. The theme of this year’s retreat is ‘Exploring Orthodox Spiritual Life’. Discussion will focus on the practical application of our faith to our daily life as Orthodox men living and working in contemporary American society.
Faculty Member Releases New Book to Rave Reviews - 09/04/14
New Title from St. Tikhon’s Monastery Press – Wisdom For Today From The Early Church – Addresses 10 Important Themes From The Early Church Relevant To Orthodox Christians Today
Announcing a new title from St. Tikhon’s Monastery Press, Wisdom for Today from the Early Church: A Foundational Study. The new title by Dr. David Ford, professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary, provides a fascinating, inspiring, and eye-opening entranceway into the theological and spiritual riches of Christ’s Church in the first five centuries of the Christian era. It makes clear how these insights are highly relevant for our life as Orthodox Christians today, and how they can not only inspire us in our personal relationship with our LORD and all His Saints, but also how they can equip us for living and proclaiming the historic Faith in the midst of our increasingly anti-Christian society and culture.
The book addresses ten of the most important themes of the life of the Early Church including: An Orthodox Understanding of the Book of Acts; The Apostolic Fathers Teach and Encourage the Faithful; The Apologists Explain and Defend the Faith to the Surrounding Society; St. Irenaeus Meets the Challenge of the Gnostics; The Church Meets the Challenge of the Montanists; Tertullian and the Dangers of the Sectarian Mind-Set; The Canonization of the New Testament: The Church Decides; The Rise of Papal Presumption; The Holy Martyrs Live and Die for Christ; The Rise of Monasticism, the New Martyrdom; and the Wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. Advanced Praise for Wisdom for Today from the Early Church:
“[Wisdom for Today from the Early Church] offers a patrological resource for us to have the apostles, prophets, fathers, martyrs and the saints of Orthodoxy to whisper in our ears to keep us connected to and aligned with the continuity with the early Church and, more importantly, with the Church Triumphant.”
His Grace, Bishop THOMAS, Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic (Antiochian Archdiocese)
“Dr. Ford pulls back the curtain on the historic Church of the first centuries, and in the process he convincingly dispels many erroneous notions that are held by sincere but uninformed or misinformed Christians in Christendom today about how the Church as the Body of Christ has matured and adapted while remaining faithful the Gospel of Christ over the centuries.”
“This ten-chapter journey is by no means a dry read. He literally re-lives the moments that he is teaching, with all their drama, joys, and sorrows. He makes the pages of Church History come alive in his classroom – and it is no different in this book.”
His Grace, Bishop MICHAEL, Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey (OCA)
Dr. David C. Ford is also the author of Women and Men in the Early Church: The Full Views of St. John Chrysostom, published by St. Tikhon's Seminary Press. And he and his wife Dr. Mary Ford have coauthored the widely popular Marriage As a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married Saints. The revised and expanded, 20th Anniversary edition of this book has been recently published by St. Tikhon's Monastery Press. For more information, to place your order, or to request your review copy contact Innocent Neal at St. Tikhon’s Monastery Press.
Seminary Continues to Accept Submissions for Spring Symposium - 09/04/14
St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery would like to announce again a call for papers for an Academic Symposium to be held in honor of Metr. Leonty (1876 - 1965) at our Seminary and Monastery on Thursday, May 14, 2015, which will be the 50th anniversary of his repose in the Lord. The Symposium will include a panikhida service at his grave, located behind the Monastery Church.
We welcome any proposals related to Metr. Leonty's life and work. Please submit a brief description of what you would like to present at the Symposium to Dr. David C. Ford, at, by September 30, 2014.
17th Annual St. Tikhon's Memorial Golf Tournament - 09/01/14
Jack Frost National Golf Club was the setting for the 17th Annual St. Tikhon's Golf Tournament. Over 70 golfers gathered at the picturesque golf course located in the Pocono Mountains near Blakeslee, Pennsylvania.
$3,000 was raised by the Tournament for the benefit of the Seminary. Participants in the Tournament included our Dean, Fr. Steven Voytovich, faculty, staff and alumni of the Seminary, and clergy and friends of the Seminary who travelled from various parts of Pennsylvania and other surrounding states including New York, New Jersey and Delaware. The Championship Flight winners of the Captain and Crew Tournament were John Kozey, Jonah Goobic, and Adam Goobic. Other Flight winners included, Second Flight: Maggie Zlatkowski, Nitza Quinnes, Mark Skuby, Dan Dowiak and Third Flight: Edna Fetkowitz, Fred Fetkowitz, Vasily Serpikov, Fr. JohnOnufrey.Prizes were also awarded for the longest drive, closest to the pin and most accurate drive. All golfers received door prizes.
The administration, faculty, staff, students and tournament committee would like to thank everyone who participated in and supported this year's tournament. Tentative plans have been made for the tournament next year on Saturday, August 22, 2015. We invite all who participated in this year's tournament to join us again next year. We also extend a cordial invitation to all who wish to participate in this annual event in support of the Seminary either by playing in the tournament or offering to be a hole sponsor or donor at one of the several donation categories.
Information about next year's tournament will become available in Spring 2015 and will be posted again on the Seminary website.
Annual Beginning of the Year Celebration - 09/01/14
On Monday, September 1, 2014, the St. Tikhon's community gathered at the homes of Michael and Sophia Pierce, and Matthew and Ashley Joyner for the Annual Beginning of the Year Labor Day Celebration.
There was a tremendous turnout as good food and fellowship were shared by all. Many thanks to the Pierces and the Joyners for hosting the event, as well as all those who assisted with the setup and cleaning. A very special thank you is due to the newest member of the unofficial St. Tikhon’s Bluegrass Band, first year student and fiddler extraordinaire Mikel Hill for rounding out an already amazing ensemble.
On Monday, August 25, 2014 the new students began their collective seminary journey by participating in New Student Orientation. After three full days of instruction on campus life, seminary communications, library resources, campus stewardship, and community praxis, the new students, who until this time were clothed in the customary white dress-shirt and black pants, were blessed by the Dean of the Seminary, the Very Reverend Fr. Steven Voytovich, to begin wearing the black cassock. The cassock will remain their official uniform until the day they graduate.
On Thursday, August 28, 2014 the returning students joined their new classmates for the Beginning of the Year Retreat. 15 new students, all of which will be working towards their Masters in Divinity degrees, joined with 17 returning students to begin the 2013-2014 Academic Year.
The seminary community then enjoyed addresses by the Rector of the Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael, the Dean of the Seminary, V. Rev. Steven Voytovich, the Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Igumen Sergius (Bowyer) and other members of the Seminary Faculty.
The 2013-2014 Academic Year promises to be a year of dynamic growth and continued self-reflection for St. Tikhon’s Seminary and for the entire St. Tikhon’s Community. The seminary is pleased to welcome this incoming class and looks forward to participating in their spiritual journey over the next few years.
Married Student Housing Project Steps Up to the Ice Bucket Challenge - 08/21/14
On August 21, 2014 the St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing Project was named as part of a phenomena that is sweeping the country as individuals challenge friends, family members, and co-workers to take part in this social media fueled explosion.
The Seminary's Receptionist and latest administrative hiring, Sophia Pierce, answered the challenge issued to her by her son who had been challenged by another family member to provide a donation to ALS research, be doused with a large bucket of ice water or to do both. She opted for both but added her own challenge on behalf of the St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing Project.
When asked why she decided to offer her challenges for Married Student Housing, Mrs. Pierce explained, "I wanted my challenge to be for something very near and dear to the community I am now a part of. St. Tikhon's has been working towards housing for its married students for some time and I wanted to do my part to help it along. I will make my donation to ALS but I believe that this is also a very worthy cause. For the last couple years, people have been watching the ones they love get drenched with ice water while also giving them the opportunity to support worthy charities, I saw this as a chance for the married student families to benefit from the trend.”
In her challenge Mrs. Pierce named St. Tikhon's Community members Christopher and Leslie Patton, Benedict and Maria Sheehan, as well as the Dean of the Seminary the Very Reverend Steven Voytovich to donate $100 or more to the St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing Project, get the ice water, or to do both.
Annual Diocesan Women's Retreat Held this Summer at St. Tikhon's - 08/16/14
St. Tikhon’s Seminary was the setting for the Annual Women’s Retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA. Over seventy women attended the retreat and represented the Diocese of Eastern PA, New York/New Jersey, Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. , ROCOR, and the Greek Archdiocese. The retreat was held on Saturday, August 16, 2014.
The Retreat opened with prayers lead by Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery. Fr. Sergius was the opening speaker for the retreat. He spoke on the topics of Depression, Confession, and Prayer and provided each of the women copies of the morning and evening prayers, as well as the “Akathist – “Glory to God for All Things.” He spoke of the importance of prayer and finding time in your daily life while at the same time emphasizing the significance of “Being, Rather than Doing.” He also spoke also of the importance of Confession. “If at all possible, everyone during their lifetime should make a Life Confession. This is your story and it provides an avenue to connect to God.” Time was set aside for question and answer at the end of the session.
The morning session closed with greetings by His Grace, Bishop Mark.
During the lunch break, the women enjoyed some fellowship, time to walk around the Monastery grounds, visit the church, and time in the bookstore.
In the afternoon session the group heard Daria Virvan, (CRNP-PMH, BC) a Clinical Specialist in Adult Psych/Mental Health, in private practice who works in the mental health community of the greater Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD metropolitan areas. Her areas of focus for her talk included: Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management, and Suicide Prevention. She provided the women with definitions, signs and symptoms of many Mental Health issues. She also spoke about the constructive use of medications in the treatment of some of these issues. She provided the women with various creative strategies to handle anxiety and for managing depression. The workshop provided the attendees an opportunity to become familiar with the Depression Scale, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, and the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. There was a question and answer session immediately following the session.
The retreat was a very successful one and the hope is that next year can be even better.
Feast of The Dormition of the Mother of God - 08/15/14
Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, / Who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. / For being the Mother of Life, / She was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb.
77th Academic Year Begins at St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 08/11/14
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary will begin its 77th Academic Year on Monday, August 25, 2014. The school year will begin with registration and new student orientation. The incoming students will be joined by the returning seminarians on Thursday, August 28 for the beginning of the year retreat.
Monday, August 25, 2014 (Incoming Seminarians)
6:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church 8:30 AM Breakfast following Divine Liturgy in Seminary Dining Hall 10:00 AM Administrative Introductions , Room 233 - Fr. Steven Voytovich 10:30 AM Seminary Tour and Historical Perspective - Christopher Patton 11:00 AM Address of the Dean - Fr. Steven Voytovich 11:30 AM Orientation in Student Life - Campus Guidelines and Procedures - Christopher Patton 12:00 PM Orientation in Student Life - Kitchen Work Schedule and Practicum - Sophia Pierce 1:00 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:45 PM Theological Reflection and the process of Self-Study, Room 233 - Fr. Steven Voytovich 2:15 PM Orientation in Academic Programs - Accreditation and Assessment - Dr. Paul Witek 3:00 PM Orientation in Academic Programs - Programs and Policies - Dr. Paul Witek 4:00 PM Orientation in Church Music - Benedict Sheehan, Director of the Seminary Choir 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 (Incoming Seminarians)
6:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church 8:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 9:15 AM Tuition and Finance - Fr. Dionysius Swencki 10:00 AM Tour of Monastery Church/Icon Repository - Fr. Nicodemus 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:00 PM Community Schedule and Orientation - Christopher Patton 1:30 PM Spiritual Life and Seminary Discipline Orientation - Archimandrite Athanasy and Igumen Gabriel 2:30 PM Community Responsibilities and Stewardship Accountability - Christopher Patton 3:00 PM Technology and Communications Orientation – Christopher Patton 4:30 PM Vigil in Monastery Church 6:30 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 (Incoming Seminarians)
6:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church 8:30 AM Breakfast in the Seminary Dining Hall 9:00 AM Address of the Rector - His Grace Bishop Michael 10:00 AM Library Orientation - Prof. Sergei Arhipov, Head Librarian 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:00 PM Faculty Orientation and Introductions - Faculty of St. Tikhon’s Seminary 1:30 PM Student Registration: Meet with Rector, Dean, and Registrar, (Meetings will be scheduled in alphabetical order) 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Thursday, August 28, 2014 (Incoming & Returning Seminarians)
6:30 AM Hours & Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church Molieben for Academic New Year Blessing of Cassocks for New Students 8:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 9:00 AM Session #1 - Fr. Steven Voytovich 10:30 AM Session #2 - Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 2:00 PM Session #3 - Community Spiritual Life and Confession - Archimandrite Athanasy 3:30 PM Returning Student Reorientation, Student Work Program, and Campus Life - Christopher Patton 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Friday, August 29, 2014 (Incoming & Returning Seminarians)
7:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church Strict Fast Feast of the Beheading of St. John The Forerunner 9:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 10:00 AM Session #3 - Special Guest Speaker (TBA) 11:15 AM Question and Answers 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:30 PM Session #4 - Fr. Stephen Voytovich 2:30 PM Retreat Wrap-up and Orientation Q&A 4:00 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
St. Tikhon's Monastery Releases New 360 Degree Virtual Tour! - 07/29/14
This 360 Degree Virtual Tour has been provided by the good people at Orthodox Web Solutions who host both the Monastery and Seminary websites. Follow the link below to be taken directly to the Virtual Tour page on the Monastery website.
St. Tikhon’s is excited to announce that the 2014 Edition of the Tikhonaire is now available for viewing online!
This very special issue, which includes stories donated to our St. Tikhon’s Historical Initiative. This initiative seeks to ensure that the stories we share with one another regarding the life and history of the St. Tikhon’s Community are preserved for all future generations.
To access the Tikhonaire Digital Archive, follow the link below.
The St. Tikhon’s Community would like to extend its gratitude to all the generous sponsors of the Tikhonaire throughout its history who have made its continued printing possible, as well as those who undertook the monumental task of formatting, digitizing and compressing each volume for web publication. We hope that you will enjoy taking a walk through our Institution’s rich history as you browse through each issue.
There are still copies of the 2014 Tikhonaire available for purchase through the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore and can be ordered online by following the link provided below.
Register Now for the Annual St. Tikhon's Golf Benefit - 07/14/14
Arrangements have been made for the 17th Annual St. Tikhon’s Golf Tournament to be held on Saturday August 16, 2014 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in White Haven, Pa. The event will start with registration and lunch at 12:00 P.M. and a shotgun start at 1:00 p.m.
The cost is $100.00 per golfer, which includes lunch, green fees, cart, sleeve of balls, steak dinner, liquid refreshment, prizes and awards. There will also be skill prizes.
We are soliciting hole sponsors to raise funds in support of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. We ask you to consider being a hole sponsor to make this 17th year a great success. Donation categories include: Tournament Sponsor - $100.00; Hole in One Donation - $50.00; Eagle Donation- $25.00; Birdie Donation- $15.00; Par Donation- $10.00
All donations will be welcomed and acknowledged in a Tournament Ad Booklet. Please make checks payable to St. Tikhon's Seminary and return by August 11, 2014 to Fr. David Shewczyk -- 401 E. Main St. Wilkes Barre, PA 18705
By God's grace there are many wonderful and exciting things happening at the Seminary. We ask you to consider making a donation to this fundraiser for the Seminary which has been coordinated by supporters of the Seminary for the last 16 years. Please understand that all donations go directly to the Seminary. No donation money is used for Tournament costs.
If you would like to enter the Tournament, please contact Berny Golubiewski email: Phone: 570-825-4780; cell: 570-417-8271
We thank you in advance for your kind consideration.
Tournament Committee, Fr. John Kowalczyk and Fr. David Shewczyk, Alumni Representatives (Class of 1975)
During the week of July 6-12, 126 campers and a volunteer staff of 53 adult counselors gathered on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery to participate in the 43rd annual season of Saint Tikhon’s Summer Camp. The camp program allows Orthodox Christian children between the ages of 7 and 17 to grow in their relationship with Christ and each other by participating in a variety of educational and recreation activities. Children from all over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York – and as far away as Virginia, Florida, and Texas – return to camp for a week of fun each summer.
A typical day at camp includes morning and evening prayers, meals in the Trapeza, religious education workshops, and activities such as field sports, swimming, boating, ethnic dance lessons, arts and crafts, and iconography.
The camp theme this year was ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’, and the campers’ daily workshops focused on the many ways the Orthodox Church uses Scripture in church services.
New this year was the Camp Carnival, which took place in the gymnasium each night after dinner and featured face painting, piñatas, a snow-cone machine, a photo booth, and carnival-style games. The event was a big hit among the campers, who enjoyed the small prizes of pencils, stickers, and bracelets they could collect at the games.
This season, the camp also brought back an old tradition– the morning Flag Ceremony – in which the entire camp begins each day bright and early by raising the flag, singing the National Anthem, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and reading the Campers’ Oath.
Campers are already looking forward to the next season, which will take place from July 5-11, 2015. Registration forms will be available on February 1, 2015 on the camp website at (Article by Camp Director Kimberly Metz)
St. Tikhon's Annual Summer Camp Underway! - 07/06/14
St. Tikhon's Summer Camp is currently underway, with over 125 children ranging in age from 7 to 17 playing and praying together in an Orthodox environment. Each day begins and ends with prayer for the children. In between they enjoy a variety of activities that include arts & crafts, iconography, field games, swimming, boating, traditional ethnic dancing, choir practice, and much more.
The camp is staffed entirely with volunteers, most of whom return year after year to help with the camp that they attended when they were children. The camp this year runs from July 6 - July 12.
The beautifully done Official Camp Blog is being updated several times a day and can be viewed here.
Seminary Hosts PaTRAM Institute Summer Master Class with Vladimir Gorbik - 07/03/14
From June 30 to July 3, 2014, St. Tikhon’s Seminary opened its doors to welcome Vladimir Gorbik, choirmaster of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Moscow Representation Church and rector of the recently-founded Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music (PaTRAM) Institute, for a four-day intensive master class in Orthodox liturgical singing. The master class attracted more than 50 singers and student conductors from across the United States and Canada. Along with Maestro Gorbik, the master class faculty included Dr. Vladimir Morosan, head of Musica Russica and Benedict Sheehan, Instructor of Music at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Among the student conductors were Dr. Nicholas Reeves and Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) (STOTS 2005) of the St. Vladimir’s Seminary faculty, as well as Paula Genis of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Cathedral (ROCOR) in Washington, DC, and Laryssa Doohovskoy of St. Xenia Orthodox Church (ROCOR) in Methuen, MA.
In addition to the many fine singers who came to learn under Maestro Gorbik’s expert hand, the choir was joined by special guest John Michael Boyer of Cappella Romana, and graduate of Holy Cross Seminary, who helped prepare a group of participants to sing portions of the master class services in Byzantine Chant, and by special guest and basso profundo Fr. Daniel Kovalak (STOTS 1974), rector of Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport, PA, who has been a significant presence in Orthodox liturgical music in America for many years. The choir was also joined by St. Tikhon’s own Dean, Fr. Steven Voytovich, who took part in the master class from beginning to end, and who said in his remarks at the culmination of the master class that he felt St. Tikhon of Moscow’s vision for the Church in America was being realized in this event, in that it brought together so many devout Orthodox from so many ethnic backgrounds and jurisdictions to sing the praises of God, with both prayerfulness and excellence, under a single roof.
In addition to six hours a day of intense rehearsals, the master class schedule included daily spiritual talks by St. Tikhon’s Monastery’s Abbot, Archimandrite Sergius, who spoke on the nature of liturgical music, its spiritual demands, and the importance of the Liturgy in one’s spiritual life. The schedule also included a pilgrimage to St. George’s Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA to venerate that church’s miraculous myrrh-streaming icons of the Mother of God. Many of the master class participants had never witnessed a myrrh-streaming icon before, and all were deeply moved. After the participants had venerated the icons and been anointed with the fragrant oil that literally pours forth from the icons, St. George’s priest Fr. Mark Leasure gave an edifying account of the history of the icons and of some of the miracles that had been worked through them. The next day, master class participants gathered in St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church to sing a moleben to the Mother of God and to receive pieces of cotton that had been soaked in myrrh from the Taylor icons. Fr. Vladimir Kantor of Syracuse, NY (STOTS 2011), a master class participant, presided at the service.
The master class schedule culminated with an All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy in St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church in honor of St. John the Wonderworker of San Francisco. The services were presided over by His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York. In his homily during the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Michael enjoined master class participants to follow the example of St. John, rejoicing in whatever personal weaknesses they might have as opportunities for God to work through them. He went on to congratulate the choir for not settling for mediocrity, but for striving to increase the talent given them for the glory of God and the building up of the Church.
For more information about PaTRAM, and to find out about future events and offerings, please visit
Archbishop Joseph Elected Metropolitan of All North America - 07/03/14
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to offer a very heartfelt AXIOS and Many Years to His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, newly elected Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America. Metropolitan Joseph is a longtime supporter and friend of the St. Tikhon’s Community being awarded an honorary doctorate from the seminary in 2010 for his many years of dedicated leadership to the church in North America. Upon his recent visit in January of this year his Eminence remarked that he very much looks forward to his annual visit stating, "When I come to St. Tikhon's, I do not feel like a visitor. I feel like I am at home."
The prayers of the St. Tikhon’s Community will be with His Eminence Joseph and the entire Antiochian Archdiocese as we rejoice in their recent election knowing that the entire Church will benefit greatly from his archpastoral leadership.
[Taken from] His Eminence Archbishop Joseph has been elected Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America by the Holy Synod of Antioch, led by His Beatitude Patriarch John X, meeting in Balamand, Lebanon on Thursday, July 3, 2014. Axios! His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph was consecrated to the Holy Episcopacy on June 30, 1991 at the St. Mary Cathedral in Damascus, after many years of serving as a deacon and a priest. His Eminence was born in Damascus, Syria, in 1950. He was consecrated with the title, Bishop of Katana in Syria, and served as Patriarchal Assistant and Secretary of the Holy Synod of Antioch. In 1995, he was sent by Patriarch Ignatius IV of blessed memory to America. Here in our Archdiocese, Bishop Joseph was assigned to the West Coast Chancery by Metropolitan Philip of blessed memory. After self-rule status was awarded to our Archdiocese, Bishop Joseph was enthroned at St. Nicholas Cathedral by Metropolitan Philip as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West on September 12, 2004. On December 11, 2011, at the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Patriarchal Monastery of Our Lady of Balamand in Lebanon, Patriarch Ignatius elevated Bishop Joseph to the rank of Archbishop, in honor of his many years of service as a bishop both in our Archdiocese and in the Patriarchate of Antioch.
On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 St. Tikhon's Alumnus Archpriest Macarius Targonsky (STOTS 1950) fell asleep in the Lord at Central Peninsula Hospital in Soldotna, AK.
After graduating from St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Fr. Macarius served in Pennsylvania for 6 years before becoming the parish priest for Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Kodiak, Alaska. Fr. Macarius served as a priest for a total of 59 years, and he and his wife were blessed with 5 children and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His 'In Memoriam' page can be viewed here.
May God grant him rest in His heavenly kingdom and may his memory be eternal.
Seminarians and Alumni Offer Community Outreach Event at Local Coffeehouse - 06/20/14
On Friday, June 20, the Agia Sophia Coffeehouse in Harrisburg, PA hosted an enjoyable evening that featured entertainment provided by one of the newest St. Tikhon’s Seminarians, Matthew Joyner, and a very moving lecture by one of our earliest Alumni, V. Rev. Daniel Ressetar (STOTS 48).
The evening began with an hour of live music provided by Matthew Joyner, while the baristas served coffee and pastries. One of the baristas, Fr. Steven Vernak (STOTS 2007), is a St. Tikhon’s Alumnus and Manager of the Agia Sophia Coffeehouse. Matthew and his wife, Ashley, arrived at St. Tikhon’s last year from Kentucky. They are both talented musicians and regularly contribute those talents to the life of the St. Tikhon’s Community. Ashley sings with the monastery church’s Sunday Liturgy mixed choir, and special service choirs, and Matthew is a member of the St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir and also volunteers as the unofficial “sound equipment expert” for the numerous special events throughout the year. He also recently assumed the responsibility of student director of Elijah’s Mantle. Matthew played the guitar and sang a selection of music that included covers as well as original songs he had written during his time as a professional musician.
Following the musical opening to the evening, everyone made their way to the downstairs meeting room where Fr. Timothy Hojnicki (STOTS 2005) led the group in prayer. Then, Fr. Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) took a break from his barista duties to introduce Father Daniel Ressetar (STOTS 48) and announce the theme of the talk “Behind Bars: Memories of a Prison Chaplain."
Fr. Dan began his talk with the passage from Matthew, “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” (25:34-36). He explained that very early in his ministry he felt particularly called by those words, and knew that he was being led to prison ministry.
Fr. Dan spoke for an hour, mostly telling stories from his prison ministry with no exposition. The stories he told needed no exposition; they stood alone as a poignant witness to the tragedy of the American prison system and the brokenness of those men and women who find themselves inside.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary would like to thank the Agia Sophia Coffee House for hosting Seminarian Matthew Joyner and Alumnus Fr. Daniel Ressetar for such a wonderful and edifying evening as one of many ministry opportunities being continuously provided by the Agia Sophia Coffeehouse , and the clergy and faithful of the Harrisburg area. For more information about how you can support this vital and worthwhile ministry contact Fr. Stephen Vernak at
2014 Clergy Continuing Education Symposium Provides Opportunity for Spiritual Growth and Renewal - 06/19/14
Tuesday, June 17 through Thursday, June 19, 2014 St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted their 2nd Annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium. Over 60 participants traveled, from several OCA dioceses, to attend the lectures. Among the participants were clergy and monastics, men, women, seminarians and lay persons. Those attending received up to 18 of the 20 hours now required by the Department of Continuing Education.
On Tuesday, June 17 the Symposium opened with a Molieben in the Seminary Chapel. The group then proceeded to room 233 for a lecture by Dr. Christopher Veniamin, D. Phil. (Oxon.), Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary entitled “Spiritual Life in Saint Silouan the Athonite.” The second lecture presented was “The Greeting of Mary and Elizabeth: The Sanctity of Life,” by Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Practice, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
On Wednesday, following Divine Liturgy and breakfast, Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Lecturer in Spirituality at the Seminary, presented his talk on “Prayer as Communion – Personal and Liturgical Prayer.” During the afternoon session Mary Ford, Ph.D., Associate Professor of New Testament at St. Tikhon’s Seminary presented “Orthodox Insights into the Book of Revelation.” In the evening a banquet was held at the seminary dining hall. A toast was offered by the Rector of the seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael, in which he encouraged the visiting clergy to set aside time during the symposium to not only edify themselves by participating in each of the lectures, but to also take a moment to renew and deepen their relationships with one another. “The priesthood is a difficult and unique calling in the life of the Church. It can seem like a very solitary responsibility at times. I encourage you to look around you. No one understands this reality better than your brothers sitting next to you.”
On Thursday David Ford, Ph.D., Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, began the last day of the Symposium with his lecture, “Encouraging People to Seek Help from the Saints in Times of Suffering.” Finally, the Symposium was brought to a close with the talk “Clergy Health – Achieving the Proper Balance,” by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, D.Min., Dean and Associate Professor of Pastoral Arts and Practice at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. This course echoed the words of His Grace that were offered the previous evening and explored pastoral compassion and love as both renewable and precious resources that need to be carefully tended in our own life and within our family, in order that those resources may be available to the persons to whom we are called to minister.
In addition to the time spent in presentation sessions, the opportunity for worship and fellowship were important parts of the Symposium. On Wednesday and Thursday, Hierarchical Divine Liturgies were celebrated and each evening there was a break for Vespers at the Monastery Church. Many of those attending the program served and sang during liturgical services. As with all events that occur within the St. Tikhon’s Community, each session as well as every meal began and ended in prayer. Wednesday evening there was also time set aside for fellowship during and after the dinner meal, with many of the attendees staying and talking long into the night following the banquet.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary would like to thank all of the men and women who worked so hard to put this event together: the administration faculty, staff, and student volunteers who all worked tirelessly to ensure that this event was a worthwhile and edifying opportunity for pastoral and personal growth for all of the attendees. A very special thank you is to be offered to Matushka Larissa Gregory, who together with her husband Deacon Theodore and her son Nicholas prepared, cooked, served, and cleaned up each meal. Thank you as well to everyone who attended the 2nd Annual Continuing Education Clergy Symposium, don’t forget to mark your calendars for next year!
On June 11th and 12th over twenty members of the Seminary’s Self-Study Steering Committee and principal working subcommittees gathered at St. Tikhon’s for a professional development retreat focused on the process of institutional Self-Study. The retreat was part of ongoing process of preparation for a 2016 comprehensive reaccreditation visit by members of the school’s accrediting body – the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS). Among retreat participants were members of the Seminary’s Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Student Body, and Alumni Association.
The retreat was opened by a spiritually uplifting Molieben led by the Seminary’s Rector, His Grace Bishop Michael, which was followed by several plenary and working sessions conducted over the course of two days. These sessions were facilitated by the Seminary’s Dean, Fr. Steven Voytovich and the institution’s accreditation liaison, Dr. Paul Witek. During the retreat participants engaged in several development sessions focused on various aspects of the self-study process, including the ongoing work of various committees in the process. Participants also took part in a collective discussion of the production of the Seminary’s Institutional ATS Self-Study Report. The retreat also provided opportunities for working subcommittees to meet and continue their ongoing work, as well as for participants to engage in informal discussions and fellowship.
Following the intense, two-day event, retreat participants described the productive insights gained through the various sessions, and extended their sincere thanks for those that diligently worked in organizing the retreat.
The Self-Study retreat was a part of a larger, ongoing process of Self-study presently taking place at St. Tikhon’s Seminary that was initiated in the 2013-2014 academic year with the development of a Self-Study Leadership Team, Steering Committee, and principal working subcommittees. The process will culminate in the production of a self-study report in late 2015 and a reaccreditation visit by an ATS Site Committee in early Spring 2016. Inquiries concerning the Seminary’s self-study process can be forwarded to Dr. Paul Witek at More information concerning the Seminary’s accrediting body can on its website at
V. Rev. Steven Voytovich to Accompany Miracle Working Icon to New Jersey - 06/09/14
The Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, V. Rev. Stephen Voytovich will be visiting the faithful of Holy Resurrection Church in Wayne, New Jersey this coming weekend (June 14-15) with the Miracle Working Icon of the Righteous Anna from St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Speak at International Symposium in Greece - 06/02/14
"Dr. Christopher Veniamin (D.Phil. Oxon.), Professor of Patristics, has been invited to speak at the International Symposium on Christian Apocryphal Literature, which will take place at the University of Thessalonica from June 26-29, 2014.
"Bringing together some of the world's leading authorities in the New Testament and early Christian literature, the organisers of the Symposium have asked Professor Veniamin to present a paper on "The Transfiguration in Pre-Nicene Apocryphal Literature."
Axios! Deacon Edward Batchko is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 05/29/14
On Thursday, May 29, 2014 Deacon Edward Batchko was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Peter (Loukianoff), administrator of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America.
May God bless Fr. Edward and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
(All Photos taken from the Diocese of Mid-America Website)
Axios! Deacon Theophan Mackey is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 05/29/14
On Thursday, May 29, 2014 Deacon Theophan Mackey was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence, Metropolitan Anthony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
May God bless Fr. Theophan and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
St. Tikhon’s Seminary 72nd Commencement and Memorial Day Weekend Pilgrimage - 05/24/14
On Saturday, May 24th, the St. Tikhon’s Seminary celebrated its 72nd Commencement, as part of a series of events that included the 110th Annual Memorial Day Weekend Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon’s Monastery on Monday, May 26th.
Graduation day began with Divine Liturgy at 9am with His Grace, Bishop Michael, Bishop of Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon’s, and Bishop David of Sitka and Diocese of Alaska. Among the con-celebrants was Archpriest Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, who also stayed for the commencement and accompanied the St. Tikhon’s faculty for the graduation procession. Bishop David offered the homily, at which time he shared reflections on the early missionaries coming to Alaska from Russia (including those called forward before St. Herman and those with him, that refused to accept this charge!).
Following brunch, commencement was held at the Bell Tower Church following a procession from the seminary building at 1pm. Metropolitan Tikhon offered the opening prayer. Before proceeding with other portions of Commencement, Bishop Michael remembered Archpriest Alexander Atty, the previous Seminary Dean, who fell asleep in the Lord in March.
Dr. Eli Stavisky, recently given Emeritus Board Member status, received an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters following his thirty years of service (the longest of any trustee member to date). During this time he served as Vice-Chair of the Board since the position was created, was an integral part of the initial approach to accreditation with the Association of Theological Schools, offered dental care to students and their family members through his dental practice, and was an active liaison of the board with faculty of the school. Following his daughter’s untimely death ten years ago, he also established a scholarship in her name.
Among the fifteen graduates, 6 completed the diaconal formation program, and nine completed Master of Divinity Degrees. Diaconal graduates included: Philadelphia: David Maliniak, Michael McCartney; Endicott: John Koch; Miami: Brian D. Allen, Christian A. Doval, and Carlos Mirandos. Three were able to be present for graduation.
Those graduating with an M. Div. degree included: Deacon Edward Batchko, Dmitry Bolbot, Priest Ignatius Gauvain, Priest Moses Hibbard, Alexander Koranda, Priest Joseph Landino, Gregory Levitsky, Priest Michael Lillie, and Deacon Theophan Mackey (now Fr. Theophan following his ordination on the Feast of Ascension). Of the graduates, three were recognized with honors. Alexander Koranda and Gregory Levitsky received honors for projects in Pastoral Arts and Praxis (a digital educational video on the Divine Liturgy, and An English Translation of the Markian Capitals in the Slavonic Typikon, respectively) and Dn. Theophan Mackey for his thesis entitled: A Short History of the Ukrainian Church in America. All the graduates were graciously welcomed into the Alumni Association by its Chair, Archpriest Theodore Boback.
The Valedictorian of the 2014 class was Fr. Moses Hibbard. His address was very meaningful and hearfelt. In it he said:
"Whenever a seminarian crosses the road from seminary to monastery at St. Tikhon’s, that person is, whether consciously or not, entering into a struggle to actualize all that is being taught in the classroom. In this place, there is no room for empty philosophy, materialistic pursuits, or self-seeking pleasure. It is the Knowledge of Jesus Christ which we seek in this place. My brothers and I, as we gather here today, about to graduate from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, have hopefully begun to embrace the calling of Christ; the voluntary participation in the suffering of the world. It is our great hope upon leaving here, that of the good things we have seen and heard in this place, we will carry them to a world in desperate need of healing and proclaim the True Faith of Jesus Christ to the world."
Fr. Moses put into words a very meaningful charge to his fellow students, after having served (as well as modeling these attributes) as Student Government Chair in reactivating it after a period of dormancy.
The Commencement Speaker was Bishop Sava, recently retired Bishop of Slavonia. His Grace attended Vespers at one of the churches that the St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir attended during Great Lent. From that time on he was encouraged by Fr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean, to return to St. Tikhon’s after having been part of the monastery community and a seminarian here fifty years ago. He lived through times of difficulty both in the Serbian community here in the United States in the 60’s, and in similarly in Australia. He was consecrated by the late Patriarch Pavle, and most recently served in very trying circumstances in the Croatian Diocese of Slavonia. His Grace was able to interact with many throughout the course of the weekend, and those experiencing him likewise heard repeatedly through his heartfelt address the witness of a humble servant who sought to simply follow through on what he was asked. He related the many reasons he had given the late patriarch why he should not be consecrated a bishop. On their numerous subsequent visits with each other Patriarch Pavle inquired about his well-being, and shared with Bishop Sava the many difficulties he also faced in his role as Patriarch, admitting in the midst of them that he too did not seek to be elevated to the rank of Patriarch! Bishop Sava’s comments and stories offered a wonderful lens for new graduates to draw from in going out into the world in like manner as humble servant clergy and dedicated laypersons! Archpriest Basil Stoyka accompanied His Grace here, and they in turn interacted with yet other classmates during the course of the weekend.
Before closing the Commencement exercises, Metropolitan Tikhon offered his own comments. He shared remembrances of ancestral family members serving in the Revolutionary War that brought Matthew 25 to life for many in the midst of their own trying circumstances.
Serving at the Liturgy Monday during the Pilgrimage, again at the Bell Tower were: Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop Justinian, Archbishop of Naro-Fominsk of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Michael, Bishop David, and Bishop Mark, recently installed as Bishop of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. Bishop Sava did not serve but was present. Over forty clergy concelebrated, and the weeping Icon of the Theotokos of Taylor, Pennsylvania was placed next to the fragrant Icon of St. Anna that resides at St. Tikhon’s. Many came to venerate these wonder-working icons.
While the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Community chronicled the events of the Pilgrimage, two reflections are worthy of note as related to Saturday’s graduation. First, Fr. Steven presented Bishop Sava with a historic Icon of St. Anthony the Great, founder of Monasticism. This icon traveled from Ukraine here to the United States, just as Bishop Sava had traveled back and forth from both Australia and Croatia. And, his given name was Anthony.
The second reflection came in Metropolitan Tikhon’s comments. He offered some spiritual calculations during his homily that included doubling the 110 years of pilgrimages held at St. Tikhon’s to 220 years since Orthodoxy first came to Alaska in 1794! These comments connected with Bishop David’s Saturday homily, bringing a decidedly missionary focus to the pilgrimage!
The newest edition of the Tikhonaire was made available for sale for the first time on Monday, which included numerous stories about the life of the seminary and monastery. These are still available for purchase from the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore. With gratitude for the cooperative weather over the course of the weekend, many came to attend these events, as well as several special services conducted over the course of the day on Monday.
Annual End of Work Week Pizza and Ice-Cream Social - 05/22/14
On Thursday, May 22, 2014 the St. Tikhon’s Community gathered at John’s Restaurant in Hamlin, PA to participate in the Annual End of Work Week Pizza and Ice-Cream Social.
Having spent the entire week cleaning and preparing the Monastery and Seminary grounds for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend and all of the associated banquets and celebrations, this is a much needed rest before the community opens its doors to the steady stream of pilgrims who visit each year at this time.
On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 the administration, faculty, staff, and graduating class of 2014 gathered with their families at Cafe Ronaldi in Old Forge, PA for the annual Graduate Appreciation Dinner.
This event was generously sponsored by His Grace, Bishop Michael and the all who attended enjoyed good food and fellowship. St. Tikhon’s wishes to extend congratulations to the 2014 graduates and their families as they prepare to leave our community to serve the Church in whatever capacity that they have been called.
On Sunday, May 4, 2014, at St. John’s Center in Mayfield, St. Tikhon’s Century Association hosted Hospitality ala Russe IV: An Elegant Evening in Moscow. In a true spirit of hospitality, guests mingled with family and friends, filled plates with zakushki, bowls of Baba’s chicken soup, and feasted on a sumptuous meal of Chicken Kiev followed by a generous helping of Moscow cheese cake. The lucky winners of the theme baskets and door prizes were delighted with their new treasures.
The sweetest treat of the evening was the magnificent performance of the Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra of Philadelphia. This remarkable Orchestra entertained guests with a selection of traditional balalaika melodies including folk songs that brought both joy and tears to so many who have not heard this music for years, and who rejoice in the fact that these beautiful melodies are being preserved.
ST. TIKHON’S CENTURY ASSOCIATION invites each of you to join us in 2015 for Hospitality ala Russe V.
The St. Tikhon’s Century Association has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to help our beloved St. Tikhon’s Seminary in its mission of providing the highest quality of theological education and spiritual formation to men who are preparing for Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. Alumni also serve the church in educational and musical positions, helping to strengthen the bonds of Orthodox fellowship throughout the world.
Mission Choir Visit to Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church, Clifton, NJ - 05/18/14
The mission choir traveled on April 9th (5th week of Great Lent) to Clifton New Jersey to sing the responses for a Presanctified Liturgy. This was to be a special Presanctified in that Bishop Michael was celebrating as diocesan hierarch, and several area parishes were represented from the local deanery. Besides the Assumption Church faithful with their pastor V. Rev. Stephen Evanina, Fr. Matthew Brown and faithful came from Holy Apostles Church, Saddle Brook, New Jersey, and Fr. Igor Kseniuk and faithful traveled from St. John the Baptist Church, Passaic, New Jersey. All three priests are graduates of St. Tikhon’s!
Following a meaningful celebration of Presanctified Liturgy, a wonderful dinner was served, during which time Fr. Steven was asked to share about the life of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Well after 10pm those gathered were still sharing fellowship with one another and purchasing items from the seminary bookstore!
On a personal note, this was an especially meaningful visit for Fr. Steven as dean of St. Tikhon’s, as he was assigned to this parish as a seminary intern 25 years ago! He was invited to address those gathered in reflecting on having been part of the parish for nine months and thanking them again for this opportunity.. He was especially moved to greet several of his former church school students who are now adults and an integral part of the parish community!
Titular Metropolitan of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Great Britain, Metropolitan Kallistos is one of the best-known contemporary Orthodox Christian theologians. The author of numerous books and articles, he was Spalding Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies at Oxford University from 1966 until 2001.
On Saturday and Sunday morning, June 28-29, Metropolitan Kallistos will be the guest of Archpriest John Perich and the faithful of Saint Herman of Alaska Church, 1855 Middletown Rd., Gradyville, PA. On Saturday, he will arrive at the church at 4:00 p.m. Great Vespers for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m., after which a reception will be held in the parish’s Memorial Hall. On Sunday morning, Metropolitan Kallistos will be greeted at Saint Herman Church at 9:30 a.m. The Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and the veneration of the Apostles’ relics will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship will folow at noon in the parish hall.
On Thursday, May 15th, representatives came from local institutions to celebrate the ministry of second-year seminarians completing field education at their institutions during the course of this academic year. Those participating in this program enjoyed lunch together before the formal program began.
Paul DelRosso, Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services, Laura Banta, Corrections Classification and Program Manager, and others came from The State Correctional Institution at Waymart (SCI Waymart), after welcoming Fr. Stephen Powley the previous week from Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM). Mary Burgio, Social Work Manager overseeing pastoral visitation, and Joyce Malicky, Volunteer Coordinator, came from Wayne Memorial Hospital. Matushka Marion Swencki, Administrator, and Michael Freund, Director of Social Work and Admissions, came from Wayne Woodlands Manor.
Representatives from each institution in turn recognized the seminarians offering ministry in their facilities by awarding them certificates of completion. The representatives also recounted meaningful pastoral interactions between seminarians and individuals within each facility, in many cases firsthand experiences they had with seminarians directly. The directors and administrators of each of the care facilities expressed deep appreciation for the seminary’s long-standing relationship with their institutions and gratitude for the pastoral care and hope that the seminarians bring to each of their organizations.
The field education program is currently directed by Archpriest John Kowalczyk, together with Archpriest David Shewczyk. Fr. John is part of the pastoral care team at SCI Waymart, and oversees the seminary pastoral ministry of seminarians there. Fr. David oversees seminary ministry at both Wayne Memorial Hospital and Wayne Woodlands Manor.
Fr. Steven spoke about the importance of the field education program as an integral part of pastoral formation. He thanked the representatives for taking time from busy schedules to come and celebrate the ministry of the seminarians, and thanked Frs. John and David for their coordination of the Field Education program.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary to Host Continuing Education Symposium - 05/15/14
SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS] – Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary here will host its annual Continuing Clergy Education Symposium June 17-19, 2014. This is the second year that the school will provide this symposium to assist OCA priests and deacons in fulfilling their 20 hours of continuing education studies mandated each year by the Holy Synod of Bishops.
The list of speakers and topics to be included in this year’s symposium includes the following.
1) “Spiritual Life in Saint Silouan the Athonite,” by Christopher Veniamin, D. Phil. (Oxon.), Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary – Tuesday afternoon, June 17, at 1:00 p.m. This presentation will examine the spiritual life of the great 20th century Athonite Saint – specifically: humility, peace, the will of God, and freedom. The aim of the study is to present something of the ethos of the Orthodox Patristic Tradition, in a way that helps identify that which distinguishes it from every other philosophy, religion and creed. It is hoped, moreover, that the lessons learned will be directly applicable to one’s everyday life.
2) “The Greeting of Mary and Elizabeth: The Sanctity of Life,” by Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Practice, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon’s Seminary –Tuesday evening, June 18, at 6:30 p.m. An exegesis of Luke 1:39-56 serves as a foundation for pastoral ministry, based on the joy experienced by the Theotokos and Elizabeth. This lecture will develop the need for ministry to pregnant unwed mothers, and the necessary consoling and embrace by the Church of older women in time of crisis. An explanation of the Icon of the Greeting of Mary and Elizabeth will be related to the moral crisis in America and the need for the intercession of the Theotokos in a post-Christian culture.
3) “Prayer as Communion – Personal and Liturgical Prayer,” by Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Lecturer in Spirituality at the Seminary – Wednesday morning, June 18, at 9:00 a.m. The Fathers always linked salvation with prayer. However, how we understand prayer has a direct effect on how we pray. Using the patristic foundation of prayer as communion, we will look to contemporary saints to increase our appreciation for prayer’s place in the Church and its necessity in our own life; to gain renewed zeal for our own prayer life; and to deepen our understanding of the treasures the Church offers us, through her liturgical life, by which we may present Christ to the world.
4) “Orthodox Insights into the Book of Revelation,” by Mary Ford, Ph.D., Associate Professor of New Testament at St. Tikhon’s Seminary – Wednesday afternoon, June 18, at 1:00 p.m. This lecture will focus on explaining and giving a correct interpretation for three of the most commonly misinterpreted aspects of The Revelation of John. Those three aspects are: the book’s primary purpose; the Antichrist and 666; and the “rapture.” In the process, the presentation will demonstrate what an inspiring, encouraging book Revelation actually is!
5) “Encouraging People to Seek Help from the Saints in Times of Suffering” – by David Ford, Ph.D., Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary – Thursday morning, June 19, at 9:00 a.m. This presentation will emphasize the importance for all Orthodox Christians of the Saints – through their examples, prayers, and ongoing presence in our midst – in helping us to bear sufferings, sorrow, and persecution with magnanimity and graciousness. Special attention will be given to St. Polycarp of Smyrna, Saints Timothy and Maura, St. John Chrysostom, St. Photios the Great, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, Saints Stephen and Angelina Brankovich, and St. Silouan of Mt. Athos.
6) “Clergy Health – Achieving the Proper Balance, by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, D.Min., Dean and Associate Professor of Pastoral Arts and Practice at St. Tikhon’s Seminary – Thursday afternoon, June 19, at 1:00 p.m. “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous.” (I Pet. 3:8) Pastoral care for our faithful as pastors is greatly impacted by the depth of our own spiritual journey as it relates to manifesting compassion and love. This course will be exploring pastoral compassion and love as both renewable and precious resources that need to be carefully tended in our own life and within our family, in order that those resources may be available to the persons to whom we are called to minister.
All courses are available for Clergy Continuing Education credit, as approved by Archpriest Ian Pac-Urar. The cost, which includes lecture registration, room and board, is $100.00 per person.
Tuesday, June 17:
11:00 a.m. Registration in the seminary office
12:15 p.m. Lunch in the seminary refectory
1:00 p.m. Afternoon Lecture: “Spiritual Life in Saint Silouan the Athonite,” Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics
4:30 p.m. Vespers in the monastery church
5:30 p.m. Dinner in the seminary refectory
6:30 p.m. Evening Lecture: “The Greeting of Mary and Elizabeth: The Sanctity of Life,” by Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education
Wednesday, June 18:
7:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy in the monastery church
8:30 a.m. Breakfast in the seminary refectory
9:00 a.m. Morning Lecture: “Prayer as Communion – Personal and Liturgical Prayer,” by Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St.Tikhon’s Monastery
12:15 p.m. Lunch in the seminary refectory
1:00 p.m. Afternoon Lecture: “Orthodox Insights into the Book of Revelation,” by Dr. Mary Ford, Associate Professor of New Testament
4:30 p.m. Vespers in the monastery church
6:00 p.m. Banquet and Fellowship, in the seminary refectory
Thursday, June 19:
7:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy in the monastery church
8:30 a.m. Breakfast in the seminary refectory
9:00 a.m. Morning Lecture: “Encouraging People to Seek Help from the Saints in Times of Suffering,” by Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History
12:15 p.m. Lunch in the seminary refectory
1:00 p.m. Afternoon Lecture: “Clergy Health – Achieving the Proper Balance,” by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary
Registrations can be made by phone at the seminary’s main number 570-561-1818 or may be sent by e-mail to Sophia Pierce, Seminary Receptionist, .
Additional information about St. Tikhon’s Seminary, including maps and directions, may be found at the Seminary’s web site, .
Community Honors Wives of the Graduating Class of 2014 - 05/14/14
On Monday, May 15, 2014 the Seminary wives of the Graduating Class of 2014 were honored for their dedication and support with a celebration of their time within the St. Tikhon’s Community. The ladies shared food and told stories of their lives and experiences over the past few years. They also watched a video vignette of their seminary experience created by the co-director of the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group, Leslie Patton, and the Seminary Hospitality Coordinator, Sophia Pierce. At the end of their time together they were given a gift bag, which included a copy of the video.
This time for honoring the wives of the St. Tikhon’s Community is an annual event that allows a time for sharing and for remembering. It is also a time for the community to say "Thank you!" to those women whose contribution often goes unsung, but whose support is absolutely essential to their husband’s spiritual formation.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Announces Academic Symposium Dedicated to Metropolitan Leonty - 05/14/14
On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 members of the St. Tikhon’s Community along with His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the Diocese of the West offered prayers for the departed servant of God Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich) on the 49th Anniversary of his repose.
St. Tikhon’s is pleased to announce at this time that an Academic Symposium dedicated to the life and work of Metropolitan Leonty (1876-1965) is being planned at St. Tikhon's Seminary on May 14, 2015, marking the 50th anniversary of his repose in the Lord. This will be a day-long program including a graveside memorial service such as the one depicted in the photo from this year.
St. Tikhon’s would also like to publically announce a call for proposed papers to be considered for the Syposium. Those interested are asked to please forward a brief summary of your proposed paper topic to Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary by no later than September 30, 2014 or contact him by e-mail at
On Tuesday, May 13, 2014 students, faculty, and family members from the St. Tikhon's community gathered at the Western Wayne High School softball field where they enjoyed nine innings of intense athletic spectacle.
This year the administration and faculty joined the On-Campus Students for what appeared to be another run-away victory for the Off-Campus students who held an 11 point lead by the third inning. At the top of the eighth the On-Campus team would begin a 15 point rally that would bring them within a point of the lead, a lead they would take after scoring 5 runs in the top of the ninth. In the end, however, the Off-Campus team would go on to score two runs in the bottom of the ninth to win this year’s very exciting game.
The St. Tikhon's community wishes to thank Western Wayne High for the use of their field and for all those members of administration, faculty, and student body who took part in this year’s event. St. Tikhon’s would also like to His Imminence, Archbishop Benjamin, for visiting with us and coming out to watch the festivities.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Welcomes His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin - 05/13/14
On Tuesday May 13, 2014 the St. Tikhon’s Community was pleased to receive His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the Diocese of the West. His Eminence met with each of the students from the Diocese of the West as well as offered words of encouragement to the entire student body as we near the end of the Academic Year.
2014 Commencement Speaker and Schedule Announced - 05/09/14
The 72nd Annual Commencement Ceremony for the Graduating Class of 2014 will be held on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s Monastery on Saturday, May 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM. The guest speaker for this year’s commencement ceremony will be His Grace Bishop Sava (Urich).
Directly following the commencement ceremony there will be a banquet held in honor of the graduates and their families at St. Michael’s Center in East Jermyn, PA beginning at 3:30 PM. The schedule of events for Saturday, May 24, 2014 is as follows:
9:00 AM Liturgy at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church (A meal for Pilgrims will be directly following Liturgy.)
1:00 PM 72nd Annual Commencement Ceremony
3:30 PM Graduation Banquet at St. Michael’s Center in East Jermyn. (For graduates and their families.)
For the complete listing of the Memorial Day Pilgrimage Weekend activities please follow the link to the St. Tikhon's Monastery Website.
Bishop Sava was born on February 27, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois to 3rd generation Serbian/American parents, Anthony and Dokmana Urich. He was baptized later that year on June 21, 1942, at Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Chicago, Ill.
Bishop Sava began his life as a monastic at the age of 18 when he was tonsured as a Novice in 1958 at St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, Illinois. From there he would move to South Canaan, PA in 1960 where he became for a time, part of the monastic community of St. Tikhon’s Monastery as well as taking classes at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. In 1964 he was tonsured first to the lesser Schema and then ordained a Hierodeacon in February of 1964 and then later ordained as a Priest-monk at St. John the Baptist Church in San Francisco, CA.
On December 18, 1988 His Grace was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite at St. George Cathedral, Cabramatta, Sydney, Australia where he would serve as Chancellor to Metropolitan Iriney (Kovacevich) for the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.
On June 1, 1994, he was elected by the Assembly of Bishop (Sabor) of the Serbian
Orthodox Church in Belgrade, Serbia (Yugoslavia) as Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the New Gracanica Metropolia.
June 17, 1994, consecrated at the New Gracanica Monastery as a Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church by His Holiness, Patriarch Paule and would later be made Bishop of the Diocese of Slavonia in Central Croatia .
Bishop Sava was granted a well-deserved retirement from the Diocese of Slavonia in November, 2013.
America and Orthodoxy Class Visits Ephrata Cloister - 05/09/14
On Friday, May 9, Dr. David Ford, three members of his America and Orthodoxy class, and one other student traveled to Ephrata, Pennsylvania, near Lancaster, to visit the famed Ephrata Cloister, as a field trip for the course.
The Ephrata Cloister was a Seventh-Day German Baptist monastic community founded in 1732 by Johann Conrad Beissel, a German mystic and spiritual searcher. At the height of the community's growth, around 1750, there were 40 white-robed monks living in one big five-story wood-framed dormitory, 40 women monastics living in a separate, similar building, and about 200 members of families who lived nearby, helped support the community, and worshipped on Saturdays with the monastics. The brothers and sisters at this fascinating (and rare) Protestant monastery developed extremely beautiful and intricate calligraphic art, and their ethereal, a-cappella hymn-singing was said to sound angelic.
In his class, Dr. David Ford mentions many of the similarities between this group of and the Orthodox Faith.
The Ephrata Cloister holds special meaning for Dr. David in that his direct ancestors, the Johann Dietrich Fahnestock family, are buried in the Cloister's Cemetery.
We hope that this will be the first of an annual event for the St. Tikhon's Community.
On Thursday, May 8, 2014, the St. Tikhon's community welcomed Fr. Stephen Powley, the Director of OCPM (Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry). Fr. Stephen delivered an impassioned lecture in which he spoke about his experiences as a prison chaplain and conveyed the great need for more Orthodox priests to participate in prison ministry. He stressed the importance of visiting the imprisoned, as stressed by Christ in Matthew 25 and urged the students to have the courage to step outside their comfort zones and consider avenues of ministry that they might not have anticipated themselves following.
PaTRAM Master Class to be Offered this Summer at St. Tikhon's - 05/01/14
Register now for this wonderful opportunity!
In addition to learning superb sacred choral literature and honing participants’ vocal and conducting techniques, this PaTRAM Master Class and Musical Retreat will focus on the role of the church musician in the spiritual life of a community and the spiritual challenges in the work of a church musician.
• How does church singing affect our spiritual life?
• Is there a difference between praying in church and singing in church?
• How do we approach the spiritual difficulties we face as church musicians?
Maestro Gorbik’s exacting musical discipline, coupled with his sensitivity to the spiritual dimension of church singing will make for and extraordinary experience for singers, student conductors and auditors alike. Abbot Sergius will provide support and framework for understanding the spiritual work the ensemble will be engaged in through his daily lecturers. Youth, ages 12 and up are invited to participate, if accompanied by a parent.
After the program, participants are invited to an optional pilgrimage to nearby Taylor, Pa. for a private visit to venerate the two myrrh-streaming icons of the Mother of God at St. George’s Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church.
For more information, tuition rates, a schedule and audition and application requirements, please visit the PaTRAM website at
St. Tikhon's Welcomes Guest Speaker Dr. George Theokritoff - 04/29/14
St. Tikhon’s was pleased to host Dr. George and Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff on 29 April, 2014. Dr. George Theokritoff gave a ninety minute presentation exploring the intersections between Orthodox theology and modern advances in the natural sciences, with a special focus on the culture-wide discussion regarding issues surrounding evolution. There followed forty-five minutes of intense discussion between those in attendance and Dr. Theokritoff, in which many of the difficulties in addressing the issue were explored. After the event finished, several students remained for an extended, in-depth conversation. It is hoped that this event will spark deeper reflection on this subject, and will open the door to further events of a similar nature.
This years Pascha Party was hosted by the Sheehan family. A very special thanks to Music Director Benedict Sheehan, his wife Maria, and their loving family for openiing up their home for our annual Pascha Celebration. There was delicious food to share, stories to tell, and an evening filled with songs and merriment!
The Noble Joseph, When he had taken down Your most pure Body from the tree, Wrapped it in fine linen, / And anointed it with spices, And placed it in a new tomb.
Troparion — Tone 2
The angel came to the myrrh-bearing women at the tomb and said: Myrrh is fitting for the dead, But Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption.
Kontakion — Tone 8
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him who was crucified for us, For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree: Though You do endure the cross, You are my Son and my God!
Of Your Mystical Supper, O Son of God, Accept me today as a communicant. For I will not speak of Your mysteries to Your enemies, Neither like Judas will I give You a kiss, But like the thief will I confess You. Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!
Troparion — Tone 4
By Your precious blood, You have redeemed us from the curse of the law. By being nailed to the cross and pierced by a spear, You have poured forth immortality for man. O our Savior, glory to You!
Kontakion — Tone 8
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him who was crucified for us, For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree: Though You do endure the cross, You are my Son and my God!
When the glorious disciples were enlightened At the washing of their feet before the supper, Then the impious Judas was darkened, ailing with avarice And to the lawless judges he betrays You, the righteous Judge. Behold, O lover of money, this man who because of money hanged himself. Flee from the greedy soul which dared such things against the Master. O Lord, who is good towards all men, glory to You!
Kontakion — Tone 2
With his hands the betrayer receives the Bread. With his hands he secretly receives the silver, The price of Him who fashioned man with His hands; So the servant and deceiver Judas remains depraved.
On Friday, April 11, 2014 former Board of Trustee Member and long time supporter of the St. Tikhon's Community Joseph C. Mikus fell asleep in the Lord. May God grant him rest and blessed repose and may his memory be eternal.
(Obituary in its entirety from the Observer-Reporter Apr. 12, 2014)
Joseph C. Mikus, 88, of Canonsburg, passed away Friday, April 11, 2014, in St. Clair Hospital, Mt. Lebanon, following an extended illness.He was born November 14, 1925, in Millvale, a son of the late Roc and Mary Rogina Mikus.Mr. Mikus served with the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II.He lived most of his life in the Canonsburg and Pittsburgh areas. He was a graduate of Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science and was employed in his younger days as a funeral director at John F. Yoney Funeral Home in Canonsburg. He then graduated from Pittsburgh Beauty Academy and was a hairdresser.Mr. Mikus owned Mikus Beauty Salon in Washington for more than 30 years.Being a devout member of the Orthodox faith, he served on the board of St. Tikhon's Theological Seminary in South Canaan. He and his wife received the Orthodox Church in America Saint Innocent Award, which is the highest laymen's award in the Orthodox Church.On May 6, 1962, he married Olga Danyo, who survives.Also surviving are a sister, Anita Fraley of Wexford; a brother-in-law, Michael Oluich of Canonsburg; and several nieces and nephews.Deceased, in addition to his parents, are four brothers, Steve, Roxy, Mike and Simon Mikus, and six sisters, Mary Robas, Jean Balkovec and Silvia, Eleanor, Catherine and Rose Mikus.Friends are welcome from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday in Salandra Funeral Service Inc., Joseph P. Salandra, owner/supervisor, 304 West Pike Street, Canonsburg, 724-745-8120. Additional visitation will be held from noon to 1 p.m., the time of service, Monday, April 14, in All Saints Greek Orthodox Church, 601 West McMurray Road, North Strabane Township, with the Very Rev. Dimitri Ermakov, pastor of Holy Virgin Dormition Russian Orthodox Church, officiating. Interment will follow in Oak Spring Cemetery, Canonsburg. Full military rites will be accorded by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 191 honor guard. Panahida services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the funeral home.To view or extend condolences, please visit
Children's Icon Course Yields Beautiful Works of Prayer - 04/09/14
On Wednesdays during this Spring semester, Deacon Theophan Mackey, with the help of Khorea Mary Landino, taught a weekly iconography course to some of the children of the St. Tikhon's Community. They were instructed in the traditional technique of egg-tempra as well as in the symbolism and history of iconography itself. The children ranged in age from nine to twelve, and worked very diligently to create several beautiful icons. The icons produced were of Saint Michael Archangel, Saint Anthony of the Desert, Saint George, Saint Mary Magdalene, and Saint John Maximovich.
March 31 - April 2 Faculty Member Participates in Training Conference in Long Branch, NJ - 04/07/14
From Monday, March 31 to Wednesday, April 2, The Very Reverend John Kowalczyk and Very Reverend Nicholas Solak participated in the Annual ACCA North East Training conference, at the San Alphonso Retreat Center in Long Branch, New Jersey. Fr. John and Fr. Nicholas both received 16 educational unit credit hours. Presentations were made for R.L.U.I.P.A, and P.R.E.A. and Chaplains, faith and the future, and "Best Practices & Legislation"
Mission Choir Visits Holy Apostles Church in Mechanicsburg, PA - 04/06/14
On April 5 and 6, 2014, the St. Tikhon’s mission choir had the honor of visiting Holy Apostles Church in Mechanicsburg, PA. On Saturday evening, the choir sang the Vespers service.
The choir was received with great hospitality by the pastor of the church, Fr. Timothy Hojnicki (STOTS 2005) and a wonderful Lenten meal was shared by all those present.
Mission Choir Visits Christ the Saviour in Harrisburg, PA - 04/06/14
On April 6, 2014 (St. Mary of Egypt Sunday), the community of Christ the Saviour in Harrisburg welcomed the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir. The choir under the direction of Benedict Sheehan sang beautifully, and our faithful were encouraged in their Lenten struggle. Seminary Dean, Fr. Steven Voytovich delivered a wonderful homily, reminding us that those who have been "forgiven much, love much" (Luke 7:47) - and we must receive this love and forgiveness which Christ so richly offers us!
Katherine Perkowetz fell asleep in the Lord Thursday, April 3, 2014. Katherine was a member of St. Andrew Church, Baltimore, MD. Her father, Archbishop Kiprian, was a rector of St. Andrew's prior to serving as the rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern PA. Funeral arrangements for Katherine are pending, and will be updated here as they are made.
A funeral service will be held at St. Andrew's Orthodox Church( on Lombard and Chester Street) on Monday at 9:30 am. Interment: St. Andrew's Russian Orthodox Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Online condolences may be made
May God grant rest eternal to Katherine in His Heavenly Kingdom where there is neither sorrow nor sighing but life eternal. And may God grant His Grace, Comfort, and Peace to her family.
National Archivist Makes Annual Visit to Seminary - 04/03/14
On Thursday, April 3, 2014 Mr. Alexis Liberovsky, the Archivist of the Orthodox Church in America, came to St. Tikhon's for his annual visit to St. Tikhon’s Seminary. In Dr. David Ford's America and Orthodoxy course, Mr. Liberovsky gave a fascinating, comprehensive presentation with slides on the history of Russian Orthodoxy in North America from the founding of the mission in Alaska in 1794 up to the present, with emphasis on the process leading up to and culminating in the bestowal of autocephaly to the OCA by the Patriarchate of Moscow in 1970.
This presentation has been an annual event for the past ten years or so, and we look forward to his giving it again in the next rendition of the course one year from now.
Annual Century Association Gala to be Held at St. John's Center in Mayfield, PA - 03/30/14
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association is pleased to announce its annual HOSPITALITY A LA RUSSEevent will be held on Sunday, May 4, 2014 at the St. John Center in Mayfield, PA. This is the single largest fundraising event of the entire year for the Century Association who donate over $40,000 each year to help support St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Please consider attending this memorable and worthwhile fundraising endevor.
$40.00 per Ticket Children (under 12) $10.00 per Ticket
Doors Open at 3:00
Reception & Russian Table, Dinner & Dessert
5:30 Balalaika Orchestra
7:00 Theme Basket Drawing
**LIMITED SEATING****PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY**Enjoy a selection of traditional Russian delicacies starting with zakuski (appetizers) of potato pancakes, eggplant caviar, beet salad, stuffed grape leaves, peroshki, marinated mushrooms, herring, Russian meatballs, kielbasa and soup followed by a dinner of Chicken Kiev and, of course, dessert.
Carbondale-Wilkes Barre Area (Mary Sernak): 570-357-7109
Bethlehem-Allentown Area (Sarah Jubinski): 610-691-8777
April 1, Fr. Steven Voytovich to Lead Retreat Discussions in Elberon, NJ - 03/26/14
On March 31-April 2, the Armenian Clergy of the Mid Atlantic Region will be gathering for a retreat in Elberon, NJ. The subject of the retreat will be "Living the Gospel of Christ in Relationships."
As part of the retreat, The Very Rev. Dr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, will lead two discussions. The first, taking place at 9:30 am is entitled, "How do priests take care of their own spiritual needs?" The second will take place at 10:30 am and is entitled, "How do priests shepherd their own families and care for their spiritual needs?"
Bishop David of Alaska Celebrates Feast of Annunciation with St. Tikhon's Community - 03/26/14
On March 24 and 25, the St Tikhon's Community gathered together with His Grace Bishop David (Mahaffey) (STOTS 1997) to celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, with Vigil for the Feast on Monday evening followed by Divine Liturgy on Tuesday morning. This joyous Feast Day was made even more special for the St. Tikhon's Community by the presence of Bishop David, visiting from Alaska, and His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman, who was celebrating the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
His Grace Bishop David is not only an alumnus of St. Tikhon's, he also taught at the school for 8 years. As a sign of the great love that the school holds for His Grace, and a show of support for him as he embarks upon his Archpastoral ministry as the newly-consecrated Bishop of Sitka and Alaska, a Panagia was given to His Grace on behalf of St. Tikhon's Seminary. Fr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, asked that His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman present the Panagia, owing to their close relationship formed through years of mutual service to the school.
The St. Tikhon's Community wishes a joyous Feast of the Annunciation to all!
Today is the beginning of our salvation
The revelation of the eternal mystery!
The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin
As Gabriel announces the coming of Grace.
Together with him let us cry to the Theotokos:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace,
The Lord is with You!
O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts!
We, your servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to you, O Theotokos!
As you possess invincible might, set us free from every calamity
The theme for this year's Tikhonaire is "Stories" and will consist of a number of stories collected over the past year as part of our ongoing St. Tikhon's Historical Initiative. Many people have volunteered in both the recording and transcribing process to collect these oral historical treasures that might have otherwise been lost and forgotten.
The stories can be of any variation, historical or personal, from any era. They can be your stories but it is preferred that they be "those well known or "famous stories" that get passed down from decade to decade and thereby take on almost a "legendary" or "fable" type quality in the rich tapestry that is the oral history of this most holy place. The stories can be as long or short as you would like. A good story can be told in as little as a few sentences to several pages.
The one caveat to this request for submissions is that the stories concentrate on building-up of one another and not the tearing down. The stories should all be edifying in some way and denote a positive and publishable character.
The submissions must be received by April 21, 2014 to be consider for this year's Tikhonaire but the sooner as they can be sent in the better. All stories can be submitted to info@stots,edu or mailed to PO Box 130 South Canaan, PA 18459 (Attention STORIES).
Memory Eternal Archpriest Alexander Atty (UPDATED) - 03/23/14
It is with a profound sense of loss that the St. Tikhon’s Community marks the passing of its former Dean, the Archpriest Alexander Atty. Fr. Alexander received his rest in the Lord early this morning, the Sunday of the Holy Cross, March 23, 2014, finally receiving rest from his many-year struggle with cancer.
Fr. Alexander was Dean and Chief Operating Officer of St. Tikhon’s Seminary from the summer of 2010 to February of 2013. For several years before this he was a devoted member of the Board of Trustees and beloved benefactor of the institution.
In his 2 ½ all-too-short years as Dean, Fr. Alexander Atty would make a dramatic and indelible mark on the life of St. Tikhon’s. Under his direction many improvements were made to the physical property including: remodeling of the entire front of the the administration building, updating nearly every office space and classroom, and construction of a new dining hall. Also under his tenure, the school would enjoy advances in it’s networking and communications including a new phone system, upgrades to the website and student email communications system, the purchase of two new seminary vehicles, new heating systems for both the seminary building and for the monastery church.
He will be remembered not only for his strong emphasis on campus renewal but also for the love and care that he and his beloved wife, Matushka Olga, took to ensure a certain quality of life for the student body of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. During their time here, Fr. Alexander and Matushka Olga, dedicated much of their efforts to ensure the seminarians and their wives and families were included in every aspect of community life. They instituted a family lunch program where wives and children were invited every day to come and join the seminarians, faculty, administration, and staff to share together in a common meal with one another. Each of these accomplishments, and others not mentioned, were accomplished by Fr. Alexander in 2 ½ years while undergoing very aggressive cancer therapy that would have by itself ended lesser men.
He will be remembered by all as a dedicated churchman, a husband, a father, a friend, and a leader.
He will be remembered by those of us in the Community of St. Tikhon’s as a Dean with an uncompromising love of the beautiful and a steadfast desire to share that with each of us.
At this time the funeral arrangements are being announced as follows:
March 25, Tuesday (Annunciation of the Theotokos)
10:30 am–7:00 pm: Viewing (St. Michael's in Louisville, KY)
7:00 pm: Funeral of a priest (St. Michael's in Louisville, KY)
March 26, Wednesday
11:00 am: Funeral Service for Fr. Alexander (following the 9:00 am Presanctified Liturgy) (St. Michael's in Louisville, KY)
March 27, Thursday
7:30 pm: Panikhida for Archpriest Alexander Atty at St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 706 Hill Street, Mayfield, PA.
March 28, Friday
1:00 pm: Service of Interment for Archpriest Alexander Atty at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Cemetery, South Canaan, PA 18459
With the saints give rest, O Christ, to the soul of Thy servant the Archpriest Alexander Atty where sickness and sorrow are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew's Orthodox Church in Maple Heights, Ohio - 03/22/14
On Saturday, March 22, 2014, the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir traveled to St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Maple Heights, Ohio. Once there, they sang for Vespers as well as Divine Liturgy on the following day. During their visit, the choir was honored to bear witness to the awarding of the Palitza to Fr. Emilian Hutnyan (STOTS 1988), the Pastor of St. Andrew's and St. Tikhon's Board of Trustees member.
The award was presented to Fr. Emilian by His Eminence Archbishop Sava (Urich) of Slavonia (retired). Following Divine Liturgy, His Eminence was gracious enough to take time to speak to each of the Seminarians and share with them stories of his experiences as a student at St. Tikhon's Seminary 50 years ago. The St. Tikhon's Community wishes to thank the clergy and congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral for opening their parish home to the Mission Choir and for providing them with their generous hospitality!
April 18, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis to speak on ‘The Practice of Prayer’ - 03/21/14
On April 18th, Dr. Harry Boosalis will speak on the topic of ‘The Practice of Prayer’ at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in St. Paul, MN. The lecture will focus on the practical methods and means our Church encourages us to use as we strive to grow in our personal relationship with Christ. Special attention is given to the inspired teachings of the recently canonized Saint Porphyrios of Mount Athos (Kafsokalivia) and his very practical advice that is surprisingly relevant for those of us living in contemporary American society.
St. Tikhon's Community Travels to Taylor, PA to Venerate Miraculous Icon - 03/21/14
On Friday, March 21, 2014, members of the St. Tikhon's student body and their families, along with Dr. Harry Boosalis, Profesor of Dogmatics at St. Tikhon's Seminary, made a trip to St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA to venerate the miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God. Fr. Mark Leasure was kind enough to open the church for the members of our community. Fr. Mark spoke for nearly two hours during which he explained the history of the miraculous icon and how it came to St. George parish. In addition, he related many stirring stories of people who have been healed after being anointed with the miraculous oil from the holy image.
The event was truly a blessing for the St. Tikhon's community and provided tremendous encouragement to those who visited as they continue their ascetic struggles during Great Lent. We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to Fr. Mark for taking the time to share this miracle with us.
April 6, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Lead Retreat in Bethlehem, PA - 03/20/14
Dr Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St Tikhon's Seminary, will be leading a retreat at St Nicolas Greek Orthodox Church in Bethlehem PA, on Sunday, April 6, 2014, 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The presentations will be based on his newly released book, The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation.
The retreat begins at 3:00 pm with a session entitled "The Power of Repentance: The Ethos of ‘Metanoia’ in the Orthodox Tradition," followed by Q&A and a light snack provided by the parish. Beginning at 4:30 pm will be "The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: ‘Theosis’ in St. Silouan the Athonite and Elder Sophrony of Essex," which will also include a Q&A.
The Pastor of St. Nicholas Church is Rev. Nicholas T. Palis. The church is located at 1607 W. Union Boulevard in Bethlehem, PA 18018.
Memory Eternal His Eminence, the Most Reverend Philip - 03/20/14
With great sorrow we have learned of the falling-asleep in the Lord of His Eminence, the Most Reverend PHILIP, Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
The deepest sympathies of the clergy and faithful of the St. Tikhon’s Community are extended to our brothers and sisters in Christ of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America on the passing into life eternal of their beloved Archpastor. “Grant rest eternal in blessed repose, O Lord, to the soul of Your servant, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Philip, who is fallen asleep; and make his memory to be eternal!”
April 5, 2014 Dr. David and Dr. Mary Ford to Host Marriage Retreat in Allentown, PA - 03/17/14
On Saturday, April 5, Dr. David Ford and Dr. Mary Ford will be hosting a Marriage Retreat at St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA (1031 Fullerton Ave). This Pan-Orthodox Retreat is designed for married couples, couples considering marriage, and families, including a long break for lunch so that parents of young children can “tag team,” if needed, for childcare purposes. The cost is $15 per couple or individual (includes both sessions). RSVP to St. Mary’s at (610) 432-2977 before Apr. 2, 2014.
The retreat begins at 10:00 am with a session by Dr. Mary Ford entitled "Spiritual Life and Family Life." Following a break for lunch from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm is a session entitled "The Glory of Marriage" by Dr. David Ford, lasting until 4:00 pm. Great Vespers will begin at 6:00 pm.
Drs. David and Mary Ford both have taught at St. Tikhon’s Seminary since 1989 and are the co-authors of 'Marriage as a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married Saints.' Dr. David is also author of 'Women and Men in the Early Church: The Full Views of St. John Chrysostom', and Dr. Mary is the author of numerous published articles on Scripture.
This event is sponsored by the Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood.
Benedict Sheehan Leads Choir Workshop in Methuen, MA - 03/13/14
On the evening of Thursday, March 13, thirty singers and five conductors gathered at St. Xenia's Orthodox Church in Methuen, MA (ROCOR) to take part in a workshop on Orthodox liturgical singing. St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir Director Benedict Sheehan was invited to mentor the conductors and to help prepare the choir to sing the weekend's services, which were presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad. The workshop included hours of intensive rehearsals under Benedict Sheehan's guidance, a presentation on vocal health by Laryssa Doohovskoy, a video and Skype presentation on the ethos of Lenten services by Dr. Vladimir Morosan, and a Skype master class direct from Moscow with Maestro Vladimir Gorbik, Choirmaster of the Moscow Representation of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery.
The workshop was an exhilarating experience for all involved. Properly executing Orthodox liturgical music -- that is, executing it both with musical excellence and in a spiritual manner -- requires great effort on the part of musicians. Many of the participants in the workshop said they had never known until now what was required of them, and left deeply inspired. One participant in the workshop wrote of her impressions: "Sublime is the only word that comes to mind when I think of the Lenten Retreat I was a part of." Another wrote: "I am discussing the conference with everyone I meet... You have rekindled my heart for the kliros and helped me to realize that perfection in a choir should not only be a dream, but a reality."
The workshop was organized locally by St. Xenia's parish, but most of the faculty, including Benedict Sheehan, were members of the newly-formed Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute (PaTRAM), a non-profit organization founded to promote excellence in Orthodox liturgical singing in North America. St. Tikhon's Seminary will host the next official PaTRAM master class with Vladimir Gorbik from June 30 to July 3, 2014. For more information about the upcoming master class and about PaTRAM, please visit
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Holds Annual Pysanky Workshop - 03/13/14
On the Thursday, March 13, 2014 the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group gathered in the monastery dining hall to learn the ancient art of making pysanky eggs, also known as Ukrainian Easter eggs, which are traditionally made during Lent. Pysanky is an egg that has been decorated or “written” on with layers of beeswax and is often dyed multiple colors. Once the wax is heated and removed, a beautiful design is revealed. The lesson was led by Cindy Davis, who is a member of the St. Tikhon’s Community and also works at the Chancery office of the Orthodox Church in America. The St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group would like to extend its thanks and appreciation to Ms. Davis for her time and talent.
St. Tikhon’s Alumnus Bishop David (Mahaffey) Consecrated Bishop of Alaska and Sitka - 03/13/14
On Friday, February 21, 2014 Bishop-Elect David (Mahaffey) (STOTS 1997) was consecrated to the episcopacy as Bishop of Sitka and Alaska at St. Innocent Cathedral in Anchorage, AK.
Bishop David (Mahaffey) graduated from St. Tikhon’s in 1997 and continued to serve as an adjunct lecturer in Philosophy until 2011. At the same time he also has served as a dedicated priest and pastor to the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania.
A very full and well written article detailing the consecration is available here from
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community Axios and Many Years to His Grace Bishop David who intends on visiting us on the Feast of Annunciation, March 24-25, 2014.
St. Tikhon's Seminary to Host Annual Vocations Retreat - 03/10/14
Saint Tikhon's Seminary will once again be hosting its Annual Vocations Retreat on Friday, April 11 and Lazarus Saturday, April 12, 2014. This encounter is designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church in whatever capacity that He reveals.
The Vocations Retreat will begin on Friday evening at 6:00 for Registration and end after Vigil Saturday evening. Over the course of the retreat, guests will have the opportunity to join with the Seminary Community and Monastery Brotherhood in prayer, tour the Monastery grounds and the Seminary Campus, meet the Dean of the school, hear talks, and join in discussions. The schedule will provide participants the opportunity to consider very seriously one's active role, purpose and responsibilities as a member of the Body of Christ. It will also provide a glimpse of what a potential seminarian can expect to experience at St. Tikhon’s as an active member of the community.
The theme of this years retreat will be Responding to Jesus' Call: "Be My Priest" and is offered at no cost to all individuals interested in visiting the seminary. If you would like to register for the retreat or if you would like more information on the retreat, or on St. Tikhon's Seminary, please call the school at 570-561-1818 or send an email to
Mission Choir Visits Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Endicott, NY - 03/09/14
On Sunday, March 9, 2014, the St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir visited Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Endicott, NY. The choir was honored to be able to sing for a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, served by the Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael. Several of the Seminarians remained at the church to celebrate Mission Vespers for the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The service was attended by a large Pan-Orthodox choir, who sang the service beautifully. Following Vespers, everyone was invited to share in a Lenten feast and fellowship.
The St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir would like to offer its sincere thanks to Fr. Alexey Karlgut, Fr. Timothy Holowatch (STOTS 2000), Fr. John Bohush, and all the faithful of Sts. Peter and Paul who welcomed them so graciously. May God grant them many years.
On Sunday, March 9, 2014, the St. Tikhon’s community celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The children of the community gathered together to hold icons, which the faithful venerated in turn. A joyous Feast of the Restoration of the Holy Icons to all!
Kontakion (Tone 8)
No one could describe the Word of the Father But when He took flesh from you, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described, And restored the fallen image to its former state by uniting it to Divine Beauty. We confess and proclaim our Salvation in word and images!
March 9, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich to Speak in Wilkes-barre, PA - 03/08/14
On Sunday March 9, 2014 the Very Reverend Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary will be serving at Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre, PA for the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers Service at 4 pm.
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Welcomes Guest Lecturer Panimatka Linda Oryhon - 03/08/14
On Saturday, March 8, 2014, Panimatka Linda Oryhon from The Protection of the Holy Theotokos Cathedral in Allentown, PA visited the seminarian wives at a gathering hosted by Kristi Mackey. She is the wife of Fr. Myron Oryhon of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Her candid discussion of her history in over 30 years of ministry was warm, enlightening and uplifting.
As our seminarians' wives look forward to their own futures working side-by-side with their husbands in ministry to the Church, it is often a daunting endeavor. Hearing from someone who has learned lessons, sometimes hard ones, helps to better prepare for what lies ahead. Pani Linda discussed how to balance service to the Church, family life as well as personal spiritual growth in the midst of her role. We are grateful for her time and message.
(Article by Women's Group Co-Director Kristi Mackey)
On Sunday, March 2, the Saint Tikhon's community gathered to begin the Lenten journey together. Beginning with Forgiveness Vespers, the entire Seminary and Monastery community joined together at the appointed times each and every day. Below is a list of Clean Weeks services.
Mon Mar 3 6:00 am - Nocturn, Matins, Hours, Typical Psalms, Vespers 4:00 pm - Great Compline with reading of the Great Canon
Tues Mar 4 6:00 am - Nocturn, Matins, Hours, Typical Psalms, Vespers 4:00 pm - Great Compline with reading of the Great Canon (W/Met. Tikhon)
Wed Mar 5 6:00 am - Nocturn, Matins, Hours, Typical Psalms, (W/Met. Tikhon) 10:30 am - Presanctified Liturgy (W/Met. Tikhon) 4:00 pm - Great Compline with reading of the Great Canon (W/Met. Tikhon)
Thurs Mar 6 6:00 am - Nocturn, Matins, Hours, Typical Psalms, Vespers (W/Met. Tikhon) 4:00 pm - Great Compline with reading of the Great Canon (W/Met. Tikhon)
Fri Mar 7 6:00 am - Nocturn, Matins, Hours, Typical Psalms, (W/Met. Tikhon) 10:30 am - Presanctified Liturgy (W/Met. Tikhon) 4:00 pm - Matins
Sat Mar 8 7:40 am - Hours and Divine Liturgy 4:00 pm - Resurrection Vigil
Sun Mar 9 9:10 am - Hours and Divine Liturgy 3:50 pm - Vespers and Small Compline
As we enter together into the Great Fast, St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to take this time to wish every member of the extended community a blessed journey to our Lord's Cross and Holy Pascha.
March 7 -9, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Give Several Talks in Dallas/Fort Worth Area - 02/26/14
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will give several presentations over the weekend of March 7 - 9 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
These presentations will be based on his recently released book, “The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: ‘Theosis' in Scripture and Tradition".
Dr. Veniamin's schedule is as follows:
Friday, March 7th 7:00 - 8:00 pm Introductory Talk Where: St Barbara Orthodox Church (OCA) 5201 Altamesa Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76133
Saturday March 8tth (Morning) 9:30 am Divine Liturgy 11:00 am Lunch with informal Discussion on Salvation Where: St. Arsenius Hermitage
Saturday March 8th (Evening) 5:00 pm Vigil, followed by Reception and Dr. Veniamin Lecture with Q&A Where: St Seraphim of Sarov Cathedral (OCA) 4208 Wycliffe Avenue Dallas, TX 75219
Sunday March 9th (Morning) Dr. Veniamin to give Homily at Divine Liturgy Following Liturgy will be lunch and an informal discussion about Fr. Sophrony Where: St Sava Orthodox Church, Plano, TX (OCA) 1501 Jupiter Rd Allen, Texas 75002
Sunday March 9th (Evening) 6:00 pm Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers, followed by Panegyric Oration on the Sunday of Orthodoxy by Dr. Veniamin Where: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Dallas Texas 13555 Hillcrest Rd, Dallas, TX 75240
Seminarians Share Stories of Missionary Outreach to Those Still Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - 02/25/14
On Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014 seminarians Michael Danhofer, Joel Brady, and Kevin Mellis gave a short presentation on their participation in International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)'s Seminarian Home Build, a project in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity and other orthodox seminaries. The week-long project focused on building homes in the New Orleans area, which is still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. The IOCC regularly assembles these home build teams in areas where they are needed, but this was the first one specifically made up of seminarians.
Michael Danhofer gave a brief account of the week's events and spoke about the devastation in the area. Joel Brady spoke about the value of seminarians coming together for practical service, to lay the groundwork for future cooperation among clergy and to tie theological education to the very practical living of the Gospel commandments. Kevin Mellis spoke on the central importance of care for the poor as an aspect of the Christian calling, and on practical ways to get involved in charitable work, particularly through supporting the work of IOCC and through careful and sensitive response to the needs observed in one's own community.
Spring Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Conference held in Jordanville, NY - 02/23/14
From February 21-23, Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, hosted the Annual Spring Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Conference. Many Orthodox seminarians from around North America came to Holy Trinity Monastery to participate in lectures and attend services together. The keynote speaker Rev. Kevin Kalish, Ph.D. gave a lecture on “The Language of the King James Bible.” Seminarian Nicholas Kotar also gave a lecture about Orthodoxy and culture.
Representing the St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary chapter at the event were seminarians Khader Baramki, Joel Brady, John Kotalik, and Timothy Winegar.
Photos of the event are available on the Holy Trinity website.
Mission Choir Visits St. Basil's Orthodox Church in Watervliet, NY - 02/22/14
On Saturday, February 22, the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir was honored to visit St. Basil's Orthodox Church in Watervliet, NY. The Choir sang at both Vespers on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Fr. Steven Voytovich, the Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary sang with the choir and delivered the homily during Divine Liturgy. The choir was welcomed with open arms and was humbled by the tremendous hospitality of the members of St. Basil's. In addition, Fr. Peter Olsen, pastor, sent flyers to the community to invite them to “come and see,” encountering the Orthodox Church by hearing the seminary choir. Fr. Steven shared his excitement with the parish about such a creative and evangelistic approach to the Mission Choir visit. According to Fr. Peter, several neighbors did respond to the invitation.
Following Divine Liturgy, a sumptuous Meatfare Sunday luncheon was enjoyed by all present, as they also browsed through items brought from the St. Tikhon’s Bookstore. We were blessed to have Fr. Matthew Markewich, bookstore manager, with us for the weekend who is a much loved son of St. Basil’s. Fr. Matthew served Vespers as well as engaged the faithful during coffee hour as they visited the bookstore. Many thanks to the faithful of St. Basil's, and especially to Fr. Peter Olsen for making this trip possible. May God grant them many years.
Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Give Three Lenten Lectures in Berwick, PA - 02/21/14
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will present three seminars on March 21, April 4, and April 11, 2014. The central theme of the three lectures will be The Spiritual Life in St. Silouan the Athonite and Archimandrite Sophrony of Essex, and will take place at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Berwick PA, organized by St. Tikhon alumnus Fr. Michael Demko (STOTS 1999).
The themes for the three will be:
1) "On Humility" 2) "On Peace" 3) "On the Will of God and on Freedom"
April 10, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Speak at DeSales University - 02/21/14
On Thursday, April 10, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will be a guest speaker at the 2014 Robert K. Campbell Lectures “On Christian Unity,” sponsored by the Lehigh County Conference of Churches and presented annually at the DeSales University campus in Allentown PA.
March 14-16, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Lead Lenten Retreat in Atlanta, GA - 02/21/14
On March 14-16, 2014 Dr Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will lead a Lenten Retreat at St John Maximovich Orthodox Church (OCA) in Atlanta, GA.
Prof. Veniamin will give several presentations based on his recently-released book, The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: "Theosis" in Scripture and Tradition.
The Retreat Schedule is planned as follows:
Friday March 14th
6:00 PM Presanctified Liturgy
7:30 PM Lenten Meal – Intro by Dr. Christopher welcome & brief discussion by Fr. Tom
Saturday March 15th
8:00 AM Divine Liturgy
9:30 AM Breakfast
10:30 AM Dr. Christopher Veniamin Lecture #1 with Q&A
Noon Lunch
1:00 PM Dr. Christopher Veniamin Lecture #2 with Q&A
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM Vespers
Sunday March 16th
8:30 AM Matins
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Noon Lunch
12:30 PM Dr. Christopher Veniamin Lecture #3 (St. Gregory Palamas)
St. Tikhon's Community Enjoys Annual Pre-Lenten Celebration - 02/20/14
On Thursday, February 20, 2014, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Community enjoyed a time of celebration and fellowship before the beginning of the Lenten season. The festivities were held at Lyrics in Carbondale and included a selection of live music provided by our own Seminarian Matthew Joyner.
A big thank-you to all those who contributed to the preparations for the evening. It was a truly wonderful event that provided a much needed opportunity for fellowship before beginning the Lenten journey.
March 27-30, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to be Keynote Speaker at Antiochian Village - 02/19/14
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, will be the Keynote Speaker at the St. Emmelia Orthodox Homeschooling Conference at the Antiochian Village, from March, 27-30, 2014.
He will be giving two presentations, based on the Orthodox Understanding of Salvation, the first, “The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: ‘Theosis’ in St. Silouan the Athonite and Elder Sophrony of Essex”; and the second, “The Orthodox Interpretation of Holy Scripture: St. Gregory Palamas and the Key to Understanding the Bible.” He will also be offering a workshop session entitled: “The Power of Repentance: The Ethos of ‘Metanoia’ in the Orthodox Tradition.”
Seminarians Gather for Dorm Blessing as Community Prepares for Lenten Journey - 02/19/14
On Wednesday, February 19, Fr. Steven Voytovich visited the dormitory to perform the blessing for the new semester.
The dormitory blessings, which take place at the beginning of the academic year in the fall and at the beginning of the spring semester, during the period when most home blessings take place following the Lord's Theophany, are viewed as opportunities to renew both the physical and spiritual cleanliness of the building.
Several factors including incliment weather had precluded the dorm blessing from happening sooner in the semester, but the Lord willed that the blessing take place as the beginning of Great Lent approaches. After the dorm blessing, Fr. Steven addressed the dormitory residents saying that it is his hope that this blessing assists in giving everyone strength to persevere during the fast and the rest of the semester.
Representatives from the Diocese of the West Visit St. Tikhon's Seminary - 02/18/14
On Tuesday February 18, 2014 representatives Fr. Matthew Tate and Fr. David Brum from the Diocese of the West visited the St. Tikhon’s Community to speak with students from their Diocese and to share with the entire student body some of the exciting missionary outreach currently underway on the west coast, made possible by the establishment of a separate deanery whose sole responsibility is for the founding and nourishment of new mission parishes.
We appreciate the visit of Fr. Matthew and Fr. David and for their moving and energetic words and look forward to having them return to speak with us next year.
May 1, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Lecture in Jordanville, NY - 02/17/14
On Thursday, May 1, 2014 Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's Seminary will Lecture at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville NY.
The Lecture will be entitled "On Becoming Theologians" and will begin at 5 pm.
Feb. 22-23, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to be in Watervliet, NY - 02/17/14
On Feb. 22-23, 2014 Archpriest Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be with the faithful of St. Basil's Orthodox Church in Watervilet, NY.
Benedict Sheehan to Co-Direct Master Class in Jordanville - 02/14/14
Benedict Sheehan, STOTS music instructor and choir director, will co-direct a choral master class at ROCOR’s Holy Trinity Seminary, in Jordanville, NY from February 24th through 27th. The intensive workshop, lead by The PaTRAM Institute's Artistic Director, Vladimir Gorbik, will focus on Slavonic male choir choral repertoire. The master class will culminate in a Hierarchical Vigil and Liturgy held in the Jordanvile Monastery church, celebrated by Met. Hilarion of ROCOR. Maestro Gorbik shared his knowledge and extraordinary skill with St. Tikhon’s twice last year. In February of 2013 he lead a joint choral master class for St. Tikhon’s, St. Vladimir’s, and Holy Trinity Seminaries that resulted in the extraordinary CD The Hymns of Holy Russia in the New World, available through St. Tikhon’s Press. And in September he lead the Patriarch TIkhon Choir in the services for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, before the choir embarked on their critically acclaimed premier tour. The workshop is sponsored by the newly founded PaTRAM Institute, whose mission is to offer in-depth training for Orthodox church musicians in the Russian tradition in North America. The PaTRAM Institute plans to offer their first online courses in the fall of 2014. Visit to find out more and join their mailing list.
Axios! Deacon Moses Hibbard is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 02/11/14
On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Deacon Moses Hibbard was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop Michael at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church in South Canaan, PA.
May God bless Fr. Moses and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
Feb. 15 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Lecture in Ontario, CA - 02/09/14
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan PA has been graciously invited to address college students from three Coptic Orthodox parishes in the vicinity of St. Mary & St. John The Beloved Coptic Orthodox Church in Pickering ON, on Saturday, February 15, 2014.
Based on Prof. Veniamin’s recently published book, The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation, the first presentation will be, “The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: ‘Theosis’ in St. Silouan the Athonite and Elder Sophrony of Essex”; and the second, “The Orthodox Interpretation of Holy Scripture: St. Gregory Palamas and the Key to Understanding the Bible.”
Mission Choir Visits St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD - 02/09/14
Over the weekend of Feb 8 - 9, 2014, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission choir, together with Fr. Dennis Swencki, Chief Financial Officer of St. Tikhon's Seminary, visited St. Andrew Orthodox church in Baltimore, Maryland. The rector, Fr. Theodore Boback (STOTS 1972), and the parishioners of St. Andrew's have a long history of supporting the St. Tikhon's Community. Each year the mission choir looks forward to their yearly visit to St. Andrew’s, where they know that they will receive a warm welcome from the parish community.
The Mission Choir, led by Benedict Sheehan, joined with the faithful of St. Andrew's on Saturday evening for Vespers. Following the service, there was a meal served and the Mission Choir was able to enjoy the awards ceremony for the annual Baltimore-area "Bible Bowl," which had been held at St. Andrew's earlier that day.
On Sunday morning, Fr. Dennis Swencki and the Mission Choir helped celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Dennis offered the homily as well as provided a thoughtful and moving word of encouragement to the faithful briefly after the Liturgy. He shared with everyone what a blessing it was for him to be able to serve in the altar once again with his St. Tikhon's classmate, Fr. Ted, and also to be able to visit the parish of his friend and St. Tikhon's Board of Trustees member, Leda Dzwonczyk. After the Divine Liturgy, St. Andrew's hosted an excellent meal for the Mission Choir, and presented a check to Fr. Dennis in support of the school.
St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to thank Fr. Ted Boback, Leda Dzwonczyk, and all of the parishioners and faithful of St. Andrew Orthodox Church for their support of the Seminary and for their gracious hospitality towards our St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir.
Fr. Zacharias Visits St. Tikhon's Community - 02/07/14
On February 7th-9th, 2014 Fr. Zacharias (disciple of Fr. Sophrony of Essex) visited the St. Tikhon’s Community to deliver a series of public talks. It was a profound blessing for all those involved to be able to hear the elders though filled words and to witness his hallowed presence.
Quite possibly his last trip to America, Fr. Zacharias imparted words of life to the Brotherhood, Seminarians, and parish community.
Below are recordings of both of the lectures and the homily he delivered while visiting with us.
Faculty Member Dr. Christopher Veniamin Publishes Latest Work - 02/06/14
The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: "Theosis" in Scripture and Tradition, by Christopher Veniamin
Dr. Christopher Veniamin is Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's Seminary. As with his prodigious publication, Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies, his latest publication, The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation, is the fruit of the special relationship he enjoyed with Elder Sophrony and the Monastery of St. John the Baptist (Essex, England), coupled with many years of theological study and research, first at the University of Thessalonica and then at Oxford University, and also of his experience teaching at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary over the past 20 years.
The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation brings together some of Dr. Veniamin’s talks and articles, hitherto available in relatively little-known theological journals and periodicals, which pertain to the fundamental question of the purpose of human existence, to Salvation, as understood in the age-old and unbroken tradition of the Orthodox Christian Faith – the faith of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs and Saints of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
This scholarly work aims to initiate the reader into the fundamental theological presuppositions of Patristic theology. The juxtaposition of works delivered to diverse audiences is designed to demonstrate that the same principles are applicable to the sermon and theological treatise alike, that in the Orthodox Christian tradition there is no separation between ethics and doctrine, but rather that Christian living and theology are one indivisible reality, because Christ – the measure of all things human and divine, created and uncreated – is One. Divided into two parts, Praxis and Theoria, this book covers a wide range of topics, based on key Scriptural passages and the writings of some of the greatest masters of the Christian spiritual life, all of which are held together by criteria which are born not of speculation but of the face to face encounter with the living God.
The book is being offered by Mount Thabor Publishing and can be purchased by following the link here.
March 29, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis to speak in Lansing, NY - 02/04/14
On March 29, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis will speak at Holy Apostles Orthodox Church in Lansing, NY. The topic is 'St. Silouan of Mount Athos and Orthodox Spiritual Life'.
Vespers will be celebrated at 4 pm with the lecture at 5 pm, and a dinner to follow. All are welcome.
Feb. 19-22 Fr. John Kowalczyk will be presenting in Houston, TX - 02/03/14
On Wednesday, February 19th - Saturday, February 22nd, The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, (Director of Field Education) and Secretary of OCPM, will be attending the Biannual (OCPM) Board Meeting in Houston Texas. Preparation will be made at this meeting for the Annual Convocation of OCPM, also be held in Houston, Texas this summer.
Axios! Deacon Ignatius Gauvain is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 02/02/14
On Sunday, February 2, 2014 Deacon Ignatius Gauvain was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church in South Canaan, PA.
May God bless Fr. Ignatius and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
Memory Eternal Trustee Emeritus Walter Palchik - 02/01/14
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 Trustee Emeritus of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Board of Trustees Walter Palchik fell asleep in the Lord at his home in Old Bethpage, NY at the age of 96. Mr Palchik’s life was in many ways an exemplary model for lay leadership in the Church and what it means to live a life dedicated to serving the needs of the people of God.
Walter Palchik was, in his time, a very active Orthodox layman, who was involved in Church life on many levels. Initially a member of Holy Trinity Church in Brooklyn, he became a member of Holy Trinity Church in East Meadow in the 1950's and was a committed and involved parishioner there for the rest of his long life. He was at various times, Starosta (Church Council President), a member of the Building Committee, Improvement Committees, etc. He was very active in the FROC (what is FOCA today), serving as chapter president and Governor of the Metropolitan District. He was a member of the Metropolitan Council, a founding member of the St. Vladimir's Foundation, and for many years an active member of the Board of Trustees and devoted supporter of St. Tikhon's Seminary. Already in his 70's he pursued an advanced correspondence certificate program in theological studies at St. Tikhon's, working closely with Fr. Michael Dahulich, who is now Bishop Michael of New York, and Rector of St. Tikhon's.
He was by profession a jeweler and was known thus throughout the OCA, but that does not tell his whole story. An accomplished jeweler by trade, he shared his talents, skills and professional resources with countless bishops, priests and parishes. He designed, manufactured, repaired, re-gilded hundreds of panagias, pectoral and baptismal crosses, chalices, communion spoons, Gospel covers, censers, etc. Many of these services were done gratis or at reduced rates. He was generous donor to seminaries, to the OCA, as well as to many clergy, including many of the Russian clergy during the years of the Soviet Union. Because of his generosity, many of the Russian bishops and clergy became close personal friends of his, including the late Patriarch Alexey II, and Protopresbyter Matthew Stadniuk, Dean of the Theophany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow, who would stay with Walter when he visited the United States. During perestroika, the director of Sofrino, (Mr. Parkhaev) invited Mr. Palchik to come to Russia to share some of his techniques with craftsmen there who were just beginning to make religious articles.
Walter was a faithful and devout Orthodox Christian, he came to Church regularly and was a regular communicant. He was also very faithful to the Orthodox Church in America, committed to Holy Tradition and to the establishment of an Orthodox Church in America which would witness to North American in a language and manner that would be meaningful and accessible.
(Biographical information provided by request by Archpriest Alexander Garklavs.)
Funeral services were held at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in East Meadow and were offered by Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael, on February 6th and he was interred at St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Cemetery (Rova Farms) in Jackson, NJ.
March 14-16, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis to Lead Lenten Retreat in St. Paul, MN - 01/30/14
On March 14-16, 2014 Dr. Harry Boosalis will be leading a Lenten Retreat at St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church in St. Paul, MN. The theme of the Retreat will be ‘The Virtue of Freedom in Orthodox Spiritual Life’.
Fr. Zacharias to Visit the St. Tikhon's Community Feb. 8-10 - 01/26/14
Fr. Zacharias, a shining star in the firmament of the Church, author and eminent disciple of Fr. Sophrony of Essex, will be visiting the St. Tikhon's Community in February, 2014.
His schedule will be as follows:
Saturday, February 8: Vigil 4pm, Dinner 6 pm, talk open to al visitors 7pm.
Sunday, February 9:serving at the Divine Liturgy and giving the Homily 9am
Monday, February 10: speaking to STS Seminarians in the morning; departing at 12pm
This may be his last visit to America so don't miss the chance to hear this modern staretz of traditional Orthodox spirituality.
More details are available on the St. Tikhon's Monastery Website as well as a talk recorded by Ancient Faith Radio and a list of many of his publications.
Century Association Hosts Annual St. Tatiana Luncheon - 01/23/14
St. Tikhon’s Century Association held its annual luncheon at the Seminary on Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 in honor of St. Tatiana of Rome, the patron saint of students.
Thank you to Sarah Jubinski, President of the Association. Sarah was joined by fellow officers and board members Mary Sernak, Mat. Dorothy Sulich, Elsie Herman, Robert Roth, Alexandra Fedorchak and several Century Association members from the community who were responsible for the delicious dessert table that was enjoyed by students, their families, faculty, staff and guests. A very special thank you to Archpriest Joseph Martin, Spiritual Advisor for the Association, for preparing the meal of sausage and peppers as he does each and every year.
Fr. Ian Shipley (STOTS 2012), pastor of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA and proud member of the Century Association gave a moving reflection on the Troparion of the Feast of St. Tatiana and the vital role that sacrifice plays in the theological life of the Church.
The event ended with a check presentation in the amount of $8000.00 by Mrs. Jubinski and Association officers to Fr. Steven Voytovich, Seminary Dean. Fr. Steven, the organization's newest member, thanked the Century Association for all they do to support the St. Tikhon’s Community and Orthodox Theological Education. He also encouraged those attending to consider becoming members themselves and to invite their families and friends to join with them in becoming members so that together we may all continue the giving legacy that the Century Association has maintained for over 40 years.
Orthodox Faithful Stand Firm in Frigid Conditions to Offer Perspectives on Sanctity of Life Issues - 01/22/14
On Wednesday, January 22, representatives from St. Tikhon's Seminary drove to Washington, DC to join with tens of thousands of people of all ages from across the United States for the annual March for Life event. The March for Life is the single largest pro-life event in the world, and it is one that the St. Tikhon’s Community has participated in since the very first march 41 years ago. Bishop Demetrios (Kantzavelos) gave the opening invocation for the pre-March rally, being joined on stage by Orthodox Clergy from the various orthodox jurisdictions. Representing the Orthodox Church in America were His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Michael, His Grace Bishop Mark, and His Grace Bishop Melchisedek.
During the talks prior to the March, the speakers had encouraging and positive things to say about this year's theme, "Adoption: A Noble Decision." Many of the speakers lives have been touched by adoption and they encouraged the crowd to think about ways that we can all be more supportive of adoption as a choice for women who might otherwise choose abortion.
The Orthodox delegation marched with thousands of other supporters through the snow from the National Mall to the Supreme Court Building. At the conclusion of the March, a panikhida was held for the estimated 55 million people who have lost their lives through abortion.
Graciously carrying the school's new banner through the pressing crowds were seminarians Joel Brady, Michael Danhofer, Khader Baramki, Kevin Mellis, Basil Kuriakose, Timothy Winegar, Fr. Bitty Mathew, and Michael Pierce. Also in attendance were Fr. John Kowalczyk, Fr. David Shewczyk, Dr. David Ford, Fr. and Mat. Joseph and Charlotte Woodill, Gabriel Monforte, and Christopher and Leslie Patton, as well as other representatives from each of the seminaries, their families, friends, loved ones, as well as a large representation from various parish communities throughout the East Coast.
Mission Choir Visits Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT - 01/19/14
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir visited Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT, over the weekend of January 18-19 2014. This visit was quite full and included some challenges. Fr. Patrick Burns (STOTS 2009), has been pastor of the parish since the fall of 2010.
The weekend’s plans included the baptism of Fr. Patrick and Matushka Mara’s son Simeon Joseph on Saturday morning, followed by Vespers and Divine Liturgy including an archpastoral visitation by Archbishop Nikon. The Mission Choir’s trip was challenged on several fronts. Snow was falling intensively in Pennsylvania Saturday morning. Additionally, Benedict Sheehan, the Choir’s Director was sick at home, and one of the choir members was with his wife as they awaited the imminent birth of their child. Being a committed group of seminarians, however, they decided to take one of the student’s vehicles that had both front wheel drive and snow tires in order to successfully make the trip to CT.
Fr. Steven celebrated the baptism of Simeon Joseph along with Fr. Patrick, being godparent to his older Sister Dorothy. Fr. Nicholas Dellerman (STOTS 2008) and Matushka Anna were godparents, traveling to Ansonia from St. Nicholas Church in Norwich, CT. The Mission Choir arrived during the course of the baptism and joined those singing the responses.
The photo taken with the celebrants after the baptism includes on the far right Archpriest Nicholas Timpko (class of 1962). Fr. Nicholas was pastor of Three Saints Church for 27 years, and recently celebrated 50 years of marriage and ordination! It was during his tenure that Fr. Steven and his then fiancee’ Cindy initially came to Three Saints. Cindy directed the choir, and Fr. Steven served as parish secretary while completing his seminary studies.
The Mission Choir of four rehearsed early in the afternoon, with Fr. Steven stepping in to direct in Benedict’s absence. Archbishop Nikon arrived, and in consultation with Fr. Patrick, decided that they would celebrate full hierarchical Liturgy in the morning. The Mission Choir sang Vespers, and following pizza with Archbishop Nikon, Fr. Patrick, and faithful in the parish hall, seminarians stayed overnight with parishioners.
To reveal the dedication of our St. Tikhon’s faculty, Fr. Steven communicated with Benedict in the evening the plan for full hierarchical Liturgy in the morning, and Benedict immediately e-mailed several key hymns that the Mission Choir knows well, that are not in the regular music books. Following morning rehearsal the Mission Choir sang the hierarchical Liturgy. Protodeacon Paul Nimchek came from Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Terryville to serve. Given the complexity of this Liturgy and the choir singing with a new director, the Liturgy responses were sung well. An ethnic luncheon was served after the Liturgy.
As dean of St. Tikhon’s Fr. Steven shared being very proud of the dedication of the Mission Choir members to follow-through on the scheduled visit despite facing challenges, and that of Benedict Sheehan, Choir Director, for his support of the success of this visit even from his sickbed!
77th Annual Novogodny Ball to Donate Proceeds to St. Tikhon's Married Student Housing - 01/19/14
The 77th Novogodny Ball was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill NJ on Sunday, January 19th. This semi-formal event brings together several hundred people annually for dinner, and dancing to the music of the Kauriga Orchestra. The Novogodny Ball is sponsored by St. Stephen’s Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) Chapter 82. Proceeds for this year’s Ball are benefitting the St. Tikhon’s Married Student Housing!
Fr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary attended the Novogodny Ball dinner and dance with his wife Matushka Cindy. During dinner he had opportunity to talk with Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk, Dean of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, and director of the Philadelphia-area Deacon formation program. Fr. Steven also met Dn. George Zlatkowski from St. Stephen’s later during the dance. Fr. Daniel Kovalak and Mat. Myra were also at the dance as a number of their parishioners attended. Many parishioners came from the Baltimore area as well. As the dance got underway Paul Fedoronko, Master of Ceremonies, invited Fr. Steven to address the group. Fr. Steven thanked FOCA and those gathered for their generosity in supporting married students in attending St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
During the course of the evening Fr. Steven had opportunity to also meet Larry Skvir, one of the Novogodny Ball organizers. They both in fact share having been altar servers for Archpriest Nicholas Timpko. Larry shared that the FOCA Chapter and those with them have divided up the responsibilities for the evening to ensure that everything went according to plan. This included several food stations where those dancing could have something to eat and a table of raffle items to aid in raising funds for the chapter’s charitable outreach. At 11pm, balloons were dropped amidst all the children attending the event.
Fr. Steven shared that “The evening was quite enjoyable and that it was evident to all that a great amount of care and planning went into making this event possible. This was a wonderful evening of fellowship benefitting our St. Tikhon’s married student housing!”
Seminary Community Prepares for 2014 Sanctity of Life Event - 01/15/14
For the 26th consecutive year, representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community will take part in the March for Life on Wednesday, January 22nd at the Capital Mall in Washington, D.C.
For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Dr. David Ford for details.
Photos from the event from previous years can be viewed below.
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Welcomes Guest Lecturer Matushka Charlotte Woodill - 01/15/14
On Wednesday, January 15, Matushka Charlotte Woodill was welcomed to Saint Tikhon's Seminary to speak to the Women's Group. Mat. Woodill shared some of the wisdom that she has gained through being a Matushka for nearly 33 years. Father Joseph and Mat. Charlotte came to the Seminary with 4 children and pregnant with their 5th during a time when there were no married students. They had two children while attending St. Tikhon's, before he graduated in 1981. She is now a mother of 8 children and grandmother of 3.
Father and Matushka Woodill live in New York and currently serve at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Whitestone.
The St. Tikhon's Women's Group extends its sincere thanks to Mat. Woodill for giving her time to speak to the group from her years of experience.
Archbishop Joseph Blesses St. Tikhon's Community - 01/13/14
On Monday, January 13, 2014, the St. Tikhon's community was honored to welcome His Eminence, Archbishop Joseph of the Antiochian Diocese of Los Angeles and the West. The previous day Archbishop Joseph and Bishop Nicholas of Brooklyn and Resident Assistant to the Metropolitan ordained third-year student, Dn. Joseph Landino, to the Holy Priesthood in Allentown, PA. Please click here to read more about the ordination.
In accordance with the tradition of blessing homes during the celebration of Holy Theophany, Archbishop Joseph and the Rector of St. Tikhon's, His Grace Bishop Michael lead the Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students in a service and procession in which the entire seminary building was blessed. This service was even more meaningful in that the leavetaking of the Theophany Feast coincided with the beginning of the new semester.
Later at lunch, Bishop Michael introduced Archbishop Joseph and they shared their mutual respect for one another. His Eminence addressed the student body and offered words of wisdom about pastoral care and the responsibilities of leadership in the Church. His Eminence began by thanking the community for welcoming him and stating, "When I come to St. Tikhon's, I do not feel like a visitor. I feel like I am at home."
During his talk, he referenced his time of studies at the seminary in Balamand, Lebanon. As he was quite young when he began his studies, he shared his parents’ loving encouragement toward his continuing his studies despite very real hardships. This was a very inspiring message for our seminarians as they began the new semester.
Many thanks to His Eminence Archbishop Joseph and His Grace Bishop Michael for making this event so special. Eis polla eti despota!
Axios! Deacon Joseph Landino is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 01/12/14
On Sunday, January 12, 2014, Deacon Joseph Landino was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Archbishop Joseph at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Allentown, PA.
May God bless Fr. Joseph and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
Elijah's Mantle Continues to Provide for Those in Need - 01/08/14
Elijah's Mantle has now grown into its third calendar year of service. During 2013 missions in Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, Colorado, Massachusetts, Virginia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Texas, and Puerto Rico and Canada, have benefitted from donations to Elijah's Mantle.
We have benefitted from generous donations from many quarters. Father Anthony Perkins of Woonsocket, Rhode Island donated a large number of priests vestments that were smoke damaged in a fire last year. Through monetary donations Elijah's Mantle was able to procure a ozone machine which removed the smell of smoke from the vestments, and these have now found new homes. In all nearly twenty sets of priests vestments have been distributed.
An iconostasis which had been in storage at St. Tikhon's Monastery for many years has found a new home in a mission in Durango, Colorado with Father Benjamin Huggins.
A set of large brass banners and icons found their way from Father Daniel Degyansky of New York City to Father John Filipovich of Big Bend, Texas.
With God's Grace and your continued support Elijah's Mantle is poised to continue to fill requests for many years to come.
When You, O Lord were baptized in the Jordan The worship of the Trinity was made manifest For the voice of the Father bore witness to You And called You His beloved Son.
And the Spirit, in the form of a dove, Confirmed the truthfulness of His word. O Christ, our God, You have revealed Yourself And have enlightened the world, glory to You!
Kontakion for the Feast:
Today You have shown forth to the world, O Lord, and the light of Your countenance has been marked on us. Knowing You, we sing Your praises. You have come and revealed Yourself, O unapproachable Light.
March 22-23, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich and St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to be in Maple Heights, OH - 01/01/14
On March 22-23, 2014 Archpriest Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be with the faithful of St. Andrew Eastern Orthodox Church in Maple Heights, OH.
March 16, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich and St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to be in Glen Gardner, NJ - 01/01/14
On Sunday evening March 16, 2014 Archpriest Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be with the faithful of St. Gregory Palamas Orthodox Church in Glen Gardner, NJ.
Seminarian Families Receive Generous Outpouring of Nativity Cheer - 12/27/13
Saint Tikhon's would like to thank all of the parishes and individuals who gave so generously this Christmas to our seminary families. Each year the students are able to celebrate the Nativity Feast with wholesome meals and Christmas presents for their children because of the outpouring of support that they receive.
Each of the supporting parishes will be receiving a thank you packet with a note from each family and a framed photo collage as a small token of their appreciation.
Thank you to all of our donor parishes for your magnanimous gifts, and we wish you all a joyous holiday season.
St. Tikhon's Community Comes Together for the Feast of the Nativity - 12/25/13
As it does each year, the Seminary Community gathered together in the monastery refectory to participate in the Nativity Holy Supper before entering the church to begin the vigil for the feast.
Thank you to all who helped prepare the meal or assisted with the cleaning after and for all those who were able to brave the icy conditions to take part in the holy services. Christ is Born!
Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of justice. And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed; He had the power; He descended; He redeemed; all things yielded in obedience to God. This day He Who is, is Born; and He Who is, becomes what He was not. For when He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. Nor yet by any loss of divinity became He man, nor through increase became He God from man; but being the Word He became flesh, His nature, because of impassibility, remaining unchanged.
(From the Nativity Homily of St. John Chrysostom)
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to wish a very blessed feast to those of us who have already celebrated this most holy of celebrations as well as those of us preparing to observe the birth of our Lord just a few short days from now.
Feb. 22, 2014 Dr. David Ford to Lecture in Charleston, WV - 12/23/13
On Saturday, February 22, 2014 Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary, will be speaking on the Glory of Christ-Centered Marriage at the St. George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Charleston, West Virginia.
As a member of the committee, from December he participated in the External Evaluation process of the Universities of Athens and Thessalonica and TEI Departments in Greece related to his field.
From December 8-11 he participated with one review team to review the Theological Program and its faculty, and then from December 12-15 he participated with another review team to review the Pastoral and Social Theology Program as well as its faculty. To see more about the Aristotle University theological programs in Thessaloniki, you can link to their website here.
In a meeting of the St. Tikhon's Seminary meeting shortly before leaving for Thessalonica, Dr. Christopher shared that this will be among the first such external review processes to be conducted for these long-standing educational institutions that is not unlike theological school accreditation here in the United States and Canada by The Association of Theological Schools that involve first an internal review, and then external evaluation.
Children From Local Area School Make Field Trip to St. Tikhon's Community - 12/11/13
On Decemeber 11, 2013 the St. Tikhon's community was pleased to welcome students from the Brookside Private School in Honesdale, PA. They were treated to a tour of the seminary and monastery, as well as the Metropolitan Museum, by the Director of Communications and Public Relations, Christopher Patton.
The group was also provided an introductory iconography workshop by Seminarian Deacon Theophan Mackey, where he taught the students the Orthodox understanding of the Holy Images as well as instructed them in the traditional manner in which an icon is made.
Nathanial Zaur who helped organize the group's visit later commented, "The children were very excited to be able to come and visit Saint Tikhon's. It was their first time visiting an Orthodox Church. When we got back to the school we had them sit down and write out reflections on how the day impacted them personally."
The Saint Tikhon's Community would like to thank Nathanial Zaur for his assistance in helping to arrange this visit. We hope that this will be the first of many such visits to St. Tikhon's.
Included in the slideshow are the thank you letters written by the children of Brookside School.
St. Tikhon's Community Spreads Holiday Cheer to Those Who Need it Most - 12/09/13
Representatives from the St. Tikhon's Community gathered at Wayne Memorial Hospital on Monday, December 9, 2013 to spread holiday cheer to the staff and patients of the hospital. They gathered alongside hospital administration, staff, and volunteers outside the main entrance for a lighting ceremony during which the attendees remembered in prayer those departed family and friends who were most dear to their hearts.
Following the lighting ceremony the gathering moved to the hospital cafe, where refreshments were generously provided by representatives from Wayne Memorial Hospital. Once all those participating had received their fill of delicious cookies and hot chocolate, the group moved throughout the hospital singing Christmas carols to the delight of everyone present.
The St. Tikhon's Community extends its gratitude to the staff of Wayne Memorial and to all those who work diligently each year to make this event possible.
Annual St. Nicholas Community Celebration - 12/06/13
On Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community gathered together for the Annual Feast of St. Nicholas Community Celebration. Many thanks go out to both Kristi Mackey and Leslie Patton for their hard work coordinating the event. The music for the evening was provided by Seminarian Matthew Joyner and his wife Ashley Joyner who sang a selection of songs from their self-recorded new Christmas album “Please Joyne Us for Christmas” before leading the room in singing well-known favorites like "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "O Holy Night." The Dean of the Seminary, Fr. Steven Voytovich and Faculty member, Dr. Mary Ford also led the group in singing "O Who Loves Nicholas the Saintly" in both English and Russian.
Leslie Patton, Mat. Rebecca Markewich, and Karmin Hibbard taught the children how to make crafted snowflakes, pinecone reindeer, and pipe cleaner candy canes.
Of course, our Saint Nicholas Day celebration wouldn't be complete without a visit from St. Nicholas himself, who brought gifts of "golden" coins, candy, and oranges for all of the children! St. Nick also donated some of his precious time by sitting for a photo with each of the children (and some adults.)
A wonderful time was had by all those present. Each year this event provides an important opportunity for the community to gather together for a fun time before finals week and Christmas break.
On behalf of the entire Saint Tikhon's community we would like to thank all of the people who volunteered their time and talent to make this event possible.
The St. Tikhon's Community came together today to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
May he contiue to offer prayers on our behalf before the living God.
Troparion — Tone 4
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; / your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Nicholas, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.
Kontakion — Tone 3
You revealed yourself, O saint, in Myra as a priest, / For you fulfilled the Gospel of Christ / By giving up your soul for your people, / And saving the innocent from death. / Therefore you are blessed as one become wise in the grace of God.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Welcomes Guest Speaker from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections - 12/03/13
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013 St. Tikhon’s Seminary was pleased to welcome a representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections who spoke with the students during a luncheon session regarding outreach and pastoral care for individuals currently within the prison system.
Prior to his presentation before the student body, Rev. Ullrich sat down with the Dean Fr. Steven Voytovich as well as the Director of Field Education Fr. John Kowalczyk, to discuss St. Tikhon’s long and successful history working with the PA Department of Corrections through the seminary’s Field Education Program.
Since May 2004, Rev. Ullrich Klemm has served as the Religion, Volunteer and Recreational Services Program Administrator with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Previously he served for almost 12 years as the Director for Chaplaincy Services at the 2,500-bed Allegheny County Jail in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Earlier, Rev. Klemm served as a Mennonite pastor in Chicago, IL where he volunteered as an official visitor to death row inmates at the Pontiac Correctional Facility in Pontiac IL.
Ulli received a B. A. from Colgate University, Hamilton, NY (1980) and a M.Div. from the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, IN (1985). Ulli is an ordained Mennonite pastor through the Mennonite Church USA.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to express gratitude to Rev. Ullrich for his time and for offering from his vast experience in working with individuals incarcerated in our nation's correctional facilities.
Feast: The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 11/21/13
Troparion — Tone 4
Today is the prelude of the good will of God, / of the preaching of the salvation of mankind. / The Virgin appears in the temple of God, / in anticipation proclaiming Christ to all. / Let us rejoice / and sing to her: / "Rejoice, O Fulfillment of the Creator's dispensation."
Kontakion — Tone 4
The most pure Temple of the Savior; / the precious Chamber and Virgin; / the sacred Treasure of the glory of God, / is presented today to the house of the Lord. / She brings with her the grace of the Spirit, / therefore, the angels of God praise her: / “Truly this woman is the abode of heaven.”
Seminary Wives Put Creativity to Work Offering Homespun Creations In Online Marketplace - 11/21/13
Just in time for the holidays, a group of entrepreneurially minded individuals from the St. Tikhon's Womens Group have opened online stores offering a variety of creative gift ideas including homemade soaps, clothing for adults and children, perfumes, and quilts as well as many other items.
Please consider this as just one additional way to help support seminarian families as well as an opportunity to complete some of your holiday shopping early without having to fight the busy holiday crowds.
These online shops will be a perminant addition to the student-wives activities page on the St. Tikhon's Seminary Website which can be found following the link provided here.
The Individual Stores can be visited by following their associated links.
Patchwork Items, Quilts, Kids/Adult Bags, Totes, Ipod cases, Fabric Art
Dec. 13-15, 2013 Benedict Sheehan to Lead Music Workshop at Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Ellwood City, PA - 11/18/13
From December 13 to 15, 2013 St. Tikhon’s choirmaster Benedict Sheehan, together with his wife Maria, will lead a music workshop for the sisters of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Ellwood City, PA.
The workshop will include instruction in vocal technique, singing with clean intonation, ensemble listening, and the spiritual work of the church singer. The workshop will conclude on Sunday afternoon, December 15, with a lecture entitled “Singing Spiritually, Singing Beautifully.”
Nov. 21-24, 2013 Benedict Sheehan to Co-Direct Music Workshop in Columbus, OH - 11/18/13
From November 21 to 24, 2013 St. Tikhon’s choirmaster Benedict Sheehan will co-direct a music workshop together with St. Vladimir’s Seminary music professor, Dr. Nicholas Reeves. The workshop is entitled “Group Vocal Technique for Orthodox Choirs,” and it will be held at St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Professor Offers Selections From Upcoming Publication - 11/17/13
On Sunday, November 17, 2013 St. Tikhon’s Monastery hosted the first in a series of lectures to be given over the course of the Nativity Fast by Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Dr. David Ford. Dr. Ford introduced his soon-to-be released book entitled, “Wisdom for Today From the Early Church: A Foundational Study” as well as read selections from the book and answered audience questions as they arose.
These informal lectures will continue throughout the Nativity Fast on each Sunday directly following coffee hour in the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Dining Hall. The lectures are open to the public and all are invited to attend.
Dec. 27 to Dec 29, 2013 Dr. Harry Boosalis to Lead Youth Retreat in Minneapolis, MN - 11/14/13
Dr. Harry Boosalis will lead a Retreat for High School students from St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN on December 27 to Dec 29, 2013.
Dec. 1, 2013 Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in St. Paul, MN - 11/14/13
On Sunday, December 1, 2013 Dr. Harry Boosalis will be giving a presentation at St. George’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in St. Paul, MN. He will be presenting on one of his more recent pilgrimages that he led to Mount Athos.
St. Tikhon's Womens Group Meets for First Lecture of the Year - 11/13/13
On the evening of Wednesday, November 13, 2013 the St. Tikhon's Women's Group met as part of the Women’s Lecture Events that will be taking place throughout the academic year. The meeting on Wednesday evening was conducted by Fr. Athanasy, who is both a monastic, spiritual father, and one of the official Seminary Chaplains. Those in attendance were encouraged to openly discuss and ask questions related to current seminary life as well as the future anticipated role of a priest’s wife and the challenges they may encounter.
The Women’s Group would like to thank Fr. Athanasy for his time and wisdom bestowed upon the group and all of those in attendance who helped to make the evening a success.
St. John the Baptist English Choir Visits St. Tikhon’s for Workshop and Retreat with Benedict Sheehan - 11/09/13
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 twelve members of the English Choir of St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Washington, DC (ROCOR), arrived at St. Tikhon’s to begin a two-day retreat and workshop with St. Tikhon’s choirmaster Benedict Sheehan.
Over the course of the weekend the choir attended services for the monastery’s wonderworking icon, “She Who is Quick to Hear;" attended several rehearsal sessions; received instruction in vocal technique; attended lectures on church singing from Igumen Sergius, the Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, and joined the St. Tikhon’s mixed choir in singing Vigil and Liturgy in the monastery church. St. John’s English Choir’s director, Paula Genis, also received personal instruction in conducting technique from Mr. Sheehan.
Among the topics covered during the workshop were the importance of powerfully conveying the sacred texts; the spiritual work of the church singer; singing with a bright sound; the relationship of obedience in love between the choir and the conductor; singing with clean intonation; and the need for church musicians to always strive for excellence, whatever their abilities.
The choir returned to Washington greatly edified, and expressed a desire to make the workshop a regular event. Likewise, the St. Tikhon’s community was inspired by the true and devoted hearts of each of these co-laborers in the Lord’s vineyard, and wishes all God’s blessings upon the choirs of St. John the Baptist Cathedral, as well as its rector, Fr. Victor Potapov, who graciously released the choir for the weekend, and all the faithful clergy and members of the St. John’s Cathedral community.
Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers - 11/08/13
Troparion — Tone 4
Commanders of the heavenly hosts, / we who are unworthy beseech you, / by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, / and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you: / “Deliver us from all harm, for you are the commanders of the powers on high!”
Kontakion — Tone 2
Commanders of God’s armies and ministers of the divine glory, / princes of the bodiless angels and guides of mankind, / ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy, / supreme commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.
March 8-9 Fr. Steven Voytovich and St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to be in Endicott, NY - 11/07/13
On March 8-9, 2014 Archpriest Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be with the faithful of Sts. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church in Endicott, NY where they will be singing the responses for the Vespers and Hierarchical Liturgy offered by His Grace Michael, Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey.
Vespers service begins on Saturday, March 8 at 6pm and Liturgy will begin at 10am the following morning.
Feb. 15-16, 2014 Fr. Steven Voytovich and St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to be in Campbell, OH - 11/07/13
On February 15-16, 2014 Archpriest Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be with the faithful of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Campbell, OH.
Nov. 17, 2013 Fr. Steven Voytovich and St. Tikhon's Mission Choir to be in Williamsport, PA - 11/07/13
On Sunday, November 17, 2013 Archpriest Steven Voytovich and the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be with the faithful of Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport, PA.
St. Tikhon's Community Welcomes Three Hierarch and Connecticut Clergy Association - 11/07/13
On Thursday, November 7, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community welcomed the clergy of the Three Hierarchs Clergy Association of Hudson Valley, NY. They came to tour the seminary and monastery, and to have lunch with members of the seminary administration, faculty, and students.
In the morning they were offered a tour by the new Dean of the Seminary, Fr. Steven Voytovich, who was pleased to introduce them to members of seminary administration, tour office and classroom areas, and share a vision for the future of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. The group was also treated to a very informative tour of the library facilities by Librarian Sergei Arhipov.
In the afternoon they visited the monastery, with a tour of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Church by Fr. Nicodemus, and visited other areas including the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore and the Metropolitan Museum. They were also offered an opportunity to pray before the Miracle-Working Icon of St. Anna within the private monastery chapel.
The Three Hierarchs Clergy Association and the Connecticut Clergy Association are a pan-jurisdictional group of clergy consisting of representatives from the Antiochian, Greek, OCA, Jordanian, and Romanian Churches. It was a good opportunity for seminarians to witness and take part in the open and honest cross-jurisdictional dialog between association members who encouraged them to seek up the support and friendship of their fellow clergy wherever God sends them to continue their public ministry once they graduate from seminary.
Father Christos Talleos is the president of the Three Hierarchs Clergy Association and Father Peter Karloutsos is the president of the Connecticut Clergy Association. Fr. Peter Karloutsos and Fr. Steven Voytovich reflected on their common history of service with the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians of Connecticut (FORCC) in the early 1990's. “Many of the clergy who visited with us today are visiting Saint Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary for the first time.” said Fr. Steven, “This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be able to share a little about our community and its rich history, and to welcome new friends who hopefully will visit us again and often.”
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, a large representation from the student body as well as others from the community gathered at Valley Lanes in Carbondale, PA for a fun filled night of bowling and pizza.
Students, faculty, administration, and their families enjoyed this time of fellowship two games spanning over ten lanes of the bowling alley. This event was graciously sponsored by the seminary Rector His Grace, Bishop Michael, the seminary Dean the Very Reverend Steven Voytovich, and the St. Tikhon’s Student Government.
Many thanks to all who participated and made this event possible.
Fall Celebration, Talent Show, and Costume Gala - 10/31/13
On Thursday, October 31, 2013 the seminary families came together to hold our yearly talent show. Children and adults alike came to display their gifts and demonstrate their creativity for one another.
The seminary would like to express thanks to all the parents and staff who made this event possible and to all the participants who worked so diligently to prepare such a wonderful program.
A special thanks to the seminary cook Sophia Pierce for donating her time to preparing such a wonderful meal and to the event cordinators for the St. Tikhon's Women's Group, Leslie Patton and Kristi Mackey for all of their hard work with the planning and the clean-up.
Seminary Welcomes His Grace Bishop George - 10/31/13
On Thursday October, 31st the St. Tikhon’s Community was blessed with a visit from His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern America and New York. (ROCOR)
While here, His Grace visited with the new Dean Archpriest Steven Voytovich to both welcome and congratulate him on his new appointment as well as meet individually with the students from his diocese.
2013 Fall Lecture Series Concludes with Words from Seminary Dean Archpriest Steven Voytovich - 10/29/13
On Tuesday, October 29 2013 the third and final of our Annual Fall Lecture Series featured the Very Reverend Steven Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, and Associate Professor of Pastoral Arts and Praxis.
Fr. Steven provided an informative and thought provoking lecture on Clinical Pastoral Care and its significant value for providing relational modeling for not only Orthodox pastors but for many of the various types of health care professionals currently working in the field of clinical counseling.
This lecture brings to a close another very successful year of our Annual Lecture Series. The Seminary extends its thanks to each of this year’s lecturers and all of the faithful who traveled to be with us to participate in the events.
On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 In the words of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, “The entire church” came to pay their respects to the newly departed Reader Gregory Sulich. Four bishops, nearly thirty priests, many other clergy, monastics, members of the administration, faculty, and students of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, as well as representatives from the entire extended St. Tikhon’s Community were present for the funeral service.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon while speaking before the gathered faithful said to Reader Gregory’s mother, Matushka Dorothy Sulich at the graveside, “The entire church is here, Matushka. We have all come to pay our respects and to be with you during this time.” Then motioning to the large crowd he added, “This is the Church. This is what we do in all things. We come together, we join our prayers, and we care for one another.”
His Beatitude led the services together with His Grace Bishop Michael and His Grace Bishop Mark. In attendance were also His Beatitude, retired Metropolitan Herman, numerous past and current representatives from the national church administration where Reader Gregory offered his service to the Lord for many years. Many among those present were graduates of St. Tikhon’s Seminary where Reader Gregory graduated in 1994.
Grant rest eternal and blessed repose, O’ Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant the Reader Gregory and make his memory to be eternal.
2013 Fall Lecture Series Continues With Fr. Moses Berry - 10/22/13
On Tuesday, October 22, 2013, the St. Tikhon's hosted this year's second lecture in its Annual Fall Lecture series. The community welcomed Fr. Moses Berry, founder of the Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black. The topic of Fr. Moses's lecture was "An Unbroken Circle: Linking Ancient African Christianity to the African-American Experience."
Fr. Moses described his journey toward Orthodoxy, which he explained was heavily influenced by the study of his own family’s history. Fr. Moses concluded by expressing his desire to spread the Orthodox Faith to the black communities of the United States.
Axios! Theophan Mackey is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 10/20/13
On Sunday, October 20, 2013 Theophan Mackey was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Bishop Daniel (Zelinsky) of the Ukranian Orthodox Church at St. Andrew's Memorial Church in South Boundbrook, NJ.
May God Bless he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Alumnus Officially Elected to Alaskan See - 10/17/13
Archimandrite David [Mahaffey] was elected by the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America to fill the vacant Episcopal See of Sitka and Alaska on Wednesday, October 16, 2013.
The election took place during the fall session of the Holy Synod at the OCA Chancery.
Delegates to the Assembly of the Diocese of Alaska on September 15, 2012 had nominated Father David, who has been serving as the diocese’s Administrator and Chancellor, to fill the vacant See. His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin, Locum Tenens of Episcopal See of Sitka and Alaska, presented his name to the Holy Synod for canonical election.
Born in Altoona, PA in 1952, Father David was received into the Orthodox Christian faith in 1975, two years after his marriage to the former Karen Meterko. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA in 1997. In 2003, he graduated from the University of Scranton with Bachelors degrees in Theology and Philosophy. Two years later, he received his Master of Arts degree in theology from the same school.
He was ordained to the diaconate in 1981 and served throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. After his ordination to the priesthood in 1993, he served as rector of Saint Michael Church, Old Forge, PA until 2006, when he assumed the pastorate of Holy Trinity Church, Pottstown, PA. In 2009, he was assigned rector of Saint Nicholas Church, Bethlehem. He and his wife, who fell asleep in the Lord in 2007, raised four children.
Father David served as a graduate assistant in the Theology Department of the University of Scranton, adjunct lecturer at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, and adjunct lecturer in theology and philosophy at Alvernia University, Melrose Park Campus, Philadelphia, PA. He has served in a wide variety of capacities in the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, including dean of the Philadelphia Deanery.
The dates of Father David’s consecration to the episcopacy and installation have yet to be determined.
On Tuesday, October 14, 2013, the St. Tikhon's Community hosted this year's first lecture in its Annual Fall Lecture series. The community welcomed Matushka Natalie Stavrevsky who lectured on "Caring for the Elderly."
Matushka Stravrevsky explained the physiological reasons for the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's and offered advice on how to more effectively interact with and minister to elderly persons who are suffering under the weight of these terrible afflictions.
Many thanks to Matushka Natalie for providing an informative and insightful presentation.
The second presentation of the 2013 Fall Lecture Series will be offered on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 by Fr. Moses Berry. This lecture will be a lunchtime lecture and will be held at 12:30 pm in the seminary dining hall.
All are welcome to come and join us for lunch on Tuesday and what promises to be a moving lecture by Fr. Moses Berry.
Reminder: 2013 Fall Lecture Series Will Begin Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 10/14/13
At 7 pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 the St. Tikhon's Community will be pleased to welcome Matushka Natalie Stavrevsky BSN, RN, MBA. Who will present the first session of the Annual Fall Lecture Series entitled "Caring for the Elderly."
The Lecture Series, as always, is open to the public and all are welcome to participate.
This year the Lecture Series will be absolutely free of charge and refreshments will be available.
Many from the local community came to South Canaan this weekend to participate in the annual Founders Day celebration commemorating St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow, Enlightener of North America, and founder of the holy habitation of St. Tikhon’s Monastery.
The service was offered by Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery as well as Archpriest George Alexson (STOTS 1969) and representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Brotherhood.
At the conclusion of the service the Order of St. Tikhon was awarded to the Century Association on behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community for their tireless efforts to raise support for St. Tikhon’s Seminary and to help ensure the sustainable future of the organization.
After the service a wonderful meal was offered in the monastery refectory that had been prepared by volunteers from the St. Tikhon’s Parish Community.
This joyous feast concluded with the Century Association holding its annual meeting in the seminary dining hall where its president Sarah Jubinski with Association officers and members presented the seminary with the first of several checks to support the general operating fund of the school. It is because of their constant and steadfast support that St. Tikhon’s Seminary continues to thrive and flourish and it is with their help that St. Tikhon’s will continue to fulfill its holy calling to educate and prepare the future leaders of the Orthodox Church in this country.
The St. Tikhon’s Community gathered on Thursday, October 10, 2013, to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. The event began in front of the Seminary Building with a solemn re-dedication of the flagpole. Directed by Archpriest Joseph J. Gallick (STOTS 1970), Archpriest Theodore Boback (STOTS 1972), and Archpriest James Jadick (STOTS 1976) a flag that had been flown over the U.S. Capitol building was raised on the newly re-dedicated pole and Memory Eternal was intoned for the community’s departed alumni, faculty, and administration. Presiding at the service were His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Michael, and His Grace Bishop Nikon.
Following the dedication of the flagpole, the community processed, lead by the Holy Cross, to the Monastery Church, where they held a Panikhida for the departed members of the St. Tikhon’s Community as well as a Moliben for the health and continued success of the current members of the Board of Trustees, Seminary Administration, Faculty, and Staff. Immediately following the service, Archpriest Steven Voytovich was installed as Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Fr. Steven was presented with the pectoral cross of former Dean, Archpriest Basil Stroyen by His Grace, Bishop Michael, the Seminary’s Rector.
The culmination of the anniversary celebration was a Grand Banquet held at Fiorelli’s in Peckville, PA. The banquet began with a musical performance by Harry and the Dogmatics. Matushka Nancy Gilbert, Co-Chair of the 75th Anniversary Committee gave a spirited introduction for the Toastmaster of the Evening, Archpriest George Alexson (STOTS 1969). After brief remarks by Fr. George, attendees enjoyed a beautiful choral performance of traditional Russian hymns and folk songs lead by director Gabriel Monforte.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman (Retired OCA) gave a moving and heartwarming speech recounting the rich history of the Seminary and the tireless effort of those who have worked for its care and advancement over the past 75 years.
The second speaker of the evening was Archimandrite Nathaniel (Symeonides) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Archimandrite Nathaniel expressed congratulations on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, who was unable to attend due to a prior engagement oversees. Further words were shared by His Grace Bishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon’s, who reminded the community that in this time of remembrance, we must always be mindful of the future, “pressing on to the next level, seeking after a greater goal, working toward the next accomplishment, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.’”
The next presenter, Igumen Sergius Abbot of the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Brotherhood expressed his thanks and congratulations to the Seminary on this most joyous occasion and asked for the continued prayers and support of everyone present for both the monastery and seminary community. The newly-installed Dean, Archpriest Steven Voytovich shared remarks thanking everyone once again for the honor of being able to serve as Dean of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary and for the warm welcome he has received from the community. “Though I have only been here for a short time, I still feel like a man who has come through a long journey to finally arrive at the place he knows to be home.”
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon delivered closing remarks in which he stressed the importance of each person within the life of the community, regardless of their particular role. He explained that “...everyone’s life is a dash between two numbers.The story that is told of us at the end of our lives will be made up of many events that occur on this dash.” He added, “The story of St. Tikhon’s is similarly a rich collection of stories occurring on a dash between two numbers. The dash is a symbol that only begins to express our collective history and future. May we all strive to introduce as many prayer-filled and grace-filled moments as possible into our lives and the lives of those around us.”
The St. Tikhon’s Community wishes to express its deepest thanks to everyone who helped plan and organize the 75th Anniversary Celebration, especially those on the 75th Anniversary Committee: Co-Chairs Mat. Nancy Gilbert and Leda Dzwonczyk, His Grace Bishop Michael, The Very Reverend Archpriest Theodore Boback, and Christopher Patton. We would like to include a very special appreciation to the Banquet Chairman, the Very Reverend Vasily Gilbert (STOTS 1979).
St. Tikhon’s Seminary would also like to remember everyone who played a part in each of the 75th Anniversary events that occurred over this past year of celebration. May God continue to enliven and sustain the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Community as it continues to fulfill its sacred charge of producing the future pastoral leaders of the Orthodox Church. May this offering to the people of God continue as it always has, quietly, in the remote stillness of South Canaan, PA. Where our common life continues to be offered “For the Life of the World and its Salvation.”
Feast: Saint Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow - 10/09/13
The St. Tikhon's Community celebrated the feast of St. Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Michael, and His Grace Bishop Mark served a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church, after which, the community offered Many Years to Metropolitan Tikhon in celebration of his name's day.
Let us praise Tikhon, the patriarch of all Russia,
And enlightener of North America
An ardent follower of the Apostolic traditions,
And good pastor of the Church of Christ.
Who was elected by divine providence,
And laid down his life for his sheep.
Let us sing to him with faith and hope,
And ask for his hierarchical intercessions:
Keep the church in Russia in tranquility,
And the church in North America in peace.
Gather her scattered children into one flock,
Bring to repentance those who have renounced the True Faith,
Annual Ritter's Cider Mill Gathering Gets Thumbs-Up from St. Tikhon's Community - 10/06/13
On Saturday, October 6, 2013, the St. Tikhon’s Community held its annual Fall Gathering at Ritter’s Cider Mill in Mt. Cobb. The festivities included delicious homemade cider and donuts, fresh apples, pony rides for the children, and a hayride.
The beautiful weather provided a wonderful atmosphere for fellowship and food. The community wishes to extend its thanks to Leslie Patton and all who helped plan and organize the event.
Inter-seminary Event Celebrates Anniversaries in Historic Fashion - 09/27/13
The 75th Anniversaries of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA, and Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY, and the 40th Anniversary of Saint Herman’s Seminary, Kodiak, AK, were marked with the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and a picnic at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America here on Saturday, September 27, 2013. Also celebrated was the 55th Anniversary of the Chancery’s Saint Sergius Chapel.
Perfect autumn weather provided the setting for the Liturgy, which was celebrated outdoors in the walled garden—the revival of a tradition that dated back to the late Metropolitan Leonty in the 1950s. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, presided at the Liturgy, at which His Grace, Bishop Michael and His Grace, Bishop Mark concelebrated. Metropolitan Tikhon serves as President of all three seminaries, while Bishop Michael serves as Saint Tikhon’s Rector.
Also serving were Archpriest John Jillions, OCA Chancellor and a member of the boards of all three seminaries; Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary and Director of the Mentorship Program for OCA Seniors at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary; Archpriests John Behr and Chad Hatfield, Dean and Chancellor of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary respectively; Archpriest John Dunlop, Dean of Saint Herman’s Seminary; Igumen Sergius [Bowyer], Abbot of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery and former Interim Dean, who represented the newly appointed Dean, Archpriest Steven Voytovich; Priest David Cowan, Rector of Holy Trinity Church, Yonkers, NY; Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov; Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak; and Deacon Gregory Hatrak.
Nearly 150 faculty members, trustees and students and their families representing all three seminaries and faithful from the region were present. Students representing other jurisdictions, as well as the Coptic and Syrian Church, also attended and appreciated prayers offered for the suffering faithful in Egypt, Syria and the Middle East. A combined choir under the direction of Saint Vladimir’s Hierodeacon Herman [Majkrzak] and Saint Tikhon’s Benedict Sheehan sang the liturgical responses.
After the Liturgy, a Memorial was celebrated for all departed faculty and staff members, alumni and trustees, as was a Service of Thanksgiving for the ongoing work of the seminaries.
While Saint Herman’s Seminary formally celebrated its 40th Anniversary earlier this year, ongoing celebrations at Saint Tikhon’s and Saint Vladimir’s Seminaries include a banquets on October 10 and November 7 respectively. [See related stories on and]
Following the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Tikhon welcomed guests at an open air picnic. In his remarks, he spoke of the strength of our seminary programs. He especially recalled those who in past years had insisted that theological education and priestly formation were high priorities. The priesthood, he observed, is above all a ministry to God’s People and an incarnation of the image of Christ and His Church to a world that rejects her. A true priest is never apart from his flock, but stands in their midst, leading them to Christ.
“We hope that the celebration of these anniversaries will highlight the good work our seminaries are doing, while serving as a reminder that support from the faithful is always welcomed,” said Father Jillions. At the 15th All-American Council in 2008, a resolution was passed asking parishes to include a one percent line item in their budgets to support the seminaries. A number of parishes have already done so, but we hope that others will follow suit.”
A photo gallery of the event may be accessed on the OCA web site and Facebook page.
Faculty Member Receives International Recognition - 09/22/13
Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics, has been nominated and elected by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency of Higher Education (HQAA) to join its External Evaluations Committee. As a member of the committee, he will participate in the External Evaluation process of the Universities of Athens and Thessalonica and TEI Departments in Greece related to his field. This is an honor both for Dr. Veniamin and STOTS as it recognizes both his own experience in theological education and the Seminary's standing in the academic world as an institution of higher education in theology.
Professor Veniamin has also been invited to act as the external evaluator on the Appointments and Promotions Committee for the School of Theology in the University of Thessalonica.
Annual Wives, Faculty, and Staff Meet and Greet - 09/17/13
The Seminary Wives had an opportunity to meet with the faculty and staff of the seminary this past Tuesday, September 17, 2013. This yearly event allows for the seminary community to greet the wives of the new students and tell them a little about themselves as well as a time for getting to know the new faces and finding out about their journey to St. Tikhon's.
Having met the previous week with His Grace Bishop Michael, the wives of the student body were greeted with introductions by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Igumen Sergius, Igumen Gabriel, Drs. David and Mary Ford, Dr. Harry Boosalis, Dr. Paul Witek, Sergei Arhipov, Christopher Patton, and Gabriel Monforte.
Memory Eternal Archpriest Daniel Pavelchak - 09/17/13
Very Reverend Archpriest Daniel Pavelchak (STOTS 1956), pastor emeritus of Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in Cohoes, age 80, of Latham passed away Wednesday September 17, 2013 at the Eddy Village Green Nursing Facility, Cohoes NY embraced by his loving family. Born in Simpson PA, he was the son of the late Theodore and Anna Pavelchak and the beloved husband of the late Matushka Barbara Pavelchak (Gurka). Archpriest Daniel relocated to the Capital District in 1971 and was pastor at Saint Basil's Orthodox Church in Maplewood NY and Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in Cohoes.
He graduated from St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary and received his Bachelor of Arts from Kings College in Wilkes-Barre PA. Archpriest Daniel enjoyed a long career serving the Orthodox Church as Pastor for churches in Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey as well as Massachussetts. He was also Dean of the Frackville Deanery for the Northeast Pennsylvania diocese. In addition, Archpriest Daniel taught history and Russian in Pennsylvania and NY schools.
Archpriest Daniel had great passion and devotion to life-long learning in math, philosophy, theology, the sciences, and music. He was an accomplished singer of both Liturgical and Russian Folk music in various choral groups. He inspired everyone who met him with his love of life, laughter, and friendship. He enjoyed new adventures, traveling and spending time with his family. His greatest passion was for the love and companionship that he shared with his wife Barbara to whom he was married for 56 years. As a couple, they were inseparable and the spark of their love grew stronger with every year.
He and Barbara’s greatest devotion was to nurturing the love and strong bonds within the family. He is survived by his loving children, Michael (Sharon) Pavelchak of Wilton, NY, Charissa (Benton) Prentice of Providence RI, Nicholas (Joyce) Pavelchak of Altamont NY; adored grandchildren, Zachariah, Alexandra, Kyra, and Jeremy; a sister, Matushka Valerie (Very Reverend Gerald Sudick) of Triangle VA, and his aunt Mary Okorn of Simpson PA, and several nieces and nephews.
Viewing is scheduled for Sunday evening from 4-6 pm at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Cohoes. Office for the Burial of a Priest will begin at 6 pm. Divine Liturgy will be held Monday at 9:30 am with His Grace, Bishop Michael (Dahulich) officiating. Interment will be in St. Nicholas Cemetery, Boght Corners.
Those wishing to remember Archpriest Daniel in a special way may make contributions in his memory to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, 67 Saratoga Street, Cohoes NY 12047 or Alzheimer’s Association, Northeastern New York Chapter, P.O. Box 96011, Washington DC 20090.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Fitzgerald Funeral Home, 105 Vliet Blvd, Cohoes NY 12047
(All information taken directly from the Official Website of the Diocese of New York and New Jersy.)
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and Second Master Class with Vladimir Gorbik - 09/14/13
On Saturday, September 14, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community joined together to celebrate the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross.
We were honored not only to be together for this glorious feast of the Church, but to also have with us Maestro Vladimir Gorbik and the Patriarch Tikhon Choir whose voices provided the weekend services a beauty and elegance worthy of this great feast of the Church.
In the days leading up to the feast Maestro Gorbik offered his second Master Class to the St. Tikhon’s Community in preparation for three concerts in New York, Pittsburgh, and Washington, DC, on September 16, 17, and 18 respectively.
Patriarch Tikhon Choir Tour “Their Sound Hath Gone Forth” Receives Praise from New York Times and Over a Dozen Standing Ovations - 09/14/13
After weeks of intense preparations on the parts of singers, managers and hosts, the Patriarch Tikhon Choir assembled for the first time ever at St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary. The choir’s Artistic Director, Maestro Vladimir Gorbik, of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, hand-selected the 32 singers and prepared them for weeks via recordings sent electronically and Skype internet video conferencing. The singers, coming from Canada, Russia and the United States, began assembling on September 12, to embark on an intense week-long musical effort.
Their work began with a master class in preparation for the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, September 13th and 14th, which combined members of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary choir with members of the Patriarch Tikhon Choir from both Russia and North America. This combined choir then sang the services for the feast, at which Metropolitan Tikhon presided. Many faithful from the area surrounding the Monastery came to celebrate the feast, which was an expression in itself of the unity of the church throughout the world.
As the sticheron was sung that night:
“Come, all ye kindred of the nations, let us honor in hymns the cross of the Lord!”
In the face of many great obstacles, God gathered the members of this choir together. Two very different cultures, several jurisdictions, many personalities, and across thousands of miles: under Maestro Gorbik’s direction, they were all formed into one body. But it was not simply an artistic endeavor. As Maestro Gorbik insists, in order to create high art, the souls of the artists must be joined in love. But the very highest art comes when the artists are joined in Love Himself, in Communion. And so, Gorbik’s mission has been to lead church singers in an effort to deny their own egos, to love God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves. This is done through an exhaustively demanding rehearsal and performance process. And for the singers of the Patriarch Tikhon Choir, the extremity to which they were asked to go, left them in a place of joy.
After only one nine-hour rehearsal, the choir embarked on their debut tour. Their first concert, at St. Malachy’s – The Actors’ Chapel, on 49th Street, in Manhattan, was held on Monday, September 16th to critical acclaim. The New York Times review of this concert can be read here. On the 17th the choir traveled to Pittsburgh where their second performance was held at First Baptist Church, Pittsburgh. The local OCA parish of St. Alexander Nevsky very graciously hosted the choir and provided a beautiful reception, at which many local friends of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery had the opportunity to meet Maestro Gorbik and the members of the choir. On the 18th, the choir traveled to Washington D.C., where the ROCOR Cathedral of St. John the Forerunner generously hosted the choir for a Russian style luncheon feast. Fr. Victor Potapov welcomed the choir personally, gave a tour of the cathedral, and served a moleben for the choir’s efforts. The third and final concert was held that night at the Roman Catholic church of St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill. Each concert provided a very enthusiastic audience and each night the choir received multiple ovations and performed multiple encores.
Throughout the tour, the linguistic and cultural divide between Maestro Gorbik and the Russian musicians and the North American musicians and hosts presented a challenge. However, in spite of the best efforts of the evil one, who abhors unity among the faithful, humility and love were victorious. Gratitude for their experience and love for one another was be expressed clearly, though the group had a small common vocabulary. And at the end of their week-long marathon, the group parted with many tears and embraces.
With God’s help, the efforts of the Patriarch Tikhon Choir will continue in the months and years to come through performances before a broad range of audiences of the finest examples of Orthodox liturgical music. This will be augmented by the creation of coordinated educational programs to assist Orthodox church musicians in North America. The choir’s parent organization, the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute (PaTRAM Institute), is planning a multi-tiered series of training programs aimed at choir directors and singers of all ages, professional and non-professional alike, and offered by some of the foremost conductors and instructors in the Eastern Orthodox Church. To learn more about the PaTRAM Institute visit their website
(In the weeks leading up to the event the author of this article, Maria Sheehan, also sat down with Ancient Faith Radio to provide an interview regarding the Patriarch Tikhon Choir and its Mission. That interview can be heard in its intirety here.)
75th Anniversary Banquet and Commemorative Book (UPDATED) - 09/12/13
Just a reminder that on Thursday October 10th the 75th Anniversary Grand Banquet will be held at Fiorelli's Banquet Hall in Peckville, PA. Reservations for the event are being taken by Fr. Vasily Gilbert (STOTS 1979) at 978-239-3382 or can be sent by mail to 1 Lafayette Place Salem, MA 01970. Please make checks payable to St. Tikhon's Seminary. The cost for the Grand Banquet is $50.00 per person.
To place an ad or remembrance in the 75th Anniversary Commemerative book please send in the information no later than September 15th to Leda Dzwonczyk 3210 Rosalie Ave. Baltimore, MD 21234. A full page is $125, half page is $75, quarter page is $40, and a 2 line micro-listing is $20.
Below is listed the current event schedule for the 75th Anniversary Celebration to be held at St. Tikhon's on October 10, 2013.
1:00 PM Rededication of the Flag Pole
1:20 PM Procession to Monastery Church
1:30 PM Panikhida for departed servants of the Seminary family
2:00 PM Molieben for the health of the Seminary family
2:30 PM Installation of Very Rev. Steven Voytovich as Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary
4:30 PM Reception, Fiorelli’s, Peckville
5:30 PM Grand Banquet, Fiorelli’s, Peckville
During the evening there will be musical selections provided by Harry & The Dogmatics and a choral ensemble.
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Meets for First Gathering of the Year - 09/10/13
On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group met for their first meeting of the year with the rector of the seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael. It was a time for fellowship and introductions.
The women’s group meets several times a year and serves as a valuable support structure for the wives of seminarians and other women in the St. Tikhon’s Community.
After meeting with his Grace Bishop Michael, the wives discussed the planning of this year’s Women’s Group events including guest speakers, dinners, children’s costume parties, and many other activities that are to be held throughout the academic year.
September 21 Dr. Harry Boosalis to speak in Toronto, Canada - 09/05/13
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be the guest speaker at the celebration of the Patronal Feast of the St. Silouan the Athonite Mission Parish, in Toronto, Canada.
The Mission is a newly developing parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople).
October 25-27 Dr. Harry Boosalis to lead Men's Retreat in Minneapolis, MN - 09/04/13
Dr. Harry Boosalis will lead a Men's Retreat from Friday, Oct. 25 to Sunday, Oct 27 in Minneapolis, MN. The event is sponsored by St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church.
Holy Cross Orthodox Church Continues to Support Orthodox Theological Education - 09/03/13
As it has each year for decades, the faithful of Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport, PA have successfully raised $1000 to help support St. Tikhon's Seminary. On Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Fr. Daniel Kovalak (STOTS 1974) presented a check to the New Dean of the Seminary on behalf of the parish community.
Fr. Daniel is a proud alumnus of St. Tikhon's Seminary and has over the years served is alma mater in a number of different teaching capacities. He has volunteered his time and efforts in many ways; assisting with the Lecture Series, fundraising, and playing an active role in the Alumni Association.
St. Tikhon's would like to thank the faithful of Holy Cross for their constant and vigilant support of St. Tikhon's Seminary and their help in promoting Orthodox Theological Education.
Annual Beginning of the Year Celebration - 09/02/13
On Monday, September 2, 2013, the St. Tikhon's community gathered at the homes of Seminarians Michael and Sophia Pierce, and Matthew and Ashley Joyner for the Annual Beginning of the Year Labor Day Celebration.
There was a tremendous turnout as good food and fellowship were shared by all. Many thanks to the Pierces and the Joyners for hosting the event, as well as everyone else who helped with setup and cleaning. Special thanks to Archpriest Dennis Swencki, the Seminary's Chief Financial Officer who generously volunteered to fund this year's event.
Annual Meeting of the Century Association - 08/31/13
The Annual Meeting of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association will take place on Founder’s Day, Sunday, October 13th following Divine Liturgy and lunch at the Monastery Trapeza. The Association’s business meeting and informal reception will be held in the Seminary Dining Room. All members are encouraged to attend and new members are welcome.
His Grace, Bishop Melchisedek (Pleska) Visits St. Tikhon's Community - 08/28/13
On Wednesday August 28, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community was pleased to receive His Grace, Bishop Melchisedek of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania who stopped to greet the new Dean, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, as the Seminary was enjoying it’s third day of New Student Orientation.
His Grace offered words of encouragement to the new Dean as he settles into his new assignment and assured him that both he and St. Tikhons would be in his prayers throughout the coming Academic Year.
New Academic Year Underway at St. Tikhon's - 08/26/13
On Monday, August 26, 2013 the newly arriving students began their collective seminary journey by participating in New Student Orientation. After three full days of introductory instruction on campus life, seminary communication and email system, library resources, campus stewardship, and community praxis, the new students who until this time were clothed in the customary white dress-shirt and black pants, were blessed by the new Dean of the Seminary, the Very Reverend Fr. Steven Voytovich, to begin wearing the black cassock. The cassock will remain their official uniform until the day they graduate.
On Thursday, August 29, 2013 the returning students joined their new classmates for the Beginning of the Year Retreat. 14 new students including 5 Mdiv, 2 Priestly Formation (Undergraduate Remedial) 1 Non-Matriculated, and 7 Diaconal Formation joined with 41 returning students to begin the 2013-2014 Academic Year.
The seminary community then enjoyed addresses by the Rector of the Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael, the Dean of the Seminary, Archpriest Steven Voytovich, the Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Igumen Sergius (Bowyer) and other members of the Seminary Faculty and Board of Trustees.
Also on Thursday, August 29, 2013 The Board of Trustees hosted a reception for the welcoming of the new dean in the monastery bookstore. This was an opportunity for the Trustees, along with the Faculty, Administration and Staff to welcome him to the community and to share words of encouragement as he begins this next phase of his public ministry.
At this time the community also sang many years to His Grace Bishop michael as well as several members of the Board of Trustees who were celebrating their birthdays on Thursday or in the near future.
The 2013-2014 Academic Year promises to be a year of dynamic growth and self-reflection for St. Tikhon’s Seminary and for the entire St. Tikhon’s Community.
St. Tikhon's to Host Vladimir Gorbik and the Patriarch Tikhon Choir - 08/20/13
From September 12 to 19, 2013, St. Tikhon's Seminary will be honored once again to host Moscow conductor Vladimir Gorbik. Maestro Gorbik visited St. Tikhon's for the first time this past March and conducted a highly successful masterclass and concert with seminarians from St. Tikhon's, St. Vladimir's, and Holy Trinity Seminaries. The masterclass concert was recorded and will shortly be available on CD.
On this visit, his second time at St. Tikhon's, Maestro Gorbik will be accompanied by ten Russian professional singers, members of the newly formed Patriarch Tikhon Choir, a unique 32-voice ensemble of Orthodox professional singers from North America and Russia. During his stay at St. Tikhon's, Maestro Gorbik will conduct a second masterclass with St. Tikhon's seminarians, this time in preparation for the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross on September 13 and 14. The Seminary Choir will be joined by both Russian and American members of the Patriarch Tikhon Choir, and Maestro Gorbik will conduct the choir together with St. Tikhon's choirmaster Benedict Sheehan. To crown the celebration, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon will preside at both the Vigil and Liturgy for the feast. All are invited to attend. For more information about the services, please visit
Following the weekend's festivities, all members of the Patriarch Tikhon Choir will gather at St. Tikhon's Seminary to rehearse for their upcoming concerts in New York, Pittsburgh, and Washington, DC, on September 16, 17, and 18 respectively. During the course of the tour, the choir will use St. Tikhon's as their home base, returning here several times for rest and refreshment. For more information about the Patriarch Tikhon Choir, or to purchase tickets for the September concerts, please visit
16th Annual St. Tikhon's Memorial Golf Benefit - 08/17/13
The 16th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Tournament was held this year at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee PA on Saturday, August 17, 2013.
This year's winning team was comprised of Nicholas Kowalczyk, Chad McLaud, and Jeff Price.
At the end of the tournament, Fr. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education at St. Tikhon's Seminary and member of the St. Tikhon's Tournament committee, congratulated the winners and especially his son, Nicholas, whose average carried the team to an impressive score of 62.
Thank you to all those who helped plan and promote the tournament, for all those who attended and for all those who go the extra mile each year to ensure the future success of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
This year's tournament raised nearly three thousand dollars for St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Axios! Gabriel Bilas is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 08/17/13
On Saturday, August 17, 2013, Seminarian Gabriel Bilas was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, Bishop Alexander at Saint Elia the Prophet Orthodox Church in Akron, OH.
May God bless Deacon Gabriel and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
It is with a very heavy heart that we announce the untimely passing of St. Tikhon’s graduate from the class of 2009, Theophan (Iyad) Khair, who fell asleep in the Lord on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 in Cologne, Germany where he has been receiving treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma.
“Everlasting be your memory, O our brother, who are worthy of blessedness and eternal memory”
August 18 Very Rev. Dr. Steven Voytovich Will be Speaking in Stamford, CT - 07/30/13
On Sunday August 18, 2013 the V. Rev. Dr. Steven Voytovich, Incoming Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, will be speaking at St Mary's Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Churchin Stamford, CT for thier 100th Anniversary Celebration.
A Statement from His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon - 07/26/13
On the occasion of the 75th anniversaries of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA, and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY, the first ever joint committee meeting of Board of Trustees members from both seminaries took place in Cleveland on July 18. The objective was to identify and discuss the future challenges facing theological education and ways of promoting stronger ties between the two schools over the next 75 years.
Committee members, including hosts Michael Herzak, Chairman of the St. Tikhon’s Board, and Alex Machaskee, Chairman of the St. Vladimir’s Board, agreed to convene additional such meetings in the future, in order to maintain open communication and to explore possible collaborative opportunities that will benefit each of the two seminaries.
Some of the topics a sub-committee will consider include faculty exchanges, student exchanges, and other avenues for cooperation.
The joint meeting had been authorized by both Boards of Trustees in the spirit of Orthodox Christian unity.
The Very Rev. Dr. Steven Voytovich, a licensed professional counselor who spent many years of his career in the field of pastoral care and education, has been named dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, effective August 18.
He succeeds The Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty, who retired for health reasons after serving as dean for the past three years.
Father Steven brings to this position years of experience as a parish priest, an educator, a presenter at seminars and retreats, a contributing writer for various religious publications, and a frequent presenter at OCA events.
His Grace, Bishop Michael, Ph.D., Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, stated, “I am well pleased that Fr. Steven will be joining St. Tikhon’s Seminary as our Dean. His pastoral, leadership, academic and work related credentials are superb and we look forward to Fr. Steven moving St. Tikhon’s to new heights. On behalf of the board of trustees, faculty, staff and students we welcome him and offer our prayers for his new ministry.”
In 2007, Father Steven represented the OCA and was plenary presenter at the Ninth International Congress for Pastoral care and Counseling held in Krzyzowa, Poland. He served as communications and public relations officer from 2004 to 2007. He also represented the OCA at International Congresses held in Accra Ghana in 1999 and Bangalore, India, in 2004.
He is director of the OCA’s Department of Institutional Ministry where he co-created and coordinated the OCA Seminarian Internship Program, and he helped develop and now serves as director of the OCA’s Institutional Chaplain Department, which supports Orthodox men and women who are serving in institutional chaplaincy roles.
From April of 2010, until joining St. Tikhon’s Seminary, he worked as director of Clinical Pastoral Education at Episcopal Health Services, Long Island, NY. During that time, he was attached to Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in New Britain, CT, as a supply priest for the Connecticut Deanery, but continued serving in multiple capacities within the OCA.
Father Steven was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Beatitude Metropolitan Theodosius in 1991 and was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Job, then of the Diocese of New England.
Over the years, he has served as pastor of Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, CT; Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT; St. Alexis Orthodox Church in Clinton, CT.
Father Steven has earned three advanced degrees from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY, including a Doctor of Ministry degree in 1999. His thesis was “Orthodoxy and CPE: Education for Ministry Beyond the Liturgical Setting.”
He has two masters degrees from St. Vladimir’s, including a Master of Divinity Degree, with Commendation for Thesis, in 1990. His thesis topic: “The Ministry of Those Who Suffer.” In 1991, he earned a Master of Arts Degree in Liturgical Music and served as choir director of the seminary octet.
He also earned a Master of Arts Degree in Community Counseling from Fairfield University, in Fairfield, CT, in 2005, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota in 1986.
Father Steven, 50, and his wife, Matushka Cindy, live in Guilford, CT. Matushka Cindy is choir director at Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT, and is a marketing representative for Stony Creek Urgent Care facilities in Branford and Orange, CT.
Of his appointment as Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Fr. Steven said:
“In accepting this position I look forward to supporting St. Tikhon’s mission of providing quality theological education including personal, spiritual, and pastoral formation to those whom God has called to serve His vineyard.”
The V. Rev. John Kowalczyk Addresses the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocesan National Convention - 07/26/13
On Thursday, July25, 2013 the V. Rev. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education for St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries, spoke on behalf of OCPM at the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America National Convention in Houston, TX.
Axios! Matthew Brown is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/20/13
On Saturday, July 20, 2013 Dn. Mathew Brown was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey at Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Albion, MI.
May God Bless he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Axios! Moses Hibbard is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 07/20/13
On Saturday, July 20, 2013 Moses Hibbard was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey at Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Albion, MI.
May God Bless he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
July 21-28 V. Rev. John Kowalczyk to Represent OCPM at Antiochian National Convention - 07/19/13
On July 21-28, 2013 the V. Rev. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education for St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries, will be representing OCPM at the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America National Convention.
This year’s convention will be held in Houston, TX. Additional information regarding the guest speakers and schedule of events can be viewed by visiting the Convention website by following the link provided here.
2013 75th Anniversary Commemorative Tikhonaire is now available online! - 07/18/13
St. Tikhon’s is excited to announce that the 2013 75th Anniversary Commemorative Double Edition of the Tikhonaire is now available for viewing online!
This very special issue, which includes a photographic account of the Seminary’s entire history includes photos of each Graduate, Faculty Member, and Administrator who has lived and worked at St. Tikhon’s since the Seminary’s opening in 1938.
In addition, we have digitized our Tikhonaire Historical Archive! Each issue of the Tikhonaire has been digitally scanned and restored and can now be viewed online in its entirety.
To access the Tikhonaire Digital Archive, follow the link below.
The St. Tikhon’s Community would like to extend its gratitude to all the generous sponsors of the Tikhonaire throughout its history who have made its continued printing possible, as well as those who undertook the monumental task of formatting, digitizing and compressing each volume for web publication. We hope that you will enjoy taking a walk through our Institution’s rich history as you browse through each issue.
There are still copies of the 2013 Tikhonaire available for purchase through the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore and can be ordered online by following the link provided below.
Reserve Your Place in the 16th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Benefit - 07/08/13
The St. Tikhon’s Community is pleased to announce that the 16th Annual Golf Benefit honoring the 75th Anniversary of the Seminary, will be held on Saturday, August 17 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee, PA. Registration for the event begins at 12:00 PM, with the Shotgun Start occuring at 1:00 PM, followed by an Awards Dinner at 6:00 PM.
The cost of the event is $100 per golfer, which includes Golf, cart, lunch, admission to the banquet, drinks, refreshments, and prizes. Checks should be made payable to St. Tikhon’s Seminary and mailed to Bernard S. Golubiewski at 19 Main Street, Laflin, PA 18702.
Those wishing to support the event are invited to sponsor a hole at the tournament. Corporate Sponsorship costs $100 and Individual Sponsorship is $25. All sponsor participants will be recognized on the course for all to see and your sponsorship will be indicated in a special remembrance at the awards dinner to follow.
Checks for sponsorships should also be made out to Bernard Golbiewski and mailed to the aforementioned address.
Axios! Michael Lillie is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/07/13
On Sunday, July 7, 2013, Michael Lillie was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. The ordination took place at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Cathedral in Mayfield, PA.
May God bless Fr. Michael and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry!
The Diocesan Diaconal Formation Programs in PA, NY and FL Are Now Accepting Applicants for the 2013-2014 Academic Year - 06/26/13
The diocesan diaconal formation programs are open to men who are seeking possible ordination to the Holy Diaconate of the Orthodox Church. The course of instruction consists of two years of classes that are offered on Saturdays during the academic year. This allows students to take seminary-level classes while continuing with their jobs or other responsibilities. In addition to class participation, students also participate in the Divine Services and liturgical practica. The courses of the Certificate in Diaconal Formation Program consist of 24 academic credits that may, upon successful matriculation, be subsequently transferred towards the completion of a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. A Certificate in Diaconal Formation is awarded at the Seminary Graduation ceremony upon successful completion of the program.
Application materials are available here and must be submitted to the diocesan program coordinators listed below (and not sent directly to the Seminary). For further information, please contact:
Fr Victor Gorodenchuck, St Stephen’s Cathedral, Philadelphia (PA) 215-745-3232
Fr Alexey Karlgut, Sts Peter and Paul Church, Endicott (NY) 607-785-4479
Fr Joseph Lucas, Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Miami Lakes (FL) 305-332-4454
Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit: through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net. O Lover of Man, Glory to Thee (Troparion).
When the Most High came down and confused the tongues, he divided the nations. But when he distributed the tongues of fire, he called all to unity. Therefore, with one voice, we glorify the All-Holy Spirit! (Kontakion)
September 14 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to speak at Deacons' Retreat in Linthicum, MD - 06/21/13
On September 14, 2013, Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's Seminary, will speak at a Deacon's Retreat at Holy Cross Church in Linthicum, MD. The retreat will last from September 13 to September 15.
August 3 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to speak at Orthodox Psychotherapy Conference - 06/21/13
On Saturday, October 19, 2013, Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's Seminary will be one of the key presenters at the Conference on Orthodox Psychotherapy and Mental Health in our Communities, being held at St. Mary's Orthodox Church in Coaldale, PA.
Additional information and instructions on how to register can be found by following the link below.
St. Tikhon’s Welcomes a Larger than Expected Turnout to the Clergy Continuing Education Symposium - 06/20/13
Over fifty participants, from parishes as far away as Oregon and as close as Olyphant, PA arrived on the evening of Tuesday, June 18, 2013 to participate in the St. Tikhon’s Continuing Education Symposium.
The Symposium ran from Tuesday June, 18 through Thursday June 20, and featured speakers from both the Seminary and the Monastery Communities.
Leading off the event on Tuesday evening was the Seminary’s Director of Field Education and Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Arts and Practice, Archpriest John Kowalczyk, who spoke on “The Exploration and Development of the Ministry of Presence."
The following day began with the lecture "Sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy house..." by Igumen Sergius (Bowyer), Abbot of Saint Tikhon's Monastery and Interim Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
After the participants broke for lunch the program continued with a presentation and discussion on the topic "Exorcism: A Current Perspective" by Lecturer in Spirituality and Liturgics and a monk at St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalsky).
The second day of the symposium was brought to a close by Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics, who delivered a thought provoking lecture entitled "Transforming Psychological States into Spiritual Ones: Some Practical Advice from the Fathers."
On the third and final day, the participants were presented a lecture by Dr. David C. Ford, Professor of Church History, entitled "The Glory of Christ-Centered Marriage."
The St. Tikhon’s Community was pleased to provide this Symposium in cooperation with the Department of Continuing Education for the Orthodox Church in America.
His Grace Bishop Michael, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, thanked Igumen Sergius for both his contribution to the offering of lecturers as well as the hospitality of the monastery brotherhood in providing the monastery trapeza for the event and for assisting in the preparation of the seminary grounds for the arrival of the symposium participants.
Plans are currently underway to make each of the lectures available online so that those unable to attend this year’s Clergy Continuing Education Symposium will able to participate in an online version of the conference to fulfill their yearly Continuing Education Credits required by the national church.
The materials for the online offering are expected to be completed by the beginning of the 2013-14 Academic Year.
Advanced reservations for these lectures can be made at
Memory Eternal Archpriest William Dubovik Class of 1988 - 06/06/13
Archpriest William DuBovik, Jr. (STOTS 1988), 64, rector of All Saints Church in Hartford, CT passed away Thursday, June 6, 2013. He was the devoted husband of the late Matushka Suzanne [Jarven] DuBovik, who fell asleep in the Lord in 1986.
Father William was born in New Haven, CT. He graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in 1970. He graduated from St, Tikhon’s Seminary in 1988 and was ordained to the diaconate that same year and was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1989. He served as Pastor of Saint Nicholas Church, Norwich, CT; an assistant in Three Saints Church, Ansonia; and as a supply priest for the New England Diocese and Connecticut Deanery prior to his assignment as Rector of All Saints Church.
Additional information is available on the OCA's In Memoriam page here.
Each year the St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary Community opens its arms in dramatic fashion to the greater Orthodox and non-orthodox community. This is a labor of love, the preparation for which is several weeks long and involves every person associated with the Monastery and the Seminary as well as many friends and families, volunteers from neighboring parishes, and long-time supporters.
This labor of love is, in many ways, an iconic representation of our relationship with the world and an articulation of our place it that world. Each year we open up our lives to everyone who wishes to come and take part in the pilgrimage and each year we are surprised by the response.
This year, thousands of Pilgrims turned out to spend Memorial Day with the St. Tikhon’s Community. This was the 109th Memorial Day Pilgrimage and was particularly special this year because it was also the year that St. Tikhon's Seminary is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of its founding.
The Pilgrims took part a great number of Divine Services, including a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the All Saints of America Bell Tower Chapel, during which Seminarian Moses McPherson was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin. After the Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presented a Grammata to the Archpriest John Perich for his extraordinary service for many years to God’s Holy Church.
Pilgrims were also able to participate in memorials for the departed and Holy Unction for the healing of soul and body. They enjoyed a wide variety of food from vendors stationed around the Monastery grounds. They beheld and venerated relics, ancient icons, and priceless treasure of the Church at the St. Tikhon's Metropolitan Museum. They immersed themselves in the rich history of the Seminary through the 75th Anniversary Tikhonaire, which chronicles the entire history of the Seminary and Monastery and includes photos of each graduate, faculty, and staff member who has ever attended or worked at St. Tikhon's.
The Memorial Day Pilgrimage is an opportunity to reunite with friends and loved ones as they come here and for all of us to pray together, one for another - to share stories with one another, to teach one another, and to remember together.
Thank you for allowing us to share our lives with you.
Thank you for sharing each of your lives with us, and God willing we hope to see you again next year.
Moses McPherson is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 05/27/13
On Monday, May 27, 2013, Seminarian Moses McPherson was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church by His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin during the hierarchical Divine Liturgy held at the All Saints of North America Bell-Tower Chapel.
The previous, day, Sunday, May 26th, he was ordained to the subdiaconate, by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon.
May God bless Deacon Moses and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
June 18-20 Archpriest John Kowalczyk to speak at STS Continuing Education Clergy Symposium - 05/26/13
From June 18 to June 20, 2013, Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Practice, Director of Field Education, St. Tikhon's Seminary will speak at the Saint Tikhon's Continuing Education Symposium at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
Fr. John will provide a lecture entitled: "The Exploration and Development of the Ministry of Presence"
June 18-20 Archimandrite Athanasy to speak at STS Continuing Education Clergy Symposium - 05/26/13
From June 18 to June 20, 2013, Archimandrite Athanasy, monk of St. Tikhon's Monastery will speak at the Saint Tikhon's Continuing Education Symposium at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
Archimandrite Athanasy will provide a lecture entitled: "Exorcism: A Current Perspective."
June 18-20 Rev. Igumen Sergius (Bowyer) to speak at STS Continuing Education Clergy Symposium. - 05/26/13
From June 18 to June 20, 2013, Rev. Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery and Interim Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary will speak at the Saint Tikhon's Continuing Education Symposium at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
Igumen Sergius will provide a lecture entitled: "Sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy house..."
June 18-20 Dr. David Ford to speak at STS Continuing Clergy Education Symposium - 05/26/13
From June 18 to June 20, 2013, Dr. David Ford, Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary will speak at the Saint Tikhon's Continuing Education Symposium at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
Dr. David will be giving a lecture entitled: "The Glory of Christ-Centered Marriage."
June 18-20 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to speak at STS Continuing Clergy Education Symposium. - 05/26/13
From June 18 to June 20, 2013, Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's Seminary will speak at the Saint Tikhon's Continuing Education Symposium at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
Dr. Christopher will be providing a lecture entitled: "Transforming Psychological States into Spiritual Ones: Some Practical Advice from the Fathers."
Alexis Baldwin is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 05/26/13
On Sunday, May 26, 2013, Alexis Baldwin was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
The day prior, Saturday May 25, 2013 he was ordained to the Subdiaconate during the Holy Liturgy at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon.
May God bless the newly ordained Deacon Alexis and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
On Sunday, May 26, 2013, in a true spirit of hospitality, guests mingled with family and friends, filled plates with zakushki, and feasted on traditional delicacies that left no room for dessert. For those of us who always have room for dessert, our friends from St. John’s provided an awesome selection of sweets.
Perhaps the sweetest treat of the evening came in the form of the Podoben Choral Ensemble. This remarkable chorus entertained guests with a selection of folk songs that brought both joy and tears to so many who have not heard this music for years, and who rejoice in the fact that these beautiful melodies are being preserved.
The St. John’s Children’s Dance Ensemble, in full costume, dazzled guests with an amazing performance of ethnic dances that left everyone smiling, clapping, and standing on their feet. Many Years to the children of our church!
ST. TIKHON’S CENTURY ASSOCIATION invites each of you to join us in 2014 for Hospitality ala Russe V.
The St. Tikhon’s Century Association has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to help our beloved St. Tikhon’s Seminary in its mission of providing the highest quality of theological education and spiritual formation to men who are preparing for Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. Alumni also serve the church in educational and musical positions, helping to strengthen the bonds of Orthodox fellowship throughout the world.
On Sunday, May 26, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community celebrated a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church . During the Liturgy Seminarian Moses Mcpherson was ordained to the Subdiaconate and Seminarian Alexis Baldwin who was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
Serving at the Liturgy were Metropolitan Tikhon, President of the Seminary; Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco; Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York & New Jersey, the Rector of the Seminary; Bishop Mark of Baltimore, the Administrator of the Diocese of Eastern PA; Archpriest John Jillions the Chancellor of the OCA; the Reverend Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Interim Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary; and Arch Priest John Kowalczyk, Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern PA and Director of Field Education for St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Serving with them were representative from St. Tikhon’s Monastery, St. Tikhon’s Seminary as well as alumni and friends from the greater Orthodox Community.
Following the Divine Liturgy, a number of the clergy, administration, faculty, and staff of St. Tikhon’s Seminary attended the St. Tikhon’s Century Association Benefit, Hospitality ala Russ which was held at St. John’s Hall at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Mayfield, PA.
On Saturday, May 25th, 2013 in honor of the 75th Anniversary of St. Tikhon’s Seminary this year’s Commencement ceremony took place where it had been historically held for many years, on the monastery grounds, at the steps of the All-Saints of North America Bell-Tower Chapel.
Present at the ceremony were Metropolitan Tikhon, President of the Seminary; Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk, representative of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow; Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco; Bishop Michael of New York, the Rector of the Seminary; Bishop Mark of Baltimore, the Administrator of the Diocese of Eastern PA; Archpriest John Jillions the Chancellor of the OCA;the Reverend Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Interim Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary; the seminary’s Board of Trustees, the Administration, and distinguished Faculty and Staff. Also present for the commencement ceremony by invitation was the former Rector of the Seminary and previous Metropolitan of All-America and Canada his Beatitude Herman (Swaiko) (STOTS 1963).
The Commencement speaker, Archpriest Daniel Donlick (STOTS 1965), Dean Emeritus and Trustee Emeritus, gave an inspiring address to the graduates during which he recounted highlights of his 50 years of service to the Seminary Community. Fr. Daniel explained that the past of the seminary is directly tied to its present and future in a way that is more tangible than concepts and slogans. He explained that “the past leaders and members of the community who have fallen asleep still remain with us today as a great ‘cloud of witnesses,’ supporting the community with their prayers and intercessions.”
The Seminary was pleased to acknowledge the tremendous work and achievements of Seminarian Simona Irime, the first female recipient of the Master of Divinity degree, as well as the school’s first female valedictorian. In her address, Ms. Irime urged her brothers to follow the examples of the apostles and saints of the Church who displayed Christ-like love for others by putting the salvation of the world before their own needs and desires.
The seminary was also pleased to honor the years of dedicated service of Trustee Emeritus Paul Chernay by awarding him the Doctor of Humane Letters Honoris Causa for his continual support of the St. Tikhon’s Community and selfless dedication to the building up of the Orthodox Church.
Words were also offered by the President of the Alumni Association, Archpriest Theodore Boback (STOTS 1972). Fr. Boback encouraged the graduates to always remember their years at St. Tikhon’s and to cultivate the relationships that were began during their time at the seminary. He added that these relationships will be the ones that will help support and sustain them through difficult times in the future.
At the end of the Commencement Archbishop Justinian extended greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, and presented the seminary with a beautiful Icon of Our Lady of Kazan on behalf of His Holiness and the entire Russian Orthodox Church.
May God grant the graduating class of 2013 many years and may He guide and protect them as they leave our humble community to serve the faithful of Christ wherever He directs their lives.
Graduation Banquet Honoring the Class of 2013 - 05/25/13
On the evening of Saturday, May 25, 2013 the St. Tikhon's Community gathered at the St. Michael's Parish Hall in Jermyn, PA for the Annual Banquet honoring this year's graduating class. Students and their families were admitted free courtesy of generous donations from both His Grace, Bishop Michael, Rector of the Seminary, and the Rev. Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery and Interim Dean of the Seminary.
Attendees enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by the faithful of St. Michael's Parish who graciously prepared the hall and served the 100+ guests including students and their families, out of town visitors, members of the Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff of the seminary and memebers of the St. Tikhon's Monastery Brotherhood.
After a few short words of introduction by His Grace Bishop Michael, Igumen Sergius, and Archpriest John Kowalczyk, the graduating seminarians each approached the podium to convey their feelings about their time at St. Tikhon's and impart final words of thanks and encouragement to the Seminary Community. Afterwards, a benediction was offered by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.
The St. Tikhon's Community extends its gratitude to all who helped make this wonderful evening possible and its congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2013! May God Bless each of you as you continue your ministry in whatever capacity you are called.
Ignatius (Robert) Gauvain is Ordained to the Holy Dicaonate - 05/25/13
On Saturday, May 25th, 2013, Ignatius (Robert) Gauvain was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon at the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church in South Canaan, PA.
May God bless the newly ordained Deacon Ignatius and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
On Saturday, May 25, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community began the second day of its Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage with Liturgy in the Monastery Church. During the Liturgy Seminarian Ignatius (Robert) Gauvain was ordained to the Holy Diaconate as well as Seminarian Alexis Baldwin who was ordained to the Sub-diaconate.
Serving at the Liturgy were Metropolitan Tikhon, President of the Seminary; Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk, representative of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow; Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco; Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York & New Jersey, the Rector of the Seminary; Bishop Mark of Baltimore, the Administrator of the Diocese of Eastern PA; Archpriest John Jillions the Chancellor of the OCA; the Reverend Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Interim Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary; and Arch Priest John Kowalczyk, Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern PA and Director of Field Education for St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Serving with them were representative from St. Tikhon’s Monastery, St. Tikhon’s Seminary as well as alumni and friends from the greater Orthodox Community.
After the Liturgy the hierarchs processed from the Seminary Chapel to the steps of the All-Saints of North America Bell-Tower Chapel for the graduation ceremony.
Directly following the graduation ceremony there was a banquet honoring the graduating class of 2013 at St. Michael’s Hall in East Jermyn, PA.
End of Work Week Pizza and Ice-Cream Social - 05/23/13
On Thursday, May 23, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community gathered at John’s Restaurant in Hamlin, PA to participate in the Annual End of Work Week Pizza and Ice-Cream Social.
Having spent the entire week cleaning and preparing the Monastery and Seminary grounds for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend and all of the associated banquets and celebrations, this is a much needed rest before the community opens its doors to the steady stream of pilgrims who visit each year at this time.
For the past two years this event has been held in the seminary dining hall.
A very special thank you is due to Mr. John Paluch (STOTS 1968), (Director of Buildings & Grounds from 1983 to 2010), who hosted this event as he had for many years before his retirement.
OCPM Director Speaks on the Importance of a Ministry that Serves the Needs of the Entire Community - 05/21/13
On Friday, May 17th, the St. Tikhon's Community was pleased to welcome Fr. Stephen Powley, director of OCPM (Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry). Fr. Stephen served as a prison chaplain for over 20 years and came to challenge the students of St. Tikhon's, and Orthodox Christians everywhere, to leave their "Comfort Zones" and to reflect seriously on the place of prison ministry in each of their lives as they prepare for service to the Church.
OCPM ministers to nearly 1,000 men and women who are in prison or who have recently been released. Among them are over 300 catechumens waiting to be received into the Orthodox Faith.
St. Tikhon's extends its sincere thanks to Fr. Stephen for his inspiring lecture.
Thrice-delayed Annual Bright Week Party - 05/21/13
On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 the Sheehan family graciously opened their home to the seminary community for the thrice-delayed annual Bright Week Party. Among the festivities were sack races, ultimate frisbee, multiple plays put on by the community's children, and a large variety of home-cooked dishes. Many thanks to the Sheehan's for organizing this wonderful event!
On Monday, May 20, 2013 the administration, faculty, staff, and graduating class of 2013 gathered with their families at Cafe Ronaldi in Old Forge, PA for the annual Graduate Appreciation Dinner.
This event was generously sponsored by His Grace, Bishop Michael, who was unable to be in attendance because he was traveling abroad.
The gathering enjoyed good food and fellowship. St. Tikhon’s wishes to extend congratulations to the 2013 graduates and their families as they prepare to leave our community to serve the Church in whatever capacity that they have been called.
As it does each year, the seminary community came together this past week to prepare the Seminary and Monastery grounds to receive the great gathering of faithful expected for the 109th Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we are pleased to thank the seminarians, administration, faculty, and staff as well as the countless volunteers who gave of their time and talents to assist in this grace filled labor of love.
Through their hard work and perseverance, they have prepared these hallowed grounds to be a truly welcoming sight and we each look forward to being able to share the beauty with all of our visitors.
On Sunday, May 19th, the wives of the St. Tikhon's Seminary community gathered at the house of second year Seminarian Dan Kirk for a dinner honoring the wives of 2013 graduating class.
The event was very graciously hosted by Mrs. Anne Kirk. With typical aplomb, she set a beautiful table to which the women contributed some of their most delectable creations. Eight women were honored at the dinner. Seven wives of seminarians -- Mat. Veronika Baldwin, Mat. Elizabeth Brown, Mat. Lauren Huggins, Mat. Maria Mackay, Mat. Ruth McPherson, Mat. Patti Morrison, and Mat. Candy Watt -- as well as Simona Irime, the graduating female student.
Fr. Afanasy, from the St. Tikhon's brotherhood, came to speak for a final time to this group and sent them away with words of determination and encouragement. It was a fitting end to the time at seminary for a group of women distinguished by their hospitality and gracefulness, each of them beautiful examples of a Christian woman. Many Years!
St. Tikhon's Continuing Clergy Education Symposium - 05/17/13
In association with our 75th Anniversary Celebration, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to present the 2013 St. Tikhon’s Continuing Clergy Education Symposium to be held from Tuesday evening, June 18, through lunchtime on Thursday, June 20.
The list of speakers to be included in this year’s symposium includes:
1) "The Exploration and Development of the Ministry of Presence" -- Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Practice, Director of Field Education, Saint Tikhon's Seminary – Tuesday, June 18, 6:30 p.m.The Ministry of Presence: "When two or three are gathered in My name, I am in their midst" (Matt. 18:20). The Orthodox pastor explores the "prayerful ministry of presence" with the application of the theology of the sanctification of time. The presentation will aid the Orthodox pastor in navigating in difficult pastoral scenarios which will be found "outside his comfort zone." 2) "Sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy house..." -- Igumen Sergius (Bowyer), Abbot of Saint Tikhon's Monastery and Interim Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary – Wednesday, June 19, 9:00 a.m.Perspectives on Living the Liturgy: The course outcome is to have a renewed appreciation and love for the Divine Liturgy and Liturgical life of the Church with the understanding that it is the school whereby we are initiated into the mystery of eternal life. The lecture will focus on Biblical-Patristic sources to enlighten the listeners as to the centrality of the Church's Liturgical life while hopefully gaining a greater understanding of how they are the primary tool for the Church's outreach and evangelism. 3) "Exorcism: A Current Perspective" -- Archimandrite Athanasy, monk of St. Tikhon's Monastery – Wednesday, June 19, 1:00 p.m.The course will look at an overview of ancient and modern understandings of exorcism, the purpose of the exorcism prayers, how to discern case by case what issues might be affecting an individual's and when and when not to consider an exorcism, the importance of having recourse to the Bishop, and modern medicine, and resources for discernment and contextual applications. 4) "Transforming Psychological States into Spiritual Ones: Some Practical Advice from the Fathers" -- Christopher Veniamin, D.Phil. (Oxon.), Professor of Patristics, St. Tikhon's Seminary – Wednesday, June 19, 6:30 p.m.How do we live as Christians? Or perhaps a better way of framing the question would be, How do we die every day as disciples of Christ in this broken world of ours? This presentation aims to give some practical advice on living the commandments of Christ, based on the theology of the Church Fathers. 5) "The Glory of Christ-Centered Marriage" -- David Ford, Ph.D., Professor of Church History, St. Tikhon's Seminary –Thursday, June 20, 9:00 a.m.A brief study of various Church Fathers and contemporary elders extolling the glory of Christ-centered marriage - especially in light of the various attacks on and increasing confusion about traditional marriage in our society as a whole. In particular, we will undertake a close study of Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra's classic sermon entitled "Marriage: The Great Sacrament." References will also be made to the Lives of the Married Saints. All courses are available for Clergy Continuing Education credit, as approved by Archpriest Ian Pac-Urar. Cost, which includes room and board, is $50.00 per person. SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE *** Tuesday, June 18 4:30 p.m. Vespers in the monastery church 5:30 p.m. Dinner in the seminary refectory 6:30 p.m. First Lecture: "The Exploration and Development of the Ministry of Presence" – Archpriest John Kowalczyk *** Wednesday, June 19 7:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy in the monastery church 8:30 a.m. Breakfast in the seminary refectory 9:00 a.m. Second Lecture: "Sanctify Those Who Love the Beauty of Thy House…" – Igumen Sergius, Abbot 12:15 p.m. Lunch in the seminary refectory 1:00 p.m. Third Lecture: "Exorcism: A Current Perspective" – Archimandrite Athanasy 4:30 p.m. Vespers in the monastery church 5:30 p.m. Dinner in the seminary refectory 6:30 p.m. Fourth Lecture: "Transforming Psychological States Into Spiritual Ones: Some Practical Advice From the Fathers" – Dr. Christopher Veniamin *** Thursday, June 20 7:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy in the monastery church 8:30 a.m. Breakfast in the seminary refectory 9:00 a.m. Fifth Lecture: "The Glory of Christ-Centered Marriage" – Dr. David Ford 12:15 p.m. Lunch in the seminary refectory
The symposium is a service provided by the faculty of Saint Tikhon's Seminary to facilitate the continuing education of priests and deacons as mandated by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America.
On Thursday, May 16, 2013 students, faculty, and family members from the St. Tikhon's community gathered at the Western Wayne High School softball field where they kicked off seven innings of intense athletic spectacle.
The off-campus students and faculty took the win with a score of 19-7. Mirth and good feelings prevailed. The St. Tikhon's community wishes to thank Western Wayne High for the use of their field, as well as Abbot Sergius and the Monastery Brotherhood for purchasing the sporting equipment and food for the event.
Due to it’s popularity, plans are already being made include this event as part of our regular cycle of community activities.
75th Anniversary Year-Long Lecture Series Continues - 05/13/13
On Monday May 13, 2013 the seminary was pleased to have The V. Rev. Fr. Edward Hughes, Vicar General of the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate as a guest of the Seminary.
Fr. Edward celebrated Matins and the Divine Liturgy according to the Western Rite usage in the school chapel. He also provided a thoughtful lecture on the place of the Western Rite for Orthodoxy in America.
The seminary would like to thank all who participated in the services and attended the lecture. The seminary would especially like to thank Fr. Edward for making the trip to South Canaan, PA to speak to us.
This years Pascha Party was hosted by the Tekosis family. Avery special thanks to Dn. Panayiotis Tekosis and his wife Mat. Kathryn for openiing up their home for our annual Pascha Party. There was children's activities, sports, singing, and some of the most delicious steak ever prepared on a grill!
The Noble Joseph, when he had taken down thine immaculate body from the tree, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth with spices, and
sorrowing placed it in a new tomb.
When thou, O immortal life, went down to death, thou didst destroy death by the dazzling of thy Divinity. And when thou raised the dead from the underworld, all the powers of heaven cried aloud: O Christ our God, Giver of life, Glory to thee.
Of Your Mystical Supper, O Son of God, / Accept me today as a communicant. / For I will not speak of Your mysteries to Your enemies, / Neither like Judas will I give You a kiss, / But like the thief will I confess You. / Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!
Troparion — Tone 4
By Your precious blood, / You have redeemed us from the curse of the law. / By being nailed to the cross and pierced by a spear, / You have poured forth immortality for man. / O our Savior, glory to You!
Kontakion — Tone 8
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him who was crucified for us, / For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree: / Though You do endure the cross, You are my Son and my God!
The St. Tikhon's Community was honored to have His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon back with us for the Great and Holy Wednesday Services.
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night, and blessed is that servant whom He shall find watching; and again unworthy is he whom He shall find heedless. Beware, therefore, O my soul, lest thou be overcome with sleep, lest thou be given up to death, and be shut out from the Kingdom. But rouse thyself and cry: Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, O God, through the Mother of God, have mercy on us.
Thy bridal chamber, O my Saviour, do I behold all adorned, and a garment I have not that I may enter therein. Illumine the garment of my soul, O Giver of Light, and save me.
Impromptu Lecture Series at Monastery Features Students and Faculty of Seminary - 04/30/13
During the month of April, a series of informal talks was given in the trapeza (church hall) of the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church during the Coffee Hour. The general theme of the series was "The Place of the Bible in Our Church." The series was well received by the parishioners of the Monastery Church.
On April 7, Dr. David Ford spoke about the Canonization process of the 27 books of the New Testament. The following Sunday, Dn. Theophan Warren, a first-year Seminarian, explained how seeing the crucial need for Holy Tradition to provide the proper interpretation of the Bible helped to bring him into the Orthodox Church from Protestantism. Then on April 21, Dr. Mary Ford presented various interesting facts about the New Testament. And for the final session of the series, newly ordained Fr. David Morrison, a third-year student, told the fascinating story of how he and his family moved from Evangelical Protestantism into Holy Orthodoxy. A professional musician, he began his presentation with singing one of his own songs.
75th Anniversary Commencement Speaker Announced - 04/29/13
In honor of our 75th Anniversary Celebration the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary in cooperation with the Administration, Faculty, and Staff, is pleased to announce that this year's Commencement speaker will be alumnus Archpriest Daniel K. Donlick (STOTS 1965).
Father Daniel's achievements during his time as Academic Dean of our seminary include on particularly outstanding success: his great labor which in large measure contributed to our seminary being granted the right to bestow the Master of Divinity degree, as well as much of the labor and preparation that went towards readying the seminary to recieve its eventual full membership status from the of the Association of Theological Schools in 2004.
Father Daniel worked many hours for weeks on end in order to prepare the seminary for the evaluations that led to the above achievements. However, he did not feel that this was his most important work, but that his efforts towards fulfilling the seminary's stated mission - namely the preparation of young men to serve the Church in the holy priesthood and as church workers - was his most important duty, more important even than the work towards academic credentials. As he saw it, his duty as Academic Dean was to help students in any way possible - whomever God might send to the school - to be successful in their desire to serve the Lord and His Holy Church. This was the essence of his approach to his work and in this he encourages all to continue.
Father Daniel's service to the seminary began long before his time as Academic Dean. He served as Director of Admissions, and as part-time faculty member from 1971 to 1977. From 1978, he was the Seminary Registrar and was appointed Academic Dean in 1988.
Father Daniel also served the faithful of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. In 1965, he was assigned to St. Nicholas Church in Olyphant. This followed shortly after his marriage to Delores Marie Bowers and his ordination by Bishop Kiprian. In 1971, he began serving St. Michael's Church in Jermyn, and under his direction, the Good Samaritan Society was organized for the purpose of promoting Christian growth and development through education and charitable projects and programs within the parish and in the community. He also served as Orthodox chaplain at Fairview State Hospital in Waymart, Pa. He was elevated to Archpriest in 1975 by Archbishop Kiprian. In 1978, ill health forced him to relinquish parish duties. He was assigned, however, as rector of the Holy Trinity Mission in Stroudsberg, which he served until 1986, when once again for health reasons, he was compelled to take a leave of absences from this post. (Biographical information taken from 1994 Tikhonaire)
Fr. Daniel continues to serve the St. Tikhon's Community, faithfully contributing to the spiritual formation and growth of the young men and women who come to offer their lives at the feet of Christ's Holy Church. It is this same offering of self for the needs of the faithful that Fr. Daniel has made his life's work .
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Thy passion, Thou didst confirm the universal resurrection, O Christ God! Like the children with the branches of victory, we cry out to Thee, O Vanquisher of Death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord! (Troparion).
Mission Choir Visit the Faithful of Christ the Saviour in Harrisburg, PA - 04/21/13
On Sunday, April 21st the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir made their annual visit to Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, PA. The choir, under the direction of Benedict Sheehan, prayerfully sang the responses at the Divine Liturgy and edified our entire community - strengthening them for the remaining two week of the Great and Holy Fast.
We also welcomed our "adopted" seminary family, Deacon Matthew, M. Elizabeth, Elias and Genevieve Brown. Dn. Matthew offered a wonderful homily reminding us that our Lord, as a loving Father, redirects our often "worldly" petitions. He shows us a more excellent way, the way of the Cross, and offers us to drink of this cup for our salvation.
We pray that God will guide, direct, and build-up St. Tikhon Seminary for the glory of God, and the vitality of His Church! Our parishioners are already looking forward to their visit next year!
(Article written by Fr. Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) Priest Christ the Saviour Parish Harrisburg, PA.
Memory Eternal the Reverend Dimitri Ratchko - 04/21/13
The Reverend Dimitri Ratchko (STOTS 1950), an alumnus of St. Tikhon's Seminary, fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, April 21. He reposed peacefully with his loving family by his side. He was 84 years old.
The St. Tikhon's community humbly offers its prayers and condolences to his family.
Representatives from the monastery brotherhood got a headstart on the beautification preparations for the Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage. Over the course of a week, several monks worked tirelessly to remove the old pink coat of paint and replace it with a springtime yellow that matches the recently renovated front of the building.
Axios! Axios! Axios! St. Tikhon's Community Enjoys Day of Ordinations - 04/20/13
On Saturday, April 20, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community witnessed the Ordination of Dn. David Morrison to the Holy Priesthood as well as Edward Batchko to Diaconate.
Also on Saturday both Jessie Dominick and Paul McDonald were tonsured Reader.
All four of these were performed by the hand of the Rector of the Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael and were performed at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church in South Canaan, PA.
Also on Saturday, April 20 at St. Gregorios Malankara Orthodox Church in Rochester, Michigan, seminarian Shinto David was ordained to the Sub-Diaconate by His Grace Alexios Mar Eusebius, Metropolitan of the Diocese of South-West America of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
May God’s Blessings be upon each and every one of the newly ordained and their families as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
75th Anniversary Tikhonaire Ad Sponsorship Reminder - 04/19/13
This weekend April 20-21, 2013 is the last opportunity that you or your parish community will have to have your sponsorship included in this years 75th Anniversary Tikhonaire. If you have not already mailed in your sponsorship but whould still like to have your name included in this very special anniversary edition, you may email your request at this time to
Be sure to include how you would like your sponsorship listed. Remeber there is an eighty character limit as there has been for the last several years however this year the adds will be appearing not only at the bottom of the sponsored page but also listed in the Benefactors and Beautifiers section at the end of the volume.
April 25 Fr. Sergius to Speak at Clergy Retreat in Ansonia, CT - 04/16/13
On Thursday, April 25, 2013 Fr. Sergius (Bowyer), Interim Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery will be speaking at the a clergy retreat hosted by Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, CT.
St. Tikhon's Women's Group Enjoys Third Springtime Lecture - 04/16/13
On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Archimandrite Athanassy (Mastalsky), Lecturer in Pastoral Arts and Praxis at St. Tikhon's Seminary, spoke to the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group.
The women enjoyed a refreshing question and answer time covering a wide range of topics.
75th Anniversary Event: Seminary Community Enjoys Lunchtime Lecture by Fr. Theodore Petrides - 04/09/13
On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 our Seminary community had the honor and blessing to hear the practical wisdom and experience the calm presence of Fr. Theodore Petrides, the Greek Orthodox priest of Holy Cross Church in Stroudsburg, PA, as he spoke in two classes and at lunch.
At the invitation of Dr. David Ford, in the America and Orthodoxy course, Fr. Theodore spoke about his experiences growing up in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in the 1960s and '70s, attending Holy Cross Seminary in the '80s, and serving as the parish priest in Stroudsburg for the past 17 years.
Then in the Parish Administration/Canon Law, Fr. Theodore spoke about how the canons of the Church have impacted his priestly ministry, and how he sees them as highly beneficial in pastoral ministry when their spirit is followed therapeutically on a case by case basis.
Then at lunch, at the invitation of our Interim Dean, Fr. Sergius, Fr. Theodore spoke about prayer as being "a mirror of the soul." He encouraged us to let God's light and truth illumine our inner being, to help us to see our sins more clearly and to be cleansed of them through forthright, thorough confession.
We thank Fr. Theodore for the wisdom he shared and for the grace of his presence among us, and we look forward to his next visit to St. Tikhon's.
(Article By Dr. David Ford Proffessor of Church History, St. Tikhon's Seminary)
Mission Choir Visit the Faithful of St. Andrews in Maple Heights, OH - 04/06/13
On April 6 and 7, 2013 The St. Tikhon's Mission choir was honored to have the opportunity to sing Vespers and the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Maple Heights, Ohio.
The choir was warmly received by the parishoners, who graciously prepared a crab cake feast for the singers after Liturgy. Before their return trip, the students were also able to visit the pastor and Board of Trustee member, Fr. Emilyan Hutnyan (STOTS 1992) in the hospital, where he was recovering from surgery.
The Saint Tikhon's community wishes to extend its sincere thanks to St. Andrews parish and especially to the members who opened up their homes to the individual choir members.
Our continued prayers are with Fr. Emilyan for a quick recovery.
Archivist for National Church Comes to Seminary for Annual Visit - 04/02/13
On Tuesday, April 2, Mr. Alexis Liberovsky, the Archivist of the OCA, came to St. Tikhon's with his wife Zina. In Dr. David Ford's America and Orthodoxy course, Mr. Liberovsky gave a fascinating, comprehensive presentation with slides on the history of Russian Orthodoxy in North America from the founding of the mission in Alaska in 1794 up to the present, with emphasis on the process leading up to and culminating in the bestowal of autocephaly to the OCA by the Patriarchate of Moscow in 1970.
This presentation has been an annual event for the past ten years or so, and we look forward to his giving it again in the next rendition of the course one year from now.
Mr. Liberovsky also made a guest appearance in the Parish Administration/Canon Law course, adding to the discussion on a number of the 85 Apostolic Canons.
Mission Choir Visit the Faithful of Christ the Saviour in Paramus, NJ - 03/31/13
On March 31, 2013, the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, Mission Choir sang the Divine Liturgy at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Paramus, NJ. Fr. David Vernak, the parish's rector, presided at the Liturgy, and Fr. John Nehrebecki, the parish's former rector, concelebrated.
The choir's visit has become something of an annual tradition over the years, and, as always, the seminarians were warmly received and copiously fed!
During fellowship after Liturgy, the parish presented St. Tikhon's with several generous donations, including one towards a new Seminary kitchen in honor of Fr. Alexander Atty.
Seminary Community Enjoys Lenten Lecture from Visiting Hierarch - 03/28/13
On Thursday, March 28, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community was blessed with a visit from His Grace Nicholas (Ozone), auxiliary bishop for Brooklyn, and assistant to His Eminence Philip, archbishop of New York and metropolitan of All North America of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
His Grace Bishop Nicholas spoke to the entire student body and encouraged them towards diligence in their fasting efforts during this Lenten season. He added “There are some places you will go where their leaders will tell them to only give up chocolate or television. This is a great disservice. The majority of us are not called to be monastic, but we are all called to be ascetical.”
After the lunchtime lecture His Grace met individually with each of the students from the Antiochian Archdiocese.
75th Anniversary Event: St. Tikhon’s Hosts Lecture by Author Klaus Kenneth - 03/26/13
On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Community was honored to host world-renowned author and lecturer Klaus Kenneth.
Mr Kenneth, whose books have been translated into nine languages, delivered an impassioned speech detailing his spiritual journey that took him through several different religions and systems of thought and eventually lead to his discovery of Orthodox Christianity.
More information about his conversion can be found in his highly acclaimed book, Born to Hate, Reborn to Love offered by Mt. Tabor Publishing and available for order via the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore.
Today is the beginning of our salvation, / The revelation of the eternal mystery! / The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin / As Gabriel announces the coming of Grace. / Together with him let us cry to the Theotokos: / Rejoice, O Full of Grace, / The Lord is with You!
Kontakion — Tone 8
O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! / We, your servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to you, O Theotokos! / As you possess invincible might, set us free from every calamity / So that we may sing: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!
St. Tikhon’s Community Begins Great Fast as One - 03/24/13
On Monday, March 11th, the St. Tikhon’s Community began preparing for the Great Fast which would begin the following week with a lunchtime lecture by His Grace Bishop Mechisedek Bishop of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania.
His Grace admonished the community to begin the fast thoughtfully and prayerfully with “measured steps,” keeping in mind that all things must be accomplished with an attitude of love.
The following day Tuesday, March 12th both the seminary and monastery joined together during the lunch hour in a meal of pizza and ice cream, sponsored by His Grace Bishop Michael, the Rector of the Seminary. It was here that Fr. Sergius, acting dean of the seminary, reviewed the responsibilities of the seminarian’s participation in the Holy Services throughout the Great Fast.
Here he reiterated the words of instruction given the day before stressing the significance of both a humbleness of heart and a genuine love of neighbor are for any ascetic undertaking.
After classes on Tuesday, March 12th the student body was dismissed for the Pre-Lenten break that would end at the beginning of Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, March 17th.
On Monday, March 18th, Clean Week began as it always has at St. Tikhon’s, with the Midnight Office in the Monastery Church. No classes are scheduled for the first week of Great Lent and the students, instead, participated in the entire monastic cycle of services each day. Classes resume on Tuesday, March 26th.
We venerate Your most pure image, O Good One, / and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ God. / Of Your own will You were pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh / to deliver Your creatures from bondage to the enemy. / Therefore with thanksgiving we cry aloud to You: / You have filled all with joy, O our Savior, / by coming to save the world.
Kontakion — Tone 8
No one could describe the Word of the Father; / but when He took flesh from you, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described, / and restored the fallen image to its former beauty. / We confess and proclaim our salvation in word and images.
The Board of Trustees of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA ( announces a vacancy in the office of Dean, to be filled effective July 1, 2013. Applications, nominations, and expressions of interest for the position of Dean are now being accepted.
Saint Tikhon’s Seminary is an institution of professional Orthodox Christian theological education, affiliated with the Orthodox Church in America, chartered by the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and nationally accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. St. Tikhon’s Seminary offers the Master of Divinity degree and a certificate in diaconal formation studies.
The primary purpose of the Seminary is to provide the necessary theological, spiritual, and moral foundation for Orthodox men to become good shepherds of Christ’s Holy Orthodox Church and for others to pursue advanced theological study and personal enrichment.
Dean’s Role
The Dean is the Chief Operating Officer of the Seminary. The Dean manages and oversees all spiritual, educational, communal, financial, and legal activities of the Seminary. The Dean represents the Seminary before all agencies – ecclesiastical, educational, and civil – to which it is accountable.
Candidates for the position of Dean of the Seminary should be deeply rooted in the Orthodox Faith, possess the general qualifications for a full-time position on the Seminary faculty, and hold a terminal degree. They should have demonstrated success in exercising effective spiritual, academic, pastoral, administrative, and developmental leadership skills as well as the ability to communicate the vision of the Seminary and to interact effectively with the entire Seminary community, constituencies, supporters, donors, and potential students.
Applications should include a detailed letter demonstrating the candidate’s suitability for the position, a current curriculum vitae, and a list of the names and contact information of at least three (3) individuals who have agreed to serve as references. All communications will be held in strictest confidence.
Completed applications are to be mailed to: Dean Search Committee; Michael Herzak, Chairman; 6709 Springview Drive, Independence, Ohio 44131 (e-mail:, and received no later than May 15, 2013, at which time the formal review of applications by the Search Committee will commence.
Committee Membership
The Search Committee consists of His Grace, Bishop Michael, Rector; Michael Herzak, Board Chair; Igumen Sergius, Acting Dean; Archpriest Theodore Boback, Alumni President; Harry Boosalis, Ph.D., Regular Faculty; Alexander Bratic, JD, Board Member; Leda Dzwonczyk, Board Secretary; Mary Ford, Ph.D., Regular Faculty; Moses Hibbard, Student Government Vice-President; Jason Rossiter, JD, Legal Counsel; Eli Stavisky, DMD, Board Vice-Chair; and Archpriest David Shewczyk, Adjunct Faculty.
Bishop Michael Meets with Seminary Wives - 03/11/13
His Grace, Bishop Michael, met with seminary wives on Monday evening, March 11 for a lecture and Q&A session. His Grace answered many questions, including the role of the priest and the matushka, children in church, the grace bestowed upon a priest, and balancing parish life and family life. Above all, he encouraged the ladies to seek Christ in every step of their journey and not to fear, but to pray and trust God with the future, whatever it may hold.
The seminary wives look forward to the next wives lecture, to be announced soon.
Seminary Women's Group Comes Together for "Crafty" Celebration - 03/09/13
On Saturday, March 9, 2013 the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group came together to participate in what can only be described as a celebration of artistic ingenuity. Each of them brought “crafty” examples of a particular talent or interest they have and gave a short presentation to the group
There were 13 presentations made over the two hour gathering including, interior design, small animal husbandry, hugelkultur raised garden beds, all-natural homemade lip balm, homemade healing creams, knitting/crocheting and Naalbinding (ancient Swedish knitting technique), cross stitch, homemade French macaroons, recycled t-shirt grocery bags, cake decorating with buttercream icing roses, authentic Arabic-style hummus, juicing for health and wellness.
It was a wonderful student sponsored event that allowed everyone to share creatively of themselves to help enrich one another’s common life here at the seminary.
UPDATED: Board of Trustees Announces Dean Search and Appoints Interim Dean - 03/08/13
The Board of Trustees has announced that they have officially appointed the search committee to hire the next Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary. More details to follow.
The Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary has also appointed Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, as the Acting Dean of the seminary until a new Dean can been found.
As acting Dean Fr. Sergius will report directly to the Rector of the Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael.
Board of Trustees Meeting, March 8, 2013 [Press Release] [South Canaan, PA]
The Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary gathered in South Canaan for their spring meeting, March 7-8. All of the Committees of the Board met on Thursday, March 7, and full Board deliberations were conducted on Friday, March 8. Actions of the Board included reports from all committees, adoption of the 2014 budget, and several personnel changes and announcements. This was the first meeting of the Board which His Beatitude, Metropolitan TIKHON, attended as President of the Seminary.
With the full consent of the Board of Trustees, Igumen Sergius (Bowyer), Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, has been named Interim Dean of the Seminary. He will report to His Grace, Bishop Michael, Rector. The Board is pleased to have an alumnus with many years of experience at the Seminary available to serve in this capacity until a new permanent dean is found. A search committee with representation from the Board, Administration, Faculty, the Monastery, and the student body has been named and will soon begin to search for a suitable candidate for the position of Dean of the Seminary.
At the meeting, His Grace, the Rt. Rev. Michael (Dahulich), Ph.D., was promoted by unanimous decision to the rank of Full Professor. In addition to his duties as Diocesan Bishop of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of the Seminary, Bishop Michael maintains a heavy teaching schedule and has been on the Seminary’s faculty since 1994. He teaches in and chairs the Scripture Department. The Board was pleased to recognize him for all his many years of service to the Seminary as well as the quality of his teaching.
In financial matters, Treasurer David Jarrett and CFO V. Rev. Dennis Swencki presented the 2013 YTD financial report as well as the 2014 Budget. The Board accepted the 2014 Budget. Reports were also given from committees on Married Student Housing, Strategic Planning, Building and Grounds, Development and Public Affairs, and Human Resources.
The 75th Anniversary Committee also met and presented a full schedule of activities for the months ahead. An Anniversary Celebration is scheduled for Thursday, October 10, 2013. Activities for the day include a morning Academic Convocation, Panikhida and Molieben services at the Monastery Church at 3:00 PM: and a Reception and Grand Banquet, at 5:00 PM at Fiorelli’s, Peckville, PA. Other Anniversary celebrations and commemorations, including activities during the Annual St. Tikhon's Pilgrimage, will be posted on this website.
In other personnel news, David Ford, Ph.D., Professor of Church History, was granted a sabbatical for 2014. Paul Chernay, a member of the Board of Trustees for many years, was named Trustee Emeritus.
The Seminary community took the opportunity of Metropolitan Tikhon’s return to the Seminary to honor him with a dinner on Thursday evening at the Seminary auditorium. Several Board members were in attendance and Board Chair, Michael Herzak offered the appreciation and well wishes of all the trustees to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, whose primatial duties now include serving as President of the Seminary.
The next meeting of the Board will be held May 23-24, 2013.
Seminary Comes Together to Celebrate Life and Legacy of Metropolitan Tikhon - 03/07/13
On Thursday, March 7, 2013, the St. Tikhon's Seminary came together to celebrate the life and legacy of His Beatitude, Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All-America and Canada.
It was a heartfelt and emotional evening with representatives from the Board of Trustees, Faculty, Alumni, and student body all sharing stories from His Beatitude's time living within the St. Tikhon's Community.
For over two decades His Beatitude has served the Orthodox Church faithfully from within the community of St. Tikhon’s. During his many years he has served as an instructor, a choir director, a novice, an editor, an assistant abbot, a bread and candlestick maker, a confessor, a church cleaner, an Abbot, a publisher, a grass-cutter, a painter, a Bishop, an Archbishop, a Rector, but most importantly a spiritual father and inspiration to hundreds of faithful here and throughout the country.
Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and the Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, served as the Master of Ceremonies at the event, which was also attended by Bp. Mark, Administrator of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, and Fr. John Jillions, the Chancellor of the OCA. Music was provided by Harry and the Dogmatix, led by Dr. Harry Boosalis, Professor of Dogmatics at the Seminary.
Bishop Tikhon was born Marc R. Mollard in Boston, MA on July 15, 1966, the oldest of three children born to Francois and Elizabeth Mollard. After brief periods living in Connecticut, France, and Missouri, he and his family settled in Reading, PA, where he graduated from Wyomissing High School in 1984. In 1988 he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in French and Sociology from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, after which he moved to Chicago.
In 1989 he was received into the Orthodox Church from Episcopalianism and, in the fall of the same year, he began studies at Saint Tikhon's Seminary, South Canaan, PA. One year later he entered the monastic community at Monastery of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk as a novice.
After receiving his Master of Divinity degree from Saint Tikhon's Seminary in 1993, he was appointed instructor in Old Testament at Saint Tikhon's Seminary. He continues to serve as Senior Lecturer in Old Testament, teaching Master level courses in the Prophets and the Psalms and Wisdom Literature. He is also an instructor in the seminary's Extension Studies program, offering courses in the lives of the Old Testament saints, the liturgical use of the Old Testament, and the Old Testament in patristic literature.
Bishop Tikhon collaborated with Igumen Alexander (Golitzin) in the publication of "The Living Witness of the Holy Mountain," published by Saint Tikhon's Seminary Press, by illustrating this classic book about Mount Athos.
In 1995 he was tonsured to the Lesser Schema by then Archbishop Herman, and given the name Tikhon, in honor of Saint Patriarch Tikhon, Enlightener of North America. Later that year he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate and Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery. In 1998 he was elevated to the rank of Igumen, and in 2000 to the rank of Archimandrite.
In December 2002, he was appointed by Metropolitan Herman to serve as Deputy Abbot of Saint Tikhon's Monastery.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman presided at the consecration of Archimandrite Tikhon to the episcopacy at the Monastery of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk on Saturday, February 14, 2004.
Hundreds of faithful from PA, NY, NJ, MD, OH, and VA poured into St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre, PA this past Sunday, March 3, 2013 to participate in this much anticipated event.
This historic vocal ensemble assembled in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of both St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s Seminaries and featuring singers from both schools as well as singers from Holy Trinity (Jordanville), who are celebrating their 65th Anniversary, and the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Community. This event marks the first time that singers from each of these institutions have collaborated musically, but as St. Tikhon’s Choir director Benedict Sheehan remarks, “We hope that the success of this event will mark a new era of cooperation between the music departments of all three seminaries.”
The choir was led by renowned music instructor and choir director Vladimir Gorbik who in his closing remarks thanked everyone for their participation in the Masters Class and for all the hard work put forth by the participants. In the days leading up to the concert, the students participated in a grueling rehearsal schedule, meeting three times daily, as well as singing for the Vigil and Liturgy Services at the monastery church.
Vladimir Gorbik (b. 1970) began his musical studies in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and continued them at the Moscow State Conservatory, completing a specialization in choral conducting in 1998 and in orchestral conducting in 2000. Since 1996 he has served as the choral director at the Moscow Representation Church (Metochion or Podvorye) of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery, and since 1998 has been Artistic Director and Conductor of the professional men’s chorus formed at the Metochion. With this choir he has made over a dozen outstanding recordings of both liturgical services and concert programs. The choir has on numerous occasions sung at Patriarchal services in the Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, and accompanied Patriarch Alexy II on his trip to the Holy Land. The repertoire of the Metochion’s Men’s Chorus cultivates the finest repertoire and interpretive traditions of the Moscow School and the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. Videos of their choral performances may be seen on YouTube: TSL Podvorye CHOIR. In September of 2012, Vladimir was appointed to the Conducting Faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory. (Taken from
Closing remarks were offered by the Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary, Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey. In praising the choir under the direction of Maestro Gorbik, His Grace said how incredible it was for 25 individual male voices, in 4 separate parts, to join "in harmony" to produce such a masterpiece of a concert. He added that it reminds us how together our three distinct seminaries can work together "in harmony" to promote Orthodox theological education in our country and to spiritually form the future leaders of our Holy Church.
The concert performance received five standing ovations and the singers were called back to give four encores during this live recording event that is slotted to be released as a live recording on CD sometime in the near future.
Video of the event is currently being processed and uploaded and will be added to this post as it becomes available.
75th Anniversary Event: Master Class Hard at Work in Preparation for Big Event - 03/02/13
The Master class has been following a rigorous schedule of practices in preperation for Sundays event. This anticipated concert being held in connection with St. Tikhon's and St. Vladimir's 75th, and Holy Trinity's 65th, Anniversary Celebrations will occur this Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 6:30 pm at St. Stephen's Episcopal Cathedral, 35 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA. Tickets are still available and can be purchased at St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore.
All are invited to St. Tikhon's Monastery Church tonight for Vigil. There will be a short meal after and then a public lecture with Vladimir Gorbik. Tomorrow the Master class choir will sing the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy and then all will meet in Wilkesbarre for the concert.
This is a history-in-the-making-event which will feature singers from St. Tikhon's, St. Vladimir's, and Holy Trinty (Jordanville) Seminaries all coming together under the direction of renowned russian choir master Vladimir Gorbik.
Recently, in preperation for the event, a represenative from the St. Tikhon's Community sat down with the local public radio feature "ArtScene" at WVIA to discuss the significance of this historic concert production.
75th Anniversary Event: March 26, 2013 Author Klaus Kenneth to Speak at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 03/01/13
On Tuesday, March 26, 2013, at 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Klaus Kenneth, author of Born to Hate Reborn to Love, will give an Open Talk to the community, entitled "My Spiritual Odyssey from Head to Heart", in the Auditorium of St Tikhon's Seminary.
April 20 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Lead Diocesan Lenten Retreat - 02/26/13
On Saturday, April 20, 2013,Dr. Christopher Veniamin will lead the annual Lenten Clergy-Laity Retreat for Bishop Melchisedek Pleska, of the Diocese of Western PA, at St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Allison Park PA. The retreat will begin with Liturgy at 9:00 AM, the first lecture will begin at 11:00 AM, with the retreat concluding at 3:00 PM.
April 5 - 6 Dr. Harry Boosalis to Lead Lenten Retreat in Detroit, MI - 02/26/13
Dr. Harry Boosalis will lead a Lenten Retreat at the Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church in Livonia, MI on April 5 and 6. The Retreat will focus on the spiritual teachings of St. Silouan of Mount Athos and his disciple, Elder Sophrony.
March 31 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to be Keynote Speaker - 02/26/13
On March 31, 2013, the Sunday of St Gregory Palamas, Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be the keynote speaker at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Westchester IL, for their annual "Celebration of Books" This week-long annual event is in its 29th year and is one of the more anticipated pan-orthodox gatherings in the Chicago area.
Dr. Christopher will also offer the sermon during the Sunday Liturgy, on St. Gregory Palamas, and also a presentation, entitled, "St Gregory Palamas and the Second Sunday of Great Lent", which will be given following Great Compline later that same day.
March 23-24 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Speak in Miami Florida - 02/26/13
On Saturday, March 23, 2013 Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be leading a retreat together with Klaus Kenneth, at the OCA Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Miami, Florida. The retreat is scheduled to begin with Divine Liturgy in the morning and will run until Vespers. Mr. Kenneth will be speaking on his journey to the Orthodox Faith as featured in his book Born to Hate Reborn to Love: A Spiritual Odyssey from Head to Heart. At 1:30 Dr. Christopher will begin speaking on "The Life and Teaching of Elder Sophrony of Essex."
On Sunday, March 24, 2013 Dr. Christopher has also been asked to offer the Homily for Pan-Orthodox Vespers, also at Christ the Saviour in Miami. The title of which will simply be "The Sunday of Orthodoxy".
March 15-16 V. Rev. John Kowalczyk to Lead Lenten Retreat in Minneapolis, MN - 02/26/13
The Very Reverend John Kowalczyk will lead a Lenten Retreat entitled: The Sanctity of Life from the Womb to the Tomb at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN on Friday, March 15-16, 2013.
For the first time in three years the St. Tikhon’s basketball team was narrowly defeated by its sister school, St. Vladimir’s. In a game that saw almost constant lead changes in the last two quarters the victory came down to a couple of timely three-point shots, one at the end of the half and the other with 5 seconds left on the clock to win the game for St. Vladimir’s
We would like to thank St. Vladimir’s for their hospitality in hosting the event this year and look forward to next t year and another opportunity for our two schools to come together in a spirit of camaraderie and collegial fellowship.
We would also like to thank all those who had a hand in making this game possible but most importantly to those team members who have tirelessly sacrificed their time and bodies to keep this annually renewed athletic rivalry one of the most anticipated events of the school year.
2012-2013 St. Tikhons Seminary Basketball Team
Alex Koranda #12, Gabriel Bilas #49, Khader Baramki #1, Gregory Levitsky #37, John Andoun #9, Michael Lillie #33, Dn. David Morrison #21, Dmitry Bolbot #24, Michael Skor #7, Fr. Benjamin Huggins #17, Michael Danhofer #32.
Feb. 21-23 V. Rev. John Kowalczyk to Assist in Planning of National Convocation - 02/11/13
The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Secretary of the Board of OCPM (Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry) will be attending the Bi-Annual Board Meeting from February 21, to February 23 2013 in Houston, Texas.
The Board of Directors will be planning theAnnual Convocation to be held this year in Atlanta, Georgia in September. OCPM is a Pan-Orthodox Organization under the Assembly of Bishops in North America.
Fr. John is the Director of Field Education for St. Tikhon's Seminary, and has been involved in Prison Ministry as Forensic Chaplain at SCI -Waymart for the Past 27 years.
More information will be forthcoming on the Convocation as it develops.
Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty Steps Down as Dean and Chief Operating Officer - 02/06/13
It is with heavy hearts that the St. Tikhon’s community learned of the Very Reverend Dr. Alexander Atty’s decision to step down as Dean and Chief Operating Officer of the Seminary due to issues of illness. In a statement released to the community on Tuesday evening, Father Alexander said: “I feel at this time that my physical struggles make it impossible for me to devote the time and energy necessary to the Seminary and, most importantly, to the student body.”
Father Alexander went onto describe the great blessings he had received in serving the students of the Seminary and asked for the community’s prayers for both him and his family. The St. Tikhon’s community wishes Father Alexander all of God’s choicest blessings as he undergoes medical treatment, and asks for the prayer’s of the entire Church.
Included below are a few words by the President of the Seminary, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the Rector of the Seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael.
UPDATE: Seminary to Host Master Class with Internationally Acclaimed Choirmaster Vladimir Gorbik - 02/05/13
As part of its 75th Anniversary celebration, St. Tikhon's Seminary will host a rigorous three-day master class for select student choirs of three of America’s premier Orthodox Christian seminaries—St. Tikhon’s Seminary, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and Holy Trinity Seminary—from February 28 to March 3, 2013 with world-renowned Moscow choirmaster Vladimir Gorbik. As the culmination of the master class, the combined seminary choirs will perform a concert of Russian Orthodox liturgical music, sung primarily in English. This combined choir will be singing together as a single ensemble for the first time in the histories of these venerable institutions, who are this year celebrating their 75th, 75th, and 65th, anniversaries respectively. This historic collaboration is made even more exciting by the presence of Vladimir Gorbik, one of Russia’s most dynamic and talented rising stars in the field of Russian church singing, who will be making his American concert debut at this landmark performance.
The concert will take place on Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 6:30 pm in St. Stephen's Episcopal Cathedral, 35 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA. This cathedral is a favorite performance space for many professional ensembles in the Pennsylvania and New York regions, and is home to the well-loved Pennsylvania public radio program, "Music from St. Stephen's."
The concert will be recorded and broadcast on this program. General admission is $12, and advance tickets may be obtained from St. Tikhon's Bookstore at (888) 454-6678 or from Please inquire about student and group discounts. Seating is limited and tickets are on sale now, so book your tickets early!
Vladimir Gorbik (b. 1970) began his musical studies in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and continued them at the Moscow State Conservatory, completing a specialization in choral conducting in 1998 and in orchestral conducting in 2000. Since 1996 he has served as the choir director at the Moscow Representation Church (Metochion) of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery, and since 1998 has been the Artistic Director and Conductor of the professional men’s chorus formed at the Metochion. With this choir he has made more than a dozen outstanding recordings, of both liturgical services and concert programs. The choir has, on numerous occasions, sung at Patriarchal services in the Dormition Cathedral in the Kremlin, and they accompanied Patriarch Alexy II on his trip to the Holy Land in 2000. The repertoire of the Metochion’s Men’s Chorus cultivates the finest repertoire and interpretive traditions of the Moscow School and the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. For his outstanding achievements and service, he has received an award of recognition (gramota) from the Patriarch, and the medal of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 2nd Degree.
Below is a video of Maestro Gorbik and his outstanding choir:
Jeffrey David Morrison is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 02/02/13
On Saturday February 2, 2013 seminarian Jeffrey David Morrison was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Bishop Mark at the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church in South Canaan, PA.
May God bless Dn. David and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Former Rector and Seminary Graduate Enthroned as Metropolitan of all America and Canada - 01/27/13
On Sunday, January 27, 2013 His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon was enthroned as Bishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All-America and Canada at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, DC.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon served as rector of St. Tikhon Seminary from 2004-2012. He is an alumnus of the seminary having graduated in 1993, after which he was appointed Instructor in Old Testament.
In December 2002, he was appointed to serve as Deputy Abbot of Saint Tikhon Monastery.
A full biography can be viewed on A full account of the enthronement is also available here.
Representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community traveled to Washington DC this past Friday, January 25, 2013 to join with a group from its sister school St. Vladimir’s to present a unified presence at the 40th Annual March for Life event.
This year was of particular significance not only because this would also be the weekend that the former rector and alumnus, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon (STOTS 1993) would be enthroned as the Metropolitan of all America and Canada, but also because it was the first year that the representatives of the Orthodox Church were asked to do something very extraordinary from the main stage at the start of the march.
After the offering of the customary head-bowed prayer for those living who had suffered or were currently suffering because of the heavy physical and spiritual toll on those unfortunate victims who saw abortion as their only alternative, the Orthodox delegation was asked to do from the main stage something that it has historically done as part of the normal panakhyda service that occurs street-side at the conclusion of the march.
As His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and His Grace Bishop Benjamin approached the podium, all of the other Bishops present huddled closely around the one microphone and in surprisingly melodic harmony intoned “Grant rest and eternal repose O' Lord...”
At the conclusion of this solemn and moving hymn the crowd which has been estimated by some official sources to have reached nearly half a million people, did not clap, did not begin talking again, did nothing but stare respectfully ahead as the hierarchs were escorted off of the stage to make way for the next speaker. One Orthodox participant was noted as saying “I have been coming to this event for over 20 years now and I have never seen this crowd joined in perfect unified silence like this before.”
If the Orthodox delegation had any type of offering to add to the hustle and bustle of an event that can seem to possess an almost volatile level of energy at times, it would have to be this unique and very loud moment of stillness.
Joining Metropolitan Tikhon were His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate; His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West; His Eminence, Archbishop Nikon of Boston, New England and the Albanian Archdiocese; His Grace, Bishop Melchisedek of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, and Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania; and His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and New York and New Jersey. (Taken from OCA.ORG)
The group was also accompanied by the Icon of the Visitation that was brought to the march by Fr. John Kowalczyk from its resting place at St. Michael’s parish in Jermyn, PA. Carrying the Icon during its long march around the capitol building were seminarians Robert Gauvain and John Andoun.
Graciously carrying the groups large standard through the pressing crowds for this year were seminarians from St. Tikhon’s: Khader Baramki, Kevin Mellis, Jessie Dominick, Joel Brady, Michael Danhoffer, Sorin Hindoreanu, and Jeff Morrison.
Also present were Archpriest Theodore Boback, the President of the St. Tikhon’s Alumni Association (STOTS 1979), Fr. David Cowan (STOTS 2007), Fr. Timothy Hojnicki (STOTS 1994), Fr. Thaddeus Franta (STOTS 2011), Fr. Martin Brown (STOTS 2006) Fr. Ian Shipley (STOTS 2012), Roman Ostash (STOTS 2012), Fr. John Parcells (STOTS 2005) as well as representatives from each of the three aforementioned seminaries, their families, friends, loved ones, as well as a large representation from the various parish communities throughout the East Coast. We were also blessed to have as a participant one of the oldest living St. Tikhon's Alumni, the Very Reverend Daniel Ressetar (STOTS 1948) who seemed to be unaffected by the extremely cold temperatures that were causing the majority of us to wish we had brought a second or even third layer of clothing.
Also marching with the orthodox contingency were seminarians His Grace Bishop Ewostateos, Fr. Benjamin Huggins, Dn. Panayiotis Tekosis, Michael Pierce, Sophia Pierce, Alexis Baldwin as well as faculty members Dr. David Ford and Fr. Joseph Woodill.
Some sources put the attendance of the march at nearly 500,000 people, all of varying religious and ideological backgrounds, coming together from all walks of life, to speak in a unified voice on the things that unite us and be silent, if only for the day, on the things that keep us apart.
Century Association Hosts Annual St. Tatiana Luncheon - 01/24/13
St. Tikhon’s Century Association held its annual luncheon at the Seminary on Thursday, January 24th, 2013 in honor of St. Tatiana of Rome, the patron saint of students.
Thank you to Sarah Jubinski, President of the Association. Sarah was joined by fellow officers and board members Mary Sernak, Mat. Dorothy Sulich, Elsie Herman, Robert Roth, Alexandra Fedorchak and several Century Association members from the community who were responsible for the decadent dessert table that was enjoyed by students, their families, faculty, staff and guests. A very special thank you to Archpriest Joseph Martin, Spiritual Advisor for the Association, for preparing the meal of sausage and peppers.
Highlighting this event was the presentation of a $20,000.00 check by Mrs. Jubinski to Fr. Alexander Atty, Seminary Dean, as the second installment on the Association's annual pledge to St. Tikhon's Seminary. Fr. Alexander thanked the representatives from the Association and stressed the enormous role their organization plays in the life of the community. He also encouraged those attending to invite their families and friends to become members, and to consider becoming members themselves when they are able to do so.
FOCA Gift Used to Create Children's Education Room at Seminary - 01/21/13
All the children at Saint Tikhon’s join in offering many thanks to the members of FOCA for their generous gift of furniture, books and supplies for the church school program at the seminary.
The recently renovated space is used not only for the church school program but also as a classroom for the seminary families who home school their children.
We hope to continue upgrading the space for our seminary children in the future as time and resources allow.
Volodymyr Chaikivskyi is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 01/19/13
On Saturday January 19, 2013 seminarian Volodymyr Chaikivskyi was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Bishop Michael at the St. Spiridon Church in Perth Amboy, NJ.
May God bless him as he begins this next phase of his public ministry.
Seminarian Appears in Local News Coverage of Nativity Celebration - 01/14/13
Over the Nativity break, Fr. Milan Medakovic appeared in the local Youngstown, Ohio paper, The Vindicator, while celebrating the service on the Eve of the Feast of Nativity at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church.
In this video produced by The Vindicator for their online edition of the paper there is an explanation of the traditional Serbian Badnjak , or burning of the yule log that is still practiced in some Serbian parishes.
If you or your parish would like to donate to Elijah’s Mantle please visit their website or contact student director Theophan Mackey at for details on how your slightly conditioned liturgical items can help make a difference in the orthodox mission field.
Community Prepares for Annual Sanctity of Life Event - 01/09/13
Representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community have, once again, begun making preparations for the Annual March for Life to be held on Friday, January 25th, 2013 in our nation’s capitol.
This will be the 25th consecutive year that St. Tikhon’s has sent a delegation to the event. It will be joined by other delegations from St. Vladimir Seminary, Holy Cross Seminary, as well as Orthodox faithful of various jurisdictions from all over the country who travel each year to participate in this celebration of life.
For any questions, concerns or more information please feel free to contact The Very Reverend John Kowalczyk at or Dr. David Ford at
For an account of the seminaries participation in the event from years prior please follow the link provided below.
Seminary Faculty Member Appears in Local Paper - 01/07/13
Adjunct faculty member and Lecturer in Pastoral Arts and Praxis, Very Reverend John Sorochka was featured in an article in the Scranton (PA) Times-Tribune recently by staff writer David Falchek.
Today You have shown forth to the world, O Lord, And the light of Your countenance has been marked on us. Knowing You, we sing Your praises. You have come and revealed Yourself, O unapproachable Light.
(St. Ephraim the Syrian Hymns for the Feast of Epiphany)
The whole creation became for Him as one mouth and cried out concerning Him. The Magi cry out in their gifts; The barren cry out with their children The star of light, lo! It cries out in the air, Behold the Son of the King!
The heavens are opened, the waters break forth, the dove is in glory! The voice of the Father is stronger than thunder As it utters the word, This is My Beloved; The Watchers brought the tidings, the children acclaimed Him in their Hosannas.
Seminary Community Comes Together for Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord - 01/03/13
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One, and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One! Angels, with shepherds, glorify Him! The wise men journey with the star! Since for our sake the Eternal God is born as a little child (Kontakion).
As it does each year, the Seminary Community gathered together in the monastery refectory to participate in the Nativity Holy Supper before entering the church to begin the vigil for the feast.
Thank you to all who helped prepare the meal or assisted with the cleaning after and for all those who took part in the holy services. Christ is Born!
Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of justice. And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed; He had the power; He descended; He redeemed; all things yielded in obedience to God. This day He Who is, is Born; and He Who is, becomes what He was not. For when He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. Nor yet by any loss of divinity became He man, nor through increase became He God from man; but being the Word He became flesh, His nature, because of impassibility, remaining unchanged.
(From the Nativity Homily of St. John Chrysostom)
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to wish a very blessed feast to those of us who have already celebrated this most holy of celebrations as well as those of us preparing to observe the birth of our Lord just a few short days from now.
St. Tikhon’s Choir Director Invited to Conduct in Moscow - 12/19/12
On December 27, 2012, St. Tikhon’s Seminary choir director, Benedict Sheehan, will travel to Moscow to work with the Male Choir of the Moscow Representation Church (Podvorye) of the Trinity–St. Sergius Lavra and its renowned choirmaster, Vladimir Gorbik.
Since taking part in a master class with Maestro Gorbik last June at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Mr. Sheehan has maintained an ongoing mentor/student relationship with the conductor. His trip this December is being made at the invitation of Maestro Gorbik as a continuation of Mr. Sheehan’s studies with him in the art of Orthodox liturgical music and choral conducting. He will remain in Moscow to celebrate the feast of Nativity, returning on January 9, 2013.
While in Moscow, Mr. Sheehan will rehearse the professional male choir of the Podvorye and will conduct them during portions of the divine services. This marks the first time that an American conductor has been invited to work with this internationally acclaimed Moscow ensemble, and, with God’s help, it heralds the beginning of a new era of spiritual and professional growth in the art of liturgical singing at St. Tikhon’s.
Maestro Gorbik has taken a particular interest in Benedict Sheehan and his approach to liturgical singing, and the two have developed a close working relationship. Speaking in an interview with St. Vladimir’s Seminary website last summer, Maestro Gorbik said of Sheehan: “Let me mention one of the student conductors in the Master Class, Benedict Sheehan, a young composer and choir director, who conducts in a fluid and very musical manner. The fact that he has no formal [postgraduate] training in conducting technique does not prevent him from eliciting the subtlety of the music, so deeply and so thoroughly, that while I came to teach him, I have gained a lot for myself, just from his interpretation [of the music].”
Gorbik’s growing influence in North America can be felt well outside the halls of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Since giving his master class at St. Vladimir’s Seminary last June, Maestro Gorbik has taken several private conducting students in America, including Hierodeacon Herman, choir director at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. Gorbik was invited this past October to be one of the keynote presenters at the 22nd Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference in Toronto (sponsored by ROCOR), and he has already been engaged to repeat his summer master class at St. Vladimir’s in June 2013. A male choir master class with Gorbik here at St. Tikhon’s is in the early phases of planning.
Dec. 15-17 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty Will be Keynote Speaker at OCF College Conference - 12/17/12
Father Alexander will be the Keynote Speaker for the OCF College Conference East. The conference will be held at the Antiochian Village from Dec. 28-31, 2012.
The theme of the conference is taken from Hermas of the 70:
“Remember, never fear the power of evil more than your trust in the power and love of God.”
The Patriarch-elect Youhanna X (Yaziji) was elected by the members of the Holy Synod on December 17, during a special session held at the Balamand Patriarchal Monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Born in Syria in 1955, the Patriarch-elect received his primary, secondary and university education in Latakiya , Syria graduating with a degree in civil engineering. He earned a degree in theology in 1978 from the St. John of Damascus School of Orthodox of Theology at the Balamand University and a doctorate in theology (emphases in liturgy and Byzantine music) in 1983 from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece . He was tonsured a monk at the Athonite Monastery of St Paul on the Holy Mountain, was ordained to the holy diaconate in 1979 and to the holy priesthood in 1983, and in 1981 became professor of Liturgical Studies at the St. John of Damascus School of Orthodox Theology at the Balamand University. He assumed the position of dean of that theological school from 1988-1991 and again from 2001-2005. He was elected and consecrated to the sacred episcopacy in 1995 with the title Bishop of al-Hosn. He has served as superior of the Monastery of St George al-Humayrah in the Christian Valley (Wadi al-Nasara) in Syria , superior of the Our Lady of Balamand Monastery, and spiritual father to the Convent of the Dormition in Blemmana , Syria . In 2008 he was elected and enthroned as the Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Western and Central Europe .
In the first board meeting of the 2012 academic year the Very Rev. Alexander Atty announced his intentions to raise $7500 per student for work study scholarships in honor of the 75th Anniversary Celebration of the seminary. These scholarships will then be made available to students actively involved in the work of the seminary community.
We are pleased to announce that in under a month 4 individuals or groups of individuals have come forward to provide the resources necessary for the $7500 work study scholarships.
We would like to thank the following on behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community:
Anonymous (California)
Holy Apostles Mission, Mechanicsburg, PA
Anonymous (Kentucky)
Anonymous (Maryland)
At this time Fr. Alexander is still looking for 46 additional scholarships to meet the goal of providing for each and every student for the 75th Anniversary year. If you or your parish community would be able to contribute to this herculean effort please contact the Office of the Dean at 570-561-1818 Ext. 1.
Memory Eternal His Grace Mathews Mar Barnabas - 12/09/12
His Grace Metropolitan Mathews Mar Barnabas, fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, December 9, 2012.
His Grace was the former ruling Metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in the United States of America, and later the first Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese.
Since his enthronement as Metropolitan of the Indian Orthodox Church in North America in 1993, the Church in America grew to more than 100 parishes and congregations.
One of his finest achievements was the creation and enhancement of various ministries to cater to the spiritual needs of the younger generation of his flock. The prayerful life and pious life style of Mar Barnabas, inspired many young men born and raised in this country, to join the ordained ministry. His Grace sought to break down the walls of separation between the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Churches, by sending these future pastors of his diocese to the Theological Seminaries of the Orthodox Church in America.
Under the leadership of Metropolitan Mar Barnabas, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church joined their sister Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Coptic and Armenian Orthodox Churches, by becoming a member of the National Council of Churches in the United States.
Metropolitan Barnabas retired from his arch-pastoral duties as Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese in 2011, and passed over the reigns to his successor, Metropolitan Zachariah Mar Nicholovos. Mar Barnabas retired back to India in May 2011, to the Monastery of St. Kuriakose the Martyr, Kerala, India.
The Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese, His Grace Mar Nicholovos, priests, deacons, and faithful have left to India this evening to participate in the Burial Services of Metropolitan Mar Barnabas.
His Grace will be entombed at Sts. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church, Valayanchirangara, Kerala, India on Wednesday, December 12th.
Updated information of the burial services can be found at Details of the 30th Day remembrance of Metropolitan Mathews Mar Barnabas, which will be celebrated in America, will be conveyed in the coming week.
May the Lord grant rest to the soul of our father in Christ, Metropolitan Mathews Mar Barnabas - May his memory, be eternal!
Mission Choir Provides Stellar Performance at Local Venue - 12/07/12
On Friday evening, December 7, St. Tikhon's Mission Choir gave a second performance of its 2012 Christmas program, "Hymns and Carols of Holy Russia," this time performing at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Carbondale, PA. The performance was warmly received by local concertgoers, who came together from a number of area Orthodox parishes, as well as from Holy Trinity Episcopal, to hear the polished and prayerful singing of St. Tikhon's Mission Choir.
The program focused on selections from Vigil and Liturgy by Russian composers such as Rachmaninov, Bortniansky, and Trubachev, but some other highlights included a haunting Christmas carol in Romanian and a beautiful -- and little-known -- rendition of a Carpatho-Russian carol for male choir and baritone solo.
Following the concert, the choir, along with various friends and family members, was invited to a Lenten reception at the splendid Victorian home of one the members of Holy Trinity. There, the singers were invited to perform again a few selections from their concert program, as well as some favorite Christmas carols, to the delight of all assembled.
On Thursday, December 6, 2012, feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia, Titular Bishop of the Archdiocese of Thyateira in Great Britain (Ecumenical Patriarchate) was the guest speaker at the Connelly Center on the Campus of Villanova University. The talk was part of the two month exhibition entitled “Icon: The Way to the Kingdom”.
The opening prayer was offered by the rector of the seminary, His Grace, Bishop Michael to a nearly capacity crowd including representatives from both St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s seminaries.
His Eminence Kallistos offered a lively, captivating, and entertaining presentation on the meaning of the Holy Icon as a doorway into the Kingdom. During his talk Metropolitan Kallistos touched on many topics as they related to the place of Holy Icons within the Orthodox Tradition including: the grace communicated by icons to those praying before them; the necessity for employing good art for writing icons (classical Byzantine style); and how the style of iconography employed does not necessarily hinder the participatory quality in the icon.
At the end of the talk Board of Trustee member Very Reverend John Perich, organizer of the Villanova event and curator of the Metropolitan Museum, presented His Eminence with a reliquary case containing the relics of both St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite.
A video recording of the lecture in its entirety has been provided below.
St. Nicholas Visits the St. Tikhon's Community - 12/06/12
On Dec. 6th the seminary community celebrated the Feast Day of St. Nicholas with food, singing, crafts, stories of St. Nicholas celebrations in other countries and a visit from St. Nicholas.
Seminarian Jeff Morrison’s daughter, Cecilia (age 5), recounts the joy of the evening:
“ was a good time. All of our friends were there. We got good presents and I love my doggie pillow. We did crafts and we danced to Christmas music. I learned how to make a St. Nicholas guy ornament. Oh, um I made a Christmas tag for gifts. I made a card for the people in the nursing home.
There was the Mexico Christmas story and it was the Baby Jesus’ birthday and a little girl didn’t have a present for Him and then there was a statue angel talking to her and told her to get weeds and she bringed them to the Baby Jesus. The weeds changed to red and were poinsettias. The special thing was when St. Nicholas came. St. Nicholas had a was a costume of course.”
On behalf of the entire community we would like to thank each and every person who volunteered their time and talents to make this event possible. The uncontainable joy on the faces of the children should provide proof enough that your efforts are blessed and appreciated.
Memory Eternal His Beatitude Ignatius IV - 12/05/12
It is with great sadness that we report that His Beatitude Ignatius IV (1920-2012), Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, fell asleep in the Lord December 5th, 2012, at St. George Orthodox Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon after having suffered a stroke earlier in the week.
Read a biography of His Beatitude's remarkable life of service and leadership.
75th Anniversary Event: Fr. Demetrius Nicoloudakis Speaks on Extending the Life of the Church Beyond Four Walls - 12/04/12
On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, Fr. Demetrius Nicoloudakis from St. Matthew Greek Orthodox Church in Reading, PA spoke at length to the student body. He emphasized the importance of the Church doing the work of Christ on earth and “the necessity of the people of God to not be content with sitting in the pews but that we must go into the highways and byways to reach the lost.”
Fr. Demetrius is actively involved in many forms of social outreach including prison ministry, outreach to both the homeless population in and around Reading, PA as well as helping young men with substance abuse issues and made an open invitation to the seminarians to consider St. Matthew’s as an internship opportunity for those interested in serving the Church of Christ and their fellow man in a real and impactful way.
“Save the Date” Thursday, October 10, 2013 75th Anniversary Grand Banquet - 12/04/12
On Thursday, October 10, 2013 the 75th Anniversary Celebration will conclude with a Grand Banquet in honor of this historical year of remembrance.
There will be a Panikhida for the departed Administration, Staff, Faculty and Alumni followed by a Molieben for the health of the Administration, Staff, Faculty and Alumni on the afternoon of October 10, 2013.
There will be a Grand Banquet at Fiorelli’s in Peckville, Pennsylvania with a reception beginning at 4:30PM. Please make your reservations as soon as possible to assist with the planning.
Reservations and scheduling are being coordinated by Fr. Vasily and Matushka Nancy Gilbert at 978-239-3382 or by email at
75th Anniversary Event Reminder - St. Tikhon's Villanova Exhibition to Feature Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) Thursday Dec. 6 - 12/03/12
On Thursday, December 6, 2012 the exhibit currently on display at Villanova University entitled Icon: The Way to the Kingdom which includes holy icons, relics and liturgical items from the Metropolitan Museum located above the St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore will feature the guest speaker and renowned author Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware).
This event is free of charge and open to the public.
Reminder - Mission Choir to Perform Local Concert Friday, December 7, 2012 - 12/03/12
The St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will perform a program entitled Hymns and Carols of Holy Russia on Friday, December 7, 2012 at Trinity Episcopal Church in Carbondale, PA. The proceeds from the concert go to help support St. Tikhon's Seminary and Orthodox theological education.
The event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
Please come and support the work of the Mission Choir and all they do to raise funds and awareness about the St. Tikhon's Community
Mission Choir and Museum Exhibition Visits Broadview Heights, OH - 12/01/12
On Saturday, December 1, 2012 the St. Tikhon Mission Choir gave a marvelous performance entitled Hymns and Carols of Holy Russia to a crowd of nearly 200 people at Archangel Michael Church in Broadview Heights, Ohio.
A quick survey of the crowd would reveal transfixed faces both young and old as the choir made its way gracefully through the program offering arrangements from such masters as Bortniansky, Trubachev, Kedrov and Rachmaninov as well as some original arrangements by the group’s director Benedict Sheehan.
On hand were 5 representatives from the Board of Trustees including the master of ceremonies for the event and board chair Michael Herzak, Very Rev. John Perich, Very Rev. Emil Hutnyan, Ron Royhab, and Mark Ropchock.
The crowd began with nearly a hundred for Vespers but quickly doubled in size over the next couple hours before the start of the choral performance.
The seminary would also like to thank not only the Mission Choir for their tireless efforts but also the hosting priests Fr. John Memorich and Fr. Joseph McCartney (STOTS 2010) for all their hard work in the weeks leading up to the production.
Also on display was an exhibition from the Metropolitan Museum in South Canaan, PA courtesy of the museum’s curator the Very Rev. John Perich who with the help of student volunteer Michael Pierce, provided the faithful of St. Michael’s with historical items from the beginning of the Orthodox mission to the American people as well as relics and icons for all to venerate.
Villanova Event Update: Fr. John Kowalczyk Provides Most Recent Lecture at Exhibition - 11/28/12
On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 Director of Field Education, The Very Reverend John Kowalczyk along with The Right Reverend Bishop Alexander, Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese, and Rev. James Dougherty gave a presentation on The Icon of St. Elizabeth Greeting Mary and the Sanctity of Life at the Connelly Center on the Campus of Villanova University.
The Rev. Joseph Loya, OSA gave the concluding remarks on this day of lectures. Later in the program the relics of St. Dionysius the Areopagite were presented to Bishop Alexander by Board of Trustee member, Very Reverend John Perich, organizer of the Villanova event and curator of the Metropolitan Museum.
A retrospective of the entire of the entire several month long exhibition entitled Icon: The Way to the Kingdom is being produced by Orientale Lumen Television and will be available for purchase for a donation of $10 or more by calling 703-691-8862.
December 9 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty and the Seminary Mission Choir to be in Stroudsburg, PA - 11/18/12
On Sunday December 9, 2012 Fr. Alexander Atty and the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir will be at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Stroudsburg, PA for the Divine Liturgy and Parish Christmas Concert.
75th Anniversary Fall Luncheon Lecture Series is Pleased to Host Dr. Maria Khoury - 11/16/12
On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 the fourth and final lecture in the Fall Luncheon Lecture Series was provided by Dr. Maria Khoury, author and human rights champion for the Palestinian Christian Communities suffering at the hands of the current Israeli government.
Dr. Khoury gave an impassioned plea for all Americans to please be mindful of where and how their tax dollars are spent and to please remember their fellow Orthodox Christians currently under persecution, not only in Palestine, but throughout the world.
Seminarians Give Back at Local Coffee House - 11/16/12
On Friday, November 16, 2012 third year seminarians Jeffrey Morrison and Jesse Dominick traveled to Harrisburg, PA to perform a concert at the Agia Sophia Coffee House. Also assisting with the entertainment for the evening were several of the children from the St. Tikhon’s Community.
After the concert, the founder of the coffeehouse, Fr. Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) gave an exciting presentation on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Agia Sophia Coffee House currently enjoys extended hours every third Friday for the "3rd in the Burg" Celebration featuring Extended Hours and live entertainment 7am - 9pm (Live Music starting at 5:30pm & Special Presentations at 7pm)
Come and enjoy this truly unique and worthwhile experience. More information can be viewed on the Agia Sophia website here.
His Beatitude Tikhon, Metropolitan of All America and Canada - 11/13/12
The St. Tikhon’s Community offers congratulations to His Beatitude Tikhon, newly-elected Metropolitan of All American and Canada.
Metropolitan Tikhon served as rector of St. Tikhon Seminary from 2004-2012. He is an alumnus of the seminary having graduated in 1993, after which he was appointed Instructor in Old Testament. In December 2002, he was appointed by Metropolitan Herman to serve as Deputy Abbot of Saint Tikhon Monastery.
The same humility and wisdom that helped guide and shape the St. Tikhon’s Community for nearly two decades has now been called upon by God to help lead the Church on a national level. May God bless and protect his episcopal service..
Protodeacon Milan Medakovich is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 11/13/12
Axios and many years to Protodeacon Milan Medakovich who was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 by His Grace Mitrophan of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations and prayers for Fr. Milan as he begins this next phase of his public ministry.
The Dean of the Seminary Very Rev. Alexander Atty was also in attendance for the ordination of Fr. Milan as part of the Eastern American Diocese continuing education lecture series which occurred Monday, November 12 through Tuesday, November 13, 2012.
Fr. Alexander was the featured speaker for the event and spoke on The Crisis of Marriage in Today’s Society. An account of the two-day event can be read on the Eastern American Diocese website here.
Memory Eternal Archpriest Michael Rachko Class of 1943 - 11/12/12
Very Reverend Michael M. Rachko, 90, passed away Monday, Nov. 5, peacefully, at Forest City Nursing Home, after an illness.
He was the widower of Jean (Oleynik) Rachko, who died Feb. 15, 1986.
Fr. Michael was born in Maysville, PA, on April 27, 1922, a son of the late Michael and Julia (Bader) Rachko.
He was a graduate of St. Tikhon's Monastery and was ordained a priest in April of 1944 in New York.
In his lifetime, he served as pastor in many parishes throughout the Northeast. He was a founding member of Christ the Saviour Eastern Orthodox Church, Harrisburg. He also worked as a systems analyst for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Fr. Michael is survived by a daughter, Theodora "Terri" Bruno of Rockland Twp., PA; three brothers: George Rachko of Woodbury, NJ, Rev. Dimitri Rachko, Minneapolis, MN, and Peter Rach-ko of Frackville; a sister, Mrs. Helen VanCleave of Dallas, TX; and several
December 1 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Give Parish Retreat in Steelton, PA - 11/11/12
On Saturday December 1, 2012 Fr. Alexander will lead an Advent Retreat entitled The Christmas Fast and the Icon of the Nativity at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA.
Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Mission Choir to Attend Seminary Fundraiser in Broadview Heights, OH - 11/11/12
On Friday, November 30 through Sunday, December 2, 2012 Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir will be at the annual seminary fundraising event in Broadview Hieghts, OH.
OISM Brings Many to Seminary for Annual Gathering - 11/11/12
On Friday November 9 through Sunday November 11, 2012 representatives from the various Orthodox seminaries joined together to participate in the annual gathering of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM). It proved to be more than an occasion for meeting other seminarians from different jurisdictions and seminaries; it was a time of visible unity and true fellowship amongst brethren. Seminarians representing the St. Sophia's Ukrianian Seminary, Christ the Saviour Carpatho-Rusyn Seminary, Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Seminary, and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox seminary joined those at St. Tikhon's for the gathering.
This year, there were two speakers: Fr. Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) and Fr. Athanasy (Matalsky). On Friday evening after welcoming those that were gathered, Father Alexander Atty, dean of St. Tikhon's, presented the first speaker, Fr. Stephen. Fr. Stephen shared some of the history of OISM. He presented slide show of the OISM trip to Alaska, hosted by St. Herman's Seminary, several years ago. He stoked the fires of brotherhood, speaking about his own experience in OISM and how that spirit of unity continues even today in the Harrisburg, PA area. He shared about his involvement in the Pan-Orthodox Brotherhood in that area and one of it's crowning achievements: Agia Sophia Coffee House in Harrisburg. The following day, Fr. Athanasy,keeper of the Myrrh-weeping Icon of St. Anna, which he brought for veneration, shared his experiences in the area of the Pastoral Ministry of Healing of the Sick. This important aspect of the priestly ministry piqued the interest of many seminarians present.
One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to the historic parish of St. John's Cathedral in Mayfield, PA. Fr. John Sorochka graciously gave us a tour of the church and spoke about the spiritual legacy that the living and thriving community of St. John has spread all across the area. We were all treated by Father John and the community of St. John's to the tasty foods and offerings at the annual Christmas bazaar that was being held in the parish hall.
This gathering was a great blessing, both for us of St. Tikhon's seminary who hosted and for all those who travelled from the various seminaries to be present. Though all of us were sad that the gathering ended by Sunday after Liturgy, we were left with a renewed sense of brotherhood and fellowship. Good it is indeed, when brothers dwell in unity.
On Thursday, November 8, 2012 the seminary families came together to hold our yearly talent show. Children and adults alike came to display their gifts and demonstrate their creativity for one another.
The seminary would like to express thanks to all the parents and staff who made this event possible and to all the participants who worked so diligently to prepare such a wonderful program.
75th Anniversary Fall Luncheon Lecture Series Continues With the Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield - 11/06/12
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 the third of four lectures being held in conjunction with the seminary’s 75th Anniversary Celebration featured the Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield Chancellor/CEO of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary and Adjunct Professor of Missiology.
Fr. Chad reminded us of some of the unsettling trends in the declining numbers of Orthodox Christians, not only in this country but throughout the world. He stressed how vital it is for the survival of our Church to recommit ourselves to becoming more “mission-minded” and that we are living in a day and age in which ignoring this subject as merely one subject among many is no longer an option for the health and longevity of our Church.
The instructions of Christ to, “Go forth to all nations” is no longer a call to the mission field that is experienced only by some but is a mandate by God to all that must be approached as if the survival of the Orthodox Tradition depended on our actions.
Seminary Welcomes Metropolitan Abraham Mar Seraphim - 11/06/12
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 the St. Tikhon’s Community welcomed H.G. Dr. Abraham Mar Seraphim Metropolitan of Banglore, India (Malankara) and Fr. VM Shibu from St. Gregorios Malankara Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA. His Beatitude was present to meet with the seminary dean, Fr. Alexander Atty as well as students from his diocese.
November 12-13 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Lead Clergy Retreat at Serbian Eastern Diocese Conference - 11/05/12
November 12-13, 2012 the V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty will lead a clergy retreat on the Holy Sacrament of Marriage during the Serbian Eastern Diocese Conference in Shadeland, PA.
November 9 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty be the Opening Speaker for OISM Event - 11/02/12
On November 9, 2012 Fr. Alexander Atty will provide the opening address for the Oism Weekend to be held at St. Tikhon's Seminary. The schedule and contact information for the event have been provided below.
OISM Fall 2012 Nov. 9-10
Schedule for OISM Weekend
***Subject to Change***
Friday, November 9
4:30-5:30pm Arrive at St. Tikhon's
5:30-6:00pm Seminary Dining Hall
Fellowship with all Seminarians
6:00-6:30 Opening Address V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty
6:30-9:00pm Seminary Dining Hall
Father Stephen Vernak
“Work of a Pan-Orthodox Brotherhood”
9:00pm- Free Time/Lights out
Saturday, November 10
7:40am Monastery Church
Hours and Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon Monastery
9:30-10:30am Seminary Dining Hall
10:30am-Noon Seminary Dining Hall
Father Afanasy
Keeper of the Miraculous Wonderworking Myrrh-weeping Icon of St. Anne
Noon-1:00pm Seminary Dining Hall
1:00-2:00pm Location TBD
General Assembly
2:00pm-3:30pm Free Time
Optional Trip to St. John Mayfield Christmas Bazaar
November 5 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Give Retreat in Camp Hill, PA - 11/02/12
On November 5, 2012 Fr. Alexander Atty will offer a retreat on Parish Growth for the faithful of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Camp Hill, PA.
November 3 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Give Retreat in Myrtle Beach, SC - 11/02/12
On November 3, 2012 Fr. Alexander Atty will lead a retreat entitled Faithful Parishioner Faithful Parish at the St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church in Myrtle Beach, SC.
The Annual STOTS VS SVOTS Round-ball Classic (POSTPONED) - 10/31/12
The annual St. Tikhon’s Seminary vs St. Vladimir’s Seminary basketball game which was to be held this Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 has been postponed due to power outages connected with Hurricane Sandy.
The website will be updated as soon as an alternate date and arrangements can be made.
On Friday, October 26th, 2012 the two month exhibition entitled Icon: The Way to the Kingdom began at the Villanova University Art Gallery located in Connelly Center on the prestigious campus of Villanova University.
The entire event schedule can be viewed here courtesy of the Villanova University website.
Two seminary choirs, an archbishop, a bishop, the abbot of a monastery, a miracle-working icon and a Roman Catholic cardinal were just some of the dignitaries in attendance.
The event is being held in connection with the 75th Anniversary Celebration being held throughout the school year and into the beginning months of the next academic year here at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
The list of contributors and benefactors for this endeavor is lengthy and can be viewed in its entirety here, however, most significantly for his efforts the seminary would like to thank Archpriest John Perich for his continued vigilance on the Board of Trustees and for organizing this spectacular event featuring many of the treasures housed in the St. Tikhon’s Museum and Icon Repository as well as pieces from other distinguished collections.
We would also like to thank His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon of the Diocese of Eastern PA, His Grace, Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York & New Jersey, Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Tatiana Guba and the other distinguished members of the board of trustees of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Dn. Gregory Hatrak at St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press and all the dedicated benefactors and supporters at Villanova University.
Additionally, we would like to thank Sdn. John E. Pusey, Graphic Design Coordinator for supplying the promotional materials and technical support to ensure the opening occurred with little or no interruptions.
We would also like to thank Benedict Sheehan (STOTS 2011), Director of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir as well as Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) (STOTS 2005), Director of the St. Vladimir’s Seminary Choir for their collective efforts in providing the music for the opening molieben.
The event continues until December 16, 2012. For more information regarding gallery times and upcoming associated events please refer to the Villanova University website here.
75th Anniversary Fall Luncheon Lecture Series Encourages Recommitment to Orthodox Education - 10/25/12
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 the second of four lectures being held in cooperation with the seminary’s 75th Anniversary Celebration featured Dr. Anton Vrame, Director of the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and author of the book The Educating Icon: Teaching Wisdom and Holiness in the Orthodox Way.
Dr. Vrame gave a moving lecture and encouraged the those present to remember the significance of Orthodox education in the life of their future parishes. He also stressed the significance of adult education for the future stability of the church in the United States.
In July Dr. Vrame also spoke at length on some of the issues facing Orthodox Religious Education at the Antiochian Archdiocese 2012 Clergy Symposium. That lecture is provided here courtesy of Ancient Faith Radio.
Memory Eternal Protopresbyter George Dimopolous - 10/24/12
It is with a sense of profound loss that we mark the passing of the Protopresbyter George Dimopoulos.
Fr. George was a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in New Testament, as well as instructor in Dogmatic Theology and New Testament Greek during his time at St. Tikhon’s Seminary from the years 1965-1998. He was beloved by students, faculty, and anyone who had the good fortune to spend time in his presence.
He was a dedicated churchman, loving husband and father, and he will be sorely missed.
In 2007 Fr. George was awarded the degree Doctor of Divinity honoris causa by His Grace, Bishop Tikhon on behalf of the Board of Trustees, faculty, and administration of St. Tikhon’s Seminary on the 50th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. An article highlighting this celebration as well as a short biographical outline was also included in the 2007 Tikhonaire and can be viewed by following the link provided here.
May God be with his loving family during this time and may his memory be eternal.
The funeral service will be held this Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012 at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church from 12:30pm - 1pm. There will be a short Litya service with burial immediately following. After the burial there will be a small meal in the monastery refectory.
Fr. Alexander & Mission Choir Attend Fundraising Event in Lorain, Ohio - 10/20/12
On Saturday, October 20, 2012 Fr. Alexander Atty and the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir attended a fundraising event entitled Moscow Nights sponsored by Sts. Peter & Paul Church in Lorain, Ohio and Board of Trustee member Ron Royhab.
The event was able to raise over five thousand dollars for the seminary and also provided the seminarians in the mission choir with an evening of hospitality with the parishioners of Sts. Peter & Paul and neighboring churches who were in attendance for the night’s festivities.
The seminary would like to thank Ron Royhab for his contribution to this event as well as his constant guidance on the Board of Trustees. The seminary would also like to thank Fr. Basil Stoyka (STOTS 1966) and the parish of Sts. Peter & Paul, Sam Jacob, as well as all those who attended and worked behind the scenes to make this fundraising event a successful one.
Diocesan Publication Highlights Article of Missionary Seminarian - 10/19/12
The most recent edition of Jacob’s Well, official publication of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, included an article written by Dn. Matthew Brown recounting his summer missionary endeavors serving the Church in Albania.
An extract of the article entitled Saint Tikhon’s Seminarian Travels to Albania is available below. A link to the full edition is provided here.
Students Share Conversion Stories at Local Parish - 10/19/12
Recently, representatives from the student body shared their conversion stories with the faithful of Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport, PA at the invitation of St. Tikhon’s Alumnus and adjunct faculty member the V. Rev. Daniel Kovalak (STOTS 1974).
Fr. Martin Watt, Alexis Baldwin, and Jessie Dominick, along with members of the local community in Williamsport, all shared stories of their journey to the Orthodox faith. These stories will eventually be included on the Holy Cross Orthodox Church website in the section entitled “Journeys to Orthodoxy.”
A new chalice and paten set were sent to Father Stavros Rousos of the Protection of the Mother of God/St. Nektarios Russian Orthodox Mission Church (ROCOR) in Chattanooga, Tennessee in time for the parish patronal feast on October 14th. This set was donated by Abbot Sergius of Saint Tikhon's Monastery.
2012 Alumnus Deacon Joel Wilson, who is planting a mission in Rolla, Missouri ( received a new chalice and paten set donated by Abbot Sergius and a censer donated by Father Elijah Bremer (OCA).
Father Deacon Philosoph Uhlman (ROCOR, Canada) received a new set of white and gold priest vestments which were donated by Father Joseph Woodill (OCA).
Schedule for Upcoming Villanova Exhibit - 10/09/12
“Year of Faith”
“Icon: The Way to the Kingdom”
Exhibit at Villanova University Art Gallery
Connelly Center
Villanova, Pennsylvania
Friday, October 26 to Sunday, December 16, 2012
Opening Reception and Blessing of the Exhibit
Friday, October 26, 2012
5:00 to 7:00 PM
Blessing 6:00 PM
The exhibit will include Cretan, Romanian, Syrian, Coptic, Carpathian-Rusyn, Greek, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian icons along with vestments, Gospel books, chalices and miters. The artifacts were drawn from the Metropolitan Museum of the Orthodox Church of America located at the Monastery of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk in South Canaan, Pa and private collections. Some of the artifacts have never before been seen publicly.
In collaboration with Fr. Richard G. Cannuli, OSA, Director and Curator of the Villanova University Art Gallery, the exhibit was conceived, the icons and other liturgical items gathered, and their display organized by the Very Reverend Archpriest John Perich, Pastor, St. Herman of Alaska Church, Gradyville, Pa, and Administrator, St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral, Washington, D.C., Orthodox Church of America.
Friday, October 26 5:00 to 7:00 PM Official Opening Ceremonies and Reception with a 6:00 PM Prayer Service of Thanksgiving, blessing the opening of the exhibit, with the Miraculous Icon of “She Who Is Quick to Hear”.
Sunday, October 28 3:00 PM Featuring the Icon and relics of Sts. Cosmas and Damian in the Art Gallery.
Monday, October 29 4:00 PM Lecture by Metropolitan Hilarion with the conferring of Honorary Doctorate, Villanova University, Connelly Center, Villanova Room.
Sunday, November 4 3:00 PM Featuring the Icon of the “Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and all the Holy Angels” in the Art Gallery.
Sunday, November 11 3:00 PM Featuring the Icon and Holy Relics of St. John Chrysostom and the Doctors of the Church in the Art Gallery.
Wednesday, November 14 7:00 PM lecture by Fr. Justin, Librarian of St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mt. Sinai, Egypt at Villanova University, Connelly Center, Villanova Room. His topic is “The Beauty and Significance of Icons.”
Sunday, November 18 3:00 PM Featuring the Icon and Holy Relics of Saint Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow and the Holy New Martyrs of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Art Gallery.
Sunday, November 25 (By Invitation Only) 3:00 PM His Excellency, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) to speak and bring The Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of “Our Lady of the Sign” in the Villanova Room or Connelly Center Cinema.
Wednesday, November 28 7:00 PM Panel discussion by 4 presenters: The Right Reverend Bishop Alexander, Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese; Very Rev. Dr. John Kowalczyck; Rev. Dr. Joseph Loya, O.S.A. and Rev. Dr. James Dougherty. Subject of the panel discussion: The Icon of “St. Elizabeth Greeting Mary”, the sanctity of life exegesis on the "greeting" in the Connelly Center Cinema.
Sunday, December 2 3:00 PM Featuring the Icon and Holy Relics of Saint Nicholas of Myra and Bari the Wonderworker in the Art Gallery.
Thursday, December 6 Lecture (By Invitation Only) 7:00 PM by Metropolitan Kallistos at Villanova University, Connelly Center, Villanova Room.
Sunday, December 9 3:00 PM Featuring the “Holy Myrrh Weeping” Icon of Saint Anna with the Mother of God (Conception of Holy Theotokos by St. Anna) in the Art Gallery.
Sunday, December 16 3:00 PM Featuring the Icon and Holy Relics of Saint Herman of Alaska and a closing prayer service in Thanksgiving of the exhibit in the Art Gallery.
Fr. Alexander and Board of Trustees member John Malinchock were guests of Metropolitan Coorilos last August in India where they toured the St. Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary in Nagpur and where they further solidified the relationship between the two seminaries and laid out a plan for continued cooperation and mutual support into the foreseeable future.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Celebrates Patronal Feast of Sister Seminary, Holy Cross - 10/09/12
On September 13, 2012 representatives from St. Tikhon’s Seminary joined in celebration with our sister seminary, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, in the celebration of their patronal feast day.
His Eminence, DEMETRIOS, Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese presided at the Great Vespers service. Joining in the celebration were the Very Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou President of Holy Cross, Very Rev Alexander Atty, Dean/COO of St. Tikhon's Seminary , Fr. Nilus Lerro, Dean of Students St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Rt. Rev. Athanasy Instructor in Liturgics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
We wish our sister school much future success and look forward to a renewed spirit of collaboration and cooperation between the two institutions in the future.
75th Anniversary Fall Luncheon Lecture Series Welcomes Seminary Alumnus Fr. John Diamantis - 10/08/12
In connection with our 75th Anniversary Celebration, the Fall Luncheon Lecture Series began this past Monday, October 8, 2012 with a lecture by St. Tikhon’s alumnus Fr. John Diamantis (STOTS 2007).
Fr. John Diamantis was the first of four speakers for the lecture series. Speaking in his capacity as District Chaplain of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) and Chairman of the Department of College Ministry at Orthodox Church in America; Diocese of New York & New Jersey, his lecture focused on the central role campus ministry needs to begin taking in the life of our Churches and the steps necessary for a parish community to begin an OCF chapter in neighboring colleges or universities.
For more information or to find out how your parish can set up an OCF chapter please refer to the organization's website via the link provided here.
Our next event in the Fall Luncheon Lecture Series will be Thursday, October 25, 2012.
The Speaker will be Anton Vrame, Ph.D. He is the Director of the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and author of the book: The Educating Icon: Teaching Wisdom and Holiness in the Orthodox Way (Holy Cross Orthodox Press)
The event begins at 12:30 and is open to the public.
On Sunday, October 7, 2012 a large number of faithful and alumni came to visit with the St. Tikhon’s Community this year for the feast of its founder and benefactor, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow.
The service was a moving one accompanied as it was by the holy relics of St. Patriarch Tikhon that were moved from their normal resting place in the reliquary room of the monastery church and placed in front of the center icon stand for the faithful to venerate.
Immediately following the service a community potluck was held in the monastery trapeza.
As is customary, the St.Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association held its annual meeting and reception directly following the banquet. President Sarah Jubinski, along with the elected officers presented a check for $5,000 as a first installment on the roughly $40,000 the Century Association provides for the general operating funds of the seminary each and every year.
In addition to the Association’s election of officers, agenda items included a discussion on marketing strategy for the newly published Hanya’s Kitchen cookbook, membership initiatives, and plans for the Association’s major fundraiser, Hospitality ala Russe IV scheduled for Sunday, May 26th at St. John’s Center in Mayfield, PA.
A very special thanks to Kay Fedirko and Mary Sernak for setting up the Seminary dining room for the meeting and to all of the Board Members who provided refreshments for the reception that followed. The beautiful autumn decorations will be enjoyed by the student body throughout the fall season.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make this a truly memorable Founder’s Day celebration.
Seminarian Accepted to Air Force Chaplain Candidate Program - 10/06/12
On October 6, 2012 Seminarian Michael Lillie was sworn in by Alumnus Fr. John Malcom (STOTS 2011) (Chaplain U.S. Army) as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Air Force Reserve. Michael has been accepted into the Chaplain Candidate Program while he completes his seminary education.
The Air Force Chaplain Candidate Program is an exciting opportunity for seminary and other professional religious school students to evaluate their compatibility and potential for commissioning as an Air Force Chaplain. The focus is on experiencing ministry in the Air Force during summer tours of active duty. As a chaplain candidate he will draw upon his background, education and experience to function as part of an Air Force chapel team. Michael will be training full time next summer at bases in Alabama and South Carolina. When he graduates he will be able to be endorsed by Bishop Peter of Cleveland (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) and be eligible for reappointment as a Chaplain, First Lieutenant, in the USAF Reserve.
Seminary Community Takes Annual Visit to Local Cider Mill - 10/06/12
This past Saturday, October 6, 2012 over 50 members of our community gathered together with their families to go to Ritter's Cider Mill. Because of it's popularity, this event has taken on a life of it's own over the past few years.
Once again the weather was uncooperative and occasionally dampened the event with a momentary drizzle but even this could not dampen the mood. The children enjoyed hayrides and corn mazes, caramel apples, hot cider, and even an apple slingshot! There were pony rides, animals to pet (including alpacas with overactive salivary glands), pumpkins to pick and fun for all who attended.
October 20-21 Fr. Alexander Atty and Mission Choir to Attend MSHP Fundraiser in Lorain, OH - 10/03/12
On October 20-21, 2012 the V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty and the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir will attend a Married Student Housing Project fundraiser being held by the Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Lorain, OH.
75th Anniversary Event: Fall Luncheon Lecture Series - 10/03/12
St. Tikhon’s Seminary is pleased to announce the following lecture dates in connection with the Fall Luncheon Lecture Series being held in the months of October and November.
Monday, October 8, 2012 Deacon John Diamantis
Thursday, October 25, 2012 Dr. Anton Vrame
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Archpriest Chad Hatfield
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Dr. Maria Khoury
The event is free of charge and open to the public. Please RSVP for reservations for lunch to 570-561-1818. Lectures begin at 12:30. For additional details please see attached promotional flyer.
Annual Lecture Series to be Held in Williamsport, PA - 10/02/12
St Tikhon's Seminary, in cooperation with faculty member and alumnus, the Very Reverend Daniel Kovalak (STOTS 1974) of Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Williamsport, PA, is pleased to announce the following speaking dates for the upcoming fall luncheon lecture series.
Thursday, October 25 Dr. Anton Vrame
Anton C. Vrame, Ph.D., is Director of the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He is the author of The Education Icon: Teaching the Wisdom and Holiness in the Orthodox Way (Holy Cross Orthodox Press).
Tuesday, November 13 Dr. Maria Khoury
Dr. Khoury is a published author living in Palestine. She has authored many articles dealing with the Christian presence in the Holy Land and the Palestinian struggle for independence and freedom. Her book, Witness in the Holy Land, is a reflection of life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since the outbreak of the Second Palestinian Uprising in September 2000.
Additional dates and information can be viewed by following the links below.
Music Instructor to Attend International Music Conference in Toronto - 10/02/12
On October 3-6, 2012 St. Tikhon's music instructor and choir director Benedict Sheehan has been invited to lead a workshop at the 22nd Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference in Toronto, Canada.
This year's internationally attended event entitled, "Twenty Years Later: Directions in Russian Church Music" will focus on developments in Russian church music since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The workshop will be entitled "Singing Trubachev in English: Approaches to Interpretation and Transcription."
For more information on the conference and a full schedule of lectures and workshops please visit
October 11-12 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Participate in EAD Pastoral Conference - 10/01/12
On October 11-12, 2012 the V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty will be a member participant in the Joint Pastoral Conference for the Eastern American Diocese and Patriarchal Parishes in the USA.
A set of white and gold vestments and two altar server sticheria are on their way to Father Benedict of Saint Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church in Acworth, Georgia (ROCOR). The priest's vestments were donated by Father Bazyl Zawierucha (UOC of USA).
A censer which was donated by Father Elijah Bremer (OCA) was passed to Father Zacharriah Wood of the Church of the Holy Theotokos the Protectionist in Weyers Cave, Virginia (Georgian Patriarch).
A set of red priests vestments were passed to Father David Wooten (OCA) of the Iglesia Ortodoxa de los Santos Apostoles in Miami, Florida, donated by Father Bazyl Zawierucha (UOC of USA).
The year 2012 is a blessed year for the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, as it is the year for the centenary celebration commemorating the establishment of the Catholicate in India. It is a rare opportunity and blessing for all the members of the Church to partake in this milestone.
The Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Church conducted the centenary celebration on September 09, 2012 under the leadership and guidance of His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, the Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese. The program was held at 5:00 PM at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 3 Executive Blvd., Suffern, NY 10901.
His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan was the Chief Guest for this occasion, along with presence of other Hierarchs, Clergies of the Orthodox Church community and other political leaders.
The St.Tikhons Orthodox Theological Seminary was invited to the program and it was a blessing for the Dean of the seminary, V.Rev. Fr. Alexander Atty to attend the event.
FOCA Funds Church School Program at St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 09/19/12
At their most recent national convention the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) approved funding supplies for the church school program at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
The increase in married students over the past decade has given way to a number of other additional considerations for the health and spiritual well-being of student families.
The Fellowship contributed $1,300 to fund 15 student chairs, scissors, prayer books, a visual catechism and numerous books, including pop-up parables and Bible stories, icon coloring books, on the 12 great feast days, “Power of the Cross,” “Illustrated Life of the Theotokos,” various saints, and “Alyosha’s Apple: A Tale of Old Russia.”
FOCA’s newly-elected national recording secretary, Allison Steffaro who coordinated the effort wrote the following:
“I am happy to let you know that the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America will be sending you a check to cover all the needed supplies on your list (including shipping). Our treasurer will be sending it out today. We send our blessing to you and your students and hope that their families will continue to educate their children in the Orthodox Faith for many years to come.”
This is only the most recent example of FOCA’s continued commitment to Orthodox education and reinforces the Orthodox understanding that an Orthodox education is not something limited to institutions of higher learning but is something that fundamentally must begin in the home.
15th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Benefit - 09/18/12
The 15th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Tournament was held this year at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee PA on Saturday, August 18, 2012.
This year the benefit was able to raise $4300 for the Seminary.
Thank you to Berny Golubiewski, Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Very Rev. David Shewczyk, Al Wanas, Peter Rezanka, Ted Sovyrda for all of the hard work they do each year on the tournament board.
Thank you to all those who helped plan and promote the tournament, for all those who attended and for all those who go the extra mile each year to ensure the future success of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
OCEC and St. Tikhon's Seminary host Teacher Training Workshop - 09/15/12
On Saturday, September 15, 2012, St. Tikhon's Seminary, in cooperation with the Orthodox Christian Education Commission and the OCA Diocese of Eastern PA hosted a day-long Teacher Training Workshop, open to all students and their wives, as well as religious educators and church school coordinators of all jurisdictions in the local area. Some forty people attended from as far away as upstate NY. The Orthodox Christian Education Commission has been presenting these workshops for the past ten years in the US and Canada, and St. Tikhon's Seminary and St. Vladimir have hosted several for its students and their wives as training for parish ministry in education.
Presenters included: Mat. Myra Kovalak, Director of the OCEC Teacher Training Dept. and member of the OCA Dept. of Christian Education, Carole Buleza, Director of the Antiochian Archdiocese Dept. of Christian Education, Father George Alberts, pastor of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Danbury, CT. and Diocesan Coordinator Charleston Oakland, PA and the East, Antiochian Archdiocese, Kh. Anna Hughes of Methuen, MA, Diocesan Coordinator of New England, Antiochian Archdiocese, Maria Proch, Chair, Dept. of Religious Education and Curriculum for the OCA Diocese of Eastern PA and member of the OCA Dept. of Christian Education, and Matthew Hatrak, member of the OCEC Teacher Training Dept.
The available tracks of study included: Teacher Training I: Overview of Orthodoxy, Introduction to Teaching, and Curriculum and Resources. Church School Director sessions on how to organize, develop and enhance the local parish church school program. Teacher Training II tracks each ran three sessions in the Elementary and Middle High School levels, including sessions on Child Development and the Exceptional Learner, Enriching the Classroom Experience, Adolescent Needs, Moral Issues Overview, and Creative Expression.
The students and their wives, as well as those present were enthusiastic about the day’s sessions. Comments like: “Great Church School Director Manual!” and, “I learned things I had not considered before,” were indications that the workshop was a success.
We thank Father Alexander and Kh. Olga Atty for hosting, as well as all students who helped coordinate the day’s events. We hope to continue to offer these workshops in the future.
The Annual Meeting of the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association will take place on Founders Day, Sunday, October 7, 2012 following Divine Liturgy and lunch at the monastery trapeza.
The Association’s business meeting and informal reception will be held in the newly renovated seminary dining hall immediately following lunch.
All members are encouraged to attend and new members are welcome.
Elijah’s Mantle Update: Seminary Provides for Displaced Haitian Church - 09/13/12
Elijah’s Mantle is pleased to announce that it will soon be sending a number of the recently donated liturgical items to the Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Léogâne, Haiti.
On January 12th 2010, an earthquake devastated the island of Haiti. As the parish community of Sts. Peter and Paul slowly attempts to recover from the devastation, many Orthodox Christian organizations have come forward to assist them with the rebuilding process. We are blessed to be part of that process.
For further details and for information on how you can help, please visit the Eastern American Diocese Website here.
Annual Wives Faculty & Staff Meet and Greet - 09/11/12
The Seminary Wives had an opportunity to meet with the faculty and staff of the seminary this past Tuesday, September 11, 2012. This yearly event allows for the seminary community to greet the wives of the new students and tell them a little about themselves as well as a time for getting to know the new faces and finding out about their journey to St. Tikhon's.
Having met the previous week with His Grace Bishop Michael, the wives of the student body were greeted with eloquent and thoughtful introductions by the Very Rev. Alexander Atty, Very Rev. Dennis Swencki, Fr. Nilus Lerro, Drs. David and Mary Ford, Dr. Harry Boosalis, Dr. Paul Witek, as well as the Women’s Activities coordinator Olga Atty.
Community Comes Together for September 11th Memorial Service - 09/11/12
The St. Tikhon's Community came together today to offer prayers for those victims affected by the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.
May God remember those departed and preserve and strengthen those who still are burdened by the lasting effects of this tragic day.
Matthew Brown is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 09/08/12
On Saturday September 8, 2012 seminarian Matthew Brown was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace Bishop Michael at the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection in New York, NY.
May God bless him and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
The St. Tikhon's Women's Group Meets for First Meeting of the School Year - 09/04/12
On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 the St. Tikhon’s Women’s Group met for their first meeting of the year with the rector of the seminary, His Grace Bishop Michael.
It was a time for fellowship and introductions. Led by Olga Atty, the women’s group meets several times a year and serves as a valuable support structure for the wives of seminarians and other women in the St. Tikhon’s Community.
Seminary Comes Together for Beginning of the Year Celebration - 09/03/12
The annual Labor Day/ Beginning of the year celebration was held on Monday, September 4, 2012 at the home of the seminary dean Fr. Alexander Atty and his wife Olga. This event marks the first time the entire seminary community comes together after the initial orientation and opening retreat.
Many thanks to Fr. Alexander and his family for their continued hospitality and for once again not only opening their home to the seminary community but, for also supplying all of the food and refreshments for the evening.
It was an important first opportunity for the new students as well as the returning students to come together with members of the faculty and staff and enjoy one another’s company in an informal and relaxed environment before the first official day of the classes begins.
A set of blue priest vestments and a blue cassock have been passed to the Church of the Holy Theotokos the Protectionist and Father Zacharriah Wood (Georgian Patriarchate) in Weyers Cave, Virginia. The cassock was donated by Father Anthony Perkins and the vestments by Father Bazyl Zawierucha, both of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA.
Two sets of vestments, one red and one gold, donated by Fr. Paul Monkowski of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Diocese of Toledo, in Lorain, Ohio, were passed to Fr. Elijah Bremer who serves two chapels named Sts. Peter and Paul in western Pennsylvania.
A set of gold priests vestments, donated by Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA, were passed to Fr. John Filipovich of St. Jonah Orthodox Mission (OCA), Alpine, Texas.
This week the St. Tikhon’s Community wished happy birthday and many years to the Rector of the seminary His Grace Bishop Michael (Aug 29) and the Dean of Students Fr. Nilus Lerro (Aug 27).
Mount Thabor Publishing Has Released Two New Publications - 08/30/12
Born to Hate, Reborn to Love: A Spiritual Odyssey from Head to Heart by Klaus Kenneth with Foreword by Dr. Christopher Veniamin
The Enlargement of the Heart by Archimandrite Zacharias, recipient of the STS Doctor of Divinity honoris causa
STOTS faculty member, Dr. Christopher Veniamin both edited and produced these two new titles which can be purchased by following the link to the St. Tikhon’s Monastery bookstore.
Further information on these and other titles offered by Mount Thabor Publications can be viewed by following the link to their website here.
Beginning of the Academic Year Retreat Underway - 08/30/12
With the orientation complete, both new and returning students began the opening retreat for this historic 75th Academic Year.
After three full days of introductory instruction on campus life, seminary communication and email system, library resources, campus stewardship, and community praxis, the new students who until this time were clothed in the customary white dress-shirt and black pants, were blessed by the dean of the seminary the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty to begin wearing the black cassock. The cassock will serve as the official uniform for the duration of their stay at the seminary.
“The cassock is both a magnet and a target,” Fr. Alexander cautioned. “People will be drawn to you because of it, but also it will require you to be vigilant at all times. You represent Christ and His Church. This is very apparent when you are wearing the cassock so please be mindful of this.”
The speakers for this year’s retreat include the rector of the seminary His Grace Bishop Michael (Dahulich), the Dean V. Rev. Alexander Atty, Dean of Students Fr. Nilus Lerro, as well as two guest speakers V. Rev. John Nehrebecki and Fr. Alexander Goussetis.
Board of Trustees Meet for Beginning of Academic Year - 08/24/12
[South Canaan, Pa]
The Board of Trustees held two days of meetings on August 23-24, 2012 at the Seminary.
A full schedule of Committee Meetings and an all day full Board meeting covered many topics. This was the first Board meeting with His Grace, Bishop Michael as Acting Rector as he was welcomed into his new position at the Seminary. His Eminence, Archbishop
Tikhon who remains on the Board was thanked for his many years of service to the Seminary as professor and Rector.
The Board will continue to look to His Eminence for his experience and knowledge of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Very Rev. Alexander Atty, Dean of the Seminary, reported the details of the incoming class of 21 new Masters of Divinity
Students, bringing the total attendance at the Seminary to 50. Students are from many Orthodox jurisdictions and come from Austria, Syria, Ethiopia, the Ukraine, as well as all over the United States. The Metropolitan Leonty Dormitory is at complete capacity.
Very Rev. Dennis Swencki serves as both Chief Financial Officer and Director of Development and reported on the finances of the Seminary as well as a his full schedule of outreach over the next few months. This 75th Anniversary year offers an opportunity to take the history of the Seminary as well as information on its mission out to parishes across the country in all Orthodox jurisdictions. Fr. Atty also has an extensive visitation schedule throughout the months ahead.
The Seminary Choir is scheduled for visits with both Fathers Dennis and Alexander.
The Board was updated on the winterization of the newly acquired Western Wayne School Administration Building. Some efforts are needed to protect the empty building from any damage from a potentially harsh winter. Plans are being investigated for the renovation of this building into Married Student Housing; FOCA continues to be a major supporter of the Married Student Housing Project and several members of the Board will travel to the National FOCA Convention in Myrtle Beach, NC over the Labor Day weekend.
Initial plans are being discussed for a full schedule of commemorations and events for the 75th Anniversary of the Seminary, which will be celebrated throughout 2013. Co-chairs for the Anniversary celebrations are Board Secretary, Leda Dzwonczyk and Matushka Nancy Gilbert.
The Board received a full report on the recent ATS extension from ATS Liaison, Dr. Paul Witek. Due to the progress the Seminary has made in matters of governance, strategic planning, the physical plant and assessments, the Seminary has been granted a two year extension of its accreditation period from 2014 to 2016. This has given the Seminary a full 7 year ATS evaluation period. Procedures are in place to meet all ATS recommendations.
Reports were heard from a variety of active committees including Academic, Faculty & Student Affairs, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Development and Public Affairs and Building and Grounds. Other business included a discussion of a satellite Diaconal program in Miami, FL and the Fall Lecture Series.
Watch the Seminary website for additional information on these and other upcoming projects.
The next Board meeting will be held October 25-26, 2012 at Villanova University to coincide with the opening of an exhibition of Icons and sacred items, including some of the Seminary’s Guzey collection, which is being presented at Villanova. Board members will be able to participate in the opening ceremonies.
Classroom Dedicated to the Memory of the Rt. Rev. John Skvir - 08/22/12
On Saturday July 7, 2012 a recently renovated classroom was blessed in memory of the Right Reverend John Skvir (STOTS 1943), a seminary alumnus, dedicated churchman, and devoted pastor.
The classroom renovation was donated by Mrs. Elsie Skvir Nierle.
Father Daniel Skvir, son of the late Fr. John Skvir, celebrated a small blessing service followed by remarks both by he and Fr. Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary. On behalf of the seminary community, Fr. Alexander thanked Elsie and the Skvir family for their generosity and love for the seminary.
Near Record Enrollment to Begin Historic Academic Year - 08/22/12
The Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty, in the final year of his three year appointment, will welcome twenty-one students to begin the 2012-2013 academic year.
This represents one of the largest classes to enroll at the seminary in recent memory. The students come from various and diverse jurisdictions, both here and abroad, and represent a true global cross-section of the entire Orthodox world.
Elijah’s Mantle: Additional Mantles Have Been Passed - 08/21/12
Elijah's Mantle has fulfilled two additional requests.
The first need was met in the form of a set of purple Lenten vestments and was provided for Fr. Andreas Blom (STOTS 2012) of Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Mission, Ashland Oregon. The set was donated by Father Bazyl Zawierucha of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA.
The second need that was met was a set of green vestments provided for Father Boulos Khoury of St. John of Damascus Church in Poway, California. The set was donated by Father Anthony Perkins of St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
Elijah’s Mantle: The First Mantle Has Been Passed - 08/14/12
Elijah's Mantle completed its first placement. The need was met in the form of a chalice and paten cover set with aer and was provided for Father Christopher Allen of Sts. Joachim and Anna Orthodox Mission (ROCOR) in San Antonio, Texas. The set was donated by Father Anthony Perkins of St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
Historic 75th Academic Year Begins at St. Tikhon’s Seminary - 08/14/12
On Sunday, August 26, 2012 the 75th academic year gets underway at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. This year promises to be a historic one with special activities planned throughout the 2012/2013 school year.
Stay tuned to for a list of exciting opportunities as the plans for this year’s memorial day celebration become finalized.
The Diocesan Diaconal Formation Programs in PA, NY and FL Continue to Accept Applicants for the Upcoming Academic Year - 08/14/12
The diocesan diaconal formation programs are open to men who are seeking possible ordination to the Holy Diaconate of the Orthodox Church. The course of instruction consists of two years of classes that are offered on Saturdays during the academic year. This allows students to take seminary-level classes while continuing with their jobs or other responsibilities. In addition to class participation, students also participate in the Divine Services and liturgical practica. The courses of the Certificate in Diaconal Formation Program consist of 24 academic credits that may, upon successful matriculation, be subsequently transferred towards the completion of a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. A Certificate in Diaconal Formation is awarded at the Seminary Graduation ceremony upon successful completion of the program.
Application materials are available here and must be submitted to the diocesan program coordinators listed below (and not sent directly to the Seminary). For further information, please contact:
Fr Victor Gorodenchuck, St Stephen’s Cathedral, Philadelphia (PA) 215-745-3232
Fr Alexy Karlgut, Sts Peter and Paul Church, Endicott (NY) 607-785-4479
Fr Joseph Lucas, Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Miami Lakes (FL) 305-332-4454
Community Gathers to Celebrate Patronal Feast of St. Tikhon’s Monastery - 08/13/12
On Monday, August 13, 2012 the St. Tikhon’s Monastery celebrated the Feast Day of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, the patron of the monastery.
Several St. Tikhon’s graduates returned to celebrate this holy feast day with the St. Tikhon’s community. Immediately following the liturgy everyone came together once again in the monastery refectory and enjoyed a time of celebration and breaking bread.
As seminarians we quickly learn that Orthodoxy demands a proper understanding of stewardship. It is essential to the Orthodox life that we always keep in mind proper care and respect for those things God has entrusted to our care for the betterment of His kingdom. This includes the many items that are required to do the holy services properly, with beauty and reverence. The vestments, the icons, the chalice and paten, all these things and more, are necessary but expensive when bought new and are often out of the reach of mission and/or smaller parishes. Many of the students at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary hail from this type of home parish setting, and are keenly aware of the needs and financial stresses present. Elijah’s Mantle is a means to meet some of these needs.
Elijah’s Mantle is a ministry that will act as a conduit for older or presently underutilized liturgical items to be passed from churches with items to spare, churches that are closing, and retired or reposed clergy, to new missions or churches that are in need of these items but cannot afford them. Our inventory is comprised entirely of donations, and all items are made available at the cost of shipping only. We may, on occasion, arrange for direct shipment of larger items directly to the recipient to save on storage and shipping costs.
Elijah’s Mantle accepts donations of vestments, liturgical vessels and utensils, service books, icons, and anything else “Church related.” Once an item is received by Elijah’s Mantle, its condition and history are assessed. If the item is of historical significance, it is turned over to the Saint Tikhon’s Museum, administered by the Archpriest John Perich. If it is not of historical significance, but is in good, usable condition, the history of the item is recorded and it is put into the inventory for future requests.
Donated items are stored in the main building of the seminary. If a donated item is irreparably damaged and not of historical significance, its history is recorded and it is turned over to the monks of Saint Tikhon’s for a proper disposal on monastery grounds.
Elijah’s Mantle was conceived of and is run by seminarians at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. We have already received over fifty requests for specific liturgical items from four canonical jurisdictions. We have received donations from the OCA, ROCOR, UOC of USA, and ROEA. Four requests have been filled and six more are currently pending.
Placement updates for donations of liturgical goods will be posted on the St. Tikhon’s Seminary website along with thank you letters and stories of encouragement on the part of the recipients.
Elijah’s Mantle is a program designed to assist the people of God in helping one another. To help those who have more than is necessary to support those who are in need. To help build relationships between Orthodox communities who may be hundreds of miles apart, but still live the same common faith.
September 19-20 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to Speak at Clergy Retreat at Antiochian Village - 08/12/12
On September 19th–20th, 2012 Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be the main presenter at this year’s annual Clergy Retreat of the Antiochian Diocese of New York and Washington, DC, and of Charleston, Oakland, and the Mid-Atlantic, held at Antiochian Village in Bolivar, PA.
General theme: The Spirituality of the Pastor
Session 1 (September 19, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.): On Discovering the Will of God and on Obedience.
Session 2 (1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.): On the Spiritual Father and Child Relationship.
Session 3 (September 20, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.): On Transforming Psychological States into Spiritual Ones.
Session 4 (1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.): On Hypostatic and Liturgical Prayer.
September 22-23 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Speak at Parish Council Symposium in Los Angeles, CA - 08/12/12
On September 22-23, 2012 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty will be speaking at the Parish Council Symposium for the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
Deacon Martin Watt is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 08/06/12
This past Monday, August 6, 2012 on the Great Feast of the Transfiguration Dn. Martin Watt was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. The ordination was performed by His Eminence the Most Reverend Tikhon, Bishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania.
The Seminary Community extends a very heartfelt many years to he and and his family and may God bless and keep them as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
St. Tikhon’s Community Celebrates Great Feast of the Transfiguration - 08/06/12
Members of the St. Tikhon’s Community came together today to celebrate the Great and Holy Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The service was presided by His Eminence the Most Reverend Tikhon, Bishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. Also serving were Igumen Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Archimandrite Michael (Their), pastor of St. Vladimir's Church in Lopez,PA, Mitered Archpriest Basil Micek, pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Scranton, PA, V. Rev. Michael Lepa, Igumen Gregory, and Hieromonk Innokenty.
Several ordinations and elevations also occurred during the service. Congratulations to Novice Basil (Smith) who was tonsured as reader, Rassophore Monk Silouan who was tonsured a reader and ordained to the Sub-Diaconate, Hieromonk Michael (Thier) who was elevated to Archimandrite, and Deacon Martin Watt who was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Bishop Michael Appointed Interim Rector - 08/04/12
On August 1, 2012, a transition in the administration of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary took place as His Grace, Bishop Michael assumed the position of Interim Rector following the resignation of His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon, who served as Seminary Rector since 2005, concurrently with his role as ruling hierarch of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania.
On April 25, 2012, Archbishop Tikhon submitted a letter of resignation to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, and to the Holy Synod of Bishops. During the Spring Session of the Holy Synod (May 7-10, 2012), Metropolitan Jonah, with the concurrence of all the hierarchs, accepted His Eminence’s resignation, effective August 1, 2012. At the most recent meeting of the Lesser Synod, on July 5, 2012, Metropolitan Jonah appointed His Grace, Bishop Michael, as Interim Rector of St Tikhon’s Seminary.
In a letter to the Seminary community (available here), His Eminence explains his decision to resign, noting that the “single and fundamental reason for my decision is the reality of the full time work required within the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania.” His Eminence also emphasized that his decision “did not arise from any sense of frustration with, or disappointment in, anyone on the Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty or Staff of the Seminary,” and he expressed his joy at continuing on as a member of the Board of Trustees and as a participant in the sacred task of theological education.
His Grace, Bishop Michael has begun working with the Seminary Dean, Archpriest Alexander Atty, in the preparations for the new academic year at St Tikhon’s Seminary. A large incoming class is expected and the Faculty, Staff and Administration are busy making arrangements to welcome the new and returning seminarians for the challenges of the new year.
Bishop Michael stated that he and the entire Seminary are grateful to Archbishop Tikhon for his yeoman service to the theological school over the many years that His Eminence has taught as Professor and the past seven years he has served as Rector.
His Grace noted that his own goal is to continue the rich legacy of His Eminence and Father Alexander – of spiritually forming and theologically educating the future clergy of the Orthodox Church in this country and in nations all over the world – a legacy initially inspired by St. Tikhon of Moscow, who envisioned a school to form priests in South Canaan when he was Archbishop in America, and a legacy carried into our own time by St. Nikolai of Zhicha, who served the last years of his life as Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Fr. Alexander expressed his gratitude to His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon for the support, guidance, and love he has shown during Father Alexander's tenure at the seminary helm. "We know that the love Archbishop Tikhon has for the seminary community is shared by Bishop Michael and all of us here at the seminary look forward to the continuation of the support of both of these great warriors for Christ."
August 7-10 V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty to Speak at National Conference - 08/01/12
August 7-10, 2012 the V. Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty we be speaking at the 2012 Western Rite Vicariate Conference of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America.
This year's event will be held at the St. Gregory’s University and Abbey in Shawnee, OK.
Welcome to the Newest Member of Our Community - 07/30/12
With much joy we announce the birth of the newest member of our community. Anna Lucia Witek was born July 30, 2012 at 4:25am. She weighed 6lbs. 11 oz. May God grant many, blessed years to Anna and her parents, Dr. Paul and Donna Witek.
Fr. Nicholas met with the Dean of the seminary, Fr. Alexander Atty to further strengthen the relationship between the two Orthodox theological institutions and discuss ways the two seminaries might work together more closely in the future.
July 26-28 Archpriest John Kowalczyk to Speak at OCPM Convocation - 07/11/12
On July 26-28, 2012 The Archpriest John Kowalczyk will speak on behalf of the St. Tikhon's Seminary Field Education Program at the 2012 Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry
(OCPM) Convocation in Minneapolis, MN.
As Director of the Field Education Program Fr. John will be speaking from his decades of experience working in the prison system for the state of Pennsylvania.
Fr. John's talk entitled: Religiosity and Spirituality is scheduled for the first session of the second day of lectures for this year's convocation.
August 18 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to be Judge at Orthodox Book Competition - 07/09/12
On August 18, 2012 Dr. Christopher Veniamin has been invited to be a judge at the Coptic Orthodox Book Competition, at St George's Church in Philadelphia, PA.
The Book Competition is being done in connection with the annual event Mahragan Alkeraza 2012 – the 16th Annual East Coast Spiritual Festivity for High School and College students.
July 26-29 Dr. Christopher Veniamin to be Guest Speaker at Syrian Orthodox Family Conference - 07/09/12
July 26-29 Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be a guest speaker at the upcoming Indian (Syrian) Orthodox Family Conference at Mount St Mary's University, in Maryland.
Seminary Receives Accreditation Extension in Light of Institutional Progress - 07/09/12
At their June meeting, the Seminary’s accrediting body – the Board of Commissioners of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) – voted to extend the Seminary’s next accreditation visit by two years from Fall 2014 to Fall of 2016.
In their decision, the Board of Commissioners accepted the recommendations of an ATS Site Team that visited the Seminary in February of 2012. During their visit, the ATS Site Team found that significant institutional progress had been made in the past two years under the leadership of the Seminary’s Dean, Father Alexander Atty. The ATS Site Team commended Father Atty for having “led changes” in various aspects of institutional life and for having “vigorously addressed the school’s needs” since his arrival as Dean. The Site Team commended Father Alexander for his leadership in upgrading the Seminary’s physical plant, for moving forward with married student housing, for fostering greater collaboration between various institutional constituencies, and for promoting a greater spirit of shared responsibility. The ATS site team also commended Seminary’s the Board of Trustees and Administration for making progress in areas of institutional governance, strategic planning, and institutional assessment. In their recommendations to the Commission, the ATS Site Team noted that an extension of the Seminary’s period of accreditation would appropriately serve as “an affirmation of the school’s renewed sense of vitality”. In accepting the recommendations of the Site Team the ATS Board of Commissioners said that it “acknowledge[d] the progress that has been made in the last two years and encourage[d] the Seminary to implement the changes it has identified” in making the Seminary more vibrant in the years to come.
In learning of the Commission’s decision, Father Atty wished to extend his sincere thanks to all those who worked diligently in making the ATS Site Team visit productive, and wished to especially acknowledge Dr. Paul Witek for all his professional contributions as institutional liaison to the ATS Board of Commissioners.
St. Tikhon's Community Provides an Orthodox Presence at the 2012 Cornerstone Music Festival - 07/09/12
Once again this year representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community along with seminary alumni and dedicated volunteers traveled to Bushnell, Illinois for the annual Cornerstone Christian Music Festival.
In light of the deeply rewarding missionary efforts of last year’s endeavor it was decided that once again St. Tikhon’s would play a part in the outreach at the Cornerstone Festival.
In early March the outreach team began preparing for this year’s event by making the necessary financial arrangements to ensure such things as pamphlets, books, lodging accommodations, fuel, as well as Orthodox t-shirts and books were made available for the team to be an effective and visible presence.
One thing that was immediately clear was that due to the ever-increasing financial uncertainty in our Orthodox communities many of the sponsorship opportunities that were made available to last year’s team would not be available for the 2012 event. Unwilling to allow this year’s festival (which incidentally may be the last Cornerstone Festival) to go without Orthodox representation, it was then decided that the St. Tikhon’s Community would begin raising the necessary funds to make this year’s event possible.
To that end we would like to thank the individuals and groups of individuals for their sponsorship of this year’s outreach team. It is because of your generous giving that this year's team was able to speak to hundreds of individuals about the fullness of the Orthodox faith, provide them with source materials to review after they left the festival, as well as exchange contact information to provide necessary follow-up over the course of the next year.
Many thanks to Fr. Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Fr. Dennis Swencki, Chief Financial Officer St. Tikhon’s Seminary, The Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, Fr. Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery for his generous donations of books and supplies, His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, His Grace, Bishop Mathias and the Diocese of the Midwest, His Grace, Bishop Michael and the Diocese of New York & New Jersey, Fr. John Parker and the Department of Evangelization for the Orthodox Church in America, Ron Moore and “Ancient Church Arts,” Bobby Maddox and Conciliar Press, John Valadez and “Death to the World,” and to the families and parish communities of each of the team members.
This year’s outreach team consisted of Fr. Joel Weir (STOTS 2010), Rector of St. Stephen the First Martyr Church in Crawfordsville, IN, Fr. Nicholas Dellerman (STOTS 2009), Rector of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Norwich, CT, Fr. Christopher Foley, Rector of Holy Cross Orthodox Church in High Point, NC, Luke Beecham, former Director of Youth for the Orthodox Church in America, Stephen Wendland, Mike Poulin, Liam Weir, and finally Christopher Patton (STOTS 2005) Assistant to the Dean for Media, Publications, and Public Affairs, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
This year the outreach team attempted to build on the foundation that was laid last year by not only holding Orthodox prayer services but also to provide several talks on various topics immediately following the evening prayer service. Statistically speaking, both the services and the talks were very well attended, each having as many as 55 people in attendance and curious about the Orthodox Faith.
“It was an amazing experience!” said Fr. Nicholas Dellerman, It is remarkable to be surrounded by so many young people hungry for the Orthodox Faith and eager to ask real and heartfelt questions that they have been unable to find answers for elsewhere.”
This year in preparation for the event a special section of the St. Tikhon's Seminary Website was also developed to provide necessary information for interested in understanding more about the Orthodox Faith. A special online adaptation of the book "These Truths We Hold" was made available and then linked with the newly registered domain name This website address was then placed on each and every flyer the outreach team handed out at the concert event. This has already begun to generate hundreds of additional visits to the seminary website.
Unfortunately, it was also announced in late spring that this year may be the last Cornerstone Festival. Financial concerns and changing demographics were reported by Cornerstone organizers as the reason for ending this 29 year old music festival. Though as recently as two weeks ago several concerned groups have entered into a discussion with JPUSA, the group responsible for the event for the past nearly three decades, on how other interested parties might help shoulder some of the financial burden of the organization and help ensure the festival continue at least in some way into the future.
If some way forward is found, St. Tikhon’s hopes to continue to be an Orthodox presence each year at the Cornerstone Christian Music Festival. If, however, this year was the last year, alternate venues are currently being reviewed to ensure a similar type of outreach program can continue in the years to come.
If you would like to become a sponsor of next year’s team please contact St. Tikhon’s Seminary Department of Media, Publications, and Public Affairs at 570-561-1818 Ext. 6.
St. Tikhon's Summer Camp Continues Tradition of Excellence - 07/06/12
During the week of July 1, 2012, 120 children, as well as a volunteer staff of 54 adult counselors, gathered on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s Seminary to celebrate another successful season of the Summer Camp program that has been a tradition for more than 40 years.
Saint Tikhon’s Summer Camp allows Orthodox Christian children between the ages of 7 and 17 to grow in their relationship with Christ and to develop relationships with each other by attending daily services, enjoying religious education programs geared toward their individual age groups, and spending time together during recreational activities on the beautiful grounds. Although the program is sponsored by the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, the camp also hosts children from many other states including New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Florida, and Nebraska.
A very special and historical highlight of this season of camp was a July 4 visit from Fr. Athanasy and the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna. Each of the campers and staff members had the opportunity to venerate this beautiful icon at the conclusion of that evening’s prayer service.
St. Tikhon's Welcomes Newest Member of the Community - 07/04/12
With much joy we announce the birth of the newest member of our community. Isidore Demetrios McPherson was born July 4, 2012 at 10:37am. He weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and measured 20 in. long.
May God grant many, blessed years to Isidore and his parents, Moses and Ruth.
Matushka Sophia Soroka Falls Asleep in the Lord - 07/02/12
Matushka Sophia (Hubiak) Soroka, beloved wife to Archpriest
Theodore Soroka (STOTS 1954), fell asleep peacefully in our Lord on Sunday July
1, 2012 surrounded by loved ones, family, and friends.
The viewing and funeral service will be held at Holy
Resurrection Church at 217 Plainview Avenue Belle Vernon, PA 15012
The viewing is scheduled for Wednesday July 4, 2012 from
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM with Panahida at 7:30 PM
The funeral will be Thursday July 5, 2012 at 9:00 AM
May God grant everlasting rest in His heavenly kingdom and
may her memory be eternal.
Iconography Workshop Continues to Bless St. Tikhon's Community - 07/01/12
During the week of June 17 -23, at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Hexaemeron School of Iconography once again provided the highest caliber of education in the fine art of iconography.
For years, Ksenia Pokrovsky along with her daughter Anna Gouriev-Pokrovsky and accomplished student Marek Czarnecki have given their time and energy to convey the traditional skills particular to Russian iconography.
This year, the class consisted of many experienced iconographers, as well as those who are just beginning to practice the discipline. From the theological and philosophical aspects of the icon, down to the most basic skills involved in the process, Hexaemeron provided students with a full range of understanding of the meaning of icons. Of course, icons convey eternal realities which cannot simply be conveyed in one week"s time. Nevertheless, the students were motivated to pursue the practice of writing icons and to do it in a manner worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
More information regarding recent events and upcoming course offerings can be viewed here.
Seminary Board of Trustees Hold Board Development Retreat - 06/26/12
SOUTH CANAAN, PA – Members of the St. Tikhon's Seminary Board of Trustees completed a two-day seminar featuring nationally-known consultant Mary H. DeKuyper, who is a facilitator and trainer for non-profit agencies and who specializes in fundraising, board development, and general governance.
In her presentation, Ms. DeKuyper focused on the Board's responsibilities, how it performs its duties, and its role in fundraising.
Also attending the seminar on June 25-26 were His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH, President of the Seminary; His Eminence, Archbishop TIKHON, Rector of the school; and His Grace, Bishop MICHAEL, former Seminary Dean and currently a Board member.
The program also included the Very Rev. Dennis Swencki, the Seminary's development officer and chief financial officer, who recently completed a 13-week fundraising course at Villanova University. He shared his educational experience with Board members. The Very Rev. Yaroslav Sudick, renowned educator and trustee emeritus of the Seminary, conducted a session concerning the legal responsibilities of Board members.
The seminar was held at the Sheraton Baltimore Washington Airport Hotel in Maryland, a central location for most of the Board members. Board members paid their own expenses to attend and participate in the seminar.
Additionally, two Board members who have held successful fundraisers for the Seminary offered suggestions on how to create a fundraising event at one's home or at a church hall.
Matushka Mary Wusylko, from St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Pittsburgh, explained how she and her husband, Protodeacon Dr. Michael Wusylko, have held annual fundraisers for the Seminary at their home for many years. Matushka Mary gave Board members some inspiring tips on how they might try the same thing.
Ron Royhab, a Board member who attends Holy Assumption Church in Marblehead, Ohio, explained how his small home-town parish, SS. Peter and Paul Church, in Lorain, Ohio, recently put on its first Russian-themed fundraising dinner, complete with entertainment from the Russian Male Chorus from Cleveland.
Both of these fundraisers included home-cooked meals, musical entertainment, and ample opportunities for fellowship.
The two-day seminar concluded with a round-table exchange of ideas among Board members.
Leda Dzwonczyk, Secretary of the Board, was in charge of making all the arrangements, including hotel accommodations, setting up the meeting room, meals, and many other details.
Michael Herzak, Chairman of the St. Tikhon's Seminary Board of Trustees, said he wants to have seminars on a regular basis so that Board members can share the best ideas and learn new ones.
This sentiment was clearly shared among the participants of this most recent retreat, as Board members were grateful to learn strategies that will help them grow as faithful stewards of our beloved Seminary.
Ford Family Visits Monastery in Essex on Behalf of the St. Tikhon's Community - 06/25/12
From Monday, June 18, to Monday, June 25, Drs. David and Mary Ford, along with their daughter Emmelia, were tremendously blessed to visit the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex, England, founded there in 1959 by Fr. Sophrony, the leading disciple of the illustrious St. Silouan of Mt. Athos.
In addition to participating in the services and life of the monastery, they were able to take advantage of the wisdom of those there through various private talks. “Whenever we visit this monastery, it's always an exceptional educational and spiritual opportunity for us,” commented the Fords.
The Fords went on to say, “We were very moved and honored to be part of this strengthening of the ties between St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery, and the St. John the Baptist Monastery. We especially rejoice that Metropolitan Jonah was able to make his first visit there while we were there. We pray that all of our various associations with this most remarkable monastery will bear much spiritual fruit for all of us in the years to come.”
This is a relationship that goes back to the 1960s for our Professor of Patristics, Dr. Christopher Veniamin, and to the 1970s for Dr. Mary Ford, who began her frequent visits there in 1977 just a few days after she was baptized into the Holy Orthodox Church in Oxford, England. Dr. David started visiting the community in 1988 along with Mary not long after they were married.
Two of the more senior members of the community there, Fr. Zacharias and Sister Magdalen, have both visited St. Tikhon's. Just last year, Fr. Zacharias gave the commencement address and received an honorary doctorate from St. Tikhon's Seminary. And for several years now, Dr. Christopher, through his Mount Thabor Publishing Company, has been publishing outstanding books on the spiritual life by Fr. Zacharias, based on the wisdom of St. Silouan and Fr. Sophrony.
Music Instructor to Attend Prestigious Masters Class - 06/13/12
St. Tikhon's music instructor and choir director, Benedict Sheehan, and his wife, Maria, will attend a five-day master class this June 25-29 at St. Vladimir's Seminary. The class will be led by the renowned Russian choral conductor, Vladimir Gorbik, director of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Representation Choir in Moscow and author of more than a dozen highly acclaimed audio recordings.
After a lengthy audition process Benedict and Maria were selected by Maestro Gorbik to be part of a thirty-member master class chorus. Additionally, Benedict was selected to be one of four student conductors who will work one-on-one with Maestro Gorbik and who will conduct in the final master class recital on Thursday, June 28, at 2:30 PM.
The culmination of this first-time ever event will be the celebration of the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the feast of Ss. Peter and Paul at St. Vladimir's Seminary chapel, presided over by His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH.
For more information, or if you are interested in attending the master class recital and/or services, please visit the St. Vladimir's Seminary Gorbik Master Class website for a full schedule, including links to performances by Maestro Gorbik and his choir. (Please note that auditions for participants are now closed, and that auditors are required to pay $50 fee to sit in on the master class rehearsals.)
Icon Exhibition Preview and Seminary Fundraiser Enjoys Success in DC Area - 06/05/12
An evening reception and program sponsored by members of the Board of Trustees and Alumni of the Washington DC and surrounding area was held in the Abrams and Chaffee Room of Fort Myer Officers’ Club, Fort Myer, Virginia.
Orthodox Faithful of many jurisdictions as well as others gathered in recognition of the accomplishments of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Archpriest John Perich was the master of ceremonies for the evening. Ms. Donya Platoff served on the regional committee and coordinated the location and evening reception.
The major Highlights of the evening included: a presentation by Bishop Michael (Dahulich) Bishop of New York, Diocese of New York and New Jersey, member of the Board of Trustees and former dean and a Preview Exhibition of Icons and Antiquities entitled: ICON – THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM. The Early Church- Byzantium – Holy Rus. Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of the Orthodox Church in America; Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, South Canaan, PA.
A future exhibition will be conducted at Villanova University October 15 through December 15, 2012.
During the evening the guests had an opportunity to view the exhibition as well as to receive a personal presentation from the museum curator about the significance and history of the items on display. Those in attendance included: Mr. Michael Herzak, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Ms. Leda Dzwonczyk, Secretary of the Board of Trustees Archpriest Theodore Boback, President of the Alumni Association, with other alumni and board of trustee sponsors. Metropolitan Jonah, Archbishop of Washington and President of Saint Tikhon Seminary provided closing remarks.
Proceeds from the event were earmarked to Saint Tikhon Seminary operational fund.
New Documentary Chronicles Historic Significance of this Year's Memorial Day Pilgrimage - 05/31/12
A new documentary has just been published regarding the historic implications of this year’s Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
Created by the Media Department of the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, this documentary focuses on the historical relationship of the parish of St. John’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Mayfield, PA and St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary Community.
This documentary has been distributed free to the public do to the generosity of the Eastern American Diocese and is a result of the hard work of its director Peter Lukianov and currently enrolled seminarian Gregory Levitsky as well as all the members of the Department of Media for the Eastern American Diocese.
Included within this documentary are candid and personal interviews with His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah as well as with Archpriest Fr. John Sorochka.
Also included is video footage of the revival of the historic pilgrim march from the parish in Mayfield, PA to the monastery church with an interview with this year’s organizer Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak. This year’s walk was very aptly named “In the Footsteps of Our Fathers” and marks the restoration of a tradition as old as the St. Tikhon’s Community itself.
A special thanks to each and every person who contributed to the production of the documentary and to each and every person who in some way played a part in the healing of hearts and the restoration of relationships that paved the way for this historic endeavor.
Author Shares Impact of Holy Elder's Life - 05/30/12
On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Fr. Peter Heers visited the Saint Tikhon's Community to give a brief talk and spiritual analysis of the new book, The Life of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, by Elder Isaac.
This English Edition, which has been nearly five years in the making, is the definitive work of this holy elder’s life. It is over 750 pages and length and utilizes almost entirely first-hand accounts of the life of Elder Paisios.
This work has already been translated into dozens of languages and has become an instant “classic” in Greece. It includes many key aspects of the Elder's life and teaching which have an especially potent and important meaning for Orthodoxy in America.
Copies of the book can be purchased via the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Bookstore here.
For a second year in a row, the money received from our sponsors and supporters paid for all layout
and printing costs this year. Our sponsors and supporters have been
given prime space, being featured one-per-page directly below the photos
and articles from this year.
As we released it last year, In addition to the printed version, the
Tikhonaire is available online using a method that some have said is even preferable
to the printed version.
Thank you to all of our supporters this year who have made the 2012 Tikhonaire a great success!
Memorial Day Pilgrimage and 2012 Commencement (Day Four) - 05/28/12
Memorial Day
Each year the St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary Community opens its arms in dramatic fashion to the greater Orthodox and non-orthodox community. This is a labor of love, the preparation for which is a several weeks long endeavor that involves every person associated with both the Monastery and the Seminary as well as many friends and families, volunteers from neighboring parishes and long-time supporters.
This labor of love is, in many ways, an iconic representation of our relationship with the world and an articulation of our place it that world. Each year we open up our lives to everyone who wishes to come and take part in the pilgrimage and each year we are surprised by the response.
This year, despite the heat, thousands of Pilgrims turned out to spend Memorial Day with the St. Tikhon’s Community.
St. Tikhon’s is particularly suited for this endeavor because it is something we do each year at the beginning of the Academic school year. Then again at the end of that same year we say goodbye to those graduates who leave us to go elsewhere in the service of the Church. This ebb and flow of loved ones in and then out of our lives is the very natural rhythm of our community. It is at times difficult and emotional but the shouldering of this burden is one that makes us who we are.
The Memorial Day Pilgrimage is an opportunity to reunite with friends and loved ones as they come here and for all of us to pray together, one for another - to share stories with one another, to teach one another, and to remember together.
A “motto” is defined as “a phrase meant to formally summarize the general motivation or intention of a social group or organization.” The motto of St. Tikhon’s is For the Life of the World and its Salvation.
Thank you for helping us as we try to embody that reality.
Thank you for allowing us to share our lives with you.
Thank you for sharing each of your lives with us, and God willing we hope to see you again next year.
Memorial Day Pilgrimage and 2012 Commencement (Day Three) - 05/27/12
For the first time in over three decades, a group of faithful walked in procession from Saint John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Mayfield, PA to the monastery on Sunday, May 27, following the same route faithful took at the first pilgrimage in 1905.
Metropolitan Jonah, with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Saint John’s, after which The Very Reverend Mitred Archpriest John Sorochka, rector, and the cathedral faithful hosted a luncheon. Following the celebration of a Service of Prayer, some 40 faithful ranging in age from 4 to 55-plus set out on the 11-mile, 3.5 hour procession to the monastery “in honor of our forefathers who, so many years ago, followed the same path of faith,” according to Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak, who helped organize the procession. “We hope that this will once again become an annual tradition.”
En route, the walkers sang hymns, paused for water — the temperature was well above 80 degrees! — and, at one point, stopped at a house along the way as a man approached them, wishing to venerate the processional cross.
As the walkers reached the monastery entrance arch, Metropolitan Jonah, His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon, Abbot Sergius and others greeted and blessed them for their witness, and welcomed them into the dining hall, where a special meal had been prepared for them.
(Article taken from (A full report on the entire Memorial Day Pilgrimage from can be viewed here.)
A full account of the Metropolitan’s Visit to St. John’s in Mayfield, PA and its profound and historical significance can be read on the parish website here.
Memorial Day Pilgrimage and 2012 Commencement (Day Two) - 05/26/12
On Saturday, May 26, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary held its 70th Annual Commencement Exercises.
Presiding over the commencement exercises was His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America and President of the Seminary. He was joined by Metropolitan Nikolaos of the North American Diocese of the Syrian Malankara Orthodox Church, His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania; His Grace, Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, His Grace, Bishop John of Worcester and New England of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America and the Very Reverend Doctor Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Commencement day opened with Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Monastery Church, at which Metropolitan Jonah was the celebrant. During the Liturgy, Deacon Benjamin Huggins was ordained to the Holy Priesthood and Brother Konstantin (Kasovac), Class of 2012 was ordained to the Holy Diaconate as a hierodeacon. After the Liturgy, there was a short brunch in the monastery refectory.
The graduation procession was led by the miraculous myrrh-streaming Iveron icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from Hawaii.
The commencement speaker for this year was His Grace, Bishop John of Worcester and New England of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. He gave a moving address on human nature and the freedom of mankind to embody Godly principles or to place himself as a stumbling block to his brother, the full text of which can be read here.
The valedictorian, Andrew Temple, spoke on the value of anonymity and how it is through humility that we attract the grace of God.
This year’s graduates receiving their Master of Divinity degree were: Priest Nicklas J. Aiello, Priest Andreas F. Blom, Priest Philip M. Halliwell, Priest John C. Hogg, Hierodeacon Konstantin (Kasovac), Deacon Matthew K. Markewich, Arseny Mikhalev, Todd Justin Mokhiber, Priest Milorad Orlic, Roman Ostash, Deacon Abraham Philip, Priest Ian Shipley, Keith Andrew Temple and Deacon Joel T. Wilson.
Those receiving a Certificate in Diaconal Formation were: Gregory Aidinov, Ilya Arnopolskiy, Mark Bohush, James Carpenter, David Y.K. Chow, Theodore Gregory, Gregory Hubiak, Sean McNulty, Symeon Terry Peet, Michael Pylypsiw and Gregory White.
A reception immediately followed the commencement ceremony at St. Michael's Center in East Jermyn, PA. There, as is traditional, the graduates each shared a few words regarding their personal journey during their time at the seminary.
Memorial Day Pilgrimage and 2012 Commencement (Day One) - 05/25/12
The Arrival of the Miracle Working Icon
On Friday, May 25, 2012 the Memorial Day Pilgrimage began with the arrival of the myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from Hawaii. Multitudes of people from various parts of the country arrived at the monastery archway to welcome this miraculous and most holy icon.
Several news crews arrived to document this historical event and to witness the holy presence of this miracle working icon which has traveled throughout the country and to which many healings of mind and body have been attributed. This icon has also been responsible for the restoration of relationships and the building up of the faithful.
Thou hast ascended in glory O Christ our God, granting joy to Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. Through the blessing they were assured that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world!
When Thou didst fulfill the dispensation for our sake, and didst unite earth to heaven, Thou didst ascend in glory, O Christ our God, not being parted from those who love Thee, but remaining with them and crying: I am with you and no one will be against you!
St. Tikhon's Community Prepares for Memorial Day Pilgrimage and 2012 Commencement - 05/21/12
As it does each year, the entire St. Tikhon’s Community came together this week to prepare the monastery and seminary grounds for the 2012 Commencement Ceremony and the Memorial Day Pilgrimage.
The grass has been cut, the cemetery tended, the buildings placed in order, and the repairs completed.
A special thanks to each and every person who took part in the preparation.
On Friday, May 18, 2012 the seminary wives gathered at the home of the seminary dean, Fr. Alexander Atty for a dinner held in honor of the 2012 graduating wives. His wife Kh. Olga Atty prepared a delicious meal for the occasion in which fond remembrances were shared and goodbyes were exchanged.
Some of the contributions of the graduating wives to the life of the community were remembered in a movie presentation made for the occasion.
The graduating class of 2012, as well as their families, will be missed. It is the hope of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community that each of you continue to pray for all of us here and that wherever your ministry takes you, you always remember your time here as one of much joy and personal, spiritual growth.
Seminary Building Receives Finishing Touches in Preparation for Pilgrimage Weekend - 05/15/12
In preparation for the upcoming 2012 Commencement Exercises and the Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage the landscaping for the front of the seminary administration building was completed.
The planting of additional trees, shrubs and flowering bushes as well as the decorative mulch and stone work further add to the beauty of the newly remodeled seminary building.
The roof of the pavilion building also received some much needed repairs to make it ready for the upcoming commencement ceremony.
International Author to Speak at St. Tikhon's - 05/13/12
On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Fr Peter Heers will be visiting Saint Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery. He will be giving a spiritual analysis of the new book, The Life of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, by Elder Isaac.
This is the definitive life of the Elder. They've been translating and editing the book for about 5 years now. It is over 750 pages in length. It is already a "classic" in Greece and has been translated into about a dozen languages. Key aspects of the Elder's life and teaching which have an especially potent and important meaning for Orthodox in America will be touched upon.
Major spiritual themes emphasized by the elder, such as: human justice vs. divine justice, philotimo vs. egotism, and spiritual heroism, among others, will be presented. Those issues are selected which need some "translation" and "amplification" for the American Orthodox Christian. Also, two letters written by the elder which have been circulated in Greece, but which have remained unpublished and untranslated into English, will be discussed. These are texts which are very helpful in understanding the challenges of the times and the Church's proper response to these.
Fr Peter will giving his presentation at noon in the Seminary refectory.
Fr. Stephen Powley Speaks on the Importance of Prison Ministry - 05/09/12
On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 St. Tikhon’s was pleased to have Fr. Stephen Powley, the Assistant Director of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), as a guest speaker. OCPM is the official prison ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops of North and South America.
OCPM currently ministers to over 1000 men and women who are currently incarcerated or have been recently so and now are being acclimated back into their own local communities. Currently there are over 300 Orthodox catechumens within the American prison system.
Fr. Stephen gave a moving and thought provoking presentation that challenged everyone present to re-evaluate stereotypes and to take a close and honest look at St. Paul’s instruction to "remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." (Hebrews 13:3)
On Tuesday, May 8, 2012 the 2012 Field Work Education Awards Ceremony honored this year’s participants and presented each with their program certifications.
Representatives from SCI Waymart, Wayne Memorial Hospital and Wayne Woodlands Manor Assisted Living Facility each came to thank the seminary for their participation in the program. The directors and administrators of each of the care facilities expressed deep appreciation for the seminaries long-standing relationship with their institutions and gratitude for the hope that the seminarians bring to each of their organizations.
“The residence of the facility look forward to their weekly visits from the seminarians for several days leading up to their visit and for some it’s all they talk about for several days after.” said Matushka Marion Swencki, Administrator of Wayne Woodlands, “It is such an important work you do when you give of yourself to take part in the life of a resident.”
This year the student participants went out of their way to thank Fr. Alexander Atty the Dean of the Seminary, Fr. John Kowalczyk the Director of the Field Education Program, as well as Fr. David Shewczyk the Associate Director for the opportunity to take part in the program by presenting them each with a hand-painted icon.
The icons were written by an inmate in the State Prison System who converted while serving his sentence due largely to the ministerial efforts of groups like the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM).
Thank you to Everyone Who Supported the Sexton Relief Fund - 05/08/12
On behalf of Fr. Adam Sexton and the entire parish community at St. John the Baptist parish in Nanticoke, PA we would like to say thank you to each and every person who gave so generously to the Sexton Relief Fund.
Through your generous efforts St. Tikhon’s Seminary was able to collect nearly $40,000 to help Fr. Adam Sexton and his family begin to replace those parts of their lives that were lost to the rectory fire that broke out on the morning of March 4, 2012.
As the collection portion of the relief fund campaign draws to an end and the hard work of the rebuilding portion begins, we would ask that your continued prayers be with the Sexton family and the St. John’s parish community as they begin to repair the damages sustained in the blaze.
Third Annual Century Association Event is Tremendous Success - 05/06/12
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Century Association hosted Hospitality ala Russe on Sunday, May 6th at St. John’s Center in Mayfield, PA. The festival featured a magnificent “Russian Table” including zakushki (appetizers) of potato pancakes, eggplant caviar, pirozhki, kielbasa, marinated mushrooms, entrees of beef Stroganoff, chicken ala Russe, halupki, halushki, pierogis, and delicious homemade desserts.
Matushka Nina Stroyen was present to sign copies of the newly published cookbook, “HANYA’S KITCHEN: The Orthodox Herald Recipe Collection”, and St. John’s Bookstore offered a wide variety of Russian collectibles.
Entertainment featured the St. John’s Children’s Folkdance Ensemble dancing traditional folk dances and the Podoben chorus, directed by Masha Pavuk, presenting a selection of Paschal liturgical hymns and folk songs.
The Association expresses sincere appreciation to Father John and Matushka Alexandra Sorochka for supervising the event, to St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral for graciously allowing the Association to use their facilities, to the members of St. John’s parish who setup, cooked, served, baked decadent desserts and cleaned up, and to Father Joseph and Matushka Gloria Martin for orgaizing the theme basket raffle and preparing appetizers and entrees for the event. Thank you to the merchants who provided door prizes, to the donors of tickets, raffle prizes and theme baskets, to our platinum, gold and silver sponsors, to the Festival committee and the members of the Association for donating food, time and talent, and to all of our guests who enjoyed a delightful afternoon of superb food, excellent entertainment, and wonderful fellowship.
Through this tremendous outpouring of generosity and the combined effort of all of our contributors and volunteers, President Sarah Jubinski, on behalf of the Century Association, presented to Arch-Priest Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, the Association’s second installment check in the amount of $25,000.00.
Myrrh-Streaming and Miraculous Icon to Bless St. Tikhon's for Memorial Day Pilgramage - 05/04/12
The Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from Hawaii will again visit the Monastery this Memorial Day from Friday May 25th at 4 p.m. to Monday May 28th at 4:00 p.m.
Healings from cancer, demon possession and blindness have been attributed to the intercessions of the Mother of God through this Miraculous Myrrh-streaming Icon. This event is open to the general public.
On Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 1:00pm, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will gather to hold its annual commencement exercises. The commencement speaker for this year is His Grace, Bishop John of Worcester and New England, Antiochian Orthodox Christia Archdiocese of North America.
The banquet honoring the graduates will be held immediately following commencement at St. Michael's Center in East Jermyn, PA. Tickets are available for the luncheon; $25 per person. Children under 12 are free. Please contact the seminary office at 570-561-1818 ext. 101 or to make reservations.
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary
Seventieth Commencement Schedule
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church at 9:00am
Coffee Hour following Liturgy in the Trapeza
Commencement Exercises in the Pavilion at 1:00pm
Commencement Speaker, His Grace, Bishop JOHN of Worcester and New England,
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
Graduation Banquet St. Michael's Hall East Jermyn.
Endicott Diaconal Program Continues to Enjoy Success in 2012 - 05/01/12
The Diocese of New York/New Jersey recently posted an update regarding their Diaconal Program Offering including photos of the Liturgical Practicum as well as ordination photos.
Philadelphia Youth Visit St. Tikhon's Community - 04/28/12
Recently a group of young people from the St. Mary's Malankara Indian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA visited the St. Tikhon's Community. They enjoyed a tour of the Monastery and Seminary grounds and were able to listen to talks given by seminarians.
Welcome to the Newest Member of our Community - 04/25/12
With much joy we announce the birth of the newest member of our community. Noah Andrew Hibbard was born today, April 25, 2012 at 4:37am. He weighed 8lbs. 2-1/2 oz. and measured 21 in. long.
May God grant many, blessed years to Noah, his parents, Moses and Karmin and big sister Hannah.
Deacon Nicklas Aiello is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 04/22/12
Axios and many years to Dn. Nicklas Aiello who was ordained to the holy priesthood on Sunday, April 22, 2012 at St. Seraphim Cathedral in Dallas, TX by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations and prayers for he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Community Gathers for Bright Wednesday Celebration - 04/18/12
Christ is Risen!
The St. Tikhon's community came together for a time of fellowship and celebration on Bright Wednesday.
It was a time for delicious food and and fun game for both children and adults alike. Thank you to Benedict and Maria Sheehan for the offering of their home and for preparing the games and activities.
Thank you to everyone who prepared food for the meal and helped to make this time of celebration such a meaningful experience.
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that the 2012 commencement address will be offered by His Grace Bishop John (Abdalah). Bishop John is the Auxiliary Bishop for Worcester and New England and the editor of the WORD magazine.
A more complete biographical outline can be viewed on the Antiochian Archdiocese website here.
Our annual seminary community Pascha celebration was sponsored by Fr. Alexander and Matushka Olga Atty and family who also graciously volunteered their home for the occasion. Interviews Fr. Alexander - 04/12/12
A recent interview with Fr. Alexander Atty was featured on the official website of the Antiochian Archdiocese. The interview, Pastoring the People of God: Interview with Fr. Alexander Atty, will also be featured in the upcoming 2012 Tikhonaire and can be read by clicking on the link below.
Interview by Virginia Nieuwsma, Associate Editor of
Great and Holy Thursday - 12 Gospels Readings - 04/12/12
From the First Gospel Reading (Gospel of St. John the Theologian Chapter 17)
"Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him power over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work which you gave me to do; and now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory which I had with you before the world was made. I have manifested your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world; yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you; for I have given them the words which you gave me, and they have received them and know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you did send me. I am praying for them; I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours; all mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me; I have guarded them, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled. But now I am coming to you; and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not pray that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you did send me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated in truth. I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory which you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to behold my glory which you have given me in your love for me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, the world has not known you, but I have known you; and these know that you have sent me. I made known to them your name, and I will make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them. "
Each of the 12 Gospel Readings can be found in their entirety here, courtesy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Holy Chrism Consecrated at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church - 04/12/12
The consecration of the Holy Chrism took place at the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Church. The service was presided over by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, His Grace Bishop Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Michael, as well as Fr. Sergius the Abbott of the Monastery.
The making of the Holy chrism began early in the week on Great and Holy Monday and a constant vigil has been maintained since then.
Very special thanks to each and every priest who participated in the several day event; stirring the contents and reading the Gospel during each phase of the process.
Welcome to the Newest Member of our Community - 04/11/12
Phoebe Jane Kirk, daughter of first-year seminarian Daniel and Anne Kirk, was born on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 4:22 PM. She was 8 lbs. and 19 in. long.
May God grant Phoebe and her parents many happy and healthy years!
Making of the Holy Chrism Begins at St. Tikhon's - 04/09/12
The process for the making of the Holy Chrism began this morning at the St. Tikhon's Community Church in South Canaan, PA. The process will continue through-out Holy Week and will result in the production of the chrism that will be used by parish communities within the country for the next several years.
Additional details can be found on the OCA's website here.
Myrrh-Streaming Icon Visits St. Tikhon's Community - 04/09/12
The Myrrh-Streaming Icon ‘Softener of Evil Hearts’ visited with the St. Tikhon’s Community today. This time the icon was limited to only a short visit, but only a few years ago the Icon came for an extended stay in which hundreds of faithful were able to come venerate and pray before this miraculous vessel of Grace.
Many thanks to Fr. Kyprian as well as Sergei Fomin for making this visit possible and may the Mother God constantly strengthen and renew the life of the St. Tikhon’s Community and establish it in all good things.
Fr. John Nehrebecki Speaks to Orthodoxy in America Class - 04/05/12
On Thursday, April 5, 2012, Dr. David Ford's America and Orthodoxy class was treated to another guest speaker – this time, the Very Reverend John Nehrebecki, the priest emeritus at Christ the Savior OCA parish in Paramus, New Jersey.
Drawing on his nearly 60 years of experience in Christ's holy priesthood, Fr. John shared his insightful reflections and pearls of wisdom on many themes – from Bp. Nestor's work in Alaska in the early 1880s; to St. Alexis Toth's work in bringing thousands of Uniate Christians into Orthodoxy; to his own pastoral work in Osceola Mills, PA, and Garfield, NJ, in the 1950s – especially the introduction of the use of English in the services; to the key role that Fr. Alexander Schmemann played in the delicate process leading to the granting of the autocephaly to the OCA in 1970; and his own participation in the delegation that went to Moscow to personally receive the tomos of autocephaly from Metropolitan Pimen, locum tenens for the Moscow Patriarchate.
Fr. John spoke of the particular need for priests who are new in a parish to truly love their flock, and to bring necessary changes through patience, careful teaching, and gentleness. His warmth, humor, and contagious enthusiasm, and simply his living witness as a steadfast, fruit-bearing, faithful servant of Christ as “a simple parish priest” - as he describes himself - for nearly 60 years, was an inspiration to us all. Thank you, Fr. John, for the gift of your presence among us!
Guest Presenter Shares OCA Origins With Church History Class - 04/04/12
On Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at the invitation of Dr. David Ford, as part of his course on America and Orthodoxy, Mr. Alex Liberovsky, the Archivist of the OCA, gave a two-hour slide presentation in the Metropolitan Museum at St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary.
The presentation covered the entire panorama of the history of Russian Orthodoxy in North America, from the beginnings with the monk-missionaries coming from Valaam to Alaska in 1794; through the period of the Russian Administration under St. Tikhon, St. Raphael of Brooklyn, and others; the era of the Metropolia, from 1924 to 1970, under the leadership of the saintly Metropolitan Leonty and others; the granting of the autocephaly to the new OCA from the Patriarchate of Moscow in 1970; and up to the present, with the new possibilities for Orthodox unity opening up with the establishment of the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America.
It was a moving, dramatic presentation, well-appreciated by all who attended. We warmly thank Alex for all his hard work in preparing this presentation, and we look forward to his coming back to St. Tikhon's next Spring to share it with another group of Seminarians.
Fr. Alexander and Mission Choir Visit With Faithful in Harrisburg, PA - 03/26/12
The following article was written by Fr. Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007).
On Sunday, March 25th (the Great Feast of Annunciation) Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church welcomed Fr. Alexander Atty and the St. Tikhon Seminary Choir for their annual visit to our parish.
As always, the choir sang the Liturgy in a beautiful and prayerful manner, and inspired us all!
Following the Divine Liturgy our Men's Club prepared a fish dinner for a festive fellowship meal, in honor of the Great Feast and of our guests.
We pray that God will continue to bless Fr. Alexander, the trustees, administration, faculty, staff, students and their families at St. Tikhon Seminary!
We also celebrated the "Churching" of newly Illumined and Chrismated child of God
Bana Habtay, may God grant her many years, and "plant her firmly" in His Holy Orthodox Church.
Nicklas Aiello is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 03/25/12
On Sunday March 25th, Nicklas Aiello was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah at the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington DC.
May God bless him and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon's community wishes to extend its warmest congratulations and welcome to the newest member of our family:
Seminarian Joseph and Mary Landino and their children, Gabriella, Katerina, Mario and Rosalia welcomed Sophia Theodora Landino on Friday March 23, 2012 at 8:06pm. She weighed 7lbs 4oz and measured 19-1/2 in long.
May our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ grant Sophia and her family many blessed years!
Fr. Alexander and Mission Choir Visit With Faithful in Ohio - 03/18/12
Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir went to a number of different parishes to speak and raise awareness of the vital role that orthodox education provides in the life of the Church in America and how essential the local parish communities are in ensuring the future success of that education.
On Saturday, March 17, 2012 Fr. Alexander gave a retreat and the mission choir sang at SS Peter & Paul Church in Lorrain, Ohio at the request of the Rector of the parish, Archpriest Basil Stoyka (STOTS 1966).
Later that evening the mission choir attended the vespers service at St. Andrew Church in Maple Heights, Ohio at the invitation of Board of Trustees member and long-time supporter of St. Tikhon’s, Archpriest Emilian Hutnyan (STOTS 1992).
On Sunday, March 18, 2012 Fr. Alexander and the Mission Choir both participated in the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrews Church and after were treated to a wonderful banquet in commemoration of the visit.
Sunday evening Fr. Alexander and the mission choir participated in a fund raising banquet held at Archangel Michael Orthodox Church in Broadview Heights, Ohio. The fundraiser was hosted by the chairman of the board of trustees Michael Herzak.
Over ten thousand dollars was raised in the course of the weekend to support St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Thank you to each of the parish communities for their continued generosity on behalf of the seminary. It is because of the hard work and sacrifice of dedicated individuals like you that St. Tikhon’s continues to produce the highest caliber of pastors and leaders for the Church in America.
After the service Fr. Alexander spoke at the parish “Soup Supper” where he was presented with a generous donation by the rector Fr. Daniel Kovalak (STOTS 1974) on behalf of the parish community, for their annual scholarship offering.
Led by Fr. Christopher Rocknage the faithful enjoyed a time of reflection and spiritual renewal.
The visitors were hosted to a tour of the seminary and monastery grounds as well as the museum and Icon Repository which houses the Guzey Icon Collection, which when it was entrusted to our care was one of the largest privately held icon collections in the country.
The group also had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious Lenten Meal in the recently remodeled seminary dining hall and share in a few words of encouragement from the Seminary’s Dean, Fr. Alexander Atty.
After returning home, one of the pilgrims took the time to send us a very caring and heartfelt thank you email through he parish priest who led the retreat in which she expressed;
"Father, it has always been a dream of mine to come here...and now that I have been able to, I am so thankful to God. It was like being in heaven!"
Alumnus and Family Displaced After Devastating Rectory Fire - 03/04/12
The parish community of St. John the Baptist Church in Nanticoke, PA suffered a tragic fire this past Sunday, March 4, 2012. Firefighters say the blaze broke out in the parish rectory around 11am on Sunday morning while the parish was only a few yards away in the church building celebrating the Divine Liturgy.
The cause of the fire is yet to be determined.
The pastor of St. John’s, Fr. Adam Sexton (STOTS 2008) with his wife Angela and their eight children, have been forced to relocate to a hotel while they wait for other temporary living arrangements to be made.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary will be receiving donations on behalf of the Sexton family while they endure this difficult time of transition. If you are able to assist in any way please mail your donations to the seminary with the notation “Sexton Relief Fund.”
It is during times such as these when the love and support of the faithful are most needed. Please lend what resources you are able as we attempt to help them during this difficult time.
May the mercies of God be with them and their parish while they begin the slow rebuilding process.
Local Tradition Teaches Children the Significance of Icons - 03/04/12
Each year on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the children of the St. Tikhon’s Community are given a very special responsibility. At the end of the service, after the veneration of the cross, the children all make their way to the front of the line holding Icons. Some of the children have brought their favorite icons from their family prayer corner others receive their icons from a large box of paper icons kept on hand for the occasion.
After the kissing of the cross the children all line up, icons displayed prominently in front of them, and one by one the adults all circle around and stop to venerate and kiss each of the Icons, pausing only briefly to ask the child about the particular saint they are holding or to take a closer look at the holy image being presented.
The impact such activities have in the life of a young child cannot be emphasized enough. It is the same movement of the heart that an adult experiences when they see a patriarch or a president bow with bended knee in reverence before and image of the Mother of God or a particular saint. It is a very real encounter with the knowledge that within the orthodox life that all, regardless of station, position, or vocation, honors the heroes and leaders of faith that have come before them.
As they grow in years and in the faith may they never forget this lesson and may those of us who have gone on to become “older and wiser” never forget to revisit this lesson as often as possible.
Matushka Ruth Kuchta Falls Asleep in the Lord - 03/04/12
Matushka Ruth Kuchta, beloved wife of fifty-six years to Archpriest John Elias Kuchta (STOTS 1952), fell asleep peacefully in our Lord on Sunday morning March 4th, 2012 surrounded by loved ones, family, and friends.
Visitation will begin at Saint Nicholas Church, 1000 Barber Lane, Joliet, IL at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6. The Panikhida will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. Visitation will resume at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 7, followed by the funeral service at 10:00 a.m. Interment will be at Woodlawn Cemetery.
May God grant everlasting rest in His heavenly kingdom and may her memory be eternal.
A link to her In Memoriam page on the OCA website can viewed here.
As the members of the St. Tikhon’s Community enter together into the Great Fast, we would like to take this time to wish each and every one of our extended community a very blessed season.
For the second consecutive year, St. Tikhon's defeated St. Vladimir's in their annual basketball competition. With a final score of 66-57 this exciting game saw several lead changes with the St. Tikhon’s team rallying from a 12 point first quarter deficit. They marched back and were ahead by as many as 14 in the fourth quarter.
Thank you to Dn. Benjamin Huggins for all he did with the team and for helping to organize the game.Thank you to all the players and player families for all the hard work they did in preparation for the event. Thank you to all the alumni who drove many miles to be here and to show support for the team who worked very hard to prepare themselves physically and mentally for this contest.
Thank you to the St. Vladimir team for all they did in preparation for the event. Both teams held nothing back this year in what can only be characterized as two “defense centered” teams squaring off and waiting for openings. In a game that saw almost as many steals, turn-overs, and blocked shots as there were points the contest came down to one of conditioning and momentum.
After the game both teams enjoyed pizza in the newly remodeled dining hall at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Discussions are already underway on the development of a commemorative trophy or plaque that can be held each year by the victor of this annual event. Also under discussion for this next year will be other projects that the schools can participate in together which will further allow for a spirit of cooperation and brotherhood amongst the seminaries.
On Tuesday, February 21, 2012 the seminary was honored to have Fr. John Meffridge as a guest lecturer for the Parish Administration (PTR 5322) class.
Fr. John spoke at length on several topics relating to parish administration and pastoral care and drew from his many years of dedicated service as the pastor of the St. Ephraim Antiochian Orthodox Church in San Antonio, TX.
On behalf of the entire seminary community we would like to take this time to thank him for his words of wisdom and for sharing with us from his many years of experience what it means to serve as a pastor to God’s people.
Latest "Lessons in Our Faith" Offering by the Diocese of New York/New Jersey - 02/21/12
The Diocese of New York and New Jersey has released their latest offering in their Lesson in Our Faith series featuring His Grace Bishop Michael, Diocesan Bishop of NYNJ as well as Associate Professor of Pastoral Arts and Praxis and Chairman of the Department of Scripture here at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
This is the third offering in the Lessons in Our Faith Series is titled
Fasting: 7 Questions and 7 Answers and features very timely instructions as we enter into this Lenten season.
Group of Faithful Visit St. Tikhon's Community - 02/20/12
On Monday, February 20, 2012, the Youth Group (and their parents) from Christ the Saviour parish in Paramus, NJ visited with the St. Tikhon’s Community.
Led by the Pastor Emeritus, Archpriest John Nehrebecki (STOTS 1950) and Matushka Eugenia, the visitors enjoyed lunch in the new seminary dining hall as well as a tour of the museum.
This event brought together representatives from various jurisdictions, parish communities, as well as seminaries, to demonstrate the power and relevance of Orthodox Liturgical Chant.
A full article on the event can be read on the website of the Eastern American Diocese (ROCOR) here as well as videos and photos of the concert.
Feb. 22nd Fr. Alexander to Lecture at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary - 02/17/12
Fr Alexander Atty will be the guest lecturer at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary on Wednesday, February 22nd 2012. He will be speaking before their Pastoral Theology course which is taught by Dr. Philip Malamakis.
Bishop Daniel Visits the St. Tikhon's Community - 02/15/12
His Grace, Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church visited the seminary on Wednesday, February 15, 2012.
He was accompanied by Archpriest Myron Oryhon and Archpriest Bazyl Zawierucha, rector of St. Sophia’s Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary.
In addition to meeting with the currently enrolled portion of the student body from the Ukrainian Archdiocese he also took time to tour the monastery and seminary grounds.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah Visits Seminary Community - 02/15/12
On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah spent some time visiting with the St. Tikhon’s Community.
In his conversation with the student body he encouraged them to “ diligent this lenten season and to enter into the Great Fast as fully as possible.” He added, “Continue to cultivate a spirit of watchfulness in your lives and to give glory to God for all that He has done with humility and appreciation.”
2012 STOTS VS. SVOTS Round Ball Classic - 02/14/12
The annual basketball game between St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s will take place on Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 at 6:00 pm.
This year's game is hosted by St. Tikhon's and will be held at Western Wayne High School gymnasium which is only a few miles from St. Tikhon’s Seminary. The game will be followed by fellowship in the Seminary Refectory.
The team has been practicing very hard for several months and is looking forward to trying for a repeat of the success of last year.
We would like to invite STOTS Alumni who are able to come out and show their support at what promises to be a very competitive matchup.
Seminary Community Enjoys First Meal in New Dining Hall - 02/13/12
On February 13, 2012 the Seminary Community enjoyed its first meal together in the new dining hall.
A few aspects of the project still need to be completed, including the state-of-the-art commercial-grade kitchen area, but here are a few photos of both the remodeling of the area and our first meal together in the new space.
The financing of the project was made possible entirely by the generosity of the same benefactor who made possible the restoration of the administration building, the remodeling of the entrance way, and entire front of the school.
A very heartfelt thank you once again to Mrs. Mona Marich Hanford for all of the progress that your generosity has allowed for here in the life of the St. Tikhon’s Community.
March 4th Dr. Harry Boosalis to be Guest Homilist in Houston, TX - 02/12/12
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be the Guest Homilist during the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers on Sunday, March 4th at the St. Savas Serbian Orthodox Church in Houston, TX.
March 3rd Dr. Harry Boosalis to Give Lenten Retreat in Houston, TX. - 02/12/12
Dr. Harry Boosalis will give a Lenten retreat on the theme Love and Prayer on Sat. March 3rd at the St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Houston, TX.
Community Enjoys Pre-Lenten Celebration - 02/10/12
On Friday, February 10, 2012 the seminary community enjoyed a time of celebration before the start of the Lenten season. It was a wonderful time of fellowship for all who attended.
This year we enjoyed Valentines Day themed celebration.
The festivities included live music provided by Harry and the Dogmatix.
A big thank you to all those who prepared the food, decorated the fire-hall and to those who contributed to the evening entertainment.
Feb.9th-11th Fr. John Kowalczyk to Represent Seminary Community in Oklahoma - 02/06/12
Fr. John Kowalczyk (STOTS 1975), Director of Field Education, will be representing the seminary community at the annual meeting of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) in Oklahoma on February 9th -11th.
The OCPM is the only ministry to inmates that is officially recognized by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North and South America and among his many duties; Fr. John also serves on the board of directors of organization as its newly elected executive secretary.
Volunteers from St. Patrick Orthodox Church Paint New Dining Hall - 02/06/12
On behalf of the entire St. Tikhon’s Community we would like to take this time to thank Fr. Patrick Cardine and the volunteers from St. Patrick Orthodox Church in Warrenton, VA for the giving of their time and talents to the painting of the newly remodeled dining hall.
James Constable and his sons Daniel and Matthias took time out of their daily lives to come and spend several days with us last week and did an incredible job painting the newly remodeled dining hall.
James Constable owns a contracting company in Warrenton, VA and mentioned feeling compelled to give of his talents to assist with some of the renovation projects currently underway on the seminary campus after listening to Fr. Alexander speak in his parish.
Once again, thank you for giving of yourself to help St. Tikhon’s preserve the buildings and grounds of our beloved institution.
If you or your parish community would like to donate your time or resources to assisting with a renovation project please contact the office of the dean at Many projects are currently underway and it is only by your continued support that we will be able to continue to renew this sacred orthodox treasure.
Deacon John Hogg is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 02/05/12
Axios and many years to Dn. John Hogg who was ordained to the holy priesthood on Sunday, February 5, 2012 at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in West Roxbury, MA by His Grace Bishop John (Abdalah) Auxiliary of Worcester and New England.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations and prayers for he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
The photography for the event was provided by Eric Straghalis.
Deacon Ian Shipley is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 02/02/12
Axios and many years to Dn. Ian Shipley who was ordained to the holy priesthood on Thursday, Feb. 2 at the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. in South Canaan, PA.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations and prayers for he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Gregory Chernay Falls Asleep in the Lord - 01/28/12
It is with deep regret that we announce that Gregory Chernay, son of Board of Trustee member Paul Chernay fell asleep in the lord last Saturday, Jan. 28th at his home in Coopersburg.
Funeral services will be held Friday, February 3, 2012 at 12 p.m. from St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA.
Hexaemeron Icon Workshop Will Be Returning This Summer June 17th-23rd - 01/27/12
The Hexaemeron Icon Workshop entitled: Six Days of Creation will be returning for the 6th consecutive year to our beloved seminary community on June 17th-23rd. This is a nonprofit event in which the proceeds go directly to support St. Tikhon's Seminary. If you are able please come and participate in this worthwhile endeavor and help support the mission of St. Tikhon's.
The workshop is limited to 25 reservations and seats are filling up fast. Please reserve your space as early as possible.
Some testimonials from the 2011 event can be found here.
Some promotional materials have been included with all the details and contact information.
Annual Century Association Lunch in Honor of St. Tatiana - 01/26/12
The St. Tikhon’s Century Association held its annual Luncheon on Thursday, Jan. 26th in honor of St. Tatiana of Rome, the patron saint of students.
Thank you to Sarah Jubinski, President of the Century Association. She was joined by fellow officers and board members Mary Sernak, Kay Fedirko, Mat. Dorothy Sulich, Robert H. Roth and Alexandra Fedorchak. A special thank you goes out to St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA for donating a number of the food items. Thank you to everyone who assisted in the preparation and presentation of the meal and for all you do for St. Tikhon’s.
Fr. Alexander Atty thanked the representatives from the association and stressed the enormous role their organization plays in the life of the community. He also encouraged those attending to consider becoming a member when and if they are ever able to do so.
During the luncheon the group was blessed to hear encouraging words from His Grace Bishop Tikhon, Hieromonk Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of the Seminary, Fr. Nilus Lerro, Dean of Students, and Sarah Jubinski, President of the Century Association.
Thank you to all who attended and helped to make this another fantastic year for the Century Association.
Feb. 17th-20th Drs. David and Mary Ford Will be Speaking at Annual Marriage Retreat - 01/25/12
On Feb. 17th-20th Drs. David and Mary Ford will be speaking at the Annual Antiochian Archdiocese Marriage Retreat Weekend held at the Antiochian Village in Bolivar, PA.
More detailed information as well as registration details can be found here.
Seminary Participates in 2012 March for Life - 01/23/12
Representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community traveled to Washington DC this past Monday January 23, 2012 to join up with groups from both St. Vladimir’s and Holy Cross to present a unified presence in the 39th Annual March for Life.
This year was of particular significance because it was the first year that an Orthodox hierarch has ever been asked to give the opening prayer that signals the official start of the march.
Archpriest John Kowalczyk (Director of Field Education and STOTS Alumnus 1975) gave the opening remarks and introduction for His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah who then proclaimed:
“We offer this sign of our visible unity, standing together in unity of mind, with a contrite heart and broken spirit. We offer our repentance, however we have sinned, for all have sinned and fall short, and thus none of us can judge or condemn. We offer our compassion for those in grief, in guilt and despair.”
(Taken from A full version of the invocation can be found here.)
Leading the group of Orthodox through the enormous and eclectic crowd of marchers was His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, as well as His Grace Bishop Tikhon (STOTS 1993), His Grace Bishop Michael, His Grace Bishop Melchizedek, as well as His Grace Bishop Matthias (STOTS 2002).
Accompanying them were Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor of the OCA, Archpriest John Kowalczyk, Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern PA (STOTS 1975), Archpriest Gregory Safchuk, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. as well as Archpriest Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of St. Vladimir’s and Hieromonk Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery (STOTS 2005).
The group was also accompanied by the Icon of the Visitation that was brought to the march by Bill Talpash from its resting place at St. Michael’s parish in Jermyn, PA. Carrying the Icon during its long march around the capital building were Dn. Michael Pasonick, Dr. David Ford, seminarian Robert Gauvain, as well as Micah Wilson.
Graciously carrying the groups large standard through the pressing crowds for this year were seminarians from St. Tikhon’s: Fr. Philip Halliwell, Dn. Joel Wilson, Jessie Dominick and Nazar Lukashov. Also helping with the banner were Anna and Michael Halliwell, and Emmelia Ford.
Also present were Archpriest Theodore Boback, the President of the St. Tikhon’s Alumni Association (STOTS 1979), Fr. David Cowan (STOTS 2007), Dn. Gregory Hatrak (STOTS 1994), Fr. Thaddeus Franta (STOTS 2011) as well as representatives from each of the three aforementioned seminaries, their families, friends, loved ones, as well as a large representation from the various parish communities throughout the East Coast.
Some sources put the attendance of the march between 250,000 and 300,000 people, all of varying religious and ideological backgrounds, coming together from all walks of life, to speak in a unified voice on the things that unite us and be silent, if only for the day, on the things that keep us apart.
The St. Tikhon’s Community participated in its Annual Marriage Retreat this past Saturday, Jan. 21st.
Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Asst. Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Seminary, led the retreat this year whose focus was to inform and educate the students regarding new resources available to them when the time comes for them to lead others in a parish setting.
The Journey of Marriage in the Orthodox Church is an informative, well-balanced program that equips those engaged in pastoral care and counseling within the orthodox tradition with the necessary framework for guiding the faithful.
Matushka Joanna Pianovich Falls Asleep in the Lord - 01/16/12
Matushka Joanna Pianovich, beloved wife of sixty years to Archpriest Eugene Pianovich (STOTS 1950), fell asleep peacefully in our Lord on Saturday morning January 14th, 2012.
She is survived by her children, Myra [Archpriest Daniel] Kovalak (STOTS 1974), Williamsport, PA; Eugenia [Archpriest John] Perich (STOTS 1979), Boothwyn, PA; Joanna [Priest John] Bohush, Endicott, NY; and Mark [Valerie], Port St. Lucie, FL; sisters, Barbara Puhalla, Olyphant; Martha Ermakov, McKeesport, PA; and Vera Wasacz, San Francisco, CA; nine grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
The obituary and further detailed biographical information can be viewed here.
Funeral services will begin with the visitation starting at 5:00pm and a Panikhida service at 7:00pm on Tuesday Jan. 16th at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA.
The funeral service will be held the following day on Jan. 17th at 10:00am at St. Nicholas with the internment following at St. Tikhon's Monastery Cemetery in South Canaan, PA.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to St. Nicholas Church in Olyphant, St. Tikhon's Monastery, or St. Tikhon's Seminary.
May God grant everlasting rest in His heavenly kingdom and may her memory be eternal.
Student Volunteers Assist With Winter Break Project - 01/12/12
St. Tikhon’s Seminary would like to recognize the following student volunteers for their efforts during the winter break in the remodeling of the new location for the institution's photography studio.
It is because of the efforts of volunteers like you that the seminary is able to keep the cost of education well below that of the national average.
Many thanks to you and your families for the sacrifices you make to ensure the health and prosperity of orthodox theological education.
For the 24th
consecutive year, representatives from the St. Tikhon’s Community will take
part in the March for Life on Monday, January 23rd at the Capital
Mall in Washington, D.C.
following the march, the group will be hosted to a dinner by St. Nicholas Cathedral (OCA) directly following the evening service.
For any
questions or concerns please feel free to contact Dr. David Ford for details.
Photos from
the event from previous years can be viewed below.
A new hand-painted seal was presented today to Fr. Alexander Atty by the Iconographer in Residence Ivan Rumianstev.
The seal of the seminary, which consists of the Icon Not Made With Hands as well as the institutions name and inaugural year will be displayed prominently as the center-piece of the newly remodeled administrative building.
A detailed description of the Institutions Seal can be viewed here.
St. Tikhon's Seminary would like to wish a very blessed Nativity to those of our brothers and sisters in Christ, Faculty, Staff, Students, Benefactors, and those in our extended community here and abroad, who celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior on this day.
Seminary Alumnus Fr. Michael Romanchak Falls Asleep in the Lord - 01/02/12
An elder statesmen of the seminary, Archpriest Michael Romanchak (STOTS 1950) fell asleep in the Lord yesterday at St. Luke's Hospital in Fountain Hill, PA at the age of 98.
He was a beloved pastor, husband, and father who labored ceaselessly up until the day of his passing in caring for Christ's Holy Church.
The viewing will be held Tuesday, 1/3/2012, 6 to 7 PM followed by a Funeral Service at 7 PM in St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1607 West Union Blvd. Bethlehem, PA. The viewing will continue on Wednesday, 1/4/2012, from 9 to 10 AM in the Cathedral followed by Divine Liturgy at 10 AM. A Mercy Meal will follow in Cambanes Hall of the Cathedral.
A Panahida Service will be held at 3PM on Wednesday at St. Tikhon’s Monastery, 175 St. Tikhon’s Road, Waymart, PA 18473 followed by burial at St. Tikhon’s Cemetery.
Funeral arrangements are by the John F. Herron Funeral Home 458 Center At Market Street in Bethlehem.
Contributions: In lieu of flowers may be sent to St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary or to Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary both in care of the funeral home.
An interview with Fr. Michael was featured in the 2009 Tikhonaire which is available here.
Seminary Community Comes Together for Nativity Holy Supper - 01/02/12
On the Eve of the Feast of the Holy Nativity the St. Tikhon's Seminary Community came together to partake in the traditional Nativity Holy Supper before beginning the vigil service.
St. Tikhon's Helps Spread Holiday Cheer in Local Community - 01/02/12
Representatives from the St. Tikhon's Community spread some holiday cheer last Thursday by going house to house in one of the local towns singing Christmas carols.
On Monday, December 12th, His Grace Bishop Matthias of Chicago and the Midwest spoke with students during lunch about the first year of his episcopacy and some of the struggles and joys that they can expect after arriving at their parish assignment.
His Grace also met with student from the Diocese of the Midwest later that evening where he treated them to dinner and spent time getting to know each one of them.
Joel Wilson Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 12/13/11
On Tuesday, December 13th, Joel Wilson was ordained to the Holy Deaconate by His Grace Bishop Matthias of Chicago and the Midwest.
In addition to his studies Dn. Joel has been an invaluable service to the St. Tikhon's Community. He has worked closely with the seminary administration contributing the design aspects of various publications, assisted with the implementation of the seminaries intra-mail system, as well as the seminary website.
May God bless he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Parish Communities Provide for Married Student Families - 12/12/11
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary would like to thank the following parishes and parish organizations for their generous contribution of food and gifts for married student families.
It is this outpouring of generosity that provides for these families each year so that they are able to give Christmas gifts for their children and enjoy meals in celebration of the Nativity Feast.
Thank you to all who give so generously each year to this worthwhile program.
Jan. 16th-20th Dr. Boosalis to be Keynote Speaker in Los Angeles, CA. - 12/11/11
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be the Keynote Speaker at the Fourteenth Annual Clergy Seminar on Jan. 16th-20th in Los Angelese, CA. Dr. Harry will speak on "Knowing God, Suffering For Him and Loving His People: The Personal Experience of the Parish Priest."
On Saturday, November 19th, His Grace Maxim, Bishop of the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, stopped by St.Tikhon's for a pastoral visit.
During his visit, he met with the dean, Fr. Alexander Atty, and the Bishop's seminarians from the Western American Diocese.
He also paid his respects at the former office of St. Nikolai Velimirovic, who lived and worked at St. Tikhon's Seminary from 1951-1956 as professor, dean, and rector, and toured the monastery museum, which houses artifacts, including books and vestments, of the "New Chrysostom" of the Serbian--and indeed universal--Church.
Seminary Community Celebrates Feast of Saint Nicholas - 12/07/11
On Tuesday, December 6th, the St. Tikhon's Community came together to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra in Lycia.
This year besides the traditional honoring of this most beloved hero of the Church, the faithful were also blessed to witness Bishop Tikhon blessing the new reliquary purchased for the monastery church by the Society of Friends to house the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.
In the evening a large number of the community gathered for what has become one of the more well attended events of the academic year. The children played games, the adults sang seasonal music, and everyone had a wonderful time.
A special thanks to Katherine Atty-Brasowski for coordinating the event, for Nick Aiello for once again playing the part of St. Nicholas, as well as Anna Halliwell for being St. Nick's assistant, and to everyone who lent their support.
Mission Choir Performs Seasonal Concert in Southbridge Massachusetts - 12/06/11
The St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir performed a Seasonal Concert at St. Michael's Romanian Orthodox Church in Southbridge, MA on Saturday Dec. 3rd. A very special thanks to all those who were involved and helped to make this event the success that it was.
Some photos and a short video have been provided from the event.
The St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir was at St. Mary's Assumption Albanian Orthodox Church on Sunday Dec. 4th in Worcester, Massachusetts. A very special thanks to everyone who was involved and helped to make this event the success that it was.
Dec. 10th - Dr. Harry Boosalis to Lecture in Edwardsville, PA - 12/04/11
Dr. Harry Boosalis will give a lecture entitled The Theology and Practice of Icons: A Time of Reflection on the Way to Bethlehem at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Edwardsville, PA on Saturday, December 10th from 11:30 to 3:30PM.
More information can be seen here on the parish website.
Local Event Raises Support for Married Student Housing - 11/29/11
On Sunday Oct. 23 at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Lorain, OH a benefit entitled "Moscow Nights" was held to raise support for the seminaries Married Student Housing Project.
A very special thanks to event organizer and seminary Board of Trustee member Ron Royhab as well as Sam Jacob for making this event possible.
Thanks to Fr. Basil Stoyka (STOTS 1966) pastor of Sts Peter and Paul Church as well as Seminary Board of Trustee members Michael Herzak and Fr. Emilian Hutnyan (STOTS 1992) and to all those who made this event possible.
The benefit successively raised over $5,000 towards the Married Student Housing Project. Thank you to everyone who gave generously so that theological education may continue to flourish.
Mission Choir Performs Concert at Local Venue - 11/28/11
On Friday, Nov. 18th, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir performed a concert entitled "Byzantine Brilliance" at Trinity Episcopal Church in Carbondale PA.
You remember that Joachim and Anna waited a long time to have a baby. They prayed for many years that God would grant them the gift of a child. When Mary was born, they were quite old. How glad they were that God had finally answered their prayers!
Joachim and Anna knew that Mary was meant to serve God in a special way. How did they know this? An angel visited them and told them that God had planned long ago what this little girl would do when she grew up.
Anna and Joachim knew that Mary would have to be carefully prepared for such special service to God. So they promised Him that they would bring Mary to the Temple to live. There, every day, she could be with holy people who loved her. They would show her how to serve God, and how to pray. She would be prepared to be the Theotokos, the Mother of God. And later she would give birth to Jesus Christ our Lord.
Her parents thought and thought about the best way to take Mary to the Temple. Joachim wanted to take her when she was two years old, but Anna felt that they should wait a bit longer so she would not miss them so much. So when Mary was three, her parents walked with her to the Temple. Many relatives and friends came along, too. They carried lighted candles and sang as they walked along, so that Mary would not feel afraid or worried.
Even though she was so very young, Mary walked up the Temple steps by herself. At the top the priest Zechariah met her, wearing his colorful robes. She walked to him, and she wasn’t afraid. She didn’t cry for her parents to take her home.
Then something happened that surprised everyone. One part of the Temple is called the "Holy of Holies." People were very respectful of this place. In fact, nobody ever entered it except the High Priest, and he only did it once a year. So Zechariah shocked everybody by taking Mary, this little girl, right into the Holy of Holies!
People whispered to each other. They said, "How can she be going into that special place? What is a little girl doing there?" But Zechariah understood that Mary had an important part in God's plan. He knew that God wanted her to be prepared in the Temple. He knew that one day she would give birth to Jesus Christ.
Mary stayed in the Temple for twelve years. The holy people there taught her how to pray and how to live a life that would please God. Then, as she grew into a young woman, she was engaged to Joseph. Later, Joseph would take care of her and of the divine Son, Jesus Christ.
St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir CD Receives International Attention - 11/22/11
The latest offering by the St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir entitled Bless the Lord, O' My Soul; Chants of Orthodox Russia, Georgia and Byzantium was recently reviewed by the internationally esteemed distributor of Russian choral music Musica Russica.
Bless the Lord, O My Soul; Chants of Orthodox Russia, Georgia, and Byzantium / St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir / Benedict Sheehan, cond. / 2011
The St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir is a new ensemble making their first sacred musical offering on CD under the direction of the talented conductor Benedict Sheehan. In a well-informed and carefully crafted fashion, the CD presents to English-speaking listeners the fruits of many “discoveries” and “re-discoveries” of chant treasures from around the Orthodox world—from Russian znamenny chant (in all its variants, Valaam, demestvenny, etc.), to Georgian polyphony, to melismatic Byzantine chant. The singing on this CD demonstrates the sensitive musical hand of the director, who elicits from his non-professional singers a good blend, a balanced ensemble, clear diction, and musical phrasing. Like the best examples of the “old-world” models whom they emulate, these singers strive for a “spiritual” manner of singing, which achieves a sense of reverence—but without “sentimentality,” and “dispassion”—but without appearing mechanical or lackadaisical. We express the hope that this CD is the first of many others to come, a harbinger of a “musical spring” in the realm of Orthodox liturgical singing in North America—V.M.
The CD is available here for $14.95 from the St. Tikhon's Monastery Bookstore.
Fr. Alexander and Mission Choir Visit Trenton, NJ. - 11/16/11
Sunday, Nov. 13th Fr. Alexander Atty and the St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir visited the St. Vladimir Orthodox Church in Trenton, NJ. A very special thanks to Fr. Jason Vansuch (STOTS 1999) and all the wonderful people at St. Vladimir's for inviting us to participate in the Holy Services with them and for staying around after to listen to Fr. Atty speak about the Married Student Housing Project.
Seminarians Attend OISM Event at Jordanville - 11/16/11
The Annual Fall OISM (Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement) event was held this year at Jordanville. Representatives from each of the respective seminaries attended the event to discuss ideas that would allow for a more open and collaborative relationship between each of the organizations.
Metropolitan John of Korca Gives Presentation on the Resurrection of the Church in Albania. - 11/15/11
Monday, Nov. 14th, Metropolitan John of Korca, Albania met with seminarians and their families, faculty, staff and other members of the community to give a presentation entitled : Orthodox Missions and the Resurrection of the Church in Albania.
This presentation included a stunning pictorial account of the amazing progress that has been enjoyed by the Orthodox Church in Albania. Several pictures of the newly restored monasteries, seminaries, Churches and hospitals were contrasted against the destruction the Church suffered at the hands of the communist government.
Since 1991, the re-established Church has built over 83 new churches and five monasteries. Some 72 churches and monuments have been renovated and restored and over 140 churches have been repaired.
Nov. 18t - Seminary Choir to Perform at Local Event - 11/11/11
On Friday, Nov. 18th, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir will be featured in a production called Byzantine Brilliance to be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 58 River St. Carbondale PA. 18407.
This promises to be a very well attended event so make your arrangements early. For more information please contact Sam Wallace 570-282-1289.
Donations to help support St. Tikhon's Seminary will be collected at the time of the event. If you are able please come to help support theological education and the St. Tikhon's Community.
This Friday, Nov. 11th, His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah met with seminarians and their families for a time of relaxation, to get to know the new additions to the seminary community and to enjoy some delicious pizza.
This was a wonderful experience for all who attended.
A very special thanks to His Beatitude for reserving a place for St. Tikhon's in his extremely hectic schedule. He is always in our thoughts and prayers.
His Grace has been a long time supporter of St. Tikhon's Seminary and came to visit with the student from his diocese as well as to meet with the Dean of the institution, Fr. Alexander Atty.
Metropolitan Gabriel Mar Gregorios Visits Seminary - 11/10/11
Metropolitan Gabriel Mar Gregorios, Metropolitan of Thiruvananthapuram Diocese in Kerala, India, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary today. He was accompanied by Rev. Fr. V.M. Shibu, Vicar of the St. Gregorius Church in Bensalem, P.A.
The Metropolitan met with the students from the Malankara Orthodox Church as well as the Dean of the seminary, Fr. Alexander Atty.
Dec. 10th - Dr. David Ford to Give Retreat in Emmaus, PA. - 11/03/11
Dr. David Ford will be giving a retreat on Saturday Dec. 10th at St. Paul Orthodox Church in Emmaus, PA. His two lectures will include "The Home as a Little Church: The Vision of St. John Chrysostom" as well as "Purity of Thoughts and Feelings: The Wisdom of St. Nil Sorsky."
Seminarians and Faculty Highlighted in Recent Publication - 11/03/11
Several of the 2011 graduating class were featured in the September Issue of The Word Magazine.
The Editor of The Antiochian Archdiocesan Website was kind enough to host the featured article separately for us to include in our post so we would like to thank him for setting aside the time to make this available for us.
Also featured in the September edition was an article referencing the recent iconography project that was completed at the St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church where one of our professors,
Fr. David Hester, is the rector.
The iconography was the work of the talented Ivan Rumianstev who is not only the "artist in residence" within the St. Tikhon's Community but also teaches the yearly iconography classes here at the seminary. Ivan was also the feature of the Community Spotlight section in our most recent Tikhonaire as well as the artist responsible for the vast majority of the major restoration project that occurred at All Saints Church in Olyphant, PA.
We are pleased to announce the St. Tikhon's Community Feedback page. This is located under the Contact Info Tab on the home page of the Seminary website.
Dec. 3rd-4th Fr. Alexander to Give Retreat in Warrenton, VA - 10/27/11
Fr. Alexander Atty will be giving a retreat Dec. 3rd-4th at St. Patrick Antiochian Church in Warrenton, VA. More information on the event can be viewed here.
Faculty Member Receives Media Attention - 10/26/11
During one of his recent speaking engagements Dr. Harry Boosalis gave an impassioned and moving talk on the centrality of love in the orthodox faith and the significance it holds for understanding the human experience.
This talk was given at Holy Cross Church in Williamsport, PA at the the invitation of the rector of the parish Fr. Dan Kovalak (STOTS 1974).
Coverage of the lecture can be read here in an article by the Williamsport Sun-Gazette.
Last Sunday, Oct. 23rd, the seminary families came together to hold our yearly talent show. Children and adults alike came to display their gifts and demonstrate their creativity for one another.
The seminary would like to express thanks to all the parents and staff who made this event possible and to all the participants who practiced their craft for many hours to put on such a wonderful show.
Seminary Receives Gift to Renovate Administrative Offices - 10/26/11
The Very Reverend John and Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki present a check in the amount of $5,000.00 to Fr. Alexander Atty for the renovation of the administrative offices.
Fr. John, St. Tikhon’s Seminary class of 1950, and Matushka made the donation in the name of the Nehrebecki and Yankovsky families for the continued good health of our Dean, the Very Reverend Doctor D. Alexander Atty.
Many thanks to Fr. John and Matushka for their generous donation. May our Lord bless you, keep you and grant you both many years!
This past Saturday Oct. 22nd many from the St. Tikhon's Community gathered together with their families to go to Ritter's Cider Mill. Because of it's popularity, this event has taken on a life of it's own over the past few years to become one of the more well attended community outings that occur during the school year.
Even the gray skies and chilly temperatures couldn't put a damper on the mood. The children enjoyed hay-rides and corn mazes, caramel apples and hot cider. There were pony rides, animals to pet and pumpkins to pick and fun for all who attended.
The St. Tikhon's Community would like to wish a heartfelt congratulations and many years to Dr. Paul Witek (STOTS 2002) and Mrs. Donna Witek (Mazziotti) who were joined together in the holy sacrament of marriage.
The service was held at Christ the Savior parish in Paramus, NJ and was officiated by The Very Reverend David Vernak, The Very Reverend John Nehrebecki and The Reverend David Cowan.
May God bless and keep them both as they begin their new life together.
Fr. Alexander Gives Keynote Speech at Antiochian Clergy Retreat - 10/17/11
The following recount of the event was offered to us by Fr. Daniel Meyer the pastor of Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Chester County, PA.
Under the direction of His Grace, Bp. THOMAS, twenty-four priests in the Antiochian Archdiocese of the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland, and the mid-Atlantic and of the Diocese of New York and Washington gathered together for their annual clergy retreat at the Antiochian Village from September 20th to 23rd.
The priests from last year's retreat selected the V. Rev. Fr. Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, as the guest keynote speaker for the week.
Fr. Alexander gave a series of lectures pertaining to “The Priestly Life.” He spoke of the priest as as a spiritual architect, a good shepherd, a confessor, and a husband and father. The priests were very edified by his words that come from many years of experience as a pastor working in the vineyard in the Name of the Lord.
The brotherhood ended the week greatly encouraged and re-invigorated to head back to their parishes, knowing they had the prayers and strengthened friendships of their fellow co-laborers.
As many of you are aware of by now, St. Tikhon’s is at the beginning of a major improvement campaign to raise money for married student housing. This has been a priority for this institution for several years now and represents the next phase of growth for our seminary community.
This project requires a tremendous amount of resources and will require that everyone do their part to ensure for the long term sustainability of the program.
We have recently mailed to our supporters a brochure that was developed over the past several months in connection with a promotional video that was unveiled at the most recent FOCA convention in Washington, DC.
Already the amount of support for this project has been overwhelming. Since the development of both the flyer and the video FOCA has pledged $300,000 to the endeavor and has taken their place as the second of our two “Cultivator” level supporters. For this we are eternally grateful. The FOCA organization has been a tremendously generous supporter of our institution in the past and with this most recent gift has provided us with a very good start to this long-overdue campus enrichment project.
Myrrh-Streaming Icon Visits Saint Tikhon's Community - 10/12/11
The Myrrh-Streaming and miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God visited the St. Tikhon's Monastery Chapel this morning for daily services.
Faithful came from not only the local community but from the surrounding areas as well to venerate this astounding orthodox treasure. This Icon of the Mother of God is particularly exceptional in that it is a simple paper copy of the Montreal Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Iveron Mother of God.
The Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania has provided a link to the complete traveling schedule as well as a link to the icons history page and a list of local visits. These can be found here.
Deacon Phillip Halliwell Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 10/10/11
This past Sunday Dn. Phillip Halliwell was ordained to the Holy Priesthood during St. Tikhon's Annual Founders Day Celebration. The ordination was performed by visiting bishop His Grace Irenee of the Canadian Archdiocese.
The Seminary Community extends a very heartfelt many years to he and and his family and may God bless and keep them as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
The faithful turned out in large numbers this past weekend to participate in this years Founders Day Celebration. Visiting with us this year were His Grace Bishop Irenee, Bishop of Quebec City as well as the Chancellor Archimandrite Alexander (Pihach) and Proto-Deacon Nazari Polataiko. Also present was the Dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary Fr. John Behr.
His Grace Bishop Irenee gave wonderful homily on Fr. Arseny, one of our most beloved founders and all the work God was able to accomplish through his hands in both of our respective communities.
During this service we also saw the ordination of Dn. Phillip Halliwell to the Holy Priesthood. After the service was complete there was a presentation of a check from the current president of the Society of Friends of St. Tikhon's, John Paluch, to His Grace Bishop Tikhon and Fr. Alexander Atty to help support the school in all of it's endeavors.
Immediately following the service their was a banquet sponsored by Fr. Alexander and Matushka Olga Atty in the St. Tikhon's Gymnasium.
At banquet The Century Association gave the first of it's many yearly gifts to St. Tikhon's Seminary. The Century Association successfully raised over thirty thousand dollars last fiscal year to help support the Seminary and has done so loyally for decades. A very special thanks to them for all they do to ensure for the long term health and prosperity of our institution.
A very special thanks to Katherine Brasowski (Atty) and Alex Atty for setting up for the banquet and taking care of the beautiful fall arrangements.
A very special thanks also to Alexis and Veronika Baldwin for the delicious meal and for all of the seminarians who assisted with the serving and clean-up.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make this a truly memorable Founders Day Celebration.
Seminarians Participate in 25th Anniversary Celebration - 10/07/11
This past weekend a group of seminarians traveled to Holy Cross Hermitage in West Virginia to participate in the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the monastery. The celebration was officiated by His Eminence Hilarion as well as the Abbott of the monastery and frequent guest at St. Tikhon's, Bishop George.
The students that attended remarked on gracious hospitality that they were given during their visit and were overwhelmed by the peace and solemnity of the event.
St. Tikhon's would like to congratulate Holy Cross Hermitage on their 25th Anniversary Celebration and wish them a heartfelt many years.
A special thanks to Hermitage of the Holy Cross website as well as the website of the Eastern America and New York Diocese (ROCOR) for the lovely photographs of this event. Links have been provided for both sites. The Eastern America and New York Diocese website includes a beautifully written article recounting the event as well as additional photographs.
Seminary Choir Performs at Education Day - 10/05/11
The St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir performed this past weekend at Orthodox Education Day held at St. Vladimir's Seminary. This annual event which draws orthodox and non-orthodox from all over the country is an opportunity to listen to speakers, purchase books and attend seminars.
This year the theme for the event was "For God and Country: Honoring Military Chaplains and Armed Forces." One of the key attractions was a presentation by the curator of the Metropolitan Museum at St. Tikhon's Monastery, Fr. John Perich (STOTS 1979). On loan from the museum was a display honoring Fr Vladimir Borichevsky who was the first orthodox US Army chaplain as well as former dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Renowned Orthodox Author Speaks at Seminary - 10/04/11
Fr. Joseph Huneycutt spoke before Fr. Dan Kovalak's Mission & Evangelism Class today. Fr. Joseph is a renowned lecturer and author and creator of the Orthodixie blog and podcast. He is also the pastor of the St. Joseph Orthodox Church in Houston, TX.
St. Tikhon's is now taking donations on behalf of Alexander Drobish, the youngest son of Terry Drobish, to assist with the cost of the child's future education. If you would like to participate in this worthwhile endeavor please mail your donation to:
St. Tikhon's Seminary P.O. Box 130 South Canaan PA 18459 and please be sure to include in the memo line "Alexander Drobish Memorial Fund."
Below is a copy of the obituary as it appeared in the Philadelphia paper.
"Drobish Taissa “Terry” A. (nee Hawranick) died suddenly on Sept. 26, 2011 age 44.
Beloved wife of Daniel W. Loving mother of David, Damian and Alexander. Dearest daughter of Alexandra Wurster (Charles) and John Hawranick (Joyce). Dear sister of Tammy Rosso and John Hawranick. Also survived by many... loving aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and facebook followers.
Relatives and friends are invited to call Fri. 5 to 7pm with Funeral services beginning at 7pm and also Sat. 8 to 9am with Divine Liturgy to begin 9am at St. Stephen’s Orthodox Cathedral, 8598 Verree Rd. Phila. 19111. Interment to follow at Oakland Cemetery. In lieu of flowers family prefers contributions to benefit her son Alexander Drobish’s Educational Fund."
Oct 1st - Seminary Choir to Perform at Education Day - 09/27/11
The St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir will perform on Saturday, October 1st at St. Vladimir's Seminary in connection with their annual "Orthodox Education Day 2011."
For more information a link to the festival information page has been provided for you.
This notification was sent out to the entire St. Tikhon's Community last night by His Grace Bishop Tikhon.
Dear Members of the St Tikhon's Seminary Community,
Christ is in our midst.
I was informed this evening by Fr Victor Gorodenchuk of the tragic repose of Taisia Drobish. She was walking with her son, Alexander, when she was struck by a swerving car. She was pronounced dead at the scene and Alexander (who is 2 or 3 years old) was taken to the hospital. He is being monitored and appears to be in stable condition at this point.
Taisia is the wife of a former St Tikhon's seminarian, Daniel Drobish.
I would ask you to remember the handmaiden of God, Taisia, in your prayers, so that the merciful Lord will grant her eternal rest and a blessed entrance into paradise. Please pray also for Daniel and his family, that they may granted consolation and strength during this time of sorrow.
We will keep you updated with other information as it becomes available.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Bishop Tikhon
His Grace will be serving a Panikhida for Taisia (Terry) Drobish this morning in the Seminary Chapel.
Myrhh-Streaming Iveron Icon to Visit Saint Tikhons - 09/27/11
The myrhh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God (from Hawaii) will be visiting St. Tikhon's Monastery Church on the morning of October 12th.
This greatly revered and miraculous Icon has been visiting with various parish communities throughout the U.S. and will be with us for only a few hours.
This Icon has been the subject of many you tube videos as well as countless articles.
As always the public are welcome to come and venerate with us this holy orthodox treasure.
ATTENTION ALL SPRING 2011 GRADUATES: New Account Login Procedures - 09/23/11
Two weeks ago we transitioned our Spring 2011 graduates from regular seminary accounts to seminary alumni accounts. Some have been affected by this change to the point where they can no longer log in. We ask those who are affected to please try the following method:
1. Click here to log in 2. Enter your new email address - "" and old password 3. Click sign in
All of your email, contacts and calendar information has been transferred to your new alumni account automatically. Your old email address will continue to serve as a forwarding address to your new account.
We will soon have an alumni login link at the bottom of right next to our normal login link for your convenience. We apologize to those who were affected by this little hiccup! Thank you for your patience!
Soon we will announce the new aspects of the seminary website that are being specifically redesigned to provide services and features for St. Tikhon's graduates. This will include the granting of alumni email addresses to all the past graduates of this institution. Some of the features that will be included in this update are somewhat complex in nature and will take some time to develop.
Thank you once again for your patience while the development team works to ensure our institution has an alumni communication system that is worthy of the high caliber of graduates that have come from our beloved seminary.
Olyphant Church Emerges from Ashes of Tragedy - 09/21/11
This past Saturday September 17th could just as have easily occurred on March 4th because it represents in the minds and lives of the local community no less of a “Triumph of Orthodoxy.”
Saturday marked a celebration several years in the making when the holy altar at All Saints Church was re-consecrated by His Grace Bishop Tikhon, after having been destroyed by a fire in 2006. The fire took not only the altar area but also damaged almost all of the Holy Icons which adorned the walls of the parish.
This was possible do to the efforts of the faithful at All Saints and specifically the hard work of Fr. David Cowan (STOTS Alumnus 2007)and his wife Matushka Tamara. Their tireless efforts guided the community in Olyphant through one of the most difficult things a parish can ever face.
The banquet following the event was a festive one filled with people celebrating like only a true family could at the end of a long and hard fought journey. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this time of renewal and may God continue to bless and allow this very literal “Trial by Fire” to continue to be a source of strength and vitality in their parish community.
The 2011 St. Tikhon's Seminary Golf Benefit was enjoyed a very successful year despite less than favorable weather conditions. This was the 14th Annual Tournament and was held at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee PA.
This year the benefit was able to raise $3400 for the Seminary. Avery special thanks goes out to all those who helped plan and promote the tournament, for all those who attended and for all those who go the extra mile to ensure the future success of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
September 20th - Fr. Alexander to be Keynote Speaker for 2011 Eastern Dioceses Clergy Retreat - 09/18/11
At the invitation of Bishop THOMAS of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Fr. Alexander will be the keynote speaker at the Clergy Retreat for the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic.
The retreat will be held at the Antiochian Village's Heritage and Learning Center from September 20th to September 22nd, 2011.
Fr. Alexander will give four talks on "The Priestly Life"--The Priest as Spiritual Father, The Priest and His Spiritual and Family Life, The Priest as Father Confessor, and The Priest and His Role in Revitalizing the Parish.
Board of Trustees Meet for Fall Session - 09/16/11
On August 22nd the Board of Trustees for St. Tikhon's Seminary met.
Below is a prepared summary of the meeting minutes.
The Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary held their summer meeting August 18-19 at the Seminary in South Canaan, PA.
In the absence of the Dean and Chief Operating Officer, Very Rev. Alexander Atty, recovering at home from recent surgery, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon, Rector of the Seminary chaired the two day meeting.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, President of the Seminary was also in attendance. With God’s blessing, the Board looks forward to Fr. Alexander’s complete recovery and return to full activity within a few weeks.
Board members were able to view in person many changes, complete and ongoing, to the physical plant. Changes to the entranceways and the installation of a new roof were being done while the Board was in attendance.
Among the business presented at the meeting was a presentation about the John & Lucille Guzey Icon Repository Collection by Very Rev. John Perich, curator of the collection. The Board now has a complete understanding of the history of this bequest to the Seminary and the importance of the collection as an outreach for Orthodox Christianity and the Seminary. Moving forward, it is expected that parts of the collection will travel to interested institutions and help to spread the message of Orthodoxy as well as information about St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Other business included an updated presentation of fund raising for the Married Student Housing project. The Board voted to obtain a mortgage to purchase the former Western Wayne School Administration Building which will be renovated into 7 apartments available for rent by married students and their families.
Discussions also centered on the activities and progress underway to address the recommendations of the Association of Theological Schools accrediting board. Based upon the work of the Dean, Fr. Atty and changes instituted by the Board over the past few years, the Seminary looks forward to a 10 year accreditation after the ATS visit next spring. Dr. Paul Witek has been hired as an Assistant to the Dean for Academic affairs and will serve as a liaison between Bishop Tikhon, Fr. Alexander and the ATS.
Other changes made by the Board to facilitate Board responsibility to the ATS were the creation of a Human Resources Committee and the institution of an Executive Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees. Michael Herzak was elected Executive Chair and Eli Stavisky, DMD was elected Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees.
The next meeting of the Board will be October 20-21, 2011.
Fr. Alexander Atty would like to personally thank each and every person who have sent such kind and encouraging words over the past few months. Your prayers have been and continue to be a much needed comfort while he recovers from his recent surgery.
It is by yours prayers that he has recovered from his surgery and has returned to the office and classroom much faster than the doctors had expected him to.
Please continue to remember he and his family and may God grant them all many, many years!
Annual Wives Faculty & Staff Meet and Greet - 09/15/11
The Seminary Wives had an opportunity to meet with the faculty and staff of the seminary this past Monday September 12th. This yearly event allows for the seminary community to greet the wives of the new students and tell them a little about themselves as well as a time for getting to know the new faces and finding out about their journey to St. Tikhon's.
The group was delighted to hear moving introductions by both his Grace Bishop Tikhon as well as the Dean Fr. Alexander Atty.
We would like to thank Jeff and Patti Morrison for volunteering their residence for the activity and for all of those who prepared food and helped with the arrangements.
The opening retreat for the 2011-2012 academic year was held August 29th-September 4th. A complete schedule for the event can be viewed here.
The seminary has 14 new students this year and 51 students total.
This year promises to be another exciting year filled with updates to the school's communications network as well as several other advances that will be announced soon.
Sept 22 - Fr. Dan Kovalak to Speak in Broadview Heights, OH - 09/11/11
Fr Dan Kovalak, Senior Lecturer of Pastoral Practice, will speak at Archangel Michael Orthodox Church, Broadview Heights OH on Thursday, September 22. He topic is "This Collar's Too Tight: and Other Pastoral Reflections."
Oct 10th - Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in Williamsport, PA - 08/31/11
Dr Harry Boosalis will speak on Monday, October 10th at 7 pm at Holy Cross Orthodox Church, Williamsport, PA as part of the parish's Annual Fall Lecture Series.
Sept 2-4 Dr. Harry Boosalis Will Represent Seminary at Annual Event - 08/31/11
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be representing St. Tikhon's Seminary at the
upcoming Western American Diocesan Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox
Church in Los Angeles, California, from Sept. 2nd to Sept. 4th.
This year’s honored speaker is Elder Vasileios of Iveron Monastery on Mount
Athos, Greece.
The Annual Assembly is held in conjunction with the15th Annual Diocesan Days Gathering at Saint Steven’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Los Angeles (Alhambra).
Seminary Phone System is Now Back Online and Functional - 08/31/11
The phone network is now online. We are sorry for the inconvenience. This outage was related to a larger server issue at the provider level due to complications from the hurricane.
It is with deep regret that we announce the Falling Asleep of Mildred Herzak, mother of Michael Herzak, a member of St. Tikhon's Seminary Board of Trustees.
Her funeral will be at St. Michael's Church in Broadview Heights, OH.
May her memory be eternal!
Due to the recent severe weather, the phone system at the Seminary is not working. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We can be reached via email at We are anticipating the phones will be working again by the end of the week.
Archbishop Dimitri Falls Asleep in the Lord - 08/28/11
At two am this past evening Archbishop Dimitri, retired Bishop of Dallas and the South,beloved pastor and leader to thousands of orthodox faithful, reposed at his residence in Texas.
Archbishop Dimitri's place in the cultivation of orthodoxy on american soil cannot be emphasized enough. A link to the website announcement has been provided here.
He was a true pioneer of orthodox evangelism in this country. He was an honored statesman of the church and a true leader of men.
Monday, August 29, 2011 Incoming Seminarians -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy for the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (strict fast), in Monastery Church; breakfast following Divine Liturgy in Seminary Dining Hall. 11:00 AM Introduction of Staff, Room 233 — Fr. Alexander, Dean 11:30 AM Address of the Rector — His Grace, Bishop Tikhon 11:45 AM Address of the Dean — Fr. Alexander Guidelines on Seminary Policies — Fr. Alexander 12:30 PM Orientation in Student Life — Fr. Nilus, Dir. of Student Affairs 1:00 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:45 PM Student Registration: Meet with Rector, Dean, Registrar, Dir. of Student Affairs (Meetings will be scheduled in alphabetical order) 3:30 PM Orientation in Church Music — Benedict Sheehan, Director of Seminary Choir 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Incoming Seminarians -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church 8:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 9:15 AM Registration continued 10:30 AM Tour of Monastery Church/Icon Repository 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:00 PM Registration continued 2:00 PM Orientation in Seminary Discipline — Fr. Nilus, Dir. of Student Affairs 3:00 PM Orientation in Campus Living—Vasili Dubee, Dir. of Buildings/Grounds 3:45 PM Technology Orientation—Joel Wilson 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Incoming Seminarians -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church 8:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 9:15 AM Orientation in Academic Programs — Prof. Sergei Arhipov, Registrar 10:00 AM Registration continued 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:00 PM Registration continued 2:00 PM Library Orientation — Prof. Sergei Arhipov, Head Librarian 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Thursday, September 1, 2011 Incoming & Returning Seminarians -------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENING RETREAT: “The Laborers Are Few…” V. Rev. Jason DelVitto and Fr. Chrysostomos — Retreatmasters His Grace, Bishop Tikhon — Retreat Speaker
8:00 AM Divine Liturgy for Indiction in Monastery Church Molieben for Ecclesiastical New Year and Academic New Year Blessing of Cassocks for New Students 10:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 11:00 AM Session # 1 — His Grace, Bishop TIKHON 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:30 PM Session #2 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Friday, September 2, 2011 Incoming & Returning Seminarians -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church 8:30 AM Breakfast in Seminary Dining Hall 9:30 AM Session #3 12:30 PM Lunch in Seminary Dining Hall 1:30 PM Session #4 2:30 PM Session #5 4:00 PM Vespers in Monastery Church 6:00 PM Dinner in Seminary Dining Hall
Saturday, September 3, 2011 Incoming & Returning Seminarians -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7:30 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church 4:00 PM Vespers in Monastery Church
Sunday, September 4, 2011 Seminary Community -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9:10 AM Hours and Divine Liturgy in Monastery Church
Monday, September 5, 2011 Seminary Community -------------------------------------------------------------------- NO CLASSES - Labor Day 4:30 PM Vespers in Monastery Church Annual Labor Day School Kick-Off Picnic, following Vespers
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Seminary Community -------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes as scheduled
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Seminary Community -------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes as scheduled 4:30 PM Vigil for the Nativity of the Theotokos
Thursday, September 8, 2011 Seminary Community -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8:30 AM Divine Liturgy, Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos Brunch, following Divine Liturgy Lecture by special guest, Dr. Tristram Englehardt
Friday, September 9, 2011 Seminary Community -------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes as scheduled
Seminary Under Construction (Part 7) - 08/22/11
A couple days of fantastic weather allowed for some progress to be made on the building renovations. Several hours of sand-blasting as well as several roof hours provided enough photos for a posting update.
Some recent pictures of one of the additional entrances has also been included.
The registration will begin at 11am with a tee-off scheduled for noon. As always there will be a lunch-banquet, awards and prizes following the tournament.
This event promises to be the most exciting one yet so make sure that your registrations are in.
The registration fee is $85 per person and includes golf-cart and all associated greens fees, refreshments, lunch banquet and all of the proceeds go directly to the operating costs of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
To register your team please contact the
Tournament Director Bernard Golubiewski at
Registrations can also be made on the day of the tournament. Please come out to support this worthwhile endeavor.
Fr. Nilus Lerro, Dean of Students at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, will be undergoing spine surgery on August 18th, 2011. Please remember Fr. Nilus in your prayers.
Local Hierarchs Make History - 08/16/11
In an unprecedented expression of unity, the Bishops of Philadelphia (OCA) and Mayfield (ROCOR) concelebrated the Vigil and the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St Tikhon of Zadonsk. The celebration took place at St Tikhon’s Monastery on Friday and Saturday, August 12-13. His Grace Bishop Tikhon, of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, was pleased to welcome His Grace, Bishop George of Mayfield, and a group of clergy and lay people from the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. In addition, the Monastery was blessed by the presence of the miracle working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.
This celebration is the first time a hierarch from the Church Abroad has celebrated the Liturgy at the monastery church in almost 70 years. Bishop Tikhon and Bishop George have met numerous times in the preceding months. As mentioned in a previous announcement Bishop George has been friends with the current dean of the seminary Fr. Alexander Atty for many years so it comes as no surprise that he recently expressed interest in attending the Monastery’s Patronal Feast day.
In the community meal that directly followed the service His Grace Bishop Tikhon announced that he and Bishop George having been working closely together on the Committee for Monastic Communities, one of the official committees of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America.
By the prayers of the Most Holy Mother God and those of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, may God continue to guide all our respective hierarchs as they continue on a national level to strive for the unity demonstrated today!
We have included a link to the article by the Eastern American Diocese (ROCOR). It is an extremely well written article that captures the significance of this historic event.
Seminary Under Construction (Part 6) - 08/16/11
Here are some more photos on the ongoing renovations to the St. Tikhon's Seminary.
The contractors were able to begin the new roof as well as prepping the front of the building for the new stone work.
The painting in the admin hallway has been completed as well as some of the initial renovations to the Deans Office.
Congratulations to the Gauvain Family! - 08/11/11
Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon's community wishes to extend its warmest congratulations and welcome to the newest member of our family:
Robert, Elizabeth, Alexei, Xenia and Veronike Gauvain welcomed Anna Rose on Sunday, August 7th at 8:30 PM. Anna weighed 8 lbs, 1 oz.
May our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ grant Anna and her family many blessed years!
Fr. Alexander Atty Requests Prayers - 08/10/11
Father Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will be undergoing surgery on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA. He humbly requests your prayers.
Seminary Under Construction (Part 5) - 08/10/11
The roof is currently being repaired and reinforced in preparation for the new metal roof that they hope to begin installing next week.
Deacon Daniel Mackay is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 08/09/11
Axios and many years to Deacon Daniel Mackay who was ordained to the holy priesthood on July 30th at St. John the Wonderworker Church in Eugene Oregon.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations and prayers for he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Group of Faithful Assist With Seminary Renovations - 08/09/11
A group of faithful from St. Andrew's Parish in Baltimore, MD visited the seminary recently to lend a hand with the building renovations.
We would like to thank Roxanne Yaroshevich for directing the group of volunteers from St. Andrew's. We would also like to thank the pastor of St. Andrew's, Fr. Theodore Boback, for continuing to support the seminary community and for instilling within his local parish community a genuine love for our institution.
Seminary Assists in Hands-on Approach to Orthodox Evangelism - 08/09/11
On Thursday, August 4, a member of St. Tikhon's Seminary community, Christopher Patton, traveled to Agia Sophia Harrisburg to assist in the training of the coffee shop's new baristas. Chris has given similar trainings when employed by Starbucks several years ago and was invited by Fr. Steven Vernak for the evening.
Fr. Steven and other Orthodox Christians from the Harrisburg area have organized the new evangelical effort hoping to duplicate the success of the original Agia Sophia in Colorado Springs, CO.
Agia Sophia is a coffee house and book store that employs local people, is run partially by volunteers from the Orthodox parishes in the area, and donates all profits to local charities.
Dr. Mary Ford Speaks at Saint Vladimir's Summer Conference - 08/08/11
[Yonkers, NY] - August 8, 2011 - Dr. Mary Ford's lecture, "Light from the Past on Vocations Today," which was presented at our "Women Disciples of the Lord" conference held June 17–19, 2011, is now available as a podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.
The changes to the administrative building have begun. Over the next several weeks many changes to the administration building, both the exterior and interior, will be taking place.
It is a very exciting time here with all the new changes.The parking lot side entrance will become our main entrance for the time being. We ask for everyone's patience while the construction is taking place.
We will be updating the site once every couple of days so that people can witness the transformation as it takes place.
Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon's community wishes to extend its warmest congratulations and welcome to the newest member of our family:
Fr. Daniel, Kh. Elizabeth, Nonna and Macarius Meyer welcomed Paul Kephas on June 28, 2011. He weighed in at 5 lbs., 1 oz and is 17.5 inches long.
May our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ grant Paul Kephas and his family many blessed years
Dn. Matthew Snowden Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/11/11
Dn. Matthew Snowden who just graduated this May, was ordained to the holy priesthood in Memphis, TN on Sunday, June 19th by His Grace, Bishop Antoun. Fr. Matthew and his family have been assigned to St. George's Cathedral in Wichita, KS, as an assistant priest.
The seminary community would like to extend a heartfelt many years to him and his family and prays that God will continue to bless and keep them as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
In Memoriam: Archpriest Simeon Oskolkoff - 07/11/11
Archpriest Simeon Oskolkoff, 81, fell asleep in the Lord at the Alaska Native Medical Center on Wednesday, June 22, 2011.
He attended St. Tikhon's Seminary from 1955-1957, then finished his studies from 1959-1962. His first time at the seminary was during the tenure of St. Nikolai of Zicha (+1956).
Father Simeon served parishes across Alaska during his 40-year priestly ministry. He was ordained by His Eminence, the late Archbishop Amvrossy in 1962, and he concelebrated at Saint Alexis Toth Church during his final years.
He is survived by his wife, Matushka Lubova [Gregorieff], son Gregory, and daughter Anna-Marie.
His Grace, Bishop Benjamin presided at the Funeral Service at Saint Innocent Cathedral, Anchorage, on Monday evening, June 27. The Divine Liturgy and interment was celebrated on Tuesday morning, June 28, at Holy Transfiguration Church, Ninilchik, AK.
Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon's community wishes to extend its warmest congratulations and welcome to the newest member of our family:
Dn. Matthew, Rebekah and Katherine Markewich welcomed Daniel at 3:13 on July 7, 2011. He weighed in at 9 lbs., 7 oz and is 20.5 inches long.
May our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ grant Daniel and his family many blessed years!
St. Tikhon's Graduate Ordained to Holy Priesthood - 07/07/11
His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion ordained Sub Deacon John Malcom to the Deaconate 6/13 in Jordanville and then to the Priesthood on 6/19 at St. Theodore Orthodox Church in Buffalo, NY.
Fr. John will begin his service to the Church as a military chaplain.
May God bless he and his family as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Orthodox Services Held at Annual Christian Music Festival - 07/06/11
Conversion to the Orthodox faith is not something that can happen only in the mind. It may start in the mind but inevitably it must work its way down into the heart. The tradition of the Church is very aware of man’s “wiring.” It is informed by centuries of man’s failings and just as many centuries of God’s mercy meeting those failings with forgiveness and with hope. A true conversion is one that must touch every aspect of the human experience so that with our whole being we might respond with the Theotokos in saying “Be it unto me as you have said.”
One common aspect of true conversion, whether Orthodox or not, is the inward compulsion to take this “new found candle of truth” and to bring it back to whatever people or place that the converted came from before he or she encountered this new life changing reality. There are many stories of pastors or youth leaders who bring the truth of orthodoxy back to their local religious organizations and find a receptive ear in other like-minded members of their community who are still searching for a deeper and fuller experience of faith.
Some Orthodox faithful, however, do not come to the Church via the more well-known and conventional avenues. One such “non-conventional” avenue centers around an organization called Jesus People USA or JPUSA. JPUSA marks its beginnings in the late sixties to early seventies, a time when many people were unsure of their beliefs and were even more hesitant regarding the more “traditional” expressions of those beliefs.
Like so many of the various religious groups who were born from this era one of the central concentrations of the JPUSA's religious journey is the value they place on the concept of Community. The importance of community within the orthodox religious experience is one that has been enumerated by Orthodox writers since apostolic times. It is an area of key importance in the religious life here at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and Monastery.
It is no wonder that, with this concept in mind, many from the group have found a “kindred spirit” in eastern orthodox Christianity. Some people after staying with the group for a short time would eventually find their way to the Church later in life and end up joining a local parish community.
Perhaps the most successful creative endeavor that was to come from the religious journey of this group of individuals is an annual music festival that occurs once a year over the Fourth of July weekend.
Within many protestant circles the Cornerstone Music Festival is that time once a year when people travel from all over the country to a little unknown town in Illinois to meet, fellowship and pray with like-minded believers without fear of judgment or even raised eyebrows.
A more detailed account of the festivals history as well as a link to this most recent Cornerstone 2011 has been provided.
The idea of an Orthodox presence at the Cornerstone Festival is not a new one. This year is also not the first time that Orthodox Christianity has provided outreach to the tens of thousands of people who attend this celebration every year.
The Death to the World organization has been a presence in past years and has been very successful with packaging Orthodox Christianity in a form that is appealing to young people from a more “counter cultural” demographic. This particular year due largely to financial constraints the group was unable to participate in the outreach. They did however provide us with the ability to distribute the small magazine that they handed out each year to hundreds of interested young people. Many of the people we spoke with asked specifically for the magazine, a true testament to the success of the many years of hard and sometimes thankless work on their part.
The concept of bringing an “official” delegation from a national jurisdiction has been one that has been discussed in years past both at St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s Seminaries. But, for the opportunity to finally see this long awaited idea become manifest we have to thank three individuals for dragging the idea, sometimes kicking and screaming, through the proper channels to see it realized. Dn. James Bozeman and his classmate Andrew Boyd whose presentation on the subject provided the impetus for the endeavor and for the new Director of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministries Sub Deacon Luke Beecham who patiently navigated the uncharted protocol/political waters to secure the greater part of the groups funding.
We must also thank both St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s seminaries for all their many efforts. St. Tikhon’s for providing both the vehicle as well as the fuel for the trip, for the printing costs for flyers and for magazine production.
St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press was very generous for their donation of books and icon cards, thank you Rev. Dn. Gregory Hatrak.
St. Tikhon’s Monastery for their donation of books and icons, thank you Abbot Sergius.
We would like to thank Fr. Christopher Foley for collecting resources from his and other neighboring parishes to allow for the purchase of numerous copies of Orthodoxy for the Non-Orthodox, as well as TempleGate for allowing us to purchase them at cost.
Thanks to Conciliar Press who also provided us with a number of pamphlets.
Thanks to St. Tikhon’s Alumnus Fr. Joel Weir and the faithful of St. Stephen the First Martyr for donating books from their own personal libraries to be handed out as well as taking up a collection to purchase several others. A thank you to Lamp Post Books for supplying the books at cost.
Thank you to our two volunteers Stephen Wendland and Reid Broadstreet as well as Bobby Maddex, and his assistant Troy from Ancient Faith Radio for supplying coverage of the event.
Last but not least, thanks to Mike Poulin for taking amazing photographs and allowing me to utilize his press pass for a couple days.
All in all it was an eye-opening and heartwarming endeavor. We were able to provide an Orthodox presence in a very visible way at a large venue filled with non-orthodox people who are by most accounts searching for a deeper and fuller experience of their faith. We were able to enjoy the holy services in a place where they had been unknown previously. In some instances there were as many as 25 people who came to either participate or to just observe from a distance the beauty and sacred peace of our holy services.
“At the end of the day every person on the team walked away both tired and enriched,” said Sub-Deacon Luke (Seraphim) Beecham. “It’s not every day you get to explain the existence of the Orthodox faith to people who genuinely want to know more about it, and on such a fundamental level. Sometimes we allow ourselves to get bogged down with such trivial “high theological” concepts that we forget about some of the more core elements of our theology. More importantly, if we do remember them we hardly ever get to present them in a hopeful way to people who are desperately looking for answers.”
Each one of us were humbled by this opportunity and look forward to next year.
July 19 - August 5 - Boosalis Family to Participate in OCMC Mission Trip - 06/24/11
From July 19th to August 5th, 2011, Dr. Harry Boosalis, professor of Dogmatic Theology, and his daughter, Maria, will travel to Kenya with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center. While there, the team will offer catechetical training and assistance to the clergy and lay leaders of the Orthodox Church of Kenya to help with outreach. Over the last 60 years, the Orthodox Church of Kenya has grown to include over 150 clergy serving 300,000 faithful.
Seminarians Travel to Albania for Unique Missions Opportunity - 06/24/11
First year seminarians Dn. Marty Watt and Kyle Housley recently returned from a mission trip to Albania. This trip was the final project of a class offered by the Missions Institute at Holy Cross and Hellenic College in which students from Holy Cross, St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s participate. Earlier in the year, Fr. Luke Veronis, Executive Director of the Missions Institute, traveled to St. Tikhon’s to promote the class resulting in an overwhelming number of students becoming interested. St. Tikhon’s hopes to participate in the project for many years to come.
More information on their trip and the program can be found on the OCMC website.
More information on the Church in Albania and the work of Archbishop Anastasios can be found here.
June 30 - July 3 Christopher Patton to Take Part in OCA First - 06/21/11
When: Thursday, June 30th - Sunday, July 3rd.
Where: Cornerstone Christian Music Festival Bushnell, IL.
Christopher Patton will be taking part in a joint collaboration under the direction of the OCA Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry.
Alumni from both St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's will assist the Dept of Youth with an information table at Cornerstone Christian Music Festival.
The annual dinner to honor the graduating seniors was held at St. Michael’s Hall in Jermyn.
We would like to thank the faithful from St. Michael’s who came out to help work in the kitchen, to set up and to help serve tables at the event.
A special thanks to the graduates who each shared a personal reflection regarding their journey over the past few years as their lives were shaped by the seminary experience.
Each of them also took the time to thank the unsung heroes of this experience, their wives and families, who sacrifice so much enable the future leaders of our Church the time necessary for education and spiritual growth.
The Memorial Day Pilgrimage was a joy filled event this year.
We were blessed with the weeping icon of St. Anne from the Russian Orthodox Church of Our Lady the Joy of All Who Sorrow in Philadelphia.
We would like to thank Father Athanasy for making it possible for this wondrous and holy icon to bless our grounds to be venerated by the thousands of Pilgrims who made their way here to take part in the festivities.
We were also blessed to have Fr. Archimandrite Zacharias of the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex England who provided the commencement address and also gave several lectures through-out the weekend.
Thank you to all the students, monastics, faculty and staff as well as the volunteers from the community who worked very hard in the week leading up to the Pilgrimage to ensure the buildings and the grounds on both sides of the road were ready and presentable for the faithful.
Thank you as well to all the visitors who came to take part in the services and festivities.
It is with great excitement that we look forward to seeing everyone next year for this time of fellowship, celebration and remembrance.
Academic Calendar for 2011-2012 Announced - 06/06/11
St. Tikhon's Seminary is pleased to announce the academic calendar for
the 2010 - 2011 school year as follows. Further details for new student
orientation will be published once they are available. Please contact
us by phone or use the seminary's website contact form with any questions.
Seminary Alumnus Andrew Kishler Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 06/06/11
Deacon Andrew Kishler was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, May 29, 2011 by His Grace, Bishop Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese.
seminary community would like to extend a heartfelt many years to him
and his family and may God continue to bless and keep them as they begin
this next phase of their public ministry.
For those who are unable to be present at this weekend's Graduation and Memorial Day festivities there are broadcasts for you to enjoy online.
Tomorrow, in conjunction with the seminary, STS Press will be broadcasting the Memorial Day Liturgy live on their new website for all to see. This year, Metropolitan Jonah, Bishop Tikhon, Bishop Alejo, Bishop Melchizedek and Bishop Michael will be concelebrating the 107th annual Memorial Day Liturgy.
If you missed the announcement about yesterday's live broadcast of the seminary's graduation ceremony, it's still available to view on
Hot Off the Press: The 2011 Tikhonaire! - 05/28/11
In an effort to make the seminary's annual publication accessible to as many people as possible, two changes were made this year:
1. It's Free. The money received from our sponsors and supporters paid for all layout and printing costs this year. Our sponsors and supporters have been given prime space, being featured one-per-page directly below the photos and articles from this year.
2. It's Online. In addition to the printed version, we've found a way to offer the Tikhonaire online using a method that some have said is even preferable to the printed version.
The online version features two articles not included in the printed version: "Reflections on the Future" with Metropolitan Jonah, and "Why Not Join the Army of Christ?" with newly consecrated Bishop Matthias.
Thank you to all of our supporters this year who have made the 2011 Tikhonaire a great success!
Seminary Welcomes His Grace Bishop George and Father John Sorochka - 05/24/11
This past Wednesday May, 18th the St. Tikhon’s Community was blessed with a visit from His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern America and New York. (ROCOR)
Accompanying him was the senior priest of the cathedral in Mayfield, Fr. John Sorochka. Both His Grace and Fr. John are longtime friends of our beloved dean Fr. Alexander Atty.
Regarding the meeting, Fr. Alexander stated “Many years ago the leaders of all our respective jurisdictions asked us to lay aside our differences, real or imagined, so that together in a spirit of brotherly unity we might present the truth of orthodoxy to a lost world.”
The parish in Mayfield, PA played a major role in the early history of both the Monastery and the Seminary. It is because of the efforts of orthodox faithful in parishes such as this one that the St. Tikhon’s Community is still raising up pastors to serve the needs of the American people.
We want to thank everyone who made such monumental sacrifices in those early years and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.
The doors of St. Tikhon’s Seminary are always open to any orthodox faithful and we graciously welcome visitors from all jurisdictions as well as any and all inquirers from non-orthodox covenants who may have questions regarding the teachings of the Orthodox Church.
July 30th - Fr. John Kowalczyk to Speak in Toronto - 05/20/11
July 30th Fr. John Kowalczyk will be representing the seminary community at the Prison Fellowship International that will be held this year in Toronto Canada. Fr. John is on the Board of Directors for the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM).
In Toronto Fr. John will be presenting a lecture on : The Ministry of Presence as a Means of Integrating Inmates Into Family, Church and Society."
Here is link to the Scranton Times article regarding this event.
Century Association Fundraiser is a Success - 05/16/11
This Sunday May 15th the St. Tikhon’s Century Association held their annual Hospitality A La Russe Russian heritage festival in Bethlehem, PA.
The event raised 10k for the seminary. A check would be presented by Century Association President Sarah Jubinski later in the evening for not only the money raised by the event but also for what was generated by the general membership drive for the year, a total of 25k that will go to pay the general operating expenses of the school.
We would like to take this time to thank once again the Century Association for their tireless efforts in supporting the seminary. It is because of your efforts that we are able to continue to educated the future pastors and teachers of God’s holy church.
June 17-19 - Dr. Mary Ford to Speak at SVS Summer Conference - 05/11/11
Dr. Mary Ford will be speaking at The Women Disciples of the Lord: Annual Summer Conference 2011 that will be held this year on June 17th-19th on the St. Vladimir Seminary Campus.
Dr. Mary will be speaking on "Light from the Past on Vocations Today."
There is still time to register for this exciting annual event.
Deacon Andreas Blom is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 05/11/11
Deacon Andreas Blom was ordained to the Holy Priesthood today, Wednesday May 11, 2011.
The seminary community would like to extend a heartfelt many years to him and his family and may God continue to bless and keep them as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
International Recognition Received for Faculty Publication - 05/10/11
The publications of the Homilies/Sermons of St. Gregory Palamas, edited and translated by our own Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics, have recently been enthusiastically received by the internationally acclaimed web site,
Directed by Archpriest Jivko Panev, instructor at St. Sergius Seminary in Paris, has posted a review of Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies (Mount Thabor Publishing 2009), written by Jean-Claude Larchet, one of the world's foremost specialists in Patristic theology, and provided links to Amazon France for The Homilies, as well as to the smaller thematically arranged editions of selected sermons, Mary the Mother of God (Mount Thabor Publishing 2005), The Saving Work of Christ (Mount Thabor Publishing 2008), and On the Saints (Mount Thabor Publishing 2008).
Seminary Triumphs in Annual Event - 05/10/11
For the first time in recent memory St. Tikhon’s Seminary has bested St. Vlad’s in the annual basketball game.
This year it was St. Vladimir’s turn to host this much anticipated event.
The contest was held at the Stamford Athletic Club in Stamford CT and was sponsored by the Archangels Greek Orthodox Church who provided the post game hospitality. We are indebted to them for their kindness and generosity.
Thank you to all the students and families who made this possible.
The team came prepared and focused with a clear plan in mind and as a result we were able to get a win.
It will be remembered alongside the other remarkable events of this most remarkable year.
Fr. Atty regretted that his strenuous fundraising schedule kept him from personally attending this event but he wished to convey the following message.
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and alumni I would like to give a special thanks to the students who took the extra time, on-top of all their other responsibilities, to prepare themselves both mentally and physically for this event.
Fr. Alexander and the staff of St. Tikhon's are pleased to announce the birth of Issak Alexander Baldwin to first-year and chef Alexis Baldwin, his wife (and co-chef) Veronica, and big brother Aidan. Isaak weighed in at 8lbs 14 oz and measured 21 inches long. He arrived today, May 3rd, at 1:24 PM.
Mom and baby are doing well and resting.
Seminary Alumnus is Consecrated Bishop of Chicago - 05/01/11
At Christ the Savior Church in Chicago, Illinois Archimandrite Matthias [Moriak] was consecrated to the holy episcopacy on Saturday April 30th.
The following day he was installed at Holy Trinity Cathedral as the Bishop of Chicago and all the Midwest.
His Grace graduated from St. Tikhon’s in 2000 and has been an avid supporter of the institution his entire life. A few years later his son Matthew Moriak would follow in his father’s footsteps as a graduate of our institution as well as being ordained to the holy priesthood. He now serves as the head priest of Holy Ghost Orthodox Christian Church in Manville, NJ.
May Christ continue to bless, not only his Grace, but the entire Moriak family.
May God also grant him the guidance and resolve to pastor the Orthodox faithful in the Midwest diocese and may his voice be added to the God directed chorus of voices that make up our Holy Synod of Bishops as they direct the orthodox faithful in North America.
May God preserve them all for many years.
A link to the official announcement is provided below.
2007 Seminary Graduate is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 04/29/11
Metropolitan Nikitas (Lulias) of the Dardanelles of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate ordained Vasili Hillhouse to first the Diaconate (Sat
4/2) and then to the Holy Priesthood (Sun 4/3) at St. John the Baptist's Greek
Orthodox Church in Beaverton, Oregon.
Fr. Vasili graduated from St. Tikhon’s in 2007. Since his
graduation he has been serving as a pastoral assistant to Fr. Theodore Dorrance
at St. John’s where Fr. Vasili participated in the seminary's summer internship
program. Aside from this Fr. Vasili also worked in the community as Social
Worker specializing in the care of disabled adults.
He and his wife Maria are expecting their third child later
this year and will continue to work in the Beaverton Parish until they receive
their first assignment.
May God bless and keep them and their family for many, many
years and may He also bless them as they begin this next phase of their public
Additional photographs are provided by the links below.
Board of Trustees Approves Dual Degree Program - 04/28/11
At its recent Spring meeting, the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary unanimously voted to implement and promote the dual BA/MDiv degree program. The Seminary has been authorized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and its accrediting agency, The Association of Theological Schools (ATS), to offer this 5 year program which will permit a candidate to complete his undergraduate requirements and to satisfy the academic requirements for the Master of Divinity degree.
The Board authorized the Dean and Chief Operating Officer, V. Rev. Alexander Atty, to actively promote this program to interested candidates who meet the entrance requirements for the successful completion of the dual degrees. Eligible candidates for both degrees will have already completed some required undergraduate courses and will be able to apply those credits toward the completion of the dual degree program. It is expected that BA/MDiv candidates will spend a minimum of 5 years at the seminary campus, completing their priestly formation requirements, as well as the academic requirements of both degrees. The two degrees, the Bachelor of Arts in Orthodox Theology and the Master of Divinity degrees will be awarded together at the completion of all requirements for both degrees.
Father Atty was especially pleased that the Board initiated and is promoting this program. As he has been traveling around the country, representing St. Tikhon’s Seminary, he has been meeting many young Orthodox men with a calling to the Priesthood and appropriate Orthodox Theological formation, who will benefit from the availability of such a program. Interested individuals should contact the Seminary for more information.
Commencement 2011 - 04/28/11
On Saturday, May 28th at 12pm, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will gather to hold its annual commencement exercises. The Seminary will also award an honorary Doctorate of Divinity to Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou) from Essex, England.
Please note this change: In place of the Sunday night dinner, the banquet honoring the graduates will be held immediately following commencement at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA. Tickets are available for the luncheon; $30 per person. Children's plate is $12. Children under 5 are free. Please contact the seminary office at 570-561-181 to make reservations.
June 11th - Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak at OCA Deanery Parish Council Conference in NYC - 04/25/11
Title: Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration
When: Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Where: Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Brooklyn NY.
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
May 7th - Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak at OCA Deanery Parish Council Conference in Rochester, NY - 04/20/11
Title: Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration
When: Saturday, May 7th, 2011
Where: Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church 855 Goodman Street South Rochester NY 14620
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
St. Tikhon's Alumnus, Fr. Joseph Lucas, Publishes New Work - 04/19/11
St. Tikhon Alumnus, Priest Joseph Lucas, has published a new book with the Orthodox Research Institute. "Prayer of the Publican: Justification in the Desert Fathers" examines the understanding of justice/righteousness in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers. More information can be found here.
June 18th - Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak at OCA Deanery Parish Council Conference in NYC - 04/18/11
Title: Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration
When: Saturday, June 18th, 2011
Where: Holy Trinity Church, East Meadow NY.
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
Fr. Alexander and the St. Tikhon's community wishes to extend its warmest congratulations and welcome to the newest member of our family:
Joel, Tessi, Mara, and Winifred Wilson welcomed Liam Michael Wilson this morning at 7:34 AM. He weighed in at 10 lbs., 5 oz and is 22 inches long.
May our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ grant Liam and his family many blessed years!
St. Tikhon's Welcomes Sts. Mary and Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church - 04/05/11
We were blessed to have with us, on the grounds of St. Tikhon’s seminary and monastery, close to one hundred pilgrims belonging to two parishes of the Indian Orthodox Church.
Parishioners from St. Marys Church from W.Sayville, NY with its vicar V.Rev. Paulose Adai Chorepiscopa, and St. Gregorios Church from Yonkers, NY with its vicar, Rev.Fr. Philip C. Abraham, arrived at the seminary on April 2nd at 10 am.
After opening prayers in the auditorium, they were treated to a moving and heart-felt devotional by Rev. Dn. Daniel Mackay on the importance of Orthodox Spirituality in our everyday life.
The group was then given a tour of the seminary building and grounds followed by Noon prayer, lunch and a tour of the Monastery Church, it's grounds, the museum and the bookstore.
Fr. David & Rozanne Rucker Visit the Seminary - 03/30/11
Fr. David Rucker, Assistant Director of OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission
Center), and his wife, Presbytera Rozanne, visited the seminary on
Monday and Tuesday of this week. On Monday evening, Fr. David gave a
presentation on the progress of OCMC since he joined the organization in
2006. He spoke about the primary goal and practical approach of those
serving as new missionaries in other countries: Learn the language,
learn the culture, and love the people. Toward the end of the
presentation he fielded questions from the seminary community and
offered a few stories from his own experience as a missionary in Hong
On Tuesday, Fr. David was joined by Presbytera Rozanne, a
licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, for an evening with the seminary
community wives. The evening's topic was, "Does saying yes to God mean
saying no to family?" Those interested in a recording of Tuesday's
talk can contact the seminary at
Many thanks to Fr. David and Rozanne for their time as well as Fr. David
and Mat. Tamara Cowan for hosting the Ruckers and making arrangements
for the evening.
His Grace, Bishop Tikhon Blesses Two New Seminary Vehicles - 03/30/11
On Wednesday, March 30th, shortly after the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts, Bishop Tikhon, Fr. Alexander Atty and many representatives from the community came together to bless two new vehicles recently purchased for seminary use.
The vehicles, a Ford 15-passenger van and Nissan Xtera, funded as part of a larger major bequest donated by Mrs. Mona Marich Hanford in memory of her father Frederick Marich as well as her grandfather Archbishop Amvrossy (Merejko). The vehicles will serve the seminary for travel purposes and will publicly represent the ever-improving community of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
June 19-25 - Icon Writing Workshop to Be Held at Seminary - 03/24/11
Internationally known iconographer Ksenia Mihailovna Pokrovskaya will lead a workshop in the ancient art of Byzantine icon painting at St. Tikhon Orthodox Seminary in South Canaan, PA, June 19-25, 2011.
Pokrovsky is one of the key individuals credited with keeping the ancient tradition of icon writing alive during the Soviet Union's most repressive era. Pokrovsky will give hands-on instruction in iconography in a workshop titled "Six Days of Creation." Her contributions to preserving and passing on the art of the icon are acknowledged in Irina Yazykova's recent book, Hidden and Triumphant: The Underground Struggle to Save Russian Iconography", published by Paraclete Press, April 2010.
Two other gifted iconographers will be on hand to offer one-on-one attention to workshop participants. Anna Gouriev, Pokrovsky's daughter, has been immersed in the art of the icon since her childhood days in Moscow when her mother's art was officially illegal and punishable by imprisonment as a subversive activity. Marek Czarnecki of Seraphic Restorations is a long time student of Pokrovsky. His icon "Christ the Great High Priest" was chosen to honor the "Year for Priests" which was established by Pope Benedict XVI and ended June 19, 2010. Together, this iconography teaching-team offers the highest quality instruction available in the western hemisphere.
Under Pokrovsky's tutelage, hundreds of students have learned the technique of egg-tempera, using a palette of gold, semi-precious stones and clays. The workshop offers a unique opportunity to work closely with this master iconographer, who attracts students from all over the world.
The workshop will be held at St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary, located in South Canaan, PA. The workshop is sponsored by the non-profit organization Hexaemeron. More information on the workshop curriculum, tuition, and a downloadable application can be found at
To schedule media availability for Ksenia Pokrovsky or media access to the workshop, please call Mary Lowell at (859) 608-3608.
April 5-7 - Fr. Alexander Atty to Give Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh Clergy Family Retreat at Antiochian Village - 03/24/11
(South Canaan, PA) — Fr. Alexander has been asked to be the speaker at the upcoming Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh Clergy Family Retreat, taking place at the Antiochian Village from April 5th-7th.
Fr. Alexander will be giving two separate talks. The first is entitled, "Again and Again, in Peace, Let us pray to the Lord," and will cover how parish priests can cultivate the liturgical life. The second is entitled, "Holy Father Andrew, Pray for Us," and will specifically discuss the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.
Seminary Donates New Boiler to Monastery - 03/24/11
(South Canaan, PA) - In the spirit of the Great Fast and mutual love, St. Tikhon's Seminary dean, Fr. Alexander Atty, was proud to present a check to Fr. Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, for the new boiler in the amount of $9,000.00, which was part of a major bequest to the Seminary. The bequest included this predetermined allotment, a decision made by the donor and Fr. Alexander Atty.
May 14th - Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak at OCA Deanery Parish Council Conference in Endicott, NY - 03/21/11
Title: Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration
When: Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Where: SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church 210 Hill Ave. Endicott, NY 13760-2906
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
March 23 - Mission Choir to Sing at GOA Parish for First Time - 03/17/11
A Pan-Orthodox Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be celebrated on Wednesday March 23 at 6:30pm at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Camp Hill, PA. The Holy Trinity Cathedral community will be providing a Lenten meal afterward.
On Wednesday March 2, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Community underwent an extensive deep cleansing in preparation for the beginning of the great fast this year. As encouraged by our new dean and pastor in his pre-Lenten address, we began this journey not only body, mind and spirit but also in the collective offering of our time and energies into the cleansing of our seminary grounds.
Every student, faculty and staff member, as well as Fr. Atty himself, participated in this historic event as we removed two 30-yard construction dumpsters worth of materials and then an eventual third dumpster sized load was hauled out in small sections in the backs of a pick-up trucks. Even some of our Alumni were gracious enough to assist in the endeavor.
We would like to thank everyone who helped make this long overdue cleansing a reality. We could not have hoped for a more fresh and earnest start to this shared time of renewal.
April 2 - Dr. David Ford to Present Lenten Lecture at Princeton University - 03/16/11
Dr. David Ford, professor of Church History at St. Tikhon's Seminary, will be giving a Lenten lecture at Princeton University on Saturday, April 2, at 3:30 PM. The event is being jointly sponsored by the Fr. Georges Florovsky Society of the Princeton Graduate School and the OCF chapter of Princeton University. Dr. David will be speaking on "Wisdom for Today from the Early Church: The Home (or Dorm-room) as a Little Church: The Vision of St. John Chrysostom."
April 2 - Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in Rochester, MN - 03/16/11
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be leading a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, April
2nd at Sts. Kosmas and Damianos Greek Orthodox Church in Rochester, MN.
The title of the presentation is "Orthodox Spiritual Life: Therapy for the Soul." It will be comprised of two sessions. The first session will be at 11:00am discussing the relevancy of Orthodox Spirituality Today and St. Silouan of Mt. Athos. After a Lenten luncheon at 12:30, the second session will resume at 1:00 and will be about Suffering and the Spiritual Life.
A link to the parish website has been provided below.
Fr. Luke Veronis Speaks to the Student Body on the Importance of Missions - 03/14/11
The impact of the life of Fr. Luke Veronis on the current state of Orthodox Missions cannot be under-stated.
Father Luke Veronis has been involved in the Orthodox missionary movement for the past 17 years. Together with his wife Presbytera Faith, he served as a long-term OCMC Missionary in Albania for ten and a half years. Albania was one of the most persecuted Communist countries of Eastern Europe, being the only country in the world to totally outlaw any form of religious expression, and the first country to proclaim itself totally atheistic.
During his tenure in Albania, Father Luke taught at the Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy, serving as its co-director from 1998-2003. More than 130 of the school's graduates have become priests during the past decade. Father Luke also had a special weekly outreach to students at the University of Tirana. Six judges now serving Albania's higher courts are among his former students. The Veronises helped establish a vibrant youth movement around the country with a focus on the summer Church camp programs.
Prior to Albania, Father Luke served in Africa as a short-term missionary in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana for eighteen months. He and African co-workers constructed five stone churches, a medical clinic, and mission house. He also led teaching and youth ministry teams to numerous villages.
His published works include the book Missionaries, Monks, and Martyrs: Making Disciples of All Nations, and articles in various missionary journals and books.
Father Luke graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary's School of World Mission in 1993 with a Masters of Theology in Missiology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 1992 with a Masters of Divinity (highest distinction), and Pennsylvania State University in 1987 with a BS in Secondary Education/Mathematics.
Fr. Luke is presently the pastor of Saints Constantine and Helen Church in Webster, Massachusetts, while teaching mission classes at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, St. Vladimir's Seminary and Hellenic College.
Fr. Luke and Presbytera Faith have four children.
(Biography taken from his introduction by Mat. Olga Atty.)
We thank Fr. Veronis for taking the time out of his busy schedule to come and speak before the student body and we welcome a long and fruitful relationship with the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity at Holy Cross.
April 9 - Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in Emmaus, PA - 03/09/11
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be giving speaking on the topic of "Ancient Spirituality of the Christian East" on Saturday, April 9th at St. Paul Orthodox Church in Emmaus, PA.
A link to the parish website has been provided below.
New Incoming Student Information Now Available - 03/07/11
For those interested in attending seminary it's important that certain choices be made before taking the big step. In an effort to better help those who are planning to attend in the upcoming year, we have compiled a list of married student housing options currently available, as well as local utilities, medical and amenities. This list will be continually updated so check back on occasion.
March 18-20 - Dr. Harry Boosalis to Give Retreat in St. Paul, MN - 03/01/11
Dr. Harry Boosalis will be leading a Lenten Retreat entitled "The Importance of Orthodox Spiritual Life." on March 18th-20th at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in St. Paul, MN.
A link to the parish website has been provided below.
March 19 - Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak at Women's Retreat in Plainfield, NJ - 02/22/11
Title: Allowing No Place for Evil in Our Lives
When: Saturday, March 19, 2011
Where: Saint Stephen's Antiochian Orthodox Church 609 Lane Ave. South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
RSVP to 708-756-0410
Fr. Alexander Atty to Give Retreat On the Sunday of Orthodoxy in Lexington, KY March 12th-13th - 02/22/11
Title: Revitalize: Renewing Our Mind, Renewing Our Life
When: Saturday and Sunday, March 12-13, 2011
Where: Saint Andrew's Antiochian Orthodox Church 1136 Higbee Rd. Lexington, Ky 40503
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
Everyone is invited to attend and parish council members are encouraged to attend.
RSVP to 859-223-5091
Seminary Alumnus and Former Faculty Member Receives Doctorate and Publishes New Work - 02/21/11
Fr. Alexis Karakallinos (John Trader), a 1992 graduate of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, recently completed his doctoral studies in theology at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki where he received a Ph.D., summa cum laude. His ground-breaking doctoral dissertation was completed under the direction of Professor Anestis Keselopoulos, whose own work, Passions and Virtues According to St Gregory Palamas, Father Alexis had previously translated into English. The faculty of the theological school referred to his dissertation as an important advance in pastoral theology and one of the best works to ever pass through the University.
Fr. Alexis' doctoral research has recently been published by Peter Lang Publishers as part of their American University Studies series, under the title: Ancient Christian Wisdom and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy: A Meeting of Minds. This work should prove to be an important contribution to the discussion of the relationship between ancient and contemporary approaches to healing and a useful tool for pastors who are guiding those whose striving for sanctification is challenged by unresolved psychological difficulties.
Fr. Alexis received a B.A. in Chemistry (cum laude) with a minor in Religious Studies from Franklin and Marshall College in 1987, an M.A. in Divinity from the University of Chicago in 1989 and an M.Div (summa cum laude) from St Tikhon’s Seminary in 1992. After entering St Tikhon's Monastery in 1988, Fr. Alexis was appointed Lecturer in patristics at the Seminary. In 1996, he went to the Monastery of Karakallou on the Holy Mountain of Athos. In 2005, he became the serving priest for the Monastery of Nea Kerdyllia, a dependency of Karakallou Monastery, where he continues to serve as a father confessor.
The Seminary administration, faculty, staff and board of trustees offer their heartfelt congratulations to Fr. Alexis on this great accomplishment.
Fr. John Kowalczyk to Give Presentation on the Prison Ministry Program - 02/15/11
Fr. John Kowalczyk will be representing the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Community this Thursday through Saturday in Kansas City at the annual Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry convocation.
The OCPM is the official prison ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America. Fr. John is a member of the board of directors and is currently involved in the development of a standardized seminary-level curriculum based closely on the one already in place at St. Tikhon’s.
He will be giving a presentation this year on the current prison ministry program that serves SCI Waymart as part of the seminaries Field Work Education Practicum.
A link has been provided below to the official website of the OCPM.
Andreas Blom is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 02/09/11
Andreas Blom was ordained to the Holy Diaconate this past Saturday. Our prayers go out to he and his family as they enter this next phase of their public ministry.
St. Tikhon's Holds Annual Marriage Retreat - 02/01/11
The Annual St. Tikhon’s Seminary Marriage Enrichment Retreat was a large success this year.
We were honored to have the distinguished Dr. Albert Rossi adjunct professor at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, noted lecturer and esteemed friend of our seminary community.
He provided an edifying retreat on the sacrament of marriage and provided the student body with a number of resources that will assist them, not only their own lives, but that will also equip them to council others in their future vocations.
A special thanks to Katherine Atty, Nick Brasowski and Al Atty who provided the child care for the event.
April 30 - Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak at OCA Deanery Parish Council Conference in Watervliet, NY April 30th - 01/28/11
Title: Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration
When: Saturday, April 30, 2011
Where: Saint Basil's Orthodox Church 6 Lansing Ave. Watervliet, NY 12189
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
Seminary Participates in Sanctity of Life Event - 01/28/11
Members of the St. Tikhon’s Community participated in the annual March for Life event in Washington D.C. this past Monday.
As it does each year, this event brought hundreds of thousands of people of various faiths, races and social backgrounds to the front lawn of the White House in an attempt to draw national attention to sanctity of life issues.
The Orthodox faithful were led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, His Grace Bishop Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Melchizedek, His Grace Bishop Michael and Bishop-Elect Archimandrite Matthias.
Provided below is a link to C-Span's coverage of the speech portion of the event. Of special note is the address given by Fr. John kowalczyk which occurs towards the end of the video.
The Century Association Hosts Annual Lunch in Honor of St. Tatiana - 01/28/11
This Thursday the St. Tikhon’s Century Association hosted the organization’s annual luncheon in commemoration of St. Tatiana, the patron saint of students.
“St. Tatiana’s life should be an inspiration to all of us, not only students, but people at every phase of life,” said Sarah Jubinski, President of the Century Association.
She was joined by Mary Sernak, Kay Fedirko, Dorothy Sulich, Robert H. Roth and Alexandra Fedorchak.
We are grateful to all the volunteers who made this possible but especially to Fr. Joseph Martin of Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre for preparing the food and for the Century Association volunteers who prepared an amazing assortment of sweets.
The Dean of seminary, Fr. Alexander Atty, thanked the Century Association for not only this but all the support they give every year to help sustain the life of the seminary community.
South Canaan, PA — The Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty, St. Tikhon’s Dean and Chief Operating Officer, announced a private gift in the amount of $339,649.46 from Mrs. Mona Marich Hanford to fund renovations for the entire administration building and the purchase of a van for use by the traveling student choir, as well as the purchase of a furnace for the Monastery church.
"Mrs. Hanford's unparalleled generosity will make it possible for St. Tikhon's to further serve the Orthodox church, through the education of our future clergy in this country and throughout the world," said Fr. Alexander Atty. "The updating of our administration building is a necessary improvement to daily life for the students, faculty and staff at St. Tikhon's."
Mrs. Hanford's gift was given in memory of her father, Frederick Marich, as well as her grandfather, Archbishop Amvrossy (Merejko).
Renovations to the administration building will begin shortly, with a projected completion date of Fall 2011.
Please remember to keep Mrs. Hanford, her family, her father and grandfather in your prayers.
Fr. Alexander Atty to Give Revitalization Retreat in Niagara Falls, NY Feb. 25th-27th - 01/21/11
Title: Revitalize: Renewing Our Mind, Renewing Our Life
When: Friday-Sunday, February 25-27, 2011
Where: Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church
1073 Saunders Settlement Rd (RT 31) Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty
Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary
Everyone is invited to attend and parish council members are encouraged to attend.
RSVP to Fr. Paul Solberg 716 297 2668
Annual March for Life Jan. 24th - 01/19/11
As we have for many years St. Tikhon’s Seminary will be participating in the annual
March For Life in Washington D.C. on the Capital Mall Monday, Jan. 24th.
There will be a van leaving the seminary Monday morning at 5am and returning later that evening.
Directly following the march the representatives from the seminary community will be hosted by the St. Nicholas Cathedral (OCA) to a dinner directly following the evening service.
For any question or concerns please feel free to contact Dr. David Ford for details.
Annual Marriage Retreat to be Held Jan. 29th - 01/19/11
The Annual Seminary Marriage Retreat will be held on Saturday, Jan. 29th from 9:30am to 3:30 pm.
The guest speaker for this year will be Dr. Albert Rossi, associate professor of pastoral theology for St. Vladimir’s Seminary, as well as a licensed clinical psychologist for the state of New York.
His Lecture will be entitled,
Marriage Enrichment: Preparation for Premarital and Marriage Counseling.
Fr. Alexander Atty to Give Revitalization Retreat in Wilmington, DE Jan. 22nd - 01/18/11
Title: Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration
When: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 1:00 pm
Where: St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church, 2300 West Huntington Drive, Wilmington, DE.
Presented by the Very Reverend Fr. Alexander Atty Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary, sponsored by the Philadelphia Deanery.
Everyone is invited to attend and parish council members are encouraged to attend.
RSVP to St. Michael’s Rectory (302) 995-6775 or email by January 20th
Classes Resume January 17th - 01/17/11
Classes will resume on Monday.
We hope that everyone had a blessed Nativity and New Year celebration and that everyone come back from the winter break refreshed and renewed.
St. Tikhon's Alumnus Speaks at OCF College Conference - 01/13/11
Fr. Nicholas Dellermann (STOTS Alumnus 2008) was asked to lead a workshop at the annual College Conference East, hosted by the OCF and held this year at the Antiochian Village on Dec. 28-31.
His workshop entitled Transfiguring Culture: Renewal of the Mind emphasized understanding culture as a shared response of individuals or groups of individuals within a particular historical moment and setting.
This was placed within the context of the emergence and vast global popularity of social networking technologies such as Facebook and Twitter.
It went on to examine how the Church can use such technologies to enhance and support our common experience as Orthodox Christians but also cautioned against some of the potential dangers that can arise naturally when any kind of public discourse occurs within such an open and easily manipulated forum.
The workshop closed with a group discussion on the nature of shared experience itself and the differences between that and True Communion as it occurs within the liturgical life of the Church.
The Keynote speaker was Dr. Gayle Woloschak, a molecular-biologist, and director of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science in Chicago, IL.
Her three part presentation was on The Church and Technology: Bioethical Considerations.
For a full list of speakers and events a link to the OCF website has been provided below.
Dr. Harry Boosalis Speaks in Baltimore, MD - 12/16/10
Dr. Harry Boosalis, Ph.D, Professor of Dogmatic Theology at Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, was the speaker at a retreat sponsored by Saint Andrew Orthodox Church on the fourth of December 2010 on the theme: Saint Silouan the Athonite - Orthodox Spirituality and Its Relevance for Today.
Dr. Boosalis spoke about the apparent popularity of spirituality today, the uniqueness of Orthodox spiritual life and the life of Saint Silouan. Dr. Boosalis focused on St. Silouan's counsel regarding the struggle against evil thoughts, depression and despair. The retreat was dynamic and well received. Saint Andrew Orthodox Church is blessed to have a relic of Saint Silouan.
Martha Mossner Retires - 12/10/10
On Thursday our beloved Executive Chef Martha Mossner was honored for her many years of dedicated service.
Her love for the St. Tikhon's Community was evident in everything she did here. She will be sorely missed.
Members of the STOTS Community Give Back at a Local Hospital - 12/10/10
Volunteers from the St. Tikhon's Community gave back to their neighboring community this past Monday with a time of caroling at Wayne Memorial Hospital in Honesdale.
Thank you to all who took time out of their hectic holiday schedule to bring joy to life in the hearts of those less fortunate.
Students From St. Tikhon's Speak at FOCA Event - 12/10/10
St. John's Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, under the Moscow Patriarchate was host to this FOCA event organized by Fr. Ted Gregory the President of the New Jersey Chapter.
It was an opportunity for students to share their personal stories of coming to the Orthodox faith as well as some of the adversities seminarians face each year as they follow this holy calling to serve Christ and His Church.
Representing St. Tikhon's at this event were Joel Wilson, Andreas Blom and Dn. Ian Shipley.
St. Tikhon's Receives New Scholarship Endowment - 12/07/10
St. Tikhon’s Seminary would like to announce the establishment of a 200k scholarship endowment in the name of John Prokopenko. The endowment was donated by his wife Ludmilla in loving memory of her late husband. We would like to personally extend our heartfelt gratitude for this very generous gift.
It is due to the love and support of faithful such as these that ensures St. Tikhon’s Seminary continues to fulfill its mission to produce exceptional clergy to send out to a world that so desperately needs them.
The Children of St. Tikhon's Hold St. Nicholas Pageant - 12/07/10
The entire community came together last Sunday to be treated to a wonderful performance.
Thanks go out to all the parents, children and volunteers who made this possible.
A very special thanks goes out to Rebecca Markewich who directed the pageant and to Nick Aiello who played the part of St. Nicholas.
Deacon Patrick Smith is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 12/06/10
Deacon Patrick Smith was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Monday.
The seminary community extends a very heartfelt many years to him and his family and may God continue to bless and keep them as they begin this next phase of their public ministry.
Schedule of Events: Saturday, December 4 5:00pm - Great Vespers, Preparation for Holy Communion, Confessions 6:00pm - First Session of Retreat with Fr. Alexander Atty in Church Basement with Refreshments
Sunday, December 5 7:30am - Matins and 1st Hour 9:00am - Teaching Divine Liturgy, Part 8 11:00am - Second Session of Retreat with Fr. Alexander Atty in Ministries Hall, Potluck dinner
Fr. Alexander Atty to Speak in Pittsfield, MA - 12/01/10
Where: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Pittsfield, MA (Driving Directions)
"Stewardship of Faith: How to Care for Christ's Church"
When: Saturday, December 11 at 6:00pm
Schedule of Events: Saturday, December 11 5:00pm - Great Vespers 6:00pm - Special Pre-Nativity Lecture with Fr. Alexander Atty; refreshments will be provided
Please contact Fr. Barnabas Fravel with questions: (413) 442-2669.
Fr. Alexander Atty to Give Nativity Retreat in Emmaus, PA - 12/01/10
Nativity Spiritual Retreat
Where: St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church in Emmaus, PA. (Map)
Date: Saturday, December 18 at 4:00pm
Schedule of Events: 4-5:30pm: First Session: "The Good and Faithful Parishioner" 6-7pm: Great Vespers 7-8:30pm: Second Session: "The Good and Faithful Parish" (includes Lenten potluck - bring a dish to share!)
To download the flyer for this event, please click here.
New VoIP Communication Solution Implemented - 11/19/10
We are pleased to announce that the finishing touches have just been placed on the new telephone networking system.
Thanks to a generous contribution by Mr. George Nakonetschny we have been able to replace the outdated, poorly functioning, analog system with a new digital one.
The VoIP (Voice-over Internet Protocol) system solution includes a self-contained network administrative program which allows for such things as traffic management, access control, as well as the more traditional features such as voice mail and conference calling.
Most importantly the institution no longer has to rely on the local phone company for their telephone service. This new networking solution will save the seminary somewhere between $5000 - $6000 annually.
Congratulations Veniamin Family - 11/17/10
A very heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Christopher Veniamin and his wife Anna on the birth of a beautiful baby girl.
May God bless and keep the new hand maiden of God Zacharina!
Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in Baltimore, MD - 11/16/10
On Saturday December 4th, St. Tikhon's Dogmatics Professor Dr. Harry Boosalis will be speaking at St. Andrew's Orthodox Church in Baltimore, Maryland. The speaking topic will be "Orthodox Spirituality and It's Relevance for Today."
Dr. Boosalis has been teaching dogmatic theology as a faculty
member at St. Tikhon’s since the Fall of 1992, when he organized,
developed and implemented a new curriculum for the entire sequence of
dogmatic courses in the Master of Divinity degree program.
Dr. Harry Boosalis to Speak in Philadelphia, PA - 11/16/10
On Sunday December 12th, St. Tikhon's Dogmatics Professor Dr. Harry
Boosalis will be speaking at St. Stephen's Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA. The speaking topic will be "Orthodox Spirituality and It's
Relevance for Today."
Dr. Boosalis has been a faculty
member at St. Tikhon’s since the Fall of 1992, when he organized,
developed and implemented a new curriculum for the entire sequence of
dogmatic courses in the Master of Divinity degree program.
Ian Shipley Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 11/08/10
Ian Shipley was ordained to the Holy Diaconate on Monday.
Ours prayers go out to him and his family as they enter this new phase of their public ministry.
Special thanks are due for his dedicated service in the various revitalization projects going on in and around the community.
OCA's Strategic Plan Reviewed at St. Tikhon's - 11/08/10
Dr. Dimitri Solodow gave a presentation on behalf of the OCA Strategic Planning Committee before some of the seminary administration and faculty on Monday regarding the current draft of the OCA’s Strategic Plan.
He then invited questions and comments and encouraged everyone in the Church in America to take the time to review the plan and then to offer their ideas for consideration.
The Board of Trustees met for their fall 2010 session at the end of last week. They were treated to several presentations on the various revitalization projects going on in and around the seminary community.
Following the meeting His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, His Grace Bishop Tikhon and His Grace Bishop Michael as well as several of the board members joined some of the faculty and students for lunch and a time of fellowship.
The Board of Trustees reiterated how pleased they were with the direction the school was being taken and once again pledged their complete support for Fr. Atty’s vision and his new administration.
Metropolitan Jonah mentioned how much he enjoyed being able to visit with the community and how the much needed changes were creating a very different atmosphere on the seminary and monastery grounds. He went on to say that he is in full support of Fr. Atty and all that he is hoping to accomplish in the future.
Fr. Alexander Atty is Interviewed By Come Receive the Light Radio - 11/01/10
Fr. Alexander Atty sits down with Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Metropulos founder of Come Receive the Light radio ministry to talk about the changing face of Orthodox theological education and how America’s oldest Orthodox theological institution is changing to meet the needs of the future leaders of our Church.
A link from the Come Receive the Light website is provided below to listen to the interview in its entirety.
Seminary Community Takes Trip to Ritter's Cider Mill - 10/23/10
On Saturday, Oct 16, the seminarians, faculty and families of St. Tikhon's enjoyed an outing to Ritter's Cider Mill, a favorite spot for Fall fun. The children enjoyed hay rides, horse and pony rides, a petting zoo, corn maze, observing the apple press in operation, and many other activities throughout the afternoon.
This activity, organized by Joseph Hazar (this year's student activities coordinator), is one of many throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. The next couple of activities are a trip to St. Nektarios Greek Monastery and a Resident vs. Nonresident Flag Football game.
STOTS Board of Trustees Member Receives Outstanding Alumnus Award from Lycoming College - 10/18/10
[WILLIAMSPORT, PA] - The Lycoming College Alumni Association presented three awards during the College’s Homecoming activities Saturday, Oct. 16. Award recipients are selected by the Alumni Association Executive Board from nominations received from alumni and other members of the College community.
Dr. Eli Stavisky, a 1961 Lycoming graduate and STOTS Board of Trustees Member, received the "Angela R. Kyte Outstanding Alumnus Award," given in honor of an alumnus who has demonstrated a lifetime of service to humanity and whose life exemplifies those qualities encouraged and fostered at Lycoming and by its predecessor institutions.
Stavisky is retired from practice as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He is a recipient of the Pennsylvania Dental Association Annual Award and has served as chair of the State Board of Dentistry and member of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and the American Association of Dental Examiners, among many other organizations. He has been inducted into the American College of Dentistry, which he served as president, as well as the International College of Dentists. As a member of the Free Dental Clinic of the Jewish Federation of Scranton and the Pennsylvania Board of Directors of Donated Dental Services, he donated countless hours of his career and was one of the few oral surgeons in Northeastern Pennsylvania to treat Department of Welfare patients. He earned a bachelor’s in biology from Lycoming, where he has served as a member of the Alumni Association Executive Board, and a doctorate of dental surgery from Temple University. He completed his post-graduate work in oral surgery at the New York University College of Dentistry. Stavisky also served as a captain in the United States Air Force and was chief of oral surgery at the base hospital in Plattsburgh, N.Y. He and his wife, Paula Ovens, live in Clarks Summit, Pa., and are the parents of three daughters.
(Dr. Stavisky stands second from the left in the photo.)
Many from the local community came to South Canaan this weekend to participate in the annual Founders Day celebration. We enjoyed a lovely meal in the school gymnasium followed by messages from Fr. Nilus, Fr. Atty and his Grace Bishop Tikhon. Special thanks were given to the Century Association whose tireless efforts to raise support for the St. Tikhon's Community help ensure the sustainable future of the organization.
A special thanks to Martha Mossner who prepared the food for the event as well as Katherine and Alex Atty for setting up the gymnasium and for the beautiful fall themed arrangements.
40th Anniversary of the Fall Lecture Series - 10/05/10
This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Fall Lecture Series here at St. Tikhon's. We considered many different possibilities for commemoration of this historic milestone in the life of the community. After much consideration and after speaking with his Grace Bishop Tikhon it was decided that all of the options fell short in one key area.
The original intent of the Fall Lecture Series was to inform the faithful from within the local communities and to provide for continuing education for the local clergy. Questions have been raised for the past several years as to what degree that the usual format of four Tuesday evenings in October was continuing to full-fill that goal. These questions were due, for the most part, to the seminaries remote location and to the sometimes unfavorable weather conditions associated with Octobers in North East Pennsylvania.
Therefore it is was decided that to mark the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Fall Lecture Series at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary we will honor this great and valuable educational resource by redirecting its focus back to where it was originally intended. The seminary will provide just one of the many venues that will host this and all future Fall Lecture Series. In cooperation with the Diocese of North East Pennsylvania and with the blessing of his Grace Bishop Tikhon we hope that everyone will take advantage of the events being held at the various local Parishes. Please take advantage of this opportunity not only to listen and receive enrichment from these Orthodox speakers but also as an opportunity to enrich one another by visiting and sharing with members of other local communities throughout the area.
A link is provided here for a listing of the numerous events scheduled for this year.
Wesley J. Smith "Bioethics: Creating a Culture of Death" - 10/05/10
2010 Fall Lecture Series Event
On September 28th Wesley J. Smith gave the first Lecture of the 2010 Fall Lecture Series entitled: Bioethics Creating a Culture of Death. Mr. Smith is an accomplished writer and a much traveled lecturer on the subject of Bioethics. A link to his Bio is available here
Fr. Alexander Atty is Officially Installed as the Seventh Dean of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary - 10/03/10
On Saturday October 30th in a short Moliben (service of thanksgiving) at St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church, Fr. Alexander Atty was installed as the seventh Dean of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
The Service was presided over by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah. Also in attendance for this historical event were His Grace Bishop Tikhon of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania and His Grace Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey.
The service was followed by a reception in Fr. Atty’s honor where those present spoke about this unprecedented historical event and how it marks the passing of one period in the life of the St. Tikhon’s Community and the beginning of another. Our very own Dr. Harry Boosalis asked those in attendance to not downplay the significance of this event. He added, “Today we commemorate not only the installation of our new dean, but indeed the inauguration of a new era – the new Atty Era.”
Later in the speech Dr. Boosalis would add this exhortation to the seminary community, “And to our humble and hurting seminary community, which only now is finally feeling the healing powers of our Lord, after a difficult past few years, we again have hope, under his new and inspiring leadership.”
“A new era has indeed begun, and a new energy is palpable on our campus, with an unknown excitement vibrant within our classrooms and hallways.”
His inspiring words do not come without caution though as he explains, “Yet the rejuvenation of St. Tikhon’s will not be achieved by Fr. Atty alone. It will succeed only through the collective efforts of all the elements that make up our seminary community…we all have our own unique roles to play, as we all work together and contribute to the rebuilding and the rebirth of our beloved school.”
If you would like to know how you can help with this revitalization please contact the Office of the Dean.
Oct 9 - 21st Annual Founders Day Dinner - 09/27/10
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are pleased to announce that the St. Tikhon's Community will host the 21st Annual Founders Day Dinner on Saturday, October 9, 2010 (note the date has been changed from Sunday, October 10, 2010 in order to allow for greater participation).
The Schedule of Events is as follows:
9:00am - Entrance of the Hierarch, followed by Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Monastery Church 12:00pm - Founders Day Dinner in the Seminary Auditorium/Gym 3:00pm - Century Association Annual Meeting followed by Reception at Diocesan Center
In order to accommodate our guests, it will be necessary to RSVP by calling (570-937- 4411) or emailing ( There will be no charge for dinner; however, we do need to know the number of people attending in order to prepare the dinner. A free-will offering will be accepted in order to defray the cost.
Your kind support and participation in this annual event will be greatly appreciated and will add much in making this year's event a great success.
Looking forward to greeting you at this event!
Sincerely yours in Christ, Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Atty Dean
FOCA Unanimously Supports Seminary Married Housing Project with $75,000 - 09/22/10
PITTSBURGH - Meeting at its 84th annual national convention in Pittsburgh, PA, the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) unanimously agreed to donate $75,000 to St. Tikhon's Seminary, South Canaan, PA, in support of a married student housing project.
In 2007, at its national convention in Nashville, TN, FOCA delegates acted to spearhead a project to assist in providing married student housing at the seminary, to meet a critical shortage of housing for students with families. Due to circumstances beyond the control of FOCA, the project stalled. Recently, the seminary was able to identify a building and property nearby that may be suitable for the project, and the FOCA will now focus its energy and support in the seminary's efforts to fulfill this need.
During its sessions on Friday, September 3, following a presentation by Fr. Alexander Atty, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, the FOCA delegates agreed to continue fund-raising to increase support for the married student housing. A committee will be reassembled to solicit new funds and to remind those who earlier made three-year pledges to the project of their commitments. Fulfilled commitments to date were included in the $75,000 gift, with remaining pledge commitments totaling nearly $125,000.
These pledges came from just 40 members of the FOCA, and do not include what the FOCA expects to raise with broader solicitations from within the membership and others outside the FOCA. It is anticipated that individuals will continue to embrace the project, and spearhead activities to raise the necessary funds.
[Pictured left to right: Michael Bowan, Michael Steffaro, Polly Walker, Fr. Alexander Atty, Fr. Bill Evansky, Ted Gregory]
Annual Meet-and-Greet for Wives & Faculty - 09/09/10
St. Tikhon's Seminary wives had the chance to get to know the faculty during the annual beginning of the year meet-and-greet on Thursday Sept. 9th. It was a wonderful opportunity for returning wives to spend time with the new wives who have just joined the community as well as to be introduced to the faculty and staff.
After the initial welcome, the faculty and wives took time to share something about themselves and enjoyed some refreshments. Fr. Atty and Kh. Olga then shared the new vision for the seminary community.
A special thanks to Mat. Tamara for help with the organization of the meeting and to all who brought desserts and came out to support this important event.
The 2010 academic year began for the St. Tikhon's community on Monday, August 30th, as it always does, with new student orientation. The guest speakers this year were Fr. Michael Laffoon pastor of St. Mark Orthodox Church in Irvine CA, and Fr. Jason DelVitto pastor of St. George Orthodox Church in Bridgeville PA.
On Wednesday, September 1st, the returning students joined with the new for two days of lectures, for an introduction to the new staff and to participate in the beginning of the year retreat.
At the end of the retreat the entire student body met with the monastic community for services in the monastery church where the new students received the blessing from Bishop Tikhon to wear the cassock.
The St. Tikhon's Seminary & Monastery communities were blessed to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos with His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, His Eminence, Archbishop Seraphim, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon and His Grace Bishop Melchizedek.
Matushka Dorothy Sulich Retires - 09/08/10
Congratulations are in order for Matushka Dorothy Sulich who is retiring from her position as secretary here at St. Tikhon's Seminary. She served this position faithfully for 27 years and we ask God to grant her a peaceful and well-deserved retirement.
Seminary Apparel Now Available To Purchase Online - 09/08/10
St. Tikhon's Seminary branded apparel sold very well at this Spring's Memorial Day Pilgrimage. Because the demand was unable to be met with the stock ordered, this year's Student Government has opened an online shop to allow for purchases at your leisure.
The shop opens with five of the most popular items sold this Spring, and more items will continue to be added throughout the year. You can access the shop under the "Support" tab above, or directly at
A portion of every purchase will go to fund the Student Government. If you have any questions, please send us a Comments and Suggestions message.
As always, thank you for supporting St. Tikhon's Seminary!
The Seminary community came together on Monday, September 6th, to enjoy a beautiful day filled with food, fellowship and fun. It was a wonderful opportunity for the student body to meet and get to know one another.
A special thanks goes to Dn. Todd Franta and his family for the self sacrificing way he arranged the meal to be picked up from a local farm and then started the roasting at 6am. Another thanks goes out to new seminarian Michael Rodgers for volunteering his culinary skills to the endeavor.
Thanks as well to all who brought side dishes and assisted with set up and clean up. It was a wonderful way to kick off the new year and will be a time to be remembered for the months to come.
The 2010 Annual Golf Tournament to benefit St. Tikhon's Seminary was held on Saturday, August 21st. 90 participants came to show their support for the school. They were greeted by the seminary's new dean, Fr. Alexander Atty, who thanked them for their continued generosity.
Vacation Church School was held on August 16th through the 21st here at St. Tikhon's Seminary. Over 30 children participated with 15 adult leaders and volunteers.
The theme this year was, "Theotokos: Icon of Love." The children partcipated in crafts, lessons and enjoyed some time in the afternoon for pool activities.
A very special thanks to Matushka Tamara and Fr. David Cowan for organizing the event as well as to the many volunteers and families.
VCS was to culminate in an end-of-the-week pool party luau, however it had to be rescheduled for Friday the 27th because of rain.
Oct 30 - Formal Installation of New Dean - 08/26/10
On Saturday, October 30th, Father Alexander Atty will be officially installed as the seventh dean of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in a molieben service to be performed at St. Mary's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Wilkes Barre, PA.
The Molieben will be at 11am followed by a noon luncheon at the parish center. All are invited to attend. Tickets for the luncheon will be $20 and reservations can be made by downloading and sending in this form:
Please come show your support for this most significant of moments in the life and history of the seminary!
If you are not able to attend but would like to add your prayers and best wishes to those being offered for Fr. Alexander, please send your commemorations to:
If you would like, please include the appropriate amount for the commemoration you are sending: $25 - "Best Wishes" $50 - "Many Years!" (Or email him for free and send your congratulations directly!)
Please make all checks payable to "Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary"
Sep 16 - Annual Alumni Picnic to be Held - 08/11/10
This year's annual picnic for the students of St. Tikhon's Seminary will be hosted by the alumni on Thursday, September 16th, in the Pavilion immediately following Vespers.
Aug 19, 20 - Board of Trustees Meeting - 08/09/10
The Seminary's Board of Trustees will be meeting on August 19 and 20 on the seminary grounds. Please call the office for further details.
Aug 30 - Incoming Student Orientation - 08/09/10
This year's incoming students will be participating in a new student orientation from Monday, August 30 through Wednesday, September 1.
Sep 2 - Opening Student Retreat - 08/09/10
This year's opening student retreat will be held from Thursday, September 2nd through 4th. More details will be announced once they are available.
John Paluch Retires - 08/09/10
Congratulations are in order to John Paluch, Building and Grounds Administrator at St. Tikhon's Seminary for 42 years, who has officially retired effective July 31, 2010. We wish him all the best as he enjoys a well-deserved retirement. A luncheon honoring our retirees will be held in September. May God grant John and his family many years!
New and Historic Era Begins - 08/09/10
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary has ushered in a new era with the election of the Very Reverend Alexander Atty of the Antiochian Archdiocese to the position of Dean and Chief Operating Officer.
Father Alexander brings with him over thirty years of experience as parish priest and chief administrator. He pastored one of the largest Pan-Orthodox parishes in the nation, St. Michael the Archangel Church in Louisville, KY.
Under his direction this vibrant and flourishing Orthodox community undertook several building projects to reach out to and provide for the needs of their parish and others in the surrounding area. These projects, totaling over five million dollars, include the parish chapel, parish hall, education center, retirement community as well as housing for individuals with special needs, the first of its kind for the Orthodox faithful of North America.
Fr. Alexander is joined by his wife, Khouria Olga, and their two children, Katherine and Alexander. Fr. Alexander holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of Philadelphia, a Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir's Seminary, as well as a Doctorate in Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
Father Alexander brings with him a clear understanding of the many needs of the seminary community as well as a clear vision for the future health and sustainability of the institution.
Academic Calendar for 2010-11 Announced - 08/01/10
St. Tikhon's Seminary is pleased to announce the academic calendar for
the 2010 - 2011 school year as follows. Further details for new student
orientation will be published once they are available. Please contact
us by phone or use the seminary's website contact form with any questions.
Fall Semester 2010
August Aug 30 - New Student Orientation Begins
September Sep 2 & 3 - Seminary Retreat for All Students Sep 6 - Labor Day (No classes) Sep 7 - Classes begin Sep 8 - Feast of Nativity of the Theotokos (No classes) Sep 14 - Feast of Elevation of the Cross (No classes)
October Oct 8 - Last day for drop/add without penalty Oct 18-22 - Midterm week
November Nov 15 - Nativity Fast begins Nov 25-28 - Thanksgiving break (No classes)
Dec 13 - Feast of St. Herman of Alaska Dec 13-17 Final exam week. (Winter break begins)
Spring Semester 2011
January Jan 17 - Classes begin
February Feb 2 - Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord (No classes) Feb 25 - Last day for drop/add without penalty
March Mar 1-5 - Midterm week Mar 7-11 - Clean Week Seminary Retreat (No classes) Mar 25 - Feast of the Annunciation (No classes)
April Apr 18 - 24 - Holy Week and Pascha (No classes) Apr 25 - 30 - Bright Week (No classes)
May May 1 - St. Thomas Sunday May 16 - 20 - Final exams May 28 - 69th Annual Commencement May 30 - 107th Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage
St Tikhon's Summer Camp - 07/20/10
Camp began on July 4 and ended on July 10. We had over 180 Campers, counselors and staff members. Our themes were "Sacred Vessels II and Feasts of the Theotokos...
Seminarians of St. Tikhon's Give $1,000 to Parish Relief Fund - 06/25/10
The student community of St. Tikhon's Seminary announced on May 13 that they are donating $1,000 toward the newly established Diocese of New York / New Jersey Parish Relief Fund.
Third Annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium - 06/04/10
The third annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium will be held at St. Tikhon's Seminary, from Tuesday, June 15 through Thursday, June 17.
The theme of this year's gathering is "The 40th Anniversary of OCA Autocephaly." The symposium will feature two very dynamic presenters: the Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, the Director of External Affairs and Interchurch Relations for the Orthodox Church in America, and Alexis Liberovsky, the Archivist and Director of the Department of History and Archives for the Orthodox Church in America. Both of them are well-known speakers, scholars and published authors in their own right. Together they will examine the Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church from historical, theological, canonical and pastoral perspectives.
The cost of the symposium is $50 per participant. This includes registration, accommodations in the Seminary dormitory, and meals at the Seminary refectory. We ask that you kindly bring your own linens, towels, and personal items. Checks should be made payable to St. Tikhon's Seminary and mailed with the pre-registration form by June 9.
Annual Memorial Day Weekend - 05/31/10
Many Hierarchs, clergy and faithful gathered in South Canaan, PA on the weekend of May 28-31 to take part in the 106th Annual St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Orthodox Monastery Memorial Day Pilgrimage, as well as to attend the commencement ceremonies of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Seminary.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at Holy Ascension Church in Frackville, PA on Sunday, May 16th for a concert. For those in the
area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more
Feast of Ascension - Ordination and Banquet for Bishop Michael - 05/15/10
On Thursday, May 13th, the newly consecrated Bishop Michael concelebrated for the first time with Bishop Tikhon at the Monastery Church. Dn. Gregory Thompson was also ordained during the festal Liturgy to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Tikhon.
In the evening, the seminary community hosted a "surprise" banquet for Bishop Michael with many presentations of gratitude for His Grace's hard work over the last 10 years as the seminary dean. Fr. Daniel Kavolak served as the master of ceremonies making the evening light-hearted and a good time for all.
On Tuesday, May 11th, St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted representatives from the local prison, nursing home and hospital to honor this year's field education students. The seminarians in their second year who participated were honored and thanked for their hard work and obvious impact that it made on the people within each respective community.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at St. Nicholas Church in Pittsfield, MA on the weekend of May 22-23rd for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Consecration and Ordinations - 05/08/10
On Saturday, May 8, 2010, Archimandrite Michael [Dahulich] was consecrated as Bishop of New York and New Jersey at Saints Peter and Paul Church in Jersey City, New Jersey. In exercising his new episcopal role, Bishop Michael ordained Dn. Danial Doss to the Holy Priesthood and Thaddeus Franta to the Holy Diaconate.
Presiding at the consecration Divine Liturgy was His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, and other members of the Holy Synod of Bishops.
On the evening of May 7, Great Vespers with Bishop-elect Michael's formal Nomination was celebrated.
Over 600 attended Saturday's consecration banquet.
May God grant Bishop Michael, Fr. Daniel and Dn. Thaddeus many years!
Third Annual Basketball Game Versus SVS - 05/06/10
In the third annual hoops rivalry, Saint Tikhon's lost to Saint Vladimir's, 41-46. Both seminaries played an aggressive and intense two halves. The annual game is geared toward fostering brotherly love between the seminarians.
Fr John Kowalczyk lectures at Marquette University - 05/02/10
On April 13 and 14, 2010, Fr. John Kowalczyk, Director of Field Education at St Tikhon’s. visited Marquette University (the Jesuit University in Milwaukee, WI)
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection in New York, NY on Sunday, May 9th for a concert. For those in the
area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more
Mark Your Calendars - 106th Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage - 04/24/10
The brotherhood of Saint Tikhon's Monastery here recently announced the schedule of services and events for its 106th annual pilgrimage May 28-31, 2010.
The pilgrimage opens on Friday, May 28 at 3:30 p.m. with a blessing of the well and the celebration of Vespers and Matins in the Monastery Church. Dinner will follow in the monastery dining hall to which pilgrims are invited.
The Miraculous Myrrhstreaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, to which many cures from cancer, blindness, and other illnesses have been ascribed, will arrive at the monastery on Saturday morning, May 29, at approximately 11:00 a.m. The icon will be available for veneration throughout the pilgrimage.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah will preside at the main pilgrimage Divine liturgy on Monday, May 31, at 10:00 a.m. Throughout the day, various foods and religious items will be available for purchase.
Taught by God to be Published by STS Press in May 2010 - 04/24/10
The second book in his series, Taught by God: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology written by Dr. Harry Boosalis will be published by STS Press in May 2010.
A preview of the book is as follows:
"The present study is comprised of preliminary lectures in Orthodox theology. While intended for first-year Master of Divinity students at St. Tikhon's Seminary, its introductory level of approach and reader-friendly style is suitable for anyone interested in the ancient spirituality of the Christian East.
"Based on Holy Scripture and patristic teaching, this study refers to the writings of a variety of Orthodox theologians, especially those from Eastern European backgrounds. This book is original in that it preserves its teaching purpose by maintaining a practical approach as well as an appropriate level of language.
"Taught by God: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology is ideal for any layman who seeks to introduce himself to, or increase his knowledge of, the Orthodox approach to theology and spirituality.
"Harry M. Boosalis is Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania."
Mission Choir in Jersey City, NJ - 04/24/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at SS. Peter and Paul Church in Jersey City, NJ on Saturday, May 8th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Mission Choir in Randolph, NJ - 04/18/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at Holy Trinity Church in Randolph, NJ on Sunday, May 2nd for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Zachary Lynch Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 04/17/10
During the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning, April 17th, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon
ordained Seminarian Zachary Lynch to the Holy Diaconate. Dn. Zachary, who also celebrated his birthday on the same day,
is from Colorado and is in his second year at St. Tikhon's Seminary. May God grant many years to the new deacon and his family!
On Friday and Saturday, March 26 & 27, St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted its annual Vocations Retreat. The
encounter, welcoming all individuals interested in visiting the
theological school, was designed specifically to help men ascertain
their calling to serve the Lord and His Church, especially those
contemplating the Holy Priesthood or the Holy Diaconate.
Fr. Michael Dahulich Tonsured and Mitred, Thomas Langdon Ordained to the Diaconate - 04/15/10
During Holy Week, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah visited St. Tikhon's Seminary. On Tuesday evening, Fr. Michael Dahulich, Bishop-Elect for the Diocese of New York & New Jersey, was tonsured into the Lesser Schema in preparation for his upcoming episcopal role.
On Holy Wednesday during the final Presanctified Liturgy, Fr. Michael was mitred and elevated to the rank of Archimandrite. Seminarian Thomas Langdon of the Midwest Diocese, was ordained to the Holy Diaconate. Dn. Thomas is in his second year at St. Tikhon's. We wish Fr. Michael, Dn. Thomas and his family many years.
From March 28th to April 3rd, classes subsided for the seminary community so that all could fully participate in the services of Holy Week at the monastery church. Holy Week is a beautiful expression of our Lord's passion and Resurrection from the dead. The services were primarily led this year by His Grace, Bishop Tikhon.
The seminary and monastery communities along with many pilgrims celebrated Pascha very early on Sunday morning, April 4th. The joy of Christ's resurrection was celebrated beautifully in the monastery church with standing room only.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at St. Nicholas Church in Hamilton, Ontario on the weekend of Apr. 24-25th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Mission Choir in Wheaton, IL - 04/03/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at St. Joseph Church in Wheaton, IL on Sunday, Apr. 18th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Mission Choir in Burr Ridge, IL - 04/03/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at SS. Peter and Paul Church in Burr Ridge, IL on Saturday, Apr. 17th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Seminary News Now Available by Email - 03/31/10
The seminary is in the process of launching a weekly email newsletter to keep visitors up to date on recent events. Though still in progress, the newsletter will be sent out weekly to those who choose to subscribe, and will contain events that have taken place within the previous week.
Dr. Harry Boosalis To Give Clergy Retreat - 03/22/10
From Monday, April 12th to Thursday, April 15th, Dr. Harry Boosalis will be leading a Clergy Retreat for the Greek Metropolis of Chicago, to take place in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The theme is "Knowing God, Suffering for Him and Loving His People: The Personal Experience of the Parish Priest."
St. Tikhon's Seminary Receives Accreditation Renewal and Appoints New Dean - 03/22/10
On Friday, March 19, 2010, a town hall meeting was called for the community of St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary at which the Rector, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon, made some announcements about some positive developments in the life of the Seminary.
"Orthodox Spiritual Life and the Environment" Conference - 03/19/10
St. Tikhon's Seminary, the OCA Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, and the Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration will present a two-day dialogue on Orthodoxy and the Environment.
All are welcome, participation can be for one day or two, and limited accommodations are available in Seminary dormitory space.
Featured speakers/facilitators include:
Igumen Sergius Bowyer, abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery and music instructor at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Dr. Bruce (Seraphim) Foltz, philosophy professor at Eckerd College, a founder of SOPHIA, the Orthodox philosophical association; author of "Inhabiting the Earth: Heidegger, Environmental Ethics, and the Metaphysics of Nature," and co-editor of "Rethinking Nature: Essays in Environmental Philosophy"
Father Andrew Damick, pastor of St. Paul's Antichian Church in Emmaus, PA, and author of the "Roads from Emmaus" and "Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy" podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio, as well as of the blog "Roads from Emmaus."
Protodeacon Sergei Kapral of the Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre, PA, a member of the National Council of Churches Commmittee on Eco-Justice.
Fred Krueger, executive director of the Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration, environmental activist and leader in the ecumenical "creation care" movement in the U.S.
Dr. Alfred (Kentigern Pavlos) Siewers, associate professor of English, and Nature and Human Communities coordinator, at Bucknell University's Environmental Center; author of "Strange Beauty: Ecocritical Approaches to Early Medieval Landscape," co-editor of "Tolkien's Modern Middle Ages"
Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff, visiting lecturer at the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge; author of "Living in God's Creation: Orthodox Perspectives on Ecology," co-editor of "The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology"
Day 1: Friday April 16
8:45-9:15 Registration (posters/exhibits throughout the day, staffed during breaks as possible)
9:15-9:35 Welcome, Bishop Tikhon
9:35-10:55 Session 1: Theology, Philosophy and Liturgy Dr. Foltz, "Nature and Other Modern Idolatries: Kosmos, Ktisis, and Chaos in Environmntal Metaphysics" Fr. Andrew Damick, “The Cosmic Cathedral: Orthodox Liturgy and Ecological Vision”
11:10-12:30 Session 2: Monasticism, Saints and Asceticism Igumen Sergius Bowyer, "Monasticism and the Restoration of Creation" Dr. Alfred Siewers, "The Desert Sea: Early Irish Ascetic Landscapes of Creation"
12:30-1:45 Lunch
1:45-3:30 Session 3: Bearing Witness Today Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff, "Environmental Concerns and Orthodox Christian Witness" Dn. Sergei Kapral, "The Orthodox Church and Non-Orthodox Eco-Justice Movements"
3:30-3:45 Closing remarks
4:00 Vespers in the Monastery Church
Day 2: Saturday, April 17
8:00 Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church
10:00-4:00 "Christ in the Wilderness" workshop, facilitated by Fred Krueger
4:00 Vigil in the Monastery Church
For advance registration, costs and accommodation details, please email with the subject heading "Orthodoxy and the Environment Conference."
Annual Vocations Retreat in March - 03/19/10
St. Tikhon's Seminary will host its annual Vocations Retreat on Friday and Saturday, March 26-27. The encounter, welcoming all individuals interested in visiting the theological school, is designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church, especially those contemplating the Holy Priesthood or the Holy Diaconate.
The theme for this year's retreat is The Question to the Disciple: "Do You Love Me?" – The Commission of the Lord: "Feed My Sheep." The sessions will specifically examine St. John Chrysostom's Teaching On the Holy Priesthood and St. Patriarch Tikhon's Vision for St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Featured speakers will include: His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary; Fr. Michael Dahulich, Dean of the theological school; and members of the Seminary faculty and student body. A schedule of events is listed below.
Lodging and meals will be provided. Please call the seminary offices at 570-937-4411 for further information.
2010 Annual Vocations Retreat Schedule
Friday, March 26
6:00pm Registration at the Seminary Main Entrance
9:00pm Evening Prayer Service and Sacrament of Holy Confession
Saturday, March 27
8:00am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church
9:30am Breakfast in the Seminary Dining Room
10:00am Tour of Monastery Grounds and Seminary Campus (Late Registration at Seminary Office)
11:30am First Talk – "St. John Chrysostom's Teaching 'On the Holy Priesthood'"
12:30pm Lunch in the Seminary Dining Room
1:00pm Informal Talks with Members of the Seminary Community (Bookstore will be open)
2:00pm Second Talk – "St. Patriarch Tikhon's Vision for St. Tikhon's Seminary"
3:00pm Closing Remarks and Meditation
4:00pm Vigil Service and Departure
Wives Evening Education Class with Abbot Sergius - 03/16/10
On Tuesday, March 16, Fr. Sergius, recently installed Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery, presented an "Introduction to Liturgical Music" for
the Wives' Evening Education Series. These classes are specifically
designed with student-wives in mind.
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at St. Andrew Church in Baltimore, MD on the weekend of Mar. 27-28th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Mission Choir in Allison Park, PA - 03/09/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Allison Park, PA on the weekend of Mar. 20-21st for a concert. For those in the area
please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more
Mission Choir in Paramus, NJ - 03/09/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at Christ the Saviour Church in Paramus, NJ on Sunday, Mar. 14th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Wives Evening Education Class with Dr. Harry Boosalis - 03/09/10
On Tuesday, March 9, Dr. Harry Boosalis, Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology, presented a lecture on "The Practice of Prayer" for the Wives' Evening Education Series.
Dn. Mark Lichtenstein Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 03/06/10
On Saturday, March 6, His Eminence, Metropolitan Maximos of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Pittsburgh ordained seminarian Deacon Mark Lichtenstein to the Holy Priesthood. The ordination took place at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Massillon, OH. Fr. Mark is in his final year at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Dr. Harry Boosalis Gives Lenten Retreat in Maryland - 03/06/10
On Saturday, March 6th, Dr. Harry Boosalis spoke on the topic of Ancient Spirituality of the Christian East at a Lenten Retreat hosted by Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Annapolis, Maryland. His lectures focused on the themes of Spiritual Warfare and The Virtue of Love.
Greek Ministry of Education grants St. Tikhon’s Seminary equal standing with Greek and EU Schools of Theology - 03/04/10
With thanks to Almighty God, the administration and faculty of St.
Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary are pleased to announce the
recent decision by the Ministry of Education of the Hellenic Republic
to recognize St. Tikhon’s Seminary (STS) as an accredited institution
of Higher Education, equal in standing to the schools of theology in
the universities of Greece.
Metropolitan Jonah visited St. Tikhon's Seminary from February 15th to 17th for the beginning of Great Lent. Between services His Beatitude gave a series of talks to the seminarians, admonishing them to not react, not resent, and keep inner stillness.
"6 Days of Creation" Icon Workshop in June - 02/15/10
Dates: June 20-26, 2010 Location: St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, PA Description: In keeping with its name, HEXAEMERON offers the Six Days of Creation Icon-painting Workshops for the beginner and the more experienced, who desire to learn the ancient technique of icon painting in the egg-tempera medium, according to Orthodox Church tradition and ethos. Cost: $1150 For More Information: Visit the Hexaemeron Website where you can fill out an application and see the biography of the instructor.
Mission Choir in Yonkers, NY - 02/15/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at Holy Trinity Church in Yonkers, NY on Sunday, Feb. 28th for a concert. For those
in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067
for more details.
Mission Choir in Cohoes & Albany, NY - 02/10/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at St. Nicholas Church in Cohoes, NY on the weekend of
Feb. 20-21st, and at St. Sophia Church in Albany, NY on the evening of Sunday, Feb. 21st for a concert.
For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570)
937-4067 for more details.
Mission Choir in Mechanicsburg & Harrisburg, PA - 02/10/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be at Holy Apostles Mission in Mechanicsburg, PA on Saturday, Feb. 13th and at Christ the Saviour Church in Harrisburg, PA on Sunday, Feb. 14th for a concert. For those in the area please check your parish bulletin or call (570) 937-4067 for more details.
Mission Choir 2010 Schedule Announced - 02/07/10
St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be traveling to parishes throughout the
Midwest and East Coast this Spring. (See here for the schedule).
Last year, the Mission Choir
visited 18 parishes and raised almost $70,000 for the work of St.
Tikhon's Seminary. If you or your parish are interested in hosting the
Mission Choir for a Liturgy or an event, please contact the Dean, Fr.
Michael Dahulich at the Seminary for more information. (570-937-4411)
St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted this semester's Orthodox Inter Seminary Movement (OISM) event on the weekend of February 5th and 6th. Students representing St. Vladimir's, Holy Cross, St. Herman's, Jordanville, and Christ the Savior Seminaries were present. Dr. Christopher Veniamin was the main speaker. OISM elections also took place, resulting in the election of a new President.
Patrick Smith Ordained to the Deaconate - 02/02/10
On Tuesday, February 2nd, at the feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon ordained Seminarian Patrick Smith to the Holy Diaconate. Dn. Patrick is in his fourth year at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Dn. Christopher Maciolek Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 01/30/10
On Saturday, January 30, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon ordained
seminarian Deacon Christopher Maciolek to the Holy Priesthood at St.
Tikhon's Monastery Church. Fr. Christopher is in his final year at St.
Tikhon's Seminary.
On Saturday, January 30, Married Students and their wives participated in a Marriage Retreat led by the Very Reverend John Breck, Th.D., currently Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Patristics at the St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris, France, and Director of the Saint Silouan Retreat Center on Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina.
The couples attended an enriching full-day workshop focused on the challenges facing clergy marriages and families, dysfunction and family systems and bioethical issues in pastoral work.
Dn. Thaddeus Werner Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 01/24/10
On Sunday, January 24, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah ordained seminarian Deacon Thaddeus Werner to the Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Fr. Thaddeus is in his final year at St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Abbot Sergius Installed, Kursk Root Icon Visits St. Tikhon's - 01/23/10
The miracle-working Kursk Root Icon of the Theotokos visited on Saturday, January 23rd for the installation of Fr. Sergius as Abbot of St. Tikhon's Monastery.
Seminary Marches for Life in Washington D.C. - 01/22/10
St. Tikhon's faculty and seminarians traveled to Washington D.C. on Friday, January 22 to participate in the annual March for Life and to make a statement for the sanctity of life. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, along with Archbishop Nathaniel, Bishop Tikhon, Bishop Benjamin, Bishop Melchizedek, Bishop-elect Fr. Michael Dahulich, and Fr. John Kowalczyk led the OCA group under the banner "Orthodox Christians for Life."
Bishop-Elect Michael Tonsured Riasophor Monk, Igumen Sergius Elected Abbot, Thaddaeus Werner Diaconal Ordination - 10/23/09
On Friday October 23, 2009, Archpriest Michael Dahulich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Bishop-Elect of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, was tonsured a riasophor monk by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah at St Tikhon’s Monastery. Fr. Igumen Sergius (Bowyer) was elected Abbot by the brotherhood of St. Tikhon's Monastery. He will be formally installed as Abbot of the monastery on January 23, 2010. On the same day, Metropolitan Jonah ordained Thaddaeus Werner to the Holy Diaconate. Dn. Thaddeus is in his third year at St. Tikhon's Seminary
Wives Evening Education Lecture with Fr. Dan Kovalak - 10/20/09
On Tuesday, October 20, Fr. Daniel Kovalak, St. Tikhon's instructor of Missions & Evangalism kicked off the first lecture of the Wives Evening Education Series on "Modern Spirituality". These classes are part of the Student Wives Program and are specially designed with student-wives in mind. Fr. Dan ably and energetically laid out the current spiritual trend in our society, and how we as Orthodox can create an atmosphere in our parishes to invite those seeking Christ with a welcoming "come and see" attitude.
Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Founder of St. Tikhon's Monastery - 10/09/09
On the evening of October 8 and the morning of October 9, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Founder of St. Tikhon's Monastery.
His Grace, Bishop Tikhon calls a Town Hall Meeting - 10/06/09
On Tuesday, October 6th, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon, Rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary called a Town Hall Meeting to discuss important issues concerning the St. Tikhon's community.
"Softener of Evil Hearts" Icon Visits Monastery - 10/01/09
On Tuesday October 1, 2009 the "Softener of Evil Hearts" Icon of the Mother of God, a miracle working and myrrh-streaming icon, visited St. Tikhon's Monastery Church for several hours. A Moleben was served at the icon's reception and those attending evening Vespers had the blessing of praying in its presence before its departure. Holy Mother of God, pray for us!
STOTS Faculty at 2009 Orthodox Institute - 09/30/09
Fr Daniel Kovalak, Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Practice at St Tikhon's, presented two sessions on "Sharing Your Faith" at the 2009 Orthodox Institute Northern California.
On Sunday, September 27, Retired OCA clergy couple, Fr. John Nehrebecki (Dean Emeritus of Christ the Saviour Church, Paramas, NJ and his wife, Mat. Eugenia, shared over 50 years of wisdom and clergy experiences with Student Wives as part of the Wives' Guest Lecture Series
Fr. Nilus Lerro Vested by Metropolitan Jonah - 09/27/09
On Sunday, September 27, 2009, Fr. Nilus Lerro was vested into the Holy Priesthood by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah. The ordination took place at Fr. Nilus' home parish, the OCA Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection, in New York City. Fr. Nilus is Director of Student Affairs at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary.
We are pleased to announce that St. Tikhon’s Seminary will host the 20th
ANNUAL FOUNDERS DAY DINNER on Sunday, October 11, 2009.
The Schedule of Events
is as follows:
9:00 a.m.Greeting the Hierarch, Reading of the Hours
9:30 a.m.Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
12:00 p.m.Founders Day Dinner – Seminary Auditorium
(Century Association
Meeting following dinner; after the meeting, reception will be at the Diocesan
Center - new members are
In order to accommodate our guests, it will
be necessary to place ADVANCED DINNER RESERVATIONS.No tickets will be sold at the door, as we must place the exact
number of dinner reservations to the Catering Service by October 5, 2009.Please complete the enclosed DINNER
RESERVATION FORM and return to the Seminary by the deadline.
Your kind support and
participation in this annual Seminary event will be greatly appreciated and
will add much in making this year’s event a great success.
Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary elected Bishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey - 09/22/09
Our beloved Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, Fr. Michael Dahulich, was elected by the OCA Synod of Bishops as Bishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey.
Seminarian Wives Kick-off: Meet the Faculty - 09/17/09
On Thursday, September 17, the Student Wives Program held their first get-to-gether with
a "Meet & Greet" reception for Seminary Faculty and Student-Wives. The group was blessed
by the presence of His Grace, Bishop TIKHON and many faculty and staff of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Seminary graduate Rev. Dn. Jason Franchak ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 09/08/09
On Tuesday, September 8, 2009, Rev. Dn. Jason Franchak was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by the Rt. Rev. TIKHON, Bishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. The ordination took place during the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the Saint Tikhon Monastery Church. Fr. Jason is an alumni of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and was president of his graduating class in 2007/2008.
Dcn. Mircea Airinei ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/26/09
On Sunday, July 26, Deacon Mircea Arinei was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes Barre.
Archpriest Joseph Martin is the Rector. Four Deacons served:
Protodeacon Keith Russin, Protodeacon Sergei Kapral, Deacon Michael
Pasonick and Deacon Mircea Airinei. His Grace, Bishop Tikhon ordained
Fr. Mircea on behalf of Archbishop Nathaniel of the Romanian Episcopate.
Seminarian Dn. James Worthington ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/25/09
Seminarian Deacon James Worthington was
ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, July 25th by His Grace
Bishop Tikhon on behalf of Metropolitan Johnah.
Seminarian David Taylor ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 07/19/09
On Sunday, July 19, Seminarian David Taylor was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, Bishop Tikhon, at the St. Tikhon's Monastery Church in South Canaan.
Father Nathan was ordained by His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH on July 5, 2009 at Holy Cross Antiochian Church in Palmdale, California where he has been assigned as the pastor.
Seminarian Ian Burgess ordained to the Diaconate - 07/05/09
On July 5, 2009, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON ordained seminary graduate, Ian Burgess, to the Holy Diaconate here at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church in South Canaan, PA.
Seminarian Dn Joel Weir ordained to the Priesthood - 06/06/09
On June 6, 2009, His Grace, Bishop JOB ordained Seminarian, Deacon Joel Wier to the Holy Priesthood at the St. Stephen the First Martyr Church in Crawfordsville, IN.
On Saturday, May 23, St. Tikhon's Seminary held its 67th Annual Commencement. This year's commencement speaker was His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH. Congratulations to all the graduates!
Pilgrimage Continues: Seminarian Deacon Patrick Burns ordained to the Priesthood - 05/23/09
On May 23rd, as part of the 105th annual Pilgrimage here at St. Tikhon's Monastery/Seminary, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON ordained Seminarian, Deacon Patrick Burns to the Holy Priesthood. His Eminence, Archbishop NATHANIEL of Detroit concelebrated the Divine Liturgy.
On Thursday, May 14, the Annual Field Education Award Luncheon was held
at St. Tikhon's Seminary. Representatives from Wayne Memorial Hospital,
Wayne Woodlands Manor and S.C.I. Waymart were on hand to present awards
to the second and third year students who participated in the Field
Education Program throughout the year.
Church School Teen Group Prepares Dinner for Homeless - 05/10/09
On Sunday, May 10 members of the St. Tikhon's Church School Teen Group and their families prepared and served dinner for over 60 homeless people at the Scranton Rescue Shelter.
During the Great Fast and the Paschal Season, St. Tikhon's Church School Children took part in many
activities. As their Lenten Charity focus, they held a bake sale on Palm Sunday raising over $300 for St. George Orthodox Hospital in Beirut. The children also participated in a Pysanky Egg Workshop, and our Teen Group was especially busy, doing grounds work in St. Tikhon's Cemetery, and reading the Psalms before the Tomb of Christ on Holy Friday. Families gathered on Bright Monday to sing hymns and bring the joy of Pascha to the residents of Wayne Woodlands Manor Nursing Home in Waymart, PA.
Seminarian Deacon John D. Jones ordained to the Priesthood - 05/02/09
On Saturday, May 2, His Eminence, Archbishop JOB ordained Seminarian Dn. John D. Jones to the Holy Priesthood at SS. Cyril & Methodius Orthodox Church in Milwaukee, WI.
May 22-25 - Annual Memorial Day Weekend Pilgrimage - 04/30/09
The Community of St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary extends a most cordial invitation to all of you to participate in the Annual Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon’s Monastery over Memorial Day weekend, May 22-25, 2009.
On Bright Monday, April 20, 2009, on the invitation of
Tatiana Grigorievna Chelovenko, Chair of the Faculty of Religious Studies and
Theology of the University of Orel (Orel, Russia), Fr Alexander Golubov,
Academic Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, met with a group of students,
instructors and staff of the Faculty.
In his capacity as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, His Beatitude, the Most Blessed Metropolitan Jonah, is currently making his first official visit to the Church of Russia.
Fr. Michael and Mission Choir visit parish of St. Tikhon's graduate - 04/26/09
Fr. Michael Dahulich (Dean) and the Mission Choir visited St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Terre Haute, IN under the pastorship of St. Tikhon graduate, Fr. David Moretti on the weekend after Pascha.
DOEPA celebrates Bright Wednesday Liturgy at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church - 04/22/09
The Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania celebrated Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church on Bright Wednesday under the loving direction of His Grace, Bishop Tikhon.
May 4 - V. Rev. Peter Gilquist to Present Guest Lecture - 04/15/09
Very Rev. Archpriest Peter Gilquist will be the guest speaker at a Public Lecture at St. Tikhon’s Seminary on Tuesday evening, May 4. His presentation will be about Mission and Evangelism. The event will take place in the Seminary auditorium, beginning at 7 p.m., followed by a question-and-answer discussion period. A cordial invitation to attend the lecture is extended to area clergy and laypersons interested in this topic so vital to the Church, as well as to the entire St. Tikhon’s community.
Mission Choir Visits Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT - 04/12/09
On Palm Sunday, April 12, the Mission Choir visited Three Saints Church in Ansonia, CT.
Palm Sunday at St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary - 04/12/09
The Seminary and Monastery communities of St. Tikhon were honored to celebrate the feast of Christ's entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) with their father in Christ, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, who was assisted by His Grace, Bishop Tikhon.
On Friday and Saturday, April 10 & 11, 2009, St. Tikhon's Seminary hosted its annual Vocations Retreat. The encounter, welcoming all individuals interested in visiting the theological school, was designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church, especially those contemplating the Holy Priesthood or the Holy Diaconate.
Seminary Graduate Jason Franchak Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 04/11/09
On April 11th, Lazarus Saturday, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon ordained Seminary Graduate, Jason Franchak to the Holy Diaconate at the Monastery Church, here at St. Tikhon's.
Fr. Constantine and Khourieh Sharon Nasr speak at St. Tikhon's - 04/07/09
Fr. Constantine Nasr, and his Khourieh, Sharon both offered their years of experience this past week to the students, staff and seminarian wives this past week.
Seminarian Deacon George Mathew ordained to Full Deacon - 03/28/09
On Saturday, March 28, His Grace, Mathews Mar Barnabas, Diocesan Metropolitan, and His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, Auxiliary Diocesan Metropolitan ordained Seminarian Deacon George Mathew to Full Deacon at St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church, Washington, DC.
On the 25th of March, the Seminary and Monastery communities celebrated the feast of the Annunciation. Seminary Graduate, Deacon Kyrill Williams was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. Seminarian, Fr. John Christianson given the dignity of wearing the Epigonation.
Seminarian Patrick Burns is ordained to the Diaconate - 03/22/09
On Sunday, March 22, His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH ordained Seminarian Patrick Burns to the Holy Diaconate at Holy Annunciation Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA.
On Friday, March 20, 2009, the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary held their regular spring meeting. His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH, President of the Seminary, presided over the meeting.
On Tuesday, March 10 Faculty Member, Dr. Harry Boosalis, Th.D. presented the lecture
"The Spiritual and Theological Significance of Icons in the Orthodox Faith".
Seminarian James Worthington ordained to the Diaconate - 03/07/09
On Saturday, March 7, His Grace, Bishop Tikhon ordained Seminarian James Worthington to the Holy Diaconate at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Metropolitan Jonah was in attendance as we concluded the first week of lent.
From March 2-6, the seminary community was on retreat and no classes were held so they could participate in the divine services of Clean Week. Beginning at 6 AM each day, the services of Nocturn, Orthros, the Hours, Vespers (Wednesday and Friday the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was served) and Great Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew, were served by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah visits St. Tikhon's - 03/06/09
On Friday, March 6th, Metropolitan Jonah payed a visit to the Seminary and Monastery communities. His Beatitude gave some encouraging and inspiring words as we continue the lenten journey.
Sunday, March 1st, the entire community of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Monastery came together to greet the coming of lent, and to ask forgiveness of each other.
April 7 - V. Rev. Constantine Nasr to Present Public Lecture - 02/25/09
Very Rev. Archpriest Constantine Nasr will be the guest speaker at a Public Lecture at St. Tikhon’s Seminary on Tuesday evening, April 7. His presentation is entitled: “Our Parish: A Complacent Community or a Mission Minded Church?” The event will take place in the Seminary auditorium, beginning at 7 p.m., followed by refreshments and a question-and-answer discussion period. A cordial invitation to attend the lecture is extended to area clergy and laypersons interested in this topic so vital to the Church, as well as to the entire St. Tikhon’s community.
Father Constantine is widely regarded as an expert in the field of Mission and Evangelism. The author of several books, pamphlets and articles on the subject, he is the pastor of St. Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Church in Oklahoma City, where he began his ministry with 50 families. The parish has since grown to 1200 members, and has given birth to four mission churches in the surrounding area. Fr. Nasr is also the Economos of the Antiochian Orthodox Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America, under His Grace, Bishop BASIL.
April 10-11, 2009 - Vocations Retreat - 02/25/09
St. Tikhon’s Seminary will host its annual Vocations Retreat on Friday and Saturday, April 10-11. The encounter, welcoming all individuals interested in visiting the theological school, is designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church, especially those contemplating the Holy Priesthood or the Holy Diaconate.
The theme for this year’s event is “Saint Paul: ‘A Model for Priestly Ministry’ – In honor of the 2000th Anniversary of the Apostle’s Birth.” The sessions will deal with the topics of the “call” of St. Paul and of vocations to diaconal and priestly ministry and the “work” of the Apostle and of clergy in the Church today.
Featured speakers will include: His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary; Fr. Michael Dahulich, Dean of the theological school; and members of the Seminary faculty and student body. A schedule of events is listed below.
For further information and registration materials, please call the Seminary Office at 570-937-4411
Friday, April 10, 2009
6:00 PM – Registration at the Seminary Main Entrance
9:00 PM – Evening Prayer Service and Sacrament of Holy Confession
Saturday, April 11, 2009
8:00 AM – Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church
9:30 AM – Breakfast in the Seminary Dining Room
10:00 AM – Tour of Monastery Grounds and the Seminary Campus, Late Registration at Seminary Office
11:30 AM – 1st Talk – The “Call” of Saint Paul and of Vocations to Diaconal and Priestly Ministry
12:30 PM – Lunch in the Seminary Dining Room
1:00 PM – Informal Talks with Members of the Seminary Community, Bookstore will be open
2:00 PM – 2nd Talk – The “Work” of the Apostle Paul and of Clergy in the Church Today
3:00 PM – Closing Remarks and Meditation
4:00 PM – Vigil Service and Departure
Ordination of Seminarian Dn. Daniel Hackney to the Priesthood - 02/22/09
On Saturday, February 22, His Grace, Bishop MARK ordained Seminarian Dn. Daniel Hackney to the Holy Priesthood at St. Elias Antiochian Church in Sylvania, OH.
Century Association Holds Annual Winter Festival - 02/15/09
On Sunday, February 15, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association held its Annual Winter Festival. It was an evening of fellowship, good food, dancing, prizes and much more. The proceeds go to support St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Seminarian Deacon John Christianson ordained to the Priesthood - 02/15/09
On Sunday, February 15, His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON ordained Seminarian Deacon John Christianson to the Holy Priesthood at St. Nicholas Antiochian Cathedral in Los Angeles, California.
On Tuesday, February 10, the Wives' Evening Lectures Series resumed with Dr. Harry Boosalis, Ph.D. on the topic "Suffering and Spiritual Life: A Theological Perspective".
From January 25 - February 7, Seminary Alumnus, Paul Sidebottom visited Egypt. He followed the flight of the Holy Family from Cairo to Asuyt, afterwards visiting St. Catherine's in Sinai.
Celebration of our Dean, Father Michael Dahulich's 36th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood - 02/05/09
On Thursday, February 5th, the seminary community gathered for lunch in honor of our Dean, Fr. Michael Dahulich's 36th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood. May God grant him many years!
Fr. David Rucker, Associate Director of OCMC Speaks at St. Tikhon's - 02/05/09
On Thursday, February 5th, Fr. David Rucker, Associate Director of OCMC Speaks to staff and students here at St. Tikhon's Seminary. The focus of the discussion was missionary work; the history, and modern day missions.
Feast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple - 02/02/09
On the evening of February 1 and the morning of February 2, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple.
On January 30-31, St Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary hosted a Marriage and Family Retreat for married seminarians. Leading the retreat was Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary.
Century Association Hosts Lunch in Honor of St. Tatiana, Patron Saint of Students, for the Students, Faculty and Staff - 01/29/09
On Thursday, January 29, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association hosted a special lunch in Honor of St. Tatiana, Patron Saint of Students, for the Students, Faculty and Staff. The meal was cooked by Fr. Joseph Martin of Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre and the desserts were made by the members of the Century Association. We are indeed grateful to the officers and members of the Century Association for their generous support of the work of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
On Thursday, January 22, members of the seminary community joined His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH, and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, in the "March for Life" in Washington, D.C., proclaiming the sanctity of human life, decrying the tragedy of abortion, and praying for its victims.
Mission Choir Visits the Catedral de la Ascension del Senor in Mexico City for the Enthronement of His Grace, Bishop ALEJO of Mexico City and all Mexico - 01/18/09
On Saturday and Sunday, January 17-18, the Mission Choir visited the Catedral de la Ascension del Senor in Mexico City for the Enthronement of His Grace, Bishop ALEJO of Mexico City and all Mexico.
Seminarian Deacon Stephen DeYoung ordained to the Priesthood - 01/11/09
On Sunday, January 11, His Grace, Bishop THOMAS ordained Seminarian Deacon Stephen DeYoung to the Holy Priesthood at St. Ignatius Antiochian Church in Florida, New York.
Seminarian Subdeacon Nathan Thompson is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 01/04/09
On Sunday, January 4, His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH ordained Seminarian Subdeacon Nathan Thompson to the Holy Diaconate at St. Peter the Apostle Antiochian Church in San Dimas, California.
Seminary Graduate and Instructor in Music Hierodeacon Sergius (Bowyer) is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 12/12/08
On Friday, December 12, His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH ordained Seminary Graduate and Instructor in Music Hierodeacon Sergius (Bowyer), who is a member of the Monastic Brotherhood, to the Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
On Sunday, December 7, St. Tikhon's Seminary Church School held its annual Christmas Pageant and Luncheon for the entire Seminary and Monastery Communities.
Local Parishes distribute Christmas Gifts to Married Seminarians and their Families - 12/07/08
On Sunday, December 7, led by Fr. Ilya Gotlinsky, parishioners from Holy Dormition Church in Binghamton, New York, as well as Saints Peter and Paul in Endicott, New York, pastored by Fr. Alexei Karlgut delivered Christmas gifts to the Married Student families. We are ever thankful for this blessing of love and support for our seminary and our families!
Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) distributes Christmas Gifts to Married Seminarians and their Families - 12/06/08
On Saturday, December 6, the Feast of St. Nicholas, The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) delivered Christmas gifts to over 35 Seminary families through their St. Nicholas Project.
Seminary Graduate and Instructor in Music Father Sergius (Bowyer) is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 12/06/08
On Saturday, December 6, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON ordained Seminary Graduate and Instructor in Music Father Sergius (Bowyer), who is a member of the Monastic Brotherhood, to the Holy Diaconate at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
Voluntary Library Assistant Robert Roth Presents Scholarship to Seminarian Zachary Lynch - 12/06/08
On Saturday, December 6, following the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Nicholas, Voluntary Library Assistant Robert Roth Presented a full Scholarship to Seminarian Zachary Lynch for the academic year.
On Friday, December 5, Students, Staff, Faculty and their families gathered after Vigil at the annual reception to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas. Everyone enjoyed food and fellowship, as well as a visit from "St. Nicholas" himself.
The Very Reverend Jason Del Vitto Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 12/04/08
On Thursday, December 4, the Very Reverend Father Jason Del Vitto from St. George Antiochian Church in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary and offered an evening lecture to the community on the subject of: "Nurturing the Domestic Church: Caring for the Clergy and their Family."
Married Students and Wives Attend Dinner and Presentation about the Married Student Housing Project - 12/02/08
On Tuesday, December 2, Representatives the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) hosted a dinner and made a presentation to the Married Students and Student-Wives about the Married Student Housing Project for St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Fall 2008 Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Gathering - 11/23/08
On the weekend of November 21-23, the seminary students from the various seminaries in North America gathered at St. Vladimir's Seminary in Crestwood, New York, for the Fall Gathering of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM).
Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple - 11/21/08
On the evening of November 20 and the morning of November 21, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH Makes First Primatial Visit to St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary - 11/20/08
On Thursday, November 20, the monastery and seminary communities came together to welcome His Beatitude, the Most Blessed JONAH, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of all America and Canada, who made his first Primatial Visit following his election on November 12 at the 15th All-American Council.
Student-Wives Fall Evening Education Series Concludes - 11/18/08
On Tuesday, November 18, Dr. Mary Ford, Ph.D., concluded this semester's Wives' Evening Education classes on the topic, "Spirituality within Hermeneutics & Patristics".
St. Tikhon's Church School Charity Dinner - 11/16/08
On Sunday, November 16, the St. Tikhon's Church School hosted a Pasta Dinner to raise money for their annual Nativity Fast charity project. The OCA Christmas Stocking Project was this year's focus.
His Grace, Bishop JONAH of Fort Worth Elected Metropolitan of All America and Canada - 11/12/08
On Wednesday, November 12, 2008, His Grace, Bishop JONAH of Fort Worth was elected Archbishop of Washington and New York and Metropolitan of All America and Canada at the 15th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America.
Dn. Stephen Holley Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 11/11/08
On Tuesday, Novemebr 11, Dn. Stephen Holley from St. Michael Antiochian Church in Whittier, California, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary and offered an evening lecture to the community on the subject of: "Choosing the Right Partner for Life."
Student-Wives Fall Evening Education Series Begins - 11/04/08
On Tuesday, November 4, Dr. Mary Ford, Ph.D., kicked off the first of this year's Wives' Evening Education classes on the topic, "Spirituality within Hermeneutics & Patristics". This program offers condensed evening courses taught by seminary professors for student-wives' spiritual growth & education during their time at seminary with their husbands.
On the evening of Thursday, October 30, the children of St. Tikhon’s Seminary were given the opportunity to show what a talented group they are at the 3rd Annual St. Michael’s Day Talent Show and Dinner.
On Friday, October 24, Student-Wives were graced with the animated presence of Khouria Olga Atty of St. Michael’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Louisville Kentucky. Olga, wife of Fr. Alexander Atty, is also the granddaughter and daughter of Orthodox priests.
His Grace, Bishop MARK Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 10/23/08
On Wednesday and Thursday, October 22-23, His Grace, the Right Reverend MARK, Bishop of Toledo, and the Mid-West of the Antiochian Archdiocese visited St. Tikhon's Seminary. His Grace attended classes, gave an address and had lunch with the seminarians.
St. Tikhon's Seminary 70th Anniversary Celebration - 10/23/08
On Thursday, October 23, St. Tikhon's Seminary celebrated its 70th Anniversary. His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace, Bishop MARK joined close to 200 attendees which included members of the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff, seminarians, alumni and friends.
His Grace, Bishop MARK Spends the Evening with the Students from the Antiochian Archdiocese - 10/21/08
On Tuesday, October 21, His Grace, Bishop MARK of the Antiochian Diocese of Toledo and the Mid-west spent the evening with the students from the Antiochian Archdiocese.
38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Concludes - 10/14/08
On Tuesday, October 14, the 38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series concluded with Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, who spoke on the theme: "The Sacrament of Family Life."
Annual Founder's Day Celebration and Tonsuring of Two Seminarians as Readers - 10/12/08
On Sunday, October 12, St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary celebrated their Annual Founder's Day Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Dinner. Before the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Seminarians James Worthington and Ian Burgess were tonsured as Readers by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON.
Seminarian Stephen DeYoung is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 10/12/08
On Sunday, October 12, His Grace, Bishop THOMAS ordained Seminarian Stephen DeYoung to the Holy Diaconate at St. Mary Antiochian Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Founder of St. Tikhon's Monastery - 10/09/08
On the evening of October 8 and the morning of October 9, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Founder of St. Tikhon's Monastery.
His Grace, Bishop THOMAS Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 10/09/08
On Thursday, October 9, His Grace, the Right Reverend THOMAS, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Archdiocese visited St. Tikhon's Seminary. His Grace gave an address and had lunch with the seminarians.
38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Continues - 10/07/08
On Tuesday, October 7, the 38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series continued with the Very Rev. Archpriest George H. Shalhoub,Pastor of the Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary, Livonia, Michigan, who spoke on the theme: "The Miracle of Dialogue in Marriage."
Dormition of the Theotokos Orthodox Church in Binghamton, New York, Distributes New Clothes and Coats to Married Seminarians and their Families - 10/06/08
On Monday, October 6, parishioners from Dormition of the Theotokos Orthodox Church in Binghamton, NY visited with married-student families and distributed new clothes and coats that they had been purchasing throughout the year. We are very thankful for their continual love and support.
38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Continues - 09/30/08
On Tuesday, September 30, the 38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series continued with David C. Ford, Ph.D.,Assistant Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, who spoke on the theme: "The Home as a Little Church."
38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Begins - 09/23/08
On Tuesday, September 23, the 38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series began with the Very Reverend Father Joseph Purpura, Director of Youth Ministry of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, who spoke on the theme: "Christian Marriage and Family."
Pilgrimage to Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery - 09/20/08
On Saturday, September 20, several students and family members from the St. Tikhon’s Seminary community made a pilgrimage to Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery.
His Grace, Bishop MAXIM and the Belgrade Theological Choir Visit St. Tikhon's Seminary - 09/15/08
On Monday, September 15, His Grace, Bishop MAXIM of the Serbian Diocese of Western America, and the Belgrade Theological Choir visited St. Tikhon's Seminary as part of their tour of the United States.
Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross - 09/14/08
On the evening of September 13 and the morning of September 14, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchial Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross.
Dr. John Demakis Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 09/11/08
On Thursday, September 11, Dr. John Demakis, a Retired Physician, Health Services Research Consultant and Member of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion (OCAMPR), visited St. Tikhon's Seminary and offered an evening lecture to the community on the subject of: "Health and Healing in Byzantium: A Legacy to Build On."
On the evening of September 7 and the morning of September 8, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos.
On August 28-29, the new and returning seminarians kicked off the 2008-2009 academic year with the annual St. Tikhon’s Seminary Opening Retreat. This year’s theme was “Seminary Life as Preparation for the Priesthood”, and featured presentations by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, Very Rev. Daniel Geeza, Very Rev. Michael Dahulich, and Rev. Fr. David Mezynski.
October 4 - Orthodox Education Day at St. Vladimir's Seminary - 08/25/08
On Saturday, October 4, 2008, St. Vladimir's Seminary will once again host its annual Orthodox Education Day, a day of "homecoming" for alumni, friends, and the general public, which this year features the theme "Holy Icons and Sacred Arts."
During the week of August 18-22, 35 children, together with 15 seminarians and their wives, participated in our 3rd annual, week-long Vacation Church School for the Seminary.
October 14 - 38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Concludes - 08/21/08
You are cordially invited to attend the 38th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, Pennsylvania
Seminary Graduate Deacon Adam Sexton is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 08/10/08
On Sunday, August 10, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON ordained Seminary Graduate Deacon Adam Sexton to the Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Father Adam is currently awaiting assignment in the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania.
Father Michael Dahulich Speaks at the Eagle River Institute in Alaska - 08/05/08
From July 25 - August 5, Father Michael Dahulich visited the State of Alaska. The main purpose of his visit was to speak at the Annual Eagle River Institute hosted by St. John the Evangelist Antiochian Cathedral.
Seminary Graduate Deacon Nikolai Meyers is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/20/08
On Sunday, July 20, His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH of the Antiochian Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, ordained Seminary Graduate Deacon Nikolai Meyers to the Holy Priesthood at St. Andrew Antiochian Church in Riverside, California. Father Nikolai has been assigned as the Assistant Pastor of St. John Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
On Saturday, May 24, St. Tikhon's Seminary held its 66th Annual Commencement. This year's commencement speaker was His Eminence, the Most Reverend SERAPHIM, Archbishop of Ottawa and the Archdiocese of Canada. Congratulations to all the graduates!
Relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov Come to St. Tikhon's Monastery - 05/23/08
On Friday, May 23, the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov came to St. Tikhon's Monastery marking the beginning of the Annual Memorial Day Weekend Pilgrimage.
May 24-26 - Kursk Root Icon and Relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov come to St. Tikhon's Monastery - 05/21/08
The 104th annual Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon's Monastery here will be held over Memorial Day weekend, May 23-26, 2008.
Special highlights of this year's pilgrimage will be the presence of the wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, which will arrive at the monastery in the late afternoon on Saturday, May 24 and be available for veneration throughout the remainder of the pilgrimage. The relics of St. Seraphim are being sent from the OCA Chancery Chapel and will be present throughout the entire pilgrimage.
Feast of Mid-Pentecost and Presentation of Boy Scout Religious Award to Seminarian Son - 05/21/08
On Wednesday, May 21, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Mid-Pentecost. At the end of the service His Grace blessed water and sprinkled the whole Monastery Church. His Grace also presented the Alpha Omega Award (The Boy Scouts of America's Orthodox Religious Award) to Anthony Moretti, son of third year student Father David Moretti.
On Tuesday, May 20, the Student Government sponsored an End-of-Year Picnic for all students and student families. The Seminary Church School gave out awards and held games for the children. Fellowship, food, and fun were enjoyed by all.
Seminarian Deacon George Elliott is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 05/18/08
On Sunday, May 18, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN ordained Seminarian Deacon George Elliott to the Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
On Thursday, May 15, a special dinner was held in honor of the student wives. The dinner was prepared and served by the married seminarians in appreciation for their wives’ support during their time at seminary.
On Tuesday, May 13, the Annual Field Education Award Luncheon was held at St. Tikhon's Seminary. Representatives from Wayne Memorial Hospital, Wayne Woodlands Manor and S.C.I. Waymart were on hand to present awards to the second and third year students who participated in the Field Education Program throughout the year.
Prosphora Baking Workshop for Student Wives - 05/13/08
On Tuesday, May 13, a special Prosphora Baking Workshop for Student Wives was given by Father Stephen and Matushka Sandy Kopestonsky. The wives learned the all-important art of making prosphora and much wisdom about clergy & parish life from this experienced, retired clergy couple.
The Very Reverend Father Constantine Nasr Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 04/03/08
On Thursday, April 3, the Very Reverend Father Constantine Nasr, Pastor of St. Elijah Antiochian Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary and offered an evening lecture to the community on the subject of: "The Vision and Mission of the Local Parish."
Student-Wives Spring Evening Education Series Continues - 04/01/08
On Tuesday evening, April 1, Dr. Mary Ford, PhD., Associate Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics, presented the third of four lectures in a series of Spring Semester Wives’ Evening Education classes designed specifically for student-wives and taught by Seminary faculty.
Archdeacon Alexi Klimitchev Leads Workshop for Deacons and Future Deacons - 03/31/08
On Monday, March 31, Archdeacon Alexi Klimitchev lead a workshop for Deacons and future Deacons, discussing the proper way to celebrate the divine services.
His Eminence, Archbishop ANTHONY of Krasnoyarsk and Yeniseisk Visits St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary - 03/31/08
On the evening of March 30 and the morning of March 31, His Eminence, the Most Reverend ANTHONY, Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yeniseisk visited St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary and participated in the services for the repose of St. Innocent.
Student-Wives Attend Guest Lecture by Dr. Leon Sheean - 03/27/08
On Thursday, March 27, Dr. Leon Sheean, Bioethicist, presented two very informative lectures on Reproductive Bioethics to seminarians in Fr. David Shewczyk's Pastoral Theology class, and then as a special guest lecture for the student-wives later that evening. Dr. Sheean is a retired fertility specialist and researcher and parishioner of St. Theodosius Cathedral (OCA) in Cleveland, Ohio.
Feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ordination of Two Seminarians - 03/25/08
On the evening of March 24 and the morning of March 25, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. During the Hierarchial Divine Liturgy Seminarian Deacon Philip Kontos was ordained to the Holy Priesthood and Seminarian George Elliott was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
On Friday, March 21, 2008, the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary held their regular spring meeting. His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, President of the Seminary, presided over the meeting.
Seminarian Deacon Maximus Urbanowicz is Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 03/16/08
On Sunday, March 16, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN ordained Seminarian Deacon Maximus Urbanowicz to the Holy Priesthood at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, DC. St. Tikhon's Mission Choir was also at St. Nicholas for the ordination.
Seminarians Participate in the Services of Clean Week - 03/14/08
From March 10-14, the seminary community was on retreat and no classes were held so they could participate in the divine services of Clean Week. Beginning at 6 AM each day, the services of Nocturn, Orthros, the Hours, Vespers (Wednesday and Friday the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was served) and Great Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew, were served by His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON and priests of the monastic community.
Seminarian Dennis Mathai is ordained to the Holy Order of Yaupadiakono (Subdeacon) - 03/08/08
On Saturday, March 8, Seminarian Dennis Mathai was ordained to the Holy Order of Yaupadiakono (Subdeacon) by His Grace, Mathews Mar Barnabas, Metropolitan of the American Diocese at St. Mary's Malankara Orthodox Church of West Sayville, New York.
Vestmentmaker Kh. Krista West Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 02/29/08
On Thursday and Friday, February 28-29, Vestmentmaker Kh. Krista West of St. George Antiochian Church in Portland, Oregon, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary and gave two lectures to the students and student-wives, speaking on the subjects of Orthodox Aesthetics, the Theology of Beauty, and Vestment Care.
On the evening of February 26 and the morning of February 27, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Raphael of Brooklyn, who consecrated the grounds of St. Tikhon's Monastery.
The Very Reverend Peter Gillquist Visits to Introduce the New Orthodox Study Bible - 02/26/08
On Tuesday, February 26, the Very Reverend Peter Gillquist, Chairman of the Department of Missions and Evangelism of the Antiochian Archdiocese, visited St. Tikhon's Seminary to introduce the New Orthodox Study Bible to the community. Following his presentation, Father Peter presented each student and faculty member with a copy of the New Study Bible.
St. Tikhon Seminary vs. St. Vladimir Seminary Basketball Game - 02/23/08
On Saturday, February 23, St. Tikhon Seminary and St. Vladimir Seminary gathered together for a Basketball Game between the two seminaries, a tradition that had started many years ago, stopped for several years and now is being restrarted.
February 29 - March 2 - Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Spring Gathering - 02/20/08
This gathering is being hosted by St. Tikhon's Seminary. The Featured Speaker on March 1st is Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's.
Student-Wives Spring Evening Education Series Begins - 02/19/08
On Tuesday, February 19, Monk Sergius (Bowyer), faculty member in Liturgical Music, completed the second of two sessions of "Emergency Conducting" as part of the Wives' Evening Education Series for the Spring Semester.
Century Association Holds Annual Winter Festival - 02/17/08
On Sunday, February 17, the St. Tikhon's Seminary Century Association held its Annual Winter Festival. It was an evening of fellowship, good food, dancing, prizes and much more. The proceeds go to support St. Tikhon's Seminary.
Faculty Members of St. Tikhon Seminary and St. Vladimir Seminary Gather for Dinner Together - 02/16/08
On Saturday, February 16, V. Rev. Elias and Kh. Joanne Bitar of St. George Antiochian Church in Little Falls, NJ, hosted the Faculties of St. Tikhon's Seminary and St. Vladimir's Seminary for a dinner held in the church hall.
Celebration of His Grace, Bishop TIKHON's 4th Anniversary of his Consecration to the Sacred Episcopate - 02/14/08
On Thursday, February 14, the monastery and seminary communities, and the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania gathered for a joint lunch in honor of His Grace, Bishop TIKHON's 4th Anniversary of his Consecration to the Sacred Episcopate. May God grant him many years. Eis polla eti, Dhespota.
The Reverend Eric Tosi Addresses the Seminarians - 02/14/08
On Thursday, February 14, the Reverend Eric Tosi, Rector of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Chairman of the OCA's Department of Evangelization, addressed the Seminary students on Missions and Evangelism.
His Grace, Bishop THOMAS Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 02/07/08
On Thursday, February 7, His Grace, the Right Reverend THOMAS, Bishop of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Archdiocese visited St. Tikhon's Seminary. His Grace taught the Pastoral Theology class about the relationship between the bishop and the priest, and had lunch with the seminarians.
Feast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple - 02/02/08
On the evening of February 1 and the morning of February 2, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple.
On the evening of January 29 and the morning of January 30, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs.
Annual Blessing of the Metropolitan Leonty Student Dormitory - 01/29/08
On Tuesday, January 29, Father David Mezynski, Director of Student Affairs, did the annual blessing of the student's rooms in the Metropolitan Leonty Dormitory.
The Reverend David Sommer Addresses the Seminarians - 01/29/08
On Tuesday, January 29, the Reverend David Sommer, Pastor of St. Thomas Antiochian Church in Snohomish, Washington, and graduate of St. Tikhon Seminary, addressed the Seminary students on the theme: "The Challenges of a Young Mission Priest."
On Friday, January 25 and Saturday, January 26 Married Students and their wives particiapted in a Marriage Retreat lead by Khouria Maggie Hock, Director of the Department of Marriage & Parish Family Ministries for the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
Graduating Seminarians Attend Marriage Counseling Seminar - 01/24/08
On Thursday, January 24 Khouriya Maggie Hock, Director of the Department of Marriage & Parish Family Ministries for the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America facilitated a Marriage Counseling Seminar for seminarians.
On Tuesday, January 22, members of the seminary community joined His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, in the "March for Life" in Washington, D.C., proclaiming the sanctity of human life, decrying the tragedy of abortion, and praying for its victims.
Seminarian Isaac Farha is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate and the Holy Priesthood - 12/23/07
On Saturday, December 22 and Sunday, December 23, His Grace, Bishop BASIL of the Antiochian Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America ordained Isaac Farha to the Holy Diaconate and to the Holy Priesthood at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral in Wichita, Kansas.
Feast of St. Herman of Alaska, Enlightener of the Aleuts - 12/13/07
On the evening of December 12 and the morning of December 13, the monastic and seminary communities gathered to celebrate the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Herman of Alaska, Enlightener of the Aleuts.
On Sunday, December 9, St. Tikhon's Seminary Church School held its annual Christmas Pageant and Luncheon for the entire Seminary and Monastery Communities.
Feast of St. Nicholas, the Wonder-Worker - 12/06/07
On the evening of December 5 and the morning of December 6, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Nicholas, the Wonder-Worker.
Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) distributes Christmas Gifts to Married Seminarians and their Families - 12/06/07
On Thursday, December 6, the Feast of St. Nicholas, The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) delivered Christmas gifts to over 30 Seminary families through their St. Nicholas Project.
Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania Holds Annual Men's Retreat at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 12/01/07
The Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania Men's Retreat was held at St. Tikhon's on Saturday December 1 to engage the topic “Fertility, Medicine, and Men.” Leon Sheean, Ph. D., brought years of professional scientific experience to bear on the difficult ethical questions surrounding the advances of medicine in the field of fertility and reproductive technology.
Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church in Binghamton, NY distributes Christmas Gifts to Married Seminarians and their Families - 12/01/07
On Saturday, December 1, Fr. Ilya Gotlinsky and parishioners from the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church in Binghamton, NY distributed over 100 Christmas gifts to Married Seminarians and their families.
His Eminence, Archbishop PETER is Interred at St. Tikhon's Monastery - 11/28/07
On Wednesday, November 28, His Eminence, the Most Reverend PETER, Retired Archbishop of New York and New Jersey, of blessed memory, was interred at St. Tikhon's Monastery.
Student-Wives Fall Evening Education Series Concludes - 11/27/07
On Tuesday evening, November 27, Dr. Mary Ford, PhD., Associate Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics, led the fourth in a series of Wives’ Evening Education classes designed specifically for student-wives and taught by Seminary faculty.
Deacon Dr. Michael and Matushka Mary Wusylko Host Dinner to Benefit the Seminary - 11/25/07
On Sunday, November 25, a benefit concert and dinner was hosted by Deacon Dr. Michael and Matushka Mary Wusylko, at their home outside of Pittsburgh, PA.
Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple - 11/21/07
On the evening of November 20 and the morning of November 21, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.
Commemoration of the 1600th Anniversary of the Repose of St. John Chrysostom - 11/13/07
On the evening of November 12 and the morning of November 13, the monastic and seminary communities gathered to celebrate the Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the Commemoration of the 1600th Anniversary of the Repose of St. John Chrysostom.
Student-Wives Fall Evening Education Series Continues - 11/13/07
On Tuesday evening, November 13, Dr. Mary Ford, PhD., Associate Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics, led the third in a series of Wives’ Evening Education classes designed specifically for student-wives and taught by Seminary faculty.
Fall 2007 Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Gathering - 11/11/07
On the weekend of November 9-11, the seminary students from the various seminaries in North America gathered at Holy Cross Seminary in Brookline, Massachusetts, for the Fall Gathering of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM).
On Friday, November 9, 2007, the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary held their regular fall meeting. His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, President of the Seminary, presided over the meeting.
Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers - 11/08/07
On the evening of November 7 and the morning of November 8, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers. Before the Divine Liturgy, Seminarian Adam Sexton was tonsured a Reader and ordained to the Subdiaconate.
On the evening of Thursday, November 8, the children of St. Tikhon’s Seminary were given the opportunity to show what a talented group they are at the 2nd Annual St. Michael’s Day Talent Show and Dinner.
Student-Wives Fall Evening Education Series Continues - 11/05/07
On Monday evening, November 5, Father Michael Dahulich, the Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, led the second in a series of Wives’ Evening Education classes designed specifically for student-wives and taught by Seminary faculty.
The Very Reverend John Henderson Addresses the Seminary Students - 11/01/07
On Thursday, November 1, the Very Reverend John Henderson, Pastor of St. Peter Antiochian Church in Madison, Mississippi, addressed the Seminary students on the theme: "Piety, Holiness, Mission Outreach and Healing."
Mission Choir visits St. Andrew Church in Maple Heights, Ohio - 10/28/07
On October 26-28, the Mission Choir visited St. Andrew Church in Maple Heights, Ohio, for the Consecration of the Church Building. His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, presided over the weekend's celebration.
Student-Wives Fall Evening Education Series Begins - 10/23/07
On Tuesday evening, October 23, the Dean of St. Tikhon’s, Father Michael Dahulich, energetically kicked off the first in a series of Wives’ Evening Education classes designed specifically for student-wives and taught by seminary faculty.
OCEC Workshop: Educating Ourselves and Our Children in Godliness - 10/20/07
On Saturday, October 20, 2007, seminarians and their wives participated in a comprehensive Teacher Training Workshop presented by the Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC), the education agency of SCOBA.
Annual Founder's Day and Ordination of Seminarian Joseph McCartney to the Holy Diaconate - 10/14/07
On Sunday, October 14, St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary celebrated their Annual Founder's Day Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Dinner. During the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Seminarian Joseph McCartney was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON.
Mission Choir visits St. John the Baptist Church in Campbell, Ohio - 10/14/07
On October 13-14, the Mission Choir visited St. John the Baptist Church in Campbell, Ohio, for the celebration of the Church's 90th Anniversary. His Eminence, Archbishop JOB, presided over the weekend's celebration.
37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Concludes - 10/09/07
On Tuesday, October 9, the 37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series concluded with His Eminence, the Most Reverend Archbishop LAZAR, Retired Archbishop of Ottawa, Orthodox Church in America who spoke on the theme: "The Three Levels of Prayer."
Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Founder of St. Tikhon's Monastery - 10/09/07
On the evening of October 8 and the morning of October 9, the monastic and seminary communities gathered with His Grace, Bishop TIKHON to celebrate the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Founder of St. Tikhon's Monastery.
His Eminence, Archbishop LAZAR Addresses the Seminary Students - 10/08/07
On Monday, October 8, His Eminence, the Most Reverend LAZAR, Retired Archbishop of Ottawa and founding Abbot of the Monastery of All Saints of North America in British Columbia, addressed the Seminary students on the theme: "The Mystery of the Parish: The Role of the Community in our Salvation."
Father Michael Dahulich Visits St. George Antiochian Church in Little Falls, New Jersey - 10/07/07
On Sunday, October 7, at the invitation of the Very Reverend Elias Bitar, Father Michael Dahulich visited and preached at St. George Antiochian Church in Little Falls, New Jersey. Father Elias is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sacred Music at St. Tikhon's Seminary and the Pastor of St. George Church.
37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Continues - 10/02/07
On Tuesday, October 2, the 37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series continued with His Grace, the Right Reverend PETER, Bishop of Cleveland and Vicar of the Chicago Diocese of Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia who spoke on the theme: "Persecutions of the Early Christian Church."
Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos - 10/01/07
On the evening of September 30 and the morning of October 1, the seminary and monastic communities gathered for the Vigil and Divine Liturgy to celebrate the Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.
37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Continues - 09/25/07
On Tuesday, September 25, the 37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series continued with His Grace, the Right Reverend JOSEPH, Bishop of Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America who spoke on the theme: "Holy Nation, Holy Diaconate, Holy Priesthood and Holy Episcopate."
His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH Visits St. Tikhon's Seminary - 09/25/07
On Tuesday, September 25, His Grace, the Right Reverend JOSEPH, Bishop of Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Archdiocese visited St. Tikhon's Seminary. His Grace taught classes in Music, Homiletics, and Patristics, and attended the Vigil service for the Repose of St. John the Theologian.
Mission Choir visits Holy Protection Monastery in Weaverville, North Carolina - 09/23/07
On September 22-23, the Mission Choir visited Holy Protection Monastery in Weaverville, North Carolina, for the celebration of the Monastery's 25th Anniversary. His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, presided over the weekend's celebration.
Student-Wives Attend the First Guest Lecture - 09/23/07
On Sunday, September 23, the Student-Wives gathered for their first guest lecturer of the the year. Fr. Nicholas & Mat. Anastasia Molodyko-Harris, a clergy couple for 46 years, who started a mission parish in Anchorage, AK that turned into St. Innocent Cathedral, spoke on the topic "The Excellent Wife."
50th Anniversary Testimonial Dinner honoring the Very Reverend George Dimopoulos - 09/21/07
On Friday, September 21, hierarchs, clergy and faithful from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and other jurisdictions gathered in Wilkes-Barre, PA, to honor the Very Rev. George Dimopoulos on the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
September 26 - Seminarian Subdeacon Kevin Meyers to be Ordained to the Holy Diaconate - 09/18/07
On Wednesday, September 26, the Feast of the repose of St. John the Theologian, Seminarian Subdeacon Kevin Meyers will be ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, the Right Reverend JOSEPH, Bishop of the Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, at St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastary Church. AXIOS!
September 24-26 - His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH to Visit St. Tikhon's Seminary - 09/18/07
On Monday, September 24, His Grace, the Right Reverend JOSEPH, Bishop of the Los Angeles and the West of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America will visit St. Tikhon's Seminary. His Grace will teach some classes, give the Fall Lecture and ordain a seminarian to the Holy Diaconate before departing on Wednesday, September 26.
37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series Begins - 09/18/07
On Tuesday, September 18, the 37th Annual Adult Educational Lecture Series began with His Grace, the Right Reverend SAVAS, Titular Bishop of Troas and Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America who spoke on the theme: "What Does Pop Culture Have to Do with the Gospel?"
Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross - 09/14/07
On the evening of September 13 and the morning of September 14, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON celebrated the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross.
October 20 - OCEC Workshop: Educating Ourselves and Our Children in Godliness - 09/13/07
The Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC) and St. Tikhon Seminary are proud to present two exciting workshops that will improve the quality of teaching in our churches.
On the evening of September 7 and the morning of September 8, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, His Grace, Bishop MERCURIUS of Zaraisk, Russian Orthodox Church, representing His Holiness, Patriarch ALEKSY II, and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos and the fifth anniversary of His Beatitude's enthronement as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.
On August 30 - September 1, the entire student body participated in a retreat to begin the new academic year. The Retreatmaster was the Very Reverend Father John Nehrebecki, the Pastor Emeritus of Christ the Savior Church in Paramus, New Jersey. Following the retreat, the new students were given a blessing to wear the cassock by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON.
Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist - 08/29/07
On the evening of August 28 and the morning of August 29, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON celebrated the Vigil and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.
During the week of July 30 - August 3, nearly 40 children, together with 20 seminarians and their wives, participated in our 2nd annual, week-long Vacation Church School for the Seminary.
On Saturday, May 26th, St. Tikhon's Seminary held its 65th Annual Commencement. This year's commencement speaker was His Eminence, the Most Reverend PHILIP, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, who was also awarded the Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by the Seminary. Congratulations to all the graduates!
On Sunday, April 8th, His Grace Bishop TIKHON led the monastics, seminarians, and faithful in celebrating the glorious services of Holy Pascha. Despite adverse weather conditions, many packed into the Monastery Church to receive the Paschal light and to celebrate the Lord's Bright and Saving Resurrection. Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
From Sunday, April 1st, to Saturday, April 7th, seminarians were on retreat so that they could attend the solemn services of Holy Week in the Monastery Church together with the faithful of the St. Tikhon's community.
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) 2007 Spring Meeting - 02/11/07
Over 60 students from five North American Orthodox seminaries gathered at Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary February 9-11, 2007, for the spring meeting of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement [OISM].
Ordination of Dn. Michael Demko to the Holy Priesthood - 10/22/06
On Sunday, October 22nd, His Grace Bishop Tikhon ordained Dn. Michael Demko to the Holy Priesthood at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Fr. Michael is a faculty member of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary.
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) Meets in Alaska - 10/18/06
The Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) met at St. Herman Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kodiak, Alaska from Saturday October 14 - Tuesday October 18. This event marked the first time in the history of OISM that a meeting was held at St. Herman’s, our nations most northwestern Orthodox seminary.
On Sunday October 8th, St Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary celebrated their annual Founders Day Dinner. The beautiful fall day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, Dinner and annual meeting of the St Tikhon's Century Association.
Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) 2006 Fall Meeting - 09/23/06
From Friday September 22, 2006 through Saturday September 23, 2006 the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) held its fall meeting at St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. Over 70 students from four seminaries participated in this biannual event.
On Wednesday, September 13th, Met. Herman presided at the Vigil for the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. The students had the feastday off from classes to attend the Divine Liturgy and spend the day in contemplation and prayerful reflection.
Ordination of John Soucek to the Holy Diaconate - 07/09/06
On Sunday, July 9th, His Grace Bishop Tikhon, of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, ordained John Souchek, on behalf of His Grace Bishop Tikhon of the West, to the Holy Diaconate at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
St. Tikhon's Annual Summer Camp is being held this year from Sunday,
July 9th through Saturday, July 15th. For information regarding the
camp, please contact, Martin Paluch, Diocesan Youth Director,
570-937-4411. more >>
Ordination of Stephen Vernak to the Holy Diaconate - 06/24/06
On Saturday, June 24th, His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman ordained Stephen Vernak to the Holy Diaconate at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus, NJ.
On Saturday, May 27th, St. Tikhon's Seminary held its 64th Annual Commencement. This year's commencement speaker was Fr. Col. John Staffero, Air Force Chaplain. Congratulations to all the graduates!
Mission Choir visits Burr Ridge and Wheaton, IL - 05/07/06
On Saturday, May 6th, the Mission Choir visited Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Burr Ridge, IL. Then on Sunday, the choir sang the Divine Liturgy at St. Joseph Church in Wheaton, IL.
The first annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium will be held at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, from Tuesday, June 13 through Thursday, June 15.
This year’s symposium will feature two dynamic presenters – the Very Rev. Archpriest John Breck, Dr. Theol., former faculty member at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and Prof. Christopher Veniamin, D.Phil. (Oxon.), Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
The schedule for the three-day encounter, together with registration information, is available for download.
Holy Pascha - 04/23/06
On Sunday, April 23rd, the monastics, seminarians, and faithful gathered for the celebration of the Feast of Feasts, Holy Pascha. Despite adverse weather conditions, the liturgical celebrations were filled with resurrectional joy!
From Sunday, April 16th, to Saturday, April 22nd, the seminarians were on retreat so that they could attend the solemn services of Holy Week in the Monastery Church together with the faithful of the St. Tikhon's community.
The first week of Great Lent, also called "Clean Week," is a week without classes so that the entire seminary community can assemble for a rigorous schedule of services.
On Saturday, 18 February, 2006, Bishop Basil (Essey) of Wichita and Mid-America (Antiochian Archdiocese) ordained two St. Tikhon's seminarians at St. Tikhon's Monastery Church.
2nd Consecration Anniversary of Seminary Rector - 02/14/06
On Tuesday, 14 February, 2006, the Seminary community celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of elevation to the Episcopal Throne of its Rector, Bishop Tikhon. Many Years, our beloved Master!
St. Tikhon's holds Winter Teen Retreat - 02/05/06
The Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania held its annual Winter Teen Retreat at St. Tikhon's Seminary, 4-5 February, 2006.
OISM Spring Meeting, 17-19 February, 2006 - 02/01/06
The Orthodox Inter-seminary Movement (OISM) will hold its Spring Meeting at St. Tikhon's Seminary on Friday, 17 February through Sunday, 19 February, 2006.
Come meet fellow seminarians from across the continent. Meals and accomodations will be provided at the Seminary.
Friday - His Grace, Bishop Basil of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America, will present the keynote address at 7 PM.
Saturday - Monastery Church, 9 AM. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy with the ordination of Seminarians Raid Shawareb to the Holy Diaconate and Dn. Christopher Morris to the Holy Priesthood.
1 PM - Business meeting and election of officers.
4 PM - Vigil, followed by a fellowship meal at a local restaurant. (Please bring some cash for this meal)
Sunday - Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM.
R.S.V.P. Stephan Vernak or 570-937-9111
12th Annual Winter Festival - 12/19/05
The St. Tikhon's Century Association is hosting its Twelfth Annual Winter Festival to be held on Sunday, February 19, 2006 at
St. Mary's Center 320 Mifflin Avenue Scranton, Pennsylvania
Entree choice: Chicken Kiev or Herb Crusted Haddock Children's Entree: Chicken Fingers & Fries
Adults $35.00 & Children (under 10) $10.00
Please send check payable to: St. Tikhon's Century Association to:
St. Tikhon's Century Association c/o Mary Sernak 700 Delaware Street Mayfield, PA 18433
Christmas Play - 12/11/05
On Sunday, 11 December, 2005, the St. Tikhon's Church Shool held its annual Christmas play. This year two plays were presented, one about the life of St. Nicholas, as well as the traditional Nativity story.
Following All-Night Vigil on Monday evening, 5 December, 2005, the seminary community gathered in the auditorium to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Seminarian Nicholas Vester Tonsured as Reader - 11/21/05
On Monday, 21 November, 2005, the Feast of the Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, Seminarian Nicholas Vester of Denmark was tonsured Reader by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman, Seminary President.
During its most recent meeting, the Board of Trustees of St. Tikhon's Seminary voted unanimously to promote Dr. Christopher Veniamin, D.Phil. (Oxon.), to the rank of full Professor of Patristics, in recognition of his outstanding service to the Seminary for the past eleven years and his distinguished record of teaching, research, and publication.
Ordination of Peter Henry and David Balmer - 09/27/05
On Saturday, September 24, 2005, His Eminence, Archbishop Dmitri ordained Dn. Peter Henry to the Holy Priesthood and David Balmer to the Holy Diaconate.
On Wednesday, 14 September, 2005, the faithful gathered in the Monastery Church for the celebration of Divine Services in honor of the Holy and Lifecreating Cross.
On Sunday, 28 August, 2005, Raymond (Martin) Browne was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman, President of the Seminary. Deacon Martin begins his second year of studies in the Master of Divinity program this fall semester.
With profound sorrow, we announce the falling asleep in the Lord of Archimandrite Hilary (Madison) of the monastery brotherhood at 5:00 AM on Sunday morning, 14 August, the eve of the Feast of the Dormition of our Most-holy Lady.
On Monday, May 30th, the 101st Annual Pilgrimage, celebrating the centennial of St. Tikhon's Monastery, concluded as multitudes of pilgrims gathered for the Divine Liturgy, prayer, reflection, and spiritual renewal. The Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, North America's oldest monastery, was founded in 1905 by St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Enlightener of North America, to serve as a spiritual center for Orthodox Christians on this continent.
Blessing of the Metropolitan Theodosius Museum - 05/29/05
On Sunday, May 29th, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America celebrated the Divine Liturgy in St. Tikhon's Monastery Church. Following the Liturgy the hierarchs blessed the Metropolitan Theodosius Museum, which houses many articles and artifacts important to the history of Orthodoxy on this continent.
On Sunday, May 29th, the Grand Banquet was held at the Best Western Genetti Hotel and Conference Center in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The banquet was held in honor of both the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of St. Tikhon's Monastery by St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and Enlightener of North America and the 2005 Graduating Class of St. Tikhon's Seminary.
On Saturday, May 28th, St. Tikhon's Seminary held its 63rd Annual Commencement. A historic total of 19 seminarians graduated upon the completion their studies — five received the Diploma of Orthodox Theology and fourteen were granted the degree of Master of Divinity. This year's commencement speaker was Bishop THOMAS (Joseph) of Oakland, Pennsylvania, from the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese. Congratulations to all the graduates!
On Saturday, May 28th, following the Divine Liturgy and Consecration of Bishop Alejo, Metropolitan HERMAN, assisted by members of the Holy Synod, blessed the Centennials Bells.
On Saturday, May 28th, Archimandrite Alejo Antonio was consecrated Bishop of Mexico City by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America in the Monastery Church of St. Tikhon's.
On Friday, May 27th, the 101st Annual Pilgrimage to the Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk began with the Rite of Election of Archimandrite Alejo Antonio [Pacheco Vera] as Bishop of Mexico City. After the election, Vespers and Matins were served in the Monastery Church.
On Tuesday, May 24th, His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN, led the Seminary's administration, faculty, and students in a Molieben of Thanksgiving for the completion of the academic year.
As the 101st annual pilgrimage approaches, final preparations are being made to welcome pilgrims to the Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, which was founded in 1905 by St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow. Preparations included the installing of new church bells in honor of the centennial.
On Sunday, May 1st, His Grace Bishop TIKHON led the monastics, seminarians, and faithful in celebrating the glorious services of Holy Pascha. Many packed into the Monastery Church to receive the Paschal light and sing the triumphal hymn, "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!"
From Sunday, April 23rd, to Saturday, April 30th, seminarians were on retreat so that they could attend the solemn services of Holy Week in the Monastery Church together with the faithful of the St. Tikhon's community.
Myrrh-gushing Icon of St. Anna visits St. Tikhon's - 04/14/05
On Thursday, April 14th, the myrrh-gushing icon of St. Anna, from Our Lady of Joy of All Who Sorrorw (ROCOR) in Philadelphia, visited St. Tikhon's. An Akathist was served by His Grace, Bp. TIKHON, and clergy, followed by the annointing of the faithful with myrrh from the icon.
Fr. Constantine Nasr speaks on Parish Life and Missions - 04/12/05
On Tuesday, April 12th, Fr. Constantine Nasr spoke with seminarians on parish life and missionary work. Fr. Constantine spoke from the wealth of his experience in these areas and answered the questions of students.
From Friday, April 8th, through Saturday April 10th, wives of clergy, and those preparing to be married to clergymen, met at St. Tikhon's for a retreat is sponsored by the Seminary.
From Friday, March 25th, through Saturday March 26th, altar boys met at St. Tikhon's Seminary for a retreat is sponsored by the Department of Religious Education of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania.
On Friday, March 25th, His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace Bishop TIKHON, together with the faithful of the St. Tikhon's community, celebrated the feast of the Annunciation of the Holy Theotokos.
On Tuesday, March 22nd, Alexis Liberovsky, archivist for the OCA, met with students of the Orthodoxy in America class to discuss ecclesiastical developments in the 20th century, the OCA archives, and the canonization process underway for Archbishop Arseny, one of the founders of St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary.
On Sunday, March 20th, the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir visited Holy Ascension Church in Frackville, PA. Each year the mission choir travels during Great Lent, singing at numerous parishes in the Tri-state area.
On Sunday, March 13th, Metropolitan HERMAN served the first Lenten Vespers of the Great Fast, as the St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary community entered into the holy season with the traditional rite or forgiveness.
Fr. Eric Tosi speaks on Orthodox Missions - 03/03/05
On Thursday, March 3rd, Fr. Eric Tosi, chairman of the OCA’s Evangelism department, spoke with seminarians on the meaning and methodology of missionary work in North America.
Bp. BASIL speaks on the Glory of the Priesthood - 02/24/05
On Thursday, February 24th, His Grace Bishop BASIL, of the Antiochian Archdiocese, spoke with seminarians of St. Tikhon's together with clergy from the dioceses of Eastern Pennsylvania and New York / New Jersery.
On Sunday, February 13th, a benefit concert and dinner was hosted by Deacon Michael and Matushka Mary Wusylko, in their home outside of Pittsburgh, PA. The concert featured the talents of the Pittsburgh Piano Trio.
On Monday, February 7th, Bishop TIKHON, led the
administration, staff, and students in the singing of a Panikhida for Julia
Jacewicz-Fedorko, one of the greatest and dearest benefactresses of the
From Friday, February 4th, through Sunday, February 6th, teenagers met at St. Tikhon's Seminary for an annual Teen Winter Retreat, sponsored by the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania.
On Wednesday, February 2nd, His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN and His Grace Bishop TIKHON, together with the faithful of the St. Tikhon's community, celebrated the feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple.
On Monday, January 24th, members of the student body, faculty, and administration joined His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN in the "March for Life" in Washington, D.C., proclaiming the sanctity of human life, decrying the tragedy of abortion, and praying for its victims.
On Monday, January 10th, classes were resumed as the seminary began its Spring Semester for 2005. The semester is scheduled to conclude on Friday, May 13th, followed by the 63rd Commencement which will be held on Saturday, May 28th.
Julia was a beloved benefactress and friend of the monastery and seminary, serving on the schools' board of trustees for many years. She was the founder and past president of the Friends of St. Tikhon's Seminary, a member of St. Tikhon Century Association, and a generous supporter of St. Tikhon's orphanage and monastery.
On Sunday, December 12th, the children of the St. Tikhon's community put on a Christmas pageant and sang carols. This performance is an annual event, which takes place during the coffee hour and is enjoyed by both the children and adults alike.
On Monday, December 6th, Bishop TIKHON led the monastic brotherhood, seminarians and their families, and the faithful in honoring St. Nicholas of Myra in Lycia. Due to poor weather conditions, the evening caroling has been postponed until Thursday, December 9th, at 6pm.
Bishop NIKON, of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese, led the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Retreat held at St. Tikhon's Seminary November 20th - 21st. His Grace shared with the seminarians some of his pastoral experience from his lengthy service as a priest and now hierarch of the Church.
The 2nd Annual Men's Retreat was held at St. Tikhon's Seminary on Saturday, November 6th. Dr. Albert Rossi was the guest presenter and he spoke on the topic: "Living as an Orthodox Man in the World Today."
Sister Mary Magdalene speaks with Seminarians - 11/01/04
On Monday, November 1st, Sister Mary Magdalene, from St. John the Baptist Monastery in Essex England, spoke with the seminarians about various topics reality to spirituality, family life, and the upbringing of children.
On Sunday, October 31st, the 15th Annual Founder's Day Dinner was held in the Seminary Auditorium. Many gathered for this joyous celebration, honoring the founders of the Monastery and Seminary.
Fr. Andrew Louth Meets with the Seminarians - 10/21/04
On Thursday, October 21st, Fr. Andrew Louth, an Orthodox priest of the Diocese of Sourozh in Great Britain and Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies, University of Durham, UK, gave a presentation on St. Photios the Great to the students.
Metropolitan Herman Celebrates 40 Years of Priesthood - 10/19/04
Tuesday, October 19th His Beatitude, Met. HERMAN's celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the Synod of Bishops of the OCA, marking the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
On Tuesday, October 29th, the 2004 fall lecture series came to a close. Fr. Michael Dahulich, Dean of the Seminary, delivered the final lecture, speaking on the life of St. Raphael of Brooklyn with special emphasis on his labors while serving the Church in America.
Archpriest John Nehrebecki (STOTS 1950, reposed in the Lord on Holy Saturday. He was known to especially anticipate the Divine Liturgy celebrated on this day. Please see the full obituary for Fr. John on the OCA website here. Fr. John was father-in-law to the ever-memorable Archpriest Alexander Atty who served at St. Tikhon’s as Dean from 2010-2013, and grandfather to Archpriest Stephen Vernak (STOTS 2007) among their children and grandchildren.
Fr. John was a participant in the Metropolitan Leonty Symposium held at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in May of 2015, as one of three members of the delegation receiving the OCA’s Tomos of Autocephaly. Their collective recollections helped to bring this formative time for our OCA alive for yet another generation!
2017 was a year including many celebrations for the Nehrebecki family! Fr. John was granted the dignity of wearing the Miter by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey. He and Mat. Eugenia celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on May 22nd, 2017. Earlier that spring, the Mission Choir visited Christ the Savior Church in Paramus (photo for this story), celebrating the ministry of Fr. Leonid Schmidt (STOTS, 2010) as current pastor, and Fr. John’s legacy in having served the OCA for decades in faith and in love.
This story will be updated with funeral arrangements as they are announced.
Memory Eternal to the newly reposed Mitred Archpriest John.